Technical Documentation 14.5020
Technical Documentation 14.5020
Technical Documentation 14.5020
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Table of Contents
3 Instruction Manual
4 E-Drawings
We recommend reading these instructions carefully and becoming quite familiar with the
design and operation of the piston compressor before putting it into operation.
This will avoid damage through improper handling.
Specific Order Information
Oil quantity
Sound level
Lead wire
Adjustment of cut in and cut off pressure is done by a screw driver for each setting.
There is a scale for each setting.
PG 11 Ø6-12 mm
Cable gland
With integrated
Input voltage Coil voltage Attraction power Holding power
220..240 V
205 V DC 14 W 14 W yes
50..60 Hz
PG 11 Ø6-12 mm
Cable gland
With integrated
Input voltage Coil voltage Attraction power Holding power
220..240 V
205 V DC 14 W 14 W yes
50..60 Hz
Installation of Hoses
Flexible hoses are required to connect an elastically supported assembly to a rigid piping system. It must be
guaranteed that the assembly can move freely
fr in all directions.
The installation guidelines apply to both fluid and gaseous media.
Hoses may be under extreme pressure. If they are damaged, it can lead to persons
being injured or other machine parts being damaged.
Hoses must not be damaged,
damaged, cracked, twisted or in tension during installation.
Points at which the hose rubs against other components or hoses must be
avoided. If it is not possible to guarantee that rubbing spots are avoided by
purposefully arranging and fastening hoses, the hoses must be secured using
protective coatings or covers on the sharpest edges.
Hoses must not be painted.
No pressure
Subject to pressure
Incorrect Correct
If the bending radius is too small, the hose will kink. This can damage the hose.
Fot the minimum bending radius refer to the contract specific installation
Incorrect Correct
Incorrect Correct
Incorrect Correct
High temperatures considerably reduce the service life of hoses.
Incorrect Correct
Using Hoses
When using hoses, observe the following:
Assembled hoses can be kept for a maximum 6 years, and must then be exchanged.
If the maximum storage time is exceeded, the hose may no longer be used.
1 General Description
1.1 HATLAPA water cooled W compressors are reciprocating type air compressors,
directly coupled to a motor, rigidly mounted or resiliently mounted by means of Anti-
Vibration mounts.
The equipment is designed to be operated via a remote mounted starter/control panel (supplied by
either HATLAPA or the Customer).
The compressor's rotating and reciprocating elements are lubricated by force feed lubrication by
means of a gear wheel pump or splash lubricated (W55 only) via 'dippers' on the con-rods, hitting
the oil surface.
The compressor is arranged with a water cooling system. This system cools both the air interstage
and after coolers. An integrally mounted water circulating pump can be supplied by HATLAPA.
This pump is directly driven by the crankshaft of the compressor.
1.2 Pressure gauges are provided for monitoring the air interstage and final stage
pressures (PI1, PI2) as well as for the oil pressure (PI4) (not for splash lubricated
compressor W55).
1.3 Safety valves are fitted to each air stage of the compressor (SV).
1.4 It is recommended to fit the compressor with the following protection devices:
Minimum oil pressure (F2): alarm/shutdown
High compressed air temperature (F3): alarm/shutdown
High compressor motor current: alarm/shutdown
(must be incorporated into contactor cabinet)
The low oil pressure and the high air temperature switch are closed under normal running
conditions and open on fault.
The low oil pressure switch is connected via a 5 sec. timer delay on start-up, to enable
building up of the oil pressure.
1.5 The starter/controller should be capable of the following functions:
Selection of manual mode local start/stop only
Selection of automatic mode local start/stop sequence
controlled by air pressure switch
Selection sequence of operation - if more than one compressor is charging the system, a
selector switch should be fitted enabling the sequence in which the compressors should
work i.e. lead and follow.
Emergency stop operation
Selection of remote control
2 Operation
2.1 Normal Running Procedure (Automatic Control)
The manual drain valves installed in-line with the solenoid valves should be open.
3 General
3.1 It is recommended that individual control panel indicator lamps (or text display
indications) are provided as follows:
Compressor running
Low oil pressure alarm/shutdown, respectively low oil level alarm/shutdown
High air temperature alarm/shutdown
Compressor motor overload
3.2 It is recommended that following floating contacts are provided for ship’s monitoring
Compressor running signal (NO = open, when not running)
common alarm (NC = closed, if no alarm)
in special cases individual alarm contacts for motor overload, low oil pressure or high air
temperature are required by the customer (NC = closed, if no alarm)
1. General
Moving parts require the correct lubricant. Good quality lubrication oils increase the service life of
the compressor.
Please note: only the lubrication oil manufacturer knows his products thoroughly. Therefore, it is
advisable to contact him when making your choice.
Ask only the lubricant manufacturer for his recommendation! He is the expert.
Above all, compressor oils must have good lubrication properties for which their viscosity is highly
important. HATLAPA recommends lubrication oils within the following range:
viscosity at 100 °C: min. 9 cSt max. 15 cSt
viscosity at 40 °C: min. 90 cSt max. 120 cSt
The lubrication oils should have low tendency to ageing and coking in order to prevent oil carbon
deposits on valves and pipelines. HATLAPA recommends to use oils of class VDL according to
DIN 51 506.
3. Guarantee
If lubrication oils are used which do not meet the requirements, damage to the compressor may
occur. This damage is not covered by HATLAPA's guarantee obligations.
Mixing mineral and synthetic oils will severely reduce the lubricating properties of the lubrication oil.
Never mix different oils.
4. Lubricant Examples
The following oils are examples which comply with the above specification:
However, the oil properties are subject to change without notice by the oil manufacturer. Also, the
oil characteristics may vary depending on the regional market. Therefore this list does not release
the operator of the compressor from verifying that the selected oil complies with the above
Stand: 24.09.1999
Verschleißgrenzen Typ
Wearing limits
Limites d´usure W110 W220 W330
Durchmesser Zylinder / Zylinderlaufbuchse 1. Stufe
diameter cylinder / cylinder liner 1st stage 130,50 mm
diamètre du cylindre / chemise du cylindre 1ère étage
2. Stufe
2nd stage 117,3 mm
2ème étage
2. Stufe 1,2 mm
2nd stage 1,2 mm
2ème étage 1,2 mm
0,9 mm
1) Um das radiale Lagerspiel zu bestimmen, zieht man den gemessenen Zapfendurchmesser vom
gemessenen Lagerdurchmesser ab.
1) In order to find out the radial bearing clearance, subtract the measured journal diameter from the measured
bearing inside diameter.
1) Pour trouver le jeu du palier radial, déduire le diamètre mesuré du tourillon du diamètre d´alésage mesuré
du palier.
Stand: 24.09.1999
Wartungsvorschrift für Ölschmierpumpe
Maintenance instructions for the lubricating oil pump
Instructions d´entretien pour la pompe á huile de graissage
Eine besondere Wartung der Schmierpumpe während des Betriebes ist nicht notwendig.
Sie muß aber mindestens einmal im Jahr gründlich mit Benzin oder Petroleum durchgepumpt werden. Eine Reini-
gung ist auch dann notwendig, wenn die Schmierpumpe erst längere Zeit nach Ablieferung in Betrieb genommen
wird oder mehrere Monate nicht gearbeitet hat. Die in den Steuerkanälen befindlichen Ölrückstände können sich
verhärtet haben und stören die Funktion der Pumpe.
Das Nichtbeachten dieser Vorschrift kann zum Versagen der Schmierpumpe führen.
A particular maintenance of the lubricating pump is not required during the operating of the pump.
lt is necessary, however, at least once a year, to flush the pump thoroughly with gasoline or petroleum, by pumping
it through the pump. A cleaning is also required when the pump is put into Operation only a long time after its
delivery, or when it has been left unused during several months. The oil residues which are in the distribution lines
may have turned hard and disturb the Operation of the pump.
The non-observance of the foregoing instructions may lead to a failure of the lubricating pump.
Un entretien spécial de la pompe de graissage pendant le fonctionnement n´est pas nécessaire.
Mais on doit, au moins une fois par an, la laver à fond avec de l´ essence ou du pétrole en pompant ce liquide à
travers de la pompe. Un nettoyage est également nécessaire lorsque la pompe n‘est mise en service qu‘au bout d´
une période de temps après sa Iivraison ou lorsqu‘elle n´a pas fonctionnée pendant plusieurs mois. Les résidus
d‘huile se trouvant dans les canaux de distribution peuvent avoir durci et perturbent le fonctionnement de la
La non-observation de ces instructions peut avoir pour conséquence une panne de la pompe de graissage.
weniger Öl mehr Öl Einstellen der Fördermenge:
decrease in increase in
delivery delivery Mit der Regelschraube, die sich im Pumpenkolben befindet,
pour diminuer pour augmenter wird der Hub verstellt. Beim Rechtsdrehen wird die
le refoulement le refoulement Fördermenge größer, beim Linksdrehen kleiner.
Erforderliche Tropfenanzahl siehe Kapitel
Réglage du Refoulement:
Kompressortyp W 80 - W 420
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Wartungsvorschrift für Ölschmierpumpe
Maintenance instructions for the lubricating oil pump
Instructions d´entretien pour la pompe á huile de graissage
Der Antrieb erfolgt über ei:n Schneckengetriebe, das die verzahnte Hubscheibe mit der Steuerwelle antreibt. Für jeden
Auslaß befindet sich im Pumpenkörper ein Förderkolben (bei 4 Auslässen für je 2 Auslässe), der von der Hubscheibe, die
zwischen einer Regeischraube und der Druckkante des Kolbens läuft, bewegt wird.
Beim Saughub, bei dem die Druckbohrung vollkommen geschlossen ist, saugt der Pumpenkolben aus einem Ölbehälter
oder aus dem Ölsumpf der Maschine das Öl über eine Saugbohrung an. Die Steuerung erfolgt durch die Drehbewegung
der Steuerwelle über eine Nut und eine Bohrung. Nach Beendigung des Saughubes verschließt die Steuerwelle die
Saugbohrung und gibt die Druckbohrung frei, damit die jetzt folgende Hubbewegung des Pumpenkolbens das Öl unter
Druck der Schmierstelle zuführen kann.
Mode of Operation:
The pump is driven via a worm gearing which drives the distribution shaft together with the toothed cam plate. In the pump
body, there is one piston for each outlet port (or for 2 outlets each in case of 4 outlets). The piston is moved up and down
by the cam plate rotating between adjusting screw and actuacting shoulder of the piston. During the suction stroke, when
the outlet port is completely closed, the piston sucks oil from an oil tank or the machine sump through the inlet port. This
is controlled by the rotating distribution shaft fitted with groove and bores. On termination of the suction stroke, the
distribution shaft closes the inlet port and opens the outlet port in order to allow the piston, during the now following
stroke, to deliver the oil under pressure to the point of lubrication.
Mode de Fonctionnement:
La pompe est entraînée par un engrenage à vis sans fin entraînant l‘arbre de distribution ensemble avec le disque à
came du type à engrenage. Dans le corps de pompe, il y a un piston pour chaque orifice de refoulement (ou pour 2
orifices de refoulement, s‘il y en a 4). Le piston est actionné par le disque à came qui tourne entre une vis de réglage et le
chant de commande du piston. Lors de la course d‘aspiration quand I‘orifice de refoulement est complétement fermée, le
piston aspire de l‘huile dun réservoir à huile, ou bien de la cuvette-carter à huile de la machine, à travers d‘une orifice
d‘aspiration sous la conduite de l‘arbre de distribution tournant et étant muni d‘une rainure et de canaux. La course
d‘aspiration une fois terminée, l´arbre de distribution ferme I‘orifice d‘aspiration et ouvre l‘orifice de refoulement pour
permettre le piston, lors de la course suivante, de refouler l‘huille sous pression vers le point de lubrification.
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Important Information on this
Documentation and Safety
Important Information on this Documentation and Safety
1 Information on Manuals
This manual includes all information necessary for guaranteeing the safety as well
as for the operation and maintenance of the equipment.
It is directed at instructed and trained personnel who are responsible for the
operation and maintenance of the equipment.
Only knowledge of this manual can ensure faultless and correct functioning of the
equipment, so its contents must be known to the responsible persons. The manual
should be kept so that the operating and maintenance personnel have access to it
at all times.
Pos : 2 /Allgemei nes/Einl eitung/Urheberrecht @ 3\mod_1240653088223_311.doc @ 24643 @ 1 @ 1
2 Copyright
The copyright for this technical documentation remains with HATLAPA.
This documentation is intended for the operator and their personnel only.
All rights reserved.
Pos : 3 /Allgemei nes/Einl eitung/Gewaehrleis tung @ 3\mod_1239968091454_311.doc @ 24363 @ 1 @ 1
3 Guarantee
Guarantee and liability claims for damage to persons and/or objects are excluded,
if caused by one or several of the following circumstances:
− inappropriate use of the equipment,
− neglect of the provisions of this documentation,
− improper assembly, operation or maintenance,
− operation of the equipment with ineffective protective devices,
− arbitrary functional or constructive alteration of the equipment,
− removal of parts or installation of spare parts or additional components,
respectively, which have not been supplied or approved by HATLAPA,
− repairs which have not been authorised by HATLAPA,
− impact of foreign bodies in case of catastrophes or Force Majeure.
Pos : 4 /Allgemei nes/D okumentens teuerung/Seitenwec hsel @ 0\mod_1127910353774_0.doc @ 563 @ @ 1
4 Designations
Persons are defined as follows:
− The operator is the (natural or legal) person on whose behalf the equipment
is used, e.g. the ship’s owner.
− Operating personnel are personnel trained for the respective work, and who
are authorised to operate the equipment and to remedy disturbances. The
operating personnel must be trained for the tasks they are entrusted with,
and meet the requirements necessary to handle the equipment.
− Assembling personnel are personnel trained for the respective work, and
who are authorised to assemble the equipment. They are able to carry out
the tasks assigned to them and to recognise possible dangers because of
their completed specialised training.
− Maintenance personnel are personnel trained for the respective work, and
who are authorised to maintain, adjust and modify the equipment. They are
able to carry out the tasks assigned to then and to recognise possible
dangers because of their completed specialist training.
− An electrician has electro-technical skills gained by respective education,
masters the legal regulations, and is assigned by the operator to carry out
work on their electrical equipment and appliances.
Pos : 6 /Allgemei nes/Symbole/Ueberschrift Ver wendete Symbole @ 0\mod_1127201277226_311.doc @ 433 @ 1 @ 1
5 Signs Used
Pos : 7 /Allgemei nes/Symbole/Symbol für Gefahr @ 3\mod_1239969872166_311.doc @ 24433 @ @ 1
6 Intended Use
The compressor is exclusively designed for air compression. Any other use is
deemed as not being in compliance with the intended use and requires express
written approval from HATLAPA.
The intended use also includes compliance with all the regulations contained in this
technical documentation, the generally acknowledged rules of technology as well
as all the relevant laws, standards and regulations.
Pos : 12 /Allgemeines /Sic her hei t/Ver bot eig enmäc htiger U mbauten @ 1\mod_1191918499102_311.doc @ 13801 @ 1 @ 1
Pos : 15 /Allgemeines /Sic her hei t/Sicherheits einric htung en @ 1\mod_1191998355512_311.doc @ 13873 @ 1 @ 1
9 Safety Equipment
Faulty safety equipment may put lives and equipment at risk.
All safety equipment must always be in a flawless and fully operational condition.
You must not make the safety equipment inoperative in any way.
If a piece of safety equipment is defective, the machine/system must not be
Only remove safety equipment if the machine/system has been isolated and
Perform regular checks on the safety equipment, in accordance with the
regulations in this documentation and the sub suppliers' documentation.
Pos : 16 /Allgemeines /Sic her hei t/Betri ebsüber wac hungsins trumente @ 2\mod_1221490392129_311.doc @ 20258 @ 1 @ 1
During assembly and installation, the functioning of the safety equipment is not
guaranteed. Therefore, the safety of the assembling personnel is to a great extent
dependent on the proper execution of work.
Only trained and briefed personnel are permitted to carry out assembling and
installation work. The personnel must have a specialised knowledge of
compressed air and electrical engineering.
Only use suitable and fully functioning tools.
During torching or welding work, ensure that risks of fire or explosion are avoided.
Pos : 19 /Allgemeines /Sic her hei t/Sicherheit Elektrotec hni k @ 1\mod_1191935689970_311.doc @ 13823 @ 1 @ 1
Work carried out on electrical systems must be done so in accordance with the
valid safety regulations, as well as all other relevant state or local regulations.
Under no circumstances repair or tide over defective fuses. Fuses must only be
replaced by the same type of fuses.
When working on electrical systems, only use permitted and suitable tools. Only
use voltage-free tools.
When taking measurements with the voltage supply of >65 V activated,
− you must under no circumstances touch the electrical connection points,
− the inspection equipment must be in good condition and safe to operate,
− you must not wear any jewelry on fingers or wrists,
− you must stand on insulated ground.
Pos : 20 /Allgemeines /Dokumentensteuer ung/Sei tenwechs el @ 0\mod_1127910353774_0.doc @ 563 @ @ 1
Pos : 21 /Allgemeines /Sic her hei t/Kapiteluebersc hrift Sic her heit Betrieb und Bedi enung @ 4\mod_1259221303333_311.doc @ 31245 @ 1 @ 1
The machine/system must only be operated by trained and briefed operating
New personnel may only use the machine/system under the constant supervision
of trained and briefed operating personnel.
Give regular briefings on accident regulations and the requirements stated in this
Danger! Drawing in into moving parts!
Body parts or clothing may get caught at the flywheel.
Prior to start-up, check that the flywheel cover is fitted!
Caution! Burn hazard!
The compressor housing and the pressure pipes become hot during operation.
Wear protective gloves!
Caution! Drawing in into moving parts!
Long hair or loose clothing may get caught at the air intake filter.
When the compressor is in operation, maintain a safe distance to the compressor
In automatic operation mode, the compressor starts automatically without warning.
Pos : 24 /Allgemeines /Sic her hei t/Kapiteluebersc hrift Sic her heit Wartung @ 4\mod_1259221305086_311.doc @ 31259 @ 1 @ 1
The machine/system must only be maintained and repaired by trained and briefed
maintenance personnel. The personnel must have a specialised knowledge of
hydraulic and electrical engineering.
Optionally, the compressed air pressure gauges can be equipped with gauge
valves. In this case, the compressor may be under pressure although the
compressed air pressure gauges show a pressure of 0 bar.
Before starting any repair work, shutdown the machine/system and secure it
against unintentional restarting. If the work can only be carried out while the
machine/system is running, make the necessary safety arrangements. A second
person must monitor the work, and be ready to intervene if needed.
When carrying out maintenance and repair work, do not decommission more than
one piece of safety equipment at a time.
Only use suitable and fully functioning tools.
Caution! Burn hazard!
The compressor housing and the pressure pipes become hot during operation.
Before beginning maintenance work, allow the compressor to cool down for
approx. 2 hours!
Besides the information contained in this documentation, you must also observe
the regulations of the classification authorities and professional organisations in
order to determine the inspection and maintenance intervals.
After disassembly, always exchange self-locking nuts and gaskets. They are not
designed for repeat use.
If leaks occur at couplings which are sealed with resilient joint gaskets, the leaks
cannot be eliminated by retightening the coupling because the resilient joint
gaskets are damaged or hardened. Exchange the resilient joint gaskets.
Pay particular attention to cleanliness. Cover any openings to prevent the ingress
of dirt.
Ensure that tools, loose parts or cleaning cloths are not left in or on the
Dispose of old oils and grease in an environmentally friendly manner in accordance
with national regulations.
Pos : 27 /Kompress oren/T exte/Sic her hei t/Lär msc hutz @ 2\mod_1207231357173_311.doc @ 17281 @ 1 @ 1
15 Noise Protection
Make sure to wear ear protection in the vicinity of the compressor when it is in
16 Waste Disposal
The following substances which are caused by the operation of the
machine/system must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner, in
accordance with the applicable laws:
− used oils and grease as well as cloths with such substances on them;
− cleaning agents, and cloths with cleaning agents on them.
=== Ende der Liste für T extmar ke Inhalt ===
Piston compressor
W80 - W420
Type Instruction manual
This Instructions Manual contains a brief technical description and important instructions
on commissioning, maintenance and servicing of the compressor.
We recommend to read this manual carefully in order to be able, in case of trouble, to
detect the cause quickly and care for remedy and, in case of repairs, to make provisions for
proper mounting acc. to the instructions.
This manual assumes a general technical knowledge of piston compressors and does not
claim to be complete. If repairs become necessary, only original HATLAPA spare parts
must be used in order to maintain the operational reliability and efficiency of the machine.
For identification and supply of spare parts, an order must contain the following
In order to receive spare parts with the least possible delay, get in touch direct with
2 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2
1 Description .................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Design ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Specifications ............................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Working Method ........................................................................................................ 5
1.4 Cooling ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Lubrication of Working Parts ..................................................................................... 5
1.6 Lubrication of Cylinders ............................................................................................. 6
1.7 Condensate Separation ............................................................................................. 6
1.8 Starting without Back-Pressure ................................................................................. 6
3 Commissioning ........................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Safety References ..................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Before Starting ........................................................................................................... 9
3.3 After Starting .............................................................................................................. 9
3.4 During Operation ....................................................................................................... 9
3.5 After Stopping .......................................................................................................... 10
Rev.: 07.09.1999 3
Type Instruction manual
1 Description
1.1 Design
1.2 Specifications
4 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
The compressor sucks in ambient air through the air-intake filter with silencer
and compresses it in two stages to the mentioned final pressure. Combined
concentric ring plate valves with large flow cross-sections control automatically
the air change gas from one compression chamber to the other. After each
stage, the warmed-up compressed air flows through an amply dimensioned
cooler. Proper functioning of the compressor is controlled by pressure gauges
and a thermometer downstream each compression stage. Safety valves, one for
each compression stage, prevent the pressure from rising inadmissibly.
1.4 Cooling
The heat created in the compressor by air compression and mechanical friction,
is dissipated to the cooling water. Check immediately after starting whether
sufficient cooling water is delivered to the compressor.
Under regular operating conditions and with the prescribed cooling water
supply as well as with clean cooling chambers, the temperature rise between
cooling water inlet and outlet is 10 to 15° C.
The temperature of the cooling water must not exceed 50° C at its outlet.
A thermometer and a temperature control switch should be provided for
controlling the temperature of the discharged cooling water at the outlet pipe.
Only compressor oils according to the enclosed oil specification chart may be
Crankshaft and conn. rod bearings are force-feed lubricated by means of a
gearwheel oil pump driven directly by the crankshaft. This pump sucks the oil
from the crank-case through a sieve and forces it to the two main bearings of
the crankshaft, as well as to the conn. rod bearings. The lub. oil pressure is
limited by a spring-loaded pressure limiting valve and is indicated by a pressure
gauge. The lub. oil pressure is monitored by a pressure switch, which switches
off the compressor in case of insufficient oil pressure.
Rev.: 07.09.1999 5
Type Instruction manual
Together with the moist ambient air which is sucked in, water enters the
compressor in form of vapour. By compression and subsequent cooling of the
compressed air, this water vapour condenses. The water separated from the
compressed air blends with the oil which is entrained in very small quantities
from the lubricated working surfaces of the cylinders. This water-oil mixture is
extracted from the compressed-air stream after the 1st and 2nd stage in special
condensate collector chambers.
During starting-up, the driving motor must be relieved by opening the drain
valves. In automatically controlled compressors, relief occurs by delayed
closing of these valves.
6 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
The common baseplate for motor and compressor is torsion-free and must be
properly aligned on its foundation and fully supported at all points. If the
foregoing instructions are disregarded and if any modifications of the
foundation or of the common baseplate are done, this may result in
inadmissible strain on the shafts due to incorrect alignment.
In case of resilient mounting there must be sufficient room for movement. All
pipelines must then be connected to the consumer system by flexible hoses,
strictly adhering to the installation instructions.
All drain pipelines are to be laid with constant descent and must discharge into
an open funnel after the shortest possible distance. Each compression stage
needs a separate drain pipeline in order to guarantee perfect drainage of the
individual stages; stop valves are to be installed as closely as possible to the
Rev.: 07.09.1999 7
Type Instruction manual
3 Commissioning
• Only authorised and trained persons are allowed to operate and repair the
machine or to do maintenance work. Make sure that these persons have read
and understood the complete operating instructions and safety instructions.
• The compressor may only be used for compressing air.
• The compressor may not be operated without safety or protecting devices.
• Only sealed safety valves may be used, readjustment is not allowed. They
have to be replaced immediately when defective.
• Before starting any maintenance work it is necessary to stop the compressor
system and to prevent it from re-starting. The system has to be voltage–free,
all parts containing compressed air have to be depressurized.
• The compressor system may only be operated in perfect working condition.
It must be free of foreign parts.
• Rebuilding or any other changes to the compressor system that may
influence the safety are strictly prohibited.
8 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
• The compressor must be filled to the upper oil level mark with prescribed
compressor oil (see list of recommended oils).
• Check that the crankshaft is moving easily by turning over the flywheel by
hand; but make sure that the compressor set cannot be started
• Open the shut-off valve in the pipeline leading to the compressed-air
• Open drain valves.
• Open the shut-off valves in the cooling water pipes.
• Once the final pressure is attained, check the safety valves for proper
functioning: Slightly turn the knurled nut until the valve blows off. After
closure, check for leakage.
• Observe the compressed-air temperature and cooling water temperature at
the thermometers.
• After fitting of new working parts (repair), run in the compressor for about
one hour at low final pressure (5 to 10 bar).
Rev.: 07.09.1999 9
Type Instruction manual
10 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
a) Check the oil level daily. Fill the crankcase with the prescribed compressor oil,
however, not exceeding the top oil level mark. Too much oil results in foaming
due to immersion of rotating parts, with the compressor at extremely inclined
position. Intense misting of the oil and uncontrolled cylinder lubrication would
result in increased oil consumption and coking of the working valves.
b) Drain off the lub. oil at the prescribed intervals - when the compressor is still hot
from running - and fill in fresh compressor oil after having cleaned the oil sieve.
c) Regularly and carefully check the oil pressure as well as the air pressure of all
stages. Varying operating pressure values indicate anomalies in the lubricating
system and valves, as well as leaks in the piping system.
d) At regular intervals dismantle and strip down the combined suction and
pressure valves and clean all parts. Packing rings between valve and cylinder
head must be replaced in sets only. For details, see ”4.3 Overhaul of Valves”.
e) Check the safety valves on the compressor by slightly turning the knurled nut at
short intervals.
Rev.: 07.09.1999 11
Type Instruction manual
After first commissioning, after a general overhaul, and after repairs to the crank
mechanism or cylinder, the following maintenance work should be done:
12 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
1.) Clean the combined suction and pressure valves and check for wear.
2.) Check parts which come into direct contact with hot compressed air, such
as valves, cylinder heads and compressed-air pipelines for carbon residues
and, if necessary, clean them with solvents.
The admissible servicing intervals of the valves are determined above all by the
operating conditions and by the properties of the lubricant used. We
recommend to reduce the servicing intervals in case of severe operating
Rev.: 07.09.1999 13
Type Instruction manual
Parts whose wear limits are reached or exceeded have to be replaced (see list of
wear limits).
14 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
When reinstalling the cylinder liner, the overflow bore holes in the area of the
2nd stage valve must match.
When fitting the cylinder liner the bearing surfaces in the cylinder block must be
cleaned and applied with sealing grease so that the liner slides into the cylinder
without dislodging the O-rings. Only grease may be used which is non-
aggressive to the O-rings. Do not grease the cylinder liner, otherwise the grease
will be pushed up when fitting the liner, preventing correct contact at the
cylinder recess.
Rev.: 07.09.1999 15
Type Instruction manual
Piston-Assembly Instructions
16 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
Clean the oil ducts and blow through compressed air. Thoroughly oil the
bearings and journals as well as the associated components before assembly.
Insert the crankshaft in the crankcase first without shaft seals and then screw
on the housing cover with its gasket. Check the axial clearance of the
crankshaft whether the admissible clearance is not exceeded. To increase the
axial clearence of the crankshaft an additional gasket can be fitted between
crankcase and cover. Fit the shaft seals and tighten the housing cover screws
to the prescribed torque. When fastening the flywheel and the fan wheel, secure
the crankshaft against rotation by inserting a rod from outside through the
opening of the flywheel housing into the flywheel bore.
Before starting refitting, do not forget to oil crank pin and bolt threads.
Place the upper part of the connecting rod with bearing shell on the crank pin
and see that the shell is correctly positioned in the connecting rod.
Put the lower part of the connecting rod with bearing shell from the opposite
side, pass through the fitting bolts and screw them into the upper part of the
connecting rod.
After initial tightening of the two fitting bolts to approx. 30 Nm, tighten them with
a torque spanner to the prescribed torque (see list of torques).
Afterwards check the axial soft running of the connecting rod on the crank pin
by moving to-and-fro.
Rev.: 07.09.1999 17
Type Instruction manual
Compressors which will be put out of operation for several months must be
protected against corrosion.
Internal protection:
• Open drain valves of 1st and 2nd stage under pressure.
• Run the compressor without pressure while the drain valves are open.
• Close the drain valves.
• Remove the air-intake filter-and pour about 250 cm³ of anti-corrosion oil into the
air-intake socket within approx. 2 minutes.
• Shut down the compressor and open the drain valves.
External protection:
• After cleaning, apply rust-preventive paint to all parts.
• Components made of light alloy, copper or brass need no treatment.
18 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
5 Trouble Shooting
The following details are intended to provide a brief guide to determining the
cause of abnormal operation. We do not claim that this information is complete.
It only deals with the faults most frequently encountered, as known from
b) Intermediate pressure too low after 1 stage:
Leaking suction/pressure valve 1st stage
Leaking drain valve 1st stage
c) Intermediate pressure too high after 1st stage (safety valve blowing off):
Leaking suction valve 2nd stage
f) Safety valve of final stage blowing off, final pressure too high :
Closed valve on compressed-air receiver / non-return valve does not open.
Blockage of cooler or of compressed-air delivery line .
Defective pressure control switch (of the automatic system).
Rev.: 07.09.1999 19
Type Instruction manual
6 Spare Parts
20 Rev.: 07.09.1999
Instruction manual Type
In order to receive spare parts with the least possible delay, get in touch direct
Rev.: 07.09.1999 21
Tel.: + 49-(0) 4122 / 711-0 Geschäftsführer / Amtsgericht Pinneberg:
Uetersener Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Fax: + 49-(0) 4122 / 711-104 Managing Directors: HRA 0499
Tornescher Weg 5-7 Dr.-Ing. Alexander Nürnberg Verwaltungsgesellschaft: HRB 1560
25436 Uetersen / Germany Jörg Tollmien UST.ID-Nr. DE 134527127
Date: 2/12/2014
Tel.: + 49 4122 711-0 Geschäftsführer / Amtsgericht Pinneberg:
Uetersener Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Fax: + 49 4122 711-104 Managing Directors: HRA 0499 EL
Tornescher Weg 5-7 Dr.-Ing. Alexander Nürnberg Verwaltungsgesellschaft: HRB 1560 EL
25436 Uetersen / Germany Jörg Tollmien UST.ID-Nr. DE 134527127
Tel.: + 49-(0) 4122 / 711-0 Geschäftsführer / Amtsgericht Pinneberg:
Uetersener Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Fax: + 49-(0) 4122 / 711-104 Managing Directors: HRA 0499
Tornescher Weg 5-7 Dr.-Ing. Alexander Nürnberg Verwaltungsgesellschaft: HRB 1560
25436 Uetersen / Germany Jörg Tollmien UST.ID-Nr. DE 134527127
Date: 2/6/2014
Tel.: + 49 4122 711-0 Geschäftsführer / Amtsgericht Pinneberg:
Uetersener Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Fax: + 49 4122 711-104 Managing Directors: HRA 0499 EL
Tornescher Weg 5-7 Dr.-Ing. Alexander Nürnberg Verwaltungsgesellschaft: HRB 1560 EL
25436 Uetersen / Germany Jörg Tollmien UST.ID-Nr. DE 134527127
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Entwässerungsventil 1. Stufe
Entwässerungsventil 2. Stufe
U1 W1 V1
220-230V AC
220-230V AC
24V DC
24V DC
-1M1 3 NO * NO *
Kompressor Nr.1
W110 -1Y1 -1Y2
I rated = appr. 27,3-28,7A * Bei Gleichstrom-Magnetspulen muß das Kabel
am Gleichrichter im Stecker angeschlossen werden.
I start = appr. 192-221A
COMPRESSOR = appr.16,8kW)
Datum 06.02.14
Anschlussplan Kompressor W110 722151-44070
Bearb. Bre
HATLAPA Gruppe :
Schaltschrank Kompressor
P1 Amperemeter
P1 (mit Markierungsanzeiger)
Q1 Hauptschalter
HATLAPA (mit Türverriegelung)
Gewicht: ca. 30kg
Schutzart: IP54
mit Türfeststeller 20
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 1
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
schwarz auf
schwarz auf rot hell-blau schwarz auf grün schwarz auf weiß
black on
black on red light blue black on green black on white
dark blue on white
dunkel-blau auf weiß
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 2
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
short description f.compressor control with TD200: Kurzbeschreibung für Kompressorsteuerung mit TD200
ON / OFF: The standard text on the text display is: ready for operation / off Dies ist der Standart-Text auf dem Display. EIN / AUS
Betriebsbereit / aus
Now you can start the compressor in manual or Jetzt kann man den Kompressor in der Hand- oder
in automatic operation. in der Automatik-Betriebsart starten.
When You press the "MAN" push button the compressor on / man Mit der Taste "MAN" wird der Kompressor in der
compressor starts in maual operation without any Kompressor ein / Hand Hand-Betriebsart gestartet. D.h. ohne Funktion des
function of the air pressure switch F4. Druckluftschalters F4.
Normallay the manual operation is only used for Normalerweise wird diese Fuktion nur für
maintenance purposes. Wartungszwecke benutzt.
After a blackout the cmpressor will not start Nach einem Spannungsausfall wird der Kompressor in
again in this manual mode. der Betriebsart "Hand" nicht wieder selbsttätig
When You press the "STOP" push button the ready for operation / off
compressor stops again. Betriebsbereit / aus Mit dem Taster "STOP" kann der Kompressor wieder
gestoppt werden.
When You press the "AUTO" push button the
compressor is switched to automatic mode.
The compressor starts and stops automatically Mit dem Taster "AUTO" kann der Kompressor in die
depending on the air pressure. Betriebsart "Automatik" geschaltet werden.
Normally this should be the standard operation Der Kompressor startet und stopt dann selbstätig
mode. in Abhängigkeit des Druckluftschalters F4.
When the pressure switch F4 is closed the compressor on / auto Wenn der Druckluftschalter geschlossen ist, dann
compressor starts. Kompressor ein / Auto startet der Kompressor.
When the pressure switch F4 is opened the ready for operation / auto Wenn der Druckluftschalter geöffnet ist, dann
compressor stops. Betriebsbereit / Auto stopt der Kompressor.
After a blackout the compressor will start again Nach einem Spannungsausfall wird der Kompressor in
in automatic mode. der Betriebsart "Automatik" selbstständig wieder
ALARMS: When you want to change the operation mode from ALARME
manual to automatic or from automatic to manual
you must press the "STOP" push button before. make maintenance ! Wenn eine Störung vorliegt, dann stopt der
Wartung fällig ! Kompressor und es wird der zugehörige Alarm im
When there is any fault, the compressor stops motor overload Textdisplay angezeigt.
and the belonging disturbance alarm is shown in Motor Überlast Nicht alle hier dargestellten Alarm-Texte werden
the display. low oil pressure für diesen Kompressor benutzt.
Not all possible disburbance texts are used Oeldruck-Alarm Jetzt must der entsprechende Fehler behoben werden
for this compressor. high air temperature und dann der "RESET"-Taster betätigt werden.
high cooling water temperature
Kühlwassertemperatur-Alarm Darauf sollte dann der Standart-Text wieder auf
Now the fault must be eliminated. Then press the no cooling water dem Display erscheinen.
"RESET" push button and there should be the kein Kühlwasserfluß Jetzt kann der Kompressor wieder mit den Tasten
standard text on the display again. "MAN" oder "AUTO" gestartet werden.
Now You can start the compressor again with ready for operation / off
the "AUTO" or "MAN" push button. Betriebsbereit / aus
When there are one or two arrows in the right Wenn ganz rechts im Display ein oder zwei Pfeile
side of the display, you can go to other display dargestellt werden, dann kann mit d.entsprechenden
texts by pressing the belonging arrow push buttons Pfeil-Tasten zu anderen möglichen Texten
gesprungen werden.
The other texts can show more disturbance alarms, Die weiteren Texte können weitere Alarme anzeigen,
if there is more than one fault. workings hours xxxxx h wenn mehr als eine Störung ansteht.
Or you can watch the working hours. Betriebsstunden Oder es werden die Betriebsstunden angezeigt.
Or you can watch some special settings of the drainage time 5sec
software. Entwässerungsdauer Oder es können einige variable Einstellungen der
Normally all settings are done by HATLAPA for drainage interval 20min Software angezeigt werden.
a normal purpose of the compressor. Entwässerungsinterval Normalerweise sind alle Einstellungen für einen
If you want to change any setting, you must star delta time 4sec normalen Kompressorbetrieb bereits durch HATLAPA
press the "ENTER" push button one time. Now you Stern-Dreieck-Zeit festgelegt.
can change the value with the arrow push buttons. delayed start 0sec Wenn Einstellungen geändert werden sollen, muß
After this you must quit the new value by pressing verzögerter Anlauf einmalig die "ENTER"-Taset betätigt werden. Dann
"ENTER" again. cooling water delay 2min kann man mit den Pfeil-Tasten den entsprechenden
Kühlwassernachlauf Wert verändern. Daraufhin muß der geänderte Wert
continuous time 0min nocheinmal mit der "ENTER"-Taste quittiert werden.
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 3
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-P1 40A 1 3 5
k + A -
40/1 l -Q3
L 0,63-1A 2 4 6
GV2 RT05
-T1 -F2 2A
-Q1 2 4 6 11 1 3 5 1L1
440A 220V
-K1 250VA
1 3 5 12 /8.1 2 4 6 0P 0S 1N1
1 3 5 97 95 ±5%
-F1 98 96
23-32A 2 4 6
-X1 L1 L2 L3 PE U V W PE
-M1 M
13,5-18,5 kW
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 4
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1N1 1N1
/4.9 /8.0
Aus 2L
Erw L+
Vers N
S7-CPU 222 Relais-Ausgänge
8 x Eingänge 6 x Ausgänge Relais
Softwareversion 2 E0.0 /6.0 MOTOR PROTECTION RE 2 A0.0 /8.1 MOTOR MAIN CONTACTO
TD200_8 3 E0.1 /6.2 AIR PRESSURE SWITCH 3 A0.1 /8.2 DRAIN VALVES E
6 E0.4 /6.8 COOL.WATER TEMP.SWI 8 A0.4 star contactor
7 E0.5 /7.1 COOL.WATER FLOW SWI 9 A0.5 delta contactor
8 E0.6 /7.3 spare
9 E0.7 /7.5 spare
TD 200
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 5
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
/4.2 96
Motorschutzrelais Luftdruck-Wächter Öldruckk-Wächter Lufttemperatur-Wächter Kühlwassertemp.Wächter
Digitaler Eingang Digitaler Eingang Digitaler Eingang Digitaler Eingang Digitaler Eingang
-X1 1 2 PE 3 4 PE 5 6 PE 7 8 PE
Luftdruck-Wächter SELECTION BOX Öldruck-Wächter Lufttemperatur-Wächter Kühlwasser-Temperatur-Wächter
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 6
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
/6.9 1L+
-X1 9 10 PE 11 12 PE 13 14 PE
-F6 F
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 7
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NETZSCHÜTZ Entwässerungs-Ventile Störungs-Kontakt Kühlwasserabsperrventi
/4.2 1 2 /8.9 13 14
/4.2 3 4
/4.2 13 6 Störungskontakt
/8.8 21 22
Kompressor ein
-X1 19 20 PE 21 22 PE 23 24 PE 25 26 PE 29 30 PE 31 32 PE
Kompressor ein STÖRUNG
(NO) (NC)
Datum 18.09.08
Bearb. Bre
Schaltschrank Kompressor 13,5-18,5kW (440V)
HATLAPA Gruppe : 335457-44070
Gepr. cpu STARTER / CONTROLLER COMPRESSOR 13,5-18,5kW (440V) Uetersener Maschinenfabrik Blatt 8
D-25436 Uetersen Ort :
Zust. Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr. 334893 Ers.f Ers.d von 8 Bl.
List of spare parts
Liste des pièces de rechange
Piston compressor
Compresseur à piston
W 110 – W 140
Zum Ersatzteil-Verzeichnis
To the list of spare parts
Vers la liste des pièces de rechange
Ersatzteilverzeichnis Kompressor W110-140
List of spare parts Compressor W110-140
Liste des pièces de rechange Compresseur W110-140
Stand: 02.03.09
crank case Tafel / Table / Planche
carter 1-300-010