6 Ced Instruc TP Lear Kit Module Teach Prof
6 Ced Instruc TP Lear Kit Module Teach Prof
6 Ced Instruc TP Lear Kit Module Teach Prof
Colegio De La PurisimaCconcepcion
The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz
Roxas city
College of Education
Teaching Profession
Unit Topic: 1.Teaching as a profession
a. Elements of a Profession
b. Initial Professional
c. Accreditation
d. Licensing
e. Professional Development
f. Professional Societies
The term professional is one of the most exalted in the English language, denoting as it does
,long and arduous years of preparation, a striving for excellence, a dedication to the public
interest, and commitment to moral and ethical values
Profession is the phenomenon of vital activity created by division of labor that social,
economical and technological factors require. ... Profession of teaching is based upon a
specialization on a certain field, teaching skills, didactics and some certain personal
characteristics that the profession require
Teaching is the specialized application of knowledge, skills and attributes designed to provide
unique service to meet the educational needs of the individual and of society. The choice of
learning activities whereby the goals of education are realized in the school is the responsibility of
the teaching profession.
"You’re a teacher. You know how to help people learn hard stuff. Do that."
Professor Rob Coe
Reading Time: Approx 2mins
Defining effective teaching is not straightforward and there are many facets to it that combine to
make great learning happen.
Since its publication in 2014, research published by the Sutton Trust outlining the key elements of
effective teaching has been downloaded over 100,000 times.
Summarising the key points of a 57 page document will, of course, fail to convey the sophistication
of the research, but here are the 6 key practices which the report suggests are signatures of good-
quality teaching.
1. Content knowledge
This is when teachers have a deep knowledge of the subject that they teach and can
communicate content effectively to their students.
As well as a strong understanding of the material being taught, teachers must also understand
the ways students think about the content, be able to evaluate the thinking behind students’
own methods, and identify students’ common misconceptions.
There is strong evidence of the impact this has on student outcomes.
2. Quality of instruction
There is also strong evidence of the impact the quality of instruction can have on learning.
This includes teachers being skilled in effective questioning and use of assessment. Good
teachers also deploy techniques such as reviewing previous learning, and giving adequate
time for children to practice, meaning skills are embedded securely. When done well, teachers
scaffold students learning by progressively introducing new skills and knowledge.
3. Teaching climate
The quality of the teaching and learning relationships between teachers and students is also
very important.
Good teaching creates a climate that is constantly demands more, and pushes students to
succeed. A good teaching climate challenges students, develops a sense of competence,
attributes success to effort rather than ability, and values resilience to failure.
The study found moderate evidence that the teaching climate in the classroom impacts student
4. Classroom management
There is moderate evidence of the impact on students learning of: efficient use of lesson time;
co-ordinating classroom resources and space; and managing students’ behaviour with clear
rules that are consistently enforced.
These factors are perhaps the necessary conditions for good learning, but are not sufficient on
their own. A well-ordered classroom with an ineffective lesson will not have a large impact.
5. Teacher beliefs
There is some evidence to show the reasons why teachers adopt particular practices, and the
purposes or goals that they have for their students is also important.
For example, research indicates that primary school teachers’ beliefs about the nature of
mathematics and their theories about how children learn – and their role in that learning – are
more important to student outcomes than the level of mathematics qualification the teacher
6. Professional behaviours
Developing professional skills and practice, participating in professional development,
supporting colleagues and the broader role of liaising and communicating with parents also
have a part to play in effective teaching.
There is some evidence to show this has an impact on student outcomes.
What doesn’t work is important too
The report also identifies less successful aspects of effective teaching. The list of ‘what doesn’t work’
includes strategies such as using praise lavishly; grouping learners by ability; the employment of re-
reading and repetition; and teaching to a learner’s preferred learning style.
It stands to reason that teachers would wish each of their lessons to exhibit excellence when it
comes to subject knowledge, classroom management, climate and relationships with pupils.
It also makes sense that if we think about whether what we do is effective, as well as recognising
what isn’t, we can continually improve our professional teaching practice.
The first thing that you must know about teaching as a profession is that teaching is about
inspiring and motivating students to realize and exceed their potentials. The greatest teachers
of all time have devoted their life in inspiring and empowering their students to achieve great
things and be a good human being. as wonderful as it could be, There are those teachers who
display negative behavior that undermines the image of the teaching profession. I could list a
few (there are much more):
- some are not sufficiently qualified to teach their students
- lack of motivation to teach
- not fulfilling their role-model functions as responsible adults
- irresponsibility and ill-discipline
- absenteeism
- low morale
Professionalism in Teaching
Professionalism is a quality that every educator and school employee should possess.
Administrators and teachers represent their school district and should do so at all times in a
professional manner. This includes being
For educators, professionalism also includes personal appearance and dressing appropriately. It
includes how you talk and act both inside and outside of school. In many communities, it
involves what you do outside of school and with whom you have relationships. As a school
employee, you must keep in mind that you represent your school district in everything that you
The following example policy is designed to establish and promote a professional
atmosphere among the faculty and staff.
Professionalism Policy
All employees are expected to adhere to this policy and to at all times maintain professionalism
such that an employee’s behavior and action(s) are not harmful to the district or workplace and
such that an employee’s behavior and action(s) are not harmful to working relationships with
teachers, staff members, supervisors, administrators, students, patrons, vendors, or others.
Staff members who take a sincere professional interest in students are to be commended. The
teacher and administrator who inspires, guides, and helps students can have a lasting influence
on students throughout their lives. Students and staff members should interact with each other
in a warm, open, and positive fashion. However, a certain distance must be maintained
between students and staff in order to preserve the businesslike atmosphere necessary to
achieve the educational mission of the school.
In order to maintain and preserve the appropriate environment necessary to achieve the
educational mission of the school, any unprofessional, unethical, or immoral behavior or
action(s) harmful to the district or workplace, or any such behavior or action(s) harmful to
working relationships with co-workers, supervisors, administrators, students, patrons, vendors,
or others may lead to disciplinary action under applicable disciplinary policies, up to, and
including termination of employment.
mindful that you are still a school employee even outside of school hours.
____3. In the Philippines their was no teacher preparation is gym is statement correct
a. No b. Yes c. Their was but informal d. Their was and for men
____4 Which is the first legal document that professionalized teaching in the Philippines
a. R.A 7836 b. PD 1006 c. R.A 9192 d. R.A 8981
1. Why is teaching a profession?
2. Differentiate professionalization from Professionalism?
3. Distinguish R.A 9293 from R.A 7836?
Interventions:Read a research to teaching as a profession and fill out the items below
1. Problem
2. Research Methodology
3. Findings
4. Conclusion
5. Source Bibliographical entry Format
Vocation is a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation. Unlike any
other profession, teaching requires dedication and service in order for an individual to be
Teaching may be a job or a mission If you quit because your boss or colleague criticized
you, it's a job; If you keep on teaching out of love, it's a mission. If you teach because
it does not interfere with your other activities, it's a job. If you are committed
to teaching even if it means letting go of other activities, it's a mission.
Vocation is different from a mission. Vocation is literally your "calling", what you are
good for or destined for. ... A mission, in contrast, is a particular task given to you.
Even if you are on "a mission from God", there may be retirement from it eventually. If
you take as an example biblical prophets, usually their vocation was being a prophet.
If you say yes to the call and mission to teach in this life reflect on how you growing to
prepare in this four year teacher education course.
Individual Check:
Multiple Choice
1. Teaching is a vocation what does this mean?
I. Teaching is a calling to serve
II. Everyone is fold to teachIII. The response to the call is amass
a.I only b.II,III c. IIonly d. I,II,III
Interventions:Read any research related to teaching as a vocation and mission. Then fillout
the the items below
1. Problem
2. Research Methodology
3. Findings
4. Conclusion
5. Source Bibliographical entry Format
Name of the Unit Topic: 1.Demands of Society from the Teacher as a Professional
a. Classroom Strategist and behavior
b. Planning and Preparing
c. Reflection on Teaching
d. Collegiality and Professionalism
Introduction: Professionalism It’s not the job you its how you do the job?
The demands of society of teacher Teaching is the most vital and strategic profession
for national development. It is animportant activity which makes the acquiring of new
knowledge and skills possible, that bringsabout the mark of an educated person. This is
why the society expects so much from teachers.Parents expect their children to learn a lot of
things when they send them to school and becauseof this, the society demands teachers to
teach well since a teacher’s main concern, is the learningof a child. Since teachers have the
power to influence their students, the society clearly expectsmore from them because if a
child is misbehaving or does something wrong, they often blame teachers for the parents
would think that the child acquired such behavior by attending school
A teacher is the single most important factor in the learner’s learning. Study shows that ifa teacher is
effective, it makes good and the not so good learner learn while an ineffective teacheradversely affects
the learning of both good and not so good student. Dallas Public School conducted a
research and came up with the list which shows the impacts of effective and ineffective
teachers to their students.
A foundational moral principle is, therefore, the universal norm upon which all
other principles on the rightness or wrongness of an action are based. It is the source
of morality. ... All men and women, regardless of race and belief, have a sense of
this foundational moral principle.
Moral refers to what societies sanction as right and acceptable. Most people tend to
act morally and follow societal guidelines. Morality often requires that people sacrifice
their own short-term interests for the benefit of society. ... Some philosophers make a
distinction between morals and ethics.
Morality is important because, across many traits, honesty, compassion, fairness, and
generosity were most important to liking, respecting, and understanding.
Other moral traits, such as purity and wholesomeness, were seen as less important;
even less than certain competent traits (e.g., intelligence, articulate).
Acivity 1
Activity 2 Reflection
Reflect on how you can acquire these professional standards
Read the Philippine Professional Standards for teachers(PPSTS) What are the strands fo each
domain and give the competency indicators for each strand for all the career stages
Name of the Unit Topic: 1.Demands of Society from the Teacher as a Person
2. Characteristics of an Effective Teacher
a. Professionaliszm
b. Professionalization
Introduction:Modern man listen more willingly to witness than to teachers, and if he does
listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.-Pope Paul VJ
1. Prepared2. Positive3. Hold High Expectations 4. Creative 5.Fair6. Displays a personal
touch 7.Cultivate sense of belonging8. Compassionate 9. Have a sense of humor10.
Respect students11. Forgiving12. Admit mistakes
The great teachers motivate, inspire and lead. They interact with their community to affect positive
change through their students and themselves.
Activity 1
Recall and write your most memorable teacher who had the greatest impact o your life?
What is especial personal qualities he/she posses?
2. Teacher A claims she cares for student? Which is/are a manifestation of genuine care?-
I. Knows student II. Creates a favorable learning atmosphere III. Maintains professional
distance with students
a. I and III b. II and III c. I and II d. I, II and III
1. Are teacher who have no license considered professional?
2. What do technical and professional competence mean?
3. Are private school teachers required of a license?
Read the poem you are a teacher. What mental portrait of the teacher in the classroom and
the teacher in community is painted by the poem “You Are a Teacher?”
2.Private school teacher are also required of a professional license. Is this statement TRUE?-
a. Yes, it is true b. No, it is False c. It depends on the kid of private school D. It depends
on the teachers’ years of teaching experience.
Activity 2
1. Are teacher who have no licence considered professional
2. What do technical and professional competence mean?
3. Are private school teachers required of a licenced? ___What about preschool
teachers_____ vocational teachers ______ ALS teachers _______ school heads_______
education supervisor______ school division superintendent?
a. In search for truth, a professional teacher has the privilege to share the product of his
research whether or not in support of the declared state policies.
b. A teacher’s academic freedom is absolute
c. A teacher’s academic freedom is limited
d. Academic freedom belongs only to teachers in the tertiary level
2. How, in the performance of her/his duty, can a professional teacher support the state?
a. Campaign for the political administration candidate. b. Instill nationalism in learners.
c. Doctor research findings to favor the state. d. Use his position to influence learners to
support his interest
4. Can a professional teacher can take the initiative to organize community activity for
community development ?-Analysis
a. No, the professional teacher is confined only to the classroom. b. Yes, as a profession
teacher he is a community leader.
c. No, community development is the concern of government officials.
d. Yes, provided he always involves the learner.
5. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions?-Application
a. Reject local custom and traditions which different from his.
b. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of given local customs and
c. Disparage the community
d. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions.
6. can a professional teacher take the initiative ton organize community activityfor
community development analysis
a. No, a professional teacher confined only in the classroom
b. Yes, community development is the concerned of the government officials
c. Yes provided he always involves the teacher
3. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions?_analysis
a. Reject local customs and traditions which are different from his
b. divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of given local customs and
c. disparage he community
d. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions
4 how is professionalism manifested when a parent complains o a teacher or her sons failing
a. blames the sons for the failure b. inquires on what home I doing to help son cope with his
c. Explains the failure is due to learner in different attitude
d. objectively shows the failing grade came about and answers the parent that the son is
given all the academic help he needs
5. how should a professional teacher respond to unfair criticism raise by the parents
a. Listen to the criticism and discourages it
b. Reject the criticism out write
c. ignore the criticism
d. probe into the criticism and joins the people afterwards
1. In the “Wishes for My Teacher” that were read, which were most common?
2. Based on Article VII, The Teacher and Learners of the Code of Ethics, find out if yours
wishes are those or not those that you read in Article VIII.
Name of the Unit Topic: The Code of ethics for professional teachers
Involvement: Anwer this pre tes on how the eacher relates tue higher authorities in the
Philippines answer YES or NO
Is it professional for a teacher
____1. To campaign against legitimate policies of school and administration with which
his/her disagrees
____2. Not to support legitimate policy with whish he/she disagrees
____3. To file charges against superiors under anonymity to protect himself/herself
____4. To transact official bussness tru proper channels no exception
____5. To go on strike with his group to seek redress against injustice?
____6. To be promoted against transfer of teacher with home the school head has predujice
Activity 2
2. what should be the first and foremost concern of the professional teacher?- understanding
a. the interest and welfer of the learners b. the progress of the learner c. the social
adjustment of the learner d. the happiness of the learner
3. does the code of ethics for professional teacher allow teacher to accept remuneration for
student which tutor teacher rightly deserve?- analysis
a. yes, they deserve the remuneration for natural services b. no , except for what is
authorized for such service c. yes provided pay is not excessive d. no, they are
professional teacher and so are expected to give tutorial service.
4. Students reported to you about a teacher who has made it a habit to collect money for
quizzes that never were mimeographed or photocopied, the very reason for collection. What
is ethical for you to do?-Application
a. File a written complaint against the teacher with the student’s oral report as evidence
b. Talk to the teacher concerned and correct is unethical conduct.
c. Bring the students and parents to the teacher concerned.
d. Advise the students to file a written complaint against the teacher.
5. The school was preparing fo a national coral competition what should be the responseof
the teaching community?
a. Let the musi teachers do the work since it is music related
b. all teachers should cooprete and support the music teavhes in what ever way
c. teachers complined against by students should not be involved in the preparation actity
d gove passing grades in all student involve in oral completion
7. Appointments, promotions, and transfer of professional teacher are done only on the basis
of ______ and_____ in the______?-Understanding
a. Merit-need-interest of the service
b. qualification –years of service –interest of
c. seniority – academic degree – acae
d. technical- professional
2 is it professional a school policy even if you do not personally agree?-(Analysis)
a. No
C Yes if it is policy for teacher
d. Yes it depends the kind o policy
1. What is the big challenge for teacher?
2. Are you ready to face the challenge?
Reseach on the step a professional teacher should take if she diside
Activity 1
As a student how do you regard the teaching profession? Do you see it as a noble calling or a
profession for those who cannot make it for the other ? Take note
3. For a professional teacher to leave with dignity all places at times with should be his/her
principle of
I. self respect
II. self discipline
III. charity
IV sensirity
A I and II b . I II II c. II and III d. I,II,II,Iv
4 .according to article 11 of the code of ethics , who should serve as guide of the
professional’s teacher’s destiny and those of men on nation ? Understading
a. learner b. almighty god c. school head d. Teaching philosophy
6. Why is a teacher prohibited from direct business transaction involving textbooks and
school supplies?-Analysis
a. Probability of exerting influence for his/her own business interest
b. Her/his main task is to teach not to engage in business
c. To avoid competition
d. The Code of Ethics says so
The 1987 Phil constitution states that the state shall: Write YES or NO
_____1. Enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement
_____2. Assign the second highest budgetary priority to education next to medicine
_____3. Ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightfull share of the best available
talent through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.
_____4. Punishment against any person guilty of assult against teaching personnel.
_____5. According due respect for teachers who are considered persons in authority.
_____6. Academic freedom particularly regard to teaching methods
_____7.the right to be free from compulsory from assignment not related to their duties
defined in their appointment or employment contract unless given additional compensation.
_____8. Freedom from involuntary contribution.
_____9. Compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.
_____10. Establishing, joining maintaining, labor organization of their choice to promote their
welfare and defend their interest.
_____11. Transfer even without their consent from one station to another where there is
urgent need.
_____12. Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever possible.
______13. A maximum of four hours actual teaching hours per day
______14. More than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9 hours.
______15.an additional compensation of at least twenty per cent of his regular remuneration
after the teacher has completed at least 6 hours of actual classroom teaching a day.
______16. Additional compensation from DepEd when they serve during elections.
______17. Equal remuneration, regardless of qualification
______18. Salary scales of teachers that provide for a gradual progression from a minimum to
a maximum salary by means regular increments, granted automatically after three years,
even if the efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is below satisfactory.
______19. The salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal district, or provincial
government that are not lower than those provided for teachers of the National government.
______20. Without exception Special Hardship Allowness.
______21. Special hardship allowances equivalent to at least twenty five per cent of their
monthly salary for those who qualify.
______22. Free medical examination even after retirement.
______23. A study leaves for not more than 2 school years after ten years of teaching.
______24. Enjoy a compensation allowed for one year study leave without any condition.
______25. A study leave of more than one year provided permitted by the Secretary of
Education but without compensation.
______26. An indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of the illness demands a long
treatment that will exceed one year at the least.
______27. One range salary raise upon retirement for those who have fulfilled the age and
service requirements of the applicable retirement laws which shall be the basis of the
computation of the lump sum o the retirement pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.
______28. Hardship allowance for those who teach in multi-grade classes, mobile teachers
and non- formal education or Alternative learning system (ALS) coordinators are entitled to
hardship allowance.
______29. Stability of employment and security of tenure under existing laws.
______30. Safeguards in disciplinary procedure.
Lets have a posttest. Answer True if the statement is correct and false if it is wrong.
_____1. Special hardship allowances of professional teacher is equivalent to at least ten
percent of their monthly salary for those who qualify.
_____2. Teachers enjoy free medical examination even after retirement
_____3. Teaches are entitled to a study leave for one year after a minimum ten years of
_____4. Teachers may enjoy full compensation alloed for one year study leave on condition
that the teacher tak the regular study load and passes at least seventy-five percent of his
course without any conditions
_____5. Teacher may be entitled to a study leave if more than two years provided permitted
by the secretary of education but without compensation
_____6. Teachers may enjoy an indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of the illness
demands a long treatment that will exceed one year at the least
_____7.a professional teacher is entitled to a one range salary raise upon retirement for
those who have fulfilled the age and service requirements of the applicable retirement laws
which shall be the basis of the computation of the lump sum of the retirement pay
_____8.those who teach in multi-grade classes, mobile teachers and non- formal education or
Alternative learning system (ALS) coordinators are entitled to h a r d s h i p allowance.
_____9. Teachers enjoy stability of employment and security of tenure under existing laws.
_____10. Teachers have safeguards in disciplinary procedure
_____11. Teachers enjoy the right Establish, join maintain, labor organization of their choice
to promote their welfare and defend their interest.
_____12.teachers may betransferred even without their consent from one station to another
where there is urgent need.
_____13. Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever possible
_____14. Teachers may have more than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9 hours.
_____15. Teachers are entitled to additional compensation of at least twenty per cent of his
regular remuneration after the teacher has completed at least 6 hours of actual classroom
teaching a day.
_____16. Teacher are entitled toadditional compensation from DepEd when they serve during
_____17. Teachers enjoy equal remuneration, regardless of qualification
_____18. Teachers enjoy salary scales of teachers that provide for a gradual progression from
a minimum to a maximum salary by means regular increments, granted automatically after
three years, even if the efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is below satisfactory.
_____19. Teachers enjoy the salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal
district, or provincial government that are not lower than those provided for teachers of the
National government.
_____20. Teacherswithout exception Special Hardship Allowances
_____21. Enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement
_____22. Assign the second highest budgetary priority to education next to medicine
_____23.Ensure that teaching will attract and retain its right full share of the best available
talent through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment
_____24.Punishment against any person guilty of assault against teaching personnel.
_____25.According due respect for teachers who are considered persons in authority
_____26.Academic freedom particularly regard to teaching methods
_____27.the right to be free from compulsory from assignment not related to their duties
defined in their appointment or employment contract unless given additional compensation
_____28.Freedom from involuntary contribution
_____29.Compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws
_____30.Establishing, joining maintaining, labor organization of their choice to promote their
welfare and defend their interest.
Individual Check:
Individual Check: