Gen Phy 1 Quarter 1 Week 1
Gen Phy 1 Quarter 1 Week 1
Gen Phy 1 Quarter 1 Week 1
7. Finding practical Discuss with students the Discuss with students the practical Discuss with students the practical Discuss the practical applications
applications of concepts importance of accurate applications of unit conversion applications of vector addition in of measurements in various fields
and skills in daily living measurements in daily life, like in and expressing measurements in various fields, such as engineering, of life, such as health,
cooking, construction, carpentry, scientific notation in daily life. construction, and
navigation, and sports. Prompt
them to identify situations in which
understanding vector addition is communication. For example,
Share some examples like
discuss how tools such as BP
etc. Ask them to identify instances cooking, manufacturing, traveling, crucial. Share specific examples if
machines, pulse oximeters, and
where understanding variance or scientific research. Prompt applicable, such as calculating
weighing scales gauge health
and minimizing experimental errors students to identify other areas in the resultant force in a tug-of-war status or how measurements in
can have practical implications. which these skills are useful and
game or analyzing the trajectory construction ensure workplace
of a rocket launch. safety.