Arts LP
Arts LP
Arts LP
Arts 4
Prepared by: RJ A. BANLUTA
I. Objective
At the end of 60-minute lesson, the students will be able to;
B. Instructional Materials
Paper tarp
C. References
Curriculum Guide Music 3, Page 28
(Student’s answer)
Yes, we are ready
2. Greetings
Good morning, class Good morning, Ma’am
How are you feeling today? We’re fine teacher, how about you?
Are we clear?
(Students answer)
Okay very good. Let us read our rules Yes Ma’am
again all together.
(Students do what is being told)
4. Attendance Checking
Before we will be going to proceed in to
our topic this morning, I will be going to
check first your attendance.
1. Motivation
Before proceeding to our class discussion
this morning, I will show you first a short
clip but before letting you see it, I have
here some guide questions. For you to be
able to answer these questions, you need
to pay attention to the video I will show to
Are we clear?
(Student raise a hand)
Yes Isabelle?
Based on the video, shapes are important Ma’am
Okay very good. Let’s give Isabelle a because it can create different objects.
round of applause.
(Students do what is being told)
So based on the video, shape is important
because it can create objects such as the
mountain, sun, gifts and etc.
Now that you’re already done watching
the video, do you have any idea now what
will be our topic this morning?
Okay very good. Thank you, Nichole I think our topic this morning is all about shapes
2. Presentation
Our topic this morning is all about shapes
but to be specific is it about the two
common types of shapes.
Okay, the reason behind why geometry is
in arts it is because the shapes under
geometry is used in mathematics such as
hexagon and etc.
Yes Christy
Yes Ma’am
Okay very good, what else?
Okay thank you. So here is the example of
geometric shapes. (Students raise their hand)
Rectangle Ma’am
Okay, let us now proceed to the other type (Students starts reading)
which is the organic shape.
Organic Shape- shapes that are Organic Shape- shapes that are
similar to those found in nature, such similar to those found in nature, such
as you.
plants, animals, and rocks. They as plants, animals, and rocks. They
are often curved and flowing and can are often curved and flowing and can
the word itself organic, it means it
unpredictable seem unpredictable
came from nature and from living things
such as animals and everything that has
lives. This type of art in unpredictable or
can merely recognized because of its
nature which freeform.
Shape of leaf:
Shape of leaf:
A cloud
A cloud
A rain puddles
A rain puddles
What you are going to do is that you will (Students do what is being told)
Guess what kind of shape is the picture
First picture
Very good
Geometric Ma’am
Wow very good, it is organic because it
no exact dimension and it comes from
the nature.
Organic Ma’am
Yes Isabelle?
Geometric Ma’am
Okay very good, Kite is an example of
geometric shape because it has sides Yes Ma’am
and has dimension and aside from that,
it is made by humans. (Students raised a hand)
Did you get it? Because it has four side ma’am with exact
dimension both sides
Yes Ma’am
Organic Ma’am
Did you understand what is organic and
geometric shape class?
C. Concluding Activities
Using the same group, this time we will Yes Ma’am
None Ma’am
(the teacher distributes the envelope)
Draw 2 example of each type and explain why it
Group geometric kindly read. is organic and geometric
Yes Ma’am
Okay now that you already have the
materials, I will give you 10 minutes to Using the different example of geometric
do you activity, after 10 minutes finish shapes, draw or form a simple artwork. Present
or not, you will present you work in your work in front.
Are we clear?
(After 10 minutes)
Yes Ma’am
Time is up class, paste your work here in
Front so that you can start presenting. (Students do what is being told) \
2. Generalization
Very good Chaeven, very well said. Organic shape is different from geometric
Ma’am because geometric shape has exact
Now, that you can already define, dimension and is made up from line segments
identify, and distinguish the different while organic has no exact dimension and has
types of shapes, how are these shapes free form.
important to arts Aib?
Okay very good. Did you get it class? They are important Ma’am because they can
give calmness and harmony to the artwork. They
Do you have any questions? also represent patterns of how artwork are made.
None Ma’am
IV. Evaluation
Test I
Instruction: Put (/) to the picture that belongs to geometric shape and put (X) if it belongs to organic
Test II
Instructions: Draw inside the box at least 3 examples of each type of shape
Organic Geometric
V. Assignment
Instructions: Draw 5 example of organic and geometric shape you can find in your home. Color it
using with the colors that are familiar to you. Write it in your assignment notebook.