4 DLL-BPP-Perform-Basic-Preventive-Measure
4 DLL-BPP-Perform-Basic-Preventive-Measure
4 DLL-BPP-Perform-Basic-Preventive-Measure
Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter:
A. Content Standards The learners enumerate and The learners explain each type The learners xplain each type The learners specify tools ICL
discuss preventive of cleaning of cleaning according to condition.
measures. materials/disinfectant materials/disinfectants.
B. Performance Standards The learners perform the basic The learners explain the types The learners prepare all The learners specify the tools
preventive measures and uses of cleaning purpose cleaners
C. Learning Competencies The learners will be able to: The learners will be able to: The learners will be able to:
The learners will be able to: 1. Prepare all materials for all
1. Perform preventive 1. Determine the
1. Enumerate the types of purpose cleaner.
measures of maintaining usability of tools as
cleaning materials/disinfectant.
tools. specified.
Write the LC code for each
Learning Objective/s
II. CONTENT Perform Basic Preventive Types and Uses of Cleaning Preparing All Purpose Cleaner Preventive Maintenance
Measure Materials/Disinfectant Technique and Procedure
A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages CG-Bread and Pastry CG-Bread and Pastry CG-Bread and Pastry CG-Bread and Pastry
2.Learner’s Materials pages TLE Learning Module in Bread TLE Learning Module in Bread TLE Learning Module in Bread TLE Learning Module in Bread
and Pastry p. 37 and Pastry p. 38 and Pastry p. 38 and Pastry p. 40
3.Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Web page Web page Web page Web page
A. Reviewing previous lesson Specification of Tools Perform Basic Preventive Types and Uses of Cleaning Preparing All Purpose
or presenting the new Measure Materials/Disinfectant Cleaner
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the students if they know Ask the learners what cleaning Ask the learners what cleaning Ask the learners if they tried
the lesson that there are preventive materials they use materials they use applying preventive
measures when using tools? at home? at home? maintenance?
C. Presenting examples Explain preventive measures Show samples of cleaning Show samples of all-purpose Explain the preventive
/instances of the new when using tools. materials. cleaner maintenance,
Lesson technique and procedure.
D. Discussing new concepts Preventive measures are Students will explain the types Students will prepare all Students will explain the
and practicing new skills clearly explained by the of cleaning materials. purpose cleaner. preventive maintenance,
#1. students. technique and procedure.
E. Discussing new concepts Students will have oral report Students will be able to Students will be able to discuss Students will follow the
and practicing new skills #2 on the preventive measures. discuss the importance of the function of all-purpose preventive maintenance,
cleaning materials. cleaner technique and procedure
F. Developing mastery Students will work Each student will be able to Students will be able to label Students will apply the
(Leads to Formative independently in applying enumerate the different the all-purpose cleaner. preventive maintenance and
Assessment 3) preventive measures. cleaning materials. technique.
G. Finding practical Students will become Let the student enumerate the Let the student enumerate the Students will be able to
applications of concepts responsible in performing task different cleaning materials. different cleaning materials. realize the value of
and skills in daily living through teamwork. knowing the preventive
maintenance and techniques.
H. Making generalizations and Appreciate the effect of Giving value to the new lesson Giving value to the new lesson Inculcate in mind the value of
abstractions about the listening to the teacher’s introduced by the teacher. introduced by the teacher knowing preventive
lesson instruction. maintenance.
I. Evaluating learning Accomplish the Scoring Answer Self-Check 2.1, page Accomplish the Scoring Rubrics Accomplish the Scoring
Rubrics 43 Rubrics
J. Additional activities for Examine your tools at home Group Task Group task Bring materials for the next
application or remediation and note if there are damages activity
or defects.
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?