Kasha's Rule - Wikipedia
Kasha's Rule - Wikipedia
Kasha's Rule - Wikipedia
Vavilov rule
A corollary of Kasha's rule is the Vavilov
rule, which states that the quantum yield
of luminescence is generally
independent of the excitation
wavelength.[4][7] This can be understood
as a consequence of the tendency –
implied by Kasha's rule – for molecules
in upper states to relax to the lowest
excited state non-radiatively. Again there
are exceptions: for example benzene
See also
Stokes shift, the difference between
the absorption and emission
frequencies, related to Kasha's rule.[8]
1. Characterization of Electronic Transitions
in Complex Molecules (https://web.archi
tory/characterization.PDF) . Kasha, M.
Discussions of the Faraday Society,
1950, 9: p.14-19.