Social Science IX Latest Syllabus
Social Science IX Latest Syllabus
Social Science IX Latest Syllabus
Includes IX
Objective Type COLOURED
CBSE Marking Scheme and Syllabus
Note: This CBSE Curriculum is taken from following link given at CBSE Website.
3 Drainage 15 4
4 Climate 15 5
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
2 1
To be Evaluated in the annual examination.
Wild Life
For Interdisciplinary Project
Types of Vegetation – Tropical Evergreen Forests, Tropical Deciduous -
Forests, Thorn Forests and Shrubs, Mountain Forests, Mangrove 5
6 Population 11 3
1 What is Democracy?
4 3
Why Democracy?
2 Constitutional Design 4 3
3 Electoral Politics 4 2
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Social Science Syllabus Class IX & X 2023-24
4 Working of Institutions 4 5
5 Democratic Rights 4 2
2 People as Resource 5 5
3 Poverty as a Challenge 5 5
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Social Science Syllabus Class IX & X 2023-24
II Analyse the situations that led Interactive Textual To compare and contrast the
to the rise of Russian and interpretations to compare situations that led to the rise of
Socialism in Europe French revolutions. and contrast the situations Russian& French Revolutions.
and the Russian that led to the rise of
Revolution Evaluate the reasons that led to Russian& French Revolutions Cite the impact of
the rise of Lenin’s communism Collaboration and
and Marxist Socialism Student led seminar to cite communication rendered by
the impact of Collaboration the philosophers and leaders
and communication rendered in creating awareness
by the philosophers and amongst the common people
leaders in creating awareness
amongst the common people Evaluate the situations that
World café’ strategy to enabled Lenin’s Communism.
evaluate the situations that
enabled Lenin’s Communism. Interpret the different ideas of
philosophers and leaders that
Socratic Discussions to shaped the revolution.
Interpret the different ideas of
philosophers and leaders that
shaped the revolution
III Analyse the manipulated Watch Video clipping from the Citing the events that helped
control of situations led by an last days of Adolf Hitler and Hitler’s rise to power
Nazism and the Rise of individual. discuss the reasons for rise
Hitler and fall of Hitler Evaluate various character
Analyse the role of the “Treaty traits of Hitler
of Versailles in that led to the Dramatize the Nazi
rise of Hitler. Propaganda /racial Compare and contrast the
discrimination against Jews characteristics of Bismarck
● Examine the circumstances and Hitler
that led to the rise and fall of Cartoon interpretation/ Image
Hitler interpretation Analyse the role of “Treaty of
Versailles in the rise of
Click Here to Buy Main Book Online Nazism and Hitler
V ● Analyse the situations that have T charts and similar graphic Compare and contrast the
created Nomadic society organizers to compare and lives of Pastoralists pre & post
Pastoralists in the contrast the lives of colonialism
Modern World ● Draw comparisons of African Pastoralists pre & post
pastoralists and Indian colonialism. Analyse the situations that
Pastoralists during colonial rule. have created Nomadic society
Art integration to depict the
● Examine the how the colonial evolution of nomadic society. Compare and contrast the
laws impacted livelihood in lives and the reasons for
pastoral communities Research based poverty of pastoral nomads of
presentations using resources India with African Pastoral
provided to compare and Nomadic tribes.
contrast the lives and the
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Social Science Syllabus Class IX & X 2023-24
● Appraise the contribution of reasons for poverty of pastoral Analyse and infer varying
Pastoralists in the modern nomads of India with African patterns of developments
economy. Pastoral Nomadic tribes. within pastoral societies in
different places in India.
Think- Pair- Share and
summarize the reading of Analyse the impact of
resources to analyse and infer colonialism on forest societies
varying patterns of leading to scientific forestry.
developments within pastoral
societies in different places in Enumerate the different
India. processes through which
transformation of livelihood
occur in the modern world.
Political Science: Democratic politics - I
Chapter No. and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcome With
Process Specific Competencies
1 Examine the concept World café and Café Compare and Contrast
/structural components of conversations strategies for working of democracies of
What is Democracy? Democracy and its forms/ introduction of concepts of ” India and North Korea and
Why Democracy? features in different countries Democracy, & features of infer on their differences and
Democracy significance in each country.
● Examine and analyse the
working structure of the 4 corners strategy to discuss Define Democracy and
governments of India and “What & why of democracy? enumerate its features.
North Korea
students create democratic Evaluate the authenticity of
● Analyse and infer on the governance model in the the voting rights of the Indian
different historical processes class. population versus the
and forces that have population of Iran.
contributed for the promotion of Cartoon interpretation to
democracy. summarize the benefits of Interpret the statement
democracy. “Democracy provides a
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Social Science Syllabus Class IX & X 2023-24
method to deal with
differences and conflicts” with
reference to India.
Graphic organizer to
summarize the coexistence of
rights vs duties
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Geography: Contemporary India - I
Chapter No. and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcome With
Process Specific Competencies
1 Examine how the location of an Use GeoGebra, Google earth Justify the reasons for the
area impacts its climate and to represent and justify the differences in climatic
India - Size and time with reference to longitude reasons for the differences in conditions, local and standard
Location and latitude. climatic conditions, local and time.
standard time.
Explore and analyze the trading To Infer how the conditions
and cultural relationships of Carousel brainstorming and relationships of the
India with its neighboring strategy for inferring people living in states that are
countries. conditions and relationships sharing border with the
of the people living in states neighbouring countries
Evaluate the situation & that are sharing border with impact trade and culture.
reasons that made 82.5E* the neighbouring countries
longitude as Time meridian of impact trade and culture. Justify the selection of 82.5E*
India. (Link for Carousel Brain longitude as Time meridian of
storming Strategy India. (IST)
Examine how location of India
enables its position as a atch?v=zZxaS7v1-jo) Critically analyse the role of
strategic partner in the opening of Suez Canal in
subcontinent. On map of India improvement of foreign trade.
. hypothetically design two to
four alternate longitudes on Propose alternative solution
either side of 82.5*E and for the problems that arise
conclude on the selection due to the size & location.
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● Analyse the flow of different contribution of water bodies to
rivers of India to infer on their Indian economy
impact on livelihood.
Identify the river systems of
the country and explain the
role of rivers in human
4 Examine and analyse the Collect and Read the Weather Infer how the factors
factors that determine the reports and have a class room determine the climate of
Climate climate of India discussion to conclude about India.
the factors controlling climate
● Discuss the mechanisms of Analyse and infer the effect of
monsoons in Indian Watch videos and summarize monsoon winds on rainfall of
subcontinent. the findings the Indian subcontinent.
● Analyse and infer the reasons Use Mind map/graphic Analyse the temperatures
behind the wide difference organizers to Enumerate and between plateau region,
between day and night summarize the reasons for Himalayan region, desert
temperatures at different the wide difference between region and coastal region.
geographical locations of India. the day and night
temperatures at different Enumerate and summarize
● To interpret how monsoon acts geographical locations of the reasons for the wide
as a Unifying bond India difference between
temperatures at different
Read Newspapers, prepare geographical locations of
and present mock drills on India
protocols as preventive
action for various disasters Propose protocols as
preventive action for various
6 ● Examine the reasons behind Research based learning/ art Analyse and infer the reasons
the uneven distribution of integration strategy (4 grid behind the uneven
Population population in India with analysis) to analyse and infer distribution of population in
specification to UP & the reasons behind the India with specification to UP
Rajasthan and Mizoram and uneven distribution of & Rajasthan and Mizoram
Karnataka. population in India with and Karnataka.
specification to UP &
Rajasthan and Mizoram and Enlist the factors that affect
. Karnataka the population density.
Chapter No. and Name Specific Learning Objectives Suggested Teaching Learning Learning Outcome with
Process Specific Competencies
1 ● Evaluate the prevailing Visit a nearest village, Analyse and infer how the
farming conditions in different interview a farmer/ visit local prevailing farming conditions
The Story of Village states with reasons markets and interview farmers impact economic
Palampur and present it in the class. development of different
● Examine the factors of (Experiential learning states
production and strategy)
interdependence of the Enlist the requirements of
requirements. Poster making/ Concept map production and summarize
and gallery walk to Enlist the the interdependence of these
● Examine the contribution of requirements of production requirements.
non-farm activities to the and summarize the
economic growth of the village. interdependence of these Enlist non-farm activities and
. requirements. depict the link with economic
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Social Science Syllabus Class IX & X 2023-24
Present a business plan for
non-farm activities by using
the four factors of production.
2 Examine the various factors Case study on quality of Analyse and infer the reasons
that constitute the quality of population. (Class room that contribute to the quality of
People as Resource population discussion) population
Analyse the role of government Collect sources from Enumerate the different
in improving the quality of Newspaper/ Media and schemes of Government in
population. present the findings in the some states and infer on the
form of a collage or an album quality of people there by.
Examine the factors that
contribute to unemployment. Neighbourhood survey on Propose solutions to resolve
employment /employability in unemployment problem
neighbourhood, analyse the
quality of neighbourhood and
present in PPT format.
3 ● Comprehend that poverty is a PPT presentation using case Analyse and infer the reasons
multifaceted concept inherent in study given in NCERT text on of poverty in the rural and
Poverty as a Challenge the rural and urban conditions. the reasons of rural and urban urban areas.
● Examine the measures taken Evaluate the efficacy of
by the government to eradicate Declamation with data to government to eradicate
poverty. Evaluate the efficacy of poverty.
government to eradicate
poverty Compare how poverty
estimates have transformed
Debate whether education from 1993-94 to 2011-12
can remove poverty Examine the link between
education and poverty.
4 Examine the critical role of food Case study and group Enumerate various aspects of
security for its masses. discussion to substantiate the food security that will ensure
Food Security in India link between a well-structured
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Justify the rationale for the food security system and continuity of supply to the
system of food security in India. continuity of supply to masses.
Appraise the contributory role Examine, analyse and infer
of Public Distribution system to Invite relevant Govt. officials various sources of data that
address FSI to speak on FSI &PDS. point to the rationale of FSI.
Substantiate the role of green
revolution in strengthening the Panel discussion/seminar on Enumerate different features
PDS. the impact of the green of PDS that directly address
revolution and PDS. FSI.
Socialism in Europe Outline political map of world locate/label/identify major countries of World War (central
powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire) Allied Powers-France,
England, Russia, USA)
India physical ● Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, The Zasker, The Shivalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya,
features The Satpura, Western & Eastern Ghats
● Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi
● Plateau - Deccan Plateau, Chota Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau
● Coastal Plains - Konkan, Malabar, Coromandel & Northern Circar (Location and
Portfolio 5
Classwork, work done (activities / assignments) reflections, narrations, journals, etc.
Achievements of the student in the subject throughout the year
Participation of the student in different activities like heritage India quiz
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