Max. Hours: 40
Unit I ( 8 Sessions)
Introduction: Basic Concept & Philosophy of Supply Chain Management; Essential features,
Various flows (cash, value and information), Key Issues in SCM, benefits and case examples.
Unit II (12 Sessions)
Logistics Management: Logistics as part of SCM, Logistics costs, different models, logistics sub-
system, inbound and outbound logistics, bullwhip effect in logistics, Distribution and
warehousing management.
Purchasing & Vendor management: Centralized and Decentralized purchasing, functions of
purchase department and purchase policies. Use of mathematical model for vendor rating /
evaluation, single vendor concept, management of stores, accounting for materials.
Unit III (12 Sessions)
Inventory Management: Concept, various costs associated with inventory, various EOQ models,
buffer stock (trade off between stock out / working capital cost), lead time reduction, re-order
point / re-order level fixation, exercises –numerical problem solving , ABC, SDE / VED
Analysis, Just-In Time &Kanban System of Inventory management.
Unit IV (8 Sessions)
Recent Issues in SCM: Role of Computer / IT in Supply Chain Management, CRM Vs SCM,
Bench marking concept, Features and Implementation, Outsourcing-basic concept, Value
Addition in SCM-concept of demand chain management.
1. Raghuram G. (I.I.M.A.) - Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Macmillan, 1st Ed.)
2. Krishnan Dr. Gopal - Material Management, (Pearson,New Delhi, 5th Ed.)
3. Agarwal D.K. - A Text Book of Logistics and Supply chain management (Macmillan, 1st Ed.).
4. Sahay B.S. - Supply Chain Management (Macmillan, 1st Ed.)
5. Chopra Sunil and Peter Meindl - Supply chain management (Pearson, 3rd Ed.)
Suggested Reading:
1. Lawrence R.Jauch.,Glueck William F. - Business Policy and Strategic Management (Frank Brothers)
2. Pearce II John A. and Robinson J.R. and Richard B. - Strategic Management (AITBS)
3. Wheelen Thomas L., Hunger J. David and RangaragjanKrish - Concepts in Strategic Management and
Business Policy (Pearson Education, 1st Ed.)
4. Budhiraja S.B. and Athreya M.B. - Cases in Strategic Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Ed.)
5. KazmiAzar - Business Policy and Strategic Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed.)
6. Thomson - Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases (Tata McGraw Hill)
Note: Two Specializations are to be selected from the Groups of specializations. A student is
required to select Any Two specializations as following:
Max. Hours: 40
UNIT I (12 Sessions)
Personality: Meaning & Concept, Personality Patterns, Symbols of Self, Molding the Personality
Pattern, Persistence & Change. Personality & Personal Effectiveness: Psychometric Theories –
Cattele and Big Five, Psychodynamic Theories - Carl Jung and MBTI, Transactional Analysis,
Johari – Window, Personal Effectiveness.
UNIT II (8 Sessions)
Personality Determinants: An overview of Personality determinants. Evaluation of Personality :
Sick Personalities and Healthy Personalities.
UNIT III (8 Sessions)
Training: Concept, Role, Need and Importance of Training, Types of Training, Understanding
Process of Learning, Developing an Integrated Approach of Learning in Training Programme.
UNIT IV (12 Sessions)
Training Need Assessment: Determination of Training Needs, Approaches to Training Needs
Assessment, TNA Cycle of Events. Designing Training Programmes, Methods of conducting
Training, Evaluation of Training Programmes.
Suggestion Readings:
1. Hurlock., Elizabeth B - Personality Development (Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Ed.)
2. UdaiPareek - Understanding Organizational Behaviour (Oxford, 2nd Ed.)
3. SahuR..K. - Training for Development (Excel Books, 1st Ed.)
4. Tapomoy Deb - Training & Development Concepts & Application (Ane Books, 6th Ed.)
5. Friedman &Schustack - Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research (Pearson)
6. Lynton &Pareek - Training for Development (Vistaar Publication, 2nd Ed.)
7. Hall Calvin al - Theories of Personality (Wiley-India Text Books, 4th Ed.)
Max. Hours: 40
UNIT I (6 Sessions)
Overview of Industrial Relations : Concept of Industrial Relations; Nature of Industrial
Relations; Objectives of IR; Evolution of IR in India ; Role of State; Trade Union; Employers’
Organisation; ILO in IR.
UNIT II (12 Sessions)
Trade Unionism : Trade Union : origin and growth, unions after independence, unions in the era
of liberalization; concept, objectives, functions and role of Trade Unions in collective
bargaining; problems of Trade Unions. Labourproblems : Discipline and misconduct; Grievance
Handling Procedure; Labour turnover; Absenteeism; Workers’ participation in management.
UNIT III (6 Sessions)
Technological Change in IR-Employment issues, Management Strategy, Trade Union Response,
Human Resource Management and IR- Management Approaches, Integrative Approaches to
HRM; International Dimensions of IR.
UNIT IV (16 Sessions)
Labour Legislations: Industrial Dispute Act, Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, Workmen’s
Compensation Act. Important Provisions of Employees’ State Insurance Act, Payment of
Gratuity Act, Employees Provident Fund Act.
Suggested Readings :
1. Mamoria CB, Mamoria, Gankar - Dynamics of Industrial Relations (Himalayan Publications, 15th Ed.)
2. Singh B.D. - Industrial Relations (Excel, 1st Ed.)
3. Sinha - Industrial Relations, Trade Unions and Labour Legislation (Pearson Education, 1st Ed.)
4. Srivastava SC - Industrial Relations and Labour Laws (Vikas, 2000, 4th Ed.)
5. VenkataRatnam – Industrial Relations (Oxford, 2006, 2nd Ed.)
Suggested Readings:
1. Hughes,Ginnett, Curphy - Leadership, Enhancing the Lessons of Experience (Tata McGraw Hill, 5th
2. Yukl G - Leadership in Organisations (Pearson, 6th Ed.)
3. West Michael - Effective Team Work (Excel Books, 1st Ed.)
4. Sadler Philip - Leadership (Crest Publishing House).
Suggested Readings:
1. Lewicki, Saunders & Barry - Negotiation (Tata McGraw Hill, 5th Ed.)
2. Cohen S - Negotiation Skills for Managers (Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Ed.)
3. Rao S.L. - Negotiation Made Simple (Excel Books, 1st Ed.)
4. Rao S N - Counseling and Guidance (Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed.)
5. Singh Kavita - Counselling Skills for Managers (PHI, 1st Ed.)
6. Welfel, Patternson - The Counseling Process, A Multi theoretical Integrative Approach. (Thomson
India, 6th Ed.)
7. PareekUdai - Understanding Organizational Behaviour (Oxford) – for case in Unit II.
Marketing Management
Max. Hours: 40
UNIT I (8 Sessions)
Introduction: Difference between Product and Services Marketing, Characteristics of Services
Classification of Services, Paradigms in Services Marketing, Importance of Customer
Relationship Management: Specific for Service Industry. Service Marketing System: Service
Quality, Understanding Customer Expectations and Zone of Tolerance, Segmentation and Zone
of Tolerance, Targeting and Positioning of Services
UNIT II (16 Sessions)
Services Marketing Mix: Augmented Marketing Mix, Developing the Service Product/
Intangible Product, Service Product Planning, Service Pricing Strategy, Services Promotions,
Services Distributions. Physical Evidence: Role of Communication in Service Marketing, People
and Internal Communication, Process of Operations and Delivery of Services, Role of
Technology in Services Marketing.
UNIT III (8 Sessions)
Marketing of Financial Services: Deciding the Service Quality, Understanding the Customer
Expectations, Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning of Financial Services, Devising Financial
Services, Marketing Mix Strategies with Special Reference to Credit Cards, Home Loans,
Insurance and Banking, Marketing of Telecom/ Insurance Services.
UNIT IV (8 Sessions)
Services in Global Perspective: International Marketing of Services Recent Trends, Principal
Driving Force in Global Marketing of Services, Key Decisions in Global Marketing, Services
Strategy and Organizing for Global Marketing.
Suggested Readings:
1. Baron S and Harrisk - Services Marketing: Text and Cases (Palgrave, 2nd Ed.)
2. Love lock Christopher-Services Marketing: People, Technology and Strategy (Pearson Education, 5th
3. Zeithaml - Services Marketing (Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Ed.)
4. Woodruff Helen - Service Marketing (Macmillian, 1st Ed.)
5. Payne Adrian - The Essence of Service Marketing (Prentice Hall of India)
6. Rama MohanaRao - Services Marketing. (Person Education, 1st Ed.)
7. GovindApte - Services Marketing (Oxford University Press).
Suggested Readings
1. Donaldson B - Sales Management: Theory and Practice (Palgrave)
2. Jobber David and Lancaster Geoff - Selling and Sales Management (Pearson Education)
3. Spiro - Sales Force Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 11th Ed.)
4. Still Richard R, Cundiff Edward W. and Govoni Norman A.P - Sales Management: Decisions,
Strategies and Cases (Pearson Education, 5th Ed.)
5. Rosenbloom– Marketing Channels (Cengage Learning, 7th Ed.)
6. Johnson and Marshall - Sales Force Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 8th Ed.)
Financial Management
Max. Hours: 40
Unit I : Introduction to Working Capital (10 Sessions)
Nature, Scope and Definition of Working Capital, Working Capital Cycle, Assessment and
Computation of Working Capital Requirement, Profitability–Liquidity trade-off, Working
Capital Policy - Aggressive & Defensive. Overview of Working Capital Management
Unit II : Management of Cash and Marketable Securities (8 Sessions)
Meaning of Cash, Motives for holding cash, objectives of cash management, factors determining
cash needs, Cash Management Models, Cash Budget, Cash Management: basic strategies,
techniques and processes, compensating balances ; Marketable Securities: Concept, types,
reasons for holding marketable securities, alternative strategies, choice of securities; Cash
Management Practices in India.
Unit III: Management of Receivables & Inventory (12 Sessions)
Receivables: Nature & cost of maintaining receivables, objectives of receivables management,
factors affecting size of receivables, policies for managing accounts receivables, determination
of potential credit policy including credit analysis, credit standards, credit period, credit terms,
etc; Collection Policies; Credit Management in India.
Inventory: Need for monitoring & control of inventories, objectives of inventory management,
Benefits of holding inventory, risks and costs associated with inventories, Inventory
Management: Minimizing cost in inventory, Techniques of Inventory Management -
Classification, order quantity, order point etc.
Unit IV: Working Capital Financing (8 Sessions)
Need and objectives of financing of working capital, short term credit, mechanism and cost-
benefit analysis of alternative strategies for financing working capital : accrued wages and taxes,
accounts payable, trade credit, bank loans, overdrafts, bill discounting, commercial papers,
certificates of deposit, factoring, secured term loans, etc, Pattern and sources of Working Capital
Financing in India, with reference to Government policies.
1. Rangrajan and Mishra - Working Capital Management (Excel)
2. Periasamy, P - Working Capital Management –Theory & Practice (Himalaya, 2007)
3. Pandey, I.M. - Financial Management (Vikas, 9th Ed.)
4. V.K. Bhalla - Working Capital Management (Anmol)
5. Dheeraj Sharma - Working Capital Management (Himalaya, 2005)
6. Ravi M. Kishore - Financial Management (Taxmann, 6th Ed.)
Max. Hours: 40
Unit I (08 Sessions)
Overview of Capital Market: Market of securities, Stock Exchange and New Issue Markets -
their nature, structure, functioning and limitations; Trading of securities: equity and debentures/
bonds. Regulatory Mechanism: SEBI and its guidelines; Investor Protection.
Unit II (14 Sessions)
Risk & Return: Concept of Risk, Measures of risk and return, calculation, trade off, systematic
and unsystematic risk components.
Nature of Stock Markets: EMH (Efficient Market Hypothesis) and its implications for
investment decision.
Valuation of Equity: Nature of equity instruments, Equity Valuation Models. Approaches to
Equity Valuation: Technical Approach – overview of concept & tools used and Fundamental
Approach – economy, industry and company analysis
Valuation of Debentures/Bonds :nature of bonds, valuation, Bond theorem, Term structure of
interest rates, Duration.
Valuation ofDerivatives(Options and futures): concept, trading, valuation.
Unit III (10 Sessions)
Portfolio Analysis and Selection: Portfolio concept, Portfolio risk and return, Beta as a measure
of risk, calculation of beta,
Selection of Portfolio: Markowitz’s Theory, Single Index Model, Capital market theorem,
CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) and Arbitrage Pricing Theory.
Unit IV (8 Sessions)
Portfolio Management and Performance Evaluation: Performance evaluation of existing
portfolio, Sharpe and Treynor measures; Finding alternatives and revision of portfolio; Portfolio
Management and Mutual Fund Industry.
1) Chandra P - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Tata McGraw Hill, 2008)
2) Fischer and Jordan - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Prentice-Hall, 1996, 6th edition)
3) Ranganatham - Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (Pearson Education, 1st Ed.)
4) Pandian P - Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (Vikas, 1st Ed.)
5) Bodie, Kane, Marcus &Mohanti - Investment and Indian Perspective (TMH, 6th Ed.)
1) Fabozzi - Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions (Pearson Education, 3rd Ed.)
2) Khan M Y - Financial Services (Tata McGraw Hill, 1998)
3) Machiraju H R - Indian Financial System (Vikas, 2004)
4) Bhole L M - Financial Institutions and Markets (Tata McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition, 2003)
5) Srivastava ,R.M& Nigam Divya - Management of Financial Institutions (Himalaya, 2003)
6) Gurusamy R - Financial Services & Markets (Thomson, 1st Ed.)
1. Dr. Vinod K. Singhania& Dr. Monica Singhania Students Guide to Income Tax (TaxmanPublication,
Latest Edition according to assessment year)
2. Dr.B.K. Agarwal& Dr. Rajeev Agarwal Tax Planning and Management(Nirupam Publication Latest
Edition according to assessment year)
3. Paolo M. Panteghini Corporate Taxation in a Dynamic World (Springer, Latest Edition)
4. GirishAhuja& Ravi Gupta Direct Tax Laws & Practice (Bharat Law House, Latest Edition)
5. Datey V.S. - Indirect Taxes – Law & Practice (Taxman, Latest Edition)
6.E. A. Srinivas Corporate Tax Planning (Tata McGraw Hill, Latest Edition)
Information Technology
Max. Hours: 40
Unit I (10 Sessions)
Introduction to Database; Organisation of Database; Components of Database Management
Systems; Data Models; Entity-Relationship Model; Network Data Model; Hierarchy Data
Model; Relational Data Model; Semantic Data Model; Advantages of DBMS.
Unit II (10 Sessions)
Relational Database Design : Integrity Constraints; Functional Dependencies; Normalization;
Physical Database Design; Decomposition of Relation Schemes; Introduction to data mining &
Data Warehousing; Knowledge Extraction through Data Mining.
Unit III (12 Sessions)
Structured Query Language, Oracle- Creating Tables; Applying column constraints; Inserting
Rows; Views, Snapshots, Indexes & Sequences.PL/SQL structure, Cursor, Triggers, Procedures,
Functions & Package.
Unit IV (8 Sessions)
Database Utilities; Security, Object/Basic Database Administration/ Remote Data Access.
1) Beynon -Davies P- Database Systems (Palgrave, 2003)
2) Hoffer - Modern Database Management (Pearson Education, 6th edition)
3) Alexis and Leon - Database Management System (Vikas, 2003.)
4) Majumdar and Bhattacharya - Database Management System (Tata McGraw Hill, 1996).
5) Navathe E - Fundamentals of Database Systems (Pearson Education, 3rd Ed.)
Max. Hours: 40
UNIT-I (10 Session)
Systems Concept; Characteristics of a System; Elements of System; Types of Systems; Decision
Support System; System Development Life Cycle, Investigation, Analysis, Design,
Implementation, Post Implementation Review and Maintenance.
UNIT-II (10 Session)
Systems Planning and Investigation: Basis for Planning in Systems Analysis - Dimensions of
Planning, Initial Investigation, Needs Identification, Determining the User's Information
Requirements, Feasibility Study, Feasibility Considerations, Steps in Feasibility Analysis -
Feasibility Report.
UNIT-III (8 Session)
Tools of Structured Analysis : Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagrams, Data
Dictionary, Process Modeling : Structured English, Decision Tree & Decision Table, Object
Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object Oriented Design (OOD).
UNIT-IV (12 Session)
Basics of Information Security, Types of Attacks, Viruses, Virus Control, Hackers, Overview of
Risks associated with Internet, Intrusion Detection Risk Management, Disaster Recovery Plan,
Cryptography and authentication, Managing Risk, Information Security Policy, Creating a secure
environment, Internet Security Standards.
Suggested Readings:
1. Elias M Awad – SAD (Galgotia Publication, 2nd Ed.)
2. Kenneth E Kendall and Julie E Kendall – SAD (PHI Publication, 7 Ed.)
3. Grienstein and Feinman- E-commerce –Security, Risk Management and Control (TMH, 2nd Ed.)
4. AnkitFadia -Encryption-Protecting your Data (Vikas Publication, 1st Ed.)
5. Singh B –Network Security (PHI Publication, 1st Ed.)
Unit II (8 Sessions)
LAN topologies: Workstation; Server; Cables; Types of Ethernet; Broadband and base-band;
Optical Fibers; Network Interface Card.
Networks and accessories: LAN, MAN, WAN; Hub; Bridges; Switches; Routers; Gateways
Cell Relay; Frame Relay; ISDN; B-ISDN
Unit III (12 Sessions)
OSI Model; Broadcasting; Multicasting; Point-to-point communication; IP Addressing, Concepts
of Port; Socket; ATM; Tunneling; Virtual Private Network. Network Operating systems: UNIX;
Linux; Windows.
Unit IV (10 Sessions)
Mobile Communication: Applications of Mobile Communication; Wireless Communication:
Bandwidth,Transmission Impairment, Interference, Terrestrial Microwave, Broadcast Radio,
Infrared & Light Waves,
Mobile Internet & WML: Mobile IP, Wireless TCP& UDP, WAP, WML
1) Widjaja L G - Communication Networks (Tata McGraw Hill, 2000)
2) Comer - Computer Networks and Internets (Pearson Education, 4th Ed.)
3) Stallings W - Data Computer Communication (Pearson Education, 2003, 7th Ed.)
4) Tanenbaum - Computer Networks (Prentice-Hall, 2004, 4th Ed.)
5) Black - Computer Networks (Prentice-Hall, 1999, 2nd Ed.)
Max. Hours: 40
Unit I (8 Sessions)
Origin need and factors affecting Electronic Commerce, Features of Electronic Commerce,
Electronic Commerce Framework, Internet as an Electronic Commerce Enabler, Electronic
Commerce Business Models (Value Proposition, Revenue Model, Market Opportunity,
Competitive Environment, Competitive Advantage, Market Strategy, Organizational
Development, Management Team).
Unit II (10 Sessions)
Business to consumer (B2C) Business Models, Types of B2C, Business to Business (B2B)
Business Models, Types of B2B, Consumer to Consumer (C2C) Business Models, Types of
C2C, Peer to Peer Business Models, M-commerce Business Models, Electronic Payment
Systems (Cash, Check, Credit Card, Stored Value, Accumulating Balance), Working of Online
Credit Card, Transaction Security.
Unit III (12 Sessions)
Online Retailing, Online retail industry dynamics, Online mercantile model for customer
perspective, Management Challenges in online retailing, Online market research, Online
marketing communications, Online advertising, Online branding, Online customer relationship,
Online pricing strategies.
Unit IV (10 Sessions)
Online Banking, Online banking implementation, Changing dynamics in banking industry,
Management issues in online banking, Introduction to Mobile commerce Challenges emerging in
Mobile Commerce, Application areas of Mobile Commerce.
Suggested Readings:
1. Laudon&Traver - Electronic Commerce Business, Technology, Society (Pearson Education, 3rd Ed.)
2. Kalakota R- Electronic Commerce - Frontiers of E-Commerce (Pearson Education, 2007, 3rd Ed.)
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