The theory of relativity is a motion based premise based on unnatural principles
which defy the classical physics motion description as described by Sir Isaac
Newton as to define the workings of nature. The theory of relativity is a theory
developed on the electrodynamics of James Clerk Maxwell on radiation and bodies
which involve the use of electric and magnetic components as to describe the
properties of light. The theory of relativity generally known as the special theory of
relativity and general relativity theory of Albert Einstein. This theory is formulated
by experimentation of Maxwell and mathematical input of other scientists and
researchers such as Olinto de Pretto, Henri Poincare, Hendrik Lorentz and others.
This thus brings us to the history of relativity.
The history of relativity can be dated back to the work of the Italian physicist and
astronomer Galileo Galilei on his work on the relative motion of bodies with
respect to one another which involved the position and displacement of the body
while undergoing motion. In this scenarios the velocity as a vector component was
either an addition or subtraction with respect to another body based on the
direction of motion of the body with respect to another. This view in calculation
was also considered when the bodies were at angles which made us of the
Pythagoras theorem, cosine rule and sine rule in determining the resultant velocity
of the body, thus from this the idea of relative motion was formed. Although
during the time of Galileo it was never stated or concluded whether space and time
was absolute or not. It was not until Sir Isaac Newton came into the stage and
concluded that space and time were absolute in relation to all bodies in the
universe. He proved this with his famous bucket experiment and also used the laws
of motion in achieving it. Sir Isaac newton stated that the mass of a body, the
length, breadth and height all remained constant while a body was in motion as the
velocity or speed increased. Though despite this conclusion a question arose which
newton could not explain which was the famous action at a distance as observed in
the gravity meaning how two bodies could affect or influence each other without
touching or coming into contact. From here we move to the Scottish mathematical
physicist James Clerk Maxwell who developed a generalized set of equations
known as the Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetic fields to describe the
properties of light and bodies in vacuum. To this Maxwell concluded that light
travelled at its maximum speed in vacuum 3×108m/s2 and that all other
electromagnetic waves of different frequencies also travelled at this speed. This
discovery was what brought about the electrodynamics of moving bodies as
Maxwell believed that all forms of interaction between bodies and matter operated
as radiation of electromagnetic waves and this convinced Maxwell that the so
called action at a distance which newton believed to be instantaneous was
operating at a finite speed and this speed was the speed of light as to answer the
question which newton could not. This conclusion thus led other scientists to
believe that nothing could travel faster than the speed of light which brought about
a new form of mechanics in which the properties of bodies was dependent on the
speed of light. Another scientist named Oliver Heaviside who was a mathematical
physicist who helped simplify and interpret the Maxwell equations of
electromagnetic fields, in his interpretation he concluded that objects could move
faster than light as opposed to the conclusions of Maxwell and earlier others who
believed nothing could move faster than the speed of light. He also believed in the
hypothetical substance and medium called the ether which was agreed also by
Maxwell to be the medium of light. This indication would thus mean that the value
of the speed of light (c) could become (c + v) as shown with the relative motion
mathematical description of Galileo Galilei for faster than light. This now takes us
to the two American physicists named Albert Michelson and Edward Morley
known for the famous experiment known as the Michelson-Morley experiment.
This experiment carried out in 1887 involved the use of an interferometer and light
to detect the hypothetical ether. The experiment setup involved the light being
passed from two different sources moving at perpendicular directions to one
another with the light from one source travelling in the direction of motion of the
earth and another traveling perpendicularly or at right angle to the direction of
motion of the earth. In this experiment, Michelson and morley conducted this
experiment supposing the ether as a stationary medium and concluded
mathematically that the value of the velocity of light travelling in the same
direction of the earth would be the velocity of light added to the velocity of the
earth while the value of the velocity of light travelling in the direction
perpendicular to the direction of motion of the earth would be velocity of light
minus the velocity of the earth, thus they expected there to be a difference in the
return times of the light emitted from their sources as they travel to their respective
mirrors and are reflected back to their source. But when the experiment was
conducted no difference in the return times was observed and thus this observation
appeared strange to physicists and the whole science community and answers were
demanded as everyone wanted to know why the results contradicted the math and
theories on relative motion. The results of the experiment showed that the velocity
of light remained the same regardless of the direction it was travelling. This thus
brings us to the irish mathematical physicist named George francis fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald developed a theory 1889 known as the Fitzgerald contraction, he work
on radiation emitted from bodies and concluded that an oscillating electric current
would produce electromagnetic waves. Fitzgerald attempted to interpret the result
of the Michelson-Morley experiment on light by stating that the results would
propose a new type of mechanics which involves the length of a moving body
across space contracting as it travelled through the ether, fitzgerald further stated
that the length of the body contracted by 1 −¿
where the contracted length is
2 . Another scientist by name Joseph Larmor who in the same year the
L =L 1 ¿
Michelson-Morley experiment was conducted published a paper titled “On
Doppler’s principle” in which he demanded covariance to the homogeneous wave
equation in inertial reference frames, assumed the invariance of the speed of light
frames and obtained a set of equations known as the Voigt transformations
x =x−vt
' vx
t =t− 2
' y
' z γ=
z= where v
γ −¿
1 ¿
ɣ is the Lorentz factor. These equations were the first form of the equations which
define the modern special relativity theory. In this Voigt was also the first person
who used and coined the word local time and non- local time, the local time
meaning the absolute time of sir Isaac newton’s mechanics and non- local time
meaning non- absolute or reference time. From here we move to the Dutch
physicist Hendrik Lorentz who in 1892 described his own version of the ether
which was called the Lorentz ether theory. In this theory the ether is perceived to
be motionless or stationary as suggested in the Michelson-Morley experiment. This
ether was used to explain the null result of the experiment of Michelson and
Morley whereby he further simplified the transformation equations of Voigt into
the modern special relativity equations known as the Lorentz transformations
x =γ (x−vt)
' vx
t =γ (t− 2
y =y
z =z
Lorentz described his ether to be electromagnetic and bounded by the laws of the
Maxwell equations of electromagnetic fields which he also agreed with the
conclusions of Maxwell of electromagnetic fields equating to action at a distance.
Now we approach joseph larmor who in 1897 proposed that the ether could be
represented as a homogeneous fluid medium which was perfectly incompressible
and elastic. Larmor believed that ether was separate from matter and matter
consisted of particles moving in the ether. In 1900, he was the first to use the term
time dilation as a second order transformation from the Lorentz transformation
−1 1 '
−1 2 vx
t1 = ε t =ε
2 '' t−ε 2 2
where ε =¿ 1− v 2
Another scientist of Italian origin named Olinto de pretto first published and
developed the formula E=mc2 as the energy mass equivalence in 1903. De pretto
suggested that radioactive decay of uranium and thorium was an example of mass
transforming into energy. Like many other scientists before, de Pretto believed in
the theory and existence of the ether in which he developed his theory stating that a
mass travelling at velocity v has the potential energy proportional to mv 2. He
further states that mv2 and the energy stored within the matter where he identified v
with the speed of light (c) where the mass is vibrating energy and that mass and
energy are therefore interchangeable. To this we move to Henri Poincare who in
1904 summarized all the work of the former contributors to the development to the
theory of relativity and interpreted both the equations and conclusions into the
generalized form of special relativity theory stating “From all these results, if they
are confirmed would arise an entirely new mechanics which would be above all
characterized by this fact, that no velocity could surpass that of light, any more
than any temperature could fall below the zero absolute, because bodies would
oppose an increasing inertia to the causes which would tend to accelerate their
motion and this inertia would be infinite when one approached the velocity of
light”. In the development of the relativity the term coined was the principle of
relativity and this theory was consistent and based on the existence of the
hypothetical substance which fills all space called the ether. In 1905, Albert
Einstein plagiarized all the work of others before him and the only contribution he
made in formulation of his own version of relativity was called special relativity
was the removal of the existence of the ether and the ether theory as a whole. He
stated that by the experiment of the Michelson Morley experiment, the ether did
not exist. The two postulates which he made s a conclusion of all the works of
Voigt, Heaviside, Lorentz, de pretto and larmor were all conclusions made by
Henri Poincare and thus this shows that Einstein did not develop the special
relativity theory.
The theory of relativity was developed in part as the special theory of relativity and
the general theory of relativity from the following experiments and contributions
1. The Michelson-Morley light interferometer experiment.
2. The Maxwell equations on electromagnetic waves.
3. The Galiliean relative motion of bodies describing their velocities.
4. The Lorentz factor and equations as to interpret the results of James clerk
Maxwell on light as electromagnetic waves as to describe the action of
bodies in motion and their properties.
5. The use of Maxwell’s conclusions as to describe gravity by Paul Gerber.
6. The new description of space and time as relative in correction to the
absolute space and time of Sir Isaac newton laws of motion and mechanics.
7. The formula E=mc2 coined and first developed and interpreted by olinto de
8. The non-euclidean space geometry developed by David Hilbert which he
used for the general relativity equations.
The experiments which were carried out in proving relativity correct in both the
special relativity and general relativity are
1. In the special relativity, the experiment carried out as proof or evidence is
the Michelson-Morley experiment.
The term special relativity as a name was coined by albert Einstein to describe the
portion of the already existing relativity theory of Henri Poincare and Hendrik
Lorentz which deals with uniform speeds or speeds which are in constant motion
or unchanging speeds. This premise is similar to the first law of motion of Sir Isaac
The special relativity theory states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of
light and as a result as bodies undergo motion their mass, size and time duration of
an event or effect of time undergo continuous change. The mass of the body is said
to increase in value while the size or otherwise known as the length, breadth and
height contract or shrinks by reduction and the time for an event is said to increase
as the speed or velocity of the body increases. The train thought experiment of
albert Einstein with lightning simultaneously striking the ends of the train as the
train is in uniform motion.
The word general relativity was coined by albert Einstein which is another part of
the already established relativity theory and further contributions of
mathematicians such as David Hilbert and Paul Gerber as well the theory of free-
fall relation to gravity by Robert Stevenson(also known as Kinertia) and the fiction
statement of H.G wells of time as a fourth dimension.
The general relativity theory describes motion of accelerated bodies which involve
the concepts of curved space-time, four dimensional non-euclidian space geometry
and gravity travelling at the speed of light as a gravitational wave similar to
electromagnetic waves.
The idea of gravity travelling at the speed of light was developed and
mathematically proven by paul gerber in 1898 which was used in solving the
perihelion motion of the planet mercury where
2 6 πμ
a ( 1−ε 2 ) Ψ
2 3
4π a
μ= 2
2 3 a
c =24 π
τ Ψ ( 1−ε 2 )
a = 57.6779 × 106km
Ꜫ = 0.2056
τ =88 Tage
Ψ =4.789 × 10-7
⸫ c = 305500km/sec.
The idea and theory of free-fall in an elevator with the earth moving up to a body
instead of the body under free-fall attracted to the ground by the pull of the
gravitational force is developed by Robert Stevenson also known as Kinertia in
1903 whereby he describes the force of gravity as an elliptical rise and fall of
bodies in space and denies any curvature of space and non-euclidean space.
The deflection of light from the stars as passes the sun was first described by sir
Isaac newton with his theory of gravity in which he states the light will bend or be
deflected by a certain magnitude. In 1801 a scientist named Johann georg von
Soldner argued with the magnitude of deflection by newton and stated that the
deflection will be twice that described by newton.
The curved non-euclidean space geometry developed by german mathematician
david Hilbert in 1915 for covariant gravitational field equations with
[ √ g K ]µv + ∂ √ gµvL =0
⸫ K µv + K g µv=constant T µv
The work of H.G Wells in his book published in 1895 titled the time Machine
where he describes time as the fourth dimension whereby one can move forward
and backwards in time as they can move forward and backwards in space.
The term space-time coined by and first introduced by Edgar Allan Poe in his
essay on cosmology in 1848 titled Eureka stating that space and duration are one.
In summary of all these, I would urge all scientists everywhere to abandon the
theory of relativity and its propositions as this theory is not sound science and
many no sense to common logic. Many should revisit the work of Sir Isaac newton
on laws of gravity and motion, and if there is need for better understanding of the
ether you can check out my previous video ether and its fundamentals in the link