1 m/s
3 m/s
Frames of Reference:
A frame of reference is a set of coordinates (for
state of motion.
reference frame.
t1 = t2 = 0 t1 = t2
At ( t1 = t2 ) Galilean Coordinate Transformations are:
x 2 = x1 − vt 1 x1 = x 2 + vt 2
y 2 = y1 y1 = y 2
z 2 = z1 z1 = z 2
dx 2 d x1 dx 1 dx2
= −v = −v
dt 2 dt 1 dt 1 dt 2
dy 2 dy1 dy 1 dy2
= =
dt 2 dt 1 dt 1 dt 2
dz 2 dz1 dz 1 dz2
= and =
dt 2 dt 1 dt 1 dt 2
v x 2 = v x1 − v v x1 = v x 2 + v
a 2 = a1
Physics before Relativity
Classical physics was developed between about 1650 and
1900 based on:
* Idealized mechanical models that can be
subjected to mathematical analysis and tested against
* A vast amount of observational data concerning
electricity and magnetism that been built up.
Newtonian Mechanics
1- Newton’s Laws of Motion:
- Newton’s laws are only applicable at inertial reference
- According to Galilean transformations, Newton’s laws
are invariant at any inertial reference frame.
In other words, the mechanical movement of a particle is
exactly the same at two different reference frames, IF
both of them are inertial (i.e. one moves with constant
velocity w.r.t the other & vice versa).
- There is no mechanical experiment by which one can
distinguish whether a system is at rest or is moving with
a constant speed in a straight line (Galilean relativity).
F =−
Where G is called the universal gravitational constant
that = 6.67x10-11 N m2 kg-2
Useful Remarks:
1- Newton stated the existence of an
2L c 2L c
ΔT = T ′′ − T ′ = −
1− v c
2 2
1 − v2 c2
This difference in times will cause a phase difference
and a certain interference pattern with light and dark
fringes. In other words if the delay can be measured it
will tell us the Earth‘s speed w.r.t the ether.
Since the actual direction of the Earth’s motion through
the ether was unknown, Michelson and Morley then
carefully rotated the device by 90o. This rotation should
change the times for rays I’ and I’’ and then change the
interference pattern. Although the expected change was
nearly 100 times the sensitivity of their apparatus, no
shift of the pattern (within experimental error) was
The experimenters could not find the supposed ether.
And this led to an important fact about reference
There is no such thing as an absolute frame of
reference in our universe.
Special Theory of Relativity
Einstein’s postulates
Einstein based his special theory of relativity on two
fundamental postulates:
This means:
- There is no preferred frame of reference.
- There is no a physical experiment, mechanical,
electrical or optical can be performed to determine
our state of uniform motion.
- Galilean transformations are not correct for all laws
of physics.
This means:
- The speed of light is invariant.
- The classical idea that space &
time are independent had to
be rejected. (I.e. there is should
be a relationship between space &
- As a consequence of Einstein's
2nd postulate , is the concept of
This concept states that:
- Since c is a constant for all observers in both S1 and
x 22 + y 22 + z 22 − c 2 t 22 = 0
or equal to 1.
β ⇒ 0, γ ⇒ 1
All transformations reduce to the classical Galilean ones.
S1 S2
ν0 1− v2 / c2
ν = =ν 0 ……1
γ [1 + β cos θ 1 ] 1 + (v / c ) cos θ 1
1− v / c
ν =ν0
1+ v / c
Note that the numerator is smaller than the denominator, giving
a lowered frequency when the source is moving away from you,
just as for SOUND waves. (However, the equation is different
for sound waves.)
1+ v / c
ν =ν 0
1− v / c
ν = ν 0 1 − v2 / c2 = ν 0 / γ
The frequency decreases for this relativistic transverse
Doppler effect.
Doppler shifts in the frequencies of electromagnetic waves
occur not only for relative motion toward or away from an
observer, but also for transverse motion.
t1 t1`
Subtracting, we obtain;
(x2`- x2) = γ (x1`- x1)
Note that (x2`- x2) is the length as measured in S2 . Since the
object is at rest with respect to S2, let's call this length Lo.
This gives us
L = L0 1 − v 2 / c 2 =
Time Dilation
Suppose we travel inside a spaceship and watch a light clock.
We will see the path of the light in simple up-and-down motion.
If, instead, we stand at some relative rest position and observe
the spaceship passing us by 0.5c . Because the light flash keeps
up with the horizontally moving light clock, we will see the flash
following a diagonal path.
speed of light, we would see the second hand take 1.15 minutes
the ship would turn only half as fast as those on our own clock.
From Jack earth-bound frame of reference;
we place Jill in S1? She then sees the earth move away and
return, and therefore it is Jack who has travelled out and back
⎛ v ⎞
dt 2 = γ ⎜ dt1 − 2 dx1 ⎟
⎝ c ⎠
v1 y
v2 y =
γ [1 − v1 x .v / c 2 ]
v1 z
v2 z =
γ [1 − v1 x .v / c 2 ]
ΔP1 y = 2m0 v1 y
For an observer in S2 the conservation law of momentum will
requires that:
(recall: v1x=0)
ΔP2 y = 2 mv 2 y = 2mv1 y 1 − v 2 / c 2
m = m0 / 1 − v 2 / c 2 = γ m0
1- If v << c then m is effectively equal to the rest mass m0 (the
written as;
p = m0 v / 1 − v 2 / c 2 = γ m0 v
Relativistic Force
We can use Newton's second law to define force by the relation
F = dp/dt. So we have;
d dm
F = mv = ma + v
dt dt
If the force is perpendicular to the velocity, the force can't do
F⊥ = γm0 a
dm d m0
dt dt 1 − v 2 / c 2 )
1/ 2
F = γ 3 m0 a
To approach c we need an infinite force to accelerate an
infinite mass.
Relativistic Energy
Work may be done on a body to increase its kinetic energy, KE.
That is,
KE = ∫ Fdx = ∫ m0 1 − v 2 / c 2 ( )−3 / 2
which integrates to
KE = m0 c 2
(1 − v 2
/c )
2 −1 / 2
− m 0 c 2 = γm 0 c 2 − m 0 c 2
or most simply;
increases its KE, then its total energy will be E = E0+KE , or;
KE = E − E 0 (2)
Comparing (1) & (2), we can say that:
E = mc 2 and E0 = m0 c 2 (3)
and anything that has an energy E has a mass m =E/C2. That is;
E = E0 / 1 − v 2 / c 2 = γE0 (4)
a) Eq. (5)
b) when v<<c
c) when v c
proportional to m; 1
a = Fnet
(Newton’s 2nd law)
( )
proportional to m; Fgrav = 9.8 m / s 2 × m g
* Although this link was hidden into Galileo old statement: “in
Also, no mechanical
accelerating in "free-fall" in a
Similarly, no optical
experiment would be
able to distinguish
between a uniform
gravitational field, and
a frame which
accelerates at a
constant rate but there is no field
The point is that there is no way of deciding from your
This means:
inertial motion.
spacetime, but if we
The curvature
of space-time
can be viewed
in the following
way. Placing a
heavy object
such as a bowling ball on a rubber mat will produce a ' cavity '
in that mat.
This is analogous to a large mass such as the Earth causing
the ' cavity ', will accelerate towards the bowling ball in a
their free-fall.
in tensor form:
Rij − 12 g ij R = κTij
where Rij is the curvature tensor, R the scalar curvature, gij
which equals to
where G & c are the universal gravitational constant and the
Gij = Rij − 12 g ij R
Then, EFE can then be written as
Gij = − Tij
* Each subscript i or j stands for one of the 4 coordinates of
ds 2 = dx 2 + dy 2 + dz 2
The set of coefficients of ds2 can be written in the form of a
matrix. These numbers define the metric (g)for rectangular
coordinates in three dimensions;
⎡ g xx g xy g xz ⎤ ⎡1 0 0⎤
⎢ ⎥
g = ⎢ g yx g yy g yz ⎥ = ⎢⎢0 1 0⎥⎥
⎢ g zx g zy g zz ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣0 0 1⎥⎦
*The form of the metric for
a given space is not unique,
in polar coordinates, for
example, the distance between
the points (r, θ, φ) and
(r+dr, θ+dθ, φ+dφ) is
⎡1 0 0 ⎤
g = ⎢⎢0 r 2 0 ⎥⎥
⎢⎣0 0 r 2 sin 2 θ⎥⎦
ds = 1 −
) c dt −
2 2 dr 2
1 − rrs
− r 2
d θ 2
− r 2
sin 2
θ dφ 2
rs =
where G is the gravitational constant.
the ground, should run at the same rate as the clock on the
the ground both see the clock on the rim run more slowly than
radioactive atoms.
* Conclusion:
for ever.
be deflected by gravity.
the darkened sky around the eclipsed sun reveals the presence
of the nearby bright stars. The positions of the stars are
Einstein's prediction.
Pronounced “ SHVARTZshilt”
The escape velocity from the surface of a star depends upon
the size and mass of the star. The Newtonian expression for
escape velocity is:
v esc =
where R is the radius and M the mass of the star. If light is
retarded by gravity then it will just fail to escape from the
surface when the escape velocity equals the speed of light.
This can be rearranged to give expressions for the radius
inside which a particular mass must be compressed to form a
black hole, as;
Rs =
Rs is the Schwarzschild radius, it is used to represent this
radius since Newtonian theory gives the same result as the
general relativistic analysis carried out by Schwarzschild in
Hence, the critical density ρc of spherically distributed
matter that will collapse to form a black hole, is;
3M 3c 6
ρc = =
4 πRs 32 G 3 M 2 π
Event horizon:
The spherical surface that marks the boundary of the black
hole is called as 'event horizon’.
* This horizon is moving out at the speed of light. Thus, in
order to escape back across it, you would have to travel faster
than light. You can't go faster than light, and so you can't
escape from the black hole
* If a black hole existed, would it suck up all the matter in
the Universe?
The answer is, NO. If you cross the "horizon" of the black hole,
you eventually will hit the singularity. But as long as you stay
outside of the horizon, you can avoid getting sucked in.
* Light will escape from any star with radius r greater than 1.5
Rs. This is the radius of the photon sphere, and light emitted
tangentially at this radius will orbit the star. If r is between
the photon sphere and the Schwarzschild radius there will be a
limited exit cone for escaping light, rays outside this cone fall
back to the surface of the star. No light can escape from a star
that has collapsed inside its own Schwarzschild radius.
Is there any evidence that black holes exist?
Yes. You can't see a black hole directly, of course, since light
can't get past the horizon.
* However, if a black hole passes through a cloud of interstellar
matter, it can suck matter into itself. As the matter falls or is
pulled towards the black hole, it gains kinetic energy and heats
up. The heat ionizes the atoms,
and when the atoms reach a few
million degrees Kelvin, they emit
X-rays. The X-rays are sent off
into space before the matter
crosses the Schwarzschild radius
and crashes into the singularity.
Thus we can see this X-ray emission.