Transmission Lines
Transmission Lines
Transmission Lines
• Explain the difference between phase shift and time delay of a sinusoidal
• Students will explain the difference between lumped and distributed circuit
• Identify whether the wave travels in the positive or negative direction from
the equation of a wave.
• Derive the equations for voltage and current waves on a transmission line
from the equivalent circuit model.
• Derive phasor form of voltage and current wave from/to the time-domain
• Derive and calculate the transmission line impedance and reflection coef-
Waves on Transmission Lines
Types of Transmission Lines
Any wire, cable, or line that guides energy from one point to another is a
transmission line. Whenever we make a circuit on a breadboard, every wire
attached forms a transmission line with the ground wire. Whether we see the
propagation (transmission line) effects on the line depends on the line length,
and the frequency of the signals used. At lower frequencies or short line lengths,
we do not see any difference between the signal’s phase at the generator and the
load, whereas we do at higher frequencies.
Types of Transmission Lines
Coax, two-wire line, transmission line support TEM waves. Waves on microstrip
lines can be approximated as TEM up to the 30-40 GHz (unshielded), up to
140 GHz shielded.
Types of Transmission Lines
Wave Equation
Wave Equation
Wave Equation
Rearrange the KCL and KVL Equations 79, 83 and divide them with ∆z. Equa-
tions 80, 84. let ∆z → 0 and recognize the definition of the derivative Equations,
81, 85.
∂i(z, t)
−(v(z + ∆z, t) − v(z, t)) = R ∆z i(z, t) + L ∆z (79)
v(z + ∆z, t) − v(z, t) ∂i(z, t)
− = R i(z, t) + L (80)
∆z ∂t
v(z + ∆z, t) − v(z, t) ∂i(z, t)
lim {− } = lim {R i(z, t) + L } (81)
∆z→0 ∆z ∆z→0 ∂t
v(z, t) ∂i(z, t)
− = Ri(z, t) + L (82)
∂z ∂t
∂v(z + ∆z, t)
−(i(z + ∆z, t) − i(z, t)) = G ∆z v(z + ∆z, t) + C ∆z (83)
i(z + ∆z, t) − i(z, t) ∂v(z + ∆z, t)
− = G v(z + ∆z, t) + C (84)
∆z ∂t
i(z + ∆z, t) − i(z, t) ∂v(z + ∆z, t)
lim {− } = lim {G v(z + ∆z, t) + C } (85)
∆z→0 ∆z ∆z→0 ∂t
i(z, t) ∂v(z + ∆z, t)
− = G v(z + ∆z, t) + C (86)
∂z ∂t
v(z, t) ∂i(z, t)
− = R i(z, t) + L
∂z ∂t
i(z, t) ∂v(z + ∆z, t)
− = G v(z + ∆z, t) + C
∂z ∂t
Telegrapher’s equations are two differential equations with two unknowns, i(z, t),
v(z, t). It is not impossible to solve them; however, we would prefer to have lin-
ear algebraic equations. We then express time-domain variables as phasors.
Ṽ (z), I(z) are the voltage, and current anywhere on the line, and they depend
on the position on the line z. The Telegrapher’s equations in phasor form are
Wave Equation
∂ Ṽ (z) ˜
− = (R + jωL)I(z) (87)
∂ I(z)
− = (G + jωC)Ṽ (z) (88)
Two equations, two unknowns. To solve these equations, we first take a deriva-
tive of both equations with respect to z.
∂ 2 Ṽ (z) ˜
∂ I(z)
− = (R + jωL) (89)
∂z 2 ∂z
∂ I(z) ∂ Ṽ (z)
− = (G + jωC) (90)
∂z 2 ∂z
1 ˜
∂ I(z) ∂ 2 Ṽ (z)
− = (91)
(R + jωL) ∂z ∂z 2
1 ∂ Ṽ (z) ˜
∂ 2 I(z)
− = (92)
(G + jωC) ∂z ∂z 2
Substitute Eq.91 into Eq.88 and Eq.92 into Eq.87 and we get
∂ 2 Ṽ (z)
− = (G + jωC)(R + jωL)Ṽ (z) (93)
∂z 2
∂ 2 I(z)
− ˜
= (G + jωC)(R + jωL)I(z) (94)
∂z 2
Or if we rearrange
∂ 2 Ṽ (z)
− (G + jωC)(R + jωL)Ṽ (z) = 0 (95)
∂z 2
∂ 2 I(z)
− (G + jωC)(R + jωL)I(z) = 0 (96)
∂z 2
The above Equations 95-96 are called wave equations, and they represent current
and voltage wave on a transmission line. γ = (G+jωC)(R+jωL) is the complex
propagation constant. This constant has a real and an imaginary part.
γ = α + jβ
Wave Equation
α = Re{(G + jωC)(R + jωL)}
β = Im{ (G + jωC)(R + jωL)}
∂ 2 Ṽ (z)
− γ Ṽ (z) = 0 (97)
∂z 2
∂ 2 I(z)
− γI(z) = 0 (98)
∂z 2
The general solution of the second order differential equations with constant
coefficients Equations 97 - 98 is:
Where Ṽ (z)+ = Ṽ0+ e−γz represents the forward-going voltage wave, Ṽ (z)− =
Ṽ0− eγz represents the reflected voltage wave, I(z)˜ + = I˜+ e−γz represents the
˜ −
forward going current wave, and I(z) −
= I˜0 e represents the reflected current
wave. We will see later that Ṽ0+ is the forward-going voltage wave at the load,
Ṽ0− is the reflected voltage wave at the load, I˜0+ is the forward going current at
the load, and I˜0− reflected current at the load.
In the next several sections, we will look at how to find the constants β, Ṽ0+ ,
Ṽ0− , I˜0+ , I˜0− . In order to find the constants, we will introduce the concepts
of transmission line impedance Z0 , reflection coefficient Γ(z), input impedance
Zin .
Visualization of waves on lossless transmission lines
In this equation Ṽ (z) is the total voltage anywhere on the line (at any point z),
˜ is the total current anywhere on the line (at any point z), V˜0 + and V˜0 − are
the phasors of forward and reflected voltage waves at the load (where z=0), and
+ −
I˜0 and I˜0 are the phasors of forward and reflected current wave at the load
(where z=0).These voltages and currents are also phasors and have a constant
+ + 0
magnitude and phase in a specific circuit, for example V˜0 = |V˜0 |eΦ = 4e25 ,
+ + 0
and I˜0 = |I˜0 |eΦ = 5e−40 . We can get the time-domain expression for the
current and voltage on the transmission line by multiplying the phasor of the
voltage and current with ejωt and taking the real part of it.
If the signs of the ωt and βz terms are oposite the wave moves in the forward
+z direction. If the signs of ωt and βz are the same, the wave moves in the −z
In the next several sections, we will look at how to find the constants β, Ṽ0+ ,
Ṽ0− , I˜0+ , I˜0− . In order to find the constants, we will introduce the concepts
of transmission line impedance Z0 , reflection coefficient Γ(z), input impedance
Zin .
Example 9. We will show next that if the signs of the ωt and βz have the
opposite sign, as in Equation 100, the wave moves in the forward +z direction.
If the signs of ωt and βz are the same, as in Equation 101, the wave moves in
the −z direction. In order to see this, we will visualize Equations 100 and 101
using Matlab code below.
Visualization of waves on lossless transmission lines
the voltage. The red line on both graphs is the voltage signal at a time .1 ns. We
would obtain Figure 30 if we had a camera that can take a picture of the voltage,
and we took the first picture at t1 = .1 ns on the entire transmission line. The
blue dotted line on both graphs is the same signal .1 ns later, at time t2 =.2 ns.
We see that the signal has moved to the right in 1 ns, from the generator to the
load. On the bottom graph, we see that at a time .1 ns, the red line represents
the reflected signal. The dashed blue line shows the signal at a time .2 ns. We
see that the signal has moved to the left, from the load to the generator.
Figure 30: Forward (top) and reflected (bottom) waves on a transmission line.
clear all
f = 10^9;
w = 2*pi*f
y1=sin(w*t1 - beta.*x);
y2=sin(w*t2 - beta.*x);
y3=sin(w*t1 + beta.*x);
y4=sin(w*t2 + beta.*x);
Visualization of waves on lossless transmission lines
subplot (2,1,1),
hold on
hold off
subplot (2,1,2),
hold on
hold off
Using Matlab code above, repeat the visualization of signals in the previous sec-
tion for a lossy transmission line. Assume that α = 0.1 Np, and all other vari-
ables are the same as in the previous section. How do the voltages compare in
the lossy and lossless cases?
The sign in front of βz and ωt is opposite for the forward going wave.
Multiple Choice:
(a) True
(b) False
Propagation constant and loss
• Propagation constant
γ= (R + jωL)(G + jωC)
γ = jωLjωC
γ = jω LC = jβ
R + jωL
Z0 =
G + jωC
Z0 =
Z0 =
• Wave velocity
v= √
ω LC
• Wavelength
Propagation constant and loss
λ= √
ω LC
λ= √
ε0 µ0 εr
λ= √
f εr
λ= √
In guided wave systems such as transmission lines and waveguides, the attenu-
ation of power with distance follows approximately e−2αx . The power radiated
by an antenna falls off as 1/r2 . As the distance between the source and load
increases, there is a specific distance at which the cable transmission is lossier
than antenna transmission.
Propagation constant and loss
• Propagation constant
We can re-write the propagation constant as shown below. In somel ap-
plications, losses are small, but not negligible. R << ωL and G << ωC,
then in Equation 103, RG << ω 2 LC.
(R + jωL)(G + jωC)
γ= (102)
γ = jω L C 1 − j + − 2 (103)
ωL ωC ω LC
γ ≈ jω L C 1 − j + (104)
ωL ωC
Taylor’s series for function 1+x = 1−j + in Equation
ωL ωC
104 is shown in Equations 105-106.
x x2 x3
− 1+x=1+
+ − ... f or |x| < 1(105)
s 2 8 16
√ √
R G j R G
γ ≈ jω L C 1 − j + = jω L C 1 − + (106)
ωL ωC 2 ωL ωC
ω LC R G
α= + (107)
2 ωL ωC
β = ω LC (108)
We see that the phase constant β is the same as in the lossless case,
and the attenuation constant α is frequency independent. All frequencies
metal resistance is lower than the inductive impedance
dielectric conductance is lower than the capacitive impedance
Propagation constant and loss
Transmission-line R G C L
Rsd 1 1 2πσ 2πε µ
Coaxial Cable + ln b/a
2π a b ln b/a ln b/a 2π
Where Rsd = πf µm /σm is the resistance associated with skin-depth. f is the
frequency of the signal, µm is the magentic permeability of conductors, σc is the
conductivity of conductors.
Example 10. Calculate capacitance per unit length of a coaxial cable if the
inner radius is 0.02 m, the outer radius is 0.06 m, the dielectric constant is
εr = 2. Use the applet below, Matlab, Matematica, or other software that you
Transmission Line Impedance
This section will relate the phasors of voltage and current waves through the
transmission-line impedance.
In equations 109-110 Ṽ0+ e−γz and Ṽ0− eγz are the phasors of forward and reflected
going voltage waves anywhere on the transmission line (for any z). I˜0+ e−γz and
I˜0− eγz are the phasors of forward and reflected current waves anywhere on the
transmission line.
∂ Ṽ (z)
− = (R + jωL)I(z) (111)
γ Ṽ0+ e−γz − γ Ṽ0− eγz = (R + jωL)I(z) (112)
We now rearrange Equation 112 to find the current I(z) and multiply through
to get Equation 113.
I(z) = (Ṽ + e−γz + Ṽ0− eγz )
R + jωL 0
γ Ṽ0+ γ Ṽ0−
I(z) = e−γz − eγz (113)
R + jωL R + jωL
We can now compare Equation 110 for current, a solution of the wave equation,
with the Eq.113. Since both equations represent current, and for two transcen-
dental equations to be equal, the coefficients next to exponential terms have to
be the same. When we equate the coefficients, we get the equations below.
γ Ṽ0+
I˜0+ = (114)
R + jωL
γ Ṽ0−
I˜0− = − (115)
R + jωL
Definition 13. We define the characteristic impedance of a transmission line as
the ratio of the voltage to the current amplitude of the forward wave as shown in
Transmission Line Impedance
Equation 114, or the ratio of the voltage to the current amplitude of the reflected
wave as shown in Equation 115.
Ṽ0+ R + jωL
Z0 = = (116)
I0+ γ
Ṽ0− R + jωL
Z0 = − = (117)
I˜0− γ
We can further simplify Equations 116-117 to obtain the final Equation 118
for the transmission line impedance. This equation is valid for both lossy and
lossless transmission lines.
Z0 =
R + jωL
Z0 =
R + jωL
Z0 =
G + jωC
Z0 = (118)
Reflection Coefficient
In this section, we will derive the equation for the reflection coefficient. The
reflection coefficient relates the forward-going voltage with reflected voltage.
V (0)
ZL =
Reflection Coefficient
Dividing the two above equations, we get the impedance at the load.
Ṽ0+ + Ṽ0−
ZL = Z0 (125)
Ṽ0+ − Ṽ0−
ZL +
(Ṽ − Ṽ0− ) = Ṽ0+ + Ṽ0−
Z0 0
( − 1)Ṽ0+ = ( + 1)Ṽ0−
Z0 Z0
Ṽ0− Z0 − 1
= ZL
Ṽ0 Z0 + 1
Ṽ0− ZL − Z0
= (126)
Ṽ0 ZL + Z0
Ṽ0− ZL − Z0
Definition 14. ΓL = +
= is the voltage reflection coefficient at the
Ṽ0 ZL + Z0
load. ΓL relates the reflected and incident voltage phasor and the load ZL and
transmission line impedance Z0 . The voltage reflection coefficient at the load is,
in general, a complex number, it has a magnitude and a phase ΓL = |ΓL |ej∠ΓL .
(a) 100 Ω transmission line is terminated in a series connection of a 50 Ω re-
sistor and 10 pF capacitor. The frequency of operation is 100 MHz. Find
the voltage reflection coefficient.
(b) For purely reactive load ZL = j50Ω, find the reflection coefficient.
Reflection Coefficient
We see that if we know the length of the line, line type, the load impedance, and
the transmission line impedance, we can calculate all variables above, except for
Ṽ0+ . In the following chapters, we will derive the equation for the forward going
voltage at the load, but first, we will look at little more at the various reflection
coefficients on a transmission line.
Where Ṽ (z)+ is the forward voltage anywhere on the line, Ṽ (z)− is reflected
˜ + is the forward current anywhere on the line,
voltage anywhere on the line, I(z)
˜ −
and I(z) is the reflected current anywhere on the line.
We can then define a reflection coefficient anywhere on the line as
Ṽ (z)− Ṽ0− ejβz Ṽ −
Definition 15. Γ(z) = = + = 0+ e2jβz is a voltage reflection
Ṽ (z)+ Ṽ0 e−jβz Ṽ0
coefficient anywhere on the line. Γ(z) relates the reflected and incident voltage
phasor at any z.
Since we already defined ΓL = as the reflection coefficient at the load, we
can now simplify the general reflection coefficient as
Since we already defined the reflection coefficient at the load, the reflection at
any point on the line z = −l is
Reflection Coefficient
Input impedance of a transmission line
Again, we will look at a transmission line circuit in Figure 32 to find the input
impedance on a transmission line.
The equations for the voltage and current anywhere (any z) on a transmission
line are
Input impedance of a transmission line
(e−jβz + ΓL ejβz )
Zin = Z0 (141)
(e−jβz − ΓL ejβz )
Now we can take e−jβz in front of parenthesis from both numerator and denom-
inator and then cancel it.
1 + ΓL e2jβz
Zin = Z0 (142)
1 − ΓL e2jβz
1 + Γin
Zin = Z0 (143)
1 − Γin
ZL + jZ0 tan βl
Zin = Z0 (144)
Z0 + jZL tan βl
This equation will be soon become obsolete when we learn how to use the Smith
Example 12. Find the input impedance if the load impedance is ZL = 0Ω, and
the electrical length of the line is βl = 900 .
Explanation. Since the load impedance is a short circuit, and the angle is 900
the equation simplifies to Zin = jZ0 tan βl = ∞.
When we find the input impedance, we can replace the transmission line and the
load, as shown in Figure 33. In the next section, we will use input impedance
to find the forward going voltage on a transmission line.
Input impedance of a transmission line
Forward voltage on a transmission line
Again, we will look at a transmission line circuit in Figure 34 to find the input
impedance on a transmission line.
The equations for the voltage and current anywhere (any z) on a transmission
line are
Using the equations from the previous section, we can replace the transmission
line with its input impedance, Figure 35.
Forward voltage on a transmission line
Ṽin = Ṽg (147)
Zin + Zg
Using Equation 146, we can also find the input voltage. The input voltage
equation at the generator z = −l is:
Since these two equations represent the same input voltage we can make them
Ṽ0+ (ejβl + ΓL e−jβl ) = Ṽg (149)
Zin + Zg
Ṽg Zin 1
Ṽ0+ = (150)
Zg + Zin ejβl + ΓL e−jβl
Using Equations 146-146, we can also find the input voltage and current. Input
voltage and current equation at the generator z = −l are:
Forward voltage on a transmission line
Ṽ0+ jβl
Ṽg = Zg (e − ΓL e−jβl ) + Ṽ0+ (ejβl + ΓL e−jβl ) (155)
Ṽg = Zg ejβl (1 − ΓL e−2jβl ) + Ṽ0+ ejβl (1 + ΓL e−2jβl ) (156)
Using that Γin = ΓL e−2jβl is the input reflection coefficient, and multiplying
through with Z0 .
Ṽg Z0 = Zg ejβl (1 − Γin ) + Ṽ0+ Z0 ejβl (1 + Γin ) (157)
Ṽ0+ = Ṽg e−jβl (158)
Z0 (1 + Γin ) + Zg (1 − Γin )
Traveling and Standing Waves
Standing Waves
In the previous section, we introduced the voltage reflection coefficient that
relates the forward to reflected voltage phasor.
(k) −ΓL is the phasor of the reflected current at the load,
(l) I˜0+ e−jβz is the phasor of a forward current anywhere on the line,
Ṽ0+ jβz
(m) −ΓL e is the phasor of a reflected current anywhere on the line,
˜ is the phasor of the total current on the line, the sum of forward and
(n) I(z)
reflected voltage.
Traveling and Standing Waves
The magnitude of a complex number can be found as |z| = q zz ∗ .Therefore the
magnitude of the voltage anywhere on the line is |Ṽ (z)| = Ṽ (z)Ṽ (z)∗ . We
can simplify this equation as shown in Figure 161.
|Ṽ (z)| = Ṽ (z)Ṽ (z)∗
|Ṽ (z)| = (Ṽ0+ )2 (e−jβz − |ΓL |ejβz+Θr )Ṽ0+ (ejβz − |ΓL |e−(jβz+∠ΓL ) )
|Ṽ (z)| = Ṽ0+ (e−jβz − |ΓL |ejβz+|∠ΓL )(ejβz − |ΓL |e−(jβz+∠ΓL ) )
|Ṽ (z)| = Ṽ0+ 1 + |ΓL |e−(2jβz+|∠ΓL ) + |ΓL |ej2βz+∠ΓL + |ΓL |2 )
|Ṽ (z)| = Ṽ0 1 + |ΓL |2 + |ΓL |(e−(2jβz+∠ΓL ) ∠ΓL + e(j2βz+∠ΓL ) )
|Ṽ (z)| = Ṽ0+ 1 + |ΓL |2 + 2|ΓL | cos(2βz + ∠ΓL ) (161)
The Equation 161 is written in terms of z. We set up the load at z = 0, and the
generator at z = −l. The positions of the maximums and minimum total voltage
on the line will be at some position at the negative part of z-axis zmax = −lmax ,
and the minimums will be at zmax = −lmin .
The magnitude of the total voltage on the transmission line is given by Eq.161.
We will now visualize how the magnitude of the voltage looks on the transmission
Example 13. Find the magnitude of the total voltage anywhere on the trans-
mission line if ΓL = 0.
Explanation. Let us start from a simple case when the voltage reflection coef-
ficient on the transmission line is ΓL = 0 and draw the magnitude of the total
voltage as a function of z. Equation 161 shows the magnitude of the total volt-
age anywhere on the line is equal to the magnitude of the voltage at the load
|Ṽ (z)| = |Ṽ0+ |. The magnitude of the voltage is constant everywhere on the
transmission line, and so the line is called ”flat,” and it represents a single, for-
ward traveling wave from the generator to the load. The magnitude is the green
line in Figure 36. To see the movie of this transmission line, go to the class
web page under Instructional Videos. Forward voltage is shown in red, reflected
voltage in pink, and the magnitude of the voltage is green.
Example 14. Find the magnitude of the total voltage anywhere on the trans-
mission line if ΓL = 0.5ej0 .
Let’s look at another case, ΓL = 0.5 and ∠ΓL = 0. Equation 162 represents the
magnitude of the voltage on the transmission line, and Figure 37 shows in green
how this function looks on a transmission line. This case is shown in Figure 37.
Traveling and Standing Waves
|Ṽ (z)| = Ṽ0+ + cos2βz (162)
Traveling and Standing Waves
Multiple Choice:
(a) left
(b) right
Multiple Choice:
(a) Forward
(b) Reflected
Example 15. Find the magnitude of the total voltage anywhere on the trans-
mission line if ΓL = 1.
Traveling and Standing Waves
Is the black wave moving left or right? The wave is not moving left or right, it
is standing in place, so it is called a standing wave. Is the black wave a forward,
reflected or the sum of the two?
Multiple Choice:
(a) Forward
(b) Reflected
(c) The sum of the two
Example 16. Find the magnitude of the total voltage anywhere on the trans-
mission line for any ΓL , and the position of voltage maximums on the line.
Explanation. The magnitude of the total voltage on the line is given in Equa-
tion161. In general the voltage maximums will occur when the cosine function
is at its maximum cos(2βz + ∠ΓL ) = 1. In this case, the maximum value of the
magnitude of total voltage on the line is shown in Equation 163.
|Ṽ (z)max | = |Ṽ0+ | 1 + |ΓL |2 + 2|ΓL |
|Ṽ (z)max | = |Ṽ0+ | (1 + |ΓL |)2
|Ṽ (z)max | = |Ṽ0+ |(1 + |ΓL |) (163)
The Equation 164 shows position of voltage maximums zmax on the line.
cos(−2βlmax + ∠ΓL ) = 1
cos(2βlmax − ∠ΓL ) = 1
2βzmax − ∠ΓL = 2nπ
2nπ + ∠ΓL
zmax =
2nπ + ∠ΓL
zmax = λ (164)
|Ṽ (z)min | = |Ṽ0+ | 1 + |ΓL |2 − 2|ΓL |
|Ṽ (z)min | = |Ṽ0+ | (1 − |ΓL |)2
|Ṽ (z)min | = |Ṽ0+ |(1 − |ΓL |) (165)
The Equation 166 shows the position of voltage minimums on the line.
Traveling and Standing Waves
cos(2βzmax − ∠ΓL ) = −1
2βzmax + ∠ΓL = (2n + 1)π
(2n + 1)π + ∠ΓL
zmax =
(2n + 1)π + ∠ΓL
zmax = λ (166)
Ṽ (z)max
SW R =
Ṽ (z)min
1 + |ΓL |
SW R = (167)
1 − |ΓL |
Example Transmission Line Problem
Explanation. The equations for the voltage and current anywhere (any z) on
a transmission line are
Example Transmission Line Problem
We are given phase constant β, and we have to find the other unknowns: phasor
of voltage at the load Ṽ0+ , and the reflection coefficient Γ.
Since we know the load impedance ZL , and the transmission-line impedance Z0 ,
we can find the reflection coefficient Γ using Equation 170.
ZL − Z0 o
Γ= = 0.279 ej112 = 0.279 ej1.95 rad (170)
ZL + Z0
To find the input impedance of the line, we use the equation
ZL + jZ0 tan βl
Zin = Z0 = 70.8 + j27.1Ω (171)
Z0 + jZL tan βl
We can use one of the following two equations to find the forward going voltage
at the load:
Ṽg Zin 1
Ṽ0+ = (172)
Zg + Zin ejβl + Γe−jβl
Ṽ0+ = Vg e−jβl (173)
Z0 (1 + Γin ) + Zg (1 − Γin )
Suppose we replace the antenna with another load of impedance 50Ω. In that
case, the reflection coefficient from the load will be zero, and the reflected voltages
will disappear, so the voltage and current will be equal to the forward-going
voltage on the transmission line.