Transmission Lines
1 Introduction
For efficient point-to-point transmission of power and information, the source energy must be
directed or guided. Here, the transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves guided by
transmission lines will be discussed. The characteristics of TEM waves here are the same as
those for a uniform plane wave propagating in an unbounded dielectric medium. Basically,
these TEM waves are like “guided” waves on a line in contrast with “unguided” waves in free
space for radiated waves.
There are three common types of guiding structures that support TEM waves, namely,
parallel-plate transmission line, two-wire transmission line, and coaxial transmission line.
The following points should be first pointed out here:
1. Only perfect conductor supports TEM mode whose electric field has only component
perpendicular to the line. For good conductors, longitudinal component can exist due to
the line currents passing through the “imperfect” conductors. This mode is referred to as
the “quasi-TEM” mode.
2. In addition, if the surrounding medium is lossy (either through Ohmic loss or dielectric
loss of the medium), this additional loss should also be taken into account.
Transmission Lines
Fig. 1: Contours and surfaces for the derivation of the transmission-line equations
Suppose a current i (z ) exists in the upper wire in the positive z direction and returning in the
lower wire. Assume that the losses in the wires can be lumped as an impedance through
which i (z ) passes. The lossy nature of the conductors will result in the resistance per unit
length, R. There is also the internal inductance per unit length Li due to the current i (z )
partially penetrating the wires, which are not perfect conductors. Thus,
∂i ( z; t )
∫z [E z ( x1 , z ) − E z ( x2 , z )]dz = − R∆zi( z; t ) − Li ∆z ∂t .
z + ∆z
Furthermore, the RHS of (1.2) is related to the magnetic flux external to the wires produced
by the current, i.e.,
z + ∆z x2
i ( z; t )∆zLe = − ∫ ∫ By ( x, z; t )dxdz (1.6)
z x1
where Q is the total charge enclosed by S. Over the ends of the cylinder
J ⋅ ds = i ( z + ∆z; t ) − i ( z; t ) . (1.10)
Over the sides of the cylinder, the conductivity of the medium results in a transverse
conduction current through So so that
J ⋅ ds = G∆zv( z; t ) (1.11)
where G is the per-unit length conductance between the wires produced by the lossy medium.
In addition, let C denote the per-unit length capacitance, then over the length ∆z
Q = C∆zv( z; t ) (1.12)
Transmission Lines
Transmission Lines
Transmission Lines
1/ 2 −1 / 2
L R G L 1 R G
Z 0 = R0 + jX 0 = 1 + 1 + ≅ 1+ − ;
C j ωL jωC C j 2ω L C
L L 1 R G
R0 ≅ ; X0 ≅ − − ≅ 0.
C C 2ω L C
3. Distortionless Line (R/L = G/C)
For the lossy lines, if the condition = is satisfied, then
a) Propagation constant:
γ = ( R + jωL)(G + jωC ) = R(1 + jω )G (1 + jω ) = RG 1 + jω = α + jβ
or α = RG ; β = ω RG = ωC = ωC = ω LC
ω 1
b) Phase velocity: u p = = (constant)
β LC
c) Characteristic impedance
R + j ωL R(1 + jωL / R) R L L
Z 0 = R0 + jX 0 = = = = ; R0 = ; X0 = 0.
G + jωC G (1 + jωC / G ) G C C
Thus, α does not depend on frequency, β is linearly dependent on frequency, which is similar
to the lossless lines, and there is no distortion. Thus, it is called “distortionless” lines. If two
frequency components have different phase velocity, then the signal will distort. For
example, let y = cos(ω1t-β1z) cos(ω2t-β2z), and ω2 = 5ω1, β1l = 2π. Figure 3 shows the signal
at z=0 and z=l for different u1, u2.
In general, the phase constant is not a linear function of ω, thus it will lead to a up, which
depends on frequency. As the different components of a signal propagate along the line with
different velocities, the signal suffer dispersion. A general, lossy transmission line is
therefore dispersive, as is a lossy dielectric.
Signal at z=L
Signal at z=0
0.4 u2=u1
0.4 0.2
0.2 0
0 -0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ωt ωt
Transmission Lines
3 Transmission-Line Parameters
Capacitance Recall that the total charge is related to the voltage by Q = CV, the capacitance
can be found from
∫ D ⋅ ds = ∫ εE ⋅ ds .
− ∫ E ⋅ dl − ∫ E ⋅ dl
Conductance (the shunt resistance) When the dielectric medium is lossy (having a small but
nonzero conductivity), a current will flow from the positive to the negative conductor, and a
current density field will be established in the medium. Using the Ohm’s law, J = σE, yields
I ∫ J ⋅ ds = ∫SσE ⋅ ds .
= S
V − ∫ E ⋅ dl − ∫ E ⋅ dl
For homogeneous media (or when σ and ε have the same spatial dependence) the following
relationship holds:
C ε
= ,
G σ
which is derived from two above equations.
Inductance The inductance can be directly calculated from
Φ ∫SB ⋅ ds ∫ µH ⋅ ds .
L= = = S
I ∫ J ⋅ ds
S ∫ σE ⋅ ds
However, a comparison of the propagation constant for the TEM wave on a transmission line
with R = 0 and that for the wave in a medium with constitutive parameters (µ, ε, σ)
1/ 2 1/ 2
G σ
γ = jω LC 1 + ; γ = jω µε 1 +
j ωC jωε
together with C/G = ε/σ yields
LC = µε.
Resistance Series resistance R is determined by introducing a small Ez as a slight perturbation
of the TEM wave and by finding the Ohmic power dissipated in a unit length of the line.
Typically, it is calculated by the resistance due to the skin depth.
i) Parallel plate transmission line Let w, d denote the width, separation and assume the
medium between plates has constitutive parameters (µ, ε, σ), then
w d w
C = ε ; L = µ ;G = σ .
d w d
Transmission Lines
The per-unit-length resistance can be calculated from R = 1/σcS, where σc denotes the
conductivity of the conducting plate and S denotes the cross section which equals the product
of width w and skin depth δ. Thus,
2 2 πfµc
R= = ,
σ c wδ w σ c
where µc denotes the permeability of the plate and f is the frequency. Also, the factor 2 comes from
the fact that the transmission line consists of two plates. Note also that a good conductor is assumed
here in the calculation of skin depth, i.e.,
δ= .
πfµcσ c
ii) Two-wire transmission line Assume the two conducting wires of radius a, separated by D in the
medium with constitutive parameters (µ, ε, σ), then
πε µ πσ
C= ;L = cosh −1 ( D / 2a ) ; G = , and
cosh ( D / 2a) π −1
cosh ( D / 2a )
2 2 1 1 πfµc
R= = = = .
σ c S σ c 2πaδ σ cπaδ πa σ c
iii) Coaxial transmission line Assume the (inner, outer) radii be (a, b) and the medium with
constitutive parameters (µ, ε, σ), then
2πε µ b 2πσ
C= ;L = ln ; G = , and
ln(b / a ) 2π a ln(b / a)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 πfµc
R= + = + = + .
σ c Si σ c So σ c 2πδ a b 2π a b σ c
Note that (Si, So) in the equation above denote the cross sections of the (inner,outer) conductors,
Vg Vi
Zin (γ,Z0) VL ZL
z z'=l-z
z=0 z=l
z'=l z'= 0
Fig. 4: Finite transmission line terminated with load impedance ZL.
V VL V0+ e −γ + V0− eγ V0+ e −γ + V0− eγ
ZL = = = + −γ = (4.1).
I z = I L I 0 e + I 0− eγ V0+ e −γ / Z 0 − V0− eγ / Z 0
V0+ −γz V0− γz
Recall that V ( z ) = V0+ e −γz + V0− eγz (4.2a); I ( z ) = e − e (4.2b), thus,
Z0 Z0
Transmission Lines
V0+ =
(VL + I L Z 0 )eγ = I L (Z L + Z 0 )eγ (4.4a); V0− = 1 (VL − I L Z 0 )e −γ = I L (Z L − Z 0 )e −γ (4.4b).
2 2 2 2
Substituting (4.4a),( 4.4b) into (4.2a),( 4.2b) yields
[ ]
V ( z ) = L (Z L + Z 0 )eγ ( − z ) + (Z L − Z 0 )e −γ ( − z ) (4.5a);
[ ]
I ( z ) = L (Z L + Z 0 )eγ ( − z ) − (Z L − Z 0 )e −γ ( − z ) (4.5b).
2Z 0
Introducing a new variable z’=l -z, then (4.5) can be rewritten as
[ ] [ ]
V ( z ' ) = L (Z L + Z 0 )eγz ' + (Z L − Z 0 )e −γz ' (4.6a) I ( z ' ) = L (Z L + Z 0 )eγz ' − (Z L − Z 0 )e −γz ' (4.6b).
2Z 0
The use of hyperbolic functions simplifies the equations above to be
V ( z ' ) = I L [Z L cosh γz '+ Z 0 sinh γz '] (4.7a) I ( z ' ) = L [Z L sinh γz '+ Z 0 cosh γz '] (4.7b).
The ratio of (V(z’)/I(z’) is the impedance when one looks toward the load end of the line at a
distance z’ from the load, which is given by
V ( z' ) Z cosh γz '+ Z 0 sinh γz ' Z + Z 0 tanh γz '
Z ( z' ) = = Z0 L = Z0 L (4.8).
I ( z' ) Z L sinh γz '+ Z 0 cosh γz ' Z 0 + Z L tanh γz '
At the source end of the line z’=l, the generator looking into the line sees an input impedance
Zin, which is given by
Z + Z 0 tanh γ
Z in = Z ( z ' = ) = Z 0 L (4.9).
Z 0 + Z L tanh γ
Then the load impedance and the transmission line can be replaced by the input impedance
Zin as depicted in Fig. 5. The input voltage Vi and input current Ii in Fig. 5 are found from the
equivalent circuit as follows:
Z in
Vi = Vg (4.10) g Z
Z g + Z in
Ii =
Z g + Z in
(4.11) Vg Zin Vi
The average power delivered by the generator to the
input terminals of the line is
Fig. 5: Equivalent circuit for finite
(Pav )i = 1 Re[Vi I i *] , (4.12) transmission line at generator end
and the average power delivered to the load is
(Pav )L 1
= Re[VL I L *] =
1 VL 1 2
RL = I L RL (4.13).
2 2 ZL 2
For a lossless transmission line, conservation of power requires that (Pav)i = (Pav)L.
Note that once Vi, Ii are obtained, V0± can be calculated from (4.2a),(4.2b) as
Transmission Lines
V0+ V0−
V ( z = 0) = Vi = V0+ + V0− ; I ( z = 0) = I i = − ,
Z0 Z0
then the voltage and current along the transmission line can be found.
Voltage Reflection Coefficient and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
Define the “complex” voltage reflection coefficient as
V0− eγz V0− 2γz
Γ( z ) = + −γz = + e , (4.14)
V0 e V0
then (2a),(2b) can be rewritten as
V0+ −γz
V ( z ) = V0+ e −γz [1 + Γ( z )] (4.15a) I ( z) = e [1 − Γ( z )] (4.15b).
It follows that
V ( z) 1 + Γ( z )
Z ( z) = = Z0 (4.16)
I ( z) 1 − Γ( z )
V ( ) 1 + Γ ( ) 1 + ΓL
Z ( z = ) = = Z L = Z0 = Z0 . (4.17)
I ( ) 1 − Γ ( ) 1 − ΓL
Therefore, the voltage reflection coefficient at the load is given by
Z − Z0
ΓL = L =| ΓL | e jθΓ . (4.18)
Z L + Z0
Then from (4.14),
= Γ()e −2γ = ΓL e −2γ , (4.19)
thus, Γ( z ) = ΓL e 2γ ( z − ) . (4.20)
The magnitude ratio of the maximum to the minimum voltages along a finite, terminated line
is defined as the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR), i.e.,
| V | 1+ | Γ |
VSWR = S = max = , (4.21)
| Vmin | 1− | Γ |
which measures “degree of mismatch”. S=1 denotes the matched-load condition.
Power Flow Due to losses, the power is a function of the position on the line.
V0+ −αz − jβz V0− αz jβz
Pav ( z ) = Re[V ( z ) I * ( z )] = Re V0 e e
1 1 + −αz − jβz
+ V0− eαz e jβz ) e e − e e (4.22)
2 2 Z0 Z0
Recall that
V0+ −γz
V ( z ) = V0+ e −γz [1 + Γ( z )] (4.15a) I ( z) = e [1 − Γ( z )] (4.15b),
Transmission Lines
V0+ −γz
Pav ( z ) = Re V0 e [1 + Γ( z )] e [1 − Γ( z )]
1 + −γz *
2 Z0
1 + 2 −2αz 1 − Γ( z ) + j 2 Im Γ( z )
= V0 e Re
2 Z 0*
The law of energy conservation requires that the rate of decrease of Pav(z) with distance along
the line equals the time-average power loss PL per unit length. Thus,
∂P ( z )
− av = PL ( z ) = 2αPav ( z ) , (4.24)
from which we obtain the following formula:
P ( z)
α= L (Np/m) (4.25)
2 Pav ( z )
Example 4.1 A certain transmission line operating at ω = 106 rad/s has α = 8 dB/m, β = 1
rad/m, and Z0 = 60 + j40 Ω, and is 2 m long. If the line is connected to a generator of 10∠0
V, Zg = 40 Ω and terminated by a load of 20 + j50 Ω, determine
a) The input impedance
b) The sending end current
c) The power at the sending end and the load
Transmission Lines
V0 1 Re
1+Γ(z) can be illustrated in the complex plane as shown in Fig.
6, which is often referred to as the crank diagram. Fig. 6: The crank diagram
It follows that
V ( z ) = V0+ e − jβz [1 + Γ( z )] = V0+ 1 + Γ( z ) , thus
V ( z ) max = V0+ (1 + Γ( z ) ) (5.7) V ( z ) min = V0+ (1 − Γ( z ) ) (5.8)
Clearly, for a matched load |ΓL|=0 and |V(z)|max=|V(z)|min.
The VSWR then becomes
| V | 1+ | Γ( z ) | 1+ | ΓL |
VSWR = S = max = = . (5.9)
| Vmin | 1− | Γ( z ) | 1− | ΓL |
S −1
Alternatively, Γ( z ) = ΓL = . (5.10)
S +1
Power Flow The average power is given by
− jβz V0
V0− jβz
Pav ( z ) = Re[V ( z ) I * ( z )] = Re V0 e
1 + − jβ z
+ V0 e e − jβ z
− e
2 2 Z0 Z0
* 2
( )
V + e − jβ z 1 V0
= Re V0+ e − jβz (1 + Γ( z ) ) 0 (1 − Γ * ( z ) ) =
1 − ΓL
2 Z0 2 Z0
(5.11) can be found from summing power traveling in +z and –z directions as follows:
1 + − jβz V0 * jβz 1 V0
+ + 2
+ 1 +
[ +
P ( z ) = Re V ( z ) I * ( z ) = Re V0 e
e = (5.12)
2 Z0
2 Z0
Transmission Lines
1 − − jβz V0 * jβz 1 V0
− − − 2 2
1 V0 ΓL
− 1 −
P ( z ) = Re V ( z ) I * ( z ) = Re V0 e e = = (5.13)
2 Z0
2 Z0 2 Z0
( ).
+ − 1 V0
Pav ( z ) = P ( z ) + P ( z ) = 1 − ΓL
av av (5.14)
2 Z0
Note that the power is uniform along the transmission line, i.e., independent of the position
on the line, thus the power delivered to the line is the same as the power delivered to the load.
P P−
Clearly, av ,reflected = av+ = ΓL .
Pav ,incident Pav
Also, the power delivered to the line and to the load can be found from
1 V (0)V * (0) 1 Vi
1 V ()V * () 1 VL
Transmission Lines
Example 5.1 A 10-m section of lossless transmission line having Z0 = 50 Ω and u = 200 m/µs
is driven by a 26-MHz generator having an open-circuit voltage of Vg = 100 V and generator
impedance Zg = 50 Ω. The line terminated in a load impedance of ZL = 100 + j50
Ω. Determine the input impedance to the line and the instantaneous voltage at the input to the
line and the at the load, i.e., V(0, t) and V(l, t).
Example 5.2 A 1-m section of lossless transmission line having C = 200 pF/m and L = 0.5
µH/m is driven by a 30-MHz generator having an open-circuit voltage of Vg = 1 V and
generator impedance Zg = 10 Ω. The line terminated in a load impedance of ZL = 100 + j50
Ω. Determine the load voltage and the average power delivered to the line and to the load.
Transmission Lines
6 Transient Analysis
In this section, the transient behavior of lossless transmission lines will be discussed. Such
practical situations include cases where non-time-harmonic signals are used or where the
conditions are not steady-state. Examples are digital (pulse) signals in computer networks and
sudden surges in power and telephone lines.
Recall that the general transmission line equations previously derived are given for lossless
transmission lines by
∂v( z; t ) ∂i ( z; t ) ∂i ( z; t ) ∂v( z; t )
− =L (6.1a) and − =C (6.1b)
∂z ∂t ∂z ∂t
and the wave equations derived from (6.1a), (6.1b) are
∂ 2v ( z; t ) ∂ 2v( z ) ∂ 2i ( z ; t ) ∂ 2i ( z )
= LC (6.2a) and = LC (6.2b),
∂z 2 ∂t 2 ∂z 2 ∂t 2
The general solutions to (6.2a), (6.2b) are
v( z; t ) = v + (t − z / u ) + v − (t + z / u ) (6.3a) i ( z; t ) = i + (t − z / u ) + i − (t + z / u ) (6.3b)
+ - + -
where +,- signs denote the waves traveling in +z, -z, respectively. v , v , i , i depend on t, z
and u.
Transmission Lines
[ ]
i (0; t ) = v + (t − 0 / u ) − v − (t + 0 / u ) / Z 0 = v + (t − 0 / u )(1 − Γg ) / Z 0 (6.17b)
Since v(0; t ) = Rg i (0; t ) ,
v + (t − 0 / u )(1 + Γg ) = Rg v + (t − 0 / u )(1 − Γg ) / Z 0 or
1 + Γg
Rg = Z 0 . (6.18)
1 − Γg
Transmission Lines
the initial voltage, i.e., v(0;t) in (6.14). It will take the time T 3T
Γg ΓLV1+
for this wave to reach the load end and then the reflection t3
will take place creating a reflected wave, which will reach 2T
the generator end at the time 2T. These processes will t2 ΓLV1+
continue until the steady-state. V1+
If one is interested in finding the voltage at a specific t1 z
location on the line, say z1, first find the time when each 0 z1 l
wave reaches that location, as denoted here by t1, t2 and vice
Fig. 8: A reflection diagram
versa in the figure. These are time instants when the voltage
discontinuities occur. Then the voltage at these instants can be obtained by simply adding all
components together.
Example 6.1 Consider a 400-m section of lossless transmission line having Z0 = 50 Ω and u =
200 m/µs connected to a load ZL = 100 Ω. At t = 0 a 30-V battery with zero generator
resistance is connected to the line. Sketch the distribution of voltage along the line for
several instants of time. Then sketch the voltage at the load to the line, v(l ;t), as a function of
time for 16 µs.
Transmission Lines
Example 6.2 Repeat the previous example where the voltage source is a pulse of 30 V but
duration 1 µs. The generator resistance remains zero.
Transmission Lines
Example 6.3 Consider a 400-m length of coaxial cable with C = 100 pF/m and L = 0.25
µH/m. The cable is terminated in a short circuit and is driven by a pulse source with internal
resistance of 150 Ω. The pulse has a magnitude of 100 V and duration of 6 µs. Sketch the
voltage at the input to the line, v(0;t), as a function of time for 18 µs.
Transmission Lines
V1+ = v(0; t ) = Vg , 0 ≤ t ≤ 2T (6.20).
Z 0 + Rg
travels toward the load. Upon reaching the load at t = l /u = T, a reflected wave V1-(t) is
produced because of mismatch. At z = l , for all t ≥ T,
iL (t ) =
2V1+ −(t −T ) / Z0CL
e [ ]
, t ≥ T (6.27) ; V1− (t ) = 2V1+ 1 / 2 − e − (t −T ) / Z0CL , t ≥ T. (6.28)
Recall that most practical transmission lines are assumed lossless or slightly lossy, where the characteristic
impedance is real.
Transmission Lines
Transmission Lines
Example 7.2: Admittance calculation Let yL denote the normalized load admittance, then yL =
yL − 1 1 / z L − 1 1 − z L z −1
1/zL and = = . Recall that Γ = ΓL = L , it follows that
yL + 1 1 / z L + 1 z L + 1 zL + 1
yL − 1
= −Γ = Γe jπ . Thus, the normalized admittance can be found by rotating the normalized
yL + 1
impedance by 180°.
Use the previous example as an example. yL = 0.26-j0.18, thus YL = 5.2-j3.6 mS. Then by
moving 1.2π toward the generator, one can find that yin = 3.24-j1.48, thus Yin = 64.8-29.6 mS,
which is the reciprocal of 12.7+j5.8 Ω.
Quiz 2 Suppose the input impedance is found to be 25 + j20 Ω and the transmission line has
Z0 = 50 Ω and is 0.3625λ long. Find the load impedance.
Example 7.5: Quarter-wavelength transformer Recall that when l = λ/4, Z in = Z 02 / Z L , and
thus on the Smith chart, it becomes zin = 1/zL or yin = zL. Therefore, the input impedance of
the quarter-wavelength transformer can be found by rotating zL by π. For example, the short
circuit is transformed to the open circuit and vice versa.
The quarter-wavelength transformer has one significant application in matching load
impedance ZL to a transmission line with characteristic impedance Z0. By inserting a quarter-
wavelength transformer with characteristic impedance Z 0 = Z L Z 0 between the transmission
line and the load, the input impedance becomes Zin = Z0, thus the line is now matched.
The Slotted Line A slotted line is a transmission line configuration (usually waveguide or
coax) that allows the sampling of the electric field amplitude of a standing wave on a
terminated line. With the device, the VSWR and the distance of the first voltage minimum
from the load can be measured, and from this data the load impedance can be determined.
Note that the load impedance is generally a complex number, two distinct quantities must be
measured to determine the impedance.
Although the slotted line used to be the principal way to measure an unknown
impedance at microwave frequencies, it has been superseded by the modern vector network
analyzer in terms of accuracy, versatility and convenience. The slotted line is still of some
use in certain applications such as high-millimeter wave frequencies or where it is desired to
avoid connector mismatches by connecting the unknown load directly to the slotted line, thus
avoiding the use of imperfect transitions. Another reason for studying the slotted line is that it
provides an excellent tool for learning basic concepts of standing waves and mismatched
transmission lines.
Assume that, for a certain terminated line, the VSWR on the line and lmin, the distance
from the load to the first voltage minimum on the line, are measured. Recall that |Γ| =
(VSWR - 1)/(VSWR + 1) and a voltage minimum occurs when e j (θ −2 β ) = −1 , where θ is the
phase angle of the reflection coefficient, Γ = Γ e jθ . The phase angle of the reflection
coefficient is then θ = π + 2 β min . Actually, since the voltage minima repeat every λ/2, any
multiple of λ/2 can be added to lmin without changing the reflection coefficient, i.e.,
Transmission Lines
θ = π + 2 β ( min + nλ / 2) . Thus, VSWR and lmin can be used to determine the reflection
coefficient and the load impedance can be determined from the reflection coefficient.