Axcess Wire Feeder
Axcess Wire Feeder
Axcess Wire Feeder
MIG (GMAW) Welding
Pulsed MIG (GMAW-P)
Flux Cored (FCAW) Welding
Wire Feeder
Mil_Thank 2009−09
MILLER Electric Mfg. Co., 1635 Spencer Street, Appleton, WI 54914 U.S.A. declares that the
product(s) identified in this declaration conform to the essential requirements and provisions of
the stated Council Directive(s) and Standard(s).
Product/Apparatus Identification:
Product Stock Number
Council Directives:
2006/95/EC Low Voltage
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility
2011/65/EU Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
IEC 609741:2005 Arc welding equipment – Part 1: Welding power sources
IEC 609745:2007 Arc welding equipment – Part 5: Wire feeders
IEC 6097410:2007 Arc Welding Equipment – Part 10: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
EN 50445:2008 Product family standard to demonstrate compliance of equipment for resistance welding,
arc welding and allied processes with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic
fields (0 Hz – 300Hz)
October 8, 2012
_____________________________________ ___________________________________________
David A. Werba Date of Declaration
som 2013−09
Protect yourself and others from injury — read, follow, and save these important safety precautions and operating instructions.
Welding or cutting equipment produces fumes or gases This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to
which contain chemicals known to the State of California to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other
cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer. (California reproductive harm. Wash hands after use.
Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.)
Pour écarter les risques de blessure pour vous−même et pour autrui — lire, appliquer et ranger en lieu sûr ces consignes relatives
aux précautions de sécurité et au mode opératoire.
DANGER! − Indique une situation dangereuse qui si on . Indique des instructions spécifiques.
l’évite pas peut donner la mort ou des blessures graves.
Les dangers possibles sont montrés par les symboles
joints ou sont expliqués dans le texte.
Indique une situation dangereuse qui si on l’évite pas
peut donner la mort ou des blessures graves. Les dan-
gers possibles sont montrés par les symboles joints ou Ce groupe de symboles veut dire Avertissement! Attention! DANGER
sont expliqués dans le texte. DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE, PIECES EN MOUVEMENT, et PIECES
CHAUDES. Consulter les symboles et les instructions ci-dessous y
NOTE − Indique des déclarations pas en relation avec des blessures
afférant pour les actions nécessaires afin d’éviter le danger.
D À l’intérieur, ventiler la zone et/ou utiliser une ventilation forcée au D Surveiller tout déclenchement d’incendie et tenir un extincteur à
niveau de l’arc pour l’évacuation des fumées et des gaz de proximité.
soudage. Pour déterminer la bonne ventilation, il est recommandé D Le soudage effectué sur un plafond, plancher, paroi ou séparation
de procéder à un prélèvement pour la composition et la quantité peut déclencher un incendie de l’autre côté.
de fumées et de gaz auxquels est exposé le personnel.
D Ne pas effectuer le soudage sur des conteneurs fermés tels que
D Si la ventilation est médiocre, porter un respirateur anti-vapeurs des réservoirs, tambours, ou conduites, à moins qu’ils n’aient été
approuvé. préparés correctement conformément à AWS F4.1 et AWS A6.0
D Lire et comprendre les fiches de données de sécurité et les instruc- (voir les Normes de Sécurité).
tions du fabricant concernant les adhésifs, les revêtements, les D Ne soudez pas si l’air ambiant est chargé de particules, gaz, ou va-
nettoyants, les consommables, les produits de refroidissement, les peurs inflammables (vapeur d’essence, par exemple).
dégraisseurs, les flux et les métaux.
D Brancher le câble de masse sur la pièce le plus près possible de la
D Travailler dans un espace fermé seulement s’il est bien ventilé ou zone de soudage pour éviter le transport du courant sur une
en portant un respirateur à alimentation d’air. Demander toujours à longue distance par des chemins inconnus éventuels en provo-
un surveillant dûment formé de se tenir à proximité. Des fumées et quant des risques d’électrocution, d’étincelles et d’incendie.
des gaz de soudage peuvent déplacer l’air et abaisser le niveau
d’oxygène provoquant des blessures ou des accidents mortels. D Ne pas utiliser le poste de soudage pour dégeler des conduites ge-
S’assurer que l’air de respiration ne présente aucun danger. lées.
D Ne pas souder dans des endroits situés à proximité d’opérations D En cas de non utilisation, enlever la baguette d’électrode du porte-
de dégraissage, de nettoyage ou de pulvérisation. La chaleur et électrode ou couper le fil à la pointe de contact.
les rayons de l’arc peuvent réagir en présence de vapeurs et for- D Porter un équipement de protection pour le corps fait d’un matériau
mer des gaz hautement toxiques et irritants. résistant et ignifuge (cuir, coton robuste, laine). La protection du
D Ne pas souder des métaux munis d’un revêtement, tels que l’acier corps comporte des vêtements sans huile comme par ex. des
galvanisé, plaqué en plomb ou au cadmium à moins que le revête- gants de cuir, une chemise solide, des pantalons sans revers, des
ment n’ait été enlevé dans la zone de soudure, que l’endroit soit chaussures hautes et une casquette.
bien ventilé, et en portant un respirateur à alimentation d’air. Les D Avant de souder, retirer toute substance combustible de vos po-
revêtements et tous les métaux renfermant ces éléments peuvent ches telles qu’un allumeur au butane ou des allumettes.
dégager des fumées toxiques en cas de soudage.
D Une fois le travail achevé, assurez−vous qu’il ne reste aucune
LES RAYONS DE L’ARC peuvent trace d’étincelles incandescentes ni de flammes.
provoquer des brûlures dans les D Utiliser exclusivement des fusibles ou coupe−circuits appropriés.
yeux et sur la peau. Ne pas augmenter leur puissance; ne pas les ponter.
Le rayonnement de l’arc du procédé de soudage D Une fois le travail achevé, assurez−vous qu’il ne reste aucune
génère des rayons visibles et invisibles intense trace d’étincelles incandescentes ni de flammes.
(ultraviolets et infrarouges) susceptibles de provoquer des brûlure D Utiliser exclusivement des fusibles ou coupe−circuits appropriés.
dans les yeux et sur la peau. Des étincelles sont projetées pendant le Ne pas augmenter leur puissance; ne pas les ponter.
D Suivre les recommandations dans OSHA 1910.252(a)(2)(iv) et
D Porter un casque de soudage approuvé muni de verres filtrants NFPA 51B pour les travaux à chaud et avoir de la surveillance et un
approprié pour protéger visage et yeux pour protéger votre visage extincteur à proximité.
et vos yeux pendant le soudage ou pour regarder (voir ANSI Z49.1 D Lire et comprendre les fiches de données de sécurité et les instruc-
et Z87.1 énuméré dans les normes de sécurité).
tions du fabricant concernant les adhésifs, les revêtements, les
D Porter des lunettes de sécurité avec écrans latéraux même sous nettoyants, les consommables, les produits de refroidissement,
votre casque. les dégraisseurs, les flux et les métaux.
OM-220 390 Page 6
SALETES peuvent provoquer des si elles sont endommagées.
blessures dans les yeux. Les bouteilles de gaz comprimé contiennent du gaz
sous haute pression. Si une bouteille est
D Le soudage, l’écaillement, le passage de la endommagée, elle peut exploser. Du fait que les
pièce à la brosse en fil de fer, et le meulage gé- bouteilles de gaz font normalement partie du
nèrent des étincelles et des particules procédé de soudage, les manipuler avec
métalliques volantes. Pendant la période de précaution.
refroidissement des soudures, elles risquent D Protéger les bouteilles de gaz comprimé d’une chaleur excessi-
de projeter du laitier. ve, des chocs mécaniques, des dommages physiques, du lai-
D Porter des lunettes de sécurité avec écrans latéraux ou un écran tier, des flammes ouvertes, des étincelles et des arcs.
facial. D Placer les bouteilles debout en les fixant dans un support sta-
tionnaire ou dans un porte-bouteilles pour les empêcher de tom-
ber ou de se renverser.
LES ACCUMULATIONS DE GAZ D Tenir les bouteilles éloignées des circuits de soudage ou autres
risquent de provoquer des blessures circuits électriques.
ou même la mort. D Ne jamais placer une torche de soudage sur une bouteille à gaz.
D Fermer l’alimentation du gaz comprimé en cas D Une électrode de soudage ne doit jamais entrer en contact avec
de non utilisation. une bouteille.
D Veiller toujours à bien aérer les espaces confi- D Ne jamais souder une bouteille pressurisée − risque d’explosion.
nés ou se servir d’un respirateur d’adduction
d’air homologué. D Utiliser seulement des bouteilles de gaz comprimé, régulateurs,
tuyaux et raccords convenables pour cette application
Les CHAMPS ÉLECTROMAGNÉTIQUES spécifique; les maintenir ainsi que les éléments associés en bon
(CEM) peuvent affecter les implants mé-
D Tourner le dos à la sortie de vanne lors de l’ouverture de la vanne
dicaux. de la bouteille. Ne pas se tenir devant ou derrière le régulateur
lors de l’ouverture de la vanne.
D Les porteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques et
autres implants médicaux doivent rester à D Le couvercle du détendeur doit toujours être en place, sauf lors-
distance. que la bouteille est utilisée ou qu’elle est reliée pour usage ulté-
D Les porteurs d’implants médicaux doivent consulter leur
D Utiliser les équipements corrects, les bonnes procédures et suf-
médecin et le fabricant du dispositif avant de s’approcher de la
fisamment de personnes pour soulever et déplacer les bouteil-
zone où se déroule du soudage à l’arc, du soudage par points, du les.
gougeage, de la découpe plasma ou une opération de chauffage
par induction. D Lire et suivre les instructions sur les bouteilles de gaz comprimé,
l’équipement connexe et le dépliant P-1 de la CGA (Compressed
Gas Association) mentionné dans les principales normes de sé-
LE BRUIT peut endommager l’ouïe. curité.
Les équipements de soudage et de coupage produisent des Ce produit contient des produits chimiques, notamment du
fumées et des gaz qui contiennent des produits chimiques plomb, dont l’État de Californie reconnaît qu’ils provoquent
dont l’État de Californie reconnaît qu’ils provoquent des mal- des cancers, des malformations congénitales ou d’autres
formations congénitales et, dans certains cas, des cancers. problèmes de procréation. Se laver les mains après
(Code de santé et de sécurité de Californie, chapitre 25249.5 utilisation.
et suivants)
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Safe1 2012−05
Wear dry insulating gloves. Do not touch electrode with bare hand. Do not wear wet or damaged gloves.
Safe2 2012−05
Protect yourself from electric shock by insulating yourself from work and ground.
Safe3 2012−05
Safe5 2012−05
Safe6 2012−05
Safe8 2012−05
Safe10 2012−05
Safe12 2012−05
Welding sparks can cause fires. Have a fire extinguisher nearby, and have a watchperson ready to use it.
Safe14 2012−05
Safe16 2012−05
Safe20 2012−05
Safe30 2012−05
Safe32 2012−05
Welding wire and drive parts are at welding voltage during operation − keep hands and metal objects away.
Safe33 2012−05
Wear hat and safety glasses. Use ear protection and button shirt
collar. Use welding helmet with correct shade of filter. Wear complete
body protection.
Safe38 2012−05
Safe40 2012−05
A Amperes V Volts
Direct Current
Read Instructions
U1 Primary Voltage
U2 Conventional Load
Wire Type Gas Type Time
40 Volts DC Axcess Series Standard: 1.0 To 0.8 To 3.2mm 100 Volts, Length: 686mm 20.9 kg
10 Amperes 35.6 mpm (40 To (.030 To 1/8 in.) 300 Amperes, (27 in.) (46 lb)
1400 ipm) Max Spool 100% Duty Cycle Width: 318mm
Capacity: 457mm (12-1/2 in.)
(18 in.)
Max Spool Weight: Height: 368mm
27 kg (14-1/2 in.)
(60 lb)
! This equipment shall not be used by the general public as the EMF limits for the general public might be exceeded during welding.
This equipment is built in accordance with EN 60974−1 and is intended to be used only in an occupational environment (where the general public
access is prohibited or regulated in such a way as to be similar to occupational use) by an expert or an instructed person.
Wire feeders and ancillary equipment (such as torches, liquid cooling systems and arc striking and stabilizing devices) as part of the welding
circuit may not be a major contributor to the EMF. See the Owner’s Manuals for all components of the welding circuit for additional EMF exposure
S At a distance of 1 meter the EMF exposure values were less than 20% of the permissible values.
ce-emf 1 2010-10
! This Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low−
voltage supply system. There can be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to con-
ducted as well as radiated disturbances. ce-emc 3 2011-09
Location ! Special installation may be required where gasoline or volatile ! Do not stack units. Beware of
liquids are present − see NEC Article 511 or CEC Section 20. tipping.
3 1 Lifting Forks
Use lifting forks to move unit.
Extend forks beyond opposite side
of unit.
2 Hand Cart
Use cart or similar device to move
460 mm unit.
(18 in.)
3 Line Disconnect Device
Locate unit near correct input
power supply.
460 mm
(18 in.)
loc_2 3/96 - Ref. 803 502-B
Tools Needed:
5 9/16, 5/8 in.
3/16 in.
A Capacitor C1 to ground
B Shield
C Volt sense
D Can low
E Can high
A F +24 volts DC common
G + 24 volts dc
H Motor voltage +40 volts DC common
Install wire spool. Adjust tension nut so Install wire guides and
wire is taut when wire feed stops. anti-wear guide.
Pressure Scale
Rear Pressure
Rolls Adjust
End Of Liner
. Be sure that outlet cable has proper size . For soft wire or small diameter stainless . To adjust drive roll pressure, hold nozzle
liner for the welding wire size. When steel wire, reduce drive roll pressure on about 2 in. (51 mm) from nonconductive
installing gun, position liner the rear roll to half that of the front rolls. surface and press gun trigger to feed wire
extending from outlet wire guide as against surface. Tighten knob so wire
close as possible to drive rolls without does not slip. Do not overtighten. If
touching. contact tip is completely blocked, wire
should slip at the feeder (see pressure
adjustment above).Cut wire off. Close
Install gun. Lay gun cable out straight. Cut off
end of wire. Push wire through guides up to
drive rolls; continue to hold wire. Press Jog
button to feed wire out gun.
Ref. 156 929-A / Ref. 150 922 / Ref. 156 930 / 802 954 / S-0627-A
V t 2
Net Wait
219 711-A
1 DSS-9M 1
2 2
A 3
B 4
The following is a list of terms and their definitions as they apply to the interface unit in the wire feeder:
General Terms:
AccuCurve CV Pulse process using a pulse waveform with modified curves at particular locations within the wa-
veform. Has a distinguished change in arc characteristics. Front panel display is ACCU − CURV.
Accu-pulse Pulse process utilizing constant current ramps with constant voltage control of peaks and
backgrounds. Adaptive response is controlled by peak and minimum current levels. Benefits are
shorter arc lengths, better puddle control, more tolerant of tip-to-work variation, less audible noise, no
arc wandering, allows weld to fill in at toes increasing travel speed and deposition, and more tolerant
to poor fit up and gaps.
Accuspeed (Optional) CV Pulse process designed for high travel speeds. Typically used in Robotic applications. Arc is de-
signed to be tight and fast. Front panel display is ACCU − SPED.
Adjust Control knob used to change or set parameters and functions.
Amps Indicates average amperage while welding and 3 seconds hold value at end of weld.
Arc Adjust Term used to represent arc length adjustments in pulse programs. Increasing Arc Adjust increases
the actual arc length. Likewise, decreasing arc adjust shortens arc length. Arc Adjust is replaced by
volts in MIG programs.
Arc Control Allows setting of inductance in MIG mode. In pulse and Accu-pulse mode, this adjustment changes
the arc cone by adjusting the preprogrammed factory pulse data. In RMD (optional), this control will
affect the in much the same way as inductance.
Arc Length Distance from end of wire electrode to workpiece.
Auto Thread Method of jogging wire without holding jog or trigger switch. Pressing Jog and Retract simultaneously
will automatically feed wire. Default setting is 192 at a feed rate of 700 ipm (these values can be
changed using a PDA with File Management/WaveWriter software). Pressing jog, purge, or trigger
switch will terminate the auto-threading feature.
Crater Allows setting of voltage/arc adjust, wire feed rate, and time value for arc ends.
DS (Dual Schedule) Dual Schedule allows selecting a pair of programs that can be used together.
Feeder Set Up Allow selection of Sequence and trigger functions.
Gas Type Selection of shielding gas being used in application.
Inductance In short circuit GMAW welding, an increase in inductance will decrease the number of short circuit
transfers per second (provided no other changes are made) and increase the arc-on time. The
increased arc-on time makes the welding puddle more fluid.
MIG CV weld process with individual settings of voltage and wire speed.
Postflow Setting a time value for gas flow after arc end.
Preflow Setting a time value for gas flow prior to arc start.
Process A selection made for MIG, Pulse, Accu-pulse, and RMD (optional).
Process Set Up Selection procedure for entering program.
Program Eight active slots for selection of various processes, wire type, and parameters.
Program Load Enters selected program information into program slot.
Pulse Conventional pulse program using peak, background, pulse width, frequency, and peak voltage as
factory taught data. Adaptive method is controlled by frequency adjustment.
RMD (optional) RMD refers to Regulated Metal Deposition. A precisely controlled short-circuit transfer. Benefits of
RMD are well suited to thin materials, improves gap filling and spatter reduction. Provides less heat
input into workpiece, minimizes distortion and allows use of larger diameter wire on thin gauge
Sequence Selecting Sequence will allow setting of preflow, start, crater, and postflow times and parameters.
Start Provides voltage/arc adjust, wire feed rate, and time value for modified arc starts (which is only
adjustable with the optional PDA with File Management/WaveWriter software).
TDS (Trigger Dual Schedule) TDS allows the operator to select between a pair of weld programs by using the gun trigger. In TDS
mode, momentarily pressing the gun trigger allows the operator to cycle between a pair of preselected
weld programs.
TH (Trigger Hold) Trigger Hold allows the operator to feed wire without continuously pressing the gun trigger. In trigger
hold mode, momentarily press gun trigger, and wire will feed until gun trigger is momentarily pressed
803 504-B
Section 6-5
Section 6-4
V t Section 6-6
219 711-A
1 Upper Display illuminates to indicate that information Adjust knob. The preset values will be
displayed can be changed by the Adjust knob. displayed while the knob is being rotated
The upper display at idle (not welding) shows
preset volts with process selection MIG or Arc 4 Volts LED and return to displaying actual values
Adjust for all other processes. When welding, when adjustment is completed.
Indicates a voltage value is being displayed,
the display shows actual voltage. The display preset voltage in MIG when not welding and To activate Carbon Arc Cutting (CAC), press
will show actual voltage for approximately 3 actual voltage while welding. and hold the upper display push button in on
seconds after welding stops before returning power up. CAC will appear on the upper
to preset value. 5 Arc Adjust LED display and NO will appear on the lower
Indicates that displayed value is an arc length display. Rotate adjust knob to YES on the
2 Upper Display Push Button lower display, and press the flashing Feeder
value when the process is Pulse, Accu-pulse,
Press the button to illuminate the LED and or RMD (optional). Set up push button . CYCL will appear on the
allow changing information in the display. upper display and PWR will appear on the
3 Upper Display Push Button LED
. At any time while welding, the display lower display. Turn welding power source off
allows adjustment of the weld voltage or and back on again to enable the Carbon Arc
The upper display push button LED arc adjust preset values by turning the Cutting process selection.
3 4
1 Lower Display 4 Arc Ctl (Arc Control) LED During a welding program operation, it is
LED illuminates to indicate that inductance possible to change WFS (wire feed speed) by
The lower display shows WFS (wire feed (MIG) or ARC [Pulse, Accu-pulse, or RMD using the Adjust knob regardless of the active
speed), AMPS (amperage), ARC CTL (arc (optional)] is being displayed and can be program sequence that appears on the dis-
control), or Time. The feeder displays only adjusted using the Adjust knob. play.
preset wire speed at idle (not welding). While
5 Time LED When the Arc Ctl LED is illuminated, it is
welding, the average amperage is displayed.
The lower display shows welding sequence LED illuminates to indicate that a time value is possible to change values while welding by
time when the Time LED is illuminated. being displayed for a sequence function and using the Adjust knob. To return to actual
can be adjusted using the Adjust knob. values on the display, exit the Arc Ctl display.
2 WFS (Wire Feed Speed) LED 6 Lower Display Push Button
7 Lower Display Push Button LED
. The lower display push button has
LED illuminates to indicate the preset wire feed additional functions when entering the
Pressing the button illuminates the LED and sequence and trigger control functions
value is being displayed and can be adjusted
selects either WFS or Arc Ctl value for (see Section 6-7).
using the Adjust knob.
changing using the Adjust knob.
3 Amps LED To select Arc Ctl, press and hold lower display
button for 2 seconds. The top display will show
LED illuminates to indicate the average either INDU for a MIG program or ARC for
amperage is being displayed while welding Pulse, Accu-pulse, or RMD (optional). To exit
and for 3 seconds after welding is terminated. Arc Ctl or INDU, either press the upper display
The amperage must be above a minimum push button or press and hold the lower display
value of 25 amps for this function to operate. push button for 2 seconds.
Start Crater
4 Time Time
Time Postflow
1 Time
5 Sequence Diagram
Feeder Setup
1 Feeder Set Up Push Button LED pushing the Lower Display push button a off. Not all trigger control methods are
2 Feeder Set Up Push Button second time, while STRT or CRTR appear compatible with each other, therefore,
in the upper display, allows entering voltage turning on certain trigger selections will
Press button to choose Sequence. Feeder
(MIG) or Arc Adjust [Pulse, Accu-pulse, or cause other trigger selections to turn off.
Set Up push-button LED will illuminate.
RMD (optional)]. Use the Adjust knob to Press the lower display push button to
3 Sequence LED change the values indicated by the flashing illuminate the push-button LED and enable
When the Feeder Set Up button is pressed LED for either Volts or Arc Adjust. Pressing the use of the Adjust knob to allow turning
once, the Sequence LED will illuminate and the Lower Display push button a third time selected trigger control methods on or off. If
the upper display will show sequence will activate the WFS setting for either STRT trigger hold is set to on, the Trigger Hold
options. Use the Adjust knob to select PRE or CRTR and the WFS LED will begin LED will illuminate.
(preflow), STRT (start), CRTR (crater), or flashing. Use the Adjust knob to change the
POST (postflow). WFS value. . Trigger Hold is automatically set to On
Press the lower display push button and the Pressing the Feeder Set Up button two with the 4T trigger selection. This is part
Lower Display push-button LED will more times will exit the Sequence menu and of the 4T function.
illuminate as well as the lower display. The return the system to standby mode. Press the Feeder Set Up button a third time
Time LED will automatically begin flashing 4 Trigger Control LED to cycle back to standby mode.
indicating that a time value can be entered Press the Feeder Set Up button twice and 5 Lock LED
by turning the Adjust knob. By entering a the Trigger Control LED will illuminate, and The lock LED is illuminated when one or more
time value the sequence state will become the upper display will show the different programs have been locked using an optional
active. To turn off a sequence state, change trigger control selections. Use the Adjust PDA with File Management/WaveWriter
the time value to OFF. To step back for knob to cycle through the trigger control software. This indicates that some programs
selecting another sequence option, press methods as follows: DS, TH, TDS, TPS, and have been disabled. A disabled program will
the Upper Display push button. 4T (see Section 6-1 for definitions). The not show up for selection.
The Sequence option STRT and CRTR will lower display will show the current state of Refer to the File Management/WaveWriter
have additional parameter settings. By each trigger control method as being on or Owner’s Manual for additional information.
Process Setup
Press the Process Set Up push button the Pressing the Process Set Up push button a If a custom program is loaded using an
first time will illuminate the button LED and fourth time will keep Wire Type LED lit and optional PDA with File Management
the Process LED. The upper and lower the upper display will show wire size. The software, the Program Display will have a
displays will be used for Accu-pulse and upper display push button will be flashing “C” in front of the program number. This
only the lower display for MIG, Pulse and indicating that turning the Adjust knob will indicates that the program is not a factory
RMD (optional) to show the current process select wire sizes available for that particular default program and has been modified. By
installed in this program. To change process and wire type. selecting or changing any process variable
process, turn the adjust knob. Pressing the Process Set Up push button a and performing a program load will restore
fifth time will illuminate the Gas Type LED the program back to the factory default
Pressing the Process Set Up push button a
and the lower display will show GAS and the program.
second time will illuminate the Wire Type
upper display will show gas selection (see
LED and the lower display will show wire
Table 6-1 for gas abbreviations). To make a
types available for selected processes (see Pressing and holding the Process Set Up
gas type selection, turn the Adjust knob.
Table 6-1 for wire abbreviation). To make a push button in on power up allows viewing
selection, turn the Adjust knob. If any of the Process, wire type, alloy type,
wire size, or gas type was changed, then the software revisions of each circuit board
Pressing the Process Set Up push button a pressing the Process Set Up push button a in the system. The top display shows the
third time will keep Wire Type LED lit and the sixth time will show PROG in the upper board (PCM, UIM, WFCM, and AIM
upper display will show wire alloy type (see display and LOAD in the lower display. The (automated units only) and the lower display
Table 6-1 for alloy types). The upper display new program would be loaded for that shows the last 3 digits of the circuit board
push-button LED will be flashing indicating particular program in slot 1 thru 8. If no part number plus a letter designator. Press
that turning the Adjust knob will change the changes were made to any setup items, no the flashing Feeder Set Up push button to
alloy type for the selected process and wire program will be loaded, and unit will return exit the screen displays and continue the
type. to standby mode. power up process.
Wire Description Wire Abbreviation Alloy Type Gas Type Gas Abbreviation
Steel STL E70, E100, E120 100% CO2, CO2
90% Argon/10% CO2, C10
85% Argon/15% CO2, C15
75% Argon/25% CO2, C25
95% Argon/5% CO2, C5
95% Argon /5% O2, OX5
98% Argon/2% O2 OX2
Stainless Steel SS 308, 309, 312, 316 98% Argon, 2% O2 OX2
(81Ar/18HE/1CO2 Tri Gas
90HE/7-1/2Ar/2-1/2CO2 Tri Gas
Cored Tubular Wire MCOR 71, 76, 86R, 409, 439 90% Argon/10% CO2 C10
98% Argon/2% O2 OX2
Aluminum ALUM 4XXX, 5XXX 100% Argon ARGN
* Not all wire types may be available with your unit.
803 505-A
The Jog/Purge switch provides the following display. After 3 seconds the weld output Pressing right side of the Jog/Purge switch
functions: turns off and the wire will feed at 50 ipm for allows the operator to purge gas lines before
the next 3 seconds and then ramps up to welding and to preset gas pressure at the
Pressing left side of the Jog/Purge switch 700 ipm until trigger is released or 30 regulator.
allows the operator to feed wire without seconds elapses. If the gun trigger is still
energizing the weld power or gas valve activated after 30 seconds, the jog
circuit. The wire will feed at a 50 ipm rate for This unit is equipped with Auto Thread
operation is terminated to prevent complete
3 seconds, then the rate ramps up to 700 unspooling of the wire and an “ERR STRT” capability. By rocking the switch from purge
ipm until the Jog switch is released. message is displayed on the upper and to jog within 0.5 seconds will automatically
lower displays. Releasing and pressing the feed wire for a factory default setting of 192
The unit also provides the ability to jog the trigger again will clear the error. in (4877 mm) of wire before stopping. The
wire feeder by means of the gun trigger. default feed rate is 700 ipm. These settings
When the gun trigger is pressed without . If Start Error is enabled using an optional can be changed using an optional PDA with
starting an arc, the wire will feed at run-in PDA with File Management software, an File Management software. Pressing the
speed for the first 3 seconds. During this “ERR STRT” will occur after the first 3 Jog/Purge switch or gun trigger during Auto
time OCV (open circuit voltage) will be seconds of run in and jogging from the Threading will terminate the automatic feed
present as indicated on feeder upper trigger is not possible. operation.
Enter reset mode by turning power On and pressing the Program Push Button until the RST
NO message is displayed. RST NO message will not display until after the power-up
sequence is completed (approximately 20 seconds).
Setup Adjust Arc Control Setup Adjust Arc Control Setup Adjust Arc Control
Rotate Adjust knob to change NO Press the Arc Control button to Cycl Pwr message appears on the display
to YES. confirm the reset. when programs complete loading.
The reset message is displayed for Turn power off, wait 10 seconds, and turn
2 seconds while factory program power back on again to complete the reset
settings are being reloaded. operation.
During the reset mode the following
factory default programs are loaded
. After Reset is complete, be sure to load
appropriate programs that contain the
into the unit:
correct wire size, process, and shielding gas
for the welding operation
Program 1 Pulse
0.9 Mild Steel
90% Argon, 10% CO2
Program 2 MIG
0.9 Mild Steel
75% Argon, 25% CO2
Program 3 Accu-pulse
0.9 Mild Steel
90% Argon, 10% O2
Program 4 Pulse
1.1 Mild Steel
90% Argon, 10% CO2
Program 5 MIG
1.1 Mild Steel
75% Argon, 25% CO2
Program 6 Accu-pulse
1.1 Mild Steel
90% Argon, 10% O2
Program 7 Pulse
1.3 Mild Steel
90% Argon, 10% CO2
Program 8 MIG
1.3 Mild Steel
75% Argon, 25% CO2
198 993 / 803 504-B
10.0-44.0/ 1.0−35.5
3. Start Off-5.0
0-99 (40-1400)
10.0-44.0/ 1.0−35.5
4. Crater Off-5.0
0-99 (40-1400)
Preflow Time
Time Time
Every l Unreadable Labels ~ Weld Terminals l Damaged Gas Hose nl Weld Cables
Display Example
. The following error codes may appear on the upper and lower displays of the User Interface Module to indicate specific errors. Explanations of
the error codes are provided in the sections referenced.
Ground Current
ERR GND Section 8-2. D
Detect Error
Thermal Over
ERR TEMP Section 8-2. I
In an E-Stop situation (relays open), all four relays on the E-Stop board de-energize and cut power to the control boards.
When relay CR1 on E-Stop board PC12 is de-energized, it drops out the 18 volts AC from transformer T1 that powers the
E inverter control board(s).
When relay CR2 on E-Stop board PC12 is de-energized, it breaks the contactor signal being sent to the inverter engine
STOP board(s) from the process control module PC4 (J2-9 to RC2-3) and causes a loss of signal to the AIM board (RC2-1 and
RC2-2) and to micro input (RC5-3 and RC5-4), signaling an E-Stop is active.
When relay CR3 on E-Stop board PC12 is de-energized, it breaks the secondary side output of the motor board before it
goes to the filter board.
Relay CR4 on E-Stop board PC12 is a soft start relay in parallel with the contacts of relay CR1.
B. Arc Error
ERR Indicates voltage has exceeded the programmable limit of a valid arc for the programmed amount of time (default time is
500 ms). Check contact tip, weld conditions, and shielding gas.
Arc error can be enabled or disabled using an optional PDA with File Management/WaveWriter software.
Indicates no coolant flow in water flow switch option. The error may be reset by reestablishing coolant flow to the gun, and
then pressing the Jog/Purge button.
Indicates that weld current is flowing through the primary ground. This is a latching error and welding power source power
must be cycled off and back on again.
E. Line Error
Indicates that primary power has dropped below the operating point of the welding power source. Signal is sent from in-
verter engine module(s) (RC6, Pin 9 on inverter control board PC1) to process control module PC4 (J2, Pin 1). Check for a
ERR brown-out condition. The primary boost capacitors have dropped below an acceptable minimum voltage threshold.
This circuit monitors the 940 volts primary DC bus voltage across the electrolytic capacitors C1 and C2. Low line is dis-
played when this voltage drops below 858 volts DC. This could happen when attempting to draw near rated output power
LINE with an input voltage below 190 volts AC, three phase. This causes the boost section to go into current limit trying to sup-
ply the output power. Once current limit is reached, the boost section can no longer hold the bus capacitors at 940 volts
DC. The inverter control will also go into an output current limit mode in an attempt to supply output power.
Indicates that the motor has been drawing too much current for too long a time period. To remedy this fault, reduce the wire
feed speed or the wire feeder torque load/duty cycle. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
ERR Indicates the contactor either is or was active, but the system failed to start an arc. Conditions for a valid arc start are at
least 50% of arc start current, voltage less than 60 volts, and voltage greater than min. valid arc voltage (default is 22.5
volts). This situation is usually attributed to a contact tip or feeder issue. The arc start error parameter can be disabled
STRT using an optional PDA with File Management/Wave Writer software.
H. No Tach Error
Indicates loss of tachometer feedback. Determine cause of error as follows:
S Press JOG button on the front panel.
S Does the motor run wide open immediately?
S YES Replace Motor Board PC6.
ERR S Does the motor ramp up in speed?
S YES Bad motor tach. Contact nearest Factory Authorized Service Agent.
TACH S Does the motor respond at all?
S YES Contact nearest Factory Authorized Service Agent.
S Check motor cable. Is it damaged?
S YES Replace motor cable.
S NO Contact factory service personnel.
J. Unknown Error
Indicates error bit from process control module PC4 is set, but error value sent does not match anything defined with the
UIM board PC7.
REL Indicates a timed weld has expired, but the trigger is still active. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
This error occurs after a timed weld expires and the trigger is not released. A PDA with File Management/WaveWriter
software can be used to set up timed welds. This is strictly an informational−type error.
Indicates actual wire feed speed does not match wire feed speed command. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
Q. Flow Error
Indicates no gas flow to the gun. The error may be reset by reestablishing gas flow to the gun, and then pressing the Jog/
Purge button.
R. Stop Error
Indicates obstructions in the wire feed system or a faulty wire drive system. Check wire feed and wire drive systems.
Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
Indicates the welding wire is stuck to the workpiece at the end of a weld. May be caused by poor weld conditions. The
error may be cleared by cutting wire from workpiece, and pressing the Jog/Purge button.
Indicates unit was not ready for a weld sequence. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
Indicates user interface board lost data communications. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error. If condition persists, con-
tact nearest Factory Authorized Service gent.
Indicates actual wire feed speed is lower than wire feed speed command. Check for obstructions in the wire feed system
or a faulty wire drive system. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
Indicates robot lost memory data. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
Indicates the data bus on the PCM board is not functioning properly. Press Jog/Purge button to clear error.
Indicates the RMD demo is completed. Pressing Jog/Purge button will change the screen to CYCL PWR on the display.
Turn unit power off and back on again.
Indicates no gas flow to the gun. The error may be reset by re-establishing gas flow to the gun, and then pressing the Jog/
Purge button.
The robot I/O module has lost communication with the welding power source. Contact factory service department for
Indicates that the UIM board PC7 is no longer communicating with the PCM board PC4 by DeviceNet.
Request to cycle power from the welding power source. Turn unit power off and back on again.
— — Indicates no error message on the displays. PCM board PC4 DeviceNet has gone offline. Turn welding power
source off and back on again to clear the communication error.
— — Indicates no error message on the displays. RIO DeviceNet is losing packets of data. Turn welding power source off
and back on again to clear the communication error.
— — Indicates no error message on the displays. WFM board PC6 DeviceNet is losing packets of data. Turn welding
power source off and back on again to clear the communication error.
— — Indicates no error message on the displays. UIM board PC7 DeviceNet is losing packets of data. Turn welding pow-
er source off and back on again to clear the communication error.
8-3. Troubleshooting
Trouble Remedy
Wire feeds, shielding gas flows, but Check and secure weld cable connections (see Section 5-2).
electrode wire is not energized.
Electrode wire feeding stops or feeds Check gun trigger connection. See gun Owner’s Manual.
erratically during welding.
Check gun trigger. See gun Owner’s Manual.
Readjust hub tension and drive roll pressure (see Section 5-5).
Have Factory Authorized Service Agency check drive motor or motor control board PC1.
Wire feeder power is on, displays light Check welding gun trigger leads for continuity, and repair leads or replace gun.
up, but unit is inoperative.
4 − Fig 10-3 17
22 − Fig
803 506-C
22 16
803 507-F
25 24
29 6
32 5
28 27 4
802 950−D
.023/.025 in. (0.6 mm) 151024
.030 in. (0.8 mm) 151025
.035 in. (0.9 mm) 151026 151052 243233
.040 in. (1.0 mm) 161190
.045 in. (1.1/1.2 mm) 151027 151037* 151053 151070 243234*
.052 in. (1.3/1.4 mm) 151028 151038 151054 151071
1/16 in. (1.6 mm) 151029 151039 151055 151072 243235
.068/.072 in. (1.8 mm) 151056
5/64 in. (2.0 mm) 151040 151057 151073
3/32 in. (2.4 mm) 151041 151058 151074
7/64 in. (2.8 mm) 151042 151059 151075
1/8 in. (3.2 mm) 151043** 151060** 151076**
Table 10-1. Drive Roll And Wire Guide Kits
State Zip
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For assistance in filing or settling claims, contact
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Transportation Department.
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