Basics of Semiconductors

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Classification of materials based On

Energy Band Metals, Insulators, Semiconductors

Metals: They have free electrons and partially filled valence bands, therefore they are highly
 Insulators: They have filled valence bands and empty conduction bands, separated by a large
band gap E g(typically >4eV), they have high resistivity.
Semiconductors: They have similar band structure as insulators but with a much smaller band
gap. Some electrons can jump to the empty conduction band by thermal or optical excitation.
Eg=1.1 eV for Si, 0.67 eV for Ge and 1.43 eV for GaAs
Difference between energy bands of (a) metals, (b) insulators and (c) semiconductors.

Semiconductors are materials whose electrical properties lie between Conductors and Insulators.
e.g. : Silicon and Germanium
Types of Semiconductor

Intrinsic Semiconductor Extrinsic Semiconductor

Semiconductors that are free of doping Semiconductors formed after adding impurities
impurities are called intrinsic semiconductors. are called extrinsic semiconductors.
Doping is a process of adding a certain amount of specific impurities called dopants to a pure semiconductor to increase its
electricity conductivity.

Intrinsic Semiconductor
• Semiconductor in pure form is known as Intrinsic
•Eg. Pure Germanium, Pure Silicon, Pure Gallilium,
pure Arsenic .
• At room temp. no of electrons* equal to no. of holes*.
*Holes and electrons are the two types of charge carriers responsible for current
in semiconductor materials.
Energy band gap in case of intrinsic semiconductor
Extrinsic Semiconductors are further classified as:
a. n-type Semiconductors.
b. p-type Semiconductors. Antimony impurity in n type

n - type Semiconductor
When we add a pentavalent impurity to pure semiconductor we get n-
type semiconductor.

• Antimony atom has 5 valence electrons.

•Fifth electron is superfluous, becomes free electron and enters into
conduction band.
•Therefore pentavalent impurity donates one electron and becomes
positive donor ion. Pentavalent impurity known as donor.
Boron impurity in p type
p - type Semiconductor material.

When we add a Trivalent impurity to pure semiconductor we get p-

type semiconductor.
• Boron atom has 3 valence electrons.
• It makes covalent bonds with adjacent three electrons of silicon atom.
• There is a deficiency of one covalent bond and creates a hole.
•Therefore trivalent impurity accepts one electron and becomes
negative acceptor ion. Trivalent impurity known as acceptor.
p - type Semiconductor and n - type Semiconductor

Comparison between n - type Semiconductor and p - type Semiconductor

Conduction in Semiconductors
Conduction is carried out by means of:

1.Drift process
2.Diffusion process

• Drift process
• Electrons move from external circuit and
in conduction band of a semiconductor.
Diffusion processmove in valence band of a
•Moving of electrons from higher concentration
gradient to lower concentration gradient is known as
diffusion process.
What are P-type and N-type ?

• Semiconductors are classified in to P-type and N-type semiconductor

•P-type: A P-type material is one in which holes are majority carriers i.e. they are positively
charged materials (++++)
• N-type: A N-type material is one in which electrons are majority charge carriers i.e. they are
negatively charged materials
What is the p-n junction?
• A p-n junction is formed when a n-type and p-type semiconductors are joined together.
• The boundary between the p-type and n-type regions is called the junction.
•At the p-n junction, electrons from the n-side move to the p-side and recombine with the
• Holes from the p-side similarly move into the n- side, where they recombine with electrons.
•As a result of this flow, the n-side has a net positive charge, and the p-side has a net negative
Depletion layer

•The region around the junction is left with neither holes nor free
•This neutral region which has no charge carriers is called the
depletion layer.
• This layer which has no charge carrier is a poor conductor of
Forward Bias and Reverse Bias
□ Forward Bias: Connect positive of the Diode to positive of supply…negative of Diode to
negative of supply
□Reverse Bias: Connect positive of the Diode to negative of supply…negative of diode to
positive of supply.

Electronic devices created by bringing together a p-type and n-type region within the
same semiconductor lattice. Used for rectifiers, LED etc

Characteristics of Diode
 Diode always conducts in one direction.
 Diodes always conduct current when “Forward Biased” ( Zero resistance)
 Diodes do not conduct when Reverse Biased (Infinite resistance)

 Electronic devices created by bringing together a p-type and n-type region within same
semiconductor lattice.
 Diodes are used for rectifiers and LEDs
I-V characteristics of Ideal diode

When Ideal Diode is forward biased it acts like a perfect conductor,

with zero voltage across it. Similarly, when the diode is reversed
biased, it acts as a perfect insulator with zero current through it.
I-V Characteristics of Practical Diode
•When the diode is forward biased, a forward current passes
through the diode and operates in the top right quadrant of its I-V
characteristics curves.
•When the forward voltage exceeds the diodes P-N junctions
internal barrier voltage, which for silicon is about 0.7 volts,
avalanche occurs and the forward current increases rapidly for a
very small increase in voltage producing a non-linear curve. The
“knee” point on the forward curve.
•Likewise, when the diode is reversed biased, cathode positive
with respect to the anode, the diode blocks current except for an
extremely small leakage current, and operates in the lower left
quadrant of its I-V characteristic curves.
•The diode continues to block current flow through it until the
reverse voltage across the diode becomes greater than its
breakdown voltage point resulting in a sudden increase in reverse
current producing a fairly straight line downward curve as the
voltage losses control.
• This reverse breakdown voltage point is used to good effect with zener diodes.
Varactor diode
Varactor diode is a special type of PN junction diode, in which PN junction capacitance is
controlled using reverse bias voltage. When the diode is forward biased, current will flow
through the diode. When the diode is reverse biased, charges in the P and N semiconductors
are drawn away from the PN junction interface and hence forms the high resistance depletion

Schematic Symbol

OTHER NAMES : ● Variable capacitance (Varicap) diode ● Voltage –

Variable Capacitor (VCC) diode ● Tuning diode
●Variable reactance diode
Basic Operation

●Operates in reverse bias and this gives rise to three regions. At either end of the diode are the
P and N regions. However around the junction is the depletion region where no current carriers
are available. As a result, current can be carried in the P and N regions, but the depletion region
is an insulator.
●Same as capacitor construction. It has conductive plates separated by an insulating dielectric.
●The capacitance of a capacitor is dependent on a number of factors including the plate area,
the dielectric constant of the insulator between the plates and the distance between the two
plates. In the case of the varactor diode, it is possible to increase and decrease the width of the
depletion region by changing the level of the reverse bias. This has the effect of changing the
distance between the plates of the capacitor.
Dr. Meenakshi Rana
Deptt- Physics

Varactor diodes are manufactured with

gallium arsenide. GaAs has a higher
operating frequency (up to nearly 1000

●Variable reactor in microwave circuits. ● It is used in variable resonant tank LC circuit.

Here C part is varied using varactor diode. ● AFC (Automatic Frequency Control)
where in varactor diode is used to set LO signal. ● Varactor is used as frequency
modulator in Radios and Television sets. ● It is used as frequency multiplier in
microwave receiver LO.
●It is used as RF phase shifter.
Tunnel Diode
It is heavily doped PN- junction. Doping density of about 1000 times greater than
ordinary junction diode

 Tunnel diode was invented in 1958 by Leo Esaki.
Also called Esaki diode.
Leo Esaki observed that if a semiconductor diode is heavily doped with impurities, it will
exhibit negative resistance.
In 1973 Leo Esaki received the Nobel Prize in physics for discovering the electron
tunneling effect used in these diodes.

Schematic Symbol Materials commonly used to

produce Tunnel doide
(GaSb), (GaAs), (GeAs)

Features of photodiode:
 Excellent linearity with respect to incident light
 Low noise
 Wide spectral response
 Mechanically rugged
 Compact and lightweight
 Long life
Basic principle of operation

O The operation depends upon quantum mechanics principle known as “tunneling”.

O The movement of valence electrons from valence energy band to conduction band with no
applied forward voltage is called “tunneling”.
O Intrinsic voltage barrier (0.3V for Ge) is reduced which enhanced tunneling. O Enhanced
tunneling causes effective conductivity.

 In a conventional diode, forward conduction occurs only if the forward bias is sufficient to
give charge carriers the energy necessary to overcome the potential barrier.
When the tunnel diode is slightly forward biased, many carriers are able to tunnel through
narrow depletion region without acquiring that energy.
The carriers are able to tunnel because the voltage barrier is reduced due to high doping.
Forward Bias operation:
At first voltage begin to increase:
 Electrons tunnel through pn junction.
2. Electron and holes states become aligned.
Voltage increases further:
 1. States become misaligned.
 2. Current drops.
3. Shows negative resistance (V increase, I decrease).
As voltage increase yet further:
 1. The diode behave as normal diode.
 2. The electrons no longer tunnel through barrier.
Reverse Bias Operation:
When used in reverse direction, they are called as Back Diodes. In this, i. The electrons in
valence band of p-side tunnel directly towards the empty states present in the conduction band of
n-side. ii. Thus, creating large tunneling current which increases with application of reverse
I/V Characteristics
As forward bias is applied, significant I is produced. After continuous increase of
V, the current achieves its minimum value called as Valley Current. After further increase in V,
current start increasing as ordinary diode.

• The Tunnel diode reverse I-V is similar to the Zener diode.

• The Zener diode has a region in its reverse bias characteristics of almost a constant voltage
regardless of the current flowing through the diode.

 It is used as an ultra-high speed switch due to tunneling (which essentially takes place at
speed of light). It has switching time of nanoseconds or picoseconds.
 Used as logic memory storage device.
 In satellite communication equipment, they are widely used.
 Due to its feature of –ive resistance, it is used in relaxation oscillator circuits.
Tunnel diodes are resistant to the effects of magnetic fields, high temperature and
radioactivity. That‟s why these can be used in modern military equipments, NMR machines.
 Due to low power requirement, they are used in FM receivers.
Photo diode
A photo-diode is a reverse-biased silicon or germanium p-n junction in which reverse
current increases when the junction is exposed to light. The reverse current in a photo-
diode is directly proportional to the intensity of light falling on its p-n junction. This means
that greater the intensity of light falling on the p-n junction of photo-diode, the greater will
be the reverse current.
Schematic Symbol

Materials commonly used to produce photodoide

Principle of Photodoide

An illuminated (a) photodiode under reverse bias,

(b) I-V characteristics of a Photodiode for different illumination intensity I4 > I3 > I2 > I1.

Principle of Photodoide
When a rectifier diode is reverse biased, it has a very small
reverse leakage current. The same is true for a photo-diode.
The reverse current is produced by thermally generated
electron hole pairs which are swept across the junction by the
electric field created by the reverse voltage. In a rectifier
diode, the reverse current increases with temperature due to
an increase in the number of electron-hole pairs. A photo-
diode differs from a rectifier diode in that when its p-n
junction is exposed to light, the reverse current increases with
the increase in light intensity and vice-versa. This is
explained as follows. When light (photons) falls on the p-n
junction, the energy is imparted by the photons to the atoms
in the junction. This will create more free electrons (and more
holes). These additional free electrons will increase the
reverse current. As the intensity of light incident on the p-n
junction increases, the reverse current also increases. In other
words, as the incident light intensity increases, the resistance
of the device (photo-diode) decreases.
Light emitting diode

light emitting diode (LED) is essentially a PN junction opto- semiconductor that

emits a monochromatic (single color) light when operated in a forward biased direction.
 LEDs convert electrical energy into light energy.


LEDs are available in red, orange, amber, yellow, green, blue and white. LEDs are
made from gallium-based crystals that contain one or more additional materials such
as phosphorous to produce a distinct color.

Paris, France 1962 - Nick Holonyack Jr. 1972 - Herbert Maruska and New Jersey 1976 - Thomas
develops the red LED, the first LED of Jacques Pankove develop the P. Pearsall develops special
visible light. violet LED using Mg-doped GaN high brightness LEDs for
films. fiber optic use.
Construction of LED

 The LED consist of a chip of semiconductor material doped with

impurities to create a P N junction.
The chips are mounted in a reflecting tray order to increase the light
The contacts are made on the cathode side by means of conductive
adhesive and on the anode side via gold wire to the lead frame.
 The plastic case encloses the chip area of the lead frame
•When the negative end of a circuit is hooked up to the
N-type layer and the positive end is hooked up with P-
type layer than electron and holes start moving.
•If we try to pass current the other way, with the P-type
side connected to the negative end of the circuit and the
N-type side connected to the positive end, current will
not flow.
•No current flows across the junction because the holes
and the electrons are each moving in the wrong
The holes exist at a lower energy level than the free
 Therefore when a free electrons falls it losses energy

 This energy is emitted in a form of a photon, which

causes light.
The color of the light is determined by the fall of the
electron and hence energy level of the photon

•SENSOR APPLICATIONS: Medical Instrumentation, Bar Code Readers, Color & Money Sensors,
Encoders, Optical Switches, Fiber Optic Communication
• MOBILEAPPLICATIONS: Mobile Phone, PDA's, Digital Cameras,Lap Tops, General Backlighting
•AUTOMATIVE APPLICATIONS: Interior Lighting - Instrument Panels & Switches, Courtesy Lighting,
Exterior Lighting - CHMSL, Rear Stop/Turn/Tail, Truck/Bus Lighting - Retrofits, New Turn/Tail/Marker
•SIGNAL APPICATIONS: Traffic Rail Aviation, Tower Lights, Runway Lights, Emergency/Police Vehicle
Lighting,LEDs offer enormous benefits over traditional incandescent lamps, including: Energy savings (up
to 85% less power than incandescent), Reduction in maintenance costs, Increased visibility in daylight and
adverse weather conditions
•ILLUMINATION: Architectural lightening, Machine Vision Retail Displays, Emergency Lighting (Exit
Signs) Neon Replacement, Bulb Replacements, Flashlights,Outdoor Accent Lighting - Pathway, Marker
Lights, Studies have shown that the use of LEDs in illumination applications can offer: Greater visual
appeal, Reduced energy costs, Increased attention capture, Savings in maintenance and lighting
•INDICATION: Household appliances, VCR/ DVD/ Stereo and other audio and video
Zener Diode


• Zener diode is invented by “C. Zener”.

• It is a heavily doped diode.
• Thin depletion region.
• Sharp break down voltage called zener voltage Vz.
• Its forward characteristics are same as pn diode characteristics.

Circuit Symbol

• Arrow head indicates the direction of conventional current flow.

• “Z” symbol at cathode is a indication for zener diode.
VI characteristics of Zener
Zener diode forward biased characteristics

 Characteristics same as pn diode.

 Not operated in forward bias.
Zener diode reversed biased

 Always operated in reverse bias.

 Reverse voltage at which current increases suddenly and sharply
 known as Zener break down voltage.
 Zener break down occurs lower voltages than avalanche break down voltage.
 After break down the reverse voltage VZ remains constant.
Zener break

Mechanism •Break down in Zener Diode.

• In heavily doped diode field intensity is more at junction.
• Applied reverse voltage setup strong electric field.
• Thin depletion region in zener diode.
•Applied field enough to break covalent bonds in the depletion
• Extremely large number of electrons and holes results. •Produces
large reverse current.
• Known as Zener Current IZ
Avalanche break

• Break down in PN Diode.

•In lightly doped diode field intensity is
not strong to produce zener break down
•Depletion region width is large in reverse


• Velocity of minority carriers increases with reverse bias.

• Minority carriers travels with great velocity and collides with ions in depletion region.
• Many covalent bonds breaks and generates more charge carriers.
• Generated charge carriers again collides with covalent bonds and again generates the carriers
• Chain reaction established.
• Creates large current.
• This effect is known as “Ionization by Collision”. • Damages the junction permanently.
Difference between Zener and Avalanche
VI characteristics of Zener

Applications of zener diode

 Used as voltage regulator.

 Also used in clipper circuits

Zener as clipper circuits


1. Semiconductors are the basic materials used in the present solid state electronic devices
like diode, transistor, ICs, etc.
2. Metals have low resistivity (10–2 to 10–8 Ωm), insulators have very high, while
semiconductors have intermediate values of resistivity.

3. Semiconductors are elemental (Si, Ge) as well as compound (GaAs,CdS, etc.).

4. Pure semiconductors are called „intrinsic semiconductors‟. The presence of charge carriers
(electrons and holes) is an „intrinsic‟property of the material and these are obtained as a
result of thermal excitation. The number of electrons (ne) is equal to the number of holes
(nh ) in intrinsic conductors. Holes are essentially electron vacancies with an effective
positive charge.

5. The number of charge carriers can be changed by „doping‟ of a suitable impurity in pure
semiconductors. Such semiconductors are known as extrinsic semiconductors. These are
of two types (n-type and p-type).
6. There are two distinct band of energies (called valence band and conduction band) in
which the electrons in a material lie. Valence band energies are low as compared to
conduction band energies. All energy levels in the valence band are filled while energy
levels in the conduction band may be fully empty or partially filled. The electrons in the
conduction band are free to move in a solid and are responsible for the conductivity. The
extent of conductivity depends upon the energy gap (Eg) between the top of valence band
(EV ) and the bottom of the conduction band EC. The electrons from valence band can be
excited by heat, light or electrical energy to the conduction band and thus, produce a
change in the current flowing in a semiconductor.

7. For insulators Eg > 3 eV, for semiconductors Eg is 0.2 eV to 3 eV, while for metals Eg ≈ 0.
8. p-n junction is the „key‟ to all semiconductor devices. When such a junction is made, a
„depletion layer‟ is formed consisting of immobile ion-cores devoid of their electrons or
holes. This is responsible for a junction potential barrier.
9. By changing the external applied voltage, junction barriers can be changed. In forward
bias (n-side is connected to negative terminal of the battery and p-side is connected to the
positive), the barrier is decreased while the barrier increases in reverse bias. Hence,
forward bias current is more (mA) while it is very small (μA) in a p-n junction diode.
10. Zener diode is one such special purpose diode. In reverse bias, after a certain voltage, the
current suddenly increases (breakdown voltage) in a Zener diode. This property has been
used to obtain voltage regulation.

11. p-n junctions have also been used to obtain many photonic or optoelectronic devices
where one of the participating entity is „photon‟:(a) Photodiodes in which photon
excitation results in a change of reverse saturation current which helps us to measure light
intensity; (b) Solar cells which convert photon energy into electricity; (c) Light Emitting
Diode and Diode Laser in which electron excitation by a bias voltage results in the
generation of light.
Some important key points

Solid are classified in three categories metals, semiconductors and non-metals depending upon their
Semiconductors have their conductivity in between those of metals and non-metals. Unlike metals they
have a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity. This mean with the rise of temperature there is a
decrease in their resistance and their conductivity increases.
Intrinsic Semiconductors: Semiconductors in their purest form possible are known as intrinsic
semiconductors. Even intrinsic semiconductors have free electrons and vacancy (i.e. hole) because some
of the electrons break their covalent bonds. This is because of the thermal energy acquired by these
electrons. For intrinsic semiconductor density of holes is equal to the density of the electrons.
Holes: When an electron gets free from a covalent bond it creates a vacancy in the bond. This vacancy
(center of electron deficiency) acts as a positive center know as hole.
Intrinsic semiconductors have very low conductivity as the number density of electrons and holes in pure
semiconductors is very low.
Extrinsic semiconductors: Semiconductors in their pure form are not very useful because of their low
conductivity. In order to increase their conductivity, impurities are added to them.
Doping: The deliberate addition of a desirable impurity is called doping and the impurity atoms are called
dopants. Such a material is also called a doped semiconductor/extrinsic semiconductor.
n – type semiconductor: An n -type material is created by introducing impurity elements that have five
valence electrons (pentavalent), such as antimony, arsenic, and phosphorus. The pentavalent dopant is
donating one extra electron for conduction and hence is known as donor impurity. For n-type
semiconductors, density of electrons is much higher than the density of holes i.e. .
p – type semiconductor: The p -type material is formed by doping a pure germanium or silicon crystal
with impurity atoms having three valence electrons. The elements most frequently used for this purpose
are boron, gallium, and indium. The trivalent dopant is deficient of one electron and thus creates a
vacancy. The resulting vacancy will readily accept a free electron: thus diffused trivalent impurities are
called acceptor atoms. For p-type semiconductors, density of holes is much higher than the density of
electrons i.e. .
n – type semiconductor: An n -type material is created by introducing impurity elements that have five
valence electrons (pentavalent), such as antimony, arsenic, and phosphorus. The pentavalent dopant is
donating one extra electron for conduction and hence is known as donor impurity. For n-type
semiconductors, density of electrons is much higher than the density of holes i.e. .
p – type semiconductor: The p -type material is formed by doping a pure germanium or silicon crystal
with impurity atoms having three valence electrons. The elements most frequently used for this purpose
are boron, gallium, and indium. The trivalent dopant is deficient of one electron and thus creates a
vacancy. The resulting vacancy will readily accept a free electron: thus diffused trivalent impurities are
called acceptor atoms. For p-type semiconductors, density of holes is much higher than the density of
electrons i.e. .
Extrinsic semiconductor like intrinsic semiconductors as a whole are neutral in nature. This is because the
total number of protons and the electrons are equal.
In an n-type material the electron is called the majority carrier and the hole the minority carrier. On the
other-hand in a p-type material the hole is the majority carrier and the electron is the minority carrier.
p-n junction: When a p-type semiconductor is suitably joined to n-type semiconductor, the contact surface
is called p-n junction. Most semiconductor devices contain one or more p-n junctions. The p-n junction is
of great importance because it is in effect, the control element for semiconductor devices.
Depletion Layer: When a p-n junction is formed this cause electron hole recombination near the junction.
As a result of this around the junction both p and n side are left with only immobile ions and all the charge
carriers are gone. These two layers of positive and negative charges form the depletion region (or
depletion layer). The term depletion is due to the fact that near the junction, the region is depleted (i.e.
emptied) of charge carries (free electrons and holes) due to diffusion across the junction.
Barrier Potential: There exists a potential difference across the depletion layer and is called barrier
potential ( ). The barrier potential of a p-n junction depends upon several factors including the type of
semiconductor material, the amount of doping and temperature. The typical barrier potential is
approximately: For silicon, = 0.7 V ; For germanium, = 0.3 V.
p-n junction diode: A semiconductor diode is basically a p-n junction with metallic contacts provided at
the ends for the application of an external voltage. It is a two terminal device.
Forward Biasing: When external d.c. voltage applied to the junction is in such a direction that it cancels
the potential barrier, thus permitting current flow, it is called forward biasing.
Reverse Biasing: When the external d.c. voltage applied to the junction is in such a direction that
potential barrier is increased, it is called reverse biasing.
Junction Breakdown: The process by which a depletion region at the p-n junction is destroyed
and allows a large reverse current is called depletion region breakdown. There are two main
mechanisms of junction breakdown, depending on the dopant concentration levels.
1. Avalanche breakdown 2. Zener breakdown
Avalanche breakdown: Avalanche breakdown occurs in moderately and lightly doped p-n
junctions with a wide depletion region. Electron hole pairs thermally generated in the depletion
region are accelerated by the external reverse bias. Electrons are accelerated towards then side
and holes towards the p side. These electrons can interact with other Si atoms and if they have
sufficient energy can knock off electrons from these Si atoms. This process is called impact
ionization and leads to production of a large number of electrons. This causes the rapid rise in
Zener Breakdown: With increase in doping concentration the breakdown mechanism, changes
from Avalanche to a tunneling mechanism. This is called a Zener breakdown. This is because th
depletion width decreases with dopant concentration. Also, the reverse bias causes an offset in
the bands such that it is possible for carriers to tunnel across the narrow depletion region.
Zener Diode: It is a special purpose semiconductor diode, named after its inventor C. Zener. It
designed to operate under reverse bias in the breakdown region and used as a voltage regulator.
Tunnel Diode: The tunnel diode was first introduced by Leo Esaki in 1958. Its characteristics, are different
from any other diode as it has a negative-resistance region. In this region, an increase in terminal voltage
results in a reduction in diode current. It has a greatly reduced depletion region, of the order of magnitude
of cm, or typically about 1/100 the width of this region for a typical semiconductor diode. It is this thin
depletion region, through which many carriers can “tunnel” rather than attempt to surmount, at low
forward-bias potentials.
Varactor Diode: A junction diode which acts as a variable capacitor under changing reverse bias is known
as a varactor diode. The capacitance of varactor diode is found as
where = Total capacitance of the junction, Ɛ = permittivity of the semiconducting material A = Area of
cross section of the junction, = Width of the depletion layer
Photo diode: It is a reverse-biased silicon or germanium p-n junction in which reverse current increases
when the junction is exposed to light. The reverse current in a photo-diode is directly proportional to the
intensity of light falling on its p-n junction. This means that greater the intensity of light falling on the p-n
junction of photo-diode, the greater will be the reverse current.
LED: The light-emitting diode is a diode that gives off visible or invisible (infrared) light when energized.
In any forward-biased p – n junction there is, within the structure and primarily close to the junction, a
recombination of holes and electrons. This recombination requires that the energy possessed by the
unbound free electrons be transferred to another state. In all semiconductor p – n junctions some of this
energy is given off in the form of heat and some in the form of photons.
Some useful


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