Gazetted Officer (India) - Wikipedia
Gazetted Officer (India) - Wikipedia
Gazetted Officer (India) - Wikipedia
Gazetted Officers are executive/managerial level ranked government officers in India. Authority
for a gazetted officer to issue an official stamp comes from the President of India or the
Governors of States. To that effect, they are de jure representatives and delegates of the Indian
State and the President. If a person's name is published in the Gazette of India or any state
government gazette, he/she is called Gazetted.
Any appointment released and published in the government gazette is called a gazetted
appointment. The Gazette of India and state gazettes are official government publications,
which publish the appointments or promotions of certain government officials along with other
government ordinary/extraordinary notifications. An officer, who is appointed under the seal of
the Governor at state level or by the President of India at the national level (and in the Union
Territories), requires being listed in the Gazette of India or state government gazette and is
considered to be a Gazetted Officer. Many are honorary Justices of the Peace and have the
same standing as some of the government officer. Such officers, among other functions, have
the power to verify the documents for financial, industrial, immigration and other purposes.
Military ranks
Indian Military ranks do not fall under the "Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and
Appeal) Rules, 1965" law. However, they hold the Commission of the President of India, and are
equivalent Group A Class I Officer, with Gazette powers. The ranks of Defence Servants are
categorized as Commissioned Officers (CO), Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO) and Other
Ranks (OR).
4 levels of ranks
The civil service posts under Union of India have been classified as Group A, B and C. The
Central Government of India or any State Government classifies civil service (government
employees) into Group A (Gazetted/Executive), Group B (Gazetted), Group B (Non-Gazetted),
Group C and Group D. Earlier classification was Class I (Gazetted), II (Gazetted), II (Non-
Gazetted), III and IV. Class I or Group A is the highest rank class and the Class IV or Group D is
the least. The Government of India has plans to merge Group D into Group C. Class I and II
(Gazetted) belong to the class of officers whose transfers, appointments, promotions and
superannuation are published on a yearly basis in the official gazette of State or Union
Group A (Gazetted), formerly called Class I
Group A (Gazetted), formerly called Class I, officials belong to the managerial or highest class of
government employees who are placed in Level 10 and above in Pay matrices, Previously in the
pay band 3 with 5400 grade pay and above in 6th CPC and Level 10 and 9 above in Pay Matrix in
7th CPC pay structure. However, Pay structure (Grade Pay or Level) is not the sole criteria and
many though drawing pay in above pay structure due to financial upgradation under MACP
Scheme, etc., may not be holding class I rank.
Examples - Indian Judicial Service Officers, Civil Servants of the All India Services i.e. IAS, IPS,
IFoS, IOFHS,;Officers of 61 Central Organized Group A Civil Services including IFS, IA&AS,ISS,
IRS,IRTS, IRAS, IRPS, IRPFS, Officers of Indian Armed Forces, CAPF's Officers, Engineering
Services Officers, All India Railway Officers (IRSS, IRSE, IRSME, IRSEE, IRSSE, IRAS, IRPS, IRTS,
IRPFS, IRHS, Assistant Secretaries/Under Secretaries/Dy. Directors/Dy. Secretaries/Jt.
Directors/Directors, etc. in Secretariat, Sr Audit/Account officers/Sr Divisional Accounts
officers in IA&AD, Engineers of ISRO, DRDO, BARC, DAE, AERB, Examiner of Patents and
Designs (O/o-CGPDTM, DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and industry),
Geologist/Director/Director General (DG)/DDG/ADG and Geo scientists from Central
Geological Services (Geological Survey of India, GSI), scientists of ISRO (Technical Officers of
ISRO), Officers of the Information Technology Cadres (i.e. System Analyst (SA)/ Sr SA etc)
GNCTD, MIETY,NIC,DRDO ( Technical Officers of DRDO),[1] BARC, DAE, AERB also fall under
this category. Central Secretariat Service (abbreviated as CSS) is the administrative Civil
Service under Group A of the Central Civil Services of the executive branch of the Government
of India. They are governed by Central Secretariat Service Rules of 1962, which has been
issued under the powers of Article 309 of the Constitution of India. Assistant Professor and
above in Central, State or in an Autonomous University, State Governments also appoint
certain category officers under Group A Services in State Civil Services but officials of
PSUs/Autonomous bodies, etc. though in above pay structure, are not classified as Group A
(Gazetted) as their names are not notified in the Gazette of the Government. Officers of
Autonomous bodies/ PSUs (Even Group 'A') are not Gazetted, however high they may be in the
Verification for issue of Passport: It can be done by the Group 'A' officers of the rank of Under
Secretary/Dy. Director (Grade Pay 6600/Level 11) and above and Officers of Indian Armed
Forces of Pay Level 11 and above (Maj/Lt Cdr/Sqn Ldr) .
Government Employees falling under the category of Group C (formerly called class III) and
Group D (formerly called class IV) are not gazetted. They do not have the personal authority to
issue an official stamp on behalf of the Government. Further, Class III employees and Class IV
employees serving in central public sector undertakings are also classified as non gazetted
employees and officers of central public sector banks can also attest financial documents.
Examples - Peons, Sweepers, Junior Clerks, Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), Track men Grade IV
and Group D in Railways, etc.
A Notary Public is also a gazetted officer as per the law stated in the Notaries act, 1952. Section
6, Notaries act, 1952 states the annual publication A notary public is a gazetted officer as per the
law stated in the Notaries act, 1952. Section 6, Notaries act, 1952 states the annual publication
of lists of notaries. It reads as:-
The Central Government, and every State Government shall, during the
month of January each year, publish in the Official Gazette a list of
notaries appointed by that government and in practice at the beginning
of that year together with such details pertaining to them as may be
See also
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