Approach To Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography Column Selection: Application To Neurotransmitters Analysis
Approach To Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography Column Selection: Application To Neurotransmitters Analysis
Approach To Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography Column Selection: Application To Neurotransmitters Analysis
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Article history: This paper presents the comparison between 12 hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography columns
Received 11 August 2009 that are commercially available. The main factors influencing the retention and selectivity toward 12
Received in revised form 24 February 2010 neurotransmitters for these different HILIC systems have been studied. For additional information, the
Accepted 1 March 2010
retention data have been analyzed statistically by factor analysis. Principal component analyses (PCA)
Available online 6 March 2010
were calculated to evidence different separation behaviour between the stationary phases, based on the
retention data measured for three compound classes: anionic acidic compounds, cationic basic com-
pounds and zwitterionic amino acids. Finally, a generic procedure is suggested for optimization of HILIC
Retention behaviour
analyses, depending on the ionization state of the analytes.
Stationary phases classification © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fused core silica
0021-9673/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
3092 R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104
Brain neurotransmitters are polar compounds of high biological obtained by dissolving the adequate weighed amount of each
significance. Among them catecholamines and indolamines play compound with 0.2 M perchloric acid. The use of perchloric acid
an important role as anomalies in their concentrations lead to a is dictated by the fact that the neurotransmitter analysis was
significant number of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or inscribed in a larger study aiming at analyzing these molecules
Down’s disease, depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc. In spite in brain extracts, which are prepared in perchloric acid. Thus it
of the fact that catecholamines and related compounds are among was found important to maintain identical conditions in the whole
the most important compounds from a biological point of view, method development process. All stock solutions were stored at
few papers [15,26] have so far described their determination under −80 ◦ C. The studied solutions were obtained by diluting the cor-
HILIC conditions. Reversed-phase chromatography (RPLC) either on responding stock standard solutions in buffer/organic modifier
ODS [27] or porous graphitic carbon [28] columns were used for mixture in order to have an injection solvent as close as possi-
catecholamine analysis with highly aqueous mobile phases using ble to the mobile phase and a final analyte concentration about
formic or acetic acid as additives; however, due to their ionisable 5–10 g mL−1 . In the HILIC mode the injection solvent composition
nature, most of the work concerning catecholamine separation con- is very important. Retention time shift can be caused by a slightest
sists in using ion-pairing reversed-phase liquid chromatography. difference in the organic phase/aqueous phase ratio between the
The use of non-volatile ion-pairing reagents such as alkylsulfonic injection solvent and the mobile phase. Moreover, it is imperative
acids [29–31] is one the most employed chromatographic meth- to have similar salt content in injection solvent and mobile phase
ods but it is not compatible with MS detection. Volatile ion-pairing in order to obtain good peak symmetry.
agents such as perfluorinated acids [32,33] have already been The mobile phase was a mixture of organic solvent and ammo-
demonstrated as suitable for the separation of catecholamines nium formate or acetate buffer pH 3. PhoEBus, an application
but the number of catecholamines simultaneously analyzed under program help for buffer studies (Analis, Namur, Belgium) was used
these conditions was smaller than the one we were interested for the preparation of aqueous salt solutions. It was prepared by
in. Ion-exchange chromatography [34,35] was also used for cat- specifying the salt concentration and pH values. The pH value of
echolamine analysis, but these methods are only suitable for the the ammonium formate or acetate solution was adjusted with 1 M
analysis of compounds of the same charge. formic acid or acetic acid aqueous solution, respectively. Mobile
In this paper our aim was to evaluate the retention behaviour of phase pH was then adjusted and measured using a pH-meter cal-
12 model solutes (dopamine DA, adrenaline A, noradrenaline NA, ibrated in aqueous buffers, before the addition of organic solvent.
serotonin S and some of their precursors and metabolites: tyro- It is thus noted as the aqueous w S
w pH. The apparent pH (w pH) was
sine Tyr, 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine DOPA, homovanillic acid not measured but would presumably positively deviate from the
HVA, 3-methoxytyramine 3-MT, 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylacetic acid aqueous pH.
DOPAC, tryptophan Trp and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid 5HIAA)
on 12 different commercial HILIC packing materials. The main
2.3. Instrumentation
factors influencing the retention were studied and for additional
information the retention data have been analyzed statistically by
Two chromatographic systems were used: the first one con-
principal component analysis. Improved knowledge of the differ-
sisted of a Merck-Hitachi quaternary pump model Lachrom L-7100
ent interactions between HILIC stationary phases and this family of
(Darmstadt, Germany), a Rheodyne (Cotati, CA, USA) model 7725
compounds will allow us to make a reasoned choice of stationary
injection valve fitted with a 5 or 20 L loop (depending on the col-
phases to obtain the best possible separation in view of a future
umn dimensions), a column oven Jet Stream 2 Plus and a 785A
quantification of these polar solutes by HILIC-MS/MS in biological
UV–vis HPLC Detector (Applied Biosystems, Courtaboeuf, France).
fluids or tissues.
The second one was an Agilent 1100 series (Waldbronn, Ger-
many) system with: binary pump, autosampler, column oven and
2. Experimental DAD detector. The UV detection was carried out at 280 nm in
order to obtain maximal absorbance for all the compounds and
2.1. Chemicals and reagents MS detection was carried out using a Perkin-Elmer Sciex (Foster
City, CA, USA) API 300 mass spectrometer triple-quadrupole with
HPLC-grade acetonitrile (MeCN), methanol (MeOH), ethanol Ionspray as ion source. The chromatographic data handling was
(EtOH) and acetone were purchased from J.T. Baker (Noisy- accomplished using EZChrom Server software (Merck, Darmstadt,
le-Sec, France) and perchloric acid from VWR Prolabo Germany) and Chemstation software version A.08.03 (Agilent,
(Darmstadt, Germany). Ammonium acetate and ammonium Santa Clara, USA), respectively.
formate, acetic acid and formic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzylamine Physicochemical parameters of the 12 columns studied are
(DHBA) were purchased from Fluka (St.-Quentin-Fallavier, reported in Table 1. The flow rates were of 0.2 and 1 mL min−1
France). Dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), for the columns that had internal diameters of 2 and 4.6 mm,
3-methoxytyramine (3-MT), serotonin (S), homovanillic acid respectively, with the exception of the ZIC-HILIC and Ascentis HILIC
(HVA), 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine (DOPA), tryptophan (Trp), columns for which the optimized flow rates recommended by the
3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), 5-hydroxyindole-3- manufacturers are of 0.5 mL min−1 .
acetic acid (5HIAA), tyrosine (Tyr), 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine
(DOPA) and tryptophan (Trp) were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich
2.4. Data analysis
(Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France).
Deionized (18 M) water, purified using an Elgastat UHQ II sys-
Marvin 4.1.11 software (ChemAxon, Budapest, Hungary) was
tem (Elga, Antony, France) was used for preparation of analyte and
used to calculate the pKa and log D (pH 3) values for each analyte.
mobile phase solution.
Log D is the logarithm of the ratio of the equilibrium concentra-
tions of all species (unionized and ionized) of a molecule in octanol
2.2. Standards to same species in the water phase at 25 ◦ C. It differs from log P
in that ionized species are considered as well as the neutral form
Stock standard solutions of each catecholamine, indolamine, of the molecule and thus is more representative of hydrophobic
and metabolite prepared at a concentration of 1000 g mL−1 were character in buffered conditions.
Table 1
Physicochemical parameters of the commercial HILIC packing materials studied.
Bounded group Column Dimension (mm) Particles Pore Size Functional Specific surface Manufacturer
charge Diameter (m) (Å) group/support (m2 g−1 )
Negatively Uptisphere strategy HILIC 250 × 2 5 100 Ultra pure spherical silica 450 Interchim
charged Pursuit XRs Si 150 × 2 3 Ultra pure spherical silica – Varian
Ascentis Express HILIC 150 × 2.1 2.7 90 Fused core silica – Supelco
Neutral Luna DIOL 150 × 2 3 200 Diol bonded on silica 200 Phenomenex
Positively Cosmosil HILIC 150 × 2 5 120 Triazole bonded on silica 300 Nacalai tesque
Astec apHera NH2 150 × 2.1 5 300 Polyamine covalently bonded to a PVA copolymer – Sigma Aldrich
Polaris NH2 150 × 2 3 180 Aminopropyl silica – Varian
Silice Uptisphere 12 AA NH2 250 × 2 5 120 Aminopropyl bonded silica 340 Interchim
Zwitterionic ZIC-HILIC 150 × 4.6 5 200 Zwitterionic bonded on silica 140 Merck SeQuant
3094 R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104
Principal component analyses (PCA) were performed with component of the mobile phase): TSK gel Amide 80, Uptisphere
XLSTAT 2009.2.03 software (Addinsoft, New York, NY, USA). Prior CN, Cosmosil HILIC and ZIC-HILIC (Fig. 2a) and those that gave bet-
to the calculation, all data were normalized: they were centred ter results at high salt concentration (higher than 100 mM in the
(the mean was subtracted) and reduced (the rest was divided by aqueous component of the mobile phase): Uptisphere HILIC Silica,
the standard deviation). This ensures uniform means of zero and Ascentis Express HILIC, Luna Diol, Astec apHera NH2 , and Upti-
variances of unity. sphere NH2 (Fig. 2b). The effect of the concentration of salt will
be discussed in a following section.
As the primary retention mechanism in HILIC is presumably
3. Results and discussion hydrophilic partition between the water-rich layer at the surface
of the stationary phase and the bulk organic-rich mobile phase, we
3.1. Charge state of analytes and elution order in relation to the can first compare the elution order of the solutes to their log D (pH
nature of the stationary phase 3) values. Naturally, as mentioned above, these log D values are
only indicative, considering that the charge state of the analytes
The chromatography of a set of neurotransmitters and related in the organic solvent—buffer mobile phase may be somewhat dif-
substances was evaluated by performing HILIC using a variety ferent from what is expected, based on a purely aqueous solution.
of hydrophilic stationary phases. The 12 solutes selected for our For all columns by plotting log k vs. log D (figures not shown), it
study were divided into three groups: six biogenic amines (DA, appears that they are correlated on the silica, diol, amide, cyano,
NA, A, 3-MT, S and DHBA), three amino acids (Tyr, DOPA and and sulfobetaine phases with correlation coefficients comprised
Trp) and three carboxylic acids (HVA, DOPAC and 5HIAA). There between 0.65 and 0.85. The slopes are negative, indicating that the
are three catecholamines known to occur in vivo: adrenaline most retained compounds are those possessing the lower log D val-
(A), noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) [36]. Tyrosine (Tyr) ues, that is to say the most hydrophilic compounds. This indicates
and 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylalanine (DOPA) are their physiological that hydrophilic partitioning plays a significant role in the reten-
precursors. Homovanillic acid (HVA), 3-methoxytyramine (3-MT) tion mechanism on those phases, although evidently not the only
and 3,4-dihydroxy-phenylacetic acid (DOPAC) are some of their one, otherwise correlation coefficients would be much larger; other
metabolites present in the organism. Serotonin is an indolamine mechanisms than hydrophilic partitioning must be present.
that is produced from tryptophan (Trp) and is mainly metabo- On the contrary, for the amine and triazole phases, the correla-
lized into 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5HIAA). Fig. 1 presents tion is extremely poor, showing that other retention mechanisms
the chemical structures of the selected analytes and their associ- should be considered to understand the elution orders observed.
ated pKa and log D (pH 3) values. To prevent degradation of analytes, The other mechanisms generally considered in HILIC are hydrogen-
the chromatographic separation was carried out under acidic con- bonding, dipole–dipole and other electrostatic interactions. The
ditions. In a purely aqueous buffer at pH 3, the six biogenic amines presence of charges on the stationary phase surface offers the pos-
are protonated, thus bearing a net positive charge. HVA, DOPAC sibility of electrostatic interactions (attraction or repulsion) with
and 5HIAA, containing carboxylic functions, with respective pKa the charged analytes. The commercially available HILIC stationary
values of 3.9, 3.6 and 4.2, are only partially dissociated, thus bear- phases that we tested (Table 1) can be divided from this point of
ing a partial negative charge. For the three amino acids (Tyr, Trp and view into different groups, depending on the charge or chargeable
DOPA), the amine functions are protonated whereas the carboxylic state of their functional group and/or support. Considering only the
functions, with respective pKa of 2.0, 2.5 and 1.6, are essentially acido-basic properties of silanol groups and bonded ligands, three
deprotonated resulting in the presence of zwitterionic compounds, groups can be defined, in a pH 3 aqueous mobile phase: neutral
with a global nominal net charge equal to zero. (silica, diol, amide and cyano), positively (triazole or amino), and
However, in the HILIC mobile phase, a large proportion of the zwitterionic (sulfobetaine-bonded column) charged or chargeable
composition is an organic solvent. It is a well-known fact that pH functional groups. However, in the same manner as occurs for the
and pKa values are affected by the presence of organic solvents. As a solutes, the charge state of the silica support and bonded station-
result, the ionization state of the above solutes might be somewhat ary phase may vary when a large proportion of organic solvent is
different from what we expect, based on purely aqueous solutions. introduced in the buffered mobile phase.
McCalley [37] indicates that an acetonitrile–ammonium formate First of all, the silanol groups present on the bare silica phases
buffer 85:15 (v/v), where the buffer pH was w S
w pH = 3, had a w pH = and in all stationary phases bonded on silica may be partially
5.2. Besides, the pKa values in the HILIC mobile phase of the 12 ionized. Indeed, while the average pKa of silanols is generally con-
compounds investigated here are unknown to us. As a matter of sidered to be between 4 and 6 in purely aqueous solutions, it is
fact, if the amines and amine functions of the amino acids are still unknown in highly organic mobile phases. It is mostly unclear
most probably protonated in our HILIC mobile phase, it may well be whether, as generally observed for weak acids, the pKa value should
that the acids and acidic functions of the amino acids would have an increase or whether it should remain unaffected, considering a
increased pKa . However, whether this pKa value increase is more water-rich layer is at the surface of the stationary phase [37]. We
or less significant than the pH increase remains unknown. In the will therefore assume that the silanol groups are partially ionized,
following, we will therefore assume that the acidic functions are thus negative charges may be present at the material surface but
all partially ionized. are difficult to control due to poor appreciation of the pH and pKa
Previous HILIC studies have shown that different selectivities in the presence of high proportions of organic solvent.
were obtained using the same mobile phase on different stationary Secondly, as described for the amine solutes, it is most probable
phases [13,38,39], demonstrating that analyte partitioning is not that the amine-type stationary phases (Astec apHera NH2 , Polaris
the only phenomenon occurring in HILIC separations. Thus the pos- NH2 and Uptisphere NH2 ) and the triazole stationary phase (Cos-
sible secondary interactions between the stationary phase and the mosil HILIC) would remain positively charged in the solvent–buffer
analytes have to be taken in consideration for the column choice. mixture. For those phases, which are bonded on silica (Polaris NH2 ,
Among the 12 columns we have tested (Table 1), different elu- Uptisphere NH2 and Cosmosil HILIC), internal masking of resid-
tion orders were observed, as can be seen in Fig. 2. With regards ual silanol groups through interaction with the cationic ligand is
to chromatographic results the tested columns can be divided into possible, thus negative charges may not be accessible to the solutes.
two groups: those that gave better separation of catecholamines Finally, the sulfobetaine ligand of the ZIC-HILIC phase should
with low salt concentration (lower than 50 mM in the aqueous remain unaffected by mobile phase pH, thus would always have a
R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104 3095
Fig. 1. Structures of the studied neurotransmitters. *Marvin 4.1.11 software was used to calculate the pKa and log D (pH 3).
nominal net charge of zero, as the sulfobetaine group carries both and cyano), cationic phases (amino and triazole) and zwitterionic
a positive and a negative charge. However, whether the number of phases (sulfobetaine). Electrostatic interactions could be a valuable
positive and negative charges truly is equal on this stationary phase explanation for the elution orders observed on the cationic station-
is unsure. Accessibility to the positive charge of the quaternary ary phases. Indeed, the cationic analytes (S, 3-MT, A, DA and NA)
ammonium function, closer to the silica surface, is also questionable were weakly retained and poorly separated on those phases, par-
as will be further discussed in a following section. ticularly on the triazole one (Cosmosil HILIC). Besides, the different
Considering all these factors, the columns we have tested can separations observed between the amino phases can be attributed
be divided as follows: columns with neutral active functional to different factors. First of all, the surface coverage of amino groups
groups and possibly negatively charged support (silica, diol, amide might be different between the silica and polymeric columns, but
3096 R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104
Fig. 2. Analysis of test compounds on different HILIC systems. (a) Column temperature 25 ◦ C; mobile phase: MeCN–20 mM ammonium acetate aqueous solution, w w pH 3
(80:20, v/v); flow rate: 0.2 mL min−1 for TSK gel Amide 80 and Cosmosil HILIC; 1 mL min−1 for ZIC-HILIC and for Uptisphere CN. (b) Column temperature 25 ◦ C; mobile phase:
MeCN–150 mM ammonium formate aqueous solution w −1
w pH 3 (85:15, v/v); flow rate: 0.2 mL min . Detection UV 280 nm. Peak identities: (1) HVA; (2) 5HIAA; (3) DOPAC; (4)
3-MT; (5) S; (6). DA; (7) Trp; (8) A; (9) DHBA; (10) NA; (11) Tyr; (12) DOPA.
this information is unavailable. Secondly, non-specific hydrophobic bly because the partially deprotonated residual silanols are titrating
interactions on the polymer material might be another reason for some of the amine groups in the coating, lowering the density of
some of the observed differences. Finally, electrostatic interactions available cationic ligands compared with the polymeric apHera col-
may also play a part. On the silica-based column (Uptisphere NH2 ) umn. Moreover, generally better results (data not shown), in terms
the anionic compounds: DOPAC, HVA and 5HIAA are less retained of peak shape and resolution, were obtained on the polymer-based
than on the polymer-based one (Astec apHera NH2 ) (Fig. 2b), proba- column than on the silica-based ones, although the Uptisphere col-
R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104 3097
Fig. 3. Influence of the organic solvent percentage on the retention factor. TSK
gel Amide 80 column; mobile phase: MeCN–20 mM ammonium acetate aqueous
solution, w −1
w pH 3 ((x:100 − x), v/v). Flow rate: 0.2 mL min .
for example Tyr retention factor increased from 3.9 to 5.4 when the
salt concentration in the aqueous component of the mobile phase
increased from 10 to 150 mM. This would suggest that the resid-
ual silanols are far less accessible than on the other bonded silica
phases. This is consistent with the known structure of this station-
ary phase, which is a cross-linked propane-diol phase bonded on
silica. Therefore, the residual silanol groups should be less easily
reached by the solutes.
On all other tested columns, the electrostatic attractions
between the charged chromatographic support and the oppositely
charged analytes play an important role in the compound reten-
tion and an ion-exchange chromatography behaviour is observed:
increased concentrations of salt lead to decreased retention. This
involves a retention decrease for the cationic analytes (NA, A, DA,
DHBA, 3-MT and S) on the stationary phases and supports possi-
bly possessing negative charges (Uptisphere HILIC Silica, Ascentis
Express HILIC, TSK gel Amide 80 and ZIC-HILIC) (Fig. 5b) when
the salt concentration in the mobile phase increases. The same
phenomenon is observed for the anionic and zwitterionic ana-
lytes (DOPA, DOPAC, 5HIAA, Tyr, Trp and HVA) on the positively
charged columns (Cosmosil HILIC, Astec apHera NH2 and Upti-
sphere NH2 ) (Fig. 5c). On both positively and negatively charged
columns, when our analytes have the same charge as the support
they were analyzed on, the retention increased with the increase
of the salt concentration. This phenomenon is in accordance with
that described by Guo and Gaiki [25] for the analysis of cyto-
sine, aspirin and salicylic acid on positively and negatively charged
columns. Guo and Gaiki suggested that this could be related to
both hydrophilic partitioning and decreased electrostatic repul-
sion between compounds and stationary phase functions bearing
identical charges.
Our work confirms for the TSK gel Amide column a behaviour
similar to that of the possibly negatively charged stationary phases
As previously observed by Alpert [3] the retention of the positively
charged basic amino acids decreased with the salt concentration
increase in the mobile phase on the TSK gel Amide column. This
implies the presence of negative charges on the stationary phase
Fig. 5. Effect of the salt concentration. (a) Luna Diol column; (b) TSK gel Amide 80
that could be caused by deprotonated residual silanols of the silica
column; (c) Astec apHera NH2 column; mobile phase: MeCN–ammonium formate
aqueous solution w −1 support. The hypothesis of deprotonated silanols has been issued
w pH 3 (80:20, v/v); flow rate: 0.2 mL min . Detection UV 280 nm.
by Quiming et al. [43] to explain the electrostatic repulsions they
observed, between their analytes (methyl uric acids) and the “neu-
Furthermore the salt concentration in the mobile phase has tral” diol-bonded silica column. The comparison by Guo and Gaiki
more important effects on the analytes retention. As mentioned [25] of the TSK gel Amide column with ZIC-HILIC and bare silica for
in Section 3.1, some of the columns needed a significant amount the analysis of salicylic acid and its homologues, in pH conditions
of salt (150 mM) in order to generate acceptable separations (Upti- closer to the ones used in our study, revealed, for the TSK column a
sphere HILIC silica, Ascentis Express HILIC and Luna Diol) or better behaviour closer to that of the bonded ZIC-HILIC column. All these
peak shape (Astec apHera NH2 and Uptisphere NH2 ). Yet even so, results confirm that, in the addition to the functional groups, the
large, poorly defined peaks were obtained, for example DOPA on support nature plays a role in the separation mechanism under
the Ascentis Express HILIC column, even at salt concentration of HILIC conditions.
150 mM. This highlights the importance of the electrostatic interac-
tions. The typical HILIC behaviour involves a retention increase with 3.4. pH effect
the increase of the salt concentration in the mobile phase [25,43],
that is true for salt concentrations in the mobile phase that are infe- Mobile phase pH can influence the analytes retention and/or
rior to 30 mM [39]. However, for ionized solutes, as is the case for selectivity in HILIC due to the variation in ionization state of ana-
most solutes in this study, it is important to also consider the pos- lytes according to the pH value. To investigate pH influence on
sible contribution of the electrostatic interactions to the retention analytes retention, the pH of the ammonium formate aqueous solu-
changes, whenever charges are present on the stationary phase. tion was adjusted between 3 and 6.5 (formate ion would only buffer
Among the columns tested for salt concentration effect (Upti- well in the pH range 3–5) with formic acid before its combination
sphere Silica, Ascentis Express HILIC, Luna HILIC, TSKgel Amide, with MeCN.
Uptisphere CN, Astec apHera NH2 , Cosmosil HILIC and ZIC-HILIC) In the HILIC mobile phase prepared from pH 6.5 buffer, the ion-
only the Luna Diol column showed a pure HILIC behaviour, meaning ization state of the solutes should be as follows: considering their
retention slightly increases with the increase of the ammonium for- pKa values, amines functions should remain mostly protonated,
mate concentration in the mobile phase, whatever the charge state while acidic functions should now be fully ionized. For the station-
of the analyte (Fig. 5a). This increasing retention trend has also been ary phases and silica supports, possible changes can be observed:
noticed when using a mobile phase that generates higher retentions the amine and triazole phases probably remain mostly protonated
(MeCN–ammonium formate aqueous solution w w pH 3, 90:10, v/v), as well, while the silanol groups would now be essentially ionized.
R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104 3099
The diol functions should remain protonated, while the cyano and
amide functions, having no acido-basic properties, are unchanged.
Only two of the bare silica columns were tested in this case:
Uptisphere Silica and Ascentis Express HILIC. For these columns,
retention increased with the pH increase essentially for the acidic
compounds. The increased retention of the acidic solutes can be
attributed to increased hydrophilic character, as these compounds
are now fully ionized, so stronger hydrophilic interactions are now
possible. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that retention
generally increased for these solutes up to pH 5.0, and then lev-
elled off. At pH 5.0, it is expected that the acidic functions would
be fully ionized, and that no further changes should occur. Besides,
on Ascentis Express HILIC the peak shape of the basic compounds
deteriorated with pH increase. It is probable that, as silanol groups
become more and more deprotonated, a mixed-mode retention
mechanism occurs for the protonated solutes, comprising both
hydrophilic partitioning and electrostatic interactions with anionic
residual silanol groups, causing longer retention together with
peak shape deterioration. The retention increase with the pH was
also observed on the TSK gel Amide 80 column, which once more
behaves as a negatively charged column. The two neutral columns Fig. 6. Temperature effect. Ascentis Express HILIC column; mobile phase:
MeCN–150 mM ammonium formate aqueous solution w w pH 3 (90:10, v/v); flow rate:
used for the pH influence study (Luna Diol and Uptisphere CN) had
0.5 mL min−1 . Detection UV 280 nm. (1) HVA; (2) 5HIAA; (3) DOPAC; (4) 3-MT; (5)
different behaviours. On Luna Diol retention remains constant for S; (6) DA; (7) Trp; (8) A; (9) DHBA; (10) NA.
all analytes when pH is varied. This is in accordance with the above
remarks on the least accessibility to residual silanols on this col-
umn. On the cyano-bonded column, retention remains constant fused core column different effects were observed for the different
only for the amino acids (DOPA, Tyr and Trp). As the pH increased, analytes when temperature was increased as follows: some solutes
the basic solutes (3-MT, A, NA, DA, S and DHBA) and the acidic ones had a “normal behaviour” with decreased retention (S, 3-MT and
(HVA, 5HIAA and DOPAC) had opposite behaviours: the retention Trp), others were unaffected (DOPAC and HVA), while others had
increased for the first group and decreased for the second on Upti- an increased retention (DA, NA, A, DA and DHBA). This leads to dif-
sphere CN column. This implies that there is an increasing density of ferent band spacing when the temperature is varied (Fig. 6). The
negative charge with increasing pH on the CN support, most proba- major differences occur between 10 and 20 ◦ C, leading to reversal
bly due to increasing deprotonation of the residual silanols with the of elution order for Trp and NA.
pH. These would cause increased electrostatic interactions: attrac- Different behaviours were also observed for the two neutral
tive to the cationic solutes inducing increased retention, repulsive columns used for this study: TSK gel Amide and Luna Diol. For the
to the anionic solutes inducing decreased retention. first column, retention variations were not very significant, while
For the positively charged supports (Cosmosil HILIC and Upti- on the second retention decreased for all the compounds when
sphere NH2 ) we could observe a retention increase, particularly temperature increased.
significant for the acidic compounds (HVA, 5HIAA and DOPAC). The temperature effect was studied on three of the positively
This is consistent with increasing deprotonation of the acidic func- charged columns: Astec apHera NH2 and Cosmosil HILIC. For Astec
tions, causing both increased hydrophilic character and increased apHera NH2 and Cosmosil HILIC we could observe an increase of
electrostatic interactions with the protonated triazole and amine the retention factor with the temperature increase for the acidic
functions of the stationary phase. compounds, while for the others analytes, the retention decreased
Finally, for the zwitterionic column, ZIC-HILIC, the retention or remained constant.
increases (mainly for the positively and negatively charged com- Only for the ZIC-HILIC column, retention increased with the
pounds) with the pH as it did on the negatively charged columns, temperature for all the analytes.
meaning that the analytes mainly interacted with the negatively
charged sulfonate group present at the sulfobetaine ligand end. 3.6. Comparison of stationary phases in all conditions
This is in accordance with past studies, indicating that sufficiently
large solutes cannot reach the quaternary ammonium function that Lämmerhofer et al. [45] used principal component analysis
is placed close to the silica surface, as they might face electro- to compare HILIC chromatographic systems to mixed-mode ion-
static repulsion from the sulfonate end groups [15]. The resulting exchange and reversed-phase systems, and also more specifically
behaviour of the sulfobetaine stationary phase is then comparable on HILIC elution data, to investigate retention behaviours on sta-
to a negatively charged stationary phase. tionary phases of varied nature. The intention in our data analyses
was to help in the initial choice of a stationary phase, but also to
3.5. Temperature influence investigate the similarities and differences in elution behaviour to
assess the usefulness of changing one column for another in the
All the studies in the literature showed that selectivity changes method development process.
with temperature depending mainly on the nature of analytes and PCA calculations were performed on logarithms of the retention
differences in analyte–stationary phase interactions [44]. We could factors after auto-scaling (all columns were centered and reduced)
observe that the temperature effect depends both on the analyte to give all variables the same importance. Besides, this operation
and stationary phase nature. ensures that the position of the columns in the PCA plot is related to
On the two silica columns used for this study (Uptisphere HILIC separation properties, while a PCA plot based on non-auto-scaled
Silica and Ascentis Express HILIC) the temperature increase had data shows differences in retention behaviour.
different effects. On the first column for all the compounds reten- Initially, a PCA was carried out combining all retention data
tion decrease was registered with the temperature increase. On the available for the three acidic solutes, the six basic solutes, and
3100 R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104
Fig. 7. Principal component analysis based on the retention data (log k) measured for A, DA, S, HVA, DOPAC, 5HIAA, DOPA, Tyr and TRP on the 12 stationary phases investigated,
in all operating conditions: (a) PC1–PC2 score plot and (b) PC1–PC2 loading plot.
Fig. 8. Principal component analysis based on the retention data (log k) measured on the 12 stationary phases investigated, in all operating conditions: (a) PC1–PC2 score
plot based on retention data of anionic acidic compounds (HVA, 5HIAA and DOPAC); (b) PC1–PC2 score plot based on retention data of cationic basic compounds (A, DA, S,
3-MT, NA and DHBA); (c) PC1–PC2 score plot based on retention data of zwitterionic amino acids (DOPA, Tyr and Trp).
R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104 3101
Fig. 9. Principal component analysis based on the retention data (log k) measured on TSKgel Amide for the 12 solutes investigated, in all operating conditions: (a) PC1–PC2
score plot based on non-auto-scaled retention data; (b) PC1–PC2 loading plot based on non-auto-scaled retention data; (c) PC1–PC2 score plot based on auto-scaled retention
data; (d) PC1–PC2 score plot based on non-auto-scaled retention data. Black circles are related to the variation in acetonitrile percentage, from 70 to 90%. Pink squares stand
for the variation in column temperature (varied between 10 and 50 ◦ C). Blue diamonds are related to the variation in salt concentration in the mobile phase (from 10 to
75 mM). Green triangles stand for the data acquired at different pH (from 3 to 5). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of the article.)
the three amino acids. However, we feared that the cationic basic pounds. ZIC-HILIC and Uptisphere CN are seen to be clearly different
solutes, being more numerous than the others, would excessively from the others, based on their position relative to the PC2 axis, but
weight this plot. Thus we calculated another PCA taking into also based on the fact that they are the farthest to the centre points
account the three anionic acidic solutes (HVA, 5HIAA and DOPAC), on the PC2–PC3 plot (not shown). We can also point out that Luna
three cationic basic solutes (A, DA and S), and the three zwitterionic DIOL, which was seen to have less accessible silanol groups than the
amino acids (DOPA, Tyr and Trp). Taking into account all stationary other neutral phases, is positioned furthest to the top left of this col-
phases and operating conditions tested, whenever data were avail- umn group, so it is clearly the least weighted by the position of the
able for all nine compounds, the calculation includes data for 87 cationic bases. This is all indicative of a global retention behaviour
observations. The PC1–PC2 score plot is presented in Fig. 7a, while separating compound families according to the following scheme:
loading plot is presented in Fig. 7b.
PC1 and PC2 together account for about 85% of the variance, thus
the PC1–PC2 plots are amenable to interpretation. The three groups
of solutes are clearly distinguished on the loading plot, revealing (i) On anionic and neutral phases (apart from Uptisphere CN),
that they behave in a different manner on the stationary phases anionic acids are less retained than cationic bases, less retained
tested. On the left-hand side of the score plot, the cationic-type than zwitterionic amino acids.
stationary phases (Cosmosil HILIC, Astec NH2 , Uptisphere NH2 and (ii) On cationic phases, cationic bases are less or equally retained as
Polaris NH2 ) are found, naturally essentially weighted by the reten- the anionic acids, less retained than zwitterionic amino acids.
tion of the anionic acidic compounds. On the right-hand side of the (iii) On the zwitterionic phase (ZIC-HILIC), which appears to be dis-
score plot, the anionic-type (Ascentis Express HILIC, Pursuit SI and criminated from the others on the PC2 axis, anions are less
Uptisphere SI), neutral (Luna DIOL, Pursuit DIOL, TSK gel Amide and retained than amino acids, less or equally retained as cations.
Uptisphere CN) and zwitterionic (ZIC-HILIC) stationary phases are (iv) On the Uptisphere CN, anions are less retained than amino
found, essentially weighted by the retention of cationic basic com- acids, less retained than cations.
3102 R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104
Among each family of stationary phases providing generally In this case, PCA plots were carried out both before and after data
similar elution orders, some diversity is found. First of all, among auto-scaling of retention data (logarithms of the retention factors),
cationic stationary phases, a wide dispersion is found along the thus two PCA plots were available in each case, one related to reten-
PC2 axis, mainly weight by the retention of the zwitterionic amino tion (non-auto-scaled data), and the other based on elution orders
acids. It is clear that the salt concentration has a great effect on of the solutes (auto-scaled data).
the general retention behaviour of these phases, as the points are The PCA plots obtained for TSKgel Amide are presented in Fig. 9,
scattered to a large extent (for Cosmosil HILIC and Astec NH2 , for as an example, but conclusions are roughly the same for all columns.
instance). On the ZIC-HILIC phase, the pH is seen to have a great In Fig. 9a and b, the PCA plots (score plot and loading plot, respec-
effect on separation behaviour, as the observations at pH ≥ 5 are tively) based on non-auto-scaled data are presented. First of all,
distant from observations at pH 4. This is most probably due to the we can point out the large percentage of variance explained by
variation in ionization state of the solutes when increasing the pH, the PC1–PC2 plots, and most particularly by the PC1 plot that car-
affecting their retention and separation behaviour. ries alone 80% of the variance, thus the figures presented are fully
To achieve a clearer view of separation behaviour, we then cal- amenable to interpretation. Secondly, the following points can be
culated three more PCAs: the first one based solely on retention of deduced from the observation of both figures:
the three anionic compounds (HVA, 5HIAA and DOPAC), PC1–PC2
score plot shown in Fig. 8a; the second one based solely on the
retention of the six cationic compounds (A, DA, S, 3-MT, NA and (i) The influence of pH is essentially associated to those three
DHBA), PC1–PC2 score plot shown in Fig. 8b; and the third one solutes (HVA, 5HIAA and DOPAC), which face the strongest
based on the retention of the three zwitterionic amino acids (Trp, variation in their ionization state in the pH range investigated
Tyr and DOPA), PC1–PC2 score plot shown in Fig. 8c. (the points related to pH variation are placed in the same direc-
First of all, we can note that, as the retention behaviour of tion as the acids).
compounds bearing the same charge is similar and as compound (ii) The influence of the percentage of acetonitrile is the most
number is small, the PC1 and PC2 axes together already carry important one (the points are placed on a parallel line to PC1
all information (except for Fig. 8b, because of the Uptisphere CN axis), strongly affecting retention of all compounds.
eccentricity), thus the PC1–PC2 plots are readily amenable to inter- (iii) Salt concentration and temperature only have limited influ-
pretation, without any need for attention to further components. ence on retention, and this influence is not identical to the
On all three figures, we can note that separation behaviour in change in acetonitrile percentage (the points related to salt
one compound family is not always as would have been expected concentration variation and temperature variation are placed
based on the observation of Fig. 7: in an orthogonal fashion as compared to those related to ace-
tonitrile change).
(i) The Uptisphere CN singles out for the separation of anionic and
cationic compounds, but nor for the separation of amino acids.
(ii) DIOL phases and silica gel phases are always separated, indi- In Fig. 9c and d, the PCA plots (score plot and loading plot,
cating that they provide different elution orders of the solutes respectively) based on auto-scaled data are presented. Again, the
of one compound family, or, when they provide identical elu- percentage of variance explained by the PC1–PC2 plots is large,
tion orders, different selectivities are observed. For instance, but in this case the second component has a quite large signifi-
DIOL phases provide poor separation of HVA and 5HIAA, while cance as compared to the first component (30% vs. 45% variance
silica phases can separate these compounds. On the contrary, explained). The conclusions regarding the influence of the opti-
silica phases provide poor separation for TYR and DOPA while mization parameters on the separation are quite different from the
they are generally better separated on diol phases. Hydrogen- above comments:
bonding and dipole–dipole interactions probably play a part in
these differences.
(i) The acidic compounds are no more separated from the others
(iii) ZIC-HILIC is generally in between diol and silica phases, closer
on the loading plot, and no particular ordering depending on
to the former.
compound family appears, indicating that all compounds can
(iv) For anions and zwitterionic species, diversity can also be found
be diversely affected by the varied optimization parameters, as
among the cationic stationary phases. Polaris NH2 provided
far as separation is concerned.
poor separation of the anions, while Uptisphere NH2 was able
(ii) pH remains a significant parameter, thus would deserve being
to separate them but with a clearly lower retention than other
investigated in the method development process, whenever
amino phases. Astec NH2 is particularly singled out for separa-
some solutes ionization may be affected, or stationary phase
tion of amino acids.
ionization may be affected.
(iii) MeCN percentage is not as significant for separation as it is for
On the separation of amino acids, the salt concentration seems retention, indicating that most solutes tend to be affected in
to have a great influence on the separation behaviour, as ZIC-HILIC, the same manner by a change in MeCN proportion, while band
Astec NH2 and Uptisphere SI, on which the effect of salt concentra- spacing is not so much affected.
tion was investigated, are scattered to a large extent on the score (iv) Salt concentration is significant to modify band spacing.
plot. (v) Temperature is still the least significant parameter to affect
separation quality.
3.7. Relative importance of the adjusting parameters for each
stationary phase
These observations are quite consistent with the observations of
For each column, when sufficiently varied data were available, Guo et al. [39], who used experimental design to evaluate the rela-
a principal component analysis was carried out to estimate the tive significance of optimizing parameters on a variety of stationary
relative importance of each optimization parameter (acetonitrile phases and concluded that MeCN proportion and salt concentration
percentage, salt concentration, pH and temperature) on both reten- were most significant than temperature. These results can then be
tion and separation. used as guidelines in HILIC method development (Fig. 10).
R.-I. Chirita et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 1217 (2010) 3091–3104 3103
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