HILIC Review
HILIC Review
HILIC Review
DOI 10.1007/s00216-011-5308-5
Received: 24 June 2011 / Revised: 29 July 2011 / Accepted: 1 August 2011 / Published online: 31 August 2011
# The Author(s) 2011. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com
Abstract Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography specific and nonspecific interactions [1–4]. Nevertheless,
(HILIC) provides an alternative approach to effectively there is currently no detailed quantitative retention model
separate small polar compounds on polar stationary phases. that would allow the chromatographic parameters for
The purpose of this work was to review the options for the individual analytes separated under given conditions to be
characterization of HILIC stationary phases and their accurately predicted.
applications for separations of polar compounds in complex Normal or reversed-phase liquid chromatography can be
matrices. The characteristics of the hydrophilic stationary used for analysis. In normal phase liquid chromatography
phase may affect and in some cases limit the choices of mobile (NP-LC), the stationary phase is more polar than the mobile
phase composition, ion strength or buffer pH value available, phase. The retention increases as the polarity of the mobile
since mechanisms other than hydrophilic partitioning could phase decreases, and thus polar analytes are more strongly
potentially occur. Enhancing our understanding of retention retained than nonpolar ones. The opposite situation occurs in
behavior in HILIC increases the scope of possible applications reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) [5]. NP-LC
of liquid chromatography. One interesting option may also be has been widely used to separate various compounds, from
to use HILIC in orthogonal and/or two-dimensional separa- nonpolar to highly polar compounds (note that chromatogra-
tions. Bioapplications of HILIC systems are also presented. phy was first introduced as a method used in separation
science). Although RP-LC systems were previously commonly
Keywords Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography . used by scientists, NP-LC methods are currently undergoing a
Stationary phase . Separation mechanism . Bioapplication renaissance.
Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) is
an alternative high-performance liquid chromatography
Introduction (HPLC) mode for separating polar compounds. For historical
reasons, it has been reported that HILIC is a variant of normal
A theoretical description of analyte retention in high- phase liquid chromatography, but the separation mechanism
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been the used in HILIC is more complicated than that in NP-LC. While
subject of various publications. There are several ways to the acronym HILIC was first suggested by Alpert in 1990 [6],
model the separation mechanism: partition, adsorption, ion the number of publications on HILIC has increased
exchange, and size exclusion. This mechanism is based on substantially since 2003 (Fig. 1), as outlined in the well-
constructed review by Hemström and Irgum [7].
Like NP-LC, HILIC employs traditional polar stationary
Published in the 10th Anniversary Issue. phases such as silica, amino or cyano [8–12], but the mobile
B. Buszewski (*) : S. Noga phase used is similar to those employed in the RP-LC mode
Chair of Environmental Chemistry and Bioanalytics, [7, 11, 12]. HILIC also allows the analysis of charged
Faculty of Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University,
substances, as in ion chromatography (IC). Figure 2 shows
7 Gagarin St.,
87-100 Toruń, Poland how HILIC complements other areas of chromatography and
e-mail: bbusz@chem.uni.torun.pl extends the range of separation options.
232 B. Buszewski, S. Noga
Fig. 1 SciFinder Scholar search results documenting the continuously growing research area of HILIC, based on the numbers of publications per year
HILIC has many specific advantages over conventional compounds that are too polar to be well retained in RP-LC
NP-LC and RP-LC. For example, it is suitable for analyzing but have insufficient charge to allow effective electrostatic
compounds in complex systems that always elute near the retention in ion-exchange chromatography. HILIC separa-
void in reserved-phase chromatography. Polar samples always tion is currently attracting a lot of interest since it solves
show good solubility in the aqueous mobile phase used in many previously difficult separation problems, such as the
HILIC, which overcomes the drawbacks of the poor solubility separation of small organic acids, basic drugs, and many other
often encountered in NP-LC. Expensive ion pair reagents are neutral and charged substances. It has been successfully
not required in HILIC, and it can be conveniently coupled to applied to the analysis of carbohydrates [14, 15], peptides [8,
mass spectrometry (MS), especially in the electrospray 16, 17] and polar pharmaceuticals [11, 18], etc.
ionization (ESI) mode. In contrast to RP-LC, gradient elution This paper covers fundamental developments in hydro-
HILIC begins with a low-polarity organic solvent and elutes philic interaction liquid chromatography. The objective of the
polar analytes by increasing the polar aqueous content [13]. A present work is to review options for the characterization of
desirable mobile phase would contain high organic content HILIC stationary phases and their applications to separations
for better sensitivity and also show good on-column retention of polar compounds in complex matrices. Gaining a thorough
for polar ionic compounds. Hydrophilic interaction liquid understanding of retention behavior in HILIC enhances the
chromatography has established itself as the separation mode scope of applications of liquid chromatography. The separa-
of choice for uncharged highly hydrophilic and amphiphilic tion mechanism can depend on many factors, such as the
physicochemical properties of the stationary phase and
hydroorganic mobile phase, and the structures of the samples
investigated. Precisely defining which mechanism prevails is
currently a difficult and complicated task. This phenomenon is
still waiting for theoretical elucidation.
amino-silica phase, Bondapak (Waters, Milford, MA, USA) pounds. Suppressing silanol ionization through the addition
in a mixture of acetonotrile and water (75:25 v/v). The next of TFA may promote the ion-pairing mechanism. Similar
generation of stationary phases for HILIC used DIOL- and effects have also been observed in HILIC on monolithic
amide-silica. The DIOL-silica column has mainly been used silica gel columns, which offer higher permeability than the
for the separation of proteins [20, 21]. According to Tosoh, particle-packed HILIC columns [58]. Silica gel type C with
producer of TSKgel Amide-80, amide-silica columns have a hydrosilated surface populated with nonpolar silicon
been available since at least 1985. This particular phase is hydride Si–H groups instead of silanol groups may have
described as consisting of nonionic carbamoyl groups that up to 95% of its original silanols removed, making it less
are chemically bonded to the silica gel, but it is commonly polar than silica gels with higher populations of silanol
known as an amide-bonded silica. After Yoshida [22] applied groups [59]. It can be used to separate acids or bases in the
these phases to the separation of peptides, the amide-silica HILIC mode in buffered mobile phases containing more
phase soon found common usage in HILIC. Chemically than 50–70% organic solvent (acetonitrile).
bonded stationary phases with specific structural properties DIOL, amino, amide and other bonded phases used in
have been prepared by Buszewski et al. [23–25]. One of HILIC are usually prepared by chemically modifying the
them contains aminopropyl ligands bonded to silica (SG– silica gel surface, like the C18 phases used for RP-LC [8, 60].
NH2); others are an alkylamide packing phase (SG-AP) and Chemically bonded DIOL phases demonstrate high polarity
a mixed phase (SG-MIX) containing different types of and hydrogen bonding properties, and do not contain
ligands (–NH2, –CN, –Ph, –C8, –C18) bonded to the support. ionizable groups other than unreacted residual silanols,
Over the last 15 years, HILIC has progressed into second meaning that they are appropriate for the HILIC mode
and third generation implementations, most of which involve [61]. Bonded amino-silica columns are relatively often used
mixed or multiple-interaction solid phases. Many column in the HILIC mode. While basic analytes are in general
vendors sell both traditional HILIC and its more sophisticated strongly retained on silica gel by hydrogen bonding and ion-
relatives. Some novel separation materials for HILIC have exchange interactions with silanol groups, acidic compounds
attracted increasing attention in recent years [7, 18, 26–31]. show increased affinities to amino-silica columns, which
Hence, the structural variations of HILIC-type stationary can sometimes even lead to irreversible adsorption [8].
phases are wider than those found in reversed-phase systems. Chemically bonded phases with other functionalities, such as
HILIC phases can be grouped into neutral polar or ionic polyethylene glycol or alkyls with embedded amide or
surfaces. Table 1 shows the different structures of stationary carbamate groups, are generally proposed for RP applica-
phases that are applicable to HILIC-mode separation. These tions in water-rich mobile phases. On the other hand, when
special separation materials for HILIC show good selectiv- the percentage of organic solvent is high, the retention of
ity and reproducibility for the separation of polar com- many compounds increases with increasing concentration of
pounds. Although the number of commercially available acetonitrile, showing typical NP behavior [6, 47, 62].
columns designed especially for HILIC is growing, there is Cyclodextrin-silica stationary phases that possess several
still no versatile stationary phase like C18 in RP-LC. linked glucopyranoside units and have chiral recognition
However, different types of separation materials for HILIC properties are useful for HILIC chiral separations [40].
have different retention characteristics and separation Zwitterionic sulfoalkylbetaine stationary phases have also
selectivities. been introduced for HILIC separations. The active layer, which
Unmodified bare silica gel has some advantages for is grafted onto wide-pore silica gel or a polymer support,
HILIC, in contrast to chemically bonded stationary phases. contains both strongly acidic sulfonic acid groups and strongly
Type A silica gels, prepared by precipitation from the basic quaternary ammonium groups separated by a short
solutions of silicates, are acidic because they are polluted alkyl spacer. Ion-exchange interactions of the zwitterionic
with certain metals that activate surface silanol groups and stationary phase are assumed. The sulfoalkylbetaine bonded
form complexes with some chelating solutes, causing phases strongly adsorb water by hydrogen bonding, and
strong retention or asymmetric peaks. Type B silica gels the bulk layer of water, which forms part of the stationary
are formed by the aggregation of silica sols in air, contain phase, then largely controls the retention mechanism.
very low amounts of metals, and are more stable at Zwitterionic columns are commercially available under the
intermediate and higher pH values (up to at least pH 9) tradenames ZIC-HILIC (on a silica gel support) and ZIC-
than xerogel-type materials. They generally provide better pHILIC (on a polymer support) [12].
separations, especially for basic samples, because they are The separation of neutral compounds on ion exchangers
highly purified, less acidic “sol-gel” spherical silica under typical HILIC conditions has been known about for a
particles [57]. At higher pH values, silanol groups are very long time. On both cation-exchange and anion-exchange
ionized and cation exchange plays a important role in styrene-divinylbenzene resins, only the retentions of some
retention, especially for positively charged basic com- polar compounds (e.g., carbohydrates and related substances)
234 B. Buszewski, S. Noga
alkylamide [23-24]
polymeric structures of
poly(succinimide) [14, 26, 35, 43]
increase with increasing ethanol concentration in the mobile groups, a mixed-mode HILIC/ion-exchange mechanism con-
phase. For other compounds, the opposite effects have been trols the retention, which may cause specific selectivity
observed [62–64]. Due to the presence of ion-exchange effects. The mixed anion-exchange/cation-exchange/HILIC
HILIC—a powerful separation technique 235
Table 1 (continued)
glycol/silica (HS PEG)
“click” saccharides
(“click” maltose)
zwitterionic sulfobetaine
bonded phases [11, 18, 49-53]
cationic exchangers
[54, 55]
bonded phases
mix-mode RP/anionic
exchangers bonded [50, 56]
mechanism that occurs on silica-based, small-pore, weak ion- achieve the same degree of retention of the analyte relative
exchange resins was found to be useful for the analysis and to an aprotic solvent–water combination [7].
purification of compounds from natural products [18]. An eluotropic row is useful for selecting a suitable
organic modifier for the mobile phase. This lists solvents
according to increasing elution strength. Relative solvent
strengths in HILIC can be approximately summarized as
Mobile phase selection
A typical mobile phase for HILIC chromatography includes
acetone < isopropanol propanol < acetonitrile
water-miscible polar organic solvents such as acetonitrile
with a small amount of water [6]. However, any aprotic < ethanol < dioxane < DMF methanol < water
solvent that is miscible with water (e.g., tetrahydrofuran,
THF, and/or dioxane) can be used. Alcohols can also be HILIC separations are performed either in isocratic mode
adopted, although a higher concentration is needed to with a high percentage of organic solvent or with gradients
236 B. Buszewski, S. Noga
starting with a high percentage of organic solvent and Present theory proposes that HILIC retention is caused
ending with a high proportion of aqueous solvent [6]. by partitioning. This phenomenon still lacks a thorough
It is commonly believed that in HILIC, the mobile phase theoretical explanation. In this mode, the separation
forms a water-rich layer on the surface of the polar stationary mechanism is based on the differential distribution of the
phase vs. the water-deficient mobile phase, creating a liquid/ injected analyte solute molecules between the acetonitrile-rich
liquid extraction system. The analyte is distributed between mobile phase and a water-enriched layer adsorbed onto the
these two layers [6, 33]. hydrophilic stationary phase [6, 7] (see Fig. 3). The more
hydrophilic the analyte, the more the partitioning equilibrium
is shifted towards the immobilized water layer on the
Mobile phase additives stationary phase, and thus, the more the analyte is retained.
In other words, a separation based on the polarities of the
Ionic additives, such as ammonium acetate and ammonium compounds and the degree of solvation takes place. As a result
formate, are typically used to control the mobile phase pH of the preferential solvation of the stationary phase surface, it
and ion strength. In HILIC, they can also contribute to the is very likely that the gradient of a given solvent concentration
polarity of the analyte, resulting in differential changes in from the adsorbent surface into a bulk mobile phase is formed.
retention. For ionizable analytes, such as aminoglycoside When the concentration of acetonitrile (or some other
antibiotics, the pH must be adjusted to ensure that the organic solvent) increases, water interacts more strongly with
analyte will be in a single ionic form. Increasing the buffer the surface of the polar stationary phase (e.g., bare silica). In
concentration decreases the retention if ion exchange this case, acetonitrile cannot interact with residual silanols on
controls the retention, while the opposite effect may occur, the stationary phases, so they are uncovered and water
affecting the solvation, in the absence of ion exchange molecules can be adsorbed onto them [74–78]. Figure 4a
under HILIC conditions. If this is not done, an asymmetric shows the largest excess adsorption of acetonitrile on the
peak shape, chromatographic peak “tailing,” and/or poor surface area of an HILIC adsorbent. It was found for water-
recovery from the stationary phase will be observed. No buffer rich mobile phases containing about 80% water by volume.
is needed to separate neutral polar analytes (e.g., carbohy- This mirrors the preferential adsorption of acetonitrile onto
drates). The use of other salts (such as 100–300 mM sodium siloxane bridges. The largest deficit of acetonitrile is found
perchlorate) that are soluble in high organic solvent mixtures for a water concentration of close to 20% (v/v). This
(ca. 70% acetonitrile) can be used to increase the polarity of corresponds to the maximum excess adsorption of water onto
the mobile phase in order to achieve elution. These salts are the silica, and illustrates the preferential adsorption of water
not volatile, so this technique is less useful with a mass molecules onto free, accessible silanol groups (≡Si–OH) [79].
spectrometer as a detector [6, 65]. The water adsorption is higher when the proportion of water
molecules in the mobile phase decreases [78]. Figure 4b
shows the plots obtained when following the convention that
Separation mechanism in HILIC mode total adsorption isotherms have a horizontal plateau or rather
inflection point. This convention represents the minimum
The mechanism and theoretical description of analyte reten- adsorbed amount of eluent, because the total amount
tion in HPLC has been the subject of many articles. Different adsorbed is a strictly monotonously increasing function of
research groups and scientific schools still disagree about the its bulk concentration [79].
most realistic retention mechanism and the best theory to When the acetonitrile volume fraction is between 30 and
describe and predict it [66, 67]. 70%, the adsorbed phase consists of at least three adsorbed
There are essentially three possible ways to model the layers of acetonitrile and water mixture. This agrees with
separation mechanism. The first is analyte partitioning previous studies that demonstrated the formation of an
between the mobile and stationary phases [68, 69]; the adsorbed multilayer of water on bare silica. The number of
second is the adsorption of the analyte onto the surface of adsorbed monolayers of pure acetonitrile is around 2, while
the adsorbent [70, 71]; the third assumes the preferential that of pure water is close to 3 [79].
adsorption of the organic mobile phase modifier onto the To sum up, when the concentration of water in the mobile
adsorbent surface, followed by the partitioning of this phase is lower than 20%, water adsorption can be multilayer in
analyte into the adsorbed layer [72]. The retention nature, and it can create an excess of adsorbed water in
phenomenon in HPLC simultaneously depends on various comparison with the concentration of water in the eluent.
types of intermolecular interactions between the solute and McCalley and Neue [78] concluded that about 4–13% of the
the stationary phase, the solute and the mobile phase, and pore volume of the silica phase is occupied by a water-
the stationary and mobile phases. Known intermolecular enriched layer when there is 75–90% acetonitrile in the
interaction types are given in Table 2. eluent. The solvent adsorption governed by these specific
HILIC—a powerful separation technique 237
Table 2 Types of interactions between the analyte, stationary phase, and mobile phase [73]
Energy Example
Type of interaction Characterization
[kJ·mol-1] system
formed between hydrogen of the protodonor
Hydrogen group and atom being hydrogen acceptor, can be
- (4 - 17)
bonding formed within the same molecule, as well as
Chemical between two different
Donor – acceptor occurs between pairs of electron donor (Lewis
- (4 - 17)
interactions base) and acceptor (Lewis acid)
Dipole-induced forces between the molecule possesses clear
- (4 - 17)
dipole dipole moment and non-polar molecule
interactions may have a large influence on the selectivity of for retention. This indicates that the mechanism of HILIC is
the separation in the discussed HILIC systems [76]. distinct from that of ion-exchange chromatography. There are
Although it is well established that a hydrophilic surface studies that point towards a more multimodal separation
holds water when exposed to mixtures of organic solvent and mechanism [6, 7]. Alpert [6] considered dipole–dipole
water, the HILIC partitioning theory is based on only interactions, and hydrogen bonds may also contribute to
circumstantial evidence. HILIC is more than just simple partitioning into the stationary phase layer. He noted charged
partitioning, and includes hydrogen donor interactions that basic groups in a solute lead to pronounced hydro-
between neutral polar species, as well as weak electrostatic philicity and retention, so these interactions make important
mechanisms under the high organic solvent conditions used contributions to the mechanism of separation. Yoshida [16]
238 B. Buszewski, S. Noga
Additionally, the same salt-based disruption can decrease the retained when trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) buffers were used.
retentions of analytes, and can be useful during elution [6]. This is possibly due to suppression of the repulsion of the
However, in some instances, a higher salt concentration solute anions from ionized silanol groups at the low pH
might drive the more solvated salt ions into the water-enriched values of TFA solutions of aqueous acetonitrile. At high
layer formed on the particles, yielding an increase in the buffer pH, the ionization of weak bases was suppressed,
volume of the water layer and therefore an increase in reducing ionic (and possibly hydrophilic) retention, leading
retention [42, 65, 84]. A thickening of the water layer on to further opportunities to manipulate selectivity [57].
the stationary phase through hydration takes place at the same Charged stationary phases, such as the above mentioned
time [57]. Another possible cause has been hypothesized: anion or cation exchangers and deprotonated silanol groups,
electrostatic repulsion between the stationary phase and the are most likely to display some degree of electrostatic
analytes is weakened by the higher salt concentration [85]. interaction [7].
Another factor that influences the retention characteristics The effect of column temperature on HILIC separations
in HILIC is the pH of the buffer. Whether the buffer pH is is often rather small (considerably less than in RP-LC), but
above or below the pKa of the analyte determines its charge ultimately this depends on the nature of the retained
state, which in turn affects the hydrophilicity of the analyte molecule [86]. The retention in the RP mode decreases at
and likewise the interaction with the stationary phase [7, 33]. increasing temperature and is principally controlled by the
For example, acidic solutes had low retention or showed enthalpic contribution. However, the retention factors in the
exclusion in ammonium formate buffers, but were strongly HILIC range of the mobile phase are almost independent of
Fig. 6 Effect of the mobile-phase aqueous buffer concentration on the HILIC retentions of the test compounds obtained using HILIC monolithic
columns. Adapted from the data in [83]
240 B. Buszewski, S. Noga
the temperature. In HILIC mode, the retention is probably the constant m increases with decreasing polarity of the
controlled by entropic contributions, possibly originating in organic solvent and with increasing size of the sample
different levels of sample solvation in the stationary and molecule. Equation 1 was assumed to apply generally to the
bulk mobile phases [87]. systems where partition or nonlocalized adsorption controls
Polar analytes show very different selectivities under HILIC the retention, except for mobile phases with low concen-
and RP-LC conditions [88]. Sometimes polar compounds are trations of organic solvents. Because the retention in HILIC
well retained, and the elution order in HILIC is one of is proportional to the polarity of the solute and inversely
increasing hydrophilicity, which is roughly the reverse of that proportional to the polarity of the mobile phase (opposite to
seen in RP-LC. For example, Olsen [10] has compared the the retention in RP systems), Eq. 1 with φ taken to mean
properties of various stationary phases used for the separation the volume fraction of water rather than that of the organic
of pyrimidines and purines (polar compounds of significant solvent can be used to describe the effects of the mobile
biological and pharmaceutical interest). Figure 7 shows phase on the retention in HILIC systems, where the
changes in the selectivity of the separation of these types of partition between the adsorbed water and the bulk mobile
polar compound on the HILIC and RP-LC columns. phase is assumed to control retention [94].
It was demonstrated recently that the mechanism of For conventional nonaqueous normal phase systems,
HILIC separation involves various combinations of hydro- where retention is based on surface adsorption, the
philic interactions, ion exchange, and reversed-phase retention following equation was found to adequately describe the
by the siloxane on the silica surface, which contribute to retention model [95, 96]:
various degrees depending on the particular conditions 0 0
log k ¼ log k0 m log 8 ; ð2Þ
employed [33, 34].
where φ is the volume fraction of the polar solvent in the
binary organic mobile phase, k′0 is the retention factor in pure
Characterization and selection of HILIC separation polar solvent, and m is the stoichiometric coefficient charac-
systems terizing the number of molecules of the strong solvent that are
needed to displace one adsorbed molecule of the analyte.
The selectivity depends not only on the stationary phase but The relative polarity of the mobile phase with respect to the
also strongly on the mobile phase [89]. stationary phase is a distinguishing feature that can be used to
In reversed-phase systems, the effects of the volume classify NP and RP systems. Hence, a dual retention
fraction of a strong organic solvent (φ) in a binary mobile mechanism, where the NP and RP effects contribute simulta-
phase on the retention factor k over a limited concentration neously to the retention, is a rather common phenomenon in
range of acetonitrile–water can be described by a widely hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography [89].
used semi-empirical equation [90–93]: The retention factor (k) includes the solvophobic and the
polar contributions, which depend on the polarity of the
log k ¼ log k0 m1 8 ¼ a m 8 : ð1Þ
solute, the chemistry of the stationary phase, and the
The constant a in Eq. 1 should theoretically be equal to the composition of the mobile phase [94]. Plots of retention
logarithm of the retention factor of the solute in pure water; factor versus binary aqueous–organic mobile phase com-
Fig. 7 Comparison of the selectivities obtained for polar pharmaceuticals using a reversed-phase ion pairing (LiChrospher RP-Select B column)
and b HILIC (Zorbax NH2) separation modes. Compound numbering is the same for both chromatograms. Adapted from the data in [10]
HILIC—a powerful separation technique 241
Fig. 10 Theoretical representation of orthogonality in comprehensive LC: a NP-LC×RP-LC separation of lemon oil, b RP-LC×RP-LC
separation of steroids. Adapted from the data in [113]
HILIC—a powerful separation technique 243
Fig. 11 Schematic diagram of the ACN concentration profile in a sequence of alternating HILIC and RP gradients on a single column. Adapted
from the data in [99]
orthogonality is defined as the fraction of coverage of a 2D Two-dimensional liquid chromatography is often used to
separation space [115]. The benefits of the orthogonality of reduce the complexity of a proteomic sample prior to tandem
HILIC×RP-LC can also be utilized by running the same mass spectrometry analysis.
sample in both HILIC and RP-LC modes and combining the An elegant way to utilize the advantageous orthogonality
data. This provides more information on the total sample and of HILIC and RP-LC is to use solid-phase extraction (SPE)
can, for example, be used for enhanced protein identification to fractionate the sample before separation. The two
via database searches or in approaches with sample fingerprint fractions are then separated in either the HILIC or the RP-
analysis. For example, selected LC modes including RP-LC LC mode, depending on the polarity [34]. Other techniques,
and HILIC were combined in different 2D LC setups for the such as IC and size exclusion chromatography (SEC), result
separation of the natural antioxidants phenolic acid and in more peak grouping or poorer resolution in comparison
flavone (Fig. 12) by Jandera et al. [116]. to HILIC [115].
Other examples are the separation of peptides in 2005
by Gilar et al. [115], and of flavonoid glycosides in both
RP-LC and HILIC modes on a β-cyclodextrin column by Applications of HILIC
Feng et al. in 2010 [46]. 2D techniques combining RP and
HILIC chromatography represent powerful tools in the There are many examples of the application of HILIC to the
analysis of pharmaceuticals and their degradation products, analysis of small polar molecules, including biomarkers,
and in the metabolic profiling of physiological fluids [61]. nucleosides, nucleotides/oligonucleotides, amino acids,
Fig. 12 Three-dimensional chromatogram for the comprehensive LC×LC separation of phenolic acid and flavone test standards with an
optimized two-dimensional parallel gradient. Adapted from the data in [116]
244 B. Buszewski, S. Noga
peptides and proteins, saccharides, glycosides, oligosac- metabolomics, glycomics, medical science, agricultural
charides, hydrophilic drugs, alkaloids, carbohydrates, and and food chemistry. The HILIC mode is used intensively
other small polar or ionizable compounds, which contribute to separate some biomolecules through differences in
to the fields of pharmaceutical chemistry, proteomics, polarity, as well as organic and some inorganic molecules.
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