Faction Support Harlequin

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Eldar Harlequins leap into battle TROUPE MASTER Kill Team Leader Cost to recruit: 300 points
with breathtaking speed and grace. M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Though these balletic warriors Troupe Master 6" 6 5 3 3 2 7 3 10
are lightly armoured, their dathedi
domino fields render their outlines Troupe Masters are choreographers of war, the lead players in their warlike caste
into polychromatic blurs that make and exemplary warriors that embody the lethal elegance of the Harlequins.
them almost impossible to target.
To the Harlequins, every battle is a Wargear: A Troupe Master has a concealed blade, Harlequin mask, flip belt and
saedath, an intricately choreographed holo-suit. In addition, a Troupe Master can be armed with items chosen from
performance that is both mythic the Harlequins Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Pistols, Grenades and Miscellaneous
play and perfectly balanced strategic Equipment lists.
manoeuvre. Every player knows their
role, and fulfils it with matchless PLAYER Trooper Cost to recruit: 150 points
synchronicity. For all their enthralling M WS BS S T W I A Ld
elegance, the Harlequins are lethal Player 6" 5 4 3 3 1 6 2 9
combatants. They strike with precision,
wielding lethal weapons that can kill Harlequin Players tumble, sprint and leap, every squeeze of the trigger and
with the slightest graze, while their whipcord kick to the throat an act of worship to their Laughing God.
illusory masks project their foes’ worst
fears back at them. Wargear: A Player has a concealed blade, Harlequin mask, flip belt and holo-suit.
In addition, a Player can be armed with items chosen from the Harlequins
HARLEQUIN TROUPE SPECIAL RULES Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Pistols, Grenades and Miscellaneous Equipment lists.
The following special rule applies to
all members of a Harlequin Troupe MIME New Recruit Cost to recruit: 125 points
kill team. M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Mime 6" 4 4 3 3 1 6 2 9
Prismatic Blur: If a fighter with
this ability ran in their previous Harlequins play many different roles over time, changing masks and aspects time
movement phase, enemy fighters and again. Those perfecting their first role are known as Mimes.
suffer a -2 hit modifier instead of
only -1. In addition, a fighter with Wargear: A Mime has a concealed blade, Harlequin mask, flip belt and holo-suit.
this ability cannot be pinned by In addition, a Mime can be armed with items chosen from the Harlequins
shooting attacks, unless they are Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Pistols, Grenades and Miscellaneous Equipment lists.
from high-impact weapons.
VIRTUOSO Specialist Cost to recruit: 175 points
A Harlequin Troupe kill team follows Virtuoso 6" 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9
all of the normal rules, with the
following exceptions: Amongst the Troupe are certain Players whose roles emphasise the use of
specialist weaponry, the better to unleash elegantly hideous destruction.
– A Harlequin Troupe kill team
consists of 3-6 models. Wargear: A Virtuoso has a concealed blade, Harlequin mask, flip belt and
holo-suit. In addition, a Virtuoso can be armed with items chosen from the
– In any missions that allow Ork Boyz Harlequins Hand-to-Hand Weapons, Pistols, Grenades and Miscellaneous
kill teams to field additional models Equipment lists.
(such as the Raid or Hit and Run),
subtract 1 from the random number
of models that take part in the mission
for a Harlequin Troupe kill team.

‘Words can never express the true horrors that our people have suffered, the bloody scourge that we brought
down upon ourselves. Instead, dear foes, let us show you with deeds.’
- The proclamation of woe, delivered by the sorrowsinger prior to the commencement of ‘The Fall of the Eldar’
HARLEQUIN TROUPE WEAPON AND EQUIPMENT LISTS Harlequin’s kiss....................................................... 25 points
Grenades Monomolecular blade............................................. 30 points
Prismatic grenades.................................................. 40 points Harlequin’s embrace*............................................. 40 points
Power sword**.......................................................... 50 points
Miscellaneous * Troupe Master and Virtuoso only
Photo-visor............................................................... 15 points ** Troupe Master only
Weapon reload...........................Half cost of weapon in points
Hand-to-Hand Weapons Shuriken pistol........................................................ 35 points
Concealed blade (knife)........................................... 5 points Neuro disruptor*.................................................... 85 points
Harlequin’s blade (sword)...................................... 15 points Fusion pistol*......................................................... 100 points
Harlequin’s caress*................................................. 20 points * Troupe Master and Virtuoso only
Even a glancing blow from a miststave can scramble the
perceptions of its victims, leaving them trapped in a
HARLEQUIN’S CARESS nightmare of illusory shadows and madness.
The Harlequin’s caress encases the user’s hand in a phase
Range Strength Damage Save Mod.
field that allows him to reach through his foe’s armour and
pluck out their heart as easily as though he were running Close Combat User 1 *
his fingers through thin air.
Mental Assault: When rolling To Wound with a miststave,
Range Strength Damage Save Mod.
use the winner’s Leadership as the attack’s Strength
Close Combat As user 1 -1 characteristic, and the losing fighter’s Leadership
characteristic as their Toughness. No armour saving
Caress of Death: A Harlequin’s caress always wounds enemy throws can be taken against wounds inflicted in
fighters on a 4+, regardless of their Toughness, unless a this manner.
lower result would be required.
HARLEQUIN’S EMBRACE The whicker-sharp blades of the Harlequins have cutting
This wrist mounted weapon projects a cloud of edges a single molecule thick, that can part even heavy plate
monofilament wire that quickly contracts around the foe, armour with ease.
slicing them to bloody chunks in seconds.
Range Strength Damage Save Mod.
Range Strength Damage Save Mod.
Close Combat As user 1 -2
Close Combat As user 1 -
Parry: Fighters with monomolecular blades are able
Embrace of Death: On a turn in which a fighter with a to parry.
Harlequin’s embrace charges, it confers a +3 bonus to
their Strength.

When this sharpened tube is driven through an enemy’s FUSION PISTOL
armour, the high-tensile monofilament wire within it These weapons focus fusion energies into short-ranged but
uncoils, instantly reducing the victim’s insides to gory soup. utterly lethal blasts that vaporise amour, flesh and bone in
a heartbeat.
A Harlequin’s kiss uses the standard profile shown below;
⌐Range¬ ⌐To Hit¬ Save Ammo
however, any To Wound rolls of 6 made for a Harlequin’s
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
kiss are resolved using the kiss of death profile instead.
0-4" 4-8" +1 - 8 D6 -5 5+
Range Strength Damage Save Mod. NEURO DISRUPTOR
These elegant psychocrystalline weapons fire beams of
Close Combat As user 1 - energy capable of burning away nervous tissue in an
agonising instant, their victims crumpling with agonised
Kiss of Death expressions and not a mark upon them.
Range Strength Damage Save Mod. ⌐Range¬ ⌐To Hit¬ Save Ammo
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
Close Combat As user D3 -6
0-8" 8-16" +2 - 1 1 * 6+

Neural Onslaught: A neuro disruptor always wounds

enemy fighters on a 2+, regardless of their Toughness.
No armour saving throws can be taken against wounds
inflicted in this manner.
These light, compact sidearms fire flurries of razor-edged
discs that rip through their victims in blizzards of blood and
shredded tissue. PRISMATIC GRENADES
Wraithbone explosives with psychocrystalline cores, these
⌐Range¬ ⌐To Hit¬ Save Ammo
weapons burn out their victims’ senses in searing blasts.
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
Strength Damage Save Mod.
0-6" 6-12" +2 - 4 1 -1 4+
4 1 -2
Sustained Fire: 1 dice.
Blast: Prismatic grenades disperses their energy over a

SPECIAL WEAPONS limited area, and so uses the small blast template.

Blinding: Enemy fighters that are hit by a prismatic grenade

SHRIEKER CANNON suffer a -1 penalty to their WS and BS characteristics (to a
These cruel weapons fire streams of projectiles impregnated minimum of 1) until the end of their next turn.
with virulent genetic toxins. The luckless victim’s blood
boils, their organs rupture and their flesh sears from within
before they detonate like living bombs in a visceral spray. SPECIALISED EQUIPMENT
Each time a Death Jester fires a shrieker cannon, pick one FLIP BELT
of the two profiles below to use. If he runs out of one type These anti-gravitic devices enhance the Harlequins’ agility
of ammunition, he may still continue to fire the other type to incredible levels.
of ammunition with his shrieker cannon.
A fighter with a flip belt treats all terrain as open ground
Shuriken Rounds for the purposes of movement, but can’t end its move on
impassable terrain. In addition, a fighter with a flip belt
⌐Range¬ ⌐To Hit¬ Save Ammo
never suffers falling damage.
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
0-12" 12-24" +1 - 6 1 -2 4+ HALLUCINOGEN GRENADE LAUNCHER
These fluted launchers swathe the enemy in psychotropic
Sustained Fire: 2 dice. gasses that drive them swiftly mad.
⌐Range¬ ⌐To Hit¬ Save Ammo
Shrieker Rounds
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
⌐Range¬ ⌐To Hit¬ Save Ammo
0-9" 9-18" - - 1 1 - 7+
Short Long Short Long Str. Dam. Mod. Roll
0-12" 12-24" +1 - 1 1 -1 5+ Large Blast: Hallucinogen grenades give off a thick cloud of
psychotropic gas; they use the large blast template.
Large Blast: Shrieker rounds cause explosions of poisonous
bio-matter; they use the large blast template. Hallucinogenic: Enemy fighters that are pinned by a
hallucinogen grenade launcher suffer a -2 penalty to their
Bio-explosion: Shrieker rounds always wound enemy Initiative when testing to recover early from pinning.
fighters on a 2+, regardless of their Toughness.
These masks shift to display the greatest fears of the
Harlequins’ enemies.

A fighter with a Harlequin mask causes fear.

The programmable holo-fields of these suits transform
their wearers into prismatic storms of light when they move,
making them nigh impossible to hit.

A fighter with a holo-suit has a 4+ invulnerable save.

Death Jester 6" 5 5 3 3 2 7 3 10

These sinister figures play the role of Death in the Harlequins’ saedath. Able to lay down withering hails of shuriken fire,
these ghoulish figures have a grisly sense of humour that manifests in the cruel and ironic ways they kill their victims.

Wargear: A Death Jester has a concealed blade, shrieker cannon, Harlequin mask, flip belt and holo-suit.

Death is Not Enough: If an enemy fighter is pinned by a Death Jester’s shrieker cannon, they must immediately take a
Leadership test. If this test is passed, the fighter is pinned as normal; if the test is failed, you can move the fighter D6" in
any direction (this can even cause them to fall off the edge of a terrain feature!), after which they are pinned as normal.

Bounty: If a Death Jester is down or out of action at the end of a mission, the enemy kill team secures an additional
promethium cache.

Shadowseer 6" 6 4 3 3 2 7 3 10

Shadowseers are enigmatic masters of trickery and misdirection, channelling their psychic energies into phantasms that
confuse and disorient the foe while shielding the Harlequins from harm.

Wargear: A Shadowseer has a miststave, shuriken pistol, hallucinogen grenade launcher, Harlequin mask, flip belt and
holo-suit. He may also exchange his shuriken pistol for a neuro disruptor.

Phantasmancer: Enemy fighters must subtract 8" from the maximum range of any shooting attacks they make that are
directed at a Shadowseer or a friendly Harlequin Troupe fighter within 6" of him.

Bounty: If a Shadowseer is down or out of action at the end of a mission, the enemy kill team secures an additional
promethium cache.

Solitaire 12" 9 9 3 3 3 10 6 10

The Solitaire plays the cursed role of Slaanesh. A lonely figure of dread who evokes superstitious terror even in his fellow
Players, the Solitaire is a sublimely lethal warrior who is the equal of an entire warband of lesser foes.

Wargear: A Solitaire has a Harlequin’s caress, Harlequin’s kiss, Harlequin mask, flip belt and holo-suit.

Impossible Form: A Solitaire has a 3+ invulnerable save and can never be pinned.

The Path of Damnation: If you expend a promethium cache to hire a Solitaire, he is the only model you can use for the
duration of that mission! The Solitaire counts as your kill team’s leader for all rules purposes when playing the mission.

Premium Bounty: If a Solitaire is down or out of action at the end of a mission, the enemy kill team secures an additional
D3 promethium caches.
The skill tables are used to determine what skills your specialists have access to different skills that reflect their
fighters gain as they advance. Your fighters are restricted different roles to those of troopers in a kill team. New
to specific skill tables depending upon their faction and recruits, meanwhile, are still too green to pick up anything
whether they are a trooper, specialist or kill team leader. but the basics they need to fight alongside the other
members of their kill team. New recruits cannot gain skills.
The different characters of the factions mean that they
each have contrasting areas of strength and weakness. For When a fighter gains a skill, pick a skill type that is available
example, the swiftness and bladework of the Harlequins is to them, roll two dice and consult the relevant table. You
legendary, while the mighty Grey Knights are highly skilled can choose one of the skills that correspond to the numbers
at both ranged and close combat. rolled – your fighter gains that skill. If you roll the same
number, re-roll one dice until you get another number. A
Similarly, a fighter’s role counts for a great deal in terms fighter cannot gain the same skill twice – if the only skills
of what skills they are able to learn. Kill team leaders and you roll are skills they already have, re-roll the dice.

Skill types available

ROLE Combat Ferocity Guerilla Agility Muscle Shooting Stealth

Harlequin Troupe



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