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Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336

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Construction and Building Materials

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Evaluation of cement-treated mixtures with slow setting bitumen

emulsion as base course material for road pavements
Mojtaba Shojaei Baghini a,b,⇑, Amiruddin Ismail a,b, Mohamed Rehan Bin Karim c
Sustainable Urban Transport Research Centre (SUTRA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia

h i g h l i g h t s

 The long-term performance of CBETB was investigated.

 The use of 4% C–3% BE in the pavement base layer are recommended.
 WD tests on 4% C–3% BE mix resulted in a weight losses of 211.95%.
 Additive remarkably improved the permanent deformation of CBETB.
 Zhou three-stage model was developed for DC and WT of CBETB.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study investigated the effects of the addition of a bitumen emulsion and Portland cement on the
Received 18 January 2015 long-term performance of road base. The specimens stabilized with Portland cement (0–6%), bitumen
Received in revised form 25 May 2015 emulsion (0–6%) and Portland cement–bitumen emulsion mixture were subjected to different stress
Accepted 12 July 2015
sequences in order to study the unconfined compressive strength (UCS), flexural strength (FS), wetting
Available online 15 July 2015
and drying (WD), soaked and unsoaked California bearing ratio (CBR), dynamic creep (DC), and
wheel-tracking (WT) characteristics of 7-day-cured specimens. The results of UCS, FS and CBR tests
revealed that the additives significantly improved the strength of the mixture. The WD cycling tests
Bitumen emulsion
Portland cement
showed that the addition of a 4% Portland cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture resulted in a 179.4%
Dynamic creep reduction in water absorption, a volume change of 256.3%, and a weight change of 211.95% as compared
Mixture to the sample with 4% cement after 12 WD cycles. The permanent strain behavior of the samples was
Water absorption assessed by the Zhou three-stage model. The results of DC and WT tests showed that the permanent
Model deformation characteristics were considerably improved by the addition of a 4% Portland cement–3%
bitumen emulsion mixture, which resulted in reduction of permanent strain of the mixture. Therefore,
this research presents an environmentally friendly additive with outstanding engineering properties
for use in road bases.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction improve the properties of a soil-aggregate mixture.

Soil-aggregate stabilizers are categorized as either traditional or
A variety of soils or granular materials are available for the con- nontraditional. Traditional additives include cement, lime, fly ash,
struction of road bases, but they may exhibit inadequate proper- and bituminous materials, whereas nontraditional additives
ties, e.g., low bearing capacity, susceptibility to moisture damage, include enzymes, liquid polymers, resins, acids, silicates, ions,
and susceptibility to environmental conditions, which would in and lignin derivatives. Among these different stabilizing materials,
turn result in substantial pavement distress and shortening of a cement-treated base (CTB) material has significantly high stiff-
pavement life. However, the addition of a stabilizing agent can ness and strength and exhibits good serviceability and high dura-
bility when used for pavement construction. Cement stabilization
of soil was first used on a trial basis in 1917, and since then several
⇑ Corresponding author at: Sustainable Urban Transport Research Centre
works have been published on this topic [1–6]. Recently, heavier
(SUTRA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.
lorries with exceeding tyres pressures, heavy traffic loads, environ-
E-mail addresses: msbaghini@yahoo.com (M.S. Baghini), aismail@ukm.edu.my
(A. Ismail), rehan@um.edu.my (M.R. Bin Karim). mental effects, and high cost of petroleum-derived materials due

0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
324 M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336

to the energy crisis have motivated researchers to develop more resistant to freeze–thaw, wetting–drying deterioration [23–25].
cost-effective asphalt pavement treated technologies. In this con- Earlier studies [8,9,26–30] clearly demonstrated various benefits
text, cold-in-place stabilization is one of the most capable tech- from cement–bitumen emulsion addition. This study has extended
nologies for its technical reliability, cost-effectiveness, and low in terms of both quantifying performance-based mechanical prop-
environmental impact. In fact, it was recognized in various studies erties and investigating the effects of variables on CBETM using sig-
that in road base treatment applications, bitumen emulsion–ce- nificant predicting model which is not published earlier. The goals
ment mix modifications improve aggregate bonding, thermal sus- of the present work were:
ceptibility, abrasion resistance, and resistance against bleeding,
to provide adequate flexibility or to be utilized as an adhesive  To assess the factors affecting the short-term performance and
material [7–9]. However, the type of bitumen emulsions, the com- strength of a cement–bitumen emulsion-treated base (CBETB)
patibility between bitumen and cement, and the amount of bitu- via laboratory tests aimed at determining its unconfined com-
men emulsions to be added to the mixture must be carefully pressive strength (UCS), flexural strength (FS), and unsoaked
designed. The environmental benefit of asphalt emulsion is partic- California bearing ratio (CBR).
ularly positive when used for in-place or on-site techniques that  To investigate the long-term performance of stabilized
avoid the energy usage and emissions associated with heating, dry- soil-aggregate specimens by conducting soaked CBR, DC, and
ing, and haulage of aggregate. Emulsified asphalt must revert to a WT tests on specimens cured for 7 days; these are the most fre-
continuous asphalt film in order to act as cement in road materials quently employed factors for assessing the performance of road
which inclusive removal of the water (breaking), flocculation and base stabilization (RBS).
coalescence of the emulsion droplets. The droplets are concen-  To study the durability of CBETB subjected to wetting and dry-
trated; leading to coalescence as water leaves the system. The basic ing (WD) cycles. The durability of CBETB can be significantly
mechanism for breaking slow-setting emulsions can be evapora- affected by environmental conditions, which considered to
tion and absorption of water by the aggregate. However, the emul- evaluate these effects on the performance of CBETB.
sifier absorption onto the surface of aggregate, the emulsion  To determine the optimum content of Portland cement and
droplets movement to the surface of aggregate, and the chemical bitumen emulsion in CBETB.
reactions (pH change) between the bitumen emulsion and the soil  To compare the effects of the additives on the mixtures using
aggregate contribute to the emulsion setting [7,8]. The setting significant prediction models.
speed and curing procedure depend on the bitumen emulsion reac-
tivity, aggregate reactivity, bitumen viscosity, environmental WD cycles can be destructive and damage the construction of
effects (humidity, wind, temperature, etc.) and mechanical reac- RBS. However, there are no previous studies showing the behavior
tion. Less viscous asphalts tend to give faster coalescence. In other of CBETB subjected to WD cycles and permanent deformation of
words, in order to enable the asphalt binder to properly disperse in the pavement structure. Hence, it is important to study the effect
the aqueous phase, it is necessary that its viscosity be relatively of environmental conditions and evaluate the permanent strain
low. In addition, lower viscosity asphalts coalesce more rapidly potential of CBETB.
than high viscosity asphalts and allowing it to be used at lower
temperature in the mixture [7,10]. The strength of the reaction of 2. Standard requirements for use of graded soil-aggregate in
emulsion with aggregate is in many cases sufficient to squeeze bases of highways
the water from the system. A considerable amount of research
has been expended to elucidate the mechanism of setting and cur- Quality-controlled graded aggregates are expected to provide
ing of asphalt emulsion [7,10]. The relative timescale of floccula- appropriate stability and load support for highway and airport
tion (setting) and coalescence (curing) depends on the system, bases or sub-bases. This requirement delineates the aggregate size,
but in general, flocculation is the more rapid process in which variety, and ranges of mechanical analysis results for standard
some water can be expelled from the system and some cohesive sizes of coarse aggregates and screenings of aggregates used in
strength develops, followed by a slower coalescence process, the construction and maintenance of various types of highways.
which results in a continuous asphalt phase. This asphalt phase The gradation of the final composite mixture is required to con-
must also adhere to the aggregate. Bitumen emulsion–cement form to an approved job mix formula within the design range pre-
compatibility can be evaluated by the stability of emulsion when scribed in Table 1 in accordance with ASTM D 448, ASTM D 1241,
blended with cement. The stability of the blended and ASTM D 2940, subject to the appropriate tolerances.
bitumen-emulsion and Portland cement must be evaluated as the
bitumen emulsion stability will be affected by the cement hydra-
3. Strength requirements for stabilized road base material
tion consumption of water, pH change caused by the Portland
cement, and particle charges in the blend [8,9,11–15]. Water in
After obtaining the fitting aggregates and choosing the initial
bitumen emulsion consumes due to cement hydration, which
cement content by weight, the specimens were prepared according
reduces the emulsion spaces between the micelles and increases
to their maximum dry density and the optimum moisture
the incorporation of asphalt micelles. Several researches indicated
that cement–bitumen emulsion treated base (CBETB) can provide Table 1
cost-effective solutions to many common designs and construction Grading requirements for final mixtures [31].
situations and provide additional strength and support without Sieve size (square openings) Design range (mass Job mix tolerances
increasing the total thickness of the pavement layers [8,16]. In percentages passing)
addition, depending on project needs, CBETB increases the con- Bases Sub-bases Bases Sub-bases
struction speed, enhances the structural capacity of the pavement,
50 mm (2 in.) 100 100 2 3
or in some cases reduce the overall time project. A stiffer base 37.5 mm (1 1/2 in.) 95–100 90–100 ±5 +5
reduces deflections due to heavy traffic loads, thereby extending 19.0 mm (3/4 in.) 70–92 NA ±8 NA
pavement life [4,17–22]. Moreover, CBETB can distribute loads 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) 50–70 NA ±8 NA
over a wider area and reducing the stresses on the subgrade. It 4.75 mm (no. 4) 35–55 30–60 ±8 ±10
600 lm (no. 30) 12–25 NA ±5 NA
has a high load-carrying capacity, does not consolidate further 75 lm (no. 200) 0–8 0–12 ±3 ±5
under load, reduces rutting in hot mix asphalt pavements, and is
M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336 325

Table 2
Strength requirements for CTB.

Country Other Compressive Cement References

research strength (psi) content (%)
CTB 300–600 [62–64]
CTB 750 [64,65]
CTB 300–800 [17]
CTB 435–870 [66,18]
CTB Min–500 [67]
CTB Min–600 [24]
South Africa 580–1160 [66,68]
United 363–653 [69,42]
Australia Min–435 [70,71]
China 435–725 [71,72]
New Zealand Min–435 [73]
United States 3–5 [31,42,19]
Fig. 1. Grading curves for soil-aggregate.
United States 3–5 [42,19,74]
Table 3
Properties of soil-aggregates used in this study.

composition. The average UCS of the cement-treated specimens Property Requirements Test Test method
cured for 7 days was measured using a hydraulic compressive
strength testing machine to detect the optimum content of cement. Water content (%) NA 6.621 ASTM D 698
Unit weight (g/cm3) NA 2.19 ASTM D 698
Table 2 lists the UCS requirements of CTB subjected to curing for
pH 5.3–Min 8.26 ASTM D 4972
7 days. It should be noted that the UCS requirements depend Unified classification NA GP-GM ASTM D 2487
strongly on the road class, and the material type relies heavily on AASHTO classification NA A-1-a ASTM D 3282/AASHTO
the required UCS. M 145
Liquid limit (%) 25–Max 21.4 ASTM D 4318
Plastic limit (%) 29–Max 19.6 ASTM D 4318
4. Materials and methods Plastic index (%) 4–Max 1.8 ASTM D 4318
Coefficient of curvature NA 2.39 ASTM D 2487
To achieve the goals of this study, three major tasks—a literature review, labo- (Cc)
ratory investigation, and data processing and analyses-were accomplished. The Coefficient of NA 71.5 ASTM D 2487
soil-aggregate properties were evaluated prior to the design of the mixture. The uniformity (Cu)
cement used was Type II Portland cement. The nontraditional stabilizer used, bitu- Group index NA 0 ASTM D 3282
men emulsion, is a water-based liquid emulsion and is a novel additive in this Specific gravity (OD) NA 2.659 ASTM C 127/C 128
study. To evaluate the short-term performance of the stabilized soil-aggregate spec- Specific gravity (SSD) NA 2.686 ASTM C 127/C 128
imens under various stress sequences, the UCS, FS, and unsoaked CBR values were Apparent specific NA 2.731 ASTM C 127/C 128
determined. The long-term performance of these specimens was investigated by gravity
subjecting them to WD cycling (durability), soaked CBR, DC, and WT tests. Water absorption (%) 2–Max 0.973 ASTM C 127/C 128
Finally, on the basis of the results of the data analysis, significant models were Linear shrinkage (%) 3–Max 1.5 BS 1377: Part 2
developed to demonstrate the relationship among the characteristics of the Elongation index (%) 25–Max 13.03 BS 812: Section 105.2
mixture. Flakiness index (%) 25–Max 8 BS 812: Section 105.1
Average least NA 5.5 BS 812: Section 105.1
dimension (mm)
4.1. Aggregates Sand equivalent (%) 35–Min 84 ASTM D 2419
Los Angeles abrasion 50–Max 17.5 ASTM C 131
Crushed granite aggregates from the Kajang Rock Quarry (Malaysia) were used (%)
as the granular base layer material in this study. Fig. 1 illustrates the grading curve UCS (MPa) NA 0.25 ASTM D 2166/D 1633
of soil-aggregates within the limits specified by ASTM standards for highways CBR (%) 80–Min 101.32 ASTM D 1883
and/or airports. One of the most important factors affecting the performance of
CTB is its organic content. In all probability, a soil with an organic content greater
than 2% or a pH lower than 5.3 will not react normally with cement [32]. A mixture C 150 and ASTM C 114. The cement would be rejected if it did not meet all of the
pH greater than 12.0 indicates that the organics present will not interfere with necessary specifications. The properties of Type II Portland cement are presented
hardening [33,34]. In this study, the results of a pH test conducted according to in Table 4.
ASTM D 4972 indicated that adding cement alone to the soil-aggregate increased
the pH from 8.26 to 12.13, whereas adding a cement–bitumen emulsion mixture
increased the pH from 8.26 to 12.39. This clearly shows that both types of additives 4.3. Water
have a positive effect on the mixtures.
The general properties of the soil-aggregates used in this study are summarized The mixing water used for these tests should be free of acids, alkalis, and oils,
in Table 3. and in general it should be suitable for drinking according to ASTM D 1632 and
Table 3 lists the most correlated geotechnical properties of the soil-aggregates ASTM D 4972. According to ASTD D 1193, water is classified into four grades—type
used in this study. I, type II, type III, and type IV—depending on its physical, chemical, and biological
properties. All the mixed water used for these test methods should be ASTM type
III or better. Water prepared by distillation is of type III, which is used in current
4.2. Portland cement study.

Various kinds of Portland cement have been used effectively for soil-aggregate
stabilization [8,35,36]. In this study, Type II Portland cement was used as a treat- 4.4. Bitumen emulsion
ment material for the granular mixtures because of its higher sulfate resistance,
moderate heat of hydration, and mostly equivalent cost in comparison to other Bitumen emulsion is proposed as a polymer modifier for hydraulic cement mix-
types of Portland cement. A high sulfate content of soil results in swelling and heav- tures or tile mortar adhesives. It is a surfactant-stabilized styrene–butadiene
ing problems, and it can have a deleterious influence on cementing and stabilization copolymer latex used in concrete, mortar, grout, and cement mixtures; when used
mechanisms. The Portland cement used in this study was required to conform to properly (mixed well before and after use), it can produce mixtures that exhibit
the respective standard chemical and physical requirements prescribed by ASTM improved adhesion to most substrates, improved water resistance, increased
326 M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336

Table 4 Table 5
Properties of Type II Portland cement. Properties of bitumen emulsion.

Component and properties Requirements Test Test method Test on emulsions Requirements Test Test
(%) result result method
Viscosity, saybolt furol at 25 °C 20–100 20.9 ASTM D
Silicon dioxide (SiO2) 20–Min 20.18 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114 Storage stability test, 24–h, % 1 0.22 ASTM D
Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) 6.0–Max 5.23 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114 Particle charge test Positive Positive ASTM D
Calcium oxide (CaO) Not applicable 64.40 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114 Sieve test, % 0.1 Max 0.0 ASTM D
Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) 6.0–Max 3.34 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114 Cement mixing test, % 2 Max 0.23 ASTM D
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 6.0–Max 1.80 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114 Oil distillate, by volume of 3 Max 1.5 ASTM D
Sulfur trioxide (SO3) 6.0–Max 3.03 ASTM C emulsion, % 2397
150–C 114 Residue from distillation, % 57 Min 61.75 ASTM D
Loss on ignition 3.0–Max 2.17 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114 Penetration, 25 °C, 100 g, 5 s, 100–250 109.2 ASTM D
Insoluble residue 0.75–Max 0.18 ASTM C 0.1 mm 2397
150–C 114 Solubility in trichloroethylene, % 97.5 Min 99.8 ASTM D
Na2O Not applicable 0.07 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114 Water content NA 58.3 ASTM D
K2O Not applicable 0.44 ASTM C 2397
150–C 114
Equivalent alkalies 0.75–Max 0.3595 ASTM C particle size distribution. In this research, with respect to the results of the coating
(Na2O + 0.658K2O) 150–C 114 test and cement mixing (ASTM D 244), dense graded aggregate and high adhesion
Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) 8–Max 3.21 ASTM C between aggregates particles; a cationic slow setting (CSS-1) asphalt emulsion was
150–C 114 chosen. It should be noted that followed by numbers indicating the emulsion vis-
Tricalcium silicate (C3S) Not applicable 53.95 ASTM C cosity (‘‘1’’ meaning low viscosity). The properties of bitumen emulsion are pre-
150–C 114 sented in Table 5.
Dicalcium silicate (C2S) Not applicable 17.32 ASTM C
150–C 114
Tetracalcium alumino-ferrite Not applicable 10.16 ASTM C 5. Experimental procedures
(C4AF) 150–C 114
Sum of (C3S) and (C3A) 58–Max 57.16 ASTM C
5.1. Moisture content–dry density relationship of the mixtures
150–C 114
Compressive strength, MPa: ASTM C 109/
C 109 M The dry density of compacted soil-aggregate is one of the main
3 days 10–Min 27.5 factors influencing the strength of CTB. In addition, water is essen-
7 days 17–Min 40.3 tial for achieving maximum density and for promoting the hydra-
28 days 28–Min 57.7
Fineness, specific surface, m2/kg: 280–Min 338.1 ASTM C 204
tion of the cement. Method C of ASTM D 698 is a laboratory
air permeability test compaction method used to determine the relationship between
Autoclave expansion 0.8–Max 0.5 ASTM C 151 the water content and the dry unit weight of soil-aggregates com-
(soundness) pacted into a 152.4-mm-diameter mold with a 24.4-N rammer
dropped from a height of 305 mm, producing a compactive effort
of 600 kN-m/m3. This method was used in the present study.
flexural strength, increased resistance to freezing/thawing and wetting/drying
Specifically, three layers of soil-aggregate at a selected water con-
cycles, and reduced water/cement ratios. The properties of bitumen emulsion are tent were placed in the 152.4-mm-diameter mold and each layer
presented in Table 5. was compacted by 56 blows of the rammer. Further, according to
Standard bitumen (asphalt) emulsions are brown liquids normally considered ASTM D 558 Method B, the relationship between the water content
to be of the oil-in-water (O/W), made by mixing water (25–60%), bitumen (40–
and the dry density of the soil-aggregate–cement mixtures was
75%), emulsifier (0.1–2.5%) and applying mechanical energy sufficient to break
the bitumen into droplets. Bitumen emulsion can be classified due to their droplets determined using a cylindrical metal mold having a capacity of
charged, pH and reactivity into cationic (positive charge, acidic), anionic (negative 944 cm3 and an internal diameter of 101.60 mm. The mixtures
charge, alkaline) and nonionic types with various setting grades comprising slow were compacted using a 2.49 kg metal rammer having a
setting (SS), medium setting (MS) and rapid setting (RS). Bitumen is not soluble 50.80 mm diameter dropped from a height of 305 mm. To prepare
in water so the dispersion of bitumen droplets in water is stabilized by using bitu-
men emulsifier. Aggregate reactivity is mostly associated with the finest particles,
the specimens, the required amount of cement was added to the
which contribute greatest to surface area. Thus, a reactive RS emulsion is used with soil-aggregate in conformance to specifications ASTM C 150 and
low-surface-area unreactive aggregates in chip seal applications, whereas a C 595, and the resulting mixture was mixed thoroughly to achieve
low-reactive SS emulsion is used for a dense cold mix, which has a high content a uniform color. Water was then added to this soil-aggregate–
of 75 lm material, and consequently, a high reactivity. Specifications for cationic
cement mixture and specimens were prepared by compacting this
emulsified asphalt slow setting shall conform to the requirements prescribed in
Table 5, according to ASTM D 244 and D 2397. The emulsified asphalt shall be mixture in the mold in three equal layers, where each layer was
homogeneous after thorough mixing, provided that separation has not occurred compacted by 25 blows to give a total compacted depth of about
owing to freezing. Emulsions separated by freezing shall not be tested. Cationic 130 mm. This exact process was also applied for mixing cement
slow setting (CSS) emulsions are used in combination with aggregates with high with bitumen emulsion. The optimum moisture content (OMC)
surface area to provide the desired coating and curing behavior. In addition, cationic
and maximum dry density (MDD) was determined using the com-
emulsifiers have greater effects on cement hydration compared to anionic emulsi-
fiers because of their compatibility (the addition of alkaline cement to an acidic paction curve.
cationic emulsion causes the pH to increase compared to the emulsion’s initial
pH) evaluated by emulsion stability. Furthermore, in a mixing application of dense 5.2. Unconfined compressive strength
graded aggregates, a lower viscosity of emulsion is usually required. CSS bitumen
emulsion chemistry is such that it enables excellent coating and adhesion of the
residual asphalt cement to aggregate surfaces in dense graded mixes because of lar- The primary purpose of the UCS test is to determine the approx-
ger average particle size, which leads to lower emulsion viscosity, as does a broad imate compressive strength of a mixture that has sufficient
M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336 327

cohesion to permit testing in the unconfined state. For this test, the load values taken from the load–penetration curves for 2.54 mm
mixture was prepared according to ASTM D 1632 using a metal and 5.08 mm penetration by dividing the corrected load by the
cylinder mold with an internal diameter of 101.60 mm and a standard stresses of 6.9 MPa and 10.3 MPa, respectively, and mul-
height of 116.4 mm. The specimens were placed in the molds in tiplying by 100. Three specimens were fabricated for each type of
a moist room for 12 h for curing; subsequently, the specimens additive: 4% Portland cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and a 4%
were removed using a sample extruder. The removed specimens cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture.
were wrapped in plastic for protection against dripping water in
the moist room at 25 °C. Three specimens were fabricated for each 5.5. Wetting and drying
percent of additive, resulting in 21 samples for Portland cement
(0–6%), 21 samples for bitumen emulsion (0–6%), and 18 samples One of the significant factors in terms of maximizing the pave-
for the cement–bitumen emulsion mixture. The average UCS of ment life is sufficient resistance to damage under weathering con-
the specimens cured for 7, 28, and 60 days was determined using ditions such as wetting and drying. The resistance of CTB and
a hydraulic compressive strength testing machine by applying a CBETB to repeated wetting and drying cycles was performed in
load at a constant rate within the range of 140 ± 70 kPa/s according accordance with ASTM standards. ASTM D 559 prescribes steps
to ASTM D 1633. Finally, the unit compressive strength [MPa] was for determining volume changes (swelling and shrinkage), water
calculated by dividing the maximum load [N] by the content changes, and soil-aggregate–cement losses, all of which
cross-sectional area [mm2]. were measured by subjecting hardened soil-aggregate–cement
specimens to 12 WD cycles. Two identical specimens for CTB and
5.3. Flexural strength CBETB were compacted in a cylindrical metal mold with a capacity
of 944 cm3 and internal diameter of 101.6 mm using the com-
Flexural strength (FS) is considered a significant characteristic paction procedure described in Section 5.1 according to ASTM D
for pavement design and for determining slab thickness. FS is 558. The specimens were placed in the moist room and protected
expressed as the modulus of rupture, which in this study was per- from free water for 7 days. They were then weighed and measured
formed in accordance with the ASTM standard. ASTM D 1635 pre- at the end of the curing period to determine their water content
scribes steps for determining the flexural strength of mixtures and volume. Then the specimens were submerged in potable water
using a simple beam with three-point loading. In this study, the at room temperature for 5 h and then removed. The specimens
specimens were compacted into a metallic beam mold were weighed and measured again to determine their volume
76  76  290 mm and moist-cured, as explained in Section 5.2. and moisture changes. They were then placed in an oven at 71 °C
The average modulus of rupture of specimens cured for 7, 28, for 42 h, after which they were removed, weighed, and measured.
and 60 days was determined using a hydraulic testing machine. They were next subjected to two firm wire scratch brush strokes on
The test was conducted by applying a continuous load at a rate their sides and at each end (20 brush strokes for sides and 4 strokes
of 690 ± 39 kPa/min. Three specimens were fabricated for each for each end). The specimens were then submerged in water, and
type of additive: 4% Portland cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and this process was repeated for 12 cycles. The volume change was
a 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture. The modulus of rup- calculated as the percentage of the final volume of the specimen
ture was calculated using the following equation: versus the original volume of the specimen at the time of molding.
Both the water content of the specimen at the time of molding and
PL the subsequent water content as a percentage of the original
R¼ 2
bd oven-dry weight were calculated. The soil-aggregate–cement loss
was calculated as a percentage of the final oven-dry weight versus
where R is the modulus of rupture [MPa], P the maximum applied the original oven-dry weight of the specimen.
load [N], L the span length [mm], b the average width of specimen
[mm], and d the average depth of specimen [mm]. 5.6. Dynamic creep
It should be noted that the short-term performance tests were
conducted under dry-condition. The progressive accumulation of permanent deformation of
each layer of road structure under repetitious traffic load is defined
5.4. California bearing ratio as rutting. Owing to the increase in traffic loading and tire pres-
sures, rutting has become a very important design factor because
The CBR value is required for designing flexible pavement mate- all pavement layers experience permanent deformation. Several
rials and thickness. In this research, the ASTM D 1883 test method experimental tests are used to assess the permanent deformation
was used to evaluate the potential strength of CTB and CBETB as a potential of mixtures used in pavements, i.e., dynamic creep, static
function of their CBR values. The specimens were compacted in five creep, wheel-tracking, and marshal tests. The DC test is suitable for
layers into a cylindrical metal mold with an inside diameter of evaluating the permanent deformation potential of modified pave-
152.4 mm and a height of 177.8 mm to the MDD at OMC. The tests ment layers because of its various outcomes [37–39]. It was
were performed for both soaked and unsoaked conditions. For employed by Monismith, Ogawa [40] in the mid-1970s. In this
soaked conditions, samples attached to a 4.54 kg steel weight were research, the accumulation of permanent deformation of CTB and
immersed in a water bath for four days to achieve suitable satura- CBETB mixtures was investigated by using the DC and WT tests.
tion. The initial and final measurements of swelling were taken The DC test applies a repeated stress on the mixtures and measures
before and after the 96-h soaking using a dial gage, and the amount the resulting deformation using a linear variable differential trans-
of swelling was calculated as a percentage of the initial height of ducer (LVDT). The AS 2891.12.1 standard test sets out the method
the samples. The average CBR of the 7-day-cured specimens was for determining resistance to permanent deformation of mixtures
determined using a hydraulic compressive strength testing used in pavements subjected to vertical axis dynamic loading.
machine by applying a load at a rate of 1.27 mm/min. The load This test method is used to gauge the relative performance of mix-
readings were recorded at a penetration of 2.5 mm to a total pen- tures for pavement design by determining the rutting perfor-
etration of 7.5 mm. Then the penetration load was calculated using mance. The specimens in the current study were prepared using
a testing machine-calibrated equation and the load–penetration a cylindrical metal mold with an internal diameter of 101.6 mm.
curve was plotted. Finally, the CBR was calculated using corrected The 7-day-cured specimens with both ends capped were centrally
328 M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336

placed between the lower and the upper load platens under a static
pre-load conditioning stress of 10 kPa for 600 s using the universal
testing machine (UTM-14P/5P). After removing the conditioning
stress, the test was conducted by applying a haversine cyclic load-
ing axial stress of 200 kPa at 25 °C and 50 °C for 1800 cycles, with a
load cycle repeat time of 2 s (1.5 s loading and 0.5 s rest period).
Three samples each of 4% cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and 4%
cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture were prepared for DC test-
ing. The accumulated strain for each recorded cycle was calculated
using the following equation:

ed;ðn:T Þ ¼ ð1Þ

where ed;ðn:T Þ is the axial strain caused to the specimen after applica-
tion of load n at temperature T [°C], Dh is the total axial deformation
occurring in the specimen after the first load application [mm], and
Fig. 2. Relation between moisture content and dry density for various cement
h0 is the original height of the specimen [mm]. contents. ‘‘C’’ denotes cement.

5.7. Wheel-tracking test The plot of the maximum dry density versus the content of bitu-
men emulsion in the cement–bitumen emulsion mixture is shown
BS 598-110 specifies a method for determining the susceptibil- in Fig. 3.
ity of mixtures to plastic deformation in pavement construction From the experimental data, the non-linear model in Fig. 3
under pressures similar to those experienced on the road. Three shows the relationship between the content of bitumen emulsion
identical specimens for each mix were compacted into a cylindrical in the cement–bitumen emulsion mixture and the maximum dry
wood mold with an internal diameter of 200 mm and nominal density as obtained for the CBETB mixture according to ASTM D
thickness of 50 mm to the MDD at OMC. The 7-day-cured speci- 558. It is seen that the maximum dry density increases with
mens were conditioned for 4 h at temperatures of 25 °C and increasing bitumen emulsion content up to 3%. However, after that,
50 °C inside a Wessex wheel-tracking machine and then immedi- the maximum dry density decreases with increasing bitumen
ately prior to testing. The specimens were fixed, mounted in the emulsion content on account of the higher water content of
clamping assembly, and fitted rigidly to the reciprocating table of 38.23% of bitumen emulsion; this leads to a decrease in the
the wheel-tracking machine. The machine is constructed to enable strength of the mixture. The presence of too much water in the
the test specimen to be moved back and forth under the loaded mixture poses a problem because it inhibits adequate compaction
wheel in a horizontal fixed plane with a simple harmonic motion. and decreases the toughness and flexibility of the soil-aggregate–
The dry WT test was conducted by applying a single wheel load of cement structure, resulting in a decrease in the dry unit weight.
520 N through a solid rubber tire with a frequency of 21
load-cycles every 60 s, which corresponds to 42 wheel passes per
6.2. Effect on the compressive strength
minute and 230 mm of travel distance every 45 min. The total
rut depth was recorded by Wessex software.
The influence of the cement content, bitumen emulsion content,
and curing time on the UCS of the mixture is shown in Figs. 4–6,
6. Results and discussion
Fig. 4 shows the influence of the cement content on the UCS of
the mixture for 7 days and 28 days of curing using two linear mod-
6.1. Effect on the compatibility
els based on experimental data. This figure reveals a proportional
relationship between these two parameters. In other words, an
Fig. 2 shows the compaction curves that demonstrate the rela-
tionship between the dry density and moisture content for the
non-stabilized soil-aggregate according to ASTM D 698 and for
CTB mixtures prepared with different cement contents according
to ASTM D 558.
Fig. 2 shows that both the optimum water content and the max-
imum dry density increased with increasing cement content when
the compaction moisture increased by approximately 0.25% for
each 1.0% increase in the cement added to the specimen. This
can be explained using the theoretical formulation of the overall
void ratio of a mixture composed of soils with varying grain sizes.
Lade et al. [41] showed that when small particles are added to a
large-sized particle matrix, the overall void ratio decreases until
all the voids are filled with small particles. This means that the
dry density increases up to a specific mixing ratio of small and
large particles. According to ASTM D 558, the maximum dry den-
sity of the cement–bitumen emulsion mixture was obtained at a
Fig. 3. Plot of maximum dry density vs. content of bitumen emulsion in the
cement content of 4% and a bitumen emulsion content of 0–6%. cement–bitumen emulsion mixture. ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and ‘‘BE’’ denotes bitumen
This parameter is used as an important variable for predicting emulsion; y is the maximum dry density [g/cm3] and x is the bitumen emulsion
models. content [%].
M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336 329

Fig. 6 shows the influence of curing time on the UCS via linear
and nonlinear models. In this figure, it can be clearly seen that
the UCS increases with increasing curing time for 4% Portland
cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and the 4% cement–3% bitumen
emulsion mixture. The results indicate that the relative compres-
sive strength obtained for 7 days of curing increased by approxi-
mately 29%, 34%, and 30%, respectively, after 28 days of curing
and by 77%, 64%, and 76%, respectively, after 60 days of curing.

6.3. Influence of cement content, water content, dry density, and

bitumen emulsion content on UCS

From Fig. 4, it is observed that the UCS increases linearly with

Fig. 4. Plot of UCS vs. cement content for 7 and 28 days of curing. Here, y is the UCS increasing cement content and non-linearly with increasing dry
[MPa] and x is the time [days]. density and bitumen emulsion content, as shown in Figs. 3 and 5,
respectively. These results are in agreement with previous findings
on the influence of cement content and dry density on
cement-treated materials [36,42]. Xuan et al. [36] employed an
adapted model to demonstrate the relationship between the UCS
and the variables affecting it, i.e., the cement content, water con-
tent, and additive content.

f c ¼ K 1  ðC=WÞ  ðDÞk2  ek3 M ð2Þ

where fc is the UCS [MPa], K1, K2, and K3 are adjustable variables, C is
the cement content [%], D the dry density [g/cm3], W the moisture
content [%], and M the additive content [%].
Based on the experimental results, models for estimating the
UCS of a mixture cured for 7 and 28 days are developed and
expressed as follows:

Fig. 5. Plot of UCS vs. bitumen emulsion content. Here, ‘‘BE’’ denotes bitumen f c ¼ 0:097  ðC=WÞ  D5:164  e0:012M ; R2 ¼ 0:915 ð3Þ
emulsion and ‘‘C’’ denotes cement.

f c ¼ 0:120  ðC=WÞ  D5:245  e0:013M ; R2 ¼ 0:855 ð4Þ

where M is the bitumen emulsion content [%].

6.4. Influence of curing time

Curing time is another important factor affecting UCS. Fig. 6

shows UCS as a function of curing time at a cement content of
4%. It can be seen that UCS increased almost linearly with increas-
ing curing time. A number of studies have reported the influence of
curing time on UCS [6,43–46]. For example, the relationship
between UCS and curing time can be given as in [47].
f c ðtÞ ¼ f c ðt 0 Þ þ k1  log ðt=t 0 Þ ð5Þ
Fig. 6. Plot of UCS vs. curing time. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and ‘‘BE’’ denotes where fc(t) is UCS at a curing age of t [days] and fc(t0) is UCS at a cur-
bitumen emulsion; y is the UCS [MPa] and x is the time [days]. ing age of t0 [days]. There is another adapted prediction model that
considers the influence of curing time on UCS, which was proposed
increase in the cement content causes an increase in the UCS of the
by Lim and Zollinger [48], as given in Eq. (5). This model is based on
mixture on account of the hydration products of the cement, which
the calibration of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee
fill the pores of the matrix and thus enhance the rigidity of its
model, which introduces two adjustable variables (k1 and k2) for
structure by forming a large number of rigid bonds in the
UCS estimation.
soil-aggregate. On the basis of this graph and the strength require-
ments for CTB listed in Table 2, the optimum cement content was t
chosen as 4%. f c ðtÞ ¼ f c ð28Þ  ð6Þ
k1 þ k2  t
Fig. 5 shows the influence of the bitumen emulsion content on
the UCS for 7 days and 28 days of curing. It is seen that an increase where fc(28) is the 28-day UCS. Herein, the relationship between
in the bitumen emulsion content caused the UCS of the mixture to the UCS and the curing time is expressed as in Eq. (7) using three
increase, however, at concentrations higher than 3%, the UCS adjustable variables (k1, k2, and k3):
decreased on account of a higher water content of 38.23% of bitu- f ð28Þ
f c ðtÞ ¼ k1  k2c  tðk3 Þ ð7Þ
men emulsion. The mechanism of this decrease has been explained
in Section 6.1. Further, the results of the UCS test reveal that it Thus far, there are three models reported for RBS that consider
increased by 18.6% upon the addition of a 4% Portland cement– the influence of curing time, such as the exponential model, the
3% bitumen emulsion mixture as compared to a specimen with log-scale model, and the ACI model, expressed in Eqs. (8)–(10),
only 4% cement. respectively [36,48,49]:
330 M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336

f c ¼ k1  ðC=W Þ  Dk2  eðk3 :MÞ  e½1ð28=tÞ  ð8Þ

f c ¼ k1  ðC=WÞ  Dk2  eðk3 :MÞ  ½1 þ k4  logðt=28Þ ð9Þ

f c ¼ k1  ðC=W Þ  Dk2  eðk3 :MÞ  t=ð5:1 þ k4  tÞ ð10Þ

Based on the experimental data derived from the present work,
the above three estimation models are expressed as in
Eqs. (11)–(13), respectively:
f c ðtÞ ¼ 0:123  ðC=W Þ  D5:216  eð0:013MÞ  e½1ð28=tÞ  ; R2 ¼ 0:966
Fig. 8. The relationship between UCS and FS. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and ‘‘BE’’
denotes bitumen emulsion; y is the UCS [MPa] and x is the FS [MPa].
5:216 0:013M
f c ðtÞ ¼ 0:123  ðC=WÞ  D e  ½1 þ 0:396  logðt=28Þ;
R ¼ 0:966 ð12Þ
indicate that the average FS of CTB and CBETB for 7–60 days of cur-
ing is 32.6% and 34.2% of UCS, respectively.
f c ðtÞ ¼ 0:214  ðC=WÞ  D5:216  e0:013M  t=ð5:1 þ 1:564  tÞ;
R2 ¼ 0:966 ð13Þ
6.6. Effect on the California bearing ratio

6.5. Effect on the modulus of rupture In this study, the improvement of the soil-aggregate was inves-
tigated with the inclusion of Portland cement only, bitumen emul-
Three samples each of 4% cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and 4% sion only, and a Portland cement–bitumen emulsion mixture. To
cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture were prepared for testing express the saturated and unsaturated conditions for different field
to determine the flexural strength after 7, 28, and 60 days of applications, the CBR was evaluated for soaked and unsoaked sam-
moist-curing using a simple beam with a three-point loading ples. The influence of the cement content, bitumen emulsion con-
method. The FS results are presented in Fig. 7. tent, and cement–bitumen emulsion mixture on the CBR are
Fig. 7 shows the values of FS versus days for curing times of 7, shown in Fig. 9.
28, and 60 days. The results show that the value of FS increased The results from samples treated with 4% cement, 3% bitumen
with increasing curing time, which indicates that curing time is emulsion, and the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture are
an important factor in CBETB. The use of the 4% cement–3% bitu- summarized in Fig. 9 in terms of CBR performance versus depth
men emulsion mixture increased the FS by 81.4% and 288.2% as of penetration for both unsoaked and 4-day soaked conditions.
compared to the use of 4% cement and 3% bitumen emulsion, From the figure, it is clear that the best improvement for both
respectively. The figure also shows the influence of curing time soaked and unsoaked conditions was obtained from the 4%
on FS using linear and non-linear models, where y is FS [MPa] cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture. The average CBR of 4%
and x is the time [days]. FS and UCS are critical material parameters cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and the 4% cement–3% bitumen
as input data for CTB in pavement design methods such as emulsion mixtures are 289.7%, 129.2%, and 308.4%, respectively,
American association of state highway and transportation for unsoaked conditions and 292.6%, 84.68%, and 315.67%, respec-
(AASHTO) and mechanistic–empirical pavement design guide tively, for the 4-day soaked condition. This result indicates that use
(MEPDG) methods [50,51]. In most circumstances, the modulus
of rupture is specified by the existing relationship between UCS
and FS. For example, in the ACI model, Mrup ¼ 7:5 f c , whereas in
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) model,
M rup ¼ 9:046 f c [24] and M rup ¼ afc  b [52], where Mrup is the
modulus of rapture. For the modulus of rupture, it has been shown
from previous studies that the FS of CTB is usually about 15–30% of
the UCS [17,52,53]. Fig. 8 compares FS to UCS. The linear models

Fig. 7. Plot of FS vs. curing time. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and ‘‘BE’’ denotes Fig. 9. CBR test results for the mixtures. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and ‘‘BE’’ denotes
bitumen emulsion; y is the FS [MPa] and x is the time [days]. bitumen emulsion; US denotes unsoaked and S denotes soaked.
M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336 331

of the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture increases the CBR

by 7% and 139% as compared to the use of 4% cement and 3% bitu-
men emulsion, respectively. Further, it can be seen from Fig. 9 that
the effect of the 4-day soaked condition on the CBR value was neg-
ligible for all modified specimens except the samples with no addi-
tives and 3% bitumen emulsion, in which the soaked CBR value
decreased by 25.4% and 36.4%, respectively, as compared to the
unsoaked condition. In this study, the results of the swelling tests
are less than 0.10%, which can be considered negligible. The aver-
age swelling potential of the soil-aggregate compaction with no
additives at OMC was 0.031%, whereas the average swelling poten-
tial of 4% cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and the 4% cement–3%
bitumen emulsion mixture was 0.017%, 0.023%, and 0.013%,
respectively. This result indicates that the addition of the additives
to soil-aggregate samples lowered the swelling potential; however, Fig. 11. Moisture, volume, and weight changes of bitumen emulsion over 12 WD
use of the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixtures reduced the cycles.
swelling potential by 30.7% as compared to the use of 4% cement.
The soil-aggregate used in this study was a low-plasticity silt,
and it did not present a notable swelling problem even without

6.7. Durability of stabilized soil-aggregate

The results of the WD tests are shown in Figs. 10–12 for cement,
bitumen emulsion, and cement–bitumen emulsion mixture,
Figs. 10–12 show the results of soil-aggregate–cement losses,
water content changes, and volume changes for 4% cement, 3%
bitumen emulsion, and the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mix-
ture, respectively, induced by subjecting hardened soil-aggregate–
cement specimens to 12 WD cycles. From the figures, it is clear that Fig. 12. Moisture, volume, and weight changes of cement–bitumen emulsion
the average water absorptions of 4% cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, mixture over 12 WD cycles.
and the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture was 4.842%,
5.127%, and 2.67%, respectively, for each WD cycle. This result indi-
cates that use of the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture noted that the soil-aggregate sample without any additive failed
reduced the water absorption in each cycle by 179.4% as compared in cycle 1 because of 100% water absorption, 100% volume change,
to the use of only cement in the mixture. Further, the average vol- and 100% weight loss.
ume change of 4% cement, 3% bitumen emulsion, and the 4% Figs. 13 and 14 show the results of the total volume change and
cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture was 0.572%, 3.15%, and total soil-aggregate–cement losses for 4% cement, 3% bitumen
0.223%, respectively, for each WD cycle. This result indicates that emulsion, and the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture
use of the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture reduced the induced by subjecting hardened soil-aggregate–cement specimens
volume change in each cycle by 256.3% as compared to the use to 12 WD cycles. It is seen that the total volume changes of cement,
of only cement in the mixture. Finally, it is seen from the figures bitumen emulsion, and the cement–bitumen emulsion mixture
that the average weight changes of 4% cement, 3% bitumen emul- were 6.87%, 32.25%, and 2.68%, respectively, after 12 WD cycles.
sion, and the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture were Further, the total weight changes of cement, bitumen emulsion,
0.407%, 2.16%, and 0.192%, respectively, for each WD cycle. This and the cement–bitumen emulsion mixture were found to be
result indicates that use of the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion 4.885%, 27.52%, and 2.31%, respectively, after 12 WD cycles. The
mixture reduced the weight change in each cycle by 211.95% as results show that the addition of the 4% Portland cement–3% bitu-
compared to the use of only cement in the mixture. It should be men emulsion mixture resulted in a 179.4% reduction in water

Fig. 13. Total volume change over 12 WD cycles. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and
Fig. 10. Moisture, volume, and weight changes of cement over 12 WD cycles. ‘‘BE’’ denotes bitumen emulsion.
332 M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336

Fig. 16. Cumulative permanent strain vs. load cycles. Here, ‘‘BE’’ denotes bitumen
Fig. 14. Total weight loss over 12 WD cycles. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and ‘‘BE’’
emulsion, 25 and 50 denote 25 °C and 50 °C.
denotes bitumen emulsion.

absorption, a volume change of 256.3%, and a weight change of 3% bitumen emulsion, in which the permanent deformation value
211.95% as compared to the specimen with only 4% cement after has significant effect on the mixture as shown in Fig. 16. The 3%
12 WD cycles. In later studies, Shojaei Baghini et al. [35] investi- bitumen emulsion specimen is failed after nearly 800 load cycle
gated the same test method on a mixture using a polymer emul- when the strain value reach 6.619 mm at 25 °C and the specimen
sion (4% Portland cement–8% carboxylated styrene–butadiene is failed after nearly 1300 load cycle when the strain value reach
emulsion), which resulted in a better improvement in water 6.497 mm at 50 °C. This result indicates that use of the 4%
absorption, volume change and weight change as compared to cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture reduced the permanent
the specimen with 4% Portland cement–3% bitumen after 12 WD deformation by 23.5% and 1682% as compared to the use of cement
cycles. It should be noted that the linear shrinkage test was done and bitumen emulsion, respectively.
on the mixture. The result of this test showed linear shrinkage
decreases of 60% due to the addition of 4% Portland cement–3% 6.7.2. Wheel-tracking tests
bitumen emulsion as compared to a sample with only 4% cement. The rutting behavior of the compacted mixture was simulated
However, it requires more research on shrinkage cracks. using a Wessex wheel-tracking tester. Twelve samples (4% cement,
Permanent deformation of stabilized soil-aggregate 3% bitumen emulsion, and 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mix-
ture) were prepared, cured at 25 °C for 7 days and tested dry under
the wheel load at 25 °C and 50 °C. To achieve the specified temper-
6.7.1. Dynamic creep
ature, the samples were kept in the wheel-tracking machine for
The mixtures were prepared using various additives and their
4 h. The results of WT test are given in Figs. 17 and 18, which show
permanent deformation was compared with each other. In order
rut depth versus load cycles. The results indicate that the sample
to have a better understanding of the rutting behavior of the
with 3% bitumen emulsion had the most rutting; however, the
CBETB at different environmental temperatures, DC tests were car-
use of the 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion mixture resulted in a
ried out at temperatures of 25 and 50 °C. Figs. 15 and 16 illustrate
reduction in rut depth of 36.7% and 705%, respectively, at 50 °C,
the results for samples tested under at stress level of 200 kPa. The
and 38% and 483%, respectively, at 25 °C as compared to samples
figure shows that adding 4% cement–3% bitumen emulsion to the
with cement and bitumen emulsion, respectively.
mixture remarkably decreased its susceptibility to permanent
deformation, resulting in significant enhancement of the perfor-
6.7.3. Three-stage permanent deformation behavior
mance of the modified mixture. However, the results show that
Several rutting prediction models have been proposed since the
when the environmental temperature increased from 25 °C to
1970s: the semi-log model, log ep ¼ C 0 þ C 1 ðlog N Þ
50 °C, the strain had almost no effect on the permanent deforma- 2 3
tion potential for all modified specimens except the samples with þC 2 ðlog N Þ þ C 3 ðlog N Þ , the power law model, ep ¼ aN b [40],
the VESYS model, ep ¼ ler N a [37], the Ohio State model,
ep ¼ aN1m [54], Tseng and Lytton’s model, ep ¼ e0 eðq=NÞ [55], the
Superpave model, log ep ¼ log ep ð1Þ þ S log N [56], and the

Fig. 15. Cumulative permanent strain vs. load cycles. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and Fig. 17. Rut depth vs. load cycles. Here, ‘‘C’’ denotes cement and ‘‘BE’’ denotes
‘‘BE’’ denotes bitumen emulsion, 25 and 50 denote 25 °C and 50 °C. bitumen emulsion, 25 and 50 denote 25 °C and 50 °C.
M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336 333

Secondary stage : ep ¼ ePS þ cðN  NPS Þ; NPS 6 N 6 NST ;

ePS ¼ aNbPS ð15Þ

Tertiary stage : ep ¼ eST þ d ef ðNNST Þ1 ; eST ¼ ePS þ cðNST  NPS Þ;
NST  N ð16Þ

where N PS is the number of load repetitions corresponding to the

initiation of the secondary phase, N ST the number of load repetitions
corresponding to the initiation of tertiary phase, ePS the permanent
strain corresponding to the initiation of the secondary phase, eST the
permanent strain corresponding to the initiation of the tertiary
phase, and a, b, c, d and f are material constants. This model seems
Fig. 18. Rut depth vs. load cycles. Here, ‘‘BE’’ denotes bitumen emulsion, 25 and 50 to have a better correlation with permanent deformation in the field
denote 25 °C and 50 °C. as compared to other models because each transition point of the
creep curve can be obtained by using this model. West et al. devel-
oped a three-stage model, but they could not estimate the boundary
points of the creep curve stages [60]. In later studies, Khodaii and
ep 2:02755
AASHTO 2002 model, log er
¼ log C þ 0:4262 log N; C ¼ 5615:391 Mehrara [61] and Baghaee Moghaddam et al. [58] used Zhou’s
[57], where ep is the accumulated permanent strain, N the number model to investigate the strain of styrene–butadiene–styrene- and
of load repetitions, er the resilient strain, ep ð1Þ the permanent polyethylene terephthalate-modified asphalt mixtures, respec-
strain at the first load application, l the permanent deformation tively, evaluating the boundary point for each stage. In the current
parameter representing the constant of proportionality between study, to have a better understanding of the permanent deforma-
the permanent strain and elastic strain, a the permanent deforma- tion of the mixtures, the Zhou three-stage model was used.
tion parameter indicating the rate of decrease in incremental per- MATLAB software was used for modeling each phase in order to find
manent deformation as the number of load repetitions increases, C the transition point between each stage. Tables 6 and 7 present the
a function of temperature (°F), and a, b, s, b, e0, C0, C1, C2, C3, and m results of the three-stage model for the mixtures based on the creep
are regression constants. It should be noted that for creep test and wheel-tracking curves. As can be seen in Table 6, the creep
results in general, the cumulative permanent strain is composed curve mixtures enter the first and second stages; however, they
of three stages, namely, the primary, secondary, and tertiary stages, do not go through the third stage. This may be because of the lower
as shown in Fig. 19. The strain rate decreases during the primary number of cyclic loads as compared to Khodaii and Mehrara [61]
stage until reaching a constant value, which is defined as the onset and Baghaee Moghaddam et al. [58]; their mixtures passed the ter-
of the secondary stage. During the secondary stage, the rate of tiary stage in the creep curve. Table 7 shows the rut depth based on
strain remains almost constant, and finally it increases during the wheel-tracking curve, which is similar to the creep curve.
the tertiary phase, which is due to significant deformation of the
samples by the load application.
7. Conclusion and recommendation
The abovementioned models appear to adequately characterize
only the primary stage and none of them can describe effectively
In this study, the long-term performance of CTB and CBETB was
the secondary and/or tertiary stages. Based on the definition of
investigated via WD, DC, WT, and soaked CBR tests and the
the three-stage permanent deformation curve, a complete
short-term performance was investigated via UCS, CBR, and FS
three-stage model was proposed by Zhou in 2004, with one model
tests. The results of the tests show that the strength increased with
for each phase, namely, a power-law model for the primary stage, a
increasing bitumen emulsion content up to 3%, after which it
linear model for the secondary stage, and an exponential model for
decreased. This might be due to the water content of bitumen
the tertiary stage, as shown in the following equations [59]:
emulsion (38.23%), which caused a reduction in the dry density
Primary stage : ep ¼ aNb ; N 6 NPS ð14Þ and strength of the mixture. The test results showed that applica-
tion of CBETB to a soil-aggregate is an effective treatment for
improving its strength and permanent deformation, reducing its
water vulnerability, and increasing the bearing capacity of the
pavement, all of which result in a significant increase in the life-
time of the pavement. In addition, the total number of roadway
layers can be reduced by using CBETB because of its higher bearing
capacity, which effectively reduces the construction time and cost.
The results of the long-term tests showed that the Portland
cement–bitumen emulsion mixture considerably improves the
permanent deformation potential and the resistance of CBETB to
moisture damage, and it reduces both soil-aggregate–cement
losses and volume changes. This implies that introducing
Portland cement and bitumen emulsion into soil-aggregate mix-
tures reduce their moisture susceptibility because both of these
components are effective adhesive agents for mixtures. Tables 8
and 9 show the summary results of UCS, FS, unsoaked CBR, soaked
CBR, WD, DC and WT.
From this study, and based on the analysis of the results of
Tables 8 and 9, the following considerations and recommendations
Fig. 19. Typical creep curves [58]. can be drawn:
334 M.S. Baghini et al. / Construction and Building Materials 94 (2015) 323–336

Table 6
Three-stage model for the mixtures based on the creep curve.

Temperature (°C) Additives Primary stage Secondary stage Tertiary stage

Model End point Model End point Model
25 4% C ep = 104.203N0.22 420 ep = 393.546 + 0.081(N  420) a a

4% C–3% BE ep = 108.785N0.183 570 ep = 347.435 + 0.029(N  570) a a

50 4% C ep = 106.791N0.223 830 ep = 478.0.67 + 0.062(N  830) a a

4% C–3% BE ep = 98.13951N0.215 360 ep = 347.894 + 0.086(N  360) a a

Not found at the end of 1800 load cycle.

Table 7
Three-stage model for the mixtures based on the wheel-tracking curve.

Temperature (°C) Additives Primary stage Secondary stage Tertiary stage

Model End point Model End point Model
25 4% C ep = 132.669N0.295 1134 ep = 1056.53 + 0.156(N  1134) b b

4% C–3% BE ep = 87.508N0.314 672 ep = 675.837 + 0.153(N  672) b b

50 4% C ep = 172.143N0.285 1050 ep = 1250.05 + 0.091(N  1050) b b

4% C–3% BE ep = 68.715N0.363 1008 ep = 845.878 + 0.150(N  1008) b b

Not found at the end of 1800 load cycle.

7. Three estimation models for the UCS of CBETB were developed

Table 8
Summary of UCS, FS and U-CBR test results. in terms of mixture variables such as the cement content, water
content, dry density, bitumen emulsion content, and curing
Curing (days) Sample ID UCS (MPa) FS (MPa) U-CBR (%)
time, and the Zhou three-stage model was developed for DC
7 3% B 0.75 0.26 129.2 and WT in order to show the permanent deformation behavior
4% C 4.05 1.39 289.7
of the mixtures on CBETB.
4% C–3% B 4.42 1.5 308.4
28 3% B 1.02 0.40 NA 8. It is recommended that other CBETB structural properties
4% C 5.22 1.76 NA should also be considered, including microstructure analysis
4% C–3% B 5.73 2.03 NA using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy disper-
60 3% B 1.23 0.49 NA sive X-ray (EDX) tests. This subject is under investigation by
4% C 7.17 2.14 NA
the authors and will be the subject of another paper to be
4% C–3% B 7.79 2.56 NA

Table 9
Summary of S-CBR, WD, DC, and WT test results.

Sample ID WD (%) DC (mm) WT (mm) S-CBR (%) The authors would like to thank the Sustainable Urban
Weight Volume 25 °C 50 °C 25 °C 50 °C Transport Research Centre (SUTRA) at the Faculty of Engineering
3% B 27.52 32.25 6.65 6.62 4.98 7.87 84.68 and Built Environment of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
4% C 4.885 6.863 0.473 0.536 1.177 1.336 292.63 for providing research facilities. The authors also would like to
4% C–3% B 2.31 2.68 0.382 0.435 0.853 0.977 315.67 acknowledge UKM for providing research funding through project
DLP-2014-010. Finally, the authors are grateful to the University of
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