The Effect of Hybrid Anti Stripping Agen

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The effect of hybrid anti-stripping agent with polymer on the

moisture resistance of hot mix asphalt mixtures

Alaa H. Abed 1, Zaynab . Qasim, Hasan Al-Mosawe Hussein H. Norri

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Publisher: Cogent OA

Journal: Cogent Engineering



The Effect of Hybrid Anti-Stripping Agent with Polymer on the Moisture Resistance of
Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures
Alaa H. Abed 1, Zaynab I. Qasim 2, Hasan Al-Mosawe3 Hussein H. Norri 4
Assistant Professor (PhD), Civil Engineering Department, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Assistant Professor (PhD), Civil Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
University Lecturer (PhD), Civil Engineering Department, Al-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
M.Sc. in Civil Engineering Baghdad, Iraq

Abstract Space with a font size 24
Asphalt mixtures exhibit to deterioration in properties due to several factors, one of these factors is the moisture damage.
Amount of research have focused on this matter in Iraq; however, up to this time the pavement is suffering from moisture

failure due to the penetration of surface water. Asphalt concrete is modified in this research by adding antistripping agent
and polymer to withstand the moisture damage that occurs in the pavements. Key factors to enhance the mixtures to
withstand the damages due to moisture are aggregate-binder cohesion and adhesion. Therefore, the aim of this research is to

evaluate the effect of the addition of the antistripping agent and the polymer on the moisture susceptibility of asphalt
concrete mixtures before and after conditioning. Indirect tensile strength test, Marshall test, and double punching shear test
are used to satisfy the evaluation of the mixture properties. The anti-stripping agents that are used were (Wetfix with SBS
polymer) with different percentages. It is found that the modified asphalt mixture has good mixture properties in terms of
Marshall stability, retained Marshall stability and better resistance of moisture and stripping. It has been found that the
addition of 0.5% Wetfix and 3% SBS polymer maximize the properties among other percentages. It is also observed that the
modifiers mixing technique is important to the resulting performance of asphalt mixtures.
Keywords: Moisture sensitivity; Asphalt mixtures; Anti-stripping agent; polymer
1. Introduction and Significance of Work
The increase in traffic volume combined with an increase in weather temperature cause a pavement to distress.

These factors affect the durability and performance of the asphalt concrete. Meanwhile, a low performance of
pavement layers would affect the national economy of the country, (Fattah et al., 2015)., therefore it is worth to
improve the properties of the pavement layers.
The strength and durability reduction in asphalt pavements due to infiltration of water between the asphalt mixture
particles is called moisture damage. In Iraq, there are several types of pavement distress, some of them are the

raveling and stripping which occur due to the poor aggregate-binder bonding due to the water infiltration, (Alaa et al.,
2015). The occurrence of moisture damage in the asphalt pavement layer will accelerate the chance of other distresses
to happen in the mixture such as rutting, fatigue cracking, and structural rutting due to the high stresses arrived to the

unbound materials and roadbed materials. If the water infiltrate in an unloaded pavement mixture, the water will try to
soften the asphalt binder and decrease the mixture stiffness and strength, but they will be recovered if the water was
evaporated or removed, (Hall, 2006). However, if the pavement was loaded in this case of damage, the pavement will

deteriorate rapidly. In some areas of Iraq, it was noticed that the addition of SBS on its own to the binder did not
improve the moisture resistance significantly in areas that have poor drainage system, and operations of scrape,
milling and overlaying were conducted. This will add more cost to the maintenance and would motivate the efforts to
find a suitable modifying agent to overcome such problems. Researchers have focused on the analysis of cycle-life
related to the viscosity of bitumen and showed there is a strong effect of the binder viscosity on the cycle-life and cost,
and also on the effect of the use of polymer modified binder on the quality of the asphalt pavement, (Praticò et al,
2010) and (Yuhong et al, 2017).
Several researchers have shown that modifying asphalt binder with polymer would enhance the bitumen and
improve its durability, rheological properties, and temperature susceptibility, (Wallman and Astron, 2001). Elastomers
and plastomers are the most common polymers used to improve the performance of asphalt mixtures. The elastomers
and plastomers are: styrene butadiene styrene (SBS), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), ethylene evinyl acetate (EVA),
and polyethylene (PE), (Gandhi et al., 1991; Hanson and Prowell, 2004). West et al., (2001) studied the adhesion
between the aggregate particles and asphalt binder when polymers are added. The research found that the addition of
SBS and SBR to the mixture would increase the mixture resistance to moisture damage. This happened due to the

increase in the binder stiffness and a formation of bond network in the binder that will increase the aggregate-binder
adhesion forces.
The addition of anti-stripping agent to asphalt concrete have been studied by several researchers. Hamedi (2007)
utilized two types of anti-stripping agents (namely Wetfix N422 and Wetfix 312) in asphalt mixtures with variable
contents. The research focused on using the anti-stripping agents to investigate whether they improve the moisture
resistance of the modified asphalt concrete. The research showed that the tensile strength ratio (TSR) and the indirect
tensile strength (ITS) were improved by testing the samples in modified Lottman test. The goal of the research,
therefore, is to evaluate the effect of moisture resistance of the modified asphalt concrete by adding a hybrid anti-
stripping agent Wetfix in different percentages (0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1% and 2% by weight of total mix).
2. Anti-stripping Additives
The aggregate particles interlock and the strength of the asphalt binder are significant to the stability of the asphalt
concrete. The failure of the asphalt mixture occurs either in the bitumen or through the particles of aggregate if a full

binder-aggregate bond, and good bitumen stiffness are assumed, (Kanitpong, 2004). When water infiltrate in the

mixture, the aggregate particles will try to absorb the water because of its surface porosity leading to a weak bond
between aggregate and binder, (Kanitpong, 2004); this weakness is called stripping of asphalt mixtures. Therefore, the
physical characteristics of aggregate particles and bitumen are important factors affecting the adhesion and stripping
failure that occur in the mixtures. Regarding the binder properties, the viscosity of the binder is a key factor of this

failure and it has been found that a binder with high viscosity is able to prevent water from reaching the aggregate
particles unlike the low viscosity binder. However, using a high viscosity binder could solve the stripping failure but it

affects the whole performance of the mixture in terms of mixing and construction of the mixture, low temperature and
fatigue cracking; therefore, viscosity optimization should be considered.
The addition of the anti-stripping agents is used when the mixture fails in the TSR test specification requirements
which represent the moisture damage. The anti-stripping agents work in the mixture and force the aggregate surface to
react with asphalt rather than the water (D’Angelo and Anderson, 2003). Researchers have shown that adding anti-
stripping agents to the mixture improves the adhesion of binder with the aggregate particles (Bahia and Kanitpong,
2004; Kanitpong and Bahia, 2003; Kanitpong, 2004). The agents are usually come in liquid states and contains an
active ingredient (amines), also they should work effectively at high mixing temperatures of asphalt (D’Angelo and
Anderson, 2003).
The method of application is used to be added to the binder as a percent by weight (0.5% for instance), despite of
some of the agents do not reach the aggregate surface but it is the most economical method of anti-stripping agents
application. The content of the agents should be optimized because a high content will decrease the mixture resistance

to permanent deformation (Sebaaly et. al. 2003). The function of anti-stripping agents in the mixture is different to the
function of polymers which is used to improve the permanent deformation and fatigue resistance, and also to increase
the viscosity of the binder which helps with the agents to prevent water to reach the aggregate surface.
3. Laboratory Testing

The testing program that is used to achieve the aim of this research is classified into the characterization of the
materials used in the asphalt mixture and the mechanical tests to evaluate the end mixture product performance. The
characterization of the binder was represented by the typical bitumen tests which are: penetration, specific gravity,

ductility, softening point, and viscosity. The aggregate characterization tests were represented by specific gravity,
water absorption, Los Angles abrasion, and particle shape tests. On the other hand, the mechanical tests for the
modified asphalt mixture were the Marshal test, double punching shear test, and indirect tensile test. The mechanical
tests were carried out before and after the addition of the anti-stripping agent.

3.1 Materials
Local materials were used to establish the objectives of this study which are asphalt binder, crushed aggregate,
mineral filler, and anti-stripping agents.

3.1.1 Bitumen and Aggregate

Asphalt cement (bitumen) was obtained from Al-Dura refinery, south-west of Baghdad. The binder was tested to
be characterized and it was found that it is a 40-50 penetration grade and the other physical properties are listed in
Table 1. The performance grade testing was also conducted and will be shown in the results section. Meanwhile, the
coarse and fine aggregate was obtained from Al-Nibaie quarry and the gradation of the aggregate is shown in Figure
Mineral filler plays an important role in the performance of the mixture, it is those particles which passes sieve
No. 200 (0.075 mm) and considered as non-plastic materials. Limestone filler (dust) was used in this research which is

obtained from Karbala lime factory having the physical properties shown in Table 5 and compared to the State
Commission for Roads and Bridges (SCRB) R/9 specifications.
Table 1 Bitumen Properties

Property ASTM designation Test result SCRB specification

Penetration ,25˚c, D-5 47 40-50
100gm,5sec (1/10) mm
Ductility , 25˚c, 5cm/min D-113 109 >100
Softening point D-36 52.8 _
Flash point D-92 278 Min 232
Specific gravity D-70 1.03 1.05-1.01

control points Control points Restricted zone

Restricted zone Iraqi specification limits Iraqi specification limits
selected gradation

%Percent Passing by Weight


0.01 0.10 1.00 10.00
Sieve Size Opening, mm

Figure1: Gradations with Iraqi specifications and Superpave Requirements


Table 2 Limestone Filler Properties


Property Test Result

Specific Gravity 2.73
%Passing Sieve No.200 (0.075 mm) 98
Specific surface area 307.2 m2/kg

3.1.2 Additives
Additives and anti-stripping agents were used in the mixture and they are expected to improve the performance of
the mixture and the moisture susceptibility using different test methods. The additives and agents that were used are
lime, WetFix, and SBS.
Lime is a calcium containing inorganic minerals that are mainly composed of oxides and hydroxide, it is the
product of coal seam fires and in altered limestone xenoliths in volcanic ejecta, (Anthony et. al. 2017). The origin of
the word lime is from its early use of building mortar which is used for sticking and adhering; nowadays, it is hugely
used in asphalt mixtures, more than 400,000 ton each year, (Roque et al., 1999). Lime affects the mechanical and
rheological properties of asphalt mixture and improves the moisture resistance of the mixture, (Sebaaly et al., 2003).
WetFix is known as an anti-stripping material that has thermal constancy; it contains amines and it is usually used
in asphalt mixture to improve the adhesion between the aggregate particles and bitumen. Thermal stability of these
materials increases the possibility of keeping them in the tanks for a long time. The use of Wetfix in asphalt mixture is

used to be in dozes which is measured by the weight of the asphalt binder (0.25 to 1.0)%, (Arifuzzaman and Tarefder,
2013). The Wetfix viscosity that is used for this research is 3500 mPa.s at 20 ℃ and 400 mPa.s at 40 ℃. The
percentage of liquid anti-stripping material used in this study is about 0.25 to 2% by weight of asphalt. The
characteristics of this material are provided in Table 3.
SBS, which stands for Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene, is a polymer which has an elastomeric property consisting of
styrene (C6H5CH=CH2), butadiene (CH2=CH-CH=CH2) and styrene (C6H5CH=CH2). It is widely used as a
modifier to the asphalt mixtures among other types of polymers although its economical and technical limitations,
(Becker et al., 2001). The used SBS properties are tabulated in Table 4 and it is used in this research as 3% of asphalt
binder weight.

Table 3 Characteristics of Wetfix liquid additives used in this study

Characteristics Wefix BE

Appearance at 20ºC Brown, viscous liquid
Density at 20ºC, kg/m³ 980
Pour point, ºC <0
Flash point, ºC >100
Viscosity at 20ºC, cP 3500

Viscosity at 40ºC, cP 400

Table 4 Characteristics of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene (SBS)

Characteristics SBS
Molecular formula
an C20H22
molecular weight 262.39 g/mol
tensile strength 43 MPa
elongation (strain) 95%
shear modulus 1.26 to 1.78 MPa
3.2 Sample Preparation
Marshall mix design is used in this research with different material composition. Fourteen asphalt concrete samples
(100 mm in diameter and 60 mm in height) were manufactured to range the different composition to accomplish the
mix design requirements according to (ASTM Designation: D6926-2010). Figure 2 shows the preparation steps prior

to testing. Two specimens are made for each test. Based on the obtained results the optimum content of modified
binder PG 76-16 is 4.5 % for the selected gradation as shown in Table 5. Figure 3 shows the relationship between
asphalt content and Marshall properties for modified mix. It can be seen that the increase in binder content would tend
to increase the flow of the material because load will be dominated by the binder rather than the aggregate particles.

Moreover, the increase in binder content will also tend to increase the bulk specific gravity because the voids will be
filled with asphalt, however, this will decrease the air void content which will affect negatively on the performance of
the mixture.

Figure 2 Procedure of sample preparation

Table 5 Optimum Asphalt Content for Asphalt Mixes

Marshahll properties Asphalt Content, %

4.0 4.5 5 5.5

Stability ,kN 29.73 31.10 30.12 22.58
Flow , mm 3.28 2.56 3.52 5.49
Bulk density , gm/cm3 2.331 2.344 2.367 2.404
Air voids , % 5.35 4.12 2.69 2.39
Voids filled with asphalt, % 64 67 79 82
Voids in mineral aggregate, % 15 12.8 13.1 13.7

Stability Flow

35 6.0
Stability, kPa

Flow, mm


20 1.0
3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Binder Content, %
an Binder Content, %

Air Voids Bulk specific gravity

Bulk specific gravity, g/cm3

5.0 2.4
Air Voids, %

4.0 2.3

1.0 2.1
0.0 2.0
3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0

Binder Content, % Binder Content, %


Voids filled with asphalt Voids in mineral aggregate

85.0 16.0
80.0 15.0

VMA, %
VFA, %

60.0 12.0
55.0 11.0
50.0 10.0
3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0
Binder Content, % Binder Content, %

Figure 3 Marshall test results for modified mixture

3.3 Mechanical Tests
3.3.1 Indirect Tensile strength Test
This test is conducted according to AASHTO T-283 which gives an indication on the moisture susceptibility
of the asphalt mixture. The test is used to estimate the indirect tensile strength (ITS) and the tensile strength ratio
(TSR). For the purpose of this test, a set of samples were manufactured for each mixture and according to Marshall
procedure. The set of samples was divided into two groups, one is to be conditioned in one cycle of freezing and
thawing and the other group is to be unconditioned which eventually both were tested at 25 ℃.
The load is applied statically with a rate of increase equals to 2.0"/min until failure occurs. The indirect tensile
strength (ITS unconditioned), which depends on the maximum load applied (P) and sample height and diameter (t, D), and
the tensile strength ratio (TSR) can be calculated by using Eq.1 and Eq. 2 and as follow:

ITS = 2000P/πt D (1)

TSR = (ITS cond./ ITS uncond.) *100 (2)
Specifications allow a minimum ratio of the tensile strength is to be 80%
Space with a font size 12 after the figure

3.3.2 Retained Marshall Stability Test
This test is used to measure the retained stability after conditioning the sample in a water bath for 24 hours at

60℃. This test is required, besides the Marshall test, by the local highway authority in Iraq (SCRB) for wearing course
and according to ASTM D1075. The samples were grouped into two sets, one is the normal Marshall test, which is
conditioning the samples for 30 minutes at 60 ℃ in a water bath, this set is named “unconditioned”. The samples were
then loaded until failure occurs at a loading rate of 50 mm/min. The second set of samples were conditioned for 24
hours at 60 ℃ in a water bath and then tested in Marshall test (shown in Figure 4); this set was named conditioned.
The retained stability was then estimated using the following formula:

= × 100% (3)

RMS = retained Marshall stability,

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4. (a) Samples in bath water (b) samples testing in indirect tensile strength (c) sample after testing

3.3.3 Retained double punching shear test

The retained double punching shear test was developed by the University of Arizona by Jimenez 1974, which is
normally used to estimate the binder-aggregate stripping, and it is used by several researchers such as (Solaimanian,
2004 and Turos, 2010). The specimen used for this test is the standard Marshall specimen which is conditioned in a
water bath for 30 minutes at 60 ℃. The test was performed by applying the load through two cylindrical steel punches
which are located on the surface edges of the sample (top and bottom) and aligned perfectly in the vertical direction.
The rate of the loading is 2.54 cm/ minute and the maximum load reached before failure is noted. The punching
strength (σt) can be obtained by using the following equation which depends on the maximum load applied (p), punch
radius (a), specimen radius and height (b and h):

σt = (4)
π(1.2bh − a)
4. Results and Analysis
• Binder Characterization
The performance grade of asphalt binder is used to improve the general performance of the binder itself and this
would result in good resistance to the failure occur in the mixture. It is a comprehensive system that relates climate,
traffic conditions and aging with critical pavement distress. Performance grade (PG) of asphalt binders are selected to
meet expected weather conditions as well as aging considerations. According to the Superpave system the asphalt
binder tests simulate three critical stages. First, is the original asphalt binder which represents stored, transport and
handled before mixing with aggregate, the second stage is the short-term aging that simulate mixing, production and
construction of HMA. The third stage represents aging during its service life which is named as long-term aging.
Superpave tests and specification are applied for both modified and unmodified asphalt cements.

The binder characteristics are obtained from the routine superpave tests which are the dynamic shear rheometer

(DSR), bending beam rheometer test (BBR), and the rotational viscosity (RV). The samples can be simulated for the
short and long-term aging by using the rolling thin film oven test (RTFO) and pressure aging vessel (PAV). Some of
the tests used are shown in Figure 5.
Tables (6) and (7) depicted the criteria and results of the bitumen rheological properties for neat and modified

(SBS with wetfix) binders respectively. It is noticed that the rutting parameter (G*/ sinδ) for modified binder is
increased by 140% compared to that of the neat binder. Moreover, the PG of the neat binder increased by two grades

and reached to PG 76-16 with the addition of hybrid modifier.


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5.(a) Dynamic shear Rheometer test, (b) Rotational viscometer test, (c) Rolling thin film oven test

Table 6 Base Asphalt binder properties

Type of Asphalt Standard Performance Grade of Base Asphalt Binder

Parameter Specification Temperature Measured Parameter Measured Requirements

Aging Original Binder

Rotational Viscosity, ASTM D 4402
(Pa.sec) @135 ºC 0.573 3 Pa.s, Max
Dynamic Shear Rheometer, ASTM D 7175 @70 ºC 1.62

1 kPa, Min
(DSR) G*/sin δ, kPa AASHTO T 315 @76ºC 0.88
Flash Point (ºC) ASTM D 92
--- 300 230 ºC, Min
Penetration (0.1 mm) ASTM D 05 @25 ºC 42 ----
Ductility (5 cm / min) ASTM D 113 @25 ºC >100 >100
Aging Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) Residue
ASTM D 7175
Dynamic Shear Rheometer, AASHTO T 315
@70 ºC 1.83 2.2 kPa, Min
(DSR) G*/sin δ, kPa ASTM D 2872
ASTM D 2872
Mass Loss (%) 0.61 1, Max
Aging Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV-110 ˚C) Residue
Dynamic Shear Rheometer, ASTM D 7175 @25 ºC 6330 5000 kPa, Max

(DSR) G*.sin δ, kPa AASHTO T 315 @28 ºC 4210
ASTM D 6521
Bending Beam Rheometer, ASTM D 05
@ -16 ºC 188 300 mPa, Max
(BBR)Creep Stiffness, mPa AASHTO T 49
Bending Beam Rheometer, ASTM D 6648
@ -16 ºC 0.415 0.3, Min
(BBR) Slop m-value AASHTO T 313

Table 7 Modified Asphalt binder properties

Type of Asphalt Standard Performance Grade of Modified Asphalt with (SBS and Wetfix)
Parameter Specification Temperature Measured Parameter Measured Requirements
Aging Original Binder

Rotational Viscosity, ASTM D 4402
@135 ºC 1.33 3 Pa.s, Max

(Pa.sec) AASHTO T 316
Dynamic Shear Rheometer, ASTM D 7175 @70 ºC 6.42 1 kPa, Min
(DSR) G*/sin δ, kPa AASHTO T 315 @76 ºC 2.12
Flash Point (ºC) --- 310 230 ºC, Min

Penetration (0.1 mm) ASTM D 05 @25 ºC 38 ----
Ductility (5 cm / min) ASTM D 113 @25 ºC >200 >100

Aging Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) Residue
ASTM D 7175
Dynamic Shear Rheometer, AASHTO T 315
@76 ºC 3.63 2.2 kPa, Min
(DSR) G*/sin δ, kPa ASTM D 2872
ASTM D 2872
Mass Loss (%) 0.53 1, Max
Aging Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV-110 ˚C) Residue
ASTM D 7175
Dynamic Shear Rheometer,
AASHTO T 315 @37 ºC 1710 5000 kPa, Max
(DSR) G*.sin δ, kPa
ASTM D 6521
Bending Beam Rheometer, ASTM D 05
@ -16 ºC 225 300 mPa, Max

(BBR)Creep Stiffness, MPa AASHTO T 49

Bending Beam Rheometer, ASTM D 6648
@ -16 ºC 0.335 0.3, Min
(BBR) Slop m-value AASHTO T 313

• The Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) and TSR values

The ITS and TSR values were measured for the conditioned and unconditioned samples and shown in Table 8. It

can be seen that the ITS of the conditioned and unconditioned control mixtures were 970 and 845, respectively. The
addition of the 3% SBS has increased the ITS of both conditions to 1070 and 970.5, respectively. However, the
samples that contain SBS and Wetfix have much higher values of ITS which indicates to a better cohesive strength
and the prevention of stripping to occur between asphalt and aggregate, as shown in Figure 6.

In the same manner, the TSR values, which are presented in Figure 7, has increased sufficiently when SBS was
added and when SBS and Wetfix were added together to the mixture. The control mixture had a TSR value of 87.1%,
SBS modified mixture about 90.7% and the SBS and Wetfix modified mixture reached to a peak of 97.2% when 0.5%
of Wetfix and 3% SBS were added to the mixture. It is noticed that the addition of wetfix on its own would decrease
the ITS, and this is mainly due to action of the wetfix which modifies the chemical composition and charges of the
binder and this sometimes affect negatively on the adhesion of the binder and aggregate. The addition of SBS with the
wetfix would increase the elasticity of the bitumen and strengthen the chemical bonds.

Table 8: ITS and TSR results

Mixture type kPa kPa TSR,%

AC 970 845 87.1
3% SBS 1070 970.5 90.7

0.25% WF 753 647 86
0.5% WF 845 738 87.9
0.75% WF 782 698 89
1% WF 700 590 84.2
SBS+0.25%WF 1155 1090 94.3
SBS+0.5% WF 1375 1337 97.2
SBS+0.75% WF 1284 1233 96
SBS+1% WF 1165 1032 88.5
SBS+1% WF 1147 1005 87.5

Indirect Tensile Stress, kPa

1400 uncond. samples cond. samples





Mixture Type
Figure 6. ITS values for unconditioned and conditioned for each mixture

Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR)


Mixture Type

Figure 7. TSR values for mixtures


• Marshall stability and retained Marshall stability

The effect of additives on the Marshall stability values are shown in Figure 8. Marshall stability for the control
mixture was 10 kN and when using SBS it increased to 11.4 kN while when using (SBS with Wetfix) the stability
increased gradually and reached to a maximum value of 14.9 kN. at 0.75% of Wetfix.

It is clear that, there is a rise in Marshall stability values at (0.25%, 0.5% and 0.75% Wetfix +3% SBS) which is
12.3, 13 and 15 kN respectively, then it decreased at (1% Wetfix +3% SBS) but it still higher than that of control
The moisture damage of the asphalt mixture was measured using the Retained Marshall stability test (RMS). The
reduction in stability is measured in this test by testing the samples after conditioning them for 1, 3, and 7 days at 60
℃. A comparison between the original sample stability with those after the conditioning are shown in Figure 9.
It can be seen that the stability of mixtures containing additives is greater than that of the control mix and the
stability value reduces with the increase in immersing periods. However, when Wetfix was added, the stability
performed better. For instance, the addition of 0.25% wetfix, the stability value is 10.4 kN for one day immersion and
is 10.7 kN for seven-day immersion. The stability has a maximum increase for the mixes that contain 0.75% Wetfix
and 3% SBS compared to the control mix for 1, 3 and 7 days of immersion.


Marshall Stability, kN

Mixture Type

Figure 8. Marshall stability values for each type of mixtures

1 Day 3 Day 7 Day

Marshall Stability, kN



Mixture type

Figure 9: Stability with additives for different periods immersion

The RMS values were estimated for the mixtures and the control mixture and found to be 88% and then the RMS
tends to increase for mixture contains SBS and (Wetfix+SBS). The optimum increase at (0.75% Wetfix +3% SBS),

where RMS equal to 102%, which indicates that the Wetfix and SBS tend to reduce the effect of water action and
increase binder-aggregate adhesive strength.
The RMS has decreased when the immersion time increased, however, specimens which are modified by Wetfix

has an increased RMS with the increment of immersion period, the results are listed in Table 9. It can be seen that the
maximum increase in RMS value is when 0.75% of Wetfix was added to the binder at 7 days of immersion period, the
results for this test are shown in Figure 10. In the same manner, the Marshall stability for all the mixes were decreased
except those which are mixed with 0.75% Wetfix + 3% SBS

Table 9 RMS Results

Mixture type Retained Marshall Stability RMS, %
(1-Day) (3-Day) (7-Day)
AC 0.88 0.84 0.78
3% SBS 0.92 0.88 0.85
0.25% WF 0.943 0.93 0.89
0.5% WF 0.953 0.946 0.923
0.75% WF 0.97 0.966 0.94
1% WF 0.98 0.97 0.96
SBS+0.25%WF 0.94 0.955 0.96
SBS+0.5% WF 0.973 0.98 0.984
SBS+0.75% WF 0.983 0.992 1.02
SBS+1% WF 0.93 0.94 0.95
SBS+2% WF 0.89 0.91 0.93

1 Day 3 Day 7 Day
Retained Marshall Stability, % 1






Mixture Type

Figure 10: Retained Marshall stability for each type of mixtures
• Double Punching shear strength
As mentioned earlier in this research, this test is used to evaluate the stripping that occur between the aggregate
particles and binder. Figure 11 shows the value of the punching shear strength increase from 147 kPa for the control
mixture to 222 kPa for mixtures that are modified with SBS and to 191 kPa when 0.75% of Wetfix was used.
However, when 3%SBS+0.5% of Wetfix were used the punching shear strength has jumped to 278 kPa. This would
add more solid knowledge that the combination of SBS and Wetfix as modifiers to the binder would improve the
mechanical properties of the asphalt mixtures.
Punching Shear Stress, kPa







Mixture Type

Figure 11: Punching Shear Strength for each type of mixture

5. Conclusion
Moisture damage of asphalt mixtures was studied in this research when antistripping agents and polymers are added to
the mixture. Different percentages of Wetfix and SBS were used and the optimum percentage is when a combination
of 0.5% Wetfix and 3% SBS is used. This percentage improves the properties of asphalt mixture in terms of rutting
resistance, Marsha stability, viscosity, ITS, TSR and punching shear resistance. Based on the results obtained from
this research, several points are concluded:
1- The performance grade of the control asphalt (PG 64-16) increased by two degrees (PG 76-16) with the
addition of hybrid modifier (0.5% Wetfix +3% SBS).
2- The viscosity was increased by more than two times when SBS and Wetfix were added to the mixture,
therefore there is a need to increase mixing and compaction temperature for modified hot mix asphalt
3- Rutting parameter (G*/sinδ) was increased by 140% when 0.5% Wetfix and 3% SBS binder.

4- The addition of 3% SBS polymer by weight of asphalt binder improves tensile strength and the TSR value

increased by 3% from control mixture.
5- When using SBS and Wetfix together the ITS and TSR values increased significantly and the optimum
content was at (0.5% Wetfix fume+3% SBS) where the TSR value increased from 87.1% at control mixture
to 97%.

6- Marshall stability was highly increased when SBS and Wetfix were added and it increased by 50% compared
to the control mixture when (Wetfix + SBS) was used.

7- The higher value of RMS was 102% at (0.75% Wetfix +3% SBS) which is approximately 30% greater than
control mixture.
8- Punching shear strength was also improved at (0.5% Wetfix + 3% SBS) content compared to the control
mixture results.
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Author Biography
Assistant Professor Dr Alaa Hussein Abed
He obtained his PhD from the University of Baghdad in 2010 with a 6 months exchange
researcher at Wisconsin University. His field of interest is modifying asphalt binder with the
different modifiers and exploring the improvement that could happen to the asphalt pavement
mixtures. He has several research papers in the matter. Currently, he is working at Al-
Nahrain University and he established a Superpave laboratory and supervise several
postgraduate students.

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Public Interest Statement
Moisture damage is one of the major distress that affecting the
performance of the asphalt pavement life, when water infiltrate in the
mixture, the aggregate particles will try to absorb the water because of
its surface porosity leading to a weak bond between aggregate and

binder, this weakness is called stripping of asphalt mixtures, then the

strength and durability of asphalt concrete will be reduced. Several
researchers have shown that modifying asphalt binder with polymer would

enhance the bitumen and improve its durability, rheological properties,

and moisture susceptibility. Styrene butadiene styrene (SBS) is
considered as the most common elastomer polymer that is used to improve

the performance of asphalt mixtures. It was noticed that the addition of

SBS to the binder did not improve the moisture resistance significantly
in areas that have poor drainage system. The goal of the research,

therefore, is to evaluate the effect of moisture resistance of the

modified asphalt concrete by adding a hybrid anti-stripping agent Wetfix
in different percentages with SBS.


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