Cypermethrin - Identification, toxicity, use, water pollution potential, ecological toxicity and
regulatory information
Note: See Working with the Information on this Page section below for important notes about this data. This database and website are updated and enhanced by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA). The project is made possible by our Sponsors and by PANNA general funds. We need your support to maintain and improve this system. Please support the database and website donate to PANNA. Identifying information, including synonyms, ID numbers, use type, chemical classification, a link to a list of all products containing this chemical and a list of the top crops this pesticide is used on in California. Signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid, and links to treatment information for this chemical. Link to information on toxicity to humans, including carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and acute toxicity. Links to world-wide registration status as well as regulatory information for the U.S. and California. Water quality standards and physical properties affecting water contamination potential. Toxicity to aquatic organisms. List of chemicals in the same family, including breakdown products, salts, esters, isomers, and other derivatives.
Chemical ID
Molecular Structure:
Insecticide Pyrethroid
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See the Global Pesticide Resources page for many additional links.
Report a Poisoning
Find Products Containing this Chemical
- Irritation of skin and eyes. - Irritability to sound or touch, abnormal facial sensation, sensation of prickling, tingling or creeping on skin, numbness. - Headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, fatigue. - In severe cases: fluid in the lungs and muscle twitching may develop. Seizures may occur and are more common with more toxic cyano-pyrethroids. Source for Group Symptoms: Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisoning, 5th edition, U.S. EPA, Chapter 8.
Treatment for Pyrethroid Poisoning
See: Recognition and Management of Pesticide Poisoning, 5th edition, U.S. EPA, Chapter 8, page 88.
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Symptoms of Cypermethrin Exposure from the International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC)
Report a Poisoning
View full ICSC Cards: English Espaol Franaise Chinese Dutch Finnish German Hungarian Japanese Swahili Thai Urdu
First Aid
Fresh air rest. Refer for medical attention. Remove contaminated clothes. Rinse and then wash skin with water and soap. First rinse with plenty of water for several minutes
Notes for ICSC Information Carrier solvents used in commercial formulations may change physical and toxicological properties. Ripcord Barricade Cymbush Agrothrin are trade names. Also consult publication Health and Safety Guide No. 22 Cypermethrin and Environmental Health Criteria No. 82 Cypermethrin of IPCS.
Acute Toxicity
Cholinesterase Inhibitor
Endocrine Disruptor
Not Listed
Indicates no available weight-of-the-evidence summary assessment. For additional information on toxicity from scientific journals or registration documents, see the "Additional Resources for Toxicity " section of the chemical detail page.
1. PAN Bad Actors are chemicals that are one or more of the following: highly acutely toxic, cholinesterase inhibitor, known/probable carcinogen, known groundwater pollutant or known reproductive or developmental toxicant. NOTE! Because there are no authoritative lists of Endocrine Disrupting (ED) chemicals, EDs are not yet considered PAN Bad Actor chemicals. 2. The acute toxicity reported on this page is of the pure chemical ingredient only and may not reflect the acute toxicity of individual pesticide products. To view acute toxicity of individual products, click on 'View Products' link in the 'Chemical Identification' section above.
See the Global Pesticide Resources page for many additional links.
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This Chemical
Cypermethrin Not Listed Not Listed Not Available No Consensus Value No NTP Studies No
Parent Chemical
Cypermethrin, zeta Ib, Highly Hazardous Not Listed Not Available No Consensus Value No NTP Studies No
WHO Acute Hazard TRI Acute Hazard Material Safety Data Sheets Acute rating from U.S. EPA product label U.S. NTP Acute Toxicity Studies View Studies Cholinesterase Inhibitor
2. The acute toxicity reported on this page is of the pure chemical ingredient only and may not reflect the acute toxicity of individual pesticide products. To view acute toxicity of individual products, click on 'View Products' link in the 'Chemical Identification' section above.
Cancer Information
IARC Carcinogens U.S. NTP Carcinogens California Prop 65 Known Carcinogens U.S. EPA Carcinogens TRI Carcinogen
Cypermethrin Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed C, Possible Not Listed
Cypermethrin, zeta Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed C, Possible Not Listed
Endocrine Disruption
Illinois EPA list Keith list Colborn list Benbrook list Danish Inert list EU list
Cypermethrin, zeta Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed Not Listed
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This Chemical
Cypermethrin Insufficient Data
Parent Chemical
Cypermethrin, zeta Insufficient Data
This Chemical
Parent Chemical
This Chemical
Registration in Selected Countries: Cypermethrin
Parent Chemical
Registration for Selected Countries: Cypermethrin, zeta
UNEP Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP) UNEP Prior Informed Consent Chemical (PIC) WHO Obsolete Pesticide
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Note! Information for many chemicals is incomplete and may not be fully representative of effects on the environment. Why? Click on underlined terms for definitions and additional information.
Aquatic Ecotoxicity
All Toxic Effects for Organism Group
Organism Group Amphibians Annelida AquaticPlants Crustaceans Fish Insects Molluscs Effects Noted Development, Enzyme(s), Mortality, Population Mortality Accumulation, Biochemistry, Population Behavior, Biochemistry, Development, Enzyme(s), Growth, Intoxication, Mortality, Population Accumulation, Behavior, Biochemistry, Cell(s), Development, Enzyme(s), Feeding Behavior, Genetics, Histology, Hormone(s), Injury, Intoxication, Mortality, Physiology, Population, Reproduction Accumulation, Behavior, Intoxication, Mortality, Population Accumulation, Behavior, Biochemistry, Enzyme(s), Genetics, Intoxication, Mortality, Physiology, Population, Reproduction Mortality, Population Accumulation, Biochemistry, Mortality, Physiology, Population, Reproduction Behavior, Biochemistry, Development, Enzyme(s), Feeding Behavior, Growth, Intoxication, Mortality, Population, Reproduction Accumulation, Behavior, Development, Enzyme(s), Genetics, Growth, Histology, Mortality, Physiology, Population Population
~ Un-Assigned ~Un-Assigned
Terrestrial Ecotoxicity
Summary of Acute Toxicity for Organism Group
Sorry, no honeybee acute toxicity data available for this chemical. Try related chemicals.
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Note: Population-level effects on honeybees may occur even if a pesticide has low acute toxicity. For example, certain pesticides interfere with honeybee reproduction, ability to navigate, or temperature regulation, any of which can have an effect on long-term survival of honeybee colonies. The neonicotinoids, pyrethroids and keto-enol pesticides are some types of pesticides causing one or more of these effects.
Honeybee Chronic Toxicity
Sorry, no honeybee chronic toxicity data available for this chemical. Try related chemicals.
Cypermethrin, zeta
Insecticide No
Insecticide No
Cypermethrin, beta
Insecticide Yes
Not Listed
Click on underlined terms for definitions or go to the Pesticide Tutorial overview page. Any underlined term with a book icon has additional information.
* Data marked with an asterisk indicates that this chemical is not explicitly listed on the corresponding list. Instead, it belongs to a group of chemicals that IS designated on the list. For example, if an agency assigns a classification of reproductive toxicant to "mercury compounds", that classification is applied to all mercury compounds in the PAN Pesticide database, which are then marked with an asterisk. To print this page, choose Print. To export this data, choose Save As 'HTML Source' and open it in Excel or equivalent program.
Citation: Kegley, S.E., Hill, B.R., Orme S., Choi A.H., PAN Pesticide Database, Pesticide Action Network, North America (San Francisco, CA, 2010), 2000-2010 Pesticide Action Network, North America. All rights reserved.
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