Proton: Oxyge
Proton: Oxyge
Proton: Oxyge
Proton Helium-4
Proton �
� ��"�" -
P"""/ carbon-
o Neutri nos
Proton ... F I G URE 21.15 H"lium Fusion Diagram of the basic tri ple-alpha
heli um-burning reaction occurring in post-main-sequence stars. Three
... F IGU RE 21.14 Proton Fusion Diagram of the basic
helium-4 nuclei combine to form carbon-12
proton-proton hydrogen-burning reaction. Four proton,s combine
to form a nucleus of helium-4, releasing energy in the process.
elements are generally much less abundant than lighter Carbon Burn i ng and Helium Capture
elements. However, the many peaks and troughs evident in
the figure also represent important constraints. At higher and higher temperatures, heavier and heavier nuclei
can gain enough energy to overcome the electrical repulsion
Hydrogen and H e l i u m Burning between them. At about 600 million K (reached only in the
cores of stars much more massive than the Sun) , carbon nuclei
Let's begin by reviewin g the reactions leading to the produc
can fuse to form magnesium, as depicted in Figure 2 1 . 16(a):
12C + 12 C 24M g + energy.
tion of heavy elements at various stages of stellar evolution.
Look again at Figme 2 1 .6 as we discuss the reactions in
volved. Stellar nucleosynthesis begins with the proton However, because of the rapidly mowlting nuclear
proton chain studied in Chapter 16. 00 (Sec. 16.6) Provided charges--that is, the increasing nwnber of protons in the
that the temperature is high enough--at least 10 million
K-a series of nuclear reactions occurs, ultimately forming a
nucleus of ordinary heliwn (4He) from four protons eH):
CNO cycle, involving nuclei of carbon, nitrogen, and oxy
gen, may greatly accelerate the hydrogen-burning process,
but the basic four-protons-to-one-helium-nucleus reaction,
illustrated in Figure 2 1 . 14, is unchanged.
As heliwn builds up in the core of a star, the bllrning
.� / ��
ceases, and the core contracts and heats up. When the tempera
ture exceeds about 100 million K, heliwn nuclei can overcome
their mutual electrical repulsion, leading the triple-alpha
reaction, which we discussed in Chapter 20 CIO (Sec. 20.2):
3(4 He) 12C + energy. (b)
The net result of this reaction is that three helium-4 nuclei ... F I G U R E 21.16 Carbon Fusion Carbon form heavier elements
(al by fusi on w ith other carbon nudei or, more commonly, (b) by fusion
are combined into one carbon- 1 2 nucleus (Figure 2 1 . 1 5),
with a helium nucleus.
releasing energy in the process.
SECTI O N 21.4 Formation of the Elements 531
nuclei-fusion reactions between any nuclei larger than car Thus, as the star evolves, he-wier elements tend to form
bon require such high temperatllres that they are actually quite through helium capture rather than by fusion of like nuclei.
uncommon in stars. The formation of most heavier elements As a result, elements with nuclear masses of 4 units (i.e.,
occurs by way of an easier path. For example, the repulsive helium itself) , 12 units (carbon), 1 6 lmits (oxygen), 20 units
force between two carbon nuclei is three times greater than the (neon), 24 units (magnesium), and 28 units (silicon) stand
force between a nucleus of carbon and one of helium. Thus, out as prominent peaks in Figure 2 1 . 13, our chart of cosmic
carbon-helium fusion occurs at a lower temperature than that ablmdances. Each element is built by combining the preced
at whidt carbon--<:arbon fusion occurs. As we saw in Section ing element and a heliwn-4 nucleus as the star evolves.
20.3, at temperatures above 200 million K, a carbon- 12 nucleus Helium capture is by no means the only type of nu
colliding with a helium-4 nucleus can produce oxygen-16: clear reaction occurring in evolved stars. As nuclei of
12C + 4He -'> 160 a
+ energy.
many different kinds accumulate, great variety of reac
tions become possible. In some, protons and neutrons are
If any helium-4 is present, this reaction, shown in Figure freed from their parent nuclei and are absorbed by others,
2 1 . 1 6(b), is much more likely to occur than the carbon forming new nuclei with masses intermediate between
carbon reaction. those formed by helium capture. Laboratory studies con
Similarly, the oxygen-16 thus produced may fuse with firm that common nuclei, such as fluorine- 1 9, sodium-23,
other oxygen- 1 6 nuclei at a temperature of about 1 billion K phosphorus-3 1 , and many others, are created in this way.
to form sulfur-32: However, their abundances are not as great as those
160 + 1 6 0 -'> 32S + energy. produced directly by helium capture, simply because the
helium-capture reactions are much more common in
However, it is much more probable that an oxygen- 1 6
stars. For this reason, many of these elements (those with
nucleus will capture a helium-4 nucleus (if one is available)
masses not divisible by four, the mass of a helium nucleus)
to form neon-20:
1 60 + 4He -'> 20 Ne + energ
are found in the troughs of Figure 2 1 . 1 3 .
The second reaction is more likely because it occurs at a lower I ron Formation
temperature than that necessary for oxygen-o�:ygen fusion.
Arolmd the time silicon-28 appears i n the core of a star, a
competitive struggle begins between the continued cap
ture of helium to produce even heavier nuclei and the
tendency of more complex nuclei to break down into sim
pler ones. The cause of this breakdown is heat. By now, the
star's core temperature has reached me unimaginably
large value of 3 billion K, and the gamma rays associated
with that temperature have enough energy to break a nu
cleus apart, as illustrated in Figure 2 1 . 1 7(a) . This is the
same process of photodisintegration that will ultimately
accelerate tlle star's iron core in its final collapse toward a
Energy �
Type II supernova .
Heli um -4
• •
Helium-4 Helium-4 Helium-4 Helium-4 Helium-4 Helium-4
\ \ \ \ \ +\ \
� � � � � � �
(b) S i l icon-2 B Sulfur-32 Argon -36 Calcium-40 Titanium-44 Ch rom i um -4B Iron-52 Nickel-56
532 C HA PTER 21 Stellar Explosions
Under the intense heat, some silicon-28 nuclei break becomes unstable and then decays radioactively to form a
apart into seven helium-4 nuclei. Other nearby nuclei that stable nucleus of some other element. The neutron-capture
have not yet photodisintegrated may capture some or all of process then continues. For example, an iron-56 nucleus can
these helium-4 nuclei, leading to the formation of still capture a single neutron to form a relatively stable isotope,
heavier elements (Figure 2 1 . 1 7b). The process of photodis iron-57:
integration provides raw material that allows helium cap 56Fe + n -'> 57Fe.
ture to proceed to greater masses. Photodisintegration
continues, with some heavy nuclei being destroyed and This reaction may be followed by another neutron capture:
others increasing in mass. In succession, the star forms sul
fur-32, argon-36, calciwn-40, titanium-44, chromium-48,
iron-52, and nickel-56. The chain of reactions building
from silicon-28 up to nickel-56 is Thus, another relatively stable isotope, iron-58, is produced,
and this isotope c.l n capture yet another neutron to produce
285i + 7(4He) -'> 5�i + energy. an even heavier isotope of iron:
Unlike the s-process, which stops when it runs out of stable Second, the presence of one particular nucleus
nuclei, the neutron-capture rate during the supernova is so technetium-99--provides direct evidence that heavy ele
great that even unstable nuclei can capture many neutrons ments really do form in the cores of stars. Laboratory
before they have time to decay. Jamming neutrons into measurements show that the technetium nucleus has a ra
light- and middleweight nuclei, the r-process is responsible dioactive half-life of about 200,000 years, a very short time,
for the creation of the he.wiest-known elements. The heavi astronomically speaking. No one has ever fOWld even traces
est of the heavy elements, then, are actually born after their of naturally occurring teclmetiwn on Earth, because it all
parent stars have died. However, because the time available decayed long ago. The observed presence of technetium in
for synthesizing these heaviest nuclei is so brief, they never the spectra of many red-giant stars implies that it must have
become very abundant. Elements heavier than iron (see been synthesized in their cores through neutron capture
Table 2 1 . 1 ) are a billion times less common than hydrogen the only known way in which technetiwn can form-within
and helium. the past few hundred thousand years and then transported
by convection to the surface. Othenvise, we would not
o 2
largely to the core, and the star's spectrum gives little indica
tion of events within its core. Convection may carry some
(a) Time (years)
reaction products (such as the technetiunl observed in many
red giants) from the core into the envelope, but the outer
layers largely retain the star's original composition. Only at
the end of the star's life are its newly created elements re
leased and scattered into space.
Thus, the spectra of the youngest stars show the most
heavy elements, because each new generation of stars in
creases the concentration of these elements in the interstel
lar clouds from which the next generation forms. Accord
ingly, the photosphere of a recently formed star contains a
much greater abundance of heavy elements than that of a
� Interactive
r;;; . formation and evolution
F IGURE 21.19 Stellar
Q with
n""" heavy elements and
provides the driving force for the
creation of new generations of stars.
dockwise from the top are an interstellar
cloud (Barnard 68� a star-forming region
(ROO 38� a massive star ejecting a "bubble"
and about to explode (NGC 7635), and a
supernova remnant and its heavy-element
debris (N49). Earth and humani1y are both
direct consequences of this truly grand
cosmic cycle. (ESO; NASA)
Stellar evolJtiOO
pass.1ge through the interstellar mediwn simultaneously the preceding generation had. From the old globular clus
enridles the mediwn and compresses it into further star ters, which are observed to be deficient in heavy elements
formation. E.1m generation of stars increases the concen relative to the SUll, to the young open clusters, containing
tration of heavy elements in the interstellar douds from much larger amounts of these elements, we observe this en
whidl the ne>.1 generation forms. As a result, recently richment process in action. Our Sun is the product of many
formed stars contain a much greater abundance of heavy sum cycles. We ourselves are another. Without the elements
elements than do stars that formed long ago. synthesized in the hearts of stars, neither Earth nor the life it
harbors would exist.
In way, although some material is used up in each
cycle-turned into energy or locked up in low-mass stars-
the galaxy continuously recycles its matter. Each new round
V' Why is stellar evolution important to life on Earth?
of formation creates stars with more heavy elements than
A nova (p. 518) is a star that sud drawing hydrogen-rich material from its companion. The gas spi
denly increases greatly in brightness, then rals inward in an accretion disk (p. 518) and builds up on the
slowly fades back to its normal appear white-dwarfs surface, eventually becoming hot and dense enough
rulee over a period of months. It is tile for the hydrogen to bum explosively, temporarily causing a large
result of a white dwarf in a binary system increase in the dwarf's luminosity.
536 C H A P T E R 2 1 Stellar Explosions
2 Stars more massive than about 8
more rapid pace. As they do so, their none has been observed in the last 400
cores form a layered structure consisting years. We can see evidence of a past super
of burning shells of successively heavier elements. The process nova in the form of a supernova remnant
stops at iron, whose nudei can neither be fused together nor split (p. 526)--i\ shell of exploded debris surroWlding the site of the
to produce energy. As a star's iron core grows in mass, it eventu explosion and expanding into space at a speed of thousands of
ally becomes unable to support itself against gravity and begins kilometers per second.
to collapse. At the high temperatures produced during the col 5 All elements heavier than helium are
lapse, iron nudei are broken down into protons and neutrons. formed by stellar nucleosynthesis
The protons combine with electrons to form more neutrons. {p. 529)-the production of new ele
Eventually, when the core becomes so dense that the neutrons are ments by nudear reactions in the cores of
effectively brought into physical contact with one another, the evolved stars. Elements heavier than car
collapse stops and the core rebowlds, sending a violent shock bon tend to form by helium capture (p. 531), rather than by the
wave out through the rest of the star. The star explodes in a fusion of more massive nuclei At high enough core temperatures,
core-collapse supernova (p. 522). photodisintegration breaks apart some heavy nuclei, providing he
3 Astronomers dassify
supernovae lium-4 nuclei for the synthesis of even more massive elements, up
(p. 522) into two broad categories: Type I to iron. Elements beyond iron form by neutron capture (p. 532)
and Type [I. These classes differ by their in the cores of evolved stars. During a supernova, rapid neutron
light curves and their composition. Type capture occurs, producing the he.wiest nudei of all. Comparisons
I supernovae (p. 523) are hydrogen poor between theoretical predictions of element production and obser
and have a light curve sinlilar in shape vations of element abWldances in stars and supernovae provide
to that of a nova. Type II supernovae strong support for the theory of stellar nucJeosynthesis.
(p. 523) are hydrogen rich and have a 6 The processes of star formation, evolution,
dlaracteristic plateau in the light curve a and explosion fonn a cycle that constantly
few months after maxinmm. A Type [I supernova is a core-collapse enriches the interstellar mediWll with heavy
supernova. A Type I supernova occurs when a carbon-<lxygen elements and sows the seeds of new genera
white d,varf in a binary system gains mass, collapses, and explodes
as its carbon ignites. This type of supernova is called a
tions of stars. Without the elements pro
carbon duced in supernovae, life on Earth would be
detonation supernova (p. 523). impossible.
M aste n
For instructor-assigl,ed homework go to www
Problems labeled P�S explore the process of science I VIS problems focus on reading and interpreting visual information
1. Under what circumstances will a binary star produce a nova? 10. Roughly how often would we expect a supernova to occur in
2. What is an accretion disk, and how does one form? our own Galaxy? How often would we expect to see a galactic
3. What is a light curve? How can it be used to identify a nova or
a supernova? 11. P�S What evidence is there that many supernovae have
occurred in our Galaxy?
4. Why does the core of a massive star collapse?
1 2. P�S How can astronomers estin1ate the age of an isolated
5. How do photodisintegration and neutronizatioll contribute
to the demise of a massive star?
13. What proof do astronomers have that heavy elements are
6. What occurs in a massive star to cause it to explode?
formed in stars?
7. What are the observational differences between Type I and
14. As a star evolves, why do heavier elements tend to fonn by
Type II supernovae?
helium capture rather than by fusion of like nudei?
8. What is the Chandrasekhar mass, and what does it have to do
15. Why do the cores of massive stars evolve into iron and not
with supernovae?
heavier elements?
9. How do the mechanisms responsible for Type I and Type II
16. How are nuclei heavier than iron fonned?
supernovae explain their observed differences?
17. What is the r-process? When and where does it occur?
Chapter Review 537
18. Why was supernova 1987A so important? 20. Describe the role played by supernovae in "recycling" galactic
19. p�S Why are neutrino detectors important to the study of matter.
C O N C E P T U A L S E L F -T E ST : M U LT I P L E C H O I C E
1. A white dwarf can dran,atically increase in brightness only if 6. An observable supernova should occur in our Galaxy about
it (a) has another star nearby; (b) can avoid nuclear fusion in once every (a) year; (b) decade; (c) century; (d) millennium.
its core; (e) is spinning very rapidly; (d) is descended from a 7. Whicl, one of the following does not provide evidence that
very massive star. supernovae have occurred in our Galaxy? (a) The rapid ex
2. A nova differs from a supernova in that the nova (a) can pansion and filamentary structure of the Crab Nebula.
occur only once; (b) is much more luminous; (e) involves (b) Historical records from China and Europe. (e) The exi.s
only high-mass stars; (d) is much less luminous. tence of binary stars in our Galaxy. (d) The existence of iron
1 Which of the following stars will become hot enough to form on Earth.
elements heavier than oxygen? (a) A star that is half the mass 8. Nuclear fusion in the Sw, will (a) never create elements heav
of the Sun. (b) A star having the same mass as the Sun. (e) A ier than helium; (b) create elements up to and including
star that is twice as massive as the Sun. (d) A star that is eight oxygen; (e) create all elements up to and including iron;
times more massive than the Sun. (d) create some elements heavier than iron.
4. A massive star becomes a supernova when it (a) collides with a 9. Most of the carbon in our bodies originated in (a) the core of
stellar companion; (b) forms iron in its core; (e) suddenly in the Sw,; (b) the core of a red-giant star; (e) a supernova; (d) a
creases in surface temperature; (d) suddenly increases in mass. nearby galaxy.
5. VIS Pigure 2 1 .8 ("Supernova Light Curves") indicates that 10. The silver atoms found in jewelry originated in (a) the core of
a supernova whose luminosity declines steadily in time is the Sun; (b) the core of a red-giant star; (e) a supernova; (d) a
most likely associated with a star that is (a) without a binary nearby galaxy.
companion; (b) more than eight tin,es the mass of the Sun;
(e) on the main sequence; (d) comp."U"able in mass to the Sun.
The number ofdots preceding each Problem indicates its approximate level ofdiffimlty.
1. ••• Estimate how close a O.5-solar-mass white dwarf must 6. • A (hypothetical) supernova at a distance of 1 50 pc has an
come to the center of a 2-so1ar-mass subgiant with radius 10 absolute magnitude of -20. Compare its apparent magnitude
times that of the Sun in order for the white dwarf's tidal field with that of (a) the full Moon and (b) Venus at its brightest
to strip matter from the companion's surface. (see Pigure 1 7.7). Would you expect a supernova to occur this
2. • Calculate the orbital speed of matter in an accretion disk just close to us?
above the surface of a 0.6-so1ar-mass, 1 5,OOO-km-diameter 7. • A supernova's energy is often compared to the total energy
white dwarf. output of the Sun over its lifetinle. Using the Sun's current
1. • A certain telescope can just detect the Sw, at a distance of energy output, calculate its total energy output, asswuing
10,000 pc. What is the apparent magnitude of the Sw, at this that the sun has a 1 0 10 year main-sequence lifetime. How
distance? ( For convenience, take the Sun's absolute magni does this compare with the energy released by a supernova?
tude to be 5.) What is the max:Ununl distance at which the 8. •• The Hubble Space Telescope is observing a distal,t Type I
telescope can detect a nova having a peak luminosity of supernova with peak apparent magnitude 24. Using the light
105 solar luminosities? curve in Figure 2 1 .8, estinlate how long after the peak bright
4. • Repeat the previous calculation for a supernova having a ness the supernova will become too faint to be seen.
peak luminosity 10 10 times that of the SWl. What would be 9. • 11,e Crab Nebula is now about 1 pc in radius. [f it was ob
the apparent magnitude of the explosion if it occurred at a served to explode in A.D. 1054, roughly how fast is it expal,d
distance of 10,000 Mpc? Would it be detectable by any exist ing? (Asslm,e a constant expansion rate. [s that a reasonable
ing telescope? asswuption?)
5. •• At what distance would a supernova of absolute magnitude 10. •• Suppose that stars form in our Galaxy at an average rate of
-20 look as bright as the SlUl? As the Moon? Would you expect 10 per year. Suppose also that all stars greater than 8 solar
a supernova to occur that close to us? masses explode as supernovae. Use Figure 1 7.23 to estimate
the rate of Type U supernovae in our Galaxy.
Studying this chapter will enable you to very unusual and unexpected objects. Red giants, white
1 Describe the properties of neutron stars, dwarfs, and supernovae surely represent extreme states
and explain how these strange objects are
of matter completely unfamiliar to us here on Earth. Yet
1 Explain the nature and origin of pulsars, and stellar evolution-and in particular, its end point,
account for their characteristic radiation. the death of a star-can have even more bizarre conse
, List and explain some ofthe observable
quences. The strangest states of all result from the
properties of neutron-star binary systems.
4 Discuss the basic characteristics of gamma catastrophic implosion-explosion of stars much more
ray bursts and some theoretical attempts massive than our Sun.
to explain them.
The almost unimaginable violence of a supernova
5 Describe how black holes are formed, and
discuss their effects on matter and radia may bring into being objects so extreme in their behav
tion in their vicinity.
ior that they require us to reconsider some of our most
6 Describe Einstein's theories of relativity,
and discuss how they relate to neutron hallowed laws of physics. They open up a science fiction
stars and black holes. writer's dream of fantastic phenomena. They may even
7 Relate the phenomena that occur near black
one day force scientists to construct a whole new theory
holes to the warping of space around them.
8 Discuss the difficulties in observing black of the universe.
holes, and explain some of the ways in
which a black hole might be detected.
Neutron stars and black holes are LEFT: This stunning image is actually a composite of three images tcten
THE BIG among the most exotic objects in the by telescopes in orbit: optical light (In yellow) observed with Hubble,
PICTURE X-ray radiation (blue and green) with Chandra, and infrared radiation
universe. They are the end of the
(red) with Spitzer. This object is known as Cassiopeia A, the remnant of a
about 300 years ago. The
road for massive stars, and their
supernova whose radiation first reached Earth
bizarre properties boggle the imagination. Yet
small turquoise dot at the center may be a neutron star created in the
blast, the sole survivor of the explosion. (NASA)
theory and observation seem to agree that,
fantastic or not, they are real.