Fin 2
Fin 2
Fin 2
Course Description : This course covers the study of the fundamental principles involved in the organization, financing and management of the
different forms of business organizations. It includes the study of various matters among which are; business promotions,
fundamental concepts and tools of business finance, capital budgeting, working capital, sources of short term capital, medium
term and long term financing. Issuance and marketing of stocks and bonds are also taken up. Focus is likewise given on
analyzing the firm’s financial condition.
General Course Objectives : At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
Course Content:
Week 1 Unit I- At the end of the Chapter 1 – The Nature and Learn the role Lecture Creativity Quiz
term, the student is Aims of Business of business in
expected to: The role of business why do we the economy Recitation Flexibility
have business
Be aware of the reasons Business defined Learn the Competence
why we have and need o Purpose definition,
business o Aims purpose, Social
Know the definition, aims o Classifications classifications Responsibility
and classifications System of Free Enterprise and aims of
of business Factors that characterize free business Commitments
Be familiar with the system enterprise
of free enterprise o Functions of Business
Explain the functions of
Week 2 Unit 2 – At the end of the Chapter II – Organizing a Learn to Lecture Innovation Graded
chapter, the student is Business organize a Recitation
expected to: Steps in Planning a Business business discussion Creativity
Discuss the steps in Enterprise Submission
planning a business Business Promotion Learn the Research Discipline of the
enterprise Steps involved in business various parts of research
Defines promotion and promotion the feasibility Group Flexibility work
enumerate the Divisions of promotion presentation
activities involved in Discovery factors in making an Team work
promoting a business intelligent appraisal of the
Know who the promoter is proposed business venture Innovation
explaining the different Assembling
types Financing steps in financing Creativity
Enumerate the various Promoter
parts of a feasibility report Types Prospectus/Feasibility Discipline
management study Flexibility
marketing study
technical study Team work
financial study
organization and management
Week 3 Unit 3 – At the end of the Chapter III – Forms of Business Learn the Lecture- Teamwork Quiz
chapter, the students is Organizations different forms discussion
expected to: A. Types of business Creativity
Define sole proprietorship, 1. Single proprietorship organization
partnership and corporation 2. Partnership Discipline
3. Corporation
B. Comparison of the Types of Flexibility
Revised as of July 20, 2010
Week Learning Objectives Focal Points/Topics Competencies Teaching Values Evaluative
Strategies Measures
Summarize the procedures 1. Organization and mobility
in forming a sole 2. Operation, ownership and Cooperation
proprietorship, a partnership management
and a corporation 3. Government Regulation and
Discuss the comparison of Taxation
the types of business 4. Liability
organizations 5. Finance
Explain the other forms of
business C. Other forms of Business
1. Joint stock company
2. Joint venture
3. Business Trust
Week 4 Unit 4 – At the end of the Chapter IV – The Management Learn the Lecture- Integrity Submission
chapter, the student is and Control Business managing and discussion of
expected to: Corporations control of Discipline assignment
State the steps in the business Presentation
creation of a corporation A. Steps in the creation of a corporations of SEC Social Graded
corporation Forms/docum responsibility Recitation
Be familiar with the B. The corporation charter ents
corporation charter C. By –laws and organizational Cooperation
Know who the corporate D. The corporate officers Honesty
officers, the stockholders E. The stock holders
and board of directors are F. The board of directors
G. The role of management
Explain the role of
management in a
Week 5 Unit 5 – At the end of the Chapter V – Fundamental Learn the Lecture- Moral Quiz
chapter, the student is Concepts and Tools of Business important discussion uprightness
expected to: Finance concepts in
A. Finance business Seatwork and Discipline
Differentiate finance from 1. definitions finance and its board work
business fiancé 2. categories application Social
3. goals of business finance responsibility
Give the categories and B. the financial statement
goals of business Finance C. the budget Cooperation
1. sales budget
Analyze and interpret 2. purchase budget Honesty
financial statements 3. production budget
using the different tools and 4. significance of financial
techniques statements and budgets
Week 7 Unit 6 – At the end of the Chapter VI – Capital budgeting Learn the basic Class Transparency Quiz-
chapter, the student is A. basic terms in capital concepts in discussion Exercise
expected to: budgeting capital Competence
1. capital expenditures budgeting Seatwork and
Be familiar with the basic 2. capital budgeting board work Honesty
terms in capital budgeting 3. valuation
4. investment Accountability
Revised as of July 20, 2010
Week Learning Objectives Focal Points/Topics Competencies Teaching Values Evaluative
Strategies Measures
Explain the objectives of 5. risk, uncertainty and sensitivity
capital budgeting
Differentiate risk,
uncertainty and sensitivity
Week 8 Unit 7 – At the end of the Chapter VII – Working capital Learn the basic Lecture Transparency Quiz-
chapter, the student is A. composition of working concept of Exercise
expected to: capital working capital Seatwork and Competence
B. the need of working capital board work
Know the comparison of 1. Cash requirements Honesty
working capital 2. amounts receivables
3. inventory requirements Accountability
Explain the relevance of C. management of working
working capital in capital
business operations D. liquidity management
1. cash management
Enumerate the various 2. accounts receivable
sources of cash inflows management
3. inventory management
Give the importance of cash
management, accounts
receivable management
and inventory management
Week 9 Unit 8 – At the end of the Chapter VIII – Sources of short Learn the basic Class Transparency Quizzes
chapter, the student is term capital information Discussion
expected to: A. advantages of short-term about short Competence Submission
credits term credit Research of research
Enumerate the advantages B. disadvantages of short-term instruments about short Honesty assignment
and disadvantages of short credits and institution term credit
term credit C. the suppliers of short-term offering such instruments. Accountability
funds instruments.
Identify the various 1. trade creditors
suppliers of short term 2. commercial banks
Funds 3. commercial paper houses
4. finance companies
5. factors
Explain the different types insurance companies
of short term loans
Week 10 Unit 9 – At the end of the Chapter IX – Corporate stocks Learn the Lecture Transparency Graded
chapter, the student is A. stock financing important recitation
expected to: 1. capital stock aspects and Group Competence
2. dividends and retained classes of presentation
Discuss the three aspects earnings corporate Honesty
of the capital requirements B. classes of corporate stocks stocks
of a firm 1. common stocks Accountability
- varieties
Enumerate and explain the - classified common stock
classes of corporate stocks - deferred stock
- voting trust certificates
- guaranteed stocks
- debenture stock
Revised as of July 20, 2010
Week Learning Objectives Focal Points/Topics Competencies Teaching Values Evaluative
Strategies Measures
Week 11 Identify the different types 2. preferred stocks Learn the Lecture- Transparency Graded
of common and preferred - provisions of preferred stocks important discussion Recitation
stocks - claiming to dividends aspects and Competence
- voting rights classes of PSE Quiz
State the important features - call ability corporate Educational Honesty
and characteristics of - convertibility stocks tour
stocks - participation Accountability
- classes
- advantages Commitment
3. other stock features and Cooperation
- treasury stock
- par value stock
- no par value stock
- book value of stock
- market value
economic value
Week 13 Unit 10 – At the end of the Chapter X – Corporate bonds Learn the Lecture Transparency Quizzes
chapter, the student is important
expected to: A. definition aspects and Recitation Competence
B. kinds of bonds classification of
Define bond C. distinctions between bonds bonds Presentation Honesty
and stocks sample of
Revised as of July 20, 2010
Week Learning Objectives Focal Points/Topics Competencies Teaching Values Evaluative
Strategies Measures
Explain the kinds and D. classes of bond certificates Accountability
classes of bonds E. reasons for the issuance of
Enumerate the distinctions bonds indenture and trustee Commitment
between bonds and stocks
Discuss the reasons for the Cooperation
issuance of bonds
Know the form of an
indenture and the job of a
Week 14 Unit 11 – At the end of the Chapter XI – Intermediate Term Learn the basic Class Transparency Quiz
chapter, the student is Financing concepts and discussion Competence
expected to: A. advantages sources of Honesty
B. term loans by private intermediate Research Accountability
Cite the advantage of financial institutions financing about Commitment
intermediate term financing - term lending by private institutions Cooperation
Classify the term loans commercial bank offering
extended by private - term lending by insurance intermediate
financial institution and by companies financing
the government
C. term loans by the
Week 15 Discuss the common government
provisions of a loan - industrial loans and
agreement guarantee fund
- guarantee fund for small and
Present the payment medium enterprises
schedules of the various - the quedan guarantee fund
payment plans - the agricultural loans fund
lending programs of
government bank
Week 16 Unit 12 – At the end of the Chapter XII – Financial Analysis Learn the Lecture Transparen Quiz-
chapter, the student is a. type of analysis concept of cy Exercise
expected to: - single period analysis financial Seatwork
- comparative or trend analysis ratios and board Competenc
Enumerate and explain the b. financial ratios work e
type of financial Analysis - definition
- functions Honesty
Discuss the financial ratio
Give the classes of financial ty
Week 17 Present a comparative ratio c. classes of financial ratios Learn the Lecture Transparen Quiz-
analysis of several firms in - liquidity ratios different cy Exercise
the industry - activity ratios classes of Seatworkan
- profitable ratios financial d board Competenc
- solvency ratios ratios work e
d.comparative ratio analysis
Point Descriptive
Grade System Equivalent
95.00% 100.00% 1.00
92.00% 94.00% 1.25 Superior
89.00% 91.00% 1.50
86.00% 88.00% 1.75 Very Good
83.00% 85.00% 2.00
80.00% 82.00% 2.25 Good
77.00% 79.00% 2.50
74.00% 76.00% 2.75 Fair
70.00% 73.00% 3.00 Barely Satisfactory
Below 70.00% 5.00 Failure
Textbook : Bus. Finance for Managers: An Essential Guide to Planning Control and Decision Making,
Ray Fitzgerald, Kogan Page 2005
Resources : Rose, Peter S. c2008. Bank management & financial services. Boston : McGraw-Hill,
Liaw, K. Thomas. c2006. The Business of investment banking : a comprehensive overview. Hoboken, NJ : Wiley,
Mishkin, Frederic S. c2007. The Economics of money, banking, and financial markets. Boston : Pearson Addison Wesley,
Shih, Victor C. 2008. Factions and finance in China : elite conflict and inflation. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,
Revised as of July 20, 2010
Mutya, Ruby F. Alminar. 2007. Introduction to Philippine money, credit and banking. Mandaluyong City : National Book Store,
Hubbard, R. Glenn. Money, the financial system, and the economy. Boston : Pearson Addison Wesley, c2008.
Business Week
American Chamber of Commerce’s Business Journal