Entrepreneurship CLASS XI-XII (2019-20) (CODE NO. 066)
Entrepreneurship CLASS XI-XII (2019-20) (CODE NO. 066)
Entrepreneurship CLASS XI-XII (2019-20) (CODE NO. 066)
Development of school curriculum is a dynamic process responsive to the society and
reflecting the needs and aspiration of its learners. Fast changing society deserves
changes in educational curriculum particularly to establish relevance to emerging socio-
economic environment; to ensure equity of opportunity and participation and finally
promoting concern for excellence. In this context the course on entrepreneurship aims
at instilling and stimulating human urge for excellence by realizing individual potential
for generating and putting to use the inputs, relevant to social prosperity and thereby
ensure decent means of living for every individual.
Acquiring Entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness
Familiarization with various uses of human resource for earning dignified means
of living
Understanding the concept and process of entrepreneurship - its contribution and
role in the growth and development of individual and the nation
Acquiring entrepreneurial quality, competency and motivation
Learning the process and skills of creation and management of entrepreneurial
CLASS XII (2019-20)
Understand the concept of opportunity
Explain the meaning of trend spotting
Identify the different ways of spotting
Differentiate the process of creativity
and innovation
Unit 2: Business Planning 40Periods
Contents Learning Outcomes
Business Plan After going through this unit, the student/
Organisational plan learner would be able to:
Operational plan Understand the concept of
entrepreneurial planning
Production plan
Understand the forms of business
Financial plan enterprise
Marketing Plan Distinguish among the various forms
Human Resource Planning of Business enterprise
Explain the concept of Business plan
Appreciate the importance of a
Business Plan
Describe the various components of
Business plan
Differentiate among the various
components of Business plan
Unit 3: Enterprise Marketing40Periods
Contents Learning Outcomes
Marketing and Sales strategy After going through this unit, the student/
Branding - Business name, logo, learner would be able to:
tagline Enlist the various marketing strategies
Promotion strategy used in a Business firm
Appreciate and discuss the various
factors affecting the channels of
Understand the sales strategy
State the different types of
components of sales strategy
Enumerate the different tools of
Understand the meaning and
objectives of Advertising
Able to discuss the various modes of
Will be able to understand the concept
of personal selling and sales
Discuss the various techniques of
sales promotion
Understand the meaning and methods
of negotiation
Understand the concept of customer
relationship management
State the importance of Customer
Relationship Management
Explain the concept of management in
a firm
Explain the concept and importance of
vendor management in a firm
of franchise
Understand growth of a firm is
possible through mergers and
Explain the different types of mergers
State the meaning and types of
Understand the reasons for mergers
and acquisitions
Understand the reasons for failure of
mergers and acquisitions
Unit 5: Business Arithmetic40 Periods
Contents Learning Outcomes
Business Arithmetic After going through this unit, the
Unit of Sale, Unit Cost for multiple student/ learner would be able to:
products or services Understand the concept of Unit Cost
Break even Analysis for multiple Understand the concept of unit price
products or services Calculate Break-even point for
Computation of working capital Multiple products
Inventory control and EOQ Understand the meaning of inventory
Return on Investment (ROI) and control
Return on Equity (ROE) Explain the concept of working capital
Calculate Return on Investment;
Return on Equity and Economic order
Unit 6: Resource Mobilization20 Periods
Contents Learning Outcomes
Resource Mobilization After going through this unit, the student/
Angel Investor learner would be able to:
Venture Capital Funds Understand the need of finance in the
Stock Market – raising funds
Understand the various sources of
funds required for a firm
Understand the methods of raising
finance in primary market
Understand the importance of
secondary market for mobilization or
Give the meaning of stock exchange
Raising funds through financial
Understand the relevance of stock
exchange as a medium through
which funds can be raised
Explain the concept of angel
Explain the concept of venture capital
Project Work 40 Periods
1. Business Plan
2. Survey
Refer to the Guidelines issued by CBSE
Prescribed Books:
1. Entrepreneurship - Class XI- C.B.S.E, Delhi
2. Entrepreneurship - Class XII - C.B.S.E., Delhi
3. Udyamita (in Hindi) by Dr. MMP. Akhouri and S.P Mishra, pub. By National
Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD),
NSIC-PATC Campus,Okhla
4. Everyday Entrepreneurs - The harbingers of Prosperity and creators of Jobs - Dr.
Aruna Bhargava.
1. UdyamitaSamacharPatra (Monthly, Hindi), Pub. By Centre for Entrepreneurship
Development, M.P. (CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad,Bhopal-462008.
2. Science Tec. Entrepreneur (A Bi Monthly Publication), Centre for
Entrepreneurship Development, M.P (CEDMAP), 60 Jail Road, Jhangerbad,
Bhopal -462008
3. LaghuUdhyogSamachar
4. Project Profile by DCSSI