It is a transverse ridge between the Manubrium sterni & body of the sternum
marking the menubrio-sternal joint.
It lies at the level of the second costal cartilage anteriorly and the disc between
the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae posteriorly. It marks the upper limit of the
base of the heart. Line of junction between C4 & T2 dermatomes The upper
margin of superior venacava: It marks the plane which separates the superior
mediastinum from inferior mediastinum
Importance of Sternal angle (angle of Louis) *** RATPLANT
✓R- From this level, the ribs are counted (2nd rib)
✓A-The ascending aorta ends at this level. The arch of the aorta
begins and also ends. The descending thoracicaorta begins.
✓T- The trachea divides into two principal bronchi below this
level.(Level with the upper half of T6).
✓P- The pulmonary trunk divides into two pulmonary arteries
below this level, (level with the upper half of T6).
✓L- Left recurrent laryngeal nerve.
✓A-The azygos vein arches over the root of the right lung & open
into the superior venacava
✓N- The cardiac plexuses are situated at the same level.
to arch of aorta which lies behind the lower part. Sternal puncture
bone of sternum are very thin and if needle passes through and
through the manubrium it will damage the arch of aorta and its
and great blood vessels, the sternum is often divided in the median
Sternal fructure:
the seventh cervical vertebra and inserting on the first thoracic rib.
as it passes over the first rib and through the auxillary inlet into the
Rib fractures
The weakest part of the rib is the body anterior to the angle, and it
is here that most fractures occur after blunt trauma. Direct trauma
may produce fracture in any part of the rib. In both cases, the
Full neck extension and head rotation toward the side being
Inlet of thorax
A tumor at the apex of the lung (Pan Coast tumor) may result in
vertebra. Its incidence is more common than the cervical rib, but
paradoxical respiration).
• Fracture of ribs is rare in children as the ribs are elastic in them.
• First two ribs (Ist and 2nd ribs) are protected by clavicle and last
two ribs (11th and 12th) are mobile (floating),hence they are rarely
Thoracic Vertebrae
two types: