Pps Syllabus
Pps Syllabus
Pps Syllabus
CLR-1 : Think and evolve with a logic to construct an algorithm and pseudocode that can be converted into a program 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : Utilize the appropriate operators and control statements to solve engineering problems
CLR-3 : Store and retrieve data in a single and multidimensional array
PSO – 3
PSO - 1
PSO - 2
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
To solve problems through computer programming. Express the basic data types and variables in C 2 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-1 :
To use appropriate data types in simple data processing applications. To create programs using the concept of arrays. 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-2 :
To create user defined functions with required operations. To implement pointers in applications with dynamic memory
3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-4 : requirements.
CLO-5 : To create programs using the python data types, loops, control statements for problem solving 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
To implement the suitable python library based solutions for solving statistical problems in data science . 3 85 80 L H H H H - - M M L - H - - -
CLO-6 :
Unit-1 Evolution of Programming & Languages - Problem solving through programming - Writing algorithms & Pseudo code - Single line and multiline comments -
Introduction to C: Structure of the C program - Input and output statements. Variables and identifiers, Constants, Keywords - Values, Names, Scope, Binding,
Storage Classes - Numeric Data types: integer, floating point
Non-Numeric Data types: char and string - L value and R value in expression, Increment and decrement operator - Comma, Arrow and Assignment operator, Bitwise
and Size-of operator - Arithmetic, Relational and logical Operators - Condition Operators, Operator Precedence - Expressions with pre / post increment operator
Unit-2 Conditional Control -Statements :Simple if, if...else - Conditional Statements : else if and nested if - Conditional Statements : Switch case - Un-conditional
Control Statements : break, continue, goto - Looping Control Statements:for, while, do..while - Looping Control Statements: nested for, nested while - Introduction
to Arrays -One Dimensional (1D) Array Declaration and initialization - Accessing, Indexing and operations with 1D Arrays - Array Programs – 1D - Initializing and
Accessing 2D Array, Array Programs – 2D - Pointer and address-of operators -Pointer Declaration and dereferencing, Void Pointers, Null pointers
Pointer based Array manipulation
Unit-3 String Basics - String Declaration and Initialization - String Functions: gets(), puts(), getchar(),putchar(), printf() - Built-inString Functions: atoi, strlen, strcat,
strcmp -String Functions: sprint, sscanf, strrev, strcpy, strstr, strtok - Operations on Strings - Function prototype declaration, function definition - Actual and formal
parameters - Function with and without Arguments - Function with and without return values - Call by Value, Call by Reference - Passing Array to Function - Passing
Array elements to Function - Function Pointers
Unit-4 Python: Introduction to Python - Introduction to Google Colab - Basic Data Types: Integers, Floating Points, Boolean types - Working with String functions -
Working with Input, Output functions - Python-Single and Multi line Comments/ Error Handling - Conditional & Looping Statements: If, for, while statements - Working
with List structures - Working with Tuples data structures - Working with Sets - Working with Dictionaries - Introduction to Python Libraries - Introduction to Numpy -
High Dimensional Arrays
Unit-5 Creating NumPy Array -Numpy Indexing - Numpy Array attributes - Slicing using Numpy - Descriptive Statistics in Numpy: Percentile - Variance in Numpy -
Introduction to Pandas - Creating Series Objects, Data Frame Objects - Simple Operations with Data frames - Querying from Data Frames -Applying Functions to
Data frames - Comparison between Numpy and Pandas - Speed Testing between Numpy and Pandas - Other Python Libraries
Lab 1: Input, Output Statements, Variables
Lab 2: Data types & Operators-I
Lab 3: Data types & Operators-II
Lab 4: Control Statements (Branching, Looping)
Lab 5: Arrays
Lab 6: Arrays with Pointers
Lab 7: Strings
Lab 8: Functions
Lab 9 : Arrays and Functions
Lab 10: Input, Output in Python
Lab 11: Python data structures
Lab 12: Arrays in Python
Lab 13: Operations with Numpy
Lab 14: Operations with Pandas
Lab 15: case study: Data science with Numpy, Pandas
Reference Books (C):
1. Programming in C, E.Balagurusamy,Mc Graw Hill, Eighth Edition.2019. [chapters 1 to 6 & 8 To 11] Reference Books (Python):
2. Head First C: A Brain-Friendly Guide, By David Griffiths, Dawn Griffiths,Oreilly. [Chapters 2 to 4] 7. Python Datascience Handbook, Oreilly,Jake VanderPlas, 2017.[Chapters 2 &3]
Learning 3. Let Us C, Fifth Edition, Yashavant P. Kanetkar,BPB publications.[ Chapters 1 to 6, 8 to 9] 8. Python For Beginners, Timothy C.Needham,2019. [Chapters 1 to 4]
Resources 4. Problem Solving & Programming Concepts, Maureen Sprankle, Jim Hubbard, Prentice Hall, Ninth Edition. [Chapters 1 to 7] 9. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm
5. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/index.htm 10. https://www.w3schools.com/python/
6. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/c-programming-language/
Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Dr. Sainarayanan Gopalakrishnan, HCL Technologies, sai.jgk@gmail.com 1. Prof. Janakiram D, IIT Madras, djram@iitm.ac.in 1. Dr. E.Poovammal, SRMIST
2. Dr. Sricharan Srinivasan, Wipro Technologies, sricharanms@gmail.com 2. Dr. Rajeev Sukumaran, IIT Madras, rajeev@wmail.iitm.ac.in 2. Dr. B. Amutha, SRMIST