Devin Sciarrino
ASTR 203
Talitha, also known as Iota Ursae Majoris, is a double binary star system located in Ursa
Major. This report details the historical significance, physical properties, life cycle, and probable
The name Talitha comes from Arabic, and it means the third step. This comes from a
story of a gazelle that startled by a lion and ran away with Talitha being the third step it took. To
the Greeks and Romans, it was the front right paw of Ursa Major, the large bear. And in the mid-
sixties the Apollo astronauts tried to remain the star Dnoces, after their fallen comrade Edward
H. White II. The International Astronomical Union did not uphold this.
Talitha is a double binary star system, so it has four stars in total. One type A main
sequence star, one white dwarf, and two red dwarfs. The white dwarf has not been directly
The life cycle of the four stars is also discussed. All four of the stars are either currently
or will be white dwarfs at the end of their life cycles, unless a solar Collison occurs on account of
their unstable orbital patterns. The system has a 98% chance of becoming unstable within
100,000 years. If this where to happen the stars will either collide and super nova, collide and
Overall, the study of Talitha provides important insight into the stars, especially the
Talitha has been observed long before telescopes existed and has been the basis of lore
across cultures. Many cultures across the world had different names for Talitha. The Arabs,
Greeks, Chinese, Native Americans, and others all have their own stories of how it came to be.
As our technology improved our understanding of Talitha has increased. What used to be a foot
of bear, changed to a star with a blueish hue. And then form just one star to two, then two to
three and finally four. The final star we still have not been able to observe but we know it’s there
because of other advancements in technology like spectroscopy. This report includes a history of
the star Talitha, an investigation into its properties and subsystems, and an analysis of its current
History of the Star
Talitha is the proper name for the star. It is of Arabic origin and comes from a mis-
transcription of the phrase “Al Fikrah al Thalitha”. Translated to English this means “The third
spring of the gazelle”[11]. This name comes from a story from Arabic lore. As the story goes, a
lion’s tail (the tail of the constellation Leo the Lion), startled a gazelle that was taking a drink
from a pond (The coma star cluster). As the Gazelle ran away it left three hoof prints; the hoof
prints being the three star pairs that also form 3 of the feet of the bear in Ursa Major. The three
star pairs are named Alula, Tania, and Talitha Australis and Borealis. The first names translate to
first, second, and third leap while “Australis and Borealis” refer to the northern and southern
position of each star in the pair. The star written about in this paper is the northern Talitha twin,
Talitha Borealis, while Talitha Australis would be Kappa Ursae Majoris. Both stars are known to
Iota Ursae Majoris
As was mentioned earlier, Talitha makes up one of the feet of the bear in the constellation
Ursa Major, The big bear. The lore behind Ursa Major come from Greek mythology. Like many
stories in Greek mythology, it starts with Zeus having an affair, this time with the beautiful
Callisto. Callisto was one of the followers of Artemis. Zeus, knowing this, transformed into the
figure of Artemis and seduced her.[14] Because of this she became pregnant. When this was
discovered by the other gods, Callisto was expelled from the followers of Artemis and turned
into a bear by Hera. To protect Callisto and their child, Zeus grabbed each of them by the tail and
threw them into the heavens. That is why the constellations Ursa Major and Minor have long
Talitha was almost accidentally renamed “Dnoces”, which is the word “Second” in
reverse. It was named after astronaut and original Apollo I crew member Edward H. White II,
who tragically lost his life along with his crew when an electrical fire occurred in the capsule
during a launch rehearsal test for the mission on January 27th, 1967[5].
A few months later during an Astronomy training session for the Apollo 1 backup crew,
Talitha, along with Gamma Cassiopeia and Suhail were given the names Dnoces, Navi, and
Regor, the names of the Apollo 1 crew spelled backwards[8]. The reason behind the renaming
was that the Apollo missions had 36 stars that were used to aid in navigation. 33 of the stars had
known prominent names while the 3 others did not. So, the Apollo one backup crew, along with
Dr. Clarence Cleminshaw, renamed the stars after their fallen comrades. The proper names for
the three renamed stars where not as familiar as some of the other navigational stars like Polaris
and Betelgeuse[8].
Other Designations
Properties of Talitha
Apparent Magnitude
Talitha has been an important star throughout history. Being a part of many stories across
cultures throughout history. This is because of how bright it is. With an apparent magnitude of
3.14 it is easily seen with the naked eye. But only the white type A can be seen from earth. The
red dwarfs have apparent magnitudes of 10.1 and 10.3. To be able to see them you would need a
telescope with at least an 8” aperture. Even though an apparent magnitude of 3.14 is not
extremely bright, the star still has a luminosity 9.87 times greater than that of our sun.
Talitha is double binary star system. This means that Talitha is made up of 2 pairs of stars
that orbit each other. The first pair is made up of a A7IV[13] white main sequence star and a white
dwarf. The pair is a spectroscopic binary since the white dwarf has never been directly observed.
To be a spectroscopic binary a star system must have periodic changing of spectral lines in a
rhythmic way[4]. Because of the difficulties in observing the companion white dwarf not much is
known about it. All the properties known have come from models instead of direct observations.
But based on the models the white dwarfs are predicted to have a mass of around 1.0 M☉. The
distance between the distance between the white dwarf and the type A is unknown. The other
binary sub system within Talitha is a pair of red dwarfs. They have masses of .35 M☉, 0.3 M☉.
there is 10 au between the stars, and they rotate around each other every 39.7 years[15]. The two
binary sub-systems also rotate around each other every 2084 years and have an average distance
Fig 5. Low resolution(R=500) spectrum of Talitha, Comparison spectra are also given[15]
Support of Data
The data for the spectral types, masses, orbital periods, and binary distances have come
from the astronomy report “Physical Parameters and Dynamical Properties of the Multiple
Systems I UMA (ADS 7114)”. This was an astronomical report done by Russian astronomers of
various institutions specifically to analyze the systems and subsystems of Talitha. To optimize
the properties of Talitha, they used the WDS catalog, 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical
Antalya Turkey. The Paper was submitted to Astronomy Reports in September of 2011 and was
put into final form November of 2011. Because this paper was meant only to get a better
understanding of Talitha, and is the most recent done on the subject, I say that the accuracy of
their numbers is the most accurate for Talitha. As for the Coordinates, Distance, parallax angle,
proper motion, radial velocity, and apparent magnitude; the data has been confirmed form
Properties of Talitha
Iota Uma A
Iota UMa A is the brightest of the stars in the quadruple and is the only one that can be
see without a telescope. It is a type A main sequence star located on the mid to top left portion of
the main sequence on the HR diagram[12]. As a sub giant it would currently be running low on
hydrogen and would start burning Helium into Carbon soon. But if classed by temperature and
luminosity the star comes out to have 1.7 M☉. This means it still has a lot more time of burning
hydrogen into Helium left[9]. The latter is more likely since the star is only 620 million years old.
The star is likely creating energy with the proton-proton chain process. The way the P-P chain
works is first, two hydrogen nuclei combine to form deuterium and emit positron and a neutrino.
Then the deuterium captures a third hydrogen nuclei helium-3 and emits a gamma ray. Finally,
two helium-3 nuclei combine. This release helium-4 and two protons. This process happens
trillions a minute[11]. After a few billion years when the star has depleted all its hydrogen, it will
turn into a sub-giant. As a sub-giant it will form a hydrogen shell around its helium core and will
continue fusing hydrogen into helium. As fusion occurs, pressure from the reaction makes the
star expand. Eventually the helium core collapses, and the star will become a red giant. It will
begin converting helium into carbon and oxygen in its core while the shell will remain burning
hydrogen. This fusion process is called the triple-alpha process. Once the star runs out of
helium, the carbon and oxygen core will collapse, and the star will ascend to the Asymptotic
Giant Branch on the H-R Diagram and become a super-giant. There, it will alternate between
burning hydrogen and helium shells; this will cause the star to pulse every 100-1000 days. The
Super giant will slowly eject its atmosphere and form a planetary nebula. Once it has lost all its
matter it will begin to cool and become a white dwarf. The white dwarf is a stellar remnant of a
Iota UMa a
This star is the binary companion star with the type A main sequence star. It is a white
dwarf and is already a stellar remnant of the star that used to be. The star would have had to be
much larger than its type A counterpart. This is because they are the same age and larger stars
live shorter lives than smaller ones. But it is not completely done yet. When its binary partner
eventually becomes a red giant. The white dwarf has the potential to become a nova. A nova is
binary star system with a white dwarf and a giant where the white dwarf will accrete matter from
the giant. An accretion disk will form around the white dwarf and can reach enough pressure to
Iota UMa B
This star is a M3V types of red dwarf. It is a main sequence star, but it is a small one so it
located on the bottom right corner of the main sequence. It is only 35% of the mass of our own
sun and is dwarves in comparison to Type A parent star. This star would still be impossible to
see with the naked eye even without being next to Iota UMa A. Since the star is currently in the
main sequence it is fusing hydrogen into helium through the proton-proton chain fusion reaction.
It will follow a similar bath to its Type A sibling in becoming a red giant, solar nebula, and then
a white dwarf. The only difference is that it will do this over a much longer time. This is because
Iota UMa C
This star is a M4V class red dwarf. It is even smaller than its red dwarf sibling and is the
smallest star in the quadruplet system in terms of mass. It will also follow the same stellar life
process as its three siblings. The only difference will be is that it will be the last star to die and
The Talitha quadruple star system is unstable. This means at some point in the future the
stars may collide or fling each other away. The star system will collide or fall apart with in 106
with a probability of 98% likely[14]. For the star system to become stable the period would have
to increase to 13,000 years, but this will only decrease the probability of instability to 50%[14].
The reason for the instability comes from the eccentricity of the BC sub system. The Aa pair do
act to increase the instability by themselves. There are several possibilities as to why the
HD76644 system is unstable. One being the Aa and BC sub systems are unrelated and
approached each other in the galactic field. This would make their orbits hyperbolic. Another
possibility would be that the BC pair was thrown out of the system in the past but has returned.
This possibility is highly reliant on the initial conditions of the system. The final possibility as to
why the system is unstable is it got too close to another massive object in the galactic field. This
object could be another star or gas cloud. This would trigger a loss of stability in the system and
In the future the unstable star system could collide. Depending on when and which stars
collide will determines the outcome of the combination. If the one of the stars is a white dwarf
and hit collides with one of the other at it surpasses the Chandrasekhar limit, A type Ia Super
nova will occur. Another possible outcome is if the merger happens more recently and it includes
the Type A and the red dwarfs, the type A will Absorb the two dwarfs and a new larger star will
be born. This star is called a blue straggler. Some matter will be ejected and will form an
accretion disk around the star. In this disk new planets can form. If the collision happens at high
Fig 10. A diagram of the various outcomes of star collisions
In conclusion, Talitha has played an important of human civilizations. From Ancient
stories to navigating to the moon. The physical properties of the four stars in the system provide
insight into the complexities of binary and double binary stars. As our technology gets better our
Reference List
3. Allen, Richard H. “Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning.” Lacuscurtius • Allen's Star
Names - Ursa Major, 1963,
5. Dunbar, Brian. “Apollo 1.” NASA, NASA, 16 Mar. 2015,
10. Keese, Karen. “Three Leaps of the Gazelle.” Three Leaps of the Gazelle, 21 May 2009,
12. “Talitha - ι Ursae Majoris (Iota Ursae Majoris) - Star in Ursa Major.” Star in Ursa Major
| TheSkyLive.com, https://theskylive.com/sky/stars/talitha-iota-ursae-majoris-star.
15. Zhuchkov, R. Ya., et al. “Physical Parameters and Dynamical Properties of the Multiple
System ι Uma (ADS 7114).” Astronomy Reports, vol. 56, no. 7, 2012, pp. 512–523.,