Bidder User Manual

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Bidder Help Manual

E-Procurement System 2.0

Prepared by: Mjunction Services Limited
Bidder Help Manual – eProcurement System 2.0

Table of Contents
1. Introduction: ................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Registration Procedure: .................................................................................................................. 2
3. Tender Listing:............................................................................................................................... 11
4. Bid Submission Module: ............................................................................................................... 12
5. Bid Authorization: ......................................................................................................................... 24
6. Withdraw Bid: ............................................................................................................................... 26
7. E-Briefcase: ................................................................................................................................... 27
8. Modify Profile: .............................................................................................................................. 29
9. Download Spot CS: ........................................................................................................................ 31

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Bidder Help Manual – eProcurement System 2.0

1. Introduction:
The purpose of this manual is to provide necessary guidance to bidder for complete use of e-
Procurement system 2.0 efficiently. It covers Registration & Login Procedure, Tender Submission, View
Corrigendum and Download spot CS.

2. Registration Procedure:
I. Type the website address in the address bar to access the Login

Type the Website address here.

II. Bidder will click on “Bidder Registration” button for registrar his/her company.

III. Bidder will get two option for Registration.

a) Fresh Registration

b) Continue with TRN (Temporary Registration Number)

Bidder will select the option and click on “Continue” button.

IV. First Bidder has to select his “Country”, then enter the mandatory fields’ data (Title, First Name,
Last Name, Correspondence Mobile No., Communication Email ID and Captcha) and click on “Get OTP”

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V. Bidder will get the Email OTP and Mobile OTP to his/her respective email id and mobile number. He
will put the same and click on “Validate” button.

VI. After validate the email id and mobile number bidder will enter his/her company details.

 Company Name
 Business Type
 Address
 City
 State / Region
 Zip / Postal Code
 Phone Number
 Fax Number
 Email Id

Then click on “Save” button.

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VII. On next tab, Bidder will enter Organization Data and also select the “Organization Item Category”.

VIII. The next tab is for “Payment”. Bidder will click on “Pay Now” button and pay the registration
payment through online mode.

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IX. After making the successful payment, bidder will get the payment received status online with
“Close” button.

X. After making the payment, bidder will click on “Save” button and then click on “Submit” button.

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XI. Bidder will put his/her desire username and accept the disclaimer. Then click on “Submit” button.

XII. Bidder will get a success message on screen with “Ok” button.

XIII. After click on “Ok” button, bidder will get a mail notification for reset his/her password.

XIV. Bidder will click “Reset Password” link and he/she will be redirect to our web portal for set his
password. Bidder has to follow the below rule for creating his/her password. He / She can update
his/her Digital Signature details by clicking on “Select Certificate” link. Then click on “Submit” button.

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XV. Bidder will put his / her Username, Password and Captcha in login page.

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Put Username (Login Id), Password & Captcha

XVI. After entering the user id and password, TC will select the Digital Signature Certificate and click
on ok button for authentication.

Select the certificate and click on ok Button.

XVII. Put the DSC password and click on ok button for login.

XVIII. Forget Password: Bidder can retrieve his/her password from forget password link in home page.

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 Bidder has to enter his Username

 Bidder has to enter Register Email id or Mobile Number or PAN details
 Bidder will enter Captcha
 Bidder will click on “Submit” button.

 Bidder will receive a new password generation link to his/her register mail id.

 Once buyer click on above link, he/she will be redirect to our web portal for set his password.
Buyer has to follow the below rule for creating his/her password. He / She can update his/her
Digital Signature details by clicking on “Select Certificate” link. Then click on “Submit” button.

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3. Tender Listing:
I. After login to the portal Bidder will get the details summery of tenders.
II. Bidder will get sub menu under Transaction -> Tender Listing.
III. Tender list page will have 4 tabs as mentioned below:-
a. Live Tender: The tender which are in live stage. Bidder can participate on these tender
b. Publish Tender: The tenders are published from department end but the bidding start
date is not over. Bidder can view the tender details but they are not able to bid for
these tender.
c. Favourite Tender: Bidder can add any tender in Favourite tender menu by clicking on
“Add to Favourite” under Action icon.
d. Cancelled Tender: If any tender cancel by the department for any reason, it will show
under Cancelled Tender tab.

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4. Bid Submission Module:

The following steps will be carried out for Submitting the bid:

I) Bidder will click on “Bid” under Action icon.

II) On next page bidder will select the terms and condition and click on “Accept” button.

III) Then Bidder will select his Digital Signature Certificate and click on “OK” button.

IV) Bidder will put his/her “Quotation Reference Code” and “Bidder Offer Validity” on General
Information page and click on “Save” button on top of right side.

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VI) Bidder has to click on “Add Key” button and select his DSC details. Bidder can change the
Encryption Key details also.

VII) Saving the general information details here populates the rest of the tabs associated with the
template group.

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VIII) Payment: Bidder has to make three payment for each tender.

a) Tender Fee: Bidder has to pay the Tender fee through online mode only. Bidder will click on
“Payment Now” icon under Mode. Then he / she has to select the payment type (IPG) from drop down
list and click on “Pay Now” button.

 Then it will redirect to Atom Gateway for make the payment. Bidder will select the payment
mode as Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, UPI, Wallet, PayPal and click on “Pay Now”
button for make the payment.

 After make the payment bidder will get the Payment Received details on screen.

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 Bidder can check his / her payment details from “History” icon. And also able to download the
payment slip by clicking on “View Slip” button.

b) Tender Processing Fee: Bidder has to pay the Tender fee through online mode only. Bidder will
follow the above steps for make the online Payment.

c) EMD: Bidder will get both the option (online and offline) for making the payment of EMD. Bidder
will follow the above steps for making the online payment of EMD. For offline payment Bidder will
select the Payment Type enter the Bank Name, Branch Name, Instrument ID/Reference ID, Instrument
Date, Instrument Expiry Date, Upload the scan copy of file and then click on “Save Payment” button.

Bidder can also able to take the Exemption option as per Tender Notice.

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 Bidder can also able to download the Challan by selecting “Challan” option and submit the
payment through NEFT/RTGS mode.

 After making the successful payment, Due Amount will be shown as “0”.

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 Bidder can check his / her payment details from “History” icon. And also able to download the
payment slip by clicking on “View Slip” button.

IX) General Particulars: In General Particular tab bidder will put his / her Remarks as per
Department Description.

X) Bidder will also get the provision to download all templates data in excel format and fill all required
information offline and upload the same excel file to the website.

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XI) Terms And Conditions: Bidder will put his response (Yes/No) on each points of Terms and
Condition. If he/she select “No” then he/she has to put the remarks accordingly. Bidder can upload
the supporting documents for each points.

XII) Bidder will enter the necessary data of other tab (like: Work Experience, Bid Capacity,
Litigation History) and click on “Save” icon.

XIII) Attachment: Attachment has three tabs.

a) Tender Attachment: Bidder can download the Tender Notice and Public Documents from Tender
Attachment tab.

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b) Attachment: Bidder can upload their supporting documents in Attachment tab. He/She can add
multiple document by clicking on “+” icon. For uploading the supporting documents bidder has two
options. First he can upload the fresh document from his system by clicking on “Upload”.

 Bidder will browse the file and click on “Open” button.

 Then Bidder will authenticate the same his his/her DSC and click on “Ok” button.

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 Bidder can attach the documents from his/her e-Briefcase also by selecting “Upload from e-

 Bidder will select the document and click on “USE” button.

c) Required Attachment: Bidder has to upload/attach all the required attachment document for
submitting his/her bid.

Bidder can upload the document from his/her computer or also can attach from his/her e-Briefcase.

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XIV) BOQ: Bidder will put the value according to BOQ format. Total value will be calculate
automatically by the system.

XV) After enter all the tab data, bidder will click on “Save” icon.

XVI) Bidder will click on “Submit” button for preview the tender details. And click on “Submit Bid”
button for final submission of bid. He / She can also take the print of their bid by clicking on “Print”

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XVII) Bidder will select his/her DSC and click on “Ok” button for final submission of Bid.

XVIII) After final submission bidder will get the acknowledgement.

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XIX) Bidder can modify his/her bid at any number of time before closing the tender.

 Transaction -> Bid Listing -> Submitted Bid

 Select Rebid under Action icon.

 Select DSC details and click on “Ok” button.

 Bidder will make the necessary changes in his/her bid and submit the tender again before
tender closing date and time.

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5. Bid Authorization:
I. Bidder will login into the portal.
II. Bidder will redirect to Transaction -> Bid Listing -> Submitted Bid.

III. Bidder will click on “Authorized Bid Opening” under Action icon.

IV. One pop-up will be open. Bidder will click on “Authorized Bid” button.

V. Bidder will select his/her DSC and click on “Ok” button.

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VI. One confirmation pop-up box will be shown with “Ok” button.

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6. Withdraw Bid:
I. Bidder will login into the portal.
II. Bidder will redirect to Transaction -> Bid Listing -> Submitted Bid.

III. Bidder will click on “Withdraw” under Action icon.

IV. On next screen Bidder will accept the terms and condition and click on “Accept” button.

V. On next screen Bidder will click on “Ok” button for confirmation.

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7. E-Briefcase:
I. Bidder can upload his/her all the necessary documents in E-Briefcase.

II. Bidder will login and click on E-Briefcase menu.

III. Bidder can add the document by clicking on “+” icon.

IV. Bidder will click on upload icon and select the document and click on “Open” button.

V. Bidder select the DSC and click on “Ok” button for authenticate the document.

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VI. Bidder will select the Category and click on “Save” icon for add the document.

VII. One success message will be shown with “Ok” button.

VIII. Bidder can deactivate any document by clicking on “De-active” under action icon.

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8. Modify Profile:
I. Bidder can modify his/her profile by clicking on his Login Id at top of the right side.

II. Bidder can change his/her General Information and Contact details from General Information

III. Bidder can update his Portal Registration and Department Empanelment also.

IV. Bidder can add/edit/remove his/her bank details from Bank Details tab. Also he/she can set
the default bank account from here.

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V. Bidder can change his/her Encrypted Certificate by click on “Select Encryption Certificate”. He
/ She will select the new certificate and click on “Ok” button.

VI. Bidder can change his/her password by clicking on “Change Password”.

 Bidder will enter his/her Register Email Id.

 Bidder will enter his/her Register Contact No.
 Bidder will enter his/her Current Password.
 Bidder will enter his/her New Password as per below prescribe format.
 Bidder will click on “Save” icon.

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9. Download Spot CS:

I. Bidder will login into the portal.
II. Bidder will redirect to Transaction -> Bid Listing -> Submitted Bid.
III. Bidder can download the Spot CS after opening the tender.
IV. Bidder will click on “Download Spot CS” under action menu.

V. Bidder will select the report type and click on “Ok” button.

VI. The CS will download as per selected format.


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