Registration Guidline
Registration Guidline
Registration Guidline
1) Introduction: 3
2) Registration process 4
2.1 Steps needs to follow by vendor who is falling in Stage 1(Registered Vendor). 4
2.2 Steps needs to follow by vendor who is falling in Stage 2(Non Registered Vendor). 8
3) Prerequisites for Submission of Bids on MIDC e-Tendering Portal 14
4) Guidelines for submission of Bid on MIDC e-Tendering Portal 15
4.1) Process of downloading the Tender Document 19
4.2) Process to Raise Query for the Tender 21
4.3) Process of Document read confirmation 23
4.4) Process of submission of Tender fees, EMD ,Application Support amount . 25
4.5) Process for Submission of Technical bid 27
4.6) Process for Submission of Commercial Bid 32
4.7) Process for Resubmission of Commercial Bid 37
4.8) Process for Withdrawal of Bid 43
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) has taken initiative to automate complete
works procurement life cycle process of Engineering Department. Under this initiative MIDC has
adopted the product Works management System (PWIMS TM). The complete system ensures seamless
data flow among the various processes under 3 major stages of procurement of works Pre -Tendering,
Tendering and Post tendering. The Works Management system is a part of total Microsoft Dynamics
based ERP system implemented at MIDC to operate and control entire functionality of MIDC
organization connecting all the departments.
Under the tendering stage, MIDC is going to invite bids online by implementing e -Tendering module of
The purpose of this document is to explain the entire process of how a vendor (Read as Contractor in
case of Works) is going to use e-Tendering system to participate in bidding process online.
In order to get registered on e-Tendering portal the vendors needs to have a valid endorsement
number which is issued by MIDC office.
For the registration as user of e-Tendering portal of MIDC shall be in two Stages.
Stage 1: If vendor is already registered with MIDC, needs to go to concern division office and collect the
Endorsement Number from MIDC authority. After collecting endorsement number follow the below
given steps. (Registered Vendor)
Stage 2: If vendor is not registered with MIDC, Needs to complete the registration process in Portal as
below given steps in Stage -2. (Non Registered Vendor)
2.1 Steps needs to follow by vendor who is falling in Stage 1(Registered Vendor).
Step 1> Go to Internet browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer is preferred Br owser)
Step 2> Type the URL > and press enter, below Screen will display.
Step 6 > You will be asked to enter Valid PAN Number (A Valid PAN number format is a 10
Digit number consisting of 5 Initial alpha-numeric characters followed by 4 Numeric characters
followed by 1 Alpha-numeric characters) as shown in below screen.
Step 7> Click on Validate button at the top right corner. The system checks the validity of PAN
Endorsement number is already collected by vendor now enter the same in below screen
When you click on validate button a message will display as below screen, Message says
user wanting to register in e-Tendering portal is undertaking that the PAN number used by
him is of his/her own company.
After click on ok button below screen will appear where vendor have to create user id and
password for accessing online MIDC E-Tendering Process.
The fields under this section should be filled using following guide lines.
User Id: This field contains 6-20 characters, only letters numbers, Underscores are allowed.
You should not use any special characters while defining User ID. This ID will be unique to
you for e-Tendering Portal.
Password: This field can contain minimum 6-20 character and should contain at least one
special character for eg. _, or !or@ and one numeric character. Example: abcDFr@53
Security Questions: This is the question which will be asked by you when you forget your
password and want the system to reset this. You need to select the most appropriate
question out of a list of questions given in the selection box. (Tip: Select the one of which
you can easily remember the answer but it is difficult for others to crack that)
Security Answer: Type your own answer for selected security question. Remember that
this Security answer will be matched with what you would give in case you select Forget
Password option. It is important that you remember this or note it down at secured place.
2.2 Steps needs to follow by vendor who is falling in Stage 2(Non Registered
Step 2> Type the URL > and press enter, below Screen will display
Step 6> Click on “Register Here” link, below screen will displayed
If the PAN number is not entered in proper 10 Digit format as described above the system will
generate following message.
“Pan Number entered is not valid, Please enter valid PAN Number”.
If PAN number is in valid format. Then it will show a message as below screen. Message says user
wanting to register in e-Tendering portal is undertaking that the PAN number used by him is of
his/her own company.
Step 8> Click on ok button, below screen will appear here vendor have to enter the all details. As
described after screen
Login Information Section: In this section you create Login ID and Password which will be
used by you subsequently to log into the e-Tendering Portal for bid information, preparation
and submission process.
The fields under this section should be filled using following guide lines.
User Id: This field contains 6-20 characters, only letters numbers, Underscores are allowed.
You should not use any special characters while defining User ID. This ID will be unique to
you for e-Tendering Portal.
Password: This field can contain minimum 6-20 character and should contain at least one
special character for eg. _, or !or@ and one numeric character. Example: abcDFr@53
Security Questions: This is the question which will be asked by you when you forget your
password and want the system to reset this. You need to select the most appropriate
question out of a list of questions given in the selection box. (Tip: Select the one of which
you can easily remember the answer but it is difficult for others to crack that)
Security Answer: Type your own answer for selected security question. Remember that
this Security answer will be matched with what you would give in case you select Forget
Password option. It is important that you remember this or note it down at secured place.
Data Authentication: In order to ensure that data is being placed in the system through
authentic page a Captcha is displayed on the page by the system. The user needs to type
exactly the same characters to validate and ensure that entry of fields is through an
authentic page displayed by the application.
Attachment: In order to ensure that details provided about PAN, GST need to attach
scan copy for validating the data.(Mandatory)
Step 9> Click on Submit button to complete the Registration process. On successful
acceptance of USER ID and Password system will display a message “Vendor Registered
Successfully” as shown below.
After getting Endorsement Number, Vendor has to follow the all steps which are
defined in Stage 1 Process.
At the time of following step of Stage 1 , in Create User id & Password form, Either you can
use the same details which is created at the time of Registration or you can change the
details here.
After successful completion of above all steps vendor (MIDC non registered) will get registered
on E-Tender Portal of MIDC. And can use the user id & password for login into E-Tendering
Vendor should complete following items before they can submit the bids online on MIDC e-
Tendering Portal.
2. You should have procured Digital Signature key from an authorized agency.
Procedural guidelines document to procure digital signature key can be downloaded
from Vendor Login Page. (Click here to download the document now)
4. You should install the downloaded digital signature verification component from
MIDC e-Tendering Portal server on the machine(s) you plan to use for bidding
online. The
Installation guideline document can be downloaded from Vendor Login page. (Click
here to download the document now)
5. You should install digital signature on the machine(s) you plan to use for bidding
online. The Installation procedure is given by the Digital Signature Key provider.
Instructions from them should be followed for successful installation.
After having ensured that all prerequisites as mention in section 3 are fulfilled you are ready to
enjoy the online bidding experience at MIDC e-Tendering portal.
Step 2> Type the URL > and press enter, below Screen will display
Step 5> The following Vendor Login/Registration Page will be displayed. Enter valid User ID
and password in respective Fields and Click on Login button.
Step 7> In this step you select Digital Signature you have procured. All installed digital signatures
on your local machine will be displayed in the window below. You need to select the appropriate
digital signature from the displayed list.
Step 9> Type Digital Certificate PI N number as below and click on “OK” button
Step 10> Again you get security alert message. Allow the access by Clicking on “Yes” button. This
will complete the digital signature verification process. On successful verification the Home Page of
the vendor will be opened.
Vendor will view the following tenders listed on the home page. The tenders are classified
under following categories.
Under All Tenders options all the tenders listed under different options above will be displayed.
Step 1> Click on “Current Tenders” option to view the current tenders published by MIDC and are
available for vendor to bid.
Step 2> List of current tender will be displayed on Click of Lock sign image highlighted below against
the work vendor want to Bid.
Tenders menu is displayed having options as view Tender notice, Download Document, View
Corrigendum etc.
Step 3> Click on option “Download Document”. New screen is display for Tende r Document.
Step 4> Click on Tender Document link as shown below screen to start the process of uploading
Step 6> Select location from local system and click on “Save” button.
Step 1> Click on “Raise Query” option from menu list as below screen.(This will enable you to raise
the query against the downloaded tender)
Step 2> Enter Details in query part and click on “Submit” button.
Step 5> Click on Highlighted button as shown in below screen for confirmation to department for
reply is read by vendor.
Step 6> once vendor clicks the highlighted button. Confirmation button will be hide as shown in
below screen.
bid. Step 1> Click on “Document Read Confirmation” button from the list.
Step 2> Click on check box as highlighted and accept the terms and conditions mentioned in the
tender document.
Step 3> Click on Accept button to confirm that Vendor has accepted the terms and condition.
Step 1> for payment regarding the tender click on pay online button you will redirected to the bill
desk payment gate way.
Payment Mode: There should be only one payment mode i.e. online. You can use credit card ,Debit
card or internet banking option for payment.
Step 3> Go to Upload Document(s) field and double click on that. Click on “Browse” button to select
“Upload” button to upload the document selected to attach. The selected file will be uploaded on the e -
Tendering server. Only .PDF file extensions are allowed to upload.
Step 4> Click on “Save” button to save the Tender fees details.
Here you need to ensure authentication by attaching your digital certificate from the displayed list
of digital certificates and click on “OK” button.
Step 5> after successful completion of this process you will see the status of Payment regarding
tender fees ,EMD Application support is completed and print receipt button is enabled Column.
Submission of Tender Fees process is now completed .
MIDC e-Tendering system supports multiple envelops systems. Depending on number of envelopes
(example : PQ envelop , Technical response envelop etc) required to be submitted under technical bid
Under each envelop there will be multiple forms which will be seen as records under each envelop.
These forms will be filled up one by one you will see that many number of envelops in the technical
bid response form page.
Technical bid submission process is to be completed for all the envelops and forms there in.
Step 2> Form will be opened Enter the required information / details in form.
Step 4> Here you need to ensure authentication by attaching your digital certificate from the
displayed list of digital certificates and click on “OK” button.
Step5> The internet explorer Security Alert Message is displayed as below. Click on “Yes” button to
allow the MIDC e-Tendering website to access your local computer.
Step 8 > after saving below screen will appear .Click on “Document” link to upload the Technical
form related document
Under the File description field you should enter the information about this document as you may
wish to inform the authority. Click on “Upload” button to upload the document select ed to attach. The
selected document will be uploaded on the e-Tendering server.
Step 10> Here you need to ensure authentication by attaching your digital certificate from the
displayed list of digital certificates and click on “OK” button.
Step 12> after uploading the document successfully the Submission of technical form process is
completed and the status of Form will be indicated as “Completed”.
Repeat all the above steps for filling the remaining technical forms(if any) present in the bid.
Note: Please Note if any one or more forms of technical bid are not filled & / or document not
attached final submission of bid will not allowed.
Submission of Technical Bid process is finished after completing all the forms.
Step 1> Click on “Bid Now” link to enter the bid for Commercial envelop .
Step 2> Schedule B will be displayed for tender and estimated value will be seen on the screen.
Based on tender type below screen will be appear
Step2.1> If tender is Percentage type then, vendor needs to fill in following information.
Value Type: You may want to quote Above/Below/At Par with the estimated cost.
Quote in Percentage: In this field you should enter rate in percentage as you want to quote.
Quoted Amount: This amount is calculated by applying Value type and quoted rates % on the
estimated value. An example is if the estimated value is Rs 65908 and Value Type is Below and % below
is given as 2 % the Quoted Amount will be calculated as 65908 – 2% of 65908 = Rs. 64589.84
Step 2.3> For C Type tender vendor have to fill the details as Item Rate Tender as mention in
above step 2.2.
Step 4> Here you need to ensure authentication by attaching your digital certificate from the displayed
list of digital certificates and click on “OK” button.
Step 6> On successful authentication of your digital signature you will receive the following message to
ensure that submitted commercial bid is digitally signed successfully.
Step 7> The commercial bid is encrypted for additional security before it is submitted by the bidder
on the MIDC e-Tendering portal. Encryption cannot be decrypted unless the Private key of the bidder
is attached.
Step 8> The encryption is further certified by signing digitally. Select vendor’s valid digital certificate to
sign and click on “OK” button.
Click on Final Submission button, you will get a further confirmation massage screen. On confirming the
bid will be finally submitted in response to the tender. You can press CANCEL button at this stage to
further verify the bid.
Once you click OK button in response to final submission confirmation message the bid will be
submitted finally and you will not be able to change any information.
Step 11 > after successful submission of bid you will see a button Generate PDF at the right corner of
the page. Click on Generate PDF button to keep a copy of the submitted commercial bid for your
Contractor is allowed to resubmit bid before last date & time of submission. In this
process the last bid submitted by the bidder will be considered for the tender opening.
After final submission of Bid, contractor can resubmit or change the bid. The system will
maintain the log when and how many time’s contractor has resubmitted the bid except rate
Step 1> Click on Prepare Bid option form left side menu
Step 2> Click on “Bid Now” link to enter the bid for resubmission of commercial envelop .
Step 4> Select vendor’s valid digital certificate to decrypt and click on “OK” button.
Step 5> you will be displayed Schedule B of the tender. The Schedule B with estimated value will be
seen on the screen
Step 5.1 > If tender percentage type then enter the above / below percentage and click on sign button.
Step 5.2> If tender item rate then enter rate of each item and click on sign button.
Step 7> On successful authentication of your digital signature you will receive the following message to
ensure that submitted commercial bid is digitally signed successfully.
Step 10> On successful authentication of your digital signature you will receive the following message to
ensure that submitted commercial bid is digitally encrypted successfully. Click on OK button.
Step 13 > Once you click on Save button confirmation message display. Click on OK button to save data.
Step 15 > After successful resubmission of bid you will see a button Generate PDF at the right corner of
the page. Click on Generate PDF button to keep a copy of the submitted commercial bid for your
If you have submitted the bid but would like to withdraw for some reasons, you can do so before the
due time and date of bid submission.
After the successful bid submission “Withdraw Bid” and “Print” button are activated and displayed on
the right bottom corner of the page. The buttons are active only before due date and time of bid
Click on “withdraw Bid” button to withdraw the submitted bid. Or if vender doesn’t want to withdraw
bid and have to print receipt of submitted bid then click on Print button.
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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