Vendor User Manual
Vendor User Manual
Vendor User Manual
What Is E-Tender System .......................................................................................................... 2
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................... 3
Using E-Tender System ....................................................................................... 6
New Tenders .............................................................................................................................. 7
Pretender Clarifications ............................................................................................................. 9
Submit Bids ............................................................................................................................. 12
Post Bid Clarifications ............................................................................................................. 15
Update Password ..................................................................................................................... 18
Non JSRS vendors ............................................................................................ 19
The purpose of this document is to explain the entire process of how a Vendor is
going to use e-Tendering system to participate in bidding process online.
Getting Started
When CCED publishes a new tender, selected vendors will be notified via email.
In order to view the tender details in the online system, bidders will have to access
the vendor area of the system.
If you are registered JSRS vendor in the CCED, you will get username and
password for logging in to the CCED e-tendering portal in the email. Vendor can
directly login to the tendering system using provided credentials.
If you are already having a JSRS number at the time of receiving email, please enter
JSRS number here and vendor will be provided with login screen.
If vendor does not have a JSRS number, but registered in the system, then the
vendor can login with already registered credentials.
If the vendor does not have a JSRS number and he is not registered in the system,
vendor will have to register for the tendering system first.
Vendor will be provide with a vendor registration screen:
In the vendor registration form, enter Company name, contact person, contact
details, country, email address, password and company address
The email address and password enter her will be used for login to the e-tendering
system. Please note the credentials while submitting.
Once details are submitted successfully. Vendor can login to the e-tendering system
using registered credentials.
Click on the ‘Login’ button to get into the system. You will be successfully logged in
to the system in case of correct mail and password.
You should try to login using the correct user ID and password. If you have
forgotten the password, kindly try forgot password link.
Once you have successfully log in to the E-Tender System, the main page depicted
below will be displayed.
New Tenders
From ‘ New Tenders’ page vendors can view the new published tenders and tender
details such as tender name, issuance date and end date.
Vendor can view the details and ''CONFIRM PARTICIPATION" on the tender if
Click on ''CONFIRM PARTICIPATION" on tender to view details,
Vendor can view tender information, tender dates and invited categories and
products here.
Vendor can find confidentiality undertaking document here, which need to be
downloaded and sign/stamp and upload to the system.
Vendor can confirm participation or decline participation here.
If declined, vendor cannot work on tender further.
Vendor documents will be available only after confirming participation.
If confirmed participation, vendor can view more details on tender and can download
the tender documents.
Pretender Clarifications
For participation confirmed tenders, vendors can raise clarification to the CCED
Tenders for which participation is confirmed and clarifications can be submitted will
be listed as below, tenders will be available till the end of clarification date.
User can enter the questions. User can also add a reference from RFP if required.
User can also attach support documents if required.
You can view the CCED response to have answers for the clarifications, CCED may
attach documents also for answering clarifications, these documents can be
downloaded from documents section.
Submit Bids
Once tender participation is confirmed for a tender, tender will be available under
‘Submit Bids’ section. Here user can submit your bids.
When ‘Submit bid’ is clicked, you will be presented with page below.
Vendor will have sections to upload technical and commercial files here.
Technical files
Instructions to upload technical bids files is given in the "vendor instructions"
document available in the tender documents.
All files marked with "*" are mandatory to upload. After uploading technical
documents, vendor can upload commercial documents.
Commercial files
Required commercial documents can be added here, any number of documents can
be added. Vendors should not upload same document as both technical and
commercial file as it may lead to disqualification of the submission.
CCED may ask to upload commercial evaluation form or fill commercial evaluation
form based on tenders.
If asked to upload, commercial evaluation form can be uploaded in commercial
documents section.
If asked to fill, CCED will provide commercial evaluation form to fill and submit.
Vendors can fill cost of item and submit the form while bid submission.
Conflict of interest
During submission of bid, vendor will have to fill the conflict of interest terms.
Vendor can view and download ccced conflict of interest terms and attach a signed
copy of conflict of interst here.
If vendor has any conflict of interest with CCED terms, vendor need to enter details
while bid submission.
After submitting the bid, already submitted bids will be available as ‘BID
SUBMITTED. Click on the status link to view the submitted details.
Vendor can update and send again, until the last date of bid submission.
Vendor will receive mail notification when CCED admin sends a clarification to you.
Vendor can log in to the vendor are and view the post bid clarification section.
User can view the clarification and reply to the clarification from here.
To reply, click on post answer.
Enter your answer and supporting documents if there any and submit the
If last date of clarification is over while viewing the question, vendor cannot reply to
Update Password
If vendor needs to change the login password for the tendering system. It can be
done from "update password" menu.
Enter the new password and update.
Enter the number and click on update. JSRS number will be added for the vendor in
the system.