(Subject Matter)
a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Quarter 1 Module 1: Giving the Place
(SLMs/LASs) Value and the Value of a Decimal Number Quarter 2 – Module 2: Quarter 2 – Module 3:
through Ten Thousandths Reading and Writing Decimal Numbers Rounding Decimal Numbers
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop,
Resources SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens,
notebook notebook notebook notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous The Grade 5 – Magsaysay harvested 3 What is a place value and value of a digit of Directions: Write each decimal numbers in A. Write each decimal numbers in Preparation
lesson/Drill 1 3 a given decimal number? words. words.
kg of eggplants, and kg of
2 4 Digits Place Value 1. 345.1234 1. 235.1234
tomatoes from their “Gulayan sa Value 2. 567.98 2. 12,567.981
Paaralan” garden. How many kilograms 3. 245.1 3. 345.12
1) 1.23
of vegetables did they harvest in all? 4. 2,456.7111
1. What is Asked? 2) 31.345 5. 12,102.0321 B. Write each number words into
2. What are the Given numbers? 3) 123.4568 decimal numbers.
3. What Operation will be used? 4) 345.12 1. Thirteen and forty five tenths
4. What is the Number sentence? 5) 12348.561 2. Five thousand eighty three and one
5. What is the Answer? (Solution) thousand forty four ten thousandths
C. Establishing a The teacher will let the learners play “Stop Try to read the following decimal numbers. The teacher will give a decimal number (for Giving of
purpose for the lesson/ Dance, Stop Dot”. The teacher will choose 1. 123.45 instance, 12.3456) and five learners will Instruction
Motivation 10 pupils in the class and give them 2. 213.23 state the steps in reading and writing
numbers from 0-9 and a dot. When the 3. 123.65 decimal numbers.
teacher plays the music, the learners will 4. 1.2433
move in a straight line. When the music 5. 1234.4444
stops, the learners sitting will try to read
the value of the numbers
2 1 3 . 4 5 6 8 9 7 0
(The learner holding the “2” will come to
the front and read the value of the
Note: The teacher may call another child to
stand and hold a number.
Show a picture of a bottle full of water
Can we tell the exact number of beads
in just a glance? About how many beads
do you thinks are in a bottle?
D. Presenting The teacher will tell the class that the dot in The teacher will tell the class that the lesson The lesson for today is about reading and You can make an estimate when you Answering the
examples/instances of the activity represents a decimal point. for today is about reading and writing writing decimal numbers through ten need to know how many or about how quiz
the new Therefore, the lesson for today is about decimal numbers? thousandths. much. Rounding off numbers is one way
lesson/Motivation giving the place value and value of decimal of making estimates?
E. Discussing new What is a place value and value? How to read and write decimal numbers How to read and write decimal numbers What is rounding off? Checking and
concepts and practicing What is a decimal numbers? through ten thousandths? through ten thousandths? How to round of decimal numbers? recording
new skills No. 1
F. Discussing new What is the place value and the value of a The following steps and examples are to
concepts and practicing digit of a given decimal number? A decimals are one of the types of numbers, be considered in rounding off decimal
new skills No. 2 A place value is a system in which the which has a whole number and the fractional Steps in reading and writing decimal numbers.
position a digit holds in a number part separated by a decimal point. The dot number. To round off decimal numbers:
determines its value. present between the whole number and How do you read 12.3456? 1) Find the rounding digit occupying the
fractions part is called the decimal point. For place value you’re rounding to. Then
The value of a digit in each decimal is the example, 32.5 is a decimal number. Step 1: Write the digits in the appropriate look at the digit to the right of the
product of that digit holding the decimal The table below is a decimal numeral boxes of the place value rounding digit.
place and the value of that position. system, a standard system for denoting Chart above.
whole numbers and decimals. 1) If the number right after the rounding
Step 2: Read the number to the left of the digit is less than 5 (4, 3, 2, 1, 0), you
decimal place as whole have to round down. This is done by
number. leaving the last decimal place as it is
12 is read as twelve. given and discarding all the digits to its
For instance, In 123.4567 the digit 3 is a Step 3: Read the decimal point as “and”. In 10.7415
place holder of ones place. Its value is 0. 12. is read as twelve and. Nearest hundredths:
Digit 2 is in the tens place. Its value is 20. Steps in reading and writing decimal 10.7415
The digit 1 is in the hundreds place. Its number. Step 4: Read the number to the right of the 4 -is the digit of in the rounding place
value is 100. Digit 4 is in the tenths place. How do you read 12.3456? decimal place as whole 1 – is the digit to the right of the
Its value is 0.4. The digit 5 is in the number. rounding place
hundredths place. Its value is 0.05. The Step 1: Write the digits in the appropriate 3456 is read as three thousand four Think: 1<5. Therefore, you have to
digit 6 is in the thousandths place. Its value boxes of the place value hundred fifty-six. round down. Then, drop all digits after
is 0.006. And digit 7 is in the ten- Chart above. the rounding place.
thousandths place. Its value is 0.0007. Step 5: When you’re done reading the Answer: 10.7400 or 10.74
Hence, 123.4567 means one hundred Step 2: Read the number to the left of the number to the right of the
twenty three and four thousand five decimal place as whole decimal point, say the place value of the
hundred sixty seven ten thousandths. number. last digit. 2. If the number right after the rounding
12 is read as twelve. digit is greater than or equal to 5 (5, 6, 7,
In 3456, the last digit is 6 and its place 8, 9), you have to round up or add 1 to
Step 3: Read the decimal point as “and”. value is ten thousandths. the rounded digit and drop all the digits
12. is read as twelve and. Therefore, 12.3456 will be read as twelve to its right
and three thousand four hundred fifty-six In 10.7415
Step 4: Read the number to the right of the thousandths. Nearest thousandths:
decimal place as whole 10.7415
number. 1 -is the digit of in the rounding place
3456 is read as three thousand four 5 – is the digit to the right of the
hundred fifty-six. rounding place
G. Developing Mastery Directions: Complete the data in the Directions: Write each decimal in words. Directions: Write each decimal number into Directions: Round each decimal to the
(Leads to Formative table below using the given decimal 1. 12.34 words. indicated place value. Write RU if you
Assessment) number. 1,245.678 2. 43.234 1. 345.65 have to round up, RD if you have to
Digits Place Value 3. 1.2345 2. 456.123 round down.
Value 4. 35.3456 3. 4, 234.12 1. 234.223
1. 2 5. 245.678 4. 5,678.1345 2.12345.2121
2. 4 5. 23,234.5612 3. 4567.5345
3. 6 4. 10,005.0456
4. 7 5. 9876.67871
5. 8
H. Finding Practical How do you use decimal numbers in How do you use decimal numbers in buying How do you use decimal numbers in the Where can rounding decimal numbers
Application of Concepts buying goods in a Sari-Sari store? goods in a Sari-Sari store? schools, banks, and malls? be used in our daily lives? Cite an
and Skills in Daily Lives example.
I. Making What is a place value and value of decimal What is a decimal number? What are the steps in reading and writing What is a rounding off?
Generalization and numbers? How do you read and write decimal decimal numbers? What are the steps in rounding decimal
Abstraction numbers. State the steps. numbers?
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Give the place value and Directions: Write each decimal in words. Directions: Write each decimal number Directions: Round the decimal
value of the following decimal numbers. Decimal Word Forms into words. numbers to the indicated place
Digits Place Value Numbers 1. 645.65 = _________________________ value.
Value 1. 23.96 2. 656.123 = A. Round each decimal to the nearest
1) 1.22 2. 234.678 _________________________ hundredths.
2) 31.344 3. 5, 234.12 1) 48.732 = _____
3. 1,
3) 123.4567 _________________________ 2) 38.396 = _____
4) 345.32 4. 2,678.1341 3) 31.261 = _____
4. 123. 5689 _________________________ B. Round each decimal to the nearest
5) 12348.566
5. 6781.2345 5. 21,234.5613 thousandths.
_________________________ 4) 22.5451 = _______
5) 56.2140 = _______
Directions: Write each numerical words into
decimal numbers.
K. Additional activities Directions: Give the place value and Directions: Write each decimal in words. Directions: Write each number word into Directions: Round each decimal to the
for application or value of the following decimal numbers. Decimal Numbers Word Forms decimal numbers. indicated place value. Write RU if you
remediation Digits Place Value 1. 23.96 1. have to round up, RD if you have to
Value 2. 234.678 1. fifteen and eighty-five hundredths round down.
1) 1.32 3. 1, 234.4561 ____________ 1. 134.233
2) 31.342 4. 123. 5689 2. Fifty eight and one hundred fifty five 2.12345.2125
5. 6781.2345 thousandths 3. 4567.5545
3) 123.4567
____________ 4. 10,005.1456
4) 345.32 3. Nine hundred forty four and two tenths 5. 9876.67881
5) 12348.566 ____________
4. Five thousand and seven thousand
seventy three ten thousandths
5. Ten thousand three hundred thirty three
and ninety two hundredths
Prepared by:
Principal I