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Submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad in partial

Fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology in

Computer Science and


Submitted By


Under the Guidance


Department of Computer Science and Engineering

(An Autonomous Institution)
Medbowli, Meerpet, Saroornagar, Hyderabad – 500097
(Affiliated to JNTUH, Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NBA & NAAC ‘A’)
(Sponsored by TKR Educational Society)
Approved by AICTE, Affiliated by JNTUH, Accredited by NBA & NAAC-A)
Medbowli, Meerpet, Saroornagar, Hyderabad – 500 097.
Phone: 040-24092838 Fax: +91-040-24092555
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Department of Computer Science & Engineering
College code: R9


This is to certify the technical seminar titled, “GOOGLE GLASS” is being submitted by

SHAIK IMRAN ALI, bearing Roll no. 20R95A0525 in partial fulfillment for the award of

Bachelor of technology in Computer Science and Engineering is a record bonafide work

carried out under my guidance.

The results of investigation enclosed in this report have been verified and found

satisfactory. The result embodied in this thesis have not been submitted to any other

University or Institute for the award of any Degree.

Internal Guide Head of the department

Assistant professor Professor

Dr. K. Venkata
(Sponsored by TKR Educational Society)
Approved by AICTE, Affiliated by JNTUH, Accredited by NBA & NAAC-A)
Medbowli, Meerpet, Saroornagar, Hyderabad – 500 097.
Phone: 040-24092838 Fax: +91-040-24092555
E-mail: Website:
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
College code: R9


I hereby declare that the work which is being presented in the Seminar Report, entitled

“GOOGLE GLASS” is done under the guidance of Mrs.T.PRIYANKA, Assist Professor,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering

College, is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Bachelor of

Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.

This is a record of Bonafide work carried out by us in Teegala Krishna Reddy

Engineering College and the results embodied in this project have not been reproduced or

copied from any source. The results embodied in this seminar report have not been submitted

to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree.

Submitted by



We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to our Seminar Guide T.PRIYANKA,

Department of Computer Science, Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College, Meerpet, for

guiding from the inception till the completion of the seminar. We sincerely acknowledge for giving

valuable guidance, support for literature survey, critical reviews and comments for giving the final

shape of the seminar report. Words are inadequate in offering our thanks to Dr. K. VENKATA

MURALI MOHAN –Principal, Dr.Ch.V. PHANI KRISHNA -H.O.D, Computer Science

Engineering, Teegala Krishna Reddy Engineering College, Meerpet for consistent encouragement

and support for shaping our Seminar in the presentable form. Finally, we would like to express our

heartfelt thanks to all supporting staff members and friends who have been a constant source of

encouragement for successful completion of the Seminar.




Project Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop

an augmented reality Head-Mounted Display (HMD). The intended purpose of
Project Glass products would be the hands-free displaying of information currently
available to most smartphone users, and allowing for interaction with the Internet via
natural language voice commands. These glasses will have the combined features of
virtual reality and augmented reality. Google glasses are basically wearable
computers that will use the same Android software that powers Android smartphones
and tablets. Google Glass is as futuristic a gadget we’ve seen in recent times. A
useful technology for all kinds of people including handicapped/disabled. The
emergence of Google Glass, a prototype for a transparent Heads-Up Display (HUD)
worn over one eye, is significant. It is the first conceptualization of a mainstream
augmented reality wearable eye display by a large company. This paper argues that
Glass‟s birth is not only a marketing phenomenon heralding a technical prototype, it
also argues and speculates that Glass‟s popularization is an instigator for the
adoption of a new paradigm in human-computer interaction, the wearable eye
display. Google Glass is deliberately framed in media as the brainchild of Google co-
founder Sergey Brin. Glass‟s process of adoption operates in the context of
mainstream and popular culture discourses, such as the Batman myth, a phenomenon
that warrants attention. The emergence of Google Glass, a prototype for a transparent
Heads-Up Display (HUD) worn over one eye, is significant on several levels. It is the
first conceptualization of a mainstream augmented reality wearable eye display
playing out in a viral marketing campaign. Google Glass will enable us to capture
video, let us interact with personal contacts, and navigate maps, amongst other
things. The YouTube concept video “One Day…” that announced its coming on
April 4, 2012, has been viewed more than 18 million times . Gracing the face of
Diane von Furstenberg, who wore it at New York‟s fashion week, it is often
strategically trotted out for photo opportunities. It has been provocative enough to
scare both Apple and Microsoft, who had been issuing patents for augmented reality
products of their own . However, most salient of all is the way Google Glass is
framed in media as the brainchild of Sergey Brin, the American computer scientist of
Russian descent who co-founded Google. Brin is also celebrated in online articles as
a real life “Batman,” who is developing a secret facility resembling the “Batcave”.
This paper argues that Glass‟s birth is not only a marketing phenomenon heralding a
technical prototype, it also suggests and speculates that Glass‟s popularization is an
instigator for the adoption of a new paradigm in Human- Computer Interaction
(HCI), the wearable eye display. Glass‟s process of adoption operates in the context
of mainstream and popular culture discourses, a phenomenon that warrants attention.


1. Introduction

2. Literature review

3. Architecture

4. Working

5. Advantages

6. Disadvantages

7. Applications

8. Future enhancement (if any)

9. Conclusion

Google Glass is a prototype for an augmented reality, heads-up

display developed by Google X lab slated to run on the Android operating system
(see Figure 1). Augmented reality involves technology that augments the real world
with a virtual component . The first appearance of Glass was on Sergey Brin who
wore it to an April 5, 2012 public event in San Francisco. Provocative headlines
emerged such as “Google
„Project Glass‟ Replaces the Smartphone with Glasses” and “Google X Labs: First
Project Glass, next space elevators?” . A groundswell of anticipation surrounds Glass
because it implies a revolutionary transition to a new platform, even though release
for developers is only planned for 2013. At the time of our writing this paper, it is not
available for consumers who can only see it in promotional materials. Heads-up eye
displays are not new. The Land Warrior system, developed by the U.S. army over the
past decade, for example, includes a heads-up eye display with an augmented reality
visual overlay for soldier communication. Many well-known inventors have
contributed eye display technology, research or applications over the past two
decades including Steve Mann (Visual Memory Prosthetic), Thad Starner
(Remembrance Agent), and Rob Spence (Eyeborg). Commercially, Vuzix is a
company that currently manufactures transparent eye displays. Science fiction and
popular references to the eye display are almost too numerous to list, but most are
featured in military uses: Arnold Schwarzenegger‟s Terminator from the 1984 film
had an integrated head‟s up display that identified possible targets, Tom Cruise‟s
Maverick in Top Gun had a rudimentary display to indicate an enemy plane‟s target
acquisition and current Gforces, and Bungie‟s landmark video game series Halo
features a head‟s up display that gives the player real-time status updates on player
enemy locations, shield levels, remaining ammunition and waypoint information. In
most popular culture uses, a head‟s up display is transparently overlaid upon the real
world. However, in video games, the display is considered to be part of the entire
game interface. While many film and television shows are adding HUDs to their
storytelling to add a science fiction or futuristic feel, there is a movement in game
development away from any artificial HUDs as many consider them to be “screen
clutter” and block a player‟s view of a created world. The video game Dead Space
by Electronic Arts is an exemplar of this new style: traditional game information
such as health and ammunition have been woven into character design, allowing for
an unobstructed view.
The aim of this thesis is to understand what people do and what they feel when
they are using HMDs and what is their expectation of such technology in their daily
life. How they will use such device in different context and what are the benefits they
get and wha tmight be the problems. In order to reach this goals one should be able to
evaluate such a technology. The type of HMDs that is going to be studied in this
thesis is inclass of ubiquitous computing which is expected to be used by the user all
the time, in changing environment and while doing different tasks. Designing for this
kind of technology can be challenging because of the variability of the users, context
of use and changing environment and evaluating of such technology cannot be
approached in laboratory setting (Consolvo &Walker 2003, 24) as people should
adopt and use ubiquitous computing in differen tsituations anddifferent
environments . So, one should use a methodof evaluation that makes it possible to
study it invarious situations. The appropriate
evaluationtechniques to study such ubiquitous
applicationswould take place in situ environment (Hurlburt & Heavey, 2006), with
several participants and over aperiod of time (Consolvo &Walker 2003, 25). In order
to accomplish these objective a method called“Experience sampling method” (ESM)
will be usedwith the help of a design probe which in this case is aLo-fi prototype of a

Google glass is a optical head mounted display consist of the develop by

Google in Google x laboratory in the California to use the android operating system.
It captures the pictures, video interface between them in personal contact, map, and
personal data.
In author has come up with a particular advantage of this technique is
that it both communicates the request to the computer and informs the conversational
partner as to the wearer’s use of the machine. in author has confronted the challenges
and conclude that 4th and 5th generation digital eye glass will prove more fruitful
than other technologies as the problem of the clarification of pictures in camera,
objects out from the range of laser light are also verified. Author has came up with
idea of using digital eye with wearable computing which will facilitate author has
also mentioned about the issues that can arise due to it. Display technology Steve
Mann to research the including visual memory. In Shimpali Deshpande etal. has done
survey of the technology used has done the survey of the technologies used in
Google glass. This paper includes some of sections which explain glass technologies,
working, advantages and disadvantages and last conclusion.

The Google Glass project is generating a significant amount of buzz. Really, it

is scary how amped up people are about the product. But, why shouldn’t they be? It
is a whole new technology. If you don’t know, Google Glass is the name of a new
technology Google is developing that basically allows you to view things you would
normally see on a smart phone through a pair of glasses, as well as do much more. In
this blog post we make some predictions for the future of Google Glass. .The Small
Screen Will Force Those To Adapt To Space Constraints. The Google Glasses will,
of course, have a smaller screen than a PC. But the glasses will also have a smaller
screen than any smart phone on the market. The viewing area is minimal, and it only
resides on the right hand side. Because of this, everything that is rendered for Google
Glass will be incredibly small. This will create a whole new medium for Web
Touchpad: A touchpad, similar to that of one on a laptop, is located on the side
of Google Glass, allowing users to control the device by swiping through a timeline-
like interface displayed on the screen. Sliding backward shows current events, such
as weather, and sliding forward shows past events, such as phone calls, photos, and
circle updates.

Camera: Google Glass has the ability to take 5 MP photos and record 720p HD
video. Glass Enterprise Edition 2 has an improved 8MP 80° FOV camera.

Display: The Explorer version of Google Glass uses a liquid crystal on silicon
(based on an LCoS chip from Himax), field-sequential color system, LED
illuminated display. The display's LED illumination is first P-polarized and then
shines through the in-coupling polarizing beam splitter (PBS) to the LCoS panel. The
panel reflects the light and alters it to S-polarization at active pixel sensor sites. The
in-coupling PBS then reflects the S-polarized areas of light at 45° through the out-
coupling beam splitter to a collimating reflector at the other end. Finally, the out-
coupling beam splitter (which is a partially reflecting mirror, not a polarizing beam
splitter) reflects the collimated light another 45° and into the wearer's eye.

Developer:Google Manufacturer Foxconn

Type:Optical Head-Mounted Display (OHMD), Peripheral Head-Mounted Display
(PHMD), Wearable technology, Head-up display
Release date:Developers (US): February 2013[
Public (US): Around 2013
Introductory price Explorer version: $1,500 USD
Standard edition: $1,500 USD
Operating system:Glass O (Google Xe Software)
CPU:OMAP 4430 System on a chip, dual-core processor
Memory:2 GB RAM
Storage:16 GB flash memory total (12 GB of usable memory)
Display:Prism projector, 640×360 pixels (equivalent of a 25 in/64 cm screen from 8
ft/2.4 m away)
Sound:Bone conduction transduce
Input:Voice command through microphone accelerometer gyroscope magnetometer
ambient light sensor, proximity sensor
Controller input:Touchpad, MyGlass phone mobile app
Camera:5 Megapixel photos;720p video
Connectivity:Wi-Fi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth micro USB
Power:570 mAh Internal lithium-ion battery
Mass:36 g (1.27oz)
Compatibility:Any Bluetooth-capable phone; MyGlass companion app requires
Android 4.0.3 "Ice Cream Sandwich" or higher or any iOS 7.0 or higher
Google Glass is a type of wearable technology that includes an optical head-
mounted display. Google glass displays information in a smartphone-like hands-free
format and lets its wearers communicate with it via voice commands. It’s also got a
touch pad so users can interact with it in a way analogous to swiping the screen of a
smartphone. A built-in camera records video and images. Finally, a liquid-crystal-on-
silicon display generates images that users see by means of beam splitters and
reflecting mirrors.

Google glass is not designed to be disassembled but its plastic case can be separated
at the seams – the result is a fair amount of cosmetic damage. A single Torx screw
attaches the plastic cases holding the electronics to the titanium frame. With the
plastic cases are off the frame, the disassembly process involves first prying the case
off the prism assembly, then working back toward the housings for the main circuit
board and battery.


Battery module

It might be easiest to understand Google Glass by starting with the simplest

component, the behind-the-ear module. This is where the battery resides. It is a 3.7-V
single-cell lithium polymer battery with a capacity of 570 mAh. It is not designed to
be replaceable. It can’t be accessed without cutting into the plastic case it sits in.

The battery connects to the rest of the circuitry through a flexible circuit. Behind the
flex circuit connection and the battery is a bone conduction speaker – basically a coil
vibrating a metal plate – which also seems to work as a pushbutton switch.

Main circuit board

The flex circuit from the battery connects to the main circuit board residing in the
next plastic module. One side of the main board contains the power on/off button.
The object next to it is the connector port for the recharging cable.

The main component of note on this side of the board are the wifi transceiver made
by Universal Scientific Industrial Corp. in Taiwan. It’s basically a wifi/Bluetooth
transceiver on a chip. It’s also based on a Broadcom 4329 chipset.
The next item of interest here is an audio codec, this one from Texas
Instruments. An audio codec basically converts analog audio signals into digital
signals for transmission. This one also decodes digital signals back to audio. It has
five audio input channels and, also of interest for Google Glass, it has drivers for
running vibration coils as is used for the bone conduction speaker.

One other component we noticed on the main board was a 435 Series fast-
acting surface mount thin-film fuse. This one is from Little fuse. There’s a marking
code on its top surface that seems to indicate this one is rated to handle 2 amps at 35
V in normal operation. These fuses are obviously tiny which is why they are often
found in applications such as hand-held portable electronic devices. They are
designed to open in less than 5 seconds when they see a 200% overload. A 200%
overload for this device would be something like 4 amps, and if you look at the time-
to-open curve on its datasheet, you see that on average, it will open up in a few tenths
of a second at that level.

Of course, you hope that never happens. If this fuse opens, it stays open. In
that case, the Google Glass will no longer work. We can’t discern from the circuit
board what this fuse is protecting, though it sits near the USB charging port, so it
may be protecting against a short during battery charging.

Finally there is a MEMS digital microphone mounted on the main the main
board. But it apparently is not the mic Google Glass uses to input user commands or
audio because there is another microphone up near the prism and camera assembly
that seems to be in a better location for picking up conversations.

It is tough to tell this component is a microphone because its audio pick-up

port is on its underside, out of view. So the mic just looks like a metal can. There has
been speculation in the electronics community that the mic on the main board is just
used for noise canceling. But the board is fully enclosed in the plastic case, and so is
the microphone. They only noise this mic would be able to pick up well would be the
noise of a finger tapping or swiping the capacitive touch pad. Thus it is possible the
mic is there to cancel out finger noise. But of course, this is just speculation.

Turning to the major components on the other side of the main board reveals a
GPS receiver, made by Cambridge Silicon Radio. It is based on an ARM7 processor,
as are a lot of smartphone style products. It also uses a sensor which doesn’t reside
on this board. The sensor actually sits on another flex circuit extending into the
hinged portion of the device where the display, camera, and main microphone all
One large chip found on this side of the board is a 16 Gb NAND flash memory
chip from Toshiba. This chip also incorporates a controller that basically acts as a
memory manager, doing things like error correction, managing bad blocks, garbage
collection, and translating logical addresses into physical addresses. Again, this is a
flash memory chip so it is non volatile. And because it is a NAND memory, it can be
written and read in blocks or pages.

Next to it is flash memory chip is a synchronous DDR2 DRAM memory chip

holding 512 megabytes. (As a quick review, DDR stands for double data rate, which
comes from the fact that the chip transfers data on the rising and falling edges of the
bus clock signal.) This chip is what’s called the mobile version, meaning it consumes
less power than conventional DDR2 chips. One reason is that it works from a 1.8-V
supply rather than 2.5 V. Also, it refreshes less frequently than ordinary DDR2 under
a couple of scenarios, while sitting in a chip package that’s smaller.

The synchronous DRAM is apparently integrated with the main processor in

Google Glass which is an OMAP 4430 from Texas Instruments. It is a dual-core
processor that uses the ARM Cortex-A9 architecture. Among the features that of
particular interest for the Google Glass application are a built-in multimedia
processor that comes in handy for handling video, and an image signal processor for
handling screen graphics.

The small chip near the processor is an FPGA. It is from Lattice

Semiconductor. It is a 1-kb mobile device and, notably, is also used in the Samsung
Galaxy 4S smartphone.

Also on this side of the board is the power-management IC for the OMAP
processor. It is another Texas Instruments device. It’s specifically designed for
applications powered by a rechargeable battery. It’s got seven step-down converters
that provide up to 2.0 A to power the memory, the processor core, I/O, and so forth.
It includes a real-time clock that can provide second, minute, hour, day, month, year
information, and an alarm wake up. This is also the device that handles battery
charging by virtue of a built-in switched-mode charger.

Finally, there is another mechanical switch on the edge of this board with an
unknown function. It does not seem to be mentioned in any of the tutorials Google
has produced so far.
Google Glass applications are free applications built by third-party developers.
Glass also uses many existing Google applications, such as Google Maps and Gmail.
Many developers and companies built applications for Glass, including news apps,
facial recognition, exercise, photo manipulation, translation, and sharing to social
networks, such as Facebook and Twitter] Third-party applications announced at
South by Southwest (SXSW) include Evernote, Skitch, The New York Times, and

On March 23, 2013, Google released the Mirror API, allowing developers to
start making apps for Glass. In the terms of service, it was stated that developers may
not put ads in their apps or charge fees; a Google representative told The Verge that
this might change in the future.

On May 16, 2013, Google announced the release of seven new programs,
including reminders from Evernote, fashion news from Elle, and news alerts from
CNN. Following Google's XE7 Glass Explorer Edition update in early July 2013,
evidence of a "Glass Boutique", a store that will allow synchronization to Glass of
Glassware and APKs, was noted.

Version XE8 made a debut for Google Glass on August 12, 2013. It brings an
integrated video player with playback controls, the ability to post an update to Path,
and lets users save notes to Evernote. Several other minute improvements include
volume controls, improved voice recognition, and several new Google Now cards.

On November 19, 2013, Google unveiled its Glass Development Kit,

showcasing the translation tool Word Lens, the cooking program All Th eCooks, and
the exercise program Strava among others as successful examples. Google
announced three news programs in May 2014—TripIt, Four Square and OpenTable
—in order to entice travelers. On June 25, 2014, Google announced that notifications
from Android Wear would be sent to Glass.

The European University Press published the first book to be read with Google
Glass on October 8, 2014, as introduced at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The book can be
read as a normal paper book or—enriched with multimedia elements—with Google
Glass, Kindle, on Smartphone and Pads on the platforms iOS and Android

Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical headmounted display

(OHMD) that is being developed by Google in the Project Glass research and
development project. It includes voice-controlled Android device that resembles a
pair of eyeglasses and displays information directly in the user's field of vision.It
offers an augmented reality experience by using visual, audio and location-based
inputs to provide relevant information.

An OHMD is a wearable display that has the capability of reflecting projected

images as well as allowing the user to see through it.Augmented
Reality(AR)Augmented reality (AR) is a live, copy, view of a physical, realworld
environment whose elements are augmented (orsupplemented) by computer-
generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data.

The Google Glass operating system (OS) is based on a version of Android.

The OS can run application virtualization tools called Glassware that are optimized
for the device. Glassware allows the device to deliver an app to the user, instead of a
full desktop. The glasses have built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity and a
camera for taking photographs and videos.
The smart eyewear uses motion and voice recognition to process commands
from the wearer. A touchpad is also available on the glasses' rim. To provide the
requested information, the device relies on sending small packages of information
straight to the wearer through a micro-projector, using a private channel of
communication that can only be accessed by the user.

Google Glass then uses a field sequential color (FSC) liquid crystal on silicon
(LCOS) system to display images on the lens, allowing wearers to view the image in
true colors. FSC refers to a color television system that transmits the primary color
information in continuous images and then relies on the human's vision and
perception to collect the information into a color picture. LCOS is a form of video
display technology.

The key feature of Google Glass is the tiny semi-transparent screen located on
the upper right hand side of the glasses. This display occupies only about 5 percent of
the wearer's natural field of vision and is responsible for transmitting information to
the user.

In order to view the screen, wearers must look up, placing the screen out of the
direct line of vision. This feature is particularly important because bad placement of
the display could lead to serious safety issues.

Other features of Google Glass include:

The ability to take photos and videos and then share exactly what the user is seeing
through Google Hangouts.
The option to use the Google search engine through the glasses, using Wi-Fi or a
smartphone's data connection.
The ability to have translations streamed straight to the wearer through the screen.
Reminders to complete certain chores or tasks with an added visual aspect that will
prompt a notification to appear on the user's screen every time they look at a
particular object.
The ability to sync the glasses to calendars stored on phones or computers in order to
receive reminders of events and meetings.
Support of both voice and video calls. In the video calls, wearers can show the other
person exactly what they're looking at instead of talking face-to-face
The ability to answer emails and text messages using voice dictation.
Collaboration with Google Maps to provide step-by-step directions with a map
displayed on the screen.
The ability to respond to facial and head movements, such as allowing the user to tilt
their head to scroll through a page or operate the device with eye movements.

Google offered a companion Android and iOS app called MyGlass, which
allowed the user to configure and manage the device. It was removed on February
22, 2020 from the Play Store.

Voice activation
Other than the touchpad, Google Glass can be controlled using just "voice actions".
To activate Glass, wearers tilt their heads 30° upward (which can be altered for
preference) or simply tap the touchpad, and say "O.K., Glass." Once Glass is
activated, wearers can say an action, such as "Take a picture", "Record a video",
"Hangout with [person/Google+ circle]", "Google 'What year was Wikipedia
founded?'", "Give me directions to the Eiffel Tower", and "Send a message to John"
(many of these commands can be seen in a product video released in February 2013).
For search results that are read back to the user, the voice response is relayed using
bone conduction through a transducer that sits beside the ear, thereby rendering the
sound almost inaudible to other people.

• Glass is sleek, light and easily wearable and you won’t require keeping it
on and off your pockets, like mobile phones.

• Glass will provide you detailed information and satisfactory results on your

• Make phone calls, sms, emails though Google Glass, no smartphone

• Keep your calendar events, information, contacts updated on Glass.

• Easier navigation and maps will be provided through Glass.

• Glass will make you look hi-tech and updated on technology and create an
impressive impact on people.

• No Bluetooth or camera needed when Glass is on, it’ll do all for you.


• No indication while clicking pictures (like pointing the camera) which

almost sounds like a hidden camera trying to capture a non-ready subject.

• Chances are there to drop yourself down in the road while reading a text or
email since you can’t get your eyes off it.

• No public privacy concern so the worry of leaking out information still

• Competition is on pace. The future might bring a contact lens version of
Glass after which Google Glass is supposed to sink.


• Accept/Reject a call.

• HD video Recording.

• Read/send text messages and emails.

• Take a picture and share it.

• GPS Tracking and Navigation .

• Shows remainder.
• Display the whether.

• Upload view and share files.


Augmedix developed an app for the wearable device that allows physicians to
live-stream the patient visit and claims it will eliminate electronic health record
problems, possibly saving them up to 15 hours a week and improving record quality.
The video stream is passed to remote scribes in HIPAA secure rooms where the
doctor- patient interaction is transcribed, ultimately allowing physicians to focus on
the patient. Hundreds of users were evaluating the app as of mid-2015.

In July 2013, Lucien Engelen commenced research on the usability and impact
of Google Glass in the health care field. As of August 2013, Engelen, based at
Singularity University and in Europe at Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, was the first healthcare professional in Europe to participate in the Glass
Explorer program. His research on Google Glass (starting August 9, 2013) was
conducted in operating rooms, ambulances, a trauma helicopter, general practice, and
home care as well as the use in public transportation for visually or physically
impaired. Research included taking pictures, videos streaming to other locations,
dictating operative log, having students watch the procedures and tele-consultation
through Hangout. Engelen documented his findings in blogs, videos, pictures, on
Twitter, and on Google+, with research ongoing as of that date.


On June 20, 2013, Rafael J. Grossmann, a Venezuelan doctor practicing in the

U.S., was the first surgeon to demonstrate the use of Google Glass during a live
surgical procedure. In August 2013, Google Glass was used at Wexner Medical
Center at Ohio State University. Surgeon Dr. Christopher Kaeding used Google
Glass to consult with a distant colleague in Columbus, Ohio. A group of students at
The Ohio State University College of Medicine also observed the operation on their
laptop computers. Following the procedure, Kaeding stated, "To be honest, once we
got into the surgery, I often forgot the device was there. It just seemed very intuitive
and fit seamlessly.

On June 21, 2013, doctor Pedro Guillen, chief of trauma service of Clínical
CEMTRO of Madrid, also broadcast a surgery using Google Glass. In July 2014, the
startup company Surgery Academy, in Milan, Italy, launched a remote training
platform for medical students. The platform is a MOOC that allows students to join
any operating theater thanks to Google Glass worn by surgeon. Also in July 2014,
This Place released an app, MindRDR, to connect Glass to a Neurosky EEG monitor
to allow people to take photos and share them to Twitter or Facebook using brain
signals. It is hoped this will allow people with severe physical disabilities to engage
with social media signals. It is hoped this will allow people with severe physical
disabilities to engage with social media media


• A stabilizer should be added to the video function to prevent choppy

transmission when a surgeon looks to screens or colleagues.

• Battery life can be easily extended with the use of an external battery.

• Controlling the device and/or programs from another device is needed for
some features because of sterile environment.The controls can be made by
adding buttons.
• Privacy of the information is very low. So it should use any best algorthim
for best security and authentication.


• Google Glass is a lightweight hands free device that should be worn as eye
glasses. It is the next face changing challenge to technology. Unlike
smartphones or tablets you don’t require putting it on and off your pocket
all the time. Your eyes and voice is enough to operate itall the way.

• The quality of pictures and video are usable for healthcare education,
reference, and remote consultation. The camera needs to be tilted to
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• Thus we've got overlook a replacement approaching device that is gonna to
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the medium of communication within some years.

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