Business Studies
Business Studies
Business Studies
Format for Project Work of the subject Business Studies (H.S. First Year)
Cover Page:-
1. Title of the Project.
2. Information of the student
(Name, Roll No, Registration No, Year)
3. Name of the Supervisor/Guide.
4. Name of the Institution.
5. Year.
The project work for H.S. First Year students may include topics like:
1. Field work/visit to Consumer Co-operative Societies/Handloom/handicraft units, wholesale
market, Shopping malls, Local Hut (bazaar-weekly, daily, regulated markets).
2. Visit to some service sector units like Hotels/Insurance/Restaurants/Travel Agencies/Tent
houses and likewise.
3. E-marketing and its popularity.
4. Visit to village industries units like piggery, poultry, fishery, cane and bamboo, diary,
specially promoted by SHGs.
5. E-banking.
6. Social responsibilities of Business discharged by leading organisations.
7. Study on leading entrepreneurs of your city/town/locality.
8. Visit to Micro, small and medium industry.
9. Food processing industry.
10. Study on various Government schemes that support MSMEs of your area.