1st Week Lecture (TFN)
1st Week Lecture (TFN)
1st Week Lecture (TFN)
"A theory is a set of concepts and propositions Theories are formed by linking concepts
that provide an early way to view phenomena together
A conceptual framework links global
Mosby (2006)
concepts together.
"It is an abstract statement formulated to predict,
explain or describe the relationships among Conceptual Model
concepts, constructs or events. It is tested by The "symbolic representation of
observation and research using factual data". empiric experience in words,
pictorial, or graphic diagram,
mathematical notations or physical Meleis (1991) –
material. "an articulated and communicated
conceptualization of invented or discovered
What is a paradigm? reality (central phenomena and relationships)
A model that explains the linkages of in or pertaining to nursing for the purpose of
science, philosophy, and theory describing, explaining, predicting, or
accepted and applied by the prescribing nursing care.
(Alligood and Marriner - Tomey, 2002) Barnum (1994)-
"stated that a complete nursing theory is one
What is a domain? The view or perspective that has context, content and process
of the discipline.
It contains the subject, central
concepts, values and beliefs,
phenomena of interest, and the
central problems of the discipline.
A more workable level, more limited Client Nurse Environment Dynamics- Latest
in scope and less variables, and domain
testable. Focus on the interaction between
nurse and client in an environment
Ex. Peplau's Psychodynamic Nursing and that includes broader dimensions of
Orlando's Nursing Process Theory. time and space.
As well as culture, cultural diversity,
Micro-Range Theory and universality.
Theones of Neuman and Leininger
are discussed under this category. So how do nurses use theory in everyday
“Nursing is feeling loved, cared for, trusted practice?
and understood”. - Organize patient data
By Ramona Mercer, Nurse Scientist and -Understand patient data
Educator. -Analyze patient data
- Make decisions about nursing interventions
Extensive base of knowledge and the -Predict outcomes of care
proper means to communicate -Evaluate patient outcomes (Alligood, 2001).
The core structures that give
direction and purpose to those who What is Nursing?
practice it with sound basis and ideas
It guides nursing practice and According to American Nursing Association
generates knowledge. (ANA):
It helps to describe or explain nursing Nursing is the “diagnosis and
Aspects of general information treatment of human responses to actual
Serve as an excellent help in the potential health problems”.
development and expansion of
knowledge and as support in
different features of learning such as
education, research and clinical
Helps to assure that work in
respective specialties of nursing
remains useful, relevant, influential
and complimentary to each other. As defined by the International Council of
Nurses (ICN):
Enables nurses to know WHY they Nursing encompasses “autonomous
are doing WHAT they are doing. and collaborative care of individuals
of all ages, families, groups and
communities, sick or well and in all
Why on earth do we study nursing theory? settings.
Everyday practice enriches theory Nursing includes the promotion of
Both practice and theory are guided health, prevention of illness, and the
by values and beliefs care of ill, disabled and dying people.
Theory helps to reframe our thinking Advocacy, promotion of a safe
about nursing environment, research, participation
Theory guides use of ideas and in shaping health policy and in
techniques patient and health systems
Theory can close the gap between management, and education are also
theory and research, to envision key nursing roles.”
potentialities (Gordon, Parker, &
Jester, 2001)
-The study and use of nursing theory in Henderson’s definition of nursing is:
nursing practice must have roots in the “to assist clients in the performance
everyday practice of nurses (Gordon, Parker, of activities contributing to health, its
and Jester, 2001). recovery or peaceful death that clients will
perform unaided, if they had the necessary
will, strength or knowledge”.
Nursing- the interventions of the It is independent of time and place.
nurse rendering care in support of, or Examples are love, care, and
in cooperation with the client. freedom.
Taking 6 steps without assistance.
Scientific Method conclusion. As new data emerges, the study
is re-examined and verified.
What Is Knowledge?
Integration of knowledge and/ or
phenomenon by a rational/ Knowledge can be defined as:
sentient being Information, skills and expertise
acquired by a person through various
Example: Elmer, a nurse-researcher observes life experiences, or through formal
a certain nursing phenomena and makes a /informal learning such as formal
study about it. education, self-study, vocational.
The abstract or workable
Gathering Information/ data understanding of a subject or idea.
What is known in a particular field of
Recognition and collecting data for a discipline or study
particular scientific problem or injury. Facts and information or awareness
or familiarity gained by experience of
Example: His colleague, Dave helps him to a fact or situation.
gather data thru various methods. There is however no single agreed
classification of knowledge
Forming Hypothesis
Knowledge acquirement involves
An attempt to explain or suggest a nature of a several cognitive processes.
Example: They both make a hypothesis, an
intelligent guess on the nature of the Perception
phenomenon. Association
Scientific Method (cont’d) Reasoning
Experimental Investigation
A set of examinations done to solve the
particular query raised through the
hypothesis process.
Example: Based from the result, they draw a Types of Cognitive Process
Is an idea by a person of authority
Perception which is perceived as true because of
Achieving understanding of sensory data. his or her expertise.
Combining two or more concepts/ ideas to An example of this type of knowledge
form a new concept, or for comparison. can be seen in the clinical setting in
Learning which a nurse supervisor who is
Acquiring experience, skills, information and considered expert in the field is
values. teaching a nurse beginner on the
Reasoning proper insertion of a urinary catheter
Mental process of seeking conclusions insertion.
through reason. The nurse supervisor is well equipped
Communication with knowledge and skills about the
Transferring data from sender to receiver procedure through experience and
using different mediums or tools of the novice nurse accept it as true
communication. because of the authority of the
expert nurse.
WHAT ARE THE SOURCES As long as the recognized authority
maintains his or her perceived
Knowledge merges from a range of sources expertise authoritative knowledge in
which can be categorized into three namely. general is accepted.
AUTHORITATIVE Scientific knowledge
SCIENTIFIC SOURCES. Is a type of knowledge which came
from a scientific method through
Traditional Knowledge research.
Is a nursing practice which is passed These new ideas are tested and
down from generation to generation. measured systematically using
objective criteria.
When asked about the basis of the For example a student nurse
nursing practice the answer would be providing Tepid Sponge Bath (TSB) to
as simple as “it’s always been a patient with fever, should know the
practiced this way.” rationale (reason) behind this
procedure, which is heat transfer
An example of a traditional through evaporation (basic physics).
knowledge that had an impact to The underlying principle in this
nursing practice is the routine procedure is concrete example of a
changing of bed linens whether it is knowledge based from a scientific
soiled or not. point of view.
The three sources of knowledge are
This practice is commonly observed valuable in the body of knowledge
in an ICU setup. Even though there that represents the nursing
are no research data to support this, profession. Each of them has its own
still the practice is adopted in the strong and weak points.
hospital as an important component
of providing quality patient care.
Critical theory
Nursing also utilizes non-nursing theories
Commonly used non-nursing theories Historical Development of Nursing
Theories: Significant Events
Systems theory
Basic Human Needs theory Nightingale until the 50’s, Florence
Health and Wellness Models Nightingale Notes on Nursing control
Stress and Adaptation of the environment to care for the
Developmental Theories individual (ventilation, light, warm,
Psychosocial Theories noise absence or reduction,
cleanliness & diet)
Interdependence of Theory and Research 1952 Nursing Research Journal
Practice without theory, like map publication
without route, is blind, theory 1960’s nature of nursing practice was
without practice, like route without debated, defined nursing practice, or
map, is empty.” develop nursing theory, and created
Theory Development in Nursing: Historical a substantive body of knowledge.
Overview Historical Development
Where do I begin? Florence Proliferation of conceptual models
Nightingale and frameworks, and philosophy of
Considered first modern nursing nursing.
theorist Examples: Abdellah 21 nursing
First one to delineate what is problems and Hall’s Core, care and
considered the nursing goal and cure (person,body,disease)
practice domain. “Placing the client 1969 first conference on nursing
in the -best condition for nature to theory
act upon him”
Historical Development
Taught about symptoms and what
they indicate, rationale for actions Role of nurses where questioned;
and trained powers of observation what they do, for whom where and
and reflection when were determined. Purpose of
nursing, process of theory
development was discussed.
First Conference in nursing theory
Brought leading scholars and
theorists to discuss and debate on
issues regarding nursing science ad
theory development.
Historical Development
Writings of Dickoff, James and Authority was internalized and a new
Wiedenbach “Theory in a Practice sense of self emerged.
Discipline” influenced the theoretical Negative attitude toward borrowed
thinking in nursing. sciences or theories
They presented a definition of Defining on nursing and developing
nursing theory and goals for theory theories about and for nursing
Research focused on the nurse rather
development in nursing, approaches
on the clients and clinical situations.
were discussed.
4. Procedural Knowledge Includes both
separate and connected knowledge
Proliferation of approaches to theory
Historical Development development applying theory in
practice was frequently
1980’s characterized by acceptance underemphasized.
of the significance of theory in Emphasis was on procedures used to
nursing. acquire knowledge, with over
Less debates on whether or not to attention to appropriateness of
use theory, practice theory or methodology the criteria for
borrowed ones. evolution and statistical procedures
More and more publication up to the 5. Constructed Knowledge
present. Integration of different types of
Stages of Theory Development according to knowledge ( intuition, reason and
Kidd and Morrison self-knowledge)Nursing theory based
1. Silent Knowledge stage. on empirical studies theoretical
literature client reports, clinical
Blind obedience to medical authority experiences and nurses scholar
Training schools were hospital based, intuition.
emphasis on carrying out physicians
orders and few books, depended on
physicians diagnosis, exploited as
workers and as students
.Persisted for more than 80 years
2. Received Knowledge Stage