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LASER b1 - U11 The Land of Plenty
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Discuss the following, Workin pairs or in groups. Think of a eg mounta geographical featuresas you can, lake, ete Isitimportant to care about protecting the environment? Why? In what ways can people damage the environment? Isthere anything we can do to stop this happening? WE'RE TALKING RUBBISH! ~& You're hungry, so you buy a packet of crisps. You eat the crisps and throw away the packet. No problem, right? Wrong! ‘The disposal ofrubbish has been a social and environmental problem for thousands of years. The first landil site in intory was opened by the Ancient Greeks in about 2500BC, They realised they hada problem with rubbish in Athens, 0 they dug a big hole several kilometres outside town, where all the Next year, over 80% of Europe's rubbish willbe dumped in landil sites and less than 20% will he recycled. So what's the problem with that? - Ag rubbish was thrown. [1 Read the leaflet quickly and answer the questions. lgnore the gaps in the textfornow. 1 When was the worlds first landfill site opened? How much Furopean rubbish will be putin th How much European rubbish willbe recyeled next year? 4 How long does it take for plastic todegrade? Whatarethe 3 Rs? 6 What number an you cal for more information? Landfill Sites ‘The main problem is that we've producing « huge amount of rubbish each year ~ millions and millions of tons of it~and the existing landfill sites are nearly full. Where are we going to put all ur rubhish in the future? Finding new sites isn't easy. Farmland and th countryside have tobe destroyed ~ and that's bad f the environment and for the farming industry. And remember that crisp packet that was thrown sovay? Thats made of plastic, Plastic takes about 150 years to degrade. |= That's also bad for the environment. We can't burn a lot of it, becaus the gases that are given off pollute the eanwedo? We can all do our bit to help solve the problem by remembering the BRs: red ir. So what Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! Reduce; We've all got to try to raduce the amount of rubbish we throw away, We can do that by buying unpackaged goods, lke fruit and vegetables, rather than goods which are wrapped and packaged in plastic. > ‘Theless that’s thrown away, the more we help the environment PB RK pkbs he Hie br Tryo use things as many times as possible before throw them away. D That means there’ less pollution going into the atmosphere from the factories. E And westil generally use the same solution today Also try not to buy disposable products like single-use cameras and non-rechargeable batteries. Protecting the environment is not aload of old rubbish! For further information on your nearest Recycling Centre and Bottle Bank, phone 08081234567 free of charge NOW! 3 Lookat these sentences from exercise 2again 1 2 and say what the words in bold referto. ‘That means theres less pollution going into the atmosphere from the factories. ‘And westil generally use the same solution today. Tea ate E NS ae) ii) Match the words 1-9 with their definitions a-t disposal = _ countryside environment factory = _ pollution _ bin recycling __ waste bottle bank 4 thearea outside towns and cities with fields, ete _abuilding where large quantities of things are ‘made with machines chemicals, ete that damage air, water and land container to put bottles in for recycling the process of getting rid of something a more formal and scientific word for rubbish container for putting rubbish in the world around us, especially the natural world 1 the process of turning rubbish into new products GQ Have your say! Do you agree thatthe problem of rubbish disposal is very serious? What do you think of the 3 Rs? Are they a good idea? What other solutions can you think of? page 71 of your Workbook.= 1 5 é Grammar 1 The passive © Look at Grammar database 21 pages 192-193 before you do the exercises. L Find the mistake in each sentence and write the word correctly, 1 The recycling scheme has introduced last year. The scheme s running by the local council Itis supported from the government. Millions of trees inthe world’s rainforests have being cut down, Less than 20% of rubbish will have recycled this year. 3 4 5 2 Putthe verbsin brackets into the passive. Every spring, before the summer season starts, our local beach (1) (lean) by volunteers, Allthe rubbish @ (pickup) and 6) (put into big bags Later (4) (separate) into things thatean () (recycle), like glass and paper, and things that have to (6) — (throw) away. Last year, 10 large bin bags o (take) to thelocal recycling centre, always help with the cleaning, The beach (8) (make) safer and cleaner forall of us and its ood for the ‘environment if some ofthe rubbish (9)_____ (recycle) too. 3 Rewrite each sentence in the passive. there's a star(*)at the end of the sentence, don'tuse by. ‘They dumped alot of rubbish into the sea last yea:* Exhaust fumes from cars pollute the atmosphere. Loud motorbikes annoy many people They have introduced a new recycling scheme* Factories are pumping. lot of waste into rivers.” They're going to build anew airporthere next year:* 4 Read the text and find eight mistakes. Underine them and rewrite them correctly. RECYCLING Ynathappena tthe ul you rye? Fit sr ees tate to asp place ae Recovery Fait OAL SSI the merlot ina erent tae Sen sper carand as tweet happens tothe laste. T= reat nds of plat and YOu a eeyeling. You mightbe praetor tha plastic bt not wed ee more plastic butles! Drinks bots fl otic ia madeof PET. The PET malted at Rak eat ands trme nto thread whieh ie ee lathes, The plastiein milk Botts I iturant. They be made oa of HDPE. HDEE een make a kind of paste wood and Ke d garden furniture. becomes plastic fences andline tening 1 Write aword from the boxin each gap to complete the sentences. CFCs «environmentally = green = rural» surroundings » urban 1 Hfyouare you care about the environment. 2 Ifyou livein beautiful___, you lve in a beautifl place. 3 you tive in a(n) ___ environment, you ive in the countryside. 4 lfyou livein a(n) ___ environment, you live ina town ora city 5 fa product is _ friendly, it is designed not to damage the environment, 5 area type of gas which can damage the ozone layer. 2.@ 2.06 Youaregoingtolisten 3 $9 2.06 Nowlisten again and decideif the statements are true toaprogramme about the (Dorfalse (F environment.For each person, 1 Tom believes that recycling isa waste of time, ve choosethemain pointthey >. Tom says that scientists will solve environmental problems. T/F 3 make. Be careful! They might ee sriionbonided ot Jackie ay it dificult for peoplein th country to protect TV our problems. than meat, B Peoplein the countryside blame people in the town. Oliver A We should think more carelully about how we live, B Weshould eat more fruit and vegetables. DICTIONARY CORNER Complete each sentence using the correct form of the phrasal verbs. Look at the Phrasal verb database on page 172tohelp you, 1 Leant ‘what that sign says. Can you read it from here? 2 The forest fire Dylocal firemen, 3 Anelephant___ ofthe zoo last night. 4 ____1 Dorit stand on that broken glass! 5 Have you two___ again? You're always arguing! 6 Thenewroad____ tobe disaster forthe local environment 7 Why dont they___a cheap, solar-powered car? 8 Tmgoingto____some leaflets in the town centre, 73 of your Workbook. 72 ry cs a SThe Land of Plenty? i Grammar 2 The causative .@ Lookat Grammar database 22 pages 193-194 before you do the exercises. Latch to make sentences. 1 Wevehad a that wasps’ nes removed? 2 Ourneighboursget ber car repaired atthe moment 3. Kathy’ having € their food delivered by the local supermarket 4 Areyougoingtohave d_asolar-powered water heater installed on ou roof 2 Choose thecorrect answer A, BorC. 3 Rewrite each sentence in the causative form, 1 We once a week and our rubbish collected If there'sa star(*) at the end of the sentence, | once fortnight. dont useby. ‘A collect our recycling 1 Anexperttested their drinking water. 1 B hhaveour recycling collected 7 __ € have collected our reeyling 2 Amelectrcian checks her smoke alarms 4 2. Mymum_—so theyre more environmentally friendly. gncea year. | AA ishaving changed the ights 1 B has the lights changed cmcune ls wedecorating our fat athe nom Cee cael 3 Someoneinredsoratingourftatthe mone 3 4. Weare going. and its made of plastic wood! win ieee A tohave new girden furniture delivered 4 Averhas examined Megais pet tarantula B todeliver new garden furniture se tohave delivered new garden furnitare 5. Someone going to cut down the tree in my 4. Ourneighbours on theirroofto provide grandparents garden.* alltheir electricity. eee ‘install solar panels B getinstalled solar panels © hhavehad solar panels installed oe: 5. Idideit last yearand now its producing alot of smoke. A getserviced my car B getmy carserviced oe © getmy caro service © Speaking ‘L Anewairport has just been builtin your area. The local councilaren't sure yet what to do with the old airport. Look at the suggestions they have made and, for each one, think of one benefit and one drawback, A createa landfill site B createapark C build new houses onebenefit: _______onebenefit’ ~~ onebenefit, —_ onedrawback) ——__onedrawback: —__onedrawbackim. ce, 2 Workin pairs or in groups. Discuss what should bedone with the site. Use your ideas from exercise 1 and the phrases below to help you. Phrase Bank! Agreeing completely agree vith you Tony vecausef completely) agree that Bact! Absolutely! ‘That's a very good point. 8 Soundstation 1 sight ‘site 4 where/ wear 2 sun/son 3 not/knot 3. meet / meat 6 write/ right How a) areyou? Dothisquck quztofindout how mul © Doyou2) + Doyou jst vow yourrubbishin the 3) © Doyou buy envronmentaly(4)— © Doyoutequenty buy 5) Doyoucare Doyouthinkthat an urban (7) Doyouthink that cars(9) © Doyouthinkt inyouhelpto protectthe environment! allyourused bottles, packets, boxes and paper? pro razors, cameras, etc? ‘toute anfoessbelnget(6— a ___ is always better than a (8) ___——‘ ~ the atmosphere with their exhaust (10) — hat the caris the best invention ever? iyouanoner'estomostofthegreen questions youre ae Mransner yes toteredones youve gotalttlean 3 Turn to page 169. In pairs, dothe role-play activity unit 11 @ See Speaking database on page 174. Disagreeing Q Imafraiddisagree/don't agree (with you,Tory) because/as... Ihave to disagree because/as. Burwhatabout..? ‘Surely, though, ® 2.07 Youare going tolisten tonine sentences. As you listen circle the words youhear. 7 sure/ shore 8 one/won 9) ate/eight & (oron the oor! and not worry about It? ducts, even ifthey're abit more expensive? ‘one? -alfriend oftheEarth. Py ryComplex sentences ‘L Which word or phrase in bold in the sentences 1-5 introduces result? an example? a suggested solution? ‘contrast between two different ideas? 2 Write a word or phrase from exercise 1 in each gap to complete the sentences. 1 ‘There are several organisations, __ Greenpeace and Friends ofthe Earth, ‘which campaign to protect the environment. Recycling in some areas is difficult _____ recycling bins are not provided by the local council ‘The government do more to encourage factories not to pollute rivers ‘An increase in the number of cars on our roads sn increase in the amount fair pollution. Landfill sites are still in use in many areas, —__ we are trying to find alternative ways to dispose of rubbish, 3B Join each pair of sentences to make one sentence, Use the word in bold. 1 ‘There was an Environmental Awareness eampaign, More people started to recycle their rubbish. led “The animal’ habitat was destroyed. It became extinct. because ‘Some products have become more environmentally friendly in recent years. Deodorants and fridges are examples ofthese. such ‘There are many bins in the city centre. People still throw rubbish on the ground. Although Environmental studies is nota subject at school. I think thatis ashame. should
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