Reference Ko
Reference Ko
Reference Ko
Model of urban D Maftuhah (2018) IOP Conf. To ensure the sustainability and resilience of
water Series: Materials Science and city and its water system, it requires
management Engineering 337 comprehensive aspects
towards water
sensitive city 10.1088/1757-899X/337/1/01204 of technological, planning, economic, cultural
7/pdf and institutional dimensions considered in
Water Daniel H Chen (2016) 1st Edition Water, energy, and climate interactions are the
management Sustainable Water Management most pressing issues in the 21st century. Water
Published October 26, 2016 is currently treated as if in infinite supply, yet
this is far from the case and use is drastically up
worldwide owing to population growth and
pursuit of higher living standards. Water
consumption in the production of every day.
Water crisis Robin Clarke (1991) 1st Edition even if water is a renewable resource, it is at
the same time finite. Its availability is largely
Water dictated by climate. Low precipitation in
The International Crisis Published combination with a high evaporative demand
July 1, 1991 by Routledge by the atmosphere mean that the amount of
water that remains and can be put to use is
small. Moreover, it fluctuates from season to
season and between years. It would be a
serious mistake, however, to interpret water
scarcity only in dydrological terms. Seasonal
water scarcities are being reported from areas
that have quite high rainfall regimes.
A way of life Kley, Reijerkerk (2020) 1st Edition The ongoing challenge, from the local to the
global level, is to take appropriate measures to
Water: A way of life be able to foresee the need for water at the
right time and place and of the right quality for
Sustainable water management in the benefit of all. Population growth and the
a cultural context Published June resulting increase in water demand and
30, 2020 by CRC Press pollution, as well as expected sea-level rise due
to the resulting climate change, call for
adequate and timely action.
Current and William Cosgrove Water distinguishes our planet compared to all
future the others we know about. While the global
challenges supply of available freshwater is more than
Pete Loucks adequate to meet all current and foreseeable
water demands, its spatial and temporal
distributions are not. There are many regions
where our freshwater resources are inadequate
June 2015
to meet domestic, economic development and
Water management: Current and environmental needs. In such regions, the lack
future challenges and research of adequate clean water to meet human
directions drinking water and sanitation needs is indeed a constraint on human health and productivity
blication/281528338_Water_man and hence on economic development as well as
agement_Current_and_future_ch on the maintenance of a clean environment
allenges_and_research_directions and healthy ecosystems. All of us involved in
research must find ways to remove these
constraints. We face multiple challenges in
doing that, especially given a changing and
uncertain future climate, and a rapidly growing
population that is driving increased social and
economic development, globalization, and
urbanization. How best to meet these
challenges requires research in all aspects of
water management. Since 1965, the journal
Water Resources Research has played an
important role in reporting and disseminating
current research related to managing the
quantity and quality and cost of this resource.
This paper identifies the issues facing water
managers today and future research needed to
better inform those who strive to create a more
sustainable and desirable future.
Water ethics David Groenfeldt 2nd Edition Water is a technical subject, but thats only part
of what water is, and even the technology of
Water Ethics water has values embedded in the technical
A Values Approach to Solving the choices. Moreover, the governance of water -
Water Crisis ISBN 9780815392026 the laws, policies and institutions which set the
context for technical water management - is
Published March 1, 2019 by anything but technical. Water governance is all
Routledge about values and if we don't take the trouble to
offer our own values to the water discourse, we
are going to be living with the values of the
people who do take trouble.
Water for Food David Molden 1st Edition Fifty years ago the world had fewer than half as
Water for Life many people as it has today. They were not as
Water for Food Water for Life wealthy. They consumed fewer calories, ate
A Comprehensive Assessment of less meat, and thus required less water to
Water Management in Agriculture produce their food. The pressure they inflicted
ISBN 9781844073962 on the environment was lower. They took from
our rivers a third of the water what we take
Published March 22, 2007 by now.
Today the competition for scarce water
resources in many places is intense. Many river
basins do not have water to meet all the
demands - or even enough for their rivers to
reach the sea. Further appropiration of water
for human use is not possible because limits
have been reached and in many cases
breached. Basins are effectively "closed", with
no possibility of using more water. The lack of
water is thus a constraint to producing food for
hundreds of millions of people. Agriculture is
central in meeting this challenge because the
production of food and other agricultural
products takes 70% of the freshwater
withdrawals from rivers and groundwaters