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1. Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) is obtained from Indicated Air Speed (IAS) be correcting for
o Position and density errors
o Position and instrument errors
o Instrument error
o Density error

2. The time needed for the dissipation of a turbulent wake created by a wide-body aircraft
during take-off is about
o 3 minutes
o 10 minutes
o 1 minutes
o 30 seconds

3. According with DOO 4444(ICAO) a wake turbulence non-radar separation minima of 3

minutes shall be applied
o Between a LIGHT aircraft and a MEDIUM aircraft making a missed approach
and the LIGHT aircraft utilizing an opposite-direction runway for take-off
o To a departing MEDIUM aircraft following a HEAVY aircraft arrival when
opening on a runway with a displaced landing threshold
o To LIGHT aircraft taking-off behind a MEDIUM aircraft from an intermediate
part of parallel runway separated by less 760 m
o To an arriving LIGHT aircraft following a MEDIUM aircraft departure when
operating on a runway with a displaced landing threshold if the projected flight

4. Velocity is defined as
o Speed and direction
o Speed and power
o Speed and acceleration

5. The reason for using inverters in an electrical system is

o To change AC into DC
o To change the DC voltage
o To avoid a shirt circuit
o To change DC into AC
6. Which part of the aeroplane has the largest effect on induced drag
o Wing tip
o Wing root junction
o Landing gear
o Engine cowling

7. The fan of a turbo-fan engine is driven by

o The LP turbine
o The HP turbine
o Airflow drawn across it by the HP compressor
o The HP compressor through reduction gearing

8. A passenger oxygen mask is

o A continuous flow mask and must be used if there is smoke in the cabin
o An on demand type mask and in principle should not be used if there is smoke in
the cabin
o An on demand type mask and must be used if there is smoke in the cabin
o A continuous flow mask and in principle should not be used if there is smoke in
the cabin

9. The main purpose of a turbocharger is to

o Provide a richer mixture at higher altitudes
o Provide a leaner mixture at sea level
o Maintain power with increasing altitude
o Reduce the fuel flow

10. In a steady co-ordinated horizontal turn, lift is

o Greater than is straight and level, because it must balance the weight and generate
the centripetal force
o Equal to the aeroplane weight
o Greater than in straight and level flight, because it must balance the centripetal
o Greater than in straight and level, because it must generate the centrifugal force

11. A capacitor in parallel with breaker points

o Prevents arcing across the breaker points
o Permits arcing across the breaking points
o Induces a very high current across the primary windings
o Induces a very high current across the secondary windings
12. Compared with the clean configuration, the angle of attack at CLMAX with trailing edge
flaps extended is
o Unchanged
o Larger
o Smaller or larger depending on the degree of flap extension
o Smaller

13. When aeroplane enters ground effect

o Drag and lift are reduced
o The lift is increased and the drag is decreased
o The effective angle of attack is decreased
o The induced angle of attack is increased

14. In the event of failure of the normal method of system pressure limiting, a hydraulic
system usually incorporates:
o A high pressure relief valve
o Auxiliary hydraulic motors
o An accumulator
o A standby hydraulic pump

15. If an engine detonates during climb-out, the normal corrective action would be to
o Increase the rate of climb
o Apply carburetor heat
o Lean the mixture
o Retard the throttle

16. The type of windings commonly used in DC starter motors are

o Shunt wound
o Compound wound
o Series wound
o Series shunt wound

17. Foe an aeroplane with tyre pressure of 10 bar, there is a risk of dynamic hydroplaning as
soon as the
o Water depth is equal to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves
o Runway temperature is greater than 40⁰C
o Speed is greater than 108 kt.
o Speed greater than 96 kt.

18. If the elevator trim tab is deflected up, the cockpit trim indicator shows
o Nose left
o Neutral
o Nose up
o Nose down

19. The LP shut off valve (cock) is not used to stop a gas turbine engine because
o The engine run down time would be increased
o Of the interconnection between the throttle and the LP shut off valve (cock)
o This may result in spontaneous combustion in the turbine section
o This would cause dry running of the HP fuel pump

20. The lift and drag forces, acting on a wing cross section
o Are normal to each other at just one angle of attack
o Vary linearly with the angle of attack
o Depend on the pressure distribution about the wing cross section
o Are proportional to each other, independent of angle of attack

21. The layer that is formed between the actual skin of the object and the relative airflow is
known as
o The separation layer
o The interactive layer
o The boundary layer

22. Flat rated jet engines are designed to provide constant maximum take-off thrust up to a
certain level of
o Pressure altitude
o Engine pressure ratio
o Ambient pressure
o Ambient temperature

23. The power of a normally aspirated piston engine decreases during a climb with a constant
power lever setting because of the decreasing
o Temperature
o Humidity
o Air density
o Engine temperature

24. Magnetic chip detectors are fitted in the oil system to

o Give early warning of oil pump over-pressure
o Give early warning of contaminated oil filter
o Give early warning of bearing failure
25. Induced drag is created by the
o Span wise flow pattern resulting in the tip vortices
o Separation of the boundary layer over the wing
o Propeller wash blowing across the wing
o Interference of the air stream between wing and fuselage

26. One of the advantage of annular combustion chamber over a multiple can is that
o Engine length is shorter because no diffuser is required
o The thermal load distribution on the HP turbine is more favorable
o Assembly and disassembly is easier
o Only one igniter is required

27. A slat will

o Prolong the stall to a higher angle of attack
o Increase the lift by increasing the wing area and the chamber of the aft portion of
the wing
o Provide a boundary layer suction on the upper surface of the wing
o Increase the chamber of the aerofoil and divert the flow around the sharp leading

28. Regarding the oxygen system of a large aeroplane

o The seals must be carefully greased to avoid sparks
o The same source of supply is used by the crew and passengers
o The passenger source of supply never uses chemically generated oxygen
o With the setting on NORMAL, the crew breathes a mixture of oxygen and cabin

29. Flap extension at constant IAS whilst maintaining straight and level flight will increase
o Lift and the drag
o Maximum lift coefficient (CLMAX) and the drag
o Stall speed
o Lift coefficient and the drag

30. A turbofan engine with an inlet air mass flow of 200 kg/s and a HP compressor mass
flow of 20 kg/s has a bypass ratio of
o 11
o 10
o 9
o 5
31. Compared with level flight prior to the stall, the lift (1) and drag (2) in the stall change as
o (1) decreases (2) decreases
o (1) increases (2) decreases
o (1) increases (2) increases
o (1) decreases (2) increases

32. An engine pressure ratio (EPR) gauge reading normally shows the ratio of
o Jet pipe pressure to compressor inlet pressure
o Jet pipe pressure to combustion chamber pressure
o Combustion chamber pressure to compressor or inlet pressure
o Compressor outlet pressure to compressor inlet pressure

33. A flat rated turbofan will be temperature limited of

o Ambient pressure is higher than standard sea level ambient pressure
o Ambient pressure is lower than standard sea level ambient pressure
o OAT is higher than flat rated temperature
o OAT is lower than flat rated temperature

34. Malfunctioning of the automatic pressurization system is indicated by

1. A change in environmental sounds
2. The cabin altitude gauge indicates an abnormal rate of climb
3. The differential pressure between the exterior and the interior of the aircraft
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is
o 2,3
o 1,3
o 1,2,3
o 1,2

35. The bank angle in a rate-one turn depends on

o Weight
o Wind
o Load factor

36. In order to maintain constant speed during a level, co-ordinated turn, compared with
straight and level flight, the pilot must
o Increase angle of attack and keep thrust/power unchanged
o Increase thrust/power and decrease angle of attack
o Increase thrust/power and keep angle of attack unchanged
o Increase thrust/power and angle of attack

37. To achieve revers thrust on a turbine engine with a high by-pass ratio, it is necessary to
o Deflect the fan thrust
o Reduce the flow of hot stream air
o Reverse the direction of rotation of the fan
o Stop the fan

38. The term used to describe a permanent and cumulative deformation of the turbine blades
in gas turbine engine is
o Distortion
o Stretch
o Twist
o Creep

39. A fire occurs in a wheel and immediate action is required to extinguish it, the safest
extinguishant to use is
o Dry powder
o Water
o Foam
o CO2 ( carbon dioxide)

40. A CO2 fire extinguisher can be used for

1. A paper fire
2. A hydrocarbon fire
3. A fabric fire
4. An electrical fire
5. A wood fire
The combination of correct statements is
o 2,4,5
o 2,3,4
o 1,2,3,4,5
o 1,3,5

41. A water fire-extinguisher can be used without restriction with

1. A paper fire
2. A hydrocarbon fire
3. A fabric fire
4. An electrical fire
5. A wood fire
The combination of correct statements is
o 2,3,4
o 2,4,5
o 1,2,3,4,5
o 1,3,5

42. H2O extinguisher are fit to fires on

o Carbonaceous materials
o Electrical equipment
o Metals, flammable gasses, chemical products
o Flammable liquids

43. After the transition point between the laminar and turbulent boundary layer
o The mean speed and friction drag increases
o The mean speed increases and the friction drag decreases
o The boundary layers gets thicker and the speed decreases
o The boundary layer gets thinner and the speed increases

44. Carefully evaluate the two statements below and select the correct summary from the
Which of the following statements is correct about the flow in divergent (subsonic) gas
turbine engine intake?
1. The dynamic pressure increases in the flow direction
2. The static pressure decreases in the flow direction
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct

45. True Air Speed (TAS) is:

o Equivalent Air Speed (EAS) corrected for compressibility and density errors
o Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) corrected for compressibility and density errors
o Equivalent Air Speed (EAS) corrected for compressibility error only
o Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) corrected for density error only

46. The purpose of magnetic chip detectors is to

o Warn of impending failure
o Remove large items of debris from the system
o Perform the function of a micron filter
o Increases lubrication oil adhesion to main surfaces

47. Increasing the power setting of a gas turbine engine with a constant speed propeller
o HP spool speed to remain constant and EGT to increase
o HP spool speed to increase and EGT to remain constant
o Both HP spool speed and EGT to increase
o HP spool speed to decrease and EGT to increase

48. True airspeed (TAS) is

o EAS corrected for compressibility
o Higher than the indicated airspeed (IAS) at altitudes below sea level, under ISA
o Equal to the IAS, multiplied by the air density at sea level
o Lower than the indicated airspeed (IAS) at altitudes below sea level, under ISA

49. Low electrical power that cannot bring the engine up to the self-sustaining speed quickly
enough will most likely to result in a:
o Hot start
o Fire
o Hung start
o Wet start

50. A diffuser in a gas turbine engine is a device in which the

o Pressure rises at a constant velocity
o Velocity, pressure and temperature rise
o Pressure rises and velocity falls
o Velocity rises and pressure falls

51. The primary function of the diffuser, located between in the compressor and the
combustion, of a gas turbine engine is to
o Decrease the flow velocity
o Increase total pressure
o Convert kinetic energy into mechanical energy
o Increase the temperature of the compressed air

52. The function of the swirl vanes round the fuel nozzles is to:
1. Increase air pressure at the fuel nozzles
2. Reduce the average axial flow speed in order to stabilize the flame front
3. Generate a swirl of incoming air to enhance mixing of the fuel with air
o 1,2,3
o 1,2
o 2,3
o 1,3

53. A slotted flap will increase the CLMAX by:

o Decreasing the skin friction
o Increasing the camber of the aerofoil and re-energising the airflow
o Increasing the critical angle of attack
o Increasing only the camber of the aerofoil

54. A stage in an axial compressor

o Consists of a ring of stator blades followed by a rotor disc
o Has a compression ratio in the order of 0.8
o Consists of a rotor disc followed by a ring of stator blades
o Has a compression ratio in the order of 2.1

55. During the retraction of the flaps at a constant angle of attack the aeroplane starts to ( all
other factors of importance being constant)
o Sink
o Bank
o Yaw
o Climb

56. Aeroplane wake turbulence during take-off starts when

o Slats and flaps are extended only
o The take-off roll commences
o Out of ground effect
o The nose wheel lifts off the runway

57. Maximum exhaust gas temperature (EGT) of a piston engine is theoretically associated
with a:
o Mixture ratio very close to idle cut-out
o Cruising mixture setting
o Full rich setting
o Fuel to air ratio of 1.15.

58. Assuming no compressibility effects, induced drag at constant IAS is affected by:
o Engine thrust
o Altitude
o Outside air temperature
o Aeroplane mass

59. The lubricating system of an air cooled piston engine is used to:
o Keep the engine warm
o Reduce internal friction and provide cooling
o Operate constant speed propellers
o To operate the fuel control unit

60. Bernoulli’s equation can be written as: (pt=total pressure, ps=static pressure and q =
dynamic pressure)
o Pt = ps + q
o Pt = q – ps
o Pt = ps / q
o Pt = ps – q

61. Which of the following statements is correct about the flow in divergent (subsonic) gas
turbine engine intake?
1. The dynamic pressure increases in the flow direction
2. The static pressure increases in the flow direction
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct

62. Increasing air density will have the following effect on the drag of a body in an airstream
( angle of attack and TAS are constant)
o The drag is only affected by the ground speed
o This has no effect
o The drag decreases
o The drag increases

63. The power of a piston engine, which is measured by a friction brake is:
o Frictional horse power
o Indicated horse power
o Brake horse power
o Heat loss power

64. With regard to gear pumps

o Gear pumps are driven by oil suction
o Pressure and scavenge pumps can be combined
o Pressure and scavenge pumps cannot be combined
65. Fuses are designed to:
o From a weak link in an electrical circuit
o Absorb excessive current
o Switch on the circuit

66. The type of a aircraft oxygen system intended for use by passengers, is mostly:
o Portable equipment only
o A pressure demand system
o An air recycle system
o A continues flow system

67. The function of ailerons is to rotate the aeroplane about the:

o Normal axis
o Lateral axis
o Yaw axis
o Longitudinal axis

68. In the event of the normal method of system pressure limiting, a hydraulic system usually
o A high pressure relief valve
o Auxiliary hydraulic motors
o An accumulator
o A standby hydraulic pump

69. The wake turbulence is the most severe when the generating aerolpane is:
1. Flying slowly
2. Heavy
3. In a clean configuration
4. Flying with high thrust
The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is:
o 1,2,3
o 1,2,3,4
o 2,3,4
o 1,4

70. An aeroplane has a stall speed of 100 kt at a load factor n = 1. In a turn with a load factor
of n = 2, the stall speed is:
o 200 kt
o 141 kt
o 70 kt
o 282 kt

71. The cylinder head and oil temperature may exceed their normal operating ranges if:
o The engine is operated at a higher than the normal oil pressure
o The engine is operated at a too rich mixture
o A higher octane rating than specified for the engine is used
o A lower octane rating than specified for the engine is used

72. The bypass ratio:

1. Is the ratio of bypass air mass flow to HP compressor mass flow
2. Can be determined from the inlet air volume flow and the HP compressor volume
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect

73. During a manual approach, the aerolpane is subjected to windshear with an increasing
head wind. In the absence of a pilot action the aeroplane:
1. Flies above the intended approach path
2. Flies below the intended approach path
3. Has an increasing true airspeed
4. Has a decreasing true airspeed
The combination of correct statement is:
o 2,4
o 1,3
o 1,2,3,4
o 1,2

74. The force required to change the motion of a body in a straight line into a curve is called:
o The Centripetal Force
o The Centrifugal Force
o The Gravitational Force

75. A relay is:

o An electromagnetically operated switch
o An electrical security switch
o An electrical energy transfer unit
o A switch specially designed for AC circuits

76. The type of windings commonly used DC starter motors are:

o Series wound
o Shunt wound
o Compound wound
o Series hunt wound

77. Select the correct option :-

o The laws of Newton does not have a fundamental influence on all aspects of
o The inertia of a body is directly proportional to its acceleration
o One force is not always equally opposed by another

78. The crank assembly of a piston engine comprise the:

o Crankshaft, camshaft, valves, valve springs and push rods
o Crankcase, crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons
o Propeller, crankshaft, pistons, and connecting rods
o Crankshaft, connecting rods and pistons

79. In the starter of a turbine, the gas velocity V and static pressure P vary as follows:
o V increases, P increases
o V decreases, P increases
o V decreases, P decreases
o V increases, P decreases

80. The continuity equation states: if the area of a tube is increasing, the speed of the
subsonic and incompressible
o Increasing
o Sonic
o Decreasing
o Not changing

81. The valve of the parasite drag in straight and level flight at constant weight varies linearly
with the:
o Angle of attack
o Square of the angle of attack
o Speed
o Square of the speed

82. In a straight steady descent, which of the following statements is correct:

o Lift is less than weight, load factor is less than 1.
o Lift is less than weight, load factor is equal to 1.
o Lift is equal to weight, load factor is less than 1.
o Lift is equal weight, load factor is equal to 1.
83. Batteries mainly used in aircraft would be:-
o Either Nickel-Cadmium or Potassium Hydroxide
o Either Nickel-Cadmium or primary cell
o Either lead-acid or Nickel-Cadmium

84. The pressurizing function of the pressurizing and dump valve in a gas turbine engine fuel
system is:
o To admit fuel to the nozzles only if the fuel pressure is high enough for sufficient
o To admit oil to the fuel-oil heat exchange preventing ice crystals blocking the fuel
o To prevent overpressure at the fuel nozzles
o To prevent fuel leakage in the combustion chamber after engine shutdown

85. In the airflow through a single-spool axial flow turbo-jet engine, the axial velocity of the
air is greatest:
o On exit from the propelling nozzle
o Within the combustion chamber
o As it leaves the turbine
o As it leaves the compressor

86. The relationship between induced drag and the aspect ratio is:
o Induced drag = 1.3 aspect ratio value
o As increases in the aspect ratio increases the induced drag
o A decrease in the aspect ratio increases the induced drag
o There is no relationship

87. The maximum ground distance during a glide with zero thrust increases:
o In a tailwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind
o With an increase in aeroplane mass in zero wind
o With a decrease in aeroplane mass in zero wind
o In a headwind at a constant aeroplane mass compared with zero wind

88. A turbocharger system is normally driven by:

o An hydraulic motor
o An electrically activated hydraulically powered clutch
o An electric motor
o The exhaust system
89. The lift coefficient (CL) of an aeroplane in steady horizontal flight is 0.4. An increase in
angle of attack of 1 degree will increase CL by 0.09. A vertical up gust instantly changes
the angle of attack by 5 degree. The load factor will be:
o 2.13
o 2.0
o 3.18
o 1.09

90. The component that converts hydraulic pressure into linear motion is called:
o An actuator or jack
o An accumulator
o A pressure regulator
o A hydraulic pump

91. In a subsonic convergent duct line:

o Pressure increases, velocity decreases and temperature decrease
o Velocity increases, pressure decreases and temperature decreases
o Pressure increases, velocity decreases and temperature increases
o Temperature increases, velocity increases and pressure decreases

92. Labyrinth seals in the lubrication system of a gas turbine engine are designed to provide a
seal that is:
o Completely tight, allowing some axial movement between rotating and static
o Completely tight, allowing no movement between rotating and static parts
o Not completely tight, allowing only some radial movement between rotating and
static parts
o Not completely tight, allowing some movement between rotating and static parts

93. Wake turbulence should be taken into account when:

o During cruise the vertical separation is reduced to 1000 ft.
o A preceding aeroplane has performed low altitude high roll rate rolling maneuvers
over the runway
o When just before the landing a much lighter aerolpane has landed with a strong
crosswind on a long runway
o A much heavier aerolpane has landed just previously on the same runaway, a light
crosswind on a long runway are being used

94. Dynamic pressure:-

o Is the caused by bringing the moving air through the pitot tube completely to rest
o Is the result of air pressure minus air density
o In the sum of air density and static pressure

95. Which statement is correct?

1. The freezing point for jet A is at a higher temperature than that for jet B
2. The flash point for jet A is at lower temperature than that for jet B
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct

96. During a manual approach, the aerolpane is subjected to windshear with an decreasing
tail wind. In the absence of a pilot action the aeroplane:
1. Flies above the intended approach path
2. Flies below the intended approach path
3. Has an increasing true airspeed
4. Has a decreasing true airspeed
The combination of correct statement is:
o 1,3
o 2,3
o 2,4
o 1,4

97. The type of stall that has the largest associated angle of attack is:
o A shock stall
o A low speed stall
o A deep stall
o An accelerated stall

98. To achieve reverse thrust on a turbine with a high by-pass ratio, it is necessary to:
o Reverse the direction of rotation of the fan
o Reduce the flow of hot stream air
o Stop the fan
o Deflect the fan thrust

99. To maintain the correct air/fuel ratio of a piston engine, independent of power setting, a
carburetor is fitted with:
o An accelerator pump
o A diffuser (compensating jet)
o A mixture control
o A power jet

100. Vibration sensor are used in a gas turbine engine to indicate:

o Imbalance of one or both of the spools
o That tip clearance of turbine blades has decreased below a minimum value.
o Bearing problems only
o That there is too much free movement of the engine strut (pylon)

101. The most important oil system instrument indication during gas turbine engine
start is:
o Oil pressure
o Oil quaintly
o Oil temperature
o Oil filter clogged warning signal

102. Which statement is correct regarding the lift coefficient CL and angle of attack?
o For an asymmetrical aerofoil section with positive camber, if the angle of attack is
greater than zero CL is zero
o For a symmetrical aerofoil section, if the angle of attack is zero, CL is zero
o For a symmetrical aerofoil section, if the angle of attack is zero, CL is not zero
o For an asymmetrical aerofoil section, if the angle of attack is zero, CL is zero

103. Pneumatic pressure mechanical devices that provide ice protection

o Require large quantities of bleed air
o Are usually used on aeroplanes equipped with turbo-fan engines
o Are usually used as de-icing devices
o Can only be used as anti-icing devices
104. In an ignition system during a normal start of agas turbine engine, igniter
o Should commence prior to fuel entering the combustion chamber
o Should commence after fuel has entered the combustion chamber
o Commences upon starter motor engagement, and is deactivated at a rotor speed of
approximately 15% below idle rpm
o Should commence prior to starter motor engagement prevent a hot start

105. One purpose of an accumulator in an hydraulic system is to:

o Store fluid under pressure
o Store fluid
o Cool fluid
o Store pressure

106. Regarding a jet engine:

1. The maximum thrust decreases slightly as the pressure altitude decreases
2. The specific fuel consumption increases slightly as the pressure altitude decreases at
constant TAS
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect

107. True Air Speed (TAS) is:

o Indicated Air Speed (IAS) corrected for compressibility and density errors only
o Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) corrected for instrument, compressibility and density
o Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) corrected for instrument, position, compressibility
and density errors
o Indicated Air Speed (IAS) corrected for instrument , position, compressibility and
density errors

108. In case of landing on a flooded runway and in heavy rain:

1. You increase your approach speed
2. You had firmly in order to obtain a firm contact of the wheels with the runway and
immediately land your nose gear
3. You decrease your approach speed
4. You use systematically all the lift dumper devices
5. You land as smoothly as possible
6. You brake energically
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
o 3,5
o 1,4,5,6
o 1,2,4
o 2,3,4

109. What will happen in ground effect?

o The wing downwash on the tail surfaces increases
o The induced angle of attack and induced drag decrease
o The thrust required will increase significantly
o The wing tip vortices increase in strength

110. Which of the following statements is correct about the flow in a divergent
(subsonic) gas turbine engine intake?
1. The speed decreases in flow direction
2. The total pressure remains constant in flow direction
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct

111. During an erect spin recovery:

o The control stick is pulled to the most aft position
o The control stick is moved side a ways, in the direction of the angle of bank
o The ailerons are held in the neutral position
o The control stick is moved side a ways, against the angle of attack

112. The primary reason for a limitation being imposed on the temperature of the gas
flow is to:
o Ensure that the maximum acceptable temperature within the combustion chamber
is not exceeded
o Prevent damage to the combustion chamber from overheating
o Prevent damage to the jet pipe from overheating
o Ensure that the maximum acceptable temperature at the turbine blades is not

113. Which one of the following factors would be most likely to increase the
possibility of detonation occurring within a piston engine?
o High cylinder head temperature
o The use of a fuel with a high octane rating as compared to the use of one with a
low octane rating
o Slightly retarding the ignition timing
o Using an engine with a low compression ratio

114. The purpose of a distributor in an ignition system of a piston engine is to

o Primary current to the sparking plugs
o Primary current to the capacitor
o Secondary current to the capacitor
o Secondary current to the sparking plugs

115. The total amount of energy that a battery is known as the capacity and is
expressed as:-
o Rated Capacity
o Actual Capacity
o Ampere-Hours

116. When climbing at a constant CAS in a standard atmosphere

o TAS remains constant
o TAS increases
o TAS first decreases, then remains constant above the tropopause
o TAS decreases

117. In standard atmosphere, when descending at constant CAS:

o TAS increases
o TAS remains constant
o TAS first decreases, then remains constant below the tropopause
o TAS decreases
118. Assuming contaminated runway condition, if an aeroplane’s main wheel tyre
pressure is 206 psi the approximate speed above which dynamic hydroplaning may occur
o 80 kt
o 100 kt
o 129 kt.
o 114 kt.

119. A booster or LP compressor in a twin spool turbofan:

o Rotates at a rotor speed different from both fan, HP compressor and HP turbine
o Rotates at the same rotor speed as the fan
o Rotates at the same rotor speed as the HP compressor
o Rotates at the same rotor speed as the HP turbine

120. A relay is a:
o Remote controlled switch
o High voltage power
o Type of capacitor

121. The cylinder head and oil temperature may exceed their normal operating range
o The engine is operated at a too rich mixture
o The engine is operated at a higher than normal oil pressure
o A higher octane rating than specified for the engine is used
o A lower octane rating than specified for the engine is used

122. The angle of attack where the lift coefficient decreases abruptly is known as the:-
o Greatest angle of attack
o Critical angle of attack
o Effective angle of attack

123. The operating principle of magnetos in a piston engine ignition system consists
o Creating a brief high intensity magnetic field that will be sent through the
distributor at the appropriate time
o Obtaining a high amperage, low voltage current in order to generate the spark
o Breaking the primary circuit in order to induce a low amperage, high voltage
current, which is distributed to the spark plugs
o Accumulating in a capacitor a low voltage current from the battery and inducing it
as a high voltage current at the moment the spark is generated

124. Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) is obtained from Indicator Air Speed (IAS) by
correcting for the:
o Instrument error
o Density error
o Position and density error
o Position and instruments error

125. By what approximate percentage will the stall speed increase in a horizontal
coordinated turn with a bank angle of 45⁰?
o 52%
o 31%
o 41%
o 19%

126. Low battery voltage will most likely to result in a :

o Fire
o Wet start
o Hung start
o Hot start

127. Regarding a jet engine

1. The maximum thrust remain constant as the pressure altitude decreases
2. The specific fuel consumption decreases slightly as the pressure altitude decreases at
constant TAS
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct

128. In which sections of the carburetor would icing most likely occur?
o Accelerator pump and main metering jet
o Float chamber and fuel inlet filter
o Main air bleed and main discharge nozzle
o Venturi and the throttle valve

129. Static gas temperature decrease when flowing at a subsonic speed through a jet
engine exhaust nozzle because the:
o Static pressure increases when passing the nozzle
o Exhaust nozzle is convergent
o Velocity of the gas stream decreases
o Ambient air cools the exhaust casing

130. In case of an unexpected encounter with windshear, you will:

1. Set the maximum take-off thrust
2. Increase the pitch-up altitude to the limit actuating the stick shaker
3. Retract gear and flaps, if they are extended
4. Keep gear, flaps and slats in current configuration and retract the speed breaks
5. Try to reach the maximum lift-to-drag ratio
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
o 1,3,5
o 3,5
o 2,3
o 1,2,4

131. Select the statement that best describes Fleming’s Right-Hand Rule for generators
o The thumb points in the direction in which the conductor is moving
o The first finger indicates the direction in which the conductor is moving
o The second finger indicates the direction in which the conductor is moving

132. Regarding fire detection, ion detectors are used to detect:

o Smoke
o Over temperature and fire
o Fire
o Over temperature

133. In a gas turbine combustion chamber:

o The gas pressure increase in an axial (downstream) direction
o Secondary air is required for cooling of the inner casing
o The gas temperature is highest at the chamber outlet
o The axial velocity of the gas stream is greatest behind the swirl vanes

134. “Contaminated runway” means:

o A runway of which more than 50 percent of the runway surface area within the
required length and width being used is covered with surface water more than five
millimeters deep, slush or loose snow equivalent to more than five millimeters of
water, snow which has been or break into lumps if picked up or ice, including wet
o A runway of which 100 percent of the runway surface area within the required
length and width being used is covered with surface water, slush, loose snow, or
snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which resists further
compression and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up or ice,
including wet ice
o A runway of which more than 25 percent of the runway surface area within the
required length and width being used is covered with surface water more than
three millimeters deep, slush or loose snow equivalent to more than three
millimeters of water, snow which has been compressed into a solid mass which
resists further compression and will hold together or break into lumps if picked up
or ice, including wet ice

135. For good heat dissipating the cylinder head is normally made of:
o Cast iron
o Stainless steel
o Aluminum alloy

136. During a steady horizontal turn, the stall speed:

o Increases with the square of the load factor
o Increases linearly with the load factor
o Increases with the square root of the load factor
o Increases inversely with the load factor

137. When detonation is recognized in a piston engine, the correct procedures is to:
o Increase manifold pressure and lean the mixture
o Reduce manifold pressure and lean the mixture
o Reduce the manifold pressure and fully richen the mixture
o Increase the manifold pressure and fully richen the mixture
138. An EPR gauge on a turbojet is designed to indicate the ratio of:
o Compressor outlet total pressure to compressor inlet total pressure
o Jet pipe total pressure to combustion chamber total pressure
o Jet pipe total pressure to compressor inlet total pressure
o Combustion chamber total pressure to compressor inlet total pressure

139. The function of a feed box in the fuel tank is to:

o Distribute the fuel to the various tanks during refueling
o Trap fuel sediments or sludge in the lower part of the tank
o Ventilate the tank during refueling under high pressure
o Increase the fuel level at the boost pump location

140. The moving part in an AC generator is usually referred to as the:

o Vibrator
o Stator
o Oscillator
o Rotor

141. One of the purpose of the bleed valves fitted to axial flow compressors is to:
o Reduce the tendency to compressor stall
o Spill compressor air should the engine over speed thus controlling the speed
o Control the acceleration time of the engine
o Enable an external air supply to spin up the compressor for the engine

142. What is the effect of high aspect ratio of an aeroplane’s wing on induced drag?
o It is unaffected because there is no relation between aspect ratio and induced drag
o It is increased because high aspect ratio produces greater downwash
o It is increased because high aspect ratio has greater frontal area
o It is reduced because the effect of the wing-tip vortices is reduced

143. Acceleration is defined as:

o The rate of change of velocity
o The rate of change of the applied force
o The rate of change of the bank angle

144. What is the effect on induced drag of an increase in aspect ratio?

o Induced drag increases, because the effect of tip vortices increases
o Induced drag decreases, because a larger aspect ratio causes more downwash
o Induced drag increases, because a larger aspect ratio increases the frontal area
o Induced drag decreases, because the effect of tip vortices decreases

145. Trailing edge flap extension will:

o Increase the critical angle of attack and decrease the value of CLMAX
o Increase the critical angle of attack and increase the value of CLMAX
o Decrease the angle of attack and decrease the value of CLMAX
o Decrease the angle of attack and increase the value of CLMAX

146. Minimum drag of an aerolpane in straight and level flight occurs at the:
o Minimum CD value
o Minimum angle of attack
o Maximum CL-CD ratio
o Minimum speed

147. The relative thickness of an aerofoil is expressed in:

o Camber
o % chord
o Degrees cross section tail angle
o Meters

148. Pre-ignitions has the following effects:

o Risk of knocking decrease
o Power decrease
o Possible engine fire

149. In a piston engine, turbocharger boost pressure may be monitored by:

o Both a CHT gauge and manifold pressure gauge
o A cylinder head temperature gauge (CHT), a manifold pressure gauge, and engine
o Both engine rpm readings and a manifold pressure gauge
o A manifold pressure gauge only

150. One of the advantages of a turbocharger is:

o That three is no danger of detonation
o To make the power available less effected by altitude
o That there is no torsion at the crankshaft
o An increased propulsive efficiency

151. The lift force, acting on an aerofoil: (no flow separation)

o Is mainly caused by reduced pressure on the upper surface
o Increases, proportional to the angle of attack until 40 degrees
o Is maximum at an angle of attack of 2 degrees
o Is mainly caused by overpressure at the underside of the aerofoil

152. The function of the slot between an extended slat and the leading edge of the wing
is to:
o Cause a venturi effect, which energizes the boundary layer
o Reduce the wing loading
o Slow the airflow in the slot so that more pressure is created under the wing
o Allow space for vibration of the slat

153. A fuel control malfunction will most likely to result in:

o Wet start
o Hung start
o Fire
o Hot start

154. One of the purpose of the fuel system booster pumps being submerged in fuel is
o Improve their efficiency
o Shorten the fuel lines, so minimizing the pressure losses
o To improve the accuracy of the fuel quantity measurement
o Cool the pumps

155. Drag can also be described as :

o Resistance to motion
o A vector of the relative airflow
o A component of the airflow due to rotation
156. One of the main hazards associated with batteries is:
o Ampere runaway
o Capacitance runaway
o Thermal runaway

157. In an aeroplane fitted with a constant frequency AC power supply, DC power is

obtained from a:
o Rotary convertor
o Static inverter
o Transformer rectifier unit (TRU)
o 3 phase current transformer unit

158. Mechanical stress of the turbine blades can be caused by:-

o Turbine rotational velocity and overcooling
o Overheating and overcooling
o High turbine entry temperature and turbine rotational velocity

159. The octane rating of a fuel characterizes the:

o Fuel electrical conductivity
o Resistance to detonation
o Quantity of heat generated by its combustion
o Fuel velocity

160. Vortex generators

o Reduce the spanwise flow on swept wing
o Transfer energy from the free airflow into the boundary layer
o Take kinetic energy out of the boundary layer to reduce separation
o Change the turbulent boundary layer into a laminar boundary layer

161. A typical turbine engine lubrication system would consists of:-

o Oil tank, oil coolers, injectors, bearings
o Oil tank, filters, oil coolers, injectors
o Oil tank, filters, oil pump, oil coolers

162. Equivalent Air Speed (EAS) is obtained from the Indicated Air speed (IAS) by
correcting for the following errors:
1. Instruments
2. Position
3. Density
4. Compressibility
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
o 1,2,3
o 1,2,4
o 1,2,3,4
o 1,2

163. An oxygen supply system must be kept absolutely free of oil or grease as:
o These substances catch fire spontaneously in the presence of oxygen
o These substances mixed with oxygen could catch fire in the presence of a spark
o These substances could block the oxygen mask filters
o The breathing oxygen would be contaminated by these substances

164. For an aeroplane with tyre pressure of 14 bars, there is a risk of dynamic
hydroplaning as soon as the:
o Speed is greater than 129 kt.
o Tail wind is greater than 10 kt.
o Water depth to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves
o Speed is greater than 95 kt.

165. For an aeroplane with tyre pressure of 12 bars, there is a risk of dynamic
hydroplaning as soon as the:
o Speed is greater than 119 kt.
o Cross wind is greater than 10 kt.
o Speed is greater than 95 kt.
o Water depth to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves

166. For an aeroplane with tyre pressure of 10 bars, there is a risk of dynamic
hydroplaning as soon as the:
o Runway temperature is greater than 40⁰C.
o Water depth to the half of the depth of the tyre grooves
o Speed is greater than 108 kt.

167. The frequency of the current provided by an alternator depends on

o Its load
o Its phase balance
o The strength of the excitation current
o Its rotation speed

168. The oil system of a gas turbine engine may be fitted with magnetic plugs, or chip
detectors, that:
o Dispense with the requirement to fit an oil filter
o Are fitted in the pressure line upstream of the oil filter
o Provide warning of impeding failure without having to remove the filters for
o Monitor oil pressure and oil temperature

169. An aeroplane performs a steady co-ordinated horizontal turn with 20 degrees of

bank and at 150 kt TAS. The same aeroplane with the same bank of angle and speed, but
at a lower mass will turn with:
o A larger turn radius
o A higher turn rate
o A smaller turn radius
o The same turn radius

170. In a theoretical gas turbine cycle, combustion takes place at constant

o Volume
o Temperature
o Energy
o Pressure

171. The reason for having a low pressure fuel-cooled oil cooler in a recirculatory type
oil system is to:
o Cool the oil only
o Cool both the oil and the fuel
o Heat fuel only
o Cool the oil and heat the fuel

172. A constant speed drive (CSD) aims at ensuring:

o That the CSD remains at a constant RPM not with standing the generator RPM
o That the starter-motor maintains a constant RPM not with standing the
acceleration of the engine
o Equal AC voltage from all generators
o That the electric generator produces a constant frequency

173. Which statement is correct for a gas turbine engine with a constant speed
propeller and free power turbine, when the power setting is increased?
1. The gas generator speed decreases
2. The EGT decrease
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect

174. Relief and by-pass valves allow:

o Oil pressure to decrease to min permissible levels
o The regulation of oil pressure
o Oil pressure to rise to max permissible volumes

175. Ice formation on turbofan engine intakes is usually:

o Prevented by using turbine bleed air
o Prevented by using compressor bleed air
o Removed by using pneumatic boots
o Removed by using electrical heating

176. An EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature) indicator for a piston engine is used to:
o Assist the pilot to set the correct mixture
o Control the fuel temperature
o Control the cylinder head temperature
o Control the carburetor inlet air flow

177. In a slipping turn (nose pointing outwards), compared with co-ordinated turn, the
bank angle (1) and the ball or slip indicator (2) are respectively:
o (1) too large, (2) displaced towards the low wing
o (1) too small, (2) displaced towards the high wing
o (1) too large, (2) displaced towards the high wing
o (1) too small, (2) displaced towards the low wing
178. With regard to the snapper coupling
o Both magneto’s is equipped with snapper couplings
o Left magneto is equipped with a snapper coupling
o Right magneto is equipped with a snapper coupling

179. An electrical circuit usually consists of:-

o A power source, a load, a conductor, a resistor
o A power source, a load, a switch, a conductor
o A power source, a load, a switch, a resistor

180. An increase in the lift coefficient of an aerofoil will :-

o Not affect induced drag
o Decrease induced drag
o Increase induced drag

181. Vapour locking is caused by:

o Vaporizing of fuel prior to the engine
o Vaporizing of fuel in the nozzles
o The inability of fuel to vaporize in the nozzles
o The formation of water vapour in a fuel system

182. A turbofan engine with an inlet air mass flow of 1000 kg/s and a HP compressor
mass flow of 111 kg/s has a bypass ratio of:
o 10.01
o 9.01
o 1.12
o 8.01

183. EPR can be defined as the ratio of:

o The total turbine outlet pressure to the total compressor outlet pressure
o The total turbine inlet pressure to the total compressor outlet pressure
o The total turbine outlet pressure to the total compressor inlet pressure
o The total turbine inlet pressure to the total compressor inlet pressure

184. Concerning the starting produce of a gas turbine engine

o If the air starter seizes, the engine can still be started by means of another air
bleed source
o If the HP fuel valve is opened at a relatively high compressor rpm, this may result
in a hot start
o The higher the starter air pressure, the higher the EGT during starting
o The selected ignites are activated after fuel is delivered to the fuel nozzles

185. The (subsonic) static pressure:

o Decreases in a flow in a tube when the diameter decreases
o Increases in a flow in a tube when the diameter decreases
o Is the total pressure plus the dynamic pressure
o Is the pressure in a point at which the velocity has become zero

186. After air has passed through the compressor of a gas turbine the:
o Velocity will be higher than the inlet velocity
o Temperature will be higher than the inlet temperature
o Velocity will be the same as the inlet velocity
o Pressure will be the same as the inlet pressure

187. After take-off, an aeroplane is subjected to windshear with a decreasing head

wind. In the absence of a pilot action, the aeroplane:
1. Flies above the climb-out path
2. Flies below the climb-out path
3. Has an increasing true airspeed
4. Has a decreasing true airspeed
The combination of correct statements is:
o 1,3
o 1,4
o 2,3
o 2,4

188. With an aircraft fitted with a fixed pitch propeller, during flight at normal cursing
speed, one magneto fails completely. This will first cause:
o The engine to overheat
o Loss of approximately 100 rpm
o Excessive vibration
o An additional load on the other magneto
189. The electromagnetic power of a coil might be increased by:-
o Increasing the magnetic polarity
o Decreasing the number of turns in the coil
o Increasing the current

190. A twin-spool engine with a bypass mass flow of 250 kg/s and HP compressor
mass flow 250 kg/s has a bypass ratio of:
o 0.5
o 1
o 2
o 0

191. For an aeroplane with a true pressure of 8 bars, there is a risk of dynamic
hydroplaning as soon as the:
o Water depth is equal to the half of the depth to tyregrooves
o Speed is greater than 127 kt.
o Speed is greater than 98 kt.
o Cross wind is greater than 98 kt.

192. For an aeroplane with a true pressure of 16 bars, there is a risk of dynamic
hydroplaning as soon as the:
o Water depth is equal to the half of the depth to tyregrooves
o Cross wind is greater than 15 kt.
o Speed is greater than 138 kt.
o Speed is greater than 117 kt.

193. Aircraft piston engines have reached a very high state of mechanical perfection
and have a relatively long working life. These can be lost due to:-
o Coarse, rough handling of the throttle and mixture control
o Detonation and increased fuel consumption
o Performing magneto serviceability checks at 1000 RPM

194. The capacity of a battery is the:

o No-load voltage of the battery multiplied by its output current
o Numbers of cycles (charging and discharging) that a battery can withstand
without deterioration of its cells
o Intensity withstood by the battery during charging
o Amount of Ampere hours that a fully charged battery can supply

195. All aircraft electrical systems include battery, used to:-

o Increase the capacitance for normal operations
o De-stabilize the power during switching of transitory loads
o Supply power to essential services in the event of generator failure

196. A hung (abortive) start of a gas turbine engine may be caused by:
o Compressor surging
o A too low pneumatic starter pressure
o Failure of the fuel to ignite in the starting sequence after the engine has been
accelerated to the required rpm by the starter
o The starter cutting out early in the starting sequence before the engine has
accelerated to the required rpm for ignition

197. In which part of a gas turbine engine are high temperature requirements most
critical for the materials used?
o The last part of the HP compressor and front part of the HP turbine
o The combustion chamber and exhaust nozzle
o The combustion chamber and front part of the HP turbine
o The turbine and exhaust nozzle

198. A diluter demand oxygen regulator selected to 100%:

o Delivers oxygen flow only above FL100
o Is only recommended for use with smoke in the cockpit
o Mixes air and oxygen in a passenger oxygen mask
o Delivers oxygen flow when inhaling

199. Each cylinder in piston engine has:

o 3 valves
o 1 valves
o 2 valves

200. Electricity powered ice protection devices on aircraft are:

o Used as de-icing devices for pitot-tubes, static port and windshield
o Used as anti-icing devices for pitot-tubes, static port and windshield
o Used for large surface only
o Used primarily because they are very efficient
o checks at 1000 RPM

201. When carrying out a battery condition check using the aircraft’s voltmeter
o No load should be applied to the battery because it would reduce the voltage
o A load should be applied to the battery in order to give a better indication of
o The load condition is unimportant
o The battery should be isolated

202. Transformers are extremely versatile devices that can be used:-

o To step up or down Alternating Current voltage
o To pass Direct Current and block Altering Current
o To rectify Direct Current

203. An aeroplane accelerates from 80 kt to 160 kt at a load factor equal to. 1. The
induced drag coefficient (i) and the induced drag (ii) alter with the following factors:
o (i) 1/16 (ii) ¼
o (i) ½ (ii) 1/16
o (i) 4 (ii) ½
o (i) ¼ (ii) 2

204. Wind shear is:

o A variation in vertical or horizontal wind velocity and / or wind direction over a
large distance
o A variation only in vertical wind velocity over a short distance
o A variation only in horizontal wind velocity over a short distance
o A large variation in vertical or horizontal wind velocity and / or wind direction
over a short distance

205. When selected to normal, the oxygen/air ratio of the mixture supplied by the
cockpit oxygen system regulator:
o Is 100%
o Is constant whatever the altitude
o Increases when the altitude increases
o Decreases when the altitude increases

206. While maintaining the same True Air Speed (TAS), with an increase in altitude:-
o The IAS should also increase
o The IAS will be unaffected
o The indicated Air Speed (IAS) will reduce

207. The total reaction has two components:-

o Lift and relative airflow
o Lift and rotational airflow
o Lift and drag

208. Windshear may be described as a change in wind direction and/or speed in space,
including updraughts and downdraughts. To counter the effects of windshear the amount
of control action that is required is:
o Medium
o Small
o Null
o Substantial

209. Transformer rectifiers can:

o Generate Alternating Current (AC) of higher or lower voltage
o Maintain constant Direct Current (DC) voltage
o Generate Direct Current (DC) of higher or lower voltage

210. In what way do (1) induced drag and (2) parasite drag alter with increasing speed
in straight and level flight?
o (1) increases and (2) increases
o (1) decreases and (2) increases
o (1) increases and (2) decrease
o (1) decreases and (2) decreases

211. Lift is generated when :

o The flow direction of a certain mass of air is changed
o A certain mass of air is retarded
o A symmetrical aerofoil is placed in a highly velocity air stream at zero angle of
o A certain mass of air is accelerated in its flow direction

212. Which statement is correct for a gas turbine engine with a constant speed
propeller and free power turbine, when the power setting is increased?
1. The HP spool speed increase
2. The EGT increase
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct

213. The wing ice protection system currently used on most large jet transport
aeroplane is an:
o Electrical de-icing system
o Pneumatic system with inflatable boots
o Hot air system
o Liquid de-icing system

214. For piston engines, mixture ratio is the ratio between the:
o Mass of fuel and mass of air entering the cylinder
o Mass of fuel and volume of air entering the carburetor
o Volume of fuel volume of air entering the cylinder
o Volume of fuel and volume of air entering the carburetor

215. The ABS (Auto Brake System)is disconnected during landing:

o When selecting the revers thrust
o Automatically
o Below a specific speed
o By pilot action

216. One of the causes of high oil temperature in a gas turbine engine at constant
power setting is:
o Usually high scavenge pump oil flow
o High outside air temperature
o Malfunction of the heat exchanger
o High oil pressure

217. On a normally aspirated engine, the manifold pressure gauge always indicates:
o A value equal to the atmospheric pressure when the engine is at full power
on the ground
o A greater value than atmospheric pressure when the engine is running
o A lower value than the atmospheric pressure when the engine is running
o Zero on the ground when the engine is speed

218. In a gas turbine engine, the propelling jet is generated by:

o Compression of hot gases resulting in a conversion of kinetic energy
(velocity) into (mechanical) work
o Expansion of hot gases resulting in a conversion of potential energy
(pressure) into kinetic energy (velocity)
o Compression of hot gases resulting in a conversion of potential energy
(pressure) into kinetic energy (velocity)
o Expansion of hot gases resulting in a conversion of potential energy
(pressure) into (mechanical) work

219. When the combustion gases pass through turbine stage the:
o Temperature increases
o Pressure drop
o Temperature remains constant
o Pressure rises

220. According with DOC 4444 (ICAO), a wake turbulence non-radar separation
minima of 3 minutes shall be applied to:
o LIGHT aircraft landing behind a MEDIUM aircraft
o MEDIUM aircraft landing behind a HEAVY aircraft
o LIGHT aircraft taking-off behind a MEDIUM aircraft when aircraft are using
the same runway
o LIGHT aircraft taking-off behind a MEDIUM aircraft from a parallel
separated by less than 760 m. (using whole runway)
221. According DOC 4444 (ICAO), a wake turbulence non-radar separation minima of
2 minutes shall be applied to:
o MEDIUM aircraft taking –off behind a HEAVY aircraft from an intermediate
part of a parallel separated by less than 760m.
o MEDIUM aircraft landing behind a HEAVY aircraft
o LIGHT aircraft taking-off behind a MEDIUM aircraft from an intermediate
part of the same runway
o LIGHT aircraft landing behind a MEDIUM aircraft

222. Regarding wake turbulence, what is the ICAO minimum non-radar separation
time for a LIGHT aircraft behind MEDIUM or HEAVY aerolplane on approach to the
same runway?
o 4 minutes
o 5 minutes
o 3 minutes
o 2 minutes

223. Electrical power is measured in:-

o Nanos
o Amps
o Watts

224. Fuel pumps submerged in the fuel tanks of a multi-engine aircraft are:
o High pressure variable swash plate pumps
o Low pressure variable swash plate pumps
o Centrifugal high pressure pumps
o Centrifugal low pressure type pumps

225. The “Ram Air Effect” has a significant effect on:

o Thrust and airspeed
o Thrust
o Airspeed

226. The main purpose of turbocharger is to:

o Provide a richer mixture at higher altitudes
o Reduce the fuel flow
o Maintain power with increasing altitude
o Provide a leaner mixture at sea level

227. Regarding a jet engine:

1. The maximum thrust increases slightly as the pressure altitude increases
2. The specific fuel consumption decreases slightly as the pressure altitude
increases at constant TAS
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct

228. Just after take-off an aircraft encounters a microburst situated directly ahead. The
initial indications will be:
1. An increase in head wind
2. An increase in tail wind
3. Better climb performance
4. A decrease in climb gradient
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
o 1,3
o 2,4
o 1,4
o 2,3

229. The tyre pressure of an aerolpane main landing gear is 10,8 bars.
There is a risk of hydroplaning as soon as the speed reaches:
o 56 kt
o 145 kt
o 87 kt
o 113 kt

230. The capacity of a battery is given in:

o Ampere hours
o Watts
o Ohms
o Amperes/volts.
231. The purpose of stingers, used in fuselage construction, is to:
o Absorb shear stresses
o Carry the loads due to pressurization and convert them into tensile stress
o Assist the skin to absorb longitudinal compressive loads
o Provide sound and thermal insolation

232. When there is a risk of hydroplaning the pilot of an aeroplane:

o Should use normal landing-braking-and reverse technique
o Should use maximum reverse thrust however should start braking below the
hydroplaning speed
o Should make a positive landing and apply maximum reverse thrust and
brakes as quickly as possible
o Must wait for landing until the risk for hydroplaning is no longer existing

233. Viscous hydroplaning occurs primary if the runway is covered with a thin film of
water and:
o Is rough textured
o Is very smooth and clean
o Is very smooth and dirty
o The tyres treads not in a good state

234. The primary reason for venting an engine oil tank is to:
o Cool the oil
o Allow for expansion of hot oil
o Prevent excessive pressure in the tank
o Prevent overflow

235. When leaning the mixture for the most economic cruise fuel flow, excessive
leaning will cause:
o Low cylinder head
o High manifold pressure
o High cylinder head
o High engine RPM

236. Regarding a jet engine:

1. The maximum thrust increases as the pressure altitude decreases.
2. The specific fuel consumption is proportional to pressure altitude, at constant
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct

237. What will happen in ground effect?

o The wing downwash on the tail surfaces increases
o The induced angle of attack and induced drag decrease
o The thrust required will increase significantly
o The wing tip vortices increase in strength

238. The part of a piston engine that transforms reciprocating movement into rotary
motion is called the:
o Reduction gear
o Camshaft
o Crankshaft
o Piston

239. Which statement is correct for a gas turbine engine with a constant speed
propeller and free power turbine, when the power setting is decreased?
1. The HP spool speed decreases
2. The EGT decreases
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct

240. One of the advantage of turbocharger is:

o To make the power available less effected by altitude
o An increased propulsive efficiency
o That there is no danger of detonation
o That there is no torsion at the crankshaft

241. Lift is the :

o Component of the total aerodynamic force, perpendicular to the local airflow
o Vertical component of the total aerodynamic force, perpendicular to the
o Component of the total aerodynamic force, perpendicular to the mean
o Component of the total aerodynamic force, perpendicular to the undisturbed

242. Comparing the lift coefficient and drag coefficient at normal angle of attack:
o CL has approximately the same value as CD
o CL is much lower than CD
o CL is much greater than CD
o CL is lower than CD

243. Input and output of a static inverter are respectively:

o AC and AC
o AC and DC
o DC and DC
o DC and AC

244. An impulse coupling is installed on a magneto of a piston engine to:

o Absorb starting loads
o Facilitate quick removal and installation
o Provide a stronger spark on top dead centre for engine starting
o Advance the ignition timing

245. One of the advantages of an annular combustion chamber is:

o A higher structural strength
o A simpler assembly
o The fewer igniters are required
o A reduced thermal stress on the turbine

246. Regarding a jet engine:

1. The maximum thrust decreases slightly as the pressure altitude decreases
2. The specific fuel consumption decreases slightly as the pressure altitude decreases at
constant TAS
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect

247. Generally, for large aeroplanes, electrical heating for ice protection is used on:
o Fin leading edge
o Slat leading edge
o Elevator leading edges
o Pitot tubes

248. If the electrical load of an AC generator providing a constant output voltage

increases, the voltage regulator will:
o Decrease the excitation current
o Increase the excitation current
o Maintain the excitation current constant
o Change direction of the excitation current

249. A flat rated turbofan engine has a constant maximum rated thrust level:
o Up to a specific pressure altitude
o Above a specific pressure altitude
o Above specific OAT
o Up to a specific OAT

250. The lift-and drag forces, acting on a wing cross section:

o Are proportional to each other, independent of angle of attack
o Depend on the pressure distribution about the wing cross section
o Vary linearly with the angle of attack
o Are normal to each other at just angle of attack

251. Pre-ignition refers to the condition that may arise when:

o A rich mixture is ignited by the sparking plug
o The mixture is ignited before the piston has reached top dead centre
o The sparking plug ignites the mixture too early
o The mixture is ignited by abnormal conditions within the cylinder before the
spark occur at the plug

252. For a subsonic airflow, in a divergent duct the:

o Pressure decreases, velocity increases and temperature decreases
o Pressure increases, velocity decreases and temperature increases
o Pressure decreases, velocity increases and temperature increases
o Pressure increases, velocity decreases and temperature decreases

253. Magnetic chip detectors are fitted in the oil system:

o Collecting any carbon particles in the oil
o To indicate low oil viscosity
o Collecting any ferrous metal particles in the oil

254. Parameters to monitor a hydraulic system in the cockpit can be:

o Pressure, fluid temperature and quantity
o Pressure and RPM of the hydraulic pump
o Pressure and fluid viscosity
o Pressure and hydraulic pump output

255. The purpose of the oil and the nitrogen in an oleo-pneumatic strut is :
o The oil supplies the spring function and the nitrogen supplies the damping
o The oil supplies the sealing and lubrication function, the nitrogen supplies the
damping function
o The oil supplies the damping and lubrication function, the nitrogen supplies
the heat-dissipating function
o The oil supplies the damping function and the nitrogen supplies the spring

256. In a piston engine, the purpose of an altitude mixture control is to:

o Prevent a weak cut when the throttle is opened rapidly at altitude
o Enrich the mixture due to decreased air density at altitude
o Weaken the mixture because of reduced exhaust back pressure at altitude
o Correct for variations in the fuel/air ratio due to decreased air density at

257. The minimum requirements for supplemental Oxygen to be supplied in

pressurized aeroplanes during and following an emergency descent are that for pilots it
shall be available for the entire flight that the cabin pressure altitude exceeds a minimum
of X feet. That minimum of X feet is:
o 14000 ft
o 25000 ft
o 13000 ft
o 15000 ft

258. Electrically powered ice protection devices on aircraft are:

o Used as de-icing devices for pitot tubes, static ports and windshield
o Used as anti-icing devices for pitot-tubes, static ports and windshield
o Used for large surfaces only
o Used primarily because they are very efficient

259. The wing ice protection system currently used on most large jet transport
aeroplanes is an:
o Electrical de-icing system
o Pneumatic system with inflatable boots
o Hot air system
o Liquid de-icing system

260. On normally aspirated engine, the manifold pressure gauge always indicates:
o A value equal to the atmospheric pressure when the engine is at full power on
the ground
o A greater value than atmospheric pressure when the engine is running
o A lower value than atmospheric pressure when the engine is running
o Zero on the ground when the engine is stopped

261. The purpose of stringers, used in fuselage construction, is to:

o absorb shear stresses
o carry the load due to pressurization and convert them in tensile stress
o assist the skin to absorb longitudinal compressive loads
o provide sound and thermal insolation

262. the input and output of a static inverter are respectively:

o AC and DC
o AC and AC
o DC and DC
o DC and AC

263. A flat turbofan engine has a constant maximum rated thrust level
o Up to a specific pressure altitude
o Above a specific pressure altitude
o Above a specific OAT
o Up to a specific OAT

264. Turbine stage in sequence consists of:

o Stator, rotor, turbine housing, bearing of the turbine
o Bearing, turbine housing, rotor and stator
o Turbine housing, rotor, stator, bearing of the turbine

265. A turbine engine with a bypass mass flow of 250 kg/s and HP compressor mass
flow of 50 kg/s has a bypass ratio of:
o 4
o 5
o 6
o 1.2

266. The function of the air inlet is:-

o To present a relativity disorientation free, high-energy supply of air to the
o To prevent foreign object indigestion
o To protect the compressor from hail damage

267. The principle of the 4-stroke internal combustion engine is:-

o To convert chemical energy into mechanical energy
o To convert heat into momentum
o To convert mechanical energy into heat

268. Concerning the starting procedures of a gas turbine engine:

o If the air starter sizes, the engine can still be started by means of another air bleed
o If the HP fuel valve is opened at a relatively high compressor rpm, this may
result in a hot start
o The higher the starter air pressure, the higher the EGT during starting
o The selected igniters are activated after fuel is delivered to the fuel nozzle

269. Induced drag is created by the:

o Span wise flow pattern resulting in the tip vortices
o Separation of the boundary layer over the wing
o Propeller wash blowing across the wing
o Interference of the air stream between wing and fuselage
270. A slat will:
o Prolong the stall to a higher angle of attack
o Increase the lift by increasing the wing area and the camber of the aft portion of
the wing
o Provide a boundary layer suction on the upper surface of the wing
o Increase the camber of the aerofoil and divert the flow around the sharp leading

271. The oil supply to gas turbine engine bearings is maintained in the event of the
main oil filter becoming clogged by:
o a back-up oil system
o differential pressure opening the bypass valve of the main oil filter
o the scavange pumps
o the HP fuel pump

272. If smoke appears in the air conditioning, the initial action to be taken by the flight
deck crew is to:
o Cut off all air conditioning units
o Begin an emergency descent
o Put on the mask and goggles
o Determine which system is causing the smoke

273. Select both correct options the allocated mark:

Two methods used to reduce induced drag are:
o Decreasing the aspect ratio
o Wash-out
o Air flow separation control
o Vortex de-generation
o Wing tip design

274. A unit that converts electrical DC into AC is:

o An AC generators
o A thermistor
o A transformer
o An inverter

275. The purpose of baffles fitted in wing fuel tanks is to:

o Prevent positive pressure build up inside the tank
o Restrict undesirable fuel movement during side slip
o Close the vent lines in case of turbulence
o Limit high fuel during refueling operations

276. The octane rating:

o Is a measure of the velocity of the fuel
o Indicates the vapour pressure of the fuel
o Is a measure of the fuels resistance to detonation

277. A halon fire-extinguisher should be used on a fire of:

1. Paper, fabric, plastic
2. Flammable liquids
3. Flammable gases
4. Metals
The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
o 1,2,3
o 1,2,3,4
o 2,3,4
o 1,2,4

278. Ohm’s law states that:-

o The current flowing in a circuit is directly proportional to the coulombs that is
applied to the circuit
o The current flowing in a circuit is directly proportional to the applied voltage
o The current flowing in a circuit is directly proportional to the resistance through
which the current flows

279. The purpose of the spark plugs is to:

o Assist with impulse coupling
o Provide a break to determine the fuel/air ratio
o Provide a break in the electrical circuit from the magneto

280. What is the most effective flap system?

o Single slotted flap
o Fowler flap
o Plain flap
o Split flap

281. The wing anti-ice system has to protect:

o The whole upper wing surface and the flaps
o The leading edge or the slats, either partially or completely
o The whole leading edge and the whole under wing surface
o Slats and the leading edge flaps only

282. Compared to a tyre fitted with an inner tube, a tubeless tyre presents the following
1. High heating
2. Valve fragility
3. Lower risk of bursting
4. Better adjustment to wheels
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
o 1,2,3,4
o 3,4
o 2,4
o 2,3

283. Which statement is correct?

1. The angle of attack of a positively cambered aerofoil has a negative value when the
lift coefficient equals zero
2. There is a nose down pitching moment about a positively cambered aerofoil when the
lift coefficient equals zero
o 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct and 2 is correct
o 1 is correct and 2 is correct
o 1 is correct and 2 is incorrect

284. Mass balancing of control surfaces is used to:

o Limit the stick forces
o Increase the stick force stability
o Prevent flutter of control surfaces
o Ensure that the control surfaces are in the mid-position during landing
285. In the absence of position and instrument error, IAS is equal to:

286. Detonation can be caused by a variety of reasons and is normally recognized by:
o Loss of power
o Increase in cylinder head temperature
o Fluctuating oil pressure

287. One reason to fit a tip shroud to a turbine blade is to:

o Reduce turbine temperatures
o Provide a seal for the cooling airflow
o Increase turbine efficiency
o Prevent blade creep

288. Carefully evaluate the two statements below and select the correct summary from
the choices.
Which of the following statements is correct about the flow divergent (subsonic) gas
turbine engine intake?
1. The dynamic pressure increase in the flow direction
2. The static pressure decreases in the flow direction
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct

289. Once the engine has started, ignition systems of piston engines are:
o Dependent on the AC-Generator
o Dependent on the DC-Generator
o Independent of the electrical system of the aircraft
o Dependent on the battery

290. Minimum drag of an aeroplane in straight and level flight occurs at the :
o Minimum CD value
o Minimum angle of attack
o Maximum CL-CD ratio
o Minimum speed

291. Regarding wake turbulence, what is the ICAO minimum separation time for a
LIGHT aircraft behind MEDIUM or HEAVY aerolplanefrom an intermediate part of the
same runway?
o 2 minutes
o 3 minutes
o 5 minutes
o 4 minutes

292. Mist in the cabin, pressure and temperature drop characterize:

o A slow depressurization
o An electrical fire
o A plastic fire
o A rapid depressurization

293. About a twin spool compressor:

o When operating at very high rpm’s, the later stages within the high pressure spool
will have a large negative angle of attack
o The low pressure spool runs at a very high rpm, thus preventing the onset of
compressor stall
o Both spool run at the same rpm
o The low pressure spool runs at a lower rpm than high pressure spool

294. The thermal efficiency of a piston engine is about:

o 70%
o 50%
o 80%
o 30%

295. During a climb in a standard atmosphere with constant MAP and RPM indications
and at a constant mixture setting. The power output of a piston engine:
o Stays constant
o Only stays constant if the propeller lever is pushed
o Increases
o Decreases

296. The point, where the aerodynamic lift acts on a wing is:
o The suction point of the wing
o The centre of pressure
o The point of maximum thickness of the wing
o The CG location

297. Regarding Ohm’s law:

o The power in the circuit is inversely proportional to the square of the current
o The current in a circuit is directly proportional to the resistance of the circuit
o The current in a circuit is inversely proportional to voltage
o The current in a circuit is directly proportional to voltage

298. A magnetic plug in an engine oil system can be used to:

o Collect static electricity
o Prevent metallic particles from entering the oil system
o Collect ferrous particles
o Collect carbon found in the oil

299. Which statement is correct for a gas turbine engine with a constant speed
propeller and free power turbine, when the power setting is increased?
3. The gas generator speed remain constant
4. The EGT increases
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct

300. Three types of drag are plotted against airspeed to obtain the total drag curve:
o Profile drag, parasite drag, induced drag
o Tip vortices, profile drag, induced drag
o Parasite drag, profile drag, vortices
301. Which statement is correct concerning the effect of the application of carburetor
o The volume of air entering the carburetor is reduced, thus enriching the fuel/air
o The density of the air entering the carburetor is reduced, thus leaning the fuel/air
o The volume of air entering the carburetor is reduced, thus leaning the fuel/air
o The density of the air entering the carburetor is reduced, thus enriching the
fuel/air mixture

302. Select the most correct answer form the list

Aircraft fuel tanks should be checked for water
o Before each flight
o Before the first flight of the day
o During refueling
o Immediately after every refueling

303. The induced drag:

o Increases as the lift coefficient increases
o Increases as the magnitude of the tip vortices decreases
o Has no relation to the lift coefficient
o Increases as the aspect ratio increases

304. Slat extension will:

o Reduce tip vortices
o Decrease the energy in the boundary layer on the upper side of the wing
o Create gaps between leading edge and engine nacelles
o Increase the critical angle of attack

305. A bus-bar is:

o A device permitting operation of two or more switch
o The stator of a moving coil instrument
o A device which may only be used in DC circuits
o A distribution point for electrical power
306. The highest temperature of the gas flow in a turbine engine will be:
o At the flame in the primary zone
o On entry to the turbine
o At the flame in the secondary zone

307. A 1211 halon fire-extinguisher can be used for:

1. A paper fire
2. A fabric fire
3. An electric fire
4. A wood fire
5. A hydrocarbon fire
The combination regrouping all of the correct statements is:
o 2,4,5
o 2,3,4
o 1,3,5
o 1,2,3,4,5

308. Some of the major components of the light aircraft engine are:
o Cylinder barrel and head, crankshaft, compressor
o Crankcase, crankshaft, valve mechanism
o Crankshaft, gearbox, connecting rods

309. Ignition occurs in each cylinder of a four stroke engine (TDC= Top Dead Centre):
o Before TDC at each second crankshaft revolution
o Behind TDC at each second crankshaft revolution
o Before TDC at each crankshaft revolution
o Behind TDC at each crankshaft revolution

310. Compressor stall occurs when:

o When the angle of attack of the early compressor stages becomes too great
o When the angle of attack of the wings exceed 14 degrees
o When the angle of attack of the inlet exceeds the design limits

311. Hydraulic fluids should have the following characteristics:

1. Thermal stability
2. Anti-corrosive
3. High flash-point
4. High compressibility
5. High velocity
The combination that regroups all of the correct statements is:
o 1,2,5
o 1,2,3
o 2,3,4
o 1,4,5

312. What is breathed when using a passenger oxygen mask?

o Cabin air and oxygen or 100% oxygen
o 100% oxygen
o A mixture of oxygen and Freon gas
o Cabin air and oxygen

313. The two deformation modes that cause wing flutter are:
o Torsion and shearing
o Shearing and elongation
o Torsion and bending
o Bending and elongation

314. The correct order of decreasing freezing points of the mentioned fuels is:
o Jet A, jet A-1, jet B
o Jet B, jet A, jet A-1
o Jet B, jet A-1, jet A
o Jet A-1 jet A, jet B

315. In the stator of a turbine, the gas velocity V and static pressure P vary as follows:
o V increases, P increases
o V decreases, P increases
o V decreases, P decreases
o V increases, P decreases

316. One of the function of a gas turbine engine subsonic intake is to:
o Increase total pressure
o Decrease static temperature
o Decrease airflow velocity
o Increase airflow velocity

317. Jet engine total efficiency indicates the efficiency at which:

o Potential energy in the jet is transformed into propulsive energy
o Chemical power in the fuel is transformed into an increase of jet kinetic energy
per second
o The increase of jet kinetic energy is transformed into propulsive energy
o Chemical power in the fuel is transformed into propulsive power (T×V)

318. Bernoulli’s equation can be written as: (pt=total pressure, sp=static pressure and q
= dynamic pressure)
o Pt = q - sp
o Pt+ sp = q
o Pt = sp - q
o Pt - q = sp

319. The voltage of a fully charged lead-acid battery cell under no electrical load is:
o 1.5 volts
o Between 1.2 and 1.8 volts
o Between 2.0 and 2.2 volts
o 12 volts
o 24 volts

320. At the separation point on an aerofoil:

o The laminar layers separates from the aerofoil
o The boundary layer becomes turbulent
o The turbulent boundary layer thickens and separates from

321. Which statement is correct about the flow in a divergent jet engine inlet?
1. The speed increases in flow direction
2. The total pressure increases in flow direction
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect
322. The bypass ratio:
1. Is the ratio of inlet air mass flow to exhaust air mass flow
2. Can be determined from the bypass air mass flow and the HP compressor flow
o 1 is correct, 2 is incorrect
o 1 is correct, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is correct
o 1 is incorrect, 2 is incorrect

323. The advantages of a boxer piston engine is:

o Good weight/performance ratio
o Boxer engine outperforms a radial engine
o The engine is small

324. Upward deflection of a trim tab in the longitudinal control result in:
o Increasing the stick force stability
o The stick force stability remaining constant
o The stick position stability remaining constant
o Increasing the stick position stability

325. The aspect ratio of the wing:

o Is the ratio between the wing span and the mean geometric chord
o Is the ratio between chord and root chord
o Is the ratio between the tip chord and the wing span
o Is the ratio between the wing span and the root chord

326. The installation and use of on-board oxygen generators is such that:
1. The smoking ban is imperative when used
2. In case of accidental drop of the continues flow passenger masks, no crew action is
3. No trace of grease must be found in the system assembly
4. The system’s filling adaptors must be greased with non-freezing or graphite grease
The combination that regroups all of correct statements is
o 1,3
o 2,3
o 2,4
o 1,4

327. Detonation can be recognized by:

o A loss of power and premature ignition of the mixture
o A loss of power and sparks out the exhaust
o A loss of power and on some smaller engines disconnecting

328. One of the advantages of multiple-spool jet engine is that:

o If one speed seizes, the remaining spool(s) will continue to operate normally
o Engine length can be reduced
o A smaller air starter driving only a single spool can be used
o A compressor stall cannot occur under any condition

329. Static stability deals with:

o The tendency of an object to come to standstill
o The tendency of an object to resist movement
o The tendency of an object to return to its original position after a disturbance

330. The working cycle of a four-stroke engine is:

o Compression induction, power, exhaust
o Induction, power, compression, exhaust
o Induction, compression, expansion, power
o Induction, compression, power, exhaust

331. The axial compressor of a gas turbine engine usually has more stages than its
driving turbine because:
o The compressor consumes much more power than the turbine
o Turbine speed is much higher than the compressor speed
o Bleed air is taken from the compressor
o The power output of a turbine stage is higher than the power consumption of a
compressor stage

332. If the total sum of moments about one of its axes is not zero, an aeroplane would:
o Fly a path with a constant curvature
o Be difficult to control
o Not be affected because the situation is normal
o Experience an angular acceleration about that axis

333. Examples of aerodynamic balancing of control surfaces are:

o Spring tab, servo tab, and power assisted control
o Balance tab, horn balance, and mass balance
o Servo tab, spring tab, seal between the wing trailing edge surface
o Mass in the nose of the control surface, horn balance

334. In a free turbine engine:

o There is no mechanical connection between the compressor and the power output
o Its shaft may be connected to either a compressor or another turbine
o The compressor and power output shaft are mechanically connected
o The air entries the compressor via the input turbine

335. The test to assess the state of charge of a lead-acid battery is to:
o Check the discharge current of the battery on-board
o Check the battery voltage off-load
o Compare the on-load and off-load battery voltages
o Check the level of the electrolyte

336. Assuming cabin pressure decrease, the cabin rate of climb indicator should
o A rate of descent of approximately 300 feet per minutes
o A rate of climb
o A rate of descent dependent upon the cabin pressure
o Zero

337. If an abortive start (hung start) occurs when starting a gas turbine engine, the
correct action is to:
o Activate both igniter systems
o Move thrust lever forward to increase fuel flow
o Shutdown the engine
o Select the other igniter system

338. If the main oil filter of a gas turbine engine becomes clogged, oil to the main
bearings is still:
o Because fuel upstream of the oil filter will be mixed with oil to allow easier
passage through the filter
o If breather pressure in the main compartments is increased to ensure positive
lubrication of the bearings
o If a higher engine rpm is selected to increase oil pressure
o Because the oil filter bypass valve opens

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