The Campaign For Reforms
The Campaign For Reforms
The Campaign For Reforms
(The violent events of 1872) ordered his aging mother to walk from
Calamba to the town of Sta. Cruz because of
Peaceful Campaign For Reforms a false charge made against her by Spanish
-Assimilate the Philippines as a province of provincial officials. This made him swore to
Spain. work for the freedom of his country.
-Philippines will be represented in the -At the age of twenty six, he wrote his first
Spanish lawmaking body called the Cortes. novel, Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not).
-Filipinos would become Spanish citizens -This novel exposed the defects of
with equal rights and privileges by all the Spanish administration of the Philippines,
Spanish citizens. the greed and immorality of the friars and the
superstition of the Filipinos.
-Filipinos would not be treated cruelly by the
friars and Spanish Civil authorities. The Great Political Analyst and Journalist
(Marcelo H. Del Pilar)
The Great Triumvirate
-He founded the Tagalog – Spanish
o Jose Rizal newspaper, Diariong Tagalog.
o Marcelo Del Pilar
-He secretly left for Spain to avoid arrest.
o Graciano Jaena
-A year later, he became the editor of La
The Great Orator (Graciano Lopez Jaena)
Solidaridad and became its guiding spirit.
o He wrote a long story about a friar
-Two of his famous books were La Soberania
named Fray Botod. Monacel en Filipinas (Monastic Sovereignty
o The friars hated him for it. in the Philippines) and La Frailocracia
o He founded the fortnightly Filipina Frailocracy in the Philippines).
newspaper La Solidaridad. Unlike Rizal and the other reformists, he
wrote in the language of the masses.
Aims of La Solidaridad
-he borrowed the structure of the Liga. The -The following are the three kinds of
Katipunan had three governing bodies: Katipunan members together with their
passwords: First Grade: Katipon (member)
1. Kataastaasang Sanggunian (Supreme Anak ng Bayan Second Grade: Kawal
Council) highest; central government (soldier) GomBurZa Third Grade: Bayani
(patriot) Rizal
2. Sangguniang Bayan (Provincial Council)
provincial government -In order to recognize each other in the
streets, a member, upon meeting another
3. Sangguniang Balangay (Popular Council) member, would place the palm of his right
municipal government There was a Judicial hand on his breast, and as he passed the other
Council, called Sangguniang Hukuman , member he would close his hand and bring
which passed judgment on members who his index finger and his thumb together
violated the rules of the Society.
-The Katipunan Codes Because the danger of
THE KATIPUNAN ELECTIONS discovery of the Society was always present,
Bonifacio invented a system of writing which
would make it difficult for the Spaniards to
read the Katipunan letters or any written o Angelica Lopez Rizal (Fiscal)
communication. Rizal’s niece
-The first secret code invented by Bonifacio Twin Souls of Katipunan (Bonifacio –
was the following: Jacinto)
Bonifacio – Jacinto
THE WOMEN OF THE KATIPUNAN -Bear always in mind that the love of God is
also love of country, and this, too, is love of
-pBonifacio wanted to involve the women of one’s fellowmen.
the Katipunan without putting it in danger of
discovery. -Engrave in your heart that the true measure
of honor and happiness is to die for the
-He suggested that women be taken in as freedom of your country.
members of the Katipunan.
-All your good wishes will be crowned with
-To minimize the danger of exposing the success if you have serenity, constancy,
Society to women who could not be relied reason, and faith in your acts and endeavor.
upon, Bonifacio decided that only the wife,
sister, daughter of a Katipunero , and a few -Guard the mandates and aims of the K.K.K.
selected women could be eligible for as you guard your honor.
-It is the duty of all to defend, at the risk of
-This strict requirement is to compel women their own lives and wealth, anyone who runs
members to keep the secrets of the great risk in the performance of his duty.
-Our responsibility to ourselves and the
-Aside from propagating the ideas and ideals performance of our duties will be the
of the Society, the Katipunera’s duty is to example set for our fellowmen to follow.
make the police authorities believe that no
Katipunan meeting was being held in a -Insofar as it is within your power, share your
house. means with the poor and the unfortunate.
-The women are engaged in dancing and -Diligence in the work that gives sustenance
singing in full view of the people on the to you is the true basis of love love for your
street while the male members were holding own self, for your wife and children, and for
a meeting in a room behind the sala . your brothers and countrymen.
Among the prominent women members of -Punish any scoundrel and traitor and praise
the Katipunan were: all good work. Believe, likewise, that the
aims of the K.K.K. are God given, for the
o Josefa Rizal (President) will of the people is also the will of God.
o Gregoria de Jesus (Vice President)
The Kartilya ng Katipunan
o Marina Dizon (Secretary)
-Emilio Jacinto wrote the Kartilya which moves to evil, they who are guided likewise
consisted of thirteen ―teachings. It is the move towards evil.
―best known of all Katipunan texts and it is
the ―only document set in print by the PRELUDE TO AMERICAN
Katipunan prior to August 1896 that is REGIME (The Relief of Primo De
known to be still extant(existing). Rivera)
-The Kartilya was printed as a small -Primo de Rivera’s success in stopping the
pamphlet that was distributed to the members bloodshed was highly praised in Spain. The
of the Katipunan. Queen of Spain, who was reigning for her
son, rewarded him with the Grand Cross of
-It was derived from the Spanish cartilla San Fernando and a pension of 10,000.
which was the primer used for grade schools
during Spanish period. -When armed hostilities occurred in mid
February 1898, many Spaniards blamed the
-Hence, it served as the primary lessons of Filipinos for violating the Truce of Biak na
the members of the Katipunan. Bato.
-Life which is not consecrated to a lofty and -Meanwhile in Spain, the elections resulted
sacred cause is like a tree without a shadow, in the triumph of the Conservative Party.
if not a poisonous weed.
-It sent General Basilio Augustin as governor
-A good deed that springs from a desire for general to succeed Primo de Rivera. This was
personal profit and not from a desire to do unfortunate because Primo de Rivera has
good is not kindness. good intentions, which he thought, would
-True greatness consists in being charitable, make the Filipino rebels return to Spain as
in loving one’s fellowmen and in adjusting faithful subjects.
every movement, deed and word to true - At that time there was a rumor that the
Reason. Spaniards and the Americans were drifting
-All men are equal, be the color of their skin towards a war. With the possibility of a war,
black or white. One may be superior to Primo de Rivera would have been a wise
another in knowledge, wealth, and beauty, choice to govern the archipelago since he
but cannot be uperior in being. knew the Filipinos well.
-He who is noble prefers honor to personal -The newly appointed governor general had
gains; he who is mean prefers personal profit never been to the Philippines and did not
to honor. know the problems confronting the country.
But the new Spanish Prime Minister insisted
-To a man with a sense of shame, his word is on Primo de Rivera’s relief. On April 9,
inviolate. 1898, General Augustin arrived in Manila.
-Don’t fritter away time; lost riches may be The Spanish American War (1898)
recovered, but time lost will never come Factors:
o Cuban struggle for independence
-Defend the oppressed and fight the o Efforts of the Americans to extend
oppressor. influence overseas
o Sinking of the warship MAINE
-An intelligent man is he who is cautious in
speech and knows how to keep the secrets -Jose Marti leader of the Cubans; they
that must be guarded. rejected Spain’s offer of autonomy because
they wanted complete independence.
-In the thorny path of life, man is the guide of
his wife and children; if he who guides -New York Journal and New York World
published stories about the alleged atrocities
of the Spanish people and they called for US -Filipino Volunteer Militia they all sided with
to intervene. Aguinaldo.
End of Filipino American Collaboration -Executive was vested in the President and
and Spanish Rule assisted by the Cabinet called Council of the
o Surrender of Manila ended the
Filipino American collaboration. -Legislative was exercised by the unicameral
o Gen. Diego delos Rios last Spanish Assembly of Representatives. When the law
making body is not in session, legislative was
Governor General in the country.
exercised by a Permanent Commission (7 -On the night of February 4, 1899, an
assemblymen). American sentry, Private William W.
Grayson, with another soldier, encountered
-Judicial power was vested in the Supreme three armed Filipinos in Silencio corner
Court of Justice. A chief justice selected by Sociego St. in Sta Mesa, Manila. Recalling
the Assembly of Representatives headed this the incident, Grayson said: About eight
branch. o’clock, Miller and I were cautiously pacing
-Lawmaking body was more powerful than our district.
the executive branch. -We came to a fence and were trying to see
The Malolos Republic At Work what the Filipinos were up to. Suddenly, near
at hand, on our left, there was a low but
o Education was one of the concerns. unmistakable Filipino outpost signal whistle.
Schools were opened and 35,000
was set aside to finance the -It was immediately answered by a similar
educational needs of the Malolos whistle about twenty five yards to the right.
Republic. Then a red lantern flashed a signal from
o Primary schools and higher blockhouse number 7. We had never seen
such a sign used before.
education were established.
o War tax was imposed to Filipinos Filipino – American War Escalates
[age of 18 to 60].
o They solicited donations from rich After the refusal of General Otis to end
Filipinos and Chinese. hostilities, General Arthur MacArthur
o Armed forces were organized but it ordered the advance of American troops
was ill-trained and ill equipped toward Filipino positions in Manila and the
Gaceta de Filipinas [first called El suburbs.
Heraldo de la Revolucion ] -Regiments from Kansas and California
newspaper of the Republic. captured Santa Ana and Makati.
o La Independencia most famous of
private owned newspapers. -Troops from Nebraska and Utah occupied
the San Juan Bridge
ROOTS OF CONFLICT -Volunteers from Idaho and Washington
massacred hundreds of Filipinos who were
Benevolent Assimilation Proclamation then trying to cross the Pasig River.
-Announced in the Philippines on January 4, -The coastlines were pounded continuously
1899. by Admiral Dewey’s naval guns capturing
Manila and the Suburbs.
-Through this proclamation, the US made
clear its intention of imposing its sovereignty --Major Jose Torres Bugallon one of the
over the Philippines. bravest Filipino soldier; killed in the Battle of
La Loma.
-In the same proclamation, General Elwell
Otis was named the commander of American -Caloocan fell to the Americans because they
ground forces in the Philippines which was to were superior in arms.
“extend by force American sovereignty over
this country.” On January 5, 1899, Aguinaldo -General Antonio Luna fought bravely but
issued a counter proclamation. were forced to retreat to Bulacan.
-He went there with his aide, Colonel -Aguinaldo was finally captured on March
Francisco Roman, and some soldiers. When 23, 1901, in Palanan, Isabela Province, by
he reached Aguinaldo’s headquarters in means of a trick planned by Brigadier
Cabanatuan on June 5, 1899 and did not find General Frederick Funston.
Aguinaldo there, he got angry. Then he heard -A party of pro American Macabebe scouts
a rifle shot, rushed downstairs, cursed the marched into Palanan pretending to be the
soldiers, and slapped one of them. reinforcements that Aguinaldo was waiting
-A captain named Pedrong Kastila from for.
Cavite, hacked Luna with a bolo. -With the Macabebes were two former
-The other soldiers started hacking him as Filipino army officers, Tal Placido and
well with their bolos, some even fired Lazaro Segovia, who had surrendered to the
gunshots at him. Luna drew his revolver but Americans, and five Americans, including
fell outside the convent and died saying, General Funston, who pretended to be
“Cowards! Assassins!” captives.
-Caught by surprise, Aguinaldo’s guards
were easily overpowered by the Macabebes
after a brief exchange of shots. Aguinaldo
was seized by Tal Placido and placed under
arrest by General Funston.