Percentage (Practice Sheet)
Percentage (Practice Sheet)
Percentage (Practice Sheet)
PERCENTAGE/i zfr'krrk
(SSC CGL Mains Practice Sheet)
1. The price of a car is first increased by 35% ;fn 120 dksx% de djus ls ogh ifj.kke vkrk gS tks
and after that the price is decreased by 25% 40 dksx% c<+kus ls vkrk gS] rks 210 dk
x% 180 ds (x
due to reduction in sales. What is the net per-
+ 20)% l s fdruk izfr'kr de gS\
centage change in final price of the car?
, d dkj dh dher esa igys 35» dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gS (a) 33
(b) 18
vkSj mlds ckn fcØh esa deh ds dkj.k dher esa 25» 3
dh deh dh tkrh gSA dkj ds vafre ewY; esa 'kq¼ izfr'kr (c) 16 2 (d) 20
ifjorZUk fdruk gS\ 3
5. If (x + 20)% of 250 is 25% more than x% of
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Shift-02)
220 then 10% of (x + 50) is what percent less
1 1 than 15% of x ?
(a) Decrease by 2 % (b) Increase by 2 %
; fn 250 d k(x + 20)%, 220 d s x% ls 25% v fèkd
5 3
gS rks(x + 50) d k10%, x d s15% ls fdruk izfr'kr
an by
(c) Decrease by 1
% (d) Increase by 1 %
4 de gS\
2. The price of petrol increased by 8% on 1 April 1 1
22, when compared to the price as on 1 (a) 13 (b) 8
3 3
January 22. If it increased again by 5% on 31
R s
September 22, what was the price of petrol (in 2 1
Rs/ltr.) on 1 January 22, if the price on 31 (c) 16 (d) 33
3 3
a th
2020 esa 1» ?kV xbZA ;fn o"kZ 2018 ds var esa tula[;k(c) 47 (d)
1]32]400 Fkh] rks o"kZ 2021 dh 'kq#vkr esa tula[;k7.KkrA man multiplied a number by 8/5 instead of
dhft, (fudVre iw.kkZad rd iw.kkZafdr) 5/8, what is the percentage error in the
CRPF HCM 27/02/2023 (Shift - 03) calculation?
(a) 1,34,385 (b) 1,34,720 , d vkneh us ,d la[;k dks 5@8 ds ctk; 8@5 ls xq.kk
(c) 1,36,148 (d) 1,35,664 fd;k] x.kuk esa çfr'kr =kqfV D;k gS\
4. If decreasing 120 by x% gives the same result SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (SHIFT-02)
as increasing 40 by x% then x% of 210 is what (a) 124% (b) 162%
percent less than (x + 20)% of 180 ? (c) 156% (d) 100%
8. With reference to a number greater than one, 12. In an election between two candidates, 85%
the difference between itself and its reciprocal of the voters cast their votes, out which 4%
is 25% of the sum of itself and its reciprocal. of the votes were declared invalid. A candi-
date got 6936 votes which were 85% of the
By how much percentage (correct one decimal
valid votes. Find the total number of voters
place) is the fourth power of the number enrolled in that election.
greater than its square? nks mEehnokjksa ds chp ,d pquko esa] 85» ernkrkvksa
,d ls cM+h la[;k ds lanHkZ esa Lo;a vkSj mlds O;qRØe vius oksV Mkys] ftlesa ls 4» er voS/ ?kksf"kr dj
ds chp dk varj Lo;a vksj mlds O;qRØe ds ;ksx dk fn, x,A ,d mEehnokj dks 6936 er feys tks oS/ erksa
25» gSA la[;k dk pkSFkk ?kkr mlds oxZ ls fdrus izfr'kr dk 85» FkkA ml pquko esa ukekafdr ernkrkvksa dh dq
vf/d gS\ la[;k Kkr dhft,A
(a) 64.5 (b) 62.5 SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Shift-03)
(c) 66.7 (d) 57.8 (a) 10,500 (b) 10,800
9. A, B and C are three positive numbers such (c) 10,000 (d) 10,700
that the average of three-fifth of A and 30% 13. The marked price of a chair was ` 1,000 but
of B is 13.5, and the average of 3/8 times of it was sold for ` 1,200. What is the percent-
age increase on the product?
B and 25% of C is 15. If A is equal to 5/12
time of C, then the sum of all three numbers ,d dqlhZ dk vafdr ewY; #- 1]000 Fkk ysfdu bls #-
A, B
an by
A, B, and C is:
vkSjC rhu /ukRed la[;k,a gSa] tSls fd
A ds
1]200 esa cspk x;kA mRikn ij izfr'kr o`f¼ D;k gS\
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Shift-02)
rhu& ikaposa vkSj
B ds 30» dk vkSlr 13-5 gS] vkSj
B (a) 10% (b) 15%
ds 3/8 xquk vkSjC ds 25» dk vkSlr 15 gSA ;fnA, (c) 35% (d) 20%
R s
C ds 5/12 xquk ds cjkcj gS] rks
A, B vkSjC rhuksa14. A man spends 65% of his income. His income
increases by 20% and his expenditure also in-
la[;kvksa dk ;ksx gS%
a th
(c) 26000 (d) 28000 ,d ek=k izfr}anh ls 3080 erksa ds cgqer ls gkj tkrk
11. If radius of a sphere is decreased by 48%, then gSA voS/ erksa dk izrf'kr -----------------gSA
by what percent does its surface area SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Shift-01)
(a) 5% (b) 3%
;fn fdlh xksys dh f=kT;k % 48 de dj nh tk,] rks
(c) 4% (d) 6%
mldk i`"Bh; {ks=kÝQy fdrus izfr'kr de gks tk,xk\ 16. The population of a town is 1,25,000. If the
SSC CGL TIER - II 02/03/2023 annual birth rate is 12.7% and the annual
(a) 82.91% (b) 72.96% death rate is 2.7%, how much will the popu-
(c) 78.98% (d) 86.26% lation increase after 3 years?
,d 'kgj dh tula[;k 1]25]000 gSA ;fn okf"kZd tUe19. Meena scores 40% in an examination and after
nj 12-7» gS vkSj okf"kZd e`R;q nj 2-7» gS] rks 3 o"kks± ds
review, even though her score in increased
ckn tula[;k esa fdruh o`f¼ gksxh\ by 50%, she fails by 35 marks. If her post-
review score is increased by 20%, she will have
SSC CPO 09/11/2022 (Shift-03)
7 marks more than the passing score. The
(a) 43,285 (b) 41,375 percentage score needed for passing the
(c) 42,565 (d) 40,275 examination is :
2 ehuk us fdlh ijh{kk esa 40» vad izkIr fd;s vkSj leh{kk
17. of the population of village is men and the
3 ds ckn gkykafd mlds vadksa esa 50» dh o`f¼ gqbZ ija
rest are women. 80% of men and 70% of og 35 vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ gks xbZA ;fn leh{kk ds
women are educated. 40% of educated men mlds vadksa esa 20» dh o`f¼ dj nh tk, rks mlds vad
and 30% of the educated women are graduate.
mÙkh.kk±d ls 7 vad vf/d gks tk,axsA ijh{kk dks ikl
20% of graduate men and 25% of the graduate
women are government employees. Find the djus ds fy, vko';d mÙkh.kZ izfr'kr Kkr dhft,A
percentage (approx.) of government employees (a) 75 (b) 80
in the village. (c) 60 (d) 70
20. A student scores 20% marks and fails by 40
fdlh xkao dh tual[;k dk iq#"k gS vkSj 'ks"k efgyk marks while another student who scores 32%
an by marks, gets 47 marks more than the minimum
gSA 80» iq#"k vkSj 70» efgyk f'kf{kr gSA 40» f'kf{krrequired pass marks. What are the maximum
iq#"k vkSj 30» f'kf{kr efgyk Lukrd gSA 20» LUkkrdmarks for the examination?
iq#"k vkSj 25» Lukrd efgyk ljdkjh deZpkjh gSa rks ,d Nk=k 20» vad çkIr djrk gS vkSj 40 vadksa ls vuqÙkh.k
xkao esa ljdkjh deZpkfj;ksa dk izfr'kr gS (yxHkx)& gks tkrk gS tcfd ,d vU; Nk=k tks 32» vad çkIr djrk
R s
(a) 3% (b) 6% gS] U;wure vko';d mÙkh.kZ vadksa ls 47 vad vf/d çkIr
a th
(c) 8% (d) 1% djrk gSA ijh{kk ds fy, vf/dre vad D;k gSa\
18. 80% of the total students admitted in a college CRPF HCM 26/02/2023 (Shift - 02)
scored more than 85% marks in class 10th (a) 600 (b) 750
exams and 45% of these students scored more (c) 650 (d) 725
ty a
than 90%. If 16 students admitted in the 21. Rajiv scored 20 percent marks in an exam and
college scored less than 75% in Class 10th and failed by 25 marks. If he scores 50 percent
di M
the number of students who scored between marks, then he gets 20 marks more than passing
75% and 85% (both percentages included) is marks. What is the passing marks for the exam?
one-fifth of the number of students who scored jktho us ,d ijh{kk esa 20 izfr'kr vad izkIr fd, vkSj 25
more than 85%, how many students in the vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ gks x;kA ;fn og 50 izfr'kr vad izk
college scored more than 90%? djrk] rks mÙkh.kZ vadksa ls 20 vad vf/d izkIr gksrsA ijh{
esa mÙkh.kZ gksus ds fy, fdrus vad vko';d gS\
,d dkWyst esa nkf•y dqy fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds 80» fo|kfFkZ;ksa
us d{kk 10 dh ijh{kk esa 85» ls vf/d vad vftZr SSC CHSL 14/03/2023 (Shift-01)
fd;s rFkk bu fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds 45» fo|kfFkZ;ksa us 90» (a) 40 (b) 35
(c) 55 (d) 45
ls vf/d vad vftZr fd;sA ;fn dkWyst esa nkf•y
22. If the price of rice is raised by 28%, then by
16 fo|kfFkZ;ksa us d{kk 10 dh ijh{kk esa 75» ls de how much percent should a person reduce his
vad vftZr fd;s rFkk 75» rFkk 85» ds chp (nksuksa consumption of rice, so that his expenditure
çfr'kr dks 'kkfey djrs gq,) vad vftZr djus okys remains the same?
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k 85» ls vf/d vad vftZr djus ;fn pkoy dh dher esa 28» dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gS] rks
okys fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k dk 1@5 xquk gS] rks dkWyst,d O;fDr dks pkoy dh [kir esa fdrus izfr'kr dh deh
esa fdrus çfr'kr fo|kfFkZ;ksa us 90» ls vf/d vad djuh pkfg,] rkfd mlds O;; esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha gks\
vftZr fd;s \ DP Head Constable 18/10/2022 (Shift - 01)
(a) 352 students (b) 117 students (a) 22.875% (b) 21.875%
(c) 144 students (d) 224 students (c) 24.875% (d) 23.875%
year. If rthe difference between the prices at
the end of the third and fourth years is ` varj 400 gSAA vkSjB dk dqy nku C dh rqyuk esa
900 vf/d gSA C dk ekfld osru D;k gS\
259.20, then 40% of the price (in `) at the end
of the second year is : (a) Rs.25,000 (b) Rs.36,000
an by
,d oLrq dh dher gj o"kZ 20» c<+ tkrh gSA ;fn rhljs
vkSj pkSFks o"kZ dh dherksa
` 259-20
(c) Rs.30,000 (d) Rs.27,000
esa dk varj gS] rks28. In a constituency, 55% of the total number
nwljs o"kZ ds var esa bldh dher dk 40» gksxk
` esa)( % of voters are males and the rest are females.
(a) 484 (b) 432 If 40% of the males are illiterate and 40% of
R s
(c) 384 (d) 472 the females are literate, then by what percent
25. Raja gives 30% of his salary to his mother, 40% is the number of literate males more than that
a th
mother and that he invests in insurance scheme 40» efgyk,¡ f'kf{kr gSa] rks f'kf{kr iq#"kksa dh la[;
is ` 8400, how much is Raja's salary? vf'kf{kr efgykvksa dh la[;k ls fdruk izfr'kr vfèkd gS\
di M
30. If each side of a rectangle is decreased by 11%, nks mEehnokjksa ds chp pquko esa] iathÑr ernkrkvksa
then its area will decrease by:
20» us viuk er ugha fn;k vkSj 40 er voS/ ?kksf"kr dj
;fn fdlh vk;r dh izR;sd Hkqtk eas 11» dh deh gks] rks fn, x,A fotsrk dks iathÑr erksa dk 42» çkIr gqvk vkSj
blds {ks=kiQYk eas gqbZ deh Kkr djsaA mls 112 erksa ls fotsrk ?kksf"kr fd;k x;kA iathÑr ernkrkvks
SSC CPO 23/11/2020 (Shift-1) dh la[;k fdruh Fkh\
(a) 24.31% (b) 25%
SSC CHSL TIER II 26/06/2023
(c) 21.13% (d) 20.79%
31. In an election between two candidates, 12% of (a) 1200 (b) 1500
the voters in thevoters' list did not cast their (c) 1800 (d) 3800
votes and 5% of the votes polled were declared
35. A, B and C contested an election. All the votes
invalid. The winning candidate got 58% valid
votes and won by a majority of 6,688 votes. polled were valid. A got 38% of the total votes.
The number of voters in the voters' list was: For every 45 votes polled, B got 18 votes. The
winner got 5,760 more votes than the person
nks mEehnokjksa ds chp ,d pquko esa] ernkrk12% lwph esa
who received the least number of votes. The
ernkrkvksa us viuk oksV ugha Mkyk vkSj5% Mkys
total number of votes polled was:
voS/ ?kksf"kr dj fn, x,A fot;h mEehnokj dks 58» oS/ oksV
feys vkSj og6,668 oksVksa ds cgqer ls thr x;kA ernkrk A, B vkSjC us ,d pquko esa Hkkx fy;kA Mkys x, lHkh
lwph esa ernkrkvksa dh la[;k Fkh%
an by er oS/ FksA A dks dqy erksa ds 38% er izkIr gq,A
ICAR Mains, 07/07/2023 (Shift-1) izR;sd45 erksa ds fy,]B dks 18 er izkIr gq,A fotsrk
(a) 50,000 (b) 55,000 dks lcls de er izkIr djus okys O;fDr ls 5760 vf/
(c) 48,000
ja (d) 45,000 d er izkIr gq,A Mkys x, erksa dh dqy la[;k D;k Fkh\
R s
32. If Ram's income exceeds Shyam's income by
(a) 37,200 (b) 38,400
70% and Shyam's income is less than Sohan's
a th
income by 30%, then find the ratio of the in- (c) 36,000 (d) 32,000
comes of Ram and Sohan.
36. During the first year, the population of a town
;fn jke dh vk; ';ke dh vk; ls 70» vfèkd gS vkSj increases by 8% and in the second year it
ty a
';ke dh vk; lksgu dh vk; ls 30» de gS] rks jke diminishes by 6%. At the end of the second
vkSj lksgu dh vk; dk vuqikr Kkr dhft,A year, its population was 88,830. What was the
di M
SSC CPO 10/11/2022 (Shift-01) population at the beginning of the first year?
(a) 119 : 100 (b) 121 : 102 izFke o"kZ ds nkSjku] ,d dLcs dh tula[;k esa
8% dh o`f¼
(c) 120 : 101 (d) 118 : 99 gksrh gS vkSj nwljs o"kZ 6%esade;ggksrh gSA nwljs o"kZ ds
33. The salary of an employee was first increased var esa] bldh tula[;k88,830 FkhA izFke o"kZ dh 'kq:vkr
by 15% and thereafter it was reduced by 10%. esa bldh tula[;k fdruh Fkh\
What was the percentage change in his sal-
ary? ICAR Mains, 08/07/2023 (Shift-2)
,d deZpkjh ds osru esa igys 15» dh o`f¼ dh xbZ (a) 89,000 (b) 87,500
vkSj mlds ckn bls 10» de fd;k x;kA mlds osru esa (c) 85,500 (d) 82,000
fdrus izfr'kr ifjorZu gqvk\ 37. The cost of an item increases successively by
SSC CPO 11/11/2022 (Shift-03) 20% and 30% and then decreases by 38%. If
its final cost is `483.60, then its initial cost is:
(a) 1.10% (b) 103.5%
,d oLrq dh ykxr ewY; Øfed :i ls 20» vkSj 30» c<+
(c) 3.5% (d) 15%
tkrh gS vkSj fiQj 38»?kV tkrh gSA ;fn bldh vafre ykxr
34. In an election between two candidates, 20%
483-60 #i;s gS] rks bldh çkjafHkd ykxr ewY; gS%
of the registered voters did not cast their votes
and 40 votes were declared invalid. The winner CRPF HCM 22/02/2023 (Shift - 02)
received 42% of the registered votes and was (a) `480 (b) `500
declared the winner by 112 votes. What was
(c) `520 (d) `600
the number of registered voters?
38. Rupa's savings are 16% of her expenditure. If 1-1-22 dksA dk osru Rs.1]52]400 çfr ekg gSA ekpZ esa
her savings increase by 25% and expenditure blesa 8» dh o`f¼ gqbZ] vxLr esa 5» dh deh gqbZ vkSj uoa
increases by 10.5%, then the percentage
increase in her income is:
esa fiQj ls 10» dh o`f¼ gqbZA rhljs cnyko ds ckn mldk
:ik dh cpr mlds O;; dk 16» gSA ;fn mldh cpr esa osru (#i;s esa) D;k gksxk\ (fudVre iw.kkZad rd iw.kkZafdr)
CRPF HCM 23/02/2023 (Shift - 03)
25» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS vkSj O;; esa 10-5» dh o`f¼ gksrh
(a) 171998.64 (b) 171998.65
gS] rks mldh vk; esa çfr'kr o`f¼ gS% (c) 181978.66 (d) 171988.62
CRPF HCM 22/02/2023 (Shift - 02) 43. The price of rice increases from Rs.45 per kg
(a) 14.5% (b) 14% to Rs.63 per kg. If its consumption is reduced
(c) 12% (d) 12.5% by 20%, then by what per cen does the
39. The income of Ajay is 38% more than that of expenditure on it increase?
Vijay and their savings are in the ratio of 3:2.
pkoy dh dher 45 #i;s çfr fdyks ls c<+dj 63 #i;s çfr
If each of them spent `6,000, find the sum of
the incomes of Ajay and Vijay? fdyks gks xbZ gSA ;fn bldh •ir esa 20» dh deh dj nh
vt; dh vk; fot; dh vk; ls 38» vf/d gS vkSj tk,] rks bl ij gksus okys O;; esa fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f¼ gksxh\
mudh cpr 3% 2 ds vuqikr esa gSA ;fn muesa ls çR;sd us CRPF HCM 24/02/2023 (Shift - 01)
6]000 #i;s •pZ fd,] rks vt; vkSj fot; dh vk; dk (a) 10% (b) 12%
(c) 15% (d) 15%
;ksx Kkr dhft,\
44. In a town, the population was 9000. In 1 year,
CRPF HCM 23/02/2023 (Shift - 02) the male population increased by 10% and the
(a) 59,000
(c) 59,500
an by (b) 59,300
(d) 59,200
female population increased by 8%, but the
total population increased by 9%. The
40. In an election between two candidates, 3% did increased female population in the town is:
not cast their votes and 5% votes polled were
,d dLcs dh tula[;k 9000 FkhA 1 o"kZ esa] iq#"k tula[;k
declared invalid. The winning candidate got
ja esa 10» dh o`f¼ gqbZ vkSj efgyk tula[;k esa 8» dh o`f¼
R s
54% of the valid votes and won by a majority
of 11058 votes. Find the number of voters who gqbZ] ysfdu dqy tula[;k esa 9» dh o`f¼ gqbZA dLcs
a th
dh la[;k Kkr dhft, ftUgksaus oksV ugha MkykA the girls are scholarship holders, then the
CRPF HCM 23/02/2023 (Shift - 03) approximate percentage of the students who
(a) 5050 (b) 3750 do not get the scholarship is:
(c) 4500 (d) 4125 ,d dkWyst esa yM+dksa vkSj yM+fd;ksa dh la[;k dk vuqik
41. Raju saves 15% of his income. His salary was
% 7 gSA ;fn 30» yM+ds vkSj 40» yM+fd;ka Nk=ko`fÙk
increased by 18% so he increased his savings
by 20%. If his expenditure after an increase gSa] rks Nk=ko`fÙk u ikus okys Nk=kksa dk vuqekfur çfr
in salary was `1,32,500, find his savings (in `) CRPF HCM 24/02/2023 (Shift - 03)
before the increase in salary. (a) 67.4% (b) 72.5%
jktw viuh vk; dk 15» cpkrk gSA mlds osru esa 18» dh (c) 69.8% (d) 64.2%
o`f¼ gqbZ blfy, mlus viuh cpr esa 20» dh o`f¼ dhA 46. The price of coffee increased by 35% and then
decreased by 20%. If a man reduces his
;fn osru esa o`f¼ ds ckn mldk O;; 1]32]500 #i;s Fkk]
47. In an election between two candidates, 10% of ,d pquko esa] pkj mEehnokj Fks vkSj 95» ernkrkvksa
the total voters in a town did not cast their ernku fd;kA ,d mEehnokj dks 25» er çkIr gq,] tcfd
votes. Furthermore, 15% of the votes polled
were declared invalid. The winning candidate got
vU; rhu us 'ks"k erksa dks 6 % 7 % 2 ds vuqikr esa lk>
58% of the valid votes and won by a majority fd;kA rhljs LFkku ij •M+s mEehnokj vkSj pkSFks LFk
of 4896 votes. The number of valid votes was: •M+s mEehnokj }kjk çkIr erksa dk varj 69198 ds cjkcj
nks mEehnokjksa ds chp ,d pquko esa] ,d dLcs ds dqy gSA fot;h çR;k'kh }kjk çkIr er Kkr dhft,A
ernkrkvksa esa ls 10» us oksV ugha MkykA blds vykok] CRPF HCM 27/02/2023 (Shift - 02)
Mkys x, oksVksa esa ls 15» dks vekU; ?kksf"kr dj fn;k x;kA
(a) 115330 (b) 138396
fot;h mEehnokj dks oS/ erksa dk 58» çkIr gqvk vkSj (c) 161462 (d) 156458
51. A student scored 30% marks and failed by 50
mlus 4896 erksa ds cgqer ls thr gkfly dhA oS/ erksa dh marks, while another student who scored 42%
la[;k Fkh% marks gets 58 marks more than the minimum
CRPF HCM 26/02/2023 (Shift - 01) required pass marks. What is the pass marks
(a) 22,950 (b) 26,775 for the examination?
(c) 30,600 (d) 36,000 ,d Nk=k us 30» vad çkIr fd, vkSj 50 vadksa ls vuqÙkh.kZ
48. The income of a person is Rs.50,000 and his gks x;k] tcfd ,d vU; Nk=k ftlus 42» vad çkIr fd,]
expenditure is Rs.35,000 if his income is
U;wure vko';d mÙkh.kZ vadksa ls 58 vad vf/d çkIr
increased by 20% and his expenditure by 10%,
then what will be the percentage increase in fd,A ijh{kk ds fy, mÙkh.kZ vad D;k gSa\
the savings? an by
,d O;fÙkQ dh vk; 50]000 #i;s gS vkSj mldk O;; 35]000 (a) 320
CRPF HCM 28/02/2023 (Shift - 01)
(b) 270
#i;s gS ;fn mldh vk; esa 20» vkSj mlds O;; esa 10» dh (c) 750 (d) 240
52. Sanny scored 50% of total marks in an
o`f¼ dh tkrh gS] rks cpr esa fdrus çfr'kr dh o`f¼ gksxh\ examination of Engineering Service Exam and
CRPF HCM 26/02/2023 (Shift - 03)
R s
after review, an examiner increased his marks
2 1 by 10%, in spite of doing this, he is failed by
a th
49. A person spends 20% of his salary on EMI ls 50» vad izkIr fd, vkSj leh{kk ds ckn] ,d ijh{kkFkhZ
every month, 30% on food, 20% on children's
us mlds vadksa esa 10» dh o`f¼ dh] ,slk djus ds ckotwn
di M
54. The cost of packaging of apples is 20% of the ,d 'kgj dh tul¡[;k 312600 gSA 'kgj esa iq#"kksa vkSj
cost of the apples themselves. The cost of efgykvksa dk vuqikr 3 % 2 gSA ;fn iq#"kksa esa ls 1
apples is increased by 40% but the cost of
fuj{kj vkSj efgykvksa esa 15» fuj{kj gksa] rks 'kgj
packaging decreases by 50%, then what is the
percent change in the cost of packed apples, lk{kj O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k Kkr djsa\
if the cost of packed apples is equal to the (a) 275088 (b) 255080
sum of the cost of apples and cost of (c) 250800 (d) 268000
packaging? 1
58. A person spends 31 % on food. Of the
iSfdax fd, x, lscks dk ewY;] lscks ds ewY; ds 20» gSA 4
lscks ds ewY; esa 40» dh o`f¼ dh tkrh gS ysfdu iSfdax 2
remaining amount he spends 18 % on
fd, x, lscks ds ewY; esa 50» dh deh dj nh tkrh gSA 11
;fn iSfdax fd, x, lscks dk ewY;] lscks ds ewY; vkSj education, now whatever he is left with he
iSfdax ds ewY; ds ;ksx ds cjkcj gS] rks iSfdax fd, x, spends 33 1 % on clothes and rest he saves,
lscksa ds ewY; esa vkus okyk çfr'kr ifjorZu fdruk gS \ 3
if his savings are Rs. 2400. Find his income.
(a) 10% (b) 25%
(c) 30% (d) 15% ,d O;fDr 31 % Hkkstu ij •pZ djrk gSA cph gqbZ
55. In an election, 10% of the voters didn't vote
an by 2
and 80 votes were invalid. It is known that jkf'k esa ls og18 % f'k{kk ij •pZ djrk gS] vc
the winning candidates got 380 votes more mlds ikl tks dqN cpk gS og mldk
than the other candidate and the number of
votes received by winning candidate is 48% 33
% diM+ksa ij •pZ djrk gS vkSj ckdh cpr djrk
ja 3
R s
of the total eligible voters. Find the total
gS] ;fn mldh cpr 2400 gSA rks mldh vk; Kkr dhft,A
number of eligible voters.
a th
;ksX; ernkrkvksa dh dqy la[;k Kkr djsa \ their prices exceeded Rs. 5000 for the first time?
(a) 8000 (b) 5000 fdlh oLrq x ds ewY; esa çR;sd o"kZ 20» dh o`f¼ gksrh
(c) 5550 (d) 2020 gS vkSj oLrq
y ds ewY; esa çfr o"kZ 10» dh o`f¼ gksrh
56. If the price of petrol increases by 35% and
gSA o"kZ 2010 esa]x oLrq
dk ewY; #i;s 5000 Fkk vkSj
Raj intends to spend only an additional 20% oLrqy dk ewY; #i;s 2000 FkkA fdl o"kZ esa igyh ckj
on petrol, by how much % will he reduce the muds ewY;ksa dk varj #i;s 5000 ls vf/d gks x;k \
quantity of petrol purchased (approximately)? (a) 2012
;fn isVªksy ds ewY; 35» dh o`f¼ dj nh tk, vkSj (b) 2013
jkt dsoy isVªksy ij 20» vfrfjÙkQ •pZ djuk pkgrk (c) 2014
gS] rks og isVªksy dh ek=kk esa fdrus » dh deh djsxk \(d) 2015
(yxHkx) 60. x, y and z are three numbers such that x is
30% of z and y is 40% of z. If x is p% of y,
(a) 10% (b) 12%
then what is the value of p?
(c) 11% (d) 6.67%
rhu la[;k,¡ x, y vkSjz bl izdkj gSa fd x, y dk
57. The population of a town is 312600. The ratio 30» gS vkSj y, z dk 40» gSA ;fnx, y dk p% gS] rks
of men and women is 3 : 2. If there are 10% p dk eku D;k gS\
illiterate among men and 15% illiterate among
(a) 45 (b) 55
women then how many literate persons are
(c) 65 (d) 75
there in the town?
61. In may, John bought the same amount of rice 64.Farhan and Kunal invested some money to
and the same amount of wheat as he had start a company and share of Farhan in the
bought in April, but spent 150 more due to investment is 35% while the share of Kunal
price increase of rice and wheat by 20% and
is 65%. After one year, Farhan and Kunal
12%, respectively. If John had spent 450 on
increased their investment by 20% and 30%,
rice in April, then how much did he spend on
wheat in May? respectively. At the end of second year, revenue
of the company is Rs. 12,650 and there is
ebZ ekg esa tkWu us pkoy vkSj xsgw¡ dh mruh gh ek=kk neither
[kjhnh any profit nor loss. Find the amount
ftruh fd mlus vçSy esa [kjhnh FkhA ijarq pkoy vkSj xsgw¡
invested by Farhan initially.
ds ewY;ksa esa Øe'k% 20» vksj 12» dh o`f¼ ds ` dkj.k
150 vf/d [kpZ fd;sA ;fn tkWu us vçSy ekg esa pkoy iQjgku vkSj dq.kky us ,d daiuh 'kq: djus ds fy,
dqN /u dk fuos'k fd;k vkSj fuos'k esa iQjgku dk fgLlk
ij ` 450 [kpZ fd;s gksa rks mlus ebZ ekg esa xsgw¡ ij fdrus
` [kpZ fd;s\ 35» Fkk tcfd dq.kky dk fgLlk 65» FkkA ,d lky
(a) ` 590 (b) ` 580 ckn] iQjgku vkSj dq.kky us Øe'k% 20» vkSj 30» ls
(c) ` 560 (d) ` 570 viuk fuos'k c<+k fn;kA nwljs o"kZ ds var esa] daiuh d
62. The cost of an apple is twice that of a banana jktLo 12]650 # gks x;kA vkSj u rks dksbZ ykHk gqv
and the cost a banana is 25% less than that
an by vkSj u gh uqdlku gqvkA iQjgku }kjk çkjaHk esa fu
of a guava. If the cost of each type of fruit dh xbZ jkf'k Kkr djsaA
increases by 10%, then the percentage
increase in the cost of 4 bananas, 2 apples and (a) Rs. 6,500
3 guavas is :
ja (b) Rs. 10,000
R s
,d lsc dh dher ,d dsys dh rqyuk esa nksxquh gS vkSj ,d (c) Rs. 10,500
dsys dh dher ,d ve:n dh rqyuk esa 25» de gSA ;fn
a th
izR;sd izdkj ds iQy dh ykxr esa 10» dh o`f¼ gksrh gS] rks (d) Rs. 3,500
4 dsys] 2 lsc vkSj 3 ve:n dh ykxr esa izfr'kr o`f¼ gS%65. Shamita has ` 27000 with her. She wants to buy
ty a
Answer Key
1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5.(c) 6.(d) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(a)
11.(b) 12.(c) 13.(d) 14.(a) 15.(a) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(c) 20.(d)
21.(c) 22.(b) 23.(a) 24.(b) 25.(a) 26.(a) 27.(c) 28.(c) 29.(b) 30.(d)
31.(a) 32.(a) 33.(c) 34.(c) 35.(d) 36.(b) 37.(b) 38.(d) 39.(c) 40.(c)
41.(d) 42.(a) 43. (b) 44. (d) 45.(d) 46.(b) 47.(c) 48.(b) 49.(d) 50.(c)
51.(a) 52.(a) 53. (c) 54. (a) 55.(b) 56.(c) 57.(a) 58.(b) 59.(b) 60.(d)
61.(c) 62.(a) 63. (a) 64. (d) 65.(a)
an by
R s
a th
ty a
di M
1. (d) 4. (c)
Let the price of the car = 100 ATQ,
After 35% increment, Price of car = 135
After 25% decrement, Price of car 120 x 40 x
120 – 40
= 75% of 135 100 100
Net change percentage in price of the car– 6x 2x
120 – 40
5 5
101.25 – 100
= 100% 6 x 2x
100 80
5 5
1.25 8x
= 100% 80
100 5
x 50
= 1 %
4 then,
an by
Hence, Answer (d) increase by 1
%. 210
, 180
'OR' 105 126
Net change
R s
35 25 21 50 2
35 – 25 –
= %
100 16 %
a th
100 126 3 3
5. (c)
3 1
10 – 8
= % = 1 % 1 x 5
4 4
ty a
250 × (x + 20)
+ sign denotes increment, Hence increase by 100 100 4
di M
1 %. 5 11 5
(x 20) x
4 2 5 4
2. (a)
5 11x
Jan100 (x 20)
2 4
April 108
31 Sept.113.4 5x 11x
ATQ, 50
2 4
113.4 Rs. 96.39/litre x
96.39 4
100 100 = Rs.85/litre
113.4 x = 200
3. (d) then,
Old New 1
2019 200 207 (x + 50)10% = 250 25
2020 100 99
2000 20493 15
15% of x = 200 × = 30
ATQ, 100
20000 132400
5 50 2
132400 Required % = 100 16 %
20493 20493 135664 30 3 3
6. (d) 2 200 2
= 100 66 %
x 3 3 3
Let the fraction is 9. (a)
3 3
A× B× 27
5 5 10
4 15 6A + 3B = 270 ....(i)
9 16
y 3 1
10 B× C× 30
8 4
3B + 2C = 240 ...(ii)
50x 15
= Given that
36y 16
A= ×C
x 27 12
y 40 Put the value of A in eqn. (i)
7. (c) 5C
3B = 270 ...(iii)
Let number is 1 2
then, Compare with the eqn. (ii) & (iii)
an by C = 60
5 8 5
1 1 A= 60 = 25
, 12
8 5
B = 40
25 64 ja
R s
Sum of A, B & C = 25 + 60 + 40 = 125
10. (a)
a th
5 85% of (96% of 85x) = 6936
x2 =
3 85 96
85x 6936
4 25 100 100
x =
6936 100 100
10 85 96 85
9 10 3 x = 100
Required % = 5 100 100
95 Hence, Total Enrolled Voter
3 = 100 × 100 = 10000
We know 65% = Who scored more than 90%
= 45% of 800 = 360
Income – Expense = Saving
Who scored between 75% and 85%
20 –
13an by
= 7
= × 800 = 160
24 – 14.3 = 9.7 5
Remaining students who scored less than 75%
Percentage increase in saving
R s
= 1000 – (800 + 160) = 40
2.7 40 16
= 100% = 38.5%
a th
15. (a) 1
Let the total polled votes = 100
Students scored more than 90%
Invalid Vote = 1400
ty a
x= 100 = 350
16. (b) 12
Annual Birth Rate = 12.7%
Annual Death Rate = 2.7% then, required % = 100 60%
Hence, Actual Growth Rate
= 12.7% – 2.7% = 10% 20. (d)
Population of Town After 3 years 20 % + 40 = 32% – 47
110 110 110 12% = 87
125000 = 166375
100 100 100
Increase in population 87
100% = 100 = 725
= 166375 – 125000 = 41375 12
Price 25 : 32 8400 100
Cnsumption – 32 : 25 then, 100% = = Rs.60000
Reduction in consumption 26. (a)
7 an by
= × 100 = 21.875% 100%
23. (a)
Let price of rice is 100 Participated 75%
Increase in price of rice = 25%
but, person want to his expenditure increase
R s
Boys Girls
only 15% 45% 30%
a th
= % 23 %
4 4 4 4
10 27. (c)
Reduction in consumption = × 100 = 8% Let the income of A, B, C x, x, y
24. (b) Difference between donation of A & B
Successive for 3 years 72.8% x × 10% – x × 8% = 400
x = Rs.20000
Successive for 4 years Total donation of A & B = 2000 + 1600 = Rs.3600
20 72.8 Donation of C = 3600 – 900 = Rs.2700
72.8 + 20 + = 92.8 + 14.56 Then,
100 100 2700
= 107.36% Salary of C = = Rs.30000
Difference = 107.36% – 72.8% 28. (c)
= 34.56% Let total members of voters = 100%
33 – 27 2 2 34. (c)
Required % = 100 100 22 % Total vote = 100x
27 9 9
Casted vote = 100x × 80% = 80x
29. (b)
Valid vote = (80x – 40)
(80x – 40)
= – 22 + 1.21 A got 38% of total votes.
= – 20.79%
31. (a) 18
B got = = 40%
an by
Total no. of voters 100%
100% A
38% 40% 22%
(40% – 22%) = 5760
18% = 5760
R s
1% = 320
Total no. of votes polled (100%) = 32000
a th
88 19 58 88 19 42 36. (b)
Winner ,
20 100 20 100
Let population for first year = x
88 19 16
Difference =
% 6668
108 94 88830
ty a
20 100
100 100 x
6668 20 100 100 x = 87500
di M
–3% 10 8
(Invalid) 97
an by
97 ×
95 9
Winner ja Looser
R s
54% 46% 1 : 1
a th
8% M = F = 4500
ATQ, 8
4500 360
ty a
8 95
97 11058 Required no. = 4500 + 360
100 100
di M
1 1500 = 4860
3 4500 45. (d)
41. (d) B G
Old New Let 500 700
Salary 100 118
Saving 15 18 Scholarship Holder 150 280
Exp. 85 100
ATQ. 770
Required % = 100 = 64.2%
100 132500 1200
46. (b)
15 132500
15 = 19875
Old New
I 20 27
42. (a)
Jan 100 II 5 4
March 108 Price 25 31
Aug 102.6 Consum 200 191
Nov 112.86 Exp. 5000 5157
100 152400 157
Required % = 100 = 3.14% increase.
112.86 1524 × 112.86 = 171998.64 5000
Total = 35 marks = = 8.75%
16 76.5 4
= 40,000 Pass% = 55% + 8.75% = 63.75%
53. (c)
76.5% = 400 × 76.5 = 30,600
an by I E S
48. (b) Old 300 200 100
Old New New 345 220 125
I 5 6 % increase in income
E 10 11
50,000 ja 60,000 = 100 = 15%
R s
E = 10 35,000 38,500
54. (a)
a th
35 35 = 161462
Winner Looser
51. (a) 48x 42x – 80
30% + 50 = 42% – 58
12% = 108 Won by 48x – 42x + 80 = 380
1% = 9
30% = 270 6x = 300
Passing marks = 30% + 50 x = 50
= 270 + 50 = 320 Total votes = 100x = 5000.
= 125040 3 60 Total increase = Rs.150
Literate women = 85% of 125040 1 = 20 Remaining = Rs.60
= 106284 Amount spend on wheat in May = 20 × 28
Total literate population = 168804 + 106284
= 275088
an by 62. (a)
= Rs.560
Let cost of Guava is 100.
Amount spend on food = 31 %
4 Apple Banana Guava
R s
150 75 100
Amount spend on education = 18 % of +10% +10% +10%
a th
Food 16 : 11 = 90
Education 11 : 9 90
Clothes 3 : 2 = × 100 = 10%
8 : 3 63. (a)
Initial Final Let his salary is 100
Amount Amount Mohan thought to donate of his salary 25%
3 = 2400 = 25
1 = 800 At the time of visited he wished to donate
Income = 8 = 6400 120% more than he wants to donate
59. (b)
= 25 × = 55
In 2010 5000 2000
+20% +10% At the time of giving finally he donate 50%
more than previously.
In 2011 6000 2200 Difference = 3800
+20% +10% = 55 + 50% of 55
In 2012 7200 2420
= 82.5
Difference = 4780
+20% +10% 82.5 33000
In 2013 8640 2662 Difference = 5978 1 = 400
Salary = 100 = Rs.40000
In 2013 difference exceed 5000 first time.
an by
R s
a th
ty a
di M