1.waves and Sound Chapter-1 C-18 2nd Sem Physics
1.waves and Sound Chapter-1 C-18 2nd Sem Physics
1.waves and Sound Chapter-1 C-18 2nd Sem Physics
Sene of hatina
Sound is procberod by a vibatirg bady. nversely evey
SOurding body is în vioidting Condrtion shat may eesean
Or unseen.
the souce hat
The ibioti0rs of saunds prodrced lay
meim ard renches. he car. Sourd
Hiavels 1hiaugh he
asanOve. bund vaes aC choracÉV}e d as
eqhite a iedium 0 PIOponate
mehorical vaves which
n a mediunm by he tepeated
he distabine Catd
melium 15 aled
peviodic motíon of the artices of. the
0-200O Hz
Sourd' he sourds f trequernces kelon the
low i t of audilde ange (les5 than OH2) ore aled
Souce: Corthqcke S, voleanoes,
and ibictin9 hany mochiney.
olicotioS: aupticns,
s l in mortoring enithquakes ,uOlcno
1sunans, petrobun fomatins.
ae peerkd
rom avsing schway taks
sing rhONCs.
Otasonic SOund
he sound of frequences aboe the higher +t d
Ciudiole rarge (obove 0OiE) ac allid utrasornics
Souces: bats.quartz ystal and by ve small ources.
ín mother's wammb
Itis used o study he status fets
Ttis 6rd to brenk down the kidney
Wave Matin
he tarspattion d the dstubone fon one ploce to
arcter pba in ve mdium s mlld nae
The wave motion (s of fwo types.
Wave motion: "he vave moton m which
the mediun í a t îna diectin
the partidatat of
propagaton of the nave s
patalel the cirection f
te Woternaves Rdiêwave
caled longtudiral
nave, Utia sourd
Sound na ve in air, Sekmic
wavES ett
motio h ín whidh the
he wove
ons vers
mediurn dbiats îna divection perperndiaubr
Rrtdes ofhe
tion of iaves is alld
0 the diucotionok propaga
Water naves, kacio vaves,
tanverse wave motion. Zi
Lgt waveS,ee
Cmpessio ovetwchD
V- n
This is 4hh telation of velbcity of the wave, fequerray orcl
wave length.
Stationa WiOves:
Stutionay waves are the nO Ve s plodued by suptrposit
ot two poqiessive waves ofaual armplitude,tiavelg with
ANl the patices ouept ose at the vivdes, iaeases
haunoni motion of sane penad.
CKeonkos srpe
îerre ornd deaross of loudnes5 of sound
he periodie
ihen tno souds of naaly epal
pheromenon ofbeats and one
cach other is alled the
eease ond one daHGIse n loudness ís calledohebeat.
Doppler Efect
The apparent chorge in tiequeay of ound due to
relotivemotion between the soUIGe andobseivei.5 calkd
Dopple fet
Apphications of p Dopper effect
The sprd and the diheetion ofotion of submainearnbe
+The CoPpler efect 9 setultor hepolce to detamne
speed of automobtleg ihot ove Weing and moúng
Peppler effect ísused to hnd the eloaiky of a pprcadking
he sochd that is iepeatd orrne after the oriqnalsond
obot1oces is alled an e o
Cue to reflection at lbge
e ition and dis trne of sSubmaríne an
dis tonnae of erey aircat anbe
* e psitin and
oe5 an be dotmined.
Te depth of Seas and
is usecl to fir umors, kidrey stones, status
#Ccho technigue
h in heart scarmíng.
of fctus nomh arnd
Me thods to míríme echors
sound abeonbng aterials
+Bi providing gatd ard virdan.
Phoviding large number of doors
dlstanne of the ohstaclk frm he oheener
let a be he
in d.
Vbe the velacity of sound
4 e he time to hr she echo
by the saund to reach the
Then thh total dís tanG traveled
observeras an echo =2
the sound
total dhsane thaveled by
himetohar the echo=
Velocity cf thesaind
The míninum disa
oFthe obstnce
d ho
Dstane f the thstacle 2 ol7.4melas
Toact cco the mirMUm cdistora 5houldba 11fmeees.
The persismce ctaudtble und evenoftr hetuce
orced vi bratitns.
Amuaal înstuments haung 3ourd bo prdutes
Hrecl vitaatórs
he phenonerncn in vwhch
a lky. under fôrcad vikraios
when 1s ratual-feueno
ibiac at gieater amplítugde
to the mput tiaynay, is calcd leonance
nonstuctuual elemerts like
Fex Whena bhstoauIS the ,
+hie noix pioducd by thcéfic on 1cpds.
noise from wOkshoparnd foundaries
naise ptducs bg exgoaiies fs Stone diusig.
Efedsof Note ollution.
Nooe pollution effecks human heath, cmtorn ardeficienay
I t interupts the ammunition the people.
I t couBes mpatíence ard mental disorader.
It auses heart, liver ond kidney poblems
Notse like resorone may colapse builcligs and aldges
Methas ot Mirúmizírg Nokse llution
valls shauld be ornstructed tor industies
Sounel proof
ard foctories
dould be t i u c t d for
Ihe factoies ond
acCIO dHomes
anay fiom tesídertial
2004Hz B-
n 4 beats/sez
A B-n
200 B-A
B 04 Hzur16 ti2.
reqency of B reduars
AoB O beats/zc
B-200Hz ecs whun opplieluce)
204 12 (oriol)
2Aboy heans an echo of hs own oice ftom a distont hillafter
d vk 340x
d 84Dm
less thorn that ofa
3.he iauernaj of turíng fuk
a Ais 3n
fork B is 3%geotr
Stordord torkP. The fieruenay of another
han that of P. find the farencies of tuo uring fks A ard B