CH 12 Sci. Class 10
CH 12 Sci. Class 10
CH 12 Sci. Class 10
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Vaviabje Reuistonte AACompontnt bsed to ma tary ed by the Tesistante
Electraè urmt irutraed b atomsTeulate a rachm
Curant hlahout chag Valbeye
Risor A Conducfor haveng appieciable ammg Whuèh thimove
yaistante_callu As Resis+6%
Rsisdan Ce of Condactor depends apn ongh ofcenduttor en of crssseshn
Cmy nahure of maferuàf
So Ammeki sadng intreasee hen theeke Wreos
RA RA Ra IA R S Il4 Sis Conshant af propefional
Resistiva i depencd upom natue o makro h Sr onit Ia m
Reis tvaty oc conducr s Low But huig for e isfatoas
Rwistivas nd ResstanCe both Vay Wuhb the temp rature
Ruitiuy of alley is hin er becane hey do not oxed1seol (Bur) at tum
temprahve So hat mey are Used in heahng divice lake Elechic M Tiatk
Tungshn- Us i Jilamn? of hulb hel Al Gnd u osesd or Elecric
RESISTORs N SERIES Trantmitsim la
ww AAA-
Butb is also julled Wib inaehve nsryen Argan far longer lde laroact.
a piece of We made op of allhy of appropTLDte melting
FosE t Consist shppinj turent
alumuniunm topper etc. lhuh proBeckt fhe áppliances by
FoTe4 the circut he temp:
11 cuvrent larger specifiea value qlows hroughbreaks
he circut
I wTe ncreases . Thus mlfs use wLTe
o FUse
AsIA, 24, 3A, sA ane) lo
The uses vsed Jor
domestt puupase rated
power hen operafed
Fore2- Andehic iron tuth Consumes| KW decric
vses SA
af 220V a currentof looo/220) It y-S4 A we
Electraè power- Rate of do9 Work or rate of tonsumphion of entrgy në poue
The Rate at ki h edecree vnerny ia disipated or consumesl edecrt craus
terme As eketvai powcrTP=v] oß [P: R aR |P- v6
S1 Onat of edechuè
power is watt (w) .
I watf is dedinead As power tonrun
hat camies 1A o1 current when Velt
operafed at potential ditference of
Thus I Natf= [Vodt x£ Ampere Iv4 1S veg Small UnaT
kalowa f A much larzer vnit of power Whrch ii egual to looo Na7T:
watt hour Unit of electrii emag whn I tatf of power ued jr1houT
k w h : looo wat x36004ec 3.6x1o wat secmd Ikhlh 3-6xlo'T