An acute infection of
the lungs that occurs
when infectious agent
enters and multiplies in
the lungs of a
susceptible person
Bacterial Pneumonia
common cause of CAP is Streptococcus
also called pneomococcal pneumonia
accounts for 90% of all bacterial pneumonia
other causes:
Staphylococcus aureus
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Hospital-acquired pneumoniae (HAP) are more
often more often serious
Escherichia coli
Haemophilus influenzae
Pseudomonas aeroginosa
Viral Pneumonia
most common cause are influenza viruses
patients will viral pneumonia are less ill than with
bacterial but they are ill for a longer period of time
because antibiotic is ineffective to virus
Fungal Pneumonia
Pneumocystis carinii
a fungus that typically causes pneumonia in
patients with AIDS
Aspiration Pneumonia
most often occurs in patients with decreased
levels of consciousness or an impaired cough or
gag reflex
can occur with:
alcohol ingestion
general anesthesia
seizures/other serious illnesses
Pneumonia (VAP)
develops in the
patients who are
intubated and
Endotracheal tube
keeps the glottis open
allowing secretions to
be aspirated into the
Hypostatic Pneumonia
occurs to patient who hypoventilate because of
bedrest, immobility, or shallow respiration
secretion pools in dependent areas of the lungs
inflammation of lung parynchema and infection
Chemical Pneumonia
inhalation of toxic chemicals causing inflammation
and tissue damage
▪ Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
✔ Inhalation of silica dusts from volcanic ashes
Most common:
Pleural effusion
• generally resolve
within 1-2 weeks
Diagnostic Tests
CXR examination
Sputum and blood
Broad-spectrum antibiotics before culture
results are completed
For viral: rest and fluids
Nursing Management
Nursing Assessment
1. Assess respiratory symptoms. Symptoms of fever, chills, or
night sweats in a patient should be reported immediately to
the nurse as these can be signs of bacterial pneumonia.
2. Assess clinical manifestations. Respiratory assessment should
further identify clinical manifestations such as pleuritic pain,
bradycardia, tachypnea, and fatigue, use of accessory
muscles for breathing, coughing, and purulent sputum.
3. Physical assessment. Assess the changes in temperature
and pulse; amount, odor, and color of secretions; frequency
and severity of cough; degree of tachypnea or shortness of
breath; and changes in the chest x-ray findings.
4. Assessment in elderly patients. Assess elderly patients for
altered mental status, dehydration, unusual behavior,
excessive fatigue, and concomitant heart failure.
1. Ineffective airway clearance related to copious
tracheobronchial secretions.
2. Activity intolerance related to impaired respiratory
3. Risk for deficient fluid volume related to fever and a
rapid respiratory rate.
Nursing Care Planning & Goals
1. Improve airway patency.
2. Rest to conserve energy.
3. Maintenance of proper fluid volume.
4. Maintenance of adequate nutrition.
5. Understanding of treatment protocol and preventive
6. Absence of complications.
Nursing Priorities
1. Maintain/improve respiratory function.
2. Prevent complications.
3. Support recuperative process.
4. Provide information about disease process, prognosis, and
Nursing Interventions
To improve airway patency:
Fluid intake. Increase in fluid intake to at least 2L per day to replace insensible fluid losses.
To maintain nutrition:
Fluids with electrolytes. This may help provide fluid, calories, and electrolytes.
Nutrition-enriched beverages. Nutritionally enhanced drinks and shakes can also help
restore proper nutrition.
To promote patient’s knowledge:
2. Instruct patient about the factors that may have contributed to the development
of the disease.
1. Expected patient outcomes include the following:
2. Demonstrates improved airway patency.
3. Rests and conserves energy by limiting activities and remaining in bed while
symptomatic and then slowly increasing activities.
4. Maintains adequate hydration.
5. Consumes adequate dietary intake.
6. States explanation for management strategies.
7. Complies with management strategies.
8. Exhibits no complications.
9. Complies with treatment protocol and prevention strategies.
Discharge and Home Care Guidelines
1. Oral antibiotics. Teach the patient about the proper administration, potential side
effects, and symptoms to report.