Know where all the Stay away from low- Check for injured or trapped
evacuation routes are lying and flood-prone people without putting
areas yourself in danger
When there is sudden We all know that the effects of
movement on the Earth's an earthquake are terrible and
crust, earthquakes occur. devastating. Several buildings
mountain building.
Before earthquake During earthquake After earthquake
Make sure you have a If you're outdoors, Check water, gas, and
fire extinguisher, first aid stay in the open electric lines for damage. If
kit, a battery-powered away from power any are damaged, shut off
radio, a flashlight, and lines or anything the valves. Check for the
extra batteries at home. that might fall. Stay smell of gas. If you smell it,
away from buildings open all the windows and
(stuff might fall off doors, leave immediately,
the building or the and report it to the
building could fall authorities (use someone
on you). else's phone).
Before tsunami During tsunami
After tsunami
Be prepared for
Kits should include Drop: drop to the ground
aftershocks, which could
practical items such as before the earthquake
generate another
drinking water, food, cash, causes you to fall.
and a portable radio. Cover: Take cover under a
However, they should also piece of heavy furniture
include items that are unique such as a desk or table to
to your own families’ needs. protect your head and torso
This could include baby from falling objects.
items, medical prescriptions, Hold: hold onto the object
pet food, etc. you are under so that you
remain covered.