Inductive Bible Study Guide 2
Inductive Bible Study Guide 2
Inductive Bible Study Guide 2
Leader is to welcome class to the Inductive Bible Study session, giving a short brief of the
purpose and importance of the study; and introduce the study’s scripture focus: 1 John 1:1-3.
Scripture should be read, preferably in two or more bible translations, and instruct class to note
down any question that comes into their mind as the scripture is read over and over, as these will
be reviewed. Class can now proceed with the Inductive Bible Study outline below.
1. Background
This part of the Bible Study should focus on discovering important details or facts that help us
see the verse or passage with context, having a wholistic look at both the book, as well as the
passage it is part of, before delving into understanding the verse itself. The leader should take the
class through this part, asking questions such as:
i. Who is the author of the book being studied?
ii. Why was the book written?
iii. Who was the book written to, if mentioned in the Bible?
iv. Using any available bible commentary or summary found at the start of books as provided by
some Bibles, also provide details covering historical background, dates, and key people in the
passage or book (if applicable).
2. Personal paraphrase
The aim of this segment is primarily to lead class members to take apart the scripture focus, and
rebuild it using their own words (based on their personal understanding of it) line by line or
phrase by phrase. Class leader should ask everyone to attempt this in their notes, and ask atleast
4 persons to share aloud what they wrote.
Test for Leader - While the plan is to have the scripture broken down into the littlest possible
portions and rephrased, leader should however inform the class that at the end of each rephrased
answer, the original meaning of the verse and that of the rephrased one must remain the same.
The leader is to assess this deliberately.
Original verse:
"We proclaim to you the One who existed from the beginning, whom we have heard and seen.
We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands. He is the Word of life." 1
John 1:1 NLT
4. Cross references
Leader should instruct the class to take a specified time limit to quickly jot down any other
scriptures that come to mind as they read through today’s scripture focus, or scriptures they
believe to be similar or connected to 1 John 1:1-3.
Leader should have as many people as time may allow to share the scriptures they noted down,
and quickly read through each reference for the entire class to listen. Following this, a
concordance or Bible footnotes should be used to get precise cross-references.
5. Insights
Here, the core of today’s focus should be discussed indepth. Leader should have people share
what they understand of the verses, giving their personal thoughts and understanding.
Leader should then guide the class to a conclusive understanding of the scriptures, taking into
consideration all that has been shared.
6. Personal Application
On the strength of their insight, class members should give a personalized application of the
scripture – a practical statement of how this scripture applies to them, what it dictates that they
do or not do, how it affects their lives specifically. Leader should direct those speaking to put this
in personal form using statements like:
“Just like the early apostles, this scripture shows ME that I can come into a place of indepth
relationship and walk with God that I…”