Compartment Exam - 2023

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Geers Ieutrnctione:
All ç e t IOY mpl erepd wAere internal choiee hns been gien
t O - 18 in Sertlon A cury l mark nh Yu ure espeted to
tem as dirte.
a Qeti N 19- in Seetlon n o Very Short Anaeer Type !
Cowst:s marks eh. Aner to reh guestion ahould not

( ) Qie Ns -27 in Seetion C ane Short Ansser Type ll Questione

c i 3 arka mch. Aneer to mch question should not eeed

Qseston Nox 28 - 31 in Section D an Long Ansuer TypelQuestians

earig marks each. Ansuer to ach question ahould not ezreed
190 ronis
Qatstion Na S2 in Section E is a Long Ansuer Type-II Question earrying
6 marks. Ansser to this question should not e d 200 worda.
Br3 Qestion Nos 33-36 in Section Farr based on tro case stuces gen
Each cas stucy has tuo questions carrying 2 marks each, Ansuer to each
qurstion should not eeed S0 words
Section A
L While responding on a self-report inventory, there is a tendency in many
individuals to respond by ticking yes to the items Identify thi
(a) Socinl desirability (b) Halo effect
Acquicscence (d) Extreme respone bias
Chetan lacos motivation in life and is prone to depreesion. He does not
He to converse with others and likes to stay alone.
According to
Friedman and Rosenman, which type of personality docs Chetan have ?
(a) Type-A (b) Type-B
(c) Type-C Type-D
Poge 3 cf 19 PTO
ldentiythe ntntementa that nre true to the familinl self. 1

(i) is also rvforrrd to na mocinl or relntional self.

(Gi) It is the self thnt emergoa in rolatinn with others in the accial

(ii) It brings out nrpeets like cooperntion, nffiliation nnd snerifice, ete.
iy) This Relf values family and Rocinl relntionahips.
(a) i), (iif) and (iv) (b) (i) and (iv)
(c) ()and (i) a t ), (ii), (üi) and (iv)
Ayush is a young enginceringgraduate, who has effective communication
skills and is good at problem solving. He is respected in his society
because he shows commitment towards elders, the young and the needy
and values others' perspectives. According to integral intelligence, what
are the competencies that are visible in him?
Cognitive and social
(b) Social and emotional
(c) Emotional and entrepreneurial
(d) Entrepreneurial and cognitive
5. is a behaviour or skill that helps to communicate clearly and
confidently, our feelings, needs, wants and thoughts.
(a) Positive attitude (b) Perfectionism
(e Assertiven ess (d) Rational thinking

6. A14-year-old girl was sent for psychometric testing, where her I.Q. was
found to be 140. What will her Mental Age (MA) be like ?
(ay Mental sge will be greater than chronological age.
(b) Mental age will be less than chronological age.
(c) Mental age will be equnl to chronological age.
(d) Mental age will have no relationship with chronological age.
63 Poge Sof 19 PTA
7. Sahira has joined a medical collego und is
out there. Her mother onen overwhelmed by the aylabus
erratic behaviour and decreasodcomplains ubout Sahira's mood awings,
that Sahira is experiencing ? conidence, What is this effect of stresa
(a) Physiological o Emotional
(c) Cognitive (d) Behavioural
8. As per the American PeycbhiatricAsSOciation, the manual which deseribes
and classifiesmental disorders is called
(a) Diagnostic and Statistical anuscript-V
(b) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-V
(c) International Classification of Diseases-11
(d) International Classification of Disorders-11
The Human Resource Manager found that as the number of employees
increased in the company, the productivity reduced. What steps can be 1
taken to reduce this phenomenon called 'social loafing ?
(i) Making the effort of each person identifiable
(ii) Decreasing group cohesiveness to impact motivation
(i) Making group members committed to succossful task performance
(iv) Making group members feel less responsible for the task
(a) (i),(iü) and (iv) (b) (ii) and (iv)
(i)and (iiü) (d) ), (ü) and (iv)
order. He spends
10. Majid likes all his cups and cutlery to be in proper
cutlery position in the
several hours of his day checking on the cups and
now started checking the
kitchen. This is to the extent that he has
Majid's behaviour indicates
position of cutlery even at restaurants.

(b) Obsession
(a) Anxiety
(c) Compulsion
Poge 7of19 PTO.
11. Systenatic desensitisation is n technique introduced by Wolpe for
treating phobias or irrational fvars. 1
Referring to the above therapy, nrrango the following in correct
(i) Together with he client, the therupist prepnres a hierarchy of
anxiety-provoking stimuli with the least unxiety-provoking stimuli
at the bottom of the hierarchy.
(ii) The client is interviewed to elicit fear-provoking situations.
(iiü) Over sessions, the client is able to imagine more severe
fear-provoking situations, while maintaining the relaxation.
(iv) The therapist relnxOs the client and asks the client to think about
the leastanxiety-provoking situation.
(a) (i),(ii), (iiü) and (iv) (b) (üi), (iv),(i) and (i)
(c) (iv), (i), (ü) and (iii) d(ii), (6), (iv) and (iii)
12. Aer undergoing therapy for mental illness, Kavita was admitted intoa
rehabilitation centre to become a responsible and productive member of
society. After improvement, she was helped to gain skills necessary to
undertake productive employment. This is a part of
(a) Cognitive training (b) Social skills training
(c) Occupational therapy Vocational training

13. In the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a

statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice. 1

Assertion (A): In dient-centred therapy, unconditional positive regard

indicates that the positive warmth of the therapist is not
dependent onwhat the client reveals.
Reason (R): Dmpathy sets up an emotional resonance between the
therapist and the client which helps the chent to feel
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the
correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(c) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
(d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of Assertion(A),
Poge 9 of19 PTO.
There will be a onsisteney botwen nttitude and behaviour only when
The attitude in not vory utrong.
The erson is unaware of hiher nttitude.
There ian lot of eNternnl preasure to behave in a particular way.
The person's behaviour is not being watched or evaluated by

15, Kitesh buys groceries from a store that advertises its
free reusable cloth
towards protection of the environment by providing
attitude through
bags to its customers.This is un exanple of changing
(a) Emotional appeal
(b) Attractiveness
( Rational appeal
(d) Persuasibility

(A) is followed by a
16. Ln the following question, a statement of Assertion 1
statement of Reason (R), Mark the correct choice.
and forn
Assertion (A): Beliefs are the cognitive components of attitudes
the ground on which attitudes stand, such as belief in

Reason (R); It has all thethree components of an attitude.

(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R is the
correct explanation of Assertion (A).
Assertion (A) is true, but Renson (R) is false.
(c) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R)is true.
(d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R)are true, but Reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

63 Page 11 of 19
1%. 1 We all belong to different typea of groupa, If you join the Armed Forcos,
what type of group will it be ?
() rimary
(i) Secondary
(üi) Formal
iv) Informal

(a) (i, (iü) and(iv) (b) (ii) and (iv)

ti) and (ii) (d) ), (i) and (iv)

18 In the following question, a statenent of Ashertion (A) is followed by a

statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice.
Assertion (A): Paychometrie pproach expresses the individual's
performance in ternms of a single index of cogritive
Reason R): t describes the process people use in intellectual
reasoning and problem solving.
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the
correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
(c) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
(d) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is no
the correct explanation of Assertion (A).

18. Vivian is the Human Resource Manager of a multinational company. For

a team building activity, ho randonmly sclected a few menbers from
difflerent departments to form a committee for the upcoming silver jubilee
celebrations of the company. Ho gave them full autonomy to do the
planning and observed some developmental sequences in each group that
formed. Discuss the stages that he observed, Fa otMing to org
Nomal , Pe fovag
63 Poge 13 of 19 PTO.
(a nya is very smart at solving any problem that she
She refers to similar problema encounters.
that ate has faced in he past and
Ues her expernence to olve the preser.t enes
Which type of
ental intellgence is ahe using and what theory ia this basof on

Angel, apychologist, is analysing the intelligence scores of the

children. She notices that the children from rural areas scored
signifcantly lower than the children from urban arsas What de
you think would have influenced the result of inteligence testa ?
Explain how she canovercome it Ghue B'ssed Tes
2) Culhae Fai Tex

21. What is meant by the term therapist and patient variables' in the
coatext of psychotherapy ? P- 102 -Paent
e Ven otde -Focikre nanabsenee ofue aeslen
22 Athar is popula in school but very care.ess wben it comes to azapE
hin to take care of
his things. He behaves rudely when his parents ask attitude fcrcaticn 2
this type of
two factors that led tosonal
bisthings. Explain feenee Groups, Pe Embeiene, Meda eac
Fact-faniy Re
23. How are groupsformed ? Explain.
Section C

detail the ballucinations experienced by a persoa diagosed

24 Discues in Tactte, Somatie, cual, Guiay
with schizophrenin. Audt y,
life skills that will help to reet the challenges of
25. (a) Explain any three Rational n
> Assexisen
life. ess, e Menagemet
ee, vexco
Tmbnoving Retasienshse
individual with a stress resistant perscnality ccpe
(b) How does an support your
everyday life ? Give examples to
with denAnds of 3e's 3
eht of-axdness, Exblanaion of
viewpoint.-> Cene

balance leads to a change in attitude of an

26. Explain bow the concept of
individual. &'a nation

Poge 15 of19
97. Tin has just joined selhool. Her loachers
eroun interactiona They noticed thnt ahe obuerved her eloely during her
interest and is preoccupied in Nopping herehows narrow patterna of
hands. Pia also
challenging to start ond maintain converautinn. What dofindaPia'ait
Eymploms indicate ? lAst the other aymptomH displayed by chidren
dingnoscd withthiNproblemn. Ausism Spectum Diso-des
Dic ltied in ela4ing oohe people Senious abnot uali ies

atn, motot uovu e selr stiato ny or selt injiBus.

28. (a) What is AsseNSMent ? Explnin any three methods of paychological
nAseSSMent. Inenvi ew, Case shy, ebseuaiony
OR selt Refol
(b) What is the relationship between creativity and intelligence ?
Diferentiate between ereativity tests and intelligence testa. Pa9,20
29. If we look around in our environment, we find that success is not
associnted with marks at school. There are many other types of
intelligences. How will Gardner's theory of intelligences explain this ?
Describe his theoryof multiple intelligences. Pa-1,8
30. (a) Explain the relationship between stress and illness. How does
stress afect the immune system ? Explain. when stoeee is
Prolonge ita e t phsica OR no tapairs psy cological fuuneiaig, GAS Mode's
(b) Describe any four factors that facilitate positive health and act as
stress builers to0. encise) Diety Posiive hin Kig)
Posive atthude ) Soci al S u t
31. Deepa has been diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder. Explain the
development of this disorder with the help of diathesis-stress model
32. (a) A person's behaviour in varlety of situations provides us with
meaningful information about his/her personality. Discuss
behavioural analysis as a methodof personality assessment.a- 46,43 6
(b) Explain the characteristic8 of atrait. Describe the trait approaches 6
tothe understanding of personality.
lalsgRelath vety stable)Geneay
ncteists) Relatvety endwwwng att ni
eonsStea Page 17 of 19 PTO.
Tyait Theaes - Alleoont's Torat Theo y
Cattell's e sonsig tor
Read the
cnse study and SectionF
pertain1ng to
was ansuer
referred to
the questione(9. 33 - 34) that folloe :
denying any differencea with n
clinical peychologist for anger
phnse. The such
deeper. Sheclinicnl concerns nnd bronts Initinlly.hutSament
snid, it is nothing

feelings and knew thaL

environment thoughts.
psychologin t
Rn sdolesent
waN not convinced and decided to probe
wns hesitating to ahare her private
This helped where there wasclinical Psychologist started by creating an
psychologist. Soon to trust, genuineness warmth.
empathy.relationship with the cinical
develop a pOsitive
Sameera was sharing her inner turmoils and the
her faulty thought towarda her parents, The psychologist chalienged
positive thought5. Thispatterns And Bubstituted them with adaptive and
35. (a) helped to reduce her distress.
Identify the nature of this between the clinical
psychologist and Sameera. Whatrelationship
are its components ?Theapete 2
(b) How is this AAus aO
relationghip unigUEMatu Diferentiate betweet
empathy and intellectual understanding. Pa-a1
34. The psychologist challenged her faulty thought patterns and
them with adaptive and positive thoughts Which substituted
has been used here ? Explain the chief
benefit to
therapeutic approacn
Read the case study and answer the questions (Q.Sameera.
35 -36) that follou :
Anna frst came to theattention of psychoanalyst, Joseph Breuer, in
1880 when he was called to her bouse in Vienna where she was lying in
bed, almost entirely paralysed. Her other symptoms included
hallucinations, personality changes and rambling speech, but doctors
could not find any physical cause. Breuer visited ber almost daily and
talked to her about her thoughtsand feelings, inciuding her grief for her
father. The more she talked, the more her symptoms seem to fade this
was apparently one of the first ever instances of psychoanalysis or "the
talking cure. AIthough Freud never met Anna, he wrote about her case,
including the notion that she had a hysterical pregnancy, although this
was also disputed later.
psychoanalysts ?
35. What could be the reasons for Anna's illness as per fade.' What are
symptoms seem to
36. The more she talked, the more her the unconscious to theconscious
in psychoanalysis to bring
methods used 2
realm ? Explain. faua hou patte wee


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