MCQs of BHY (22102) Sem-I

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Imp MCQ diploma Notes


No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

1 S.I.Unit of acceleration is _________ m/s m m/s2 kg/m3 option c

2 Out of the following quantities identify derived quantity force Mass Time length option a
3 Joule is unit of _______ Temperature Heat Energy Power option c

4 The standard used to measure a physical quantity is called -- Unit Measurement Dimension Magnitude option a

Measurement of a physical quantity requires two things, first a

5 number and second_________ unit dimension Place Magnitude option a

6 Fundamental units and _______ units are the two types of units. Chemical unit Derived unit Physical unit Good unit option b

7 Kelvin is the unit of .... Heat Energy Temperautre Power option c

For the measurement ,Derived quantities depends on two or Fundamental chemical Dimensional Relational
8 more ________ quantities quantities quantities quantities option a

9 One N.m is unit of _______ Momentum Work Torque Force option b

accepted change from place
10 The standard unit should be ---- of different sizes well defined nationally to place option b

11 Units are classified into ---- one types two types three types four types option b
12 Types of units are fundamental unit and ------- Chemical unit good unit derived unit fixed unit option c
Comparison of an unknown quantity with a fixed unit quantity is
13 called _________ Dimension unit measurement physical quantity option c

14 The unit of velocity in S.I. system is ----- m/s2 m m/s kg/m3 option c
15 C.G.S. unit of velocity is _______ cm/s2 cm/s m/s cm option b
16 The unit of force in S.I. system is ----- Newton dyne pound watt option a
Out of the following quantities which quantity is measured in
17 Kelvin. Length Mass Time temperature option d

18 Light year is unit of _______ time distance speed luminous flux option b Basic Physics (22102)
19 S.I. unit of pressure is _______ Pascal watt dyne Newton option a
accepted change from place
20 The standard unit should be ---- of different sizes not well defined Internationally to place option c

accepted change from place

21 The standard unit should be ---- of same sizes not well defined nationally to place option a

No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

accepted same at every

22 The standard unit should be ---- of different sizes not well defined nationally place option d

23 kg/m3 is the SI unit ---- volume density force pressure option b

24 The speed of 20 km/hr is equal to ------ 3.56 m/s 4.56 m/s 5.56 m/s 6.56 m/s option c
25 If the length of a cube is 2 cm , it's volume will be ----- 6 cm3 7 cm3 4 cm3 8 cm3 option d
26 The unit of solid angle is ---- steradian degree radian degree kelvin option a
27 The unit of plane angle is --- degree kelvin radian degree celcius steradian option b
28 If the length of black board is 50 cm , here cm is _____ standard unit magnitude quantity option b
Out of following quantities which quantity is fundamental
29 quantity________ density area time momentum option c

30 Out of following units which unit is derived unit________ kilogram second metre newton option d
31 The length of a book is 15 cm , here 15 is----- standard unit magnitude quantity option c
32 If the length of black board is 50 cm , here 50 is _______ standard unit magnitude quantity option c
33 The length of a book is 15 cm , here cm is----- standard unit magnitude quantity option b
In C.G.S. system of units length,mass and time are measured in metre.kilogram centimetre.gram centimetre.kilogra metre.gram and
34 respectively_______ and second and second m and second second option b

In M.K.S. system of units length,mass and time are measured in metre. gram and metre.kilogram centimetre.kilogra centimetre.gram
35 respectively______ second and second m and second and second option b

In F.P.S. system of units length,mass and time are measured in foot, gram and foot, pound and centimetre.kilogra metre.gram and
36 respectively_______ second second m and second second option b

The abbreviation of the french name System Internationale is

37 ______ C.G.S. M.K.S. F.P.S. S.I. option d

38 1 gigahertz corresponds to ________ 106 Hz 109 Hz 103Hz 102 Hz option b Basic Physics (22102)

39 1 millimetre corresponds to _______ 10-3m 10-6m 10-9m 10-12m option a
40 10-9 m corresponds to ---- 1m 1 mm 1 cm 1 nm option d
41 1 nanometre is equal to _________ 10-9m 10-6m 10-3m 10-12m option a
42 The unit of area in M.K.S. system is ----- hectare metre square guntha squre feet option b
To calculate the weight of a man along with acceleration,the
43 parameter used is --- Length mass time distance option b

44 To measure the distance between two cities unit used is --- metre centimetre kilometre light year option c

45 The Units used to measure derived quantities are called -- derived units fundamental units chemical units physical units option a

46 The Units used to measure fundamental quantities are called ---- fundamental units chemical units physical units derived units option a

No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

47 The number of significant figures in 0.0703 are 3 4 5 6 option a

48 How many significant figures are there in the number 0.02040? 6 4 5 3 option b

49 The significant figures of the number 6.0023 are 3 4 5 6 option c

50 The significant figures of the number 0.050 are 2 3 4 5 option a
51 The number of significant figures in 40.0 is 4 3 2 1 option b
52 The dimension of force is ------ L1M1T-2 L1M2T-2 L2M1T-2 L1M1T2 option a
53 Name the dimensionless physical quantity from following. Force Strain Pressure Momentum option b
Coefficient of
Which one among the following quantities is a dimensionless thermal
54 Refractive index Resistivity Electric intensity option a
quantity. conductivity
55 M1L-1T-2 are the dimensions of ---- Pressure Work Velocity Accleration option a
56 M1L-3T0 are the dimensions of ---- Area Volume Density Velocity option c

Which of the following is dimensionaly correct formula where

57 v = ut+at v-u = at v/u = at vt = u-a option b
v=Final velocity,u = Initial velocity, a = Acceleration, t= Time Basic Physics (22102)

How many significant figures are there in the number 0.020040?
58 3 4 5 6 option c

The mass of an object is 50 ± 0.01 gm. Then % error in this

59 measurement is __________ 0.06% 0.05% 0.03% 0.02% option d

The diameter of a ball bearing measured by using micrometer

60 screw is 0.45 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.002 cm, 0.11% 0.22% 0.33% 0.44% option d
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The length of an object measured by vernier caliper of least

61 count 0.01cm is 3.56cm.The % error in the measurement of 0.03% 0.28% 2.80% 28% option b
lengh is------
In a given measurement if percentage error is 0.123 % ,then
62 relative error is ----- 0.00213 0.0123 0.0213 0.00123 option d

Diffrence between Diffrenece

average value & Difference between each Diffrence between
63 The value of absolute error of measurement is each measured between average measured value & average value and option a
value value & error error least count

Average absolute
64 The accuracy of measurement is determined by Absolute error Relative error Percentage error error option c

No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

The diameter of a wire measured by screw gauge of least count

65 0.001cm is 1.02mm, the relative error in the measurement of 9.8 0.98 0.098 0.0098 option d
diameter is ______________
Taking several Replacing Taking mean of Calculating error
66 Systematic error can be eliminated by readings instruments readings of readings option b

67 Constant error is also called as _________ Personal error Random error Systematic error Instrumental error option d

Micrometer screw
68 The radius of curvature of a concave lens is measured by using Vernier Caliper gauge Spherometer meter scale option c Basic Physics (22102)

Taking large
Carerful Eliminating the number of Replacing the
69 The random error can be minimized by…... option c
observation cause of error readings instrument

The measurements of diameter of cylinder measured by vernier

70 caliper of least count 0.01 cm are 3.11 cm,3.13 cm,3.13 cm . , 0.01 0.1 1.01 1.11 option a
the average absolute error in measurement is -------

The diameter of an sphere is 0.623 ± 0.001 cm , the % error in

71 the measurement of diameter is ----- 0.16% 0.02% 1.60% 0.02% option a

72 The acceleration is equal to ---- velocity x time Velocity/time displacement /time displcement x time option b
73 The dimension of work is ------- L2M1T-2 L1M2T-2 L1M1T-2 L1M1T2 option a
The change in surrounding temperature during an experiment
74 produces ..... Random error Personal error Instrumental error Systematic error option a

The height of an a cylinder is measured by vernier caliper is

75 6.28 cm. If the L.C. of vernier caliper is 0.01 cm, then the % 0.14% 0.15% 0.16% 0.17% option c
error in this measurement is __________
The length of object is measured by vernier caliper is 5.22 ±0.01
76 cm, the percentage error in this measurement is __ 1.90% 1.65% 0.19% 0.65% option c

The minimum the error in current measurement between (0-1A)

77 is given by ----- fig 1 fig 2 fig 3 fig 4 option d

78 The more accurate reading between (0-1v) is given by----- fig 1 fig 2 fig 3 fig 4 option c

79 Arrow indicates the measurement_______ 1.4 cm 1.8 cm 2.3 cm 2.6 cm option b

The scale is having least count 0.5 cm, the percentage error in
80 the measurement is ____________ 4.54 5.45 6.54 8.45 option a

No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

The measurement is taken by voltmeter of least count 2 V as

81 0.833 V 3.88 V 8.33 V 83.3 V option c
shown below, the percentage error in measurement is _______ Basic Physics (22102)

The least count of the following millimeter is 10 mA , the
82 percentage error in measurement is _______ 0.1428 mA 1.428 mA 14.28 mA 142.8 mA option c

The least count of ammeter is 0.1 A ,the relative error in

83 measurement shown in following ammeter is______ 8.03 A 8.02 A 8.01 A 0.083 A option d

The time measured by using following stopwatch of least count

84 of 1 sec ,the percentage error in measurement ----- 0.27 sec 0.37 sec 2.07 sec 2.70 sec option d

10.2 Degree 1.02 Degree 12 Degree 12.5 Degree

85 The temprature shown by Thermometer is______ (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) option c

86 The dimensional formula for length is _____________ L M T I option a

87 The dimension of density is ___________ L-3M1T0 L1M2T-2 L2M1T-2 L1M1T2 option a
The length of an object measured by vernier caliber is 3.78 cm.
88 if the L.C. of vernier caliber is 0.01 cm, then the percentage 0.026 2.65 2.56 0.265 option d
error in this measurement is __________
If the readings of thickness of metal plate are 1.612 cm, 1.611
89 cm, 1.613 cm, 1.612 cm respectively, then the average reading 1.612 cm 1.613 cm 1.6112 cm 1.611 cm option a
will be ________________
absolute error x average absolute
90 The formula of percentage error is _______________ absolute error x 100
relative error
relative error x100 error x100 option c
If pointer of voltmeter is not pivoted at zero, then the error
91 introduced in the measurement is called as _________ constant error instrumental error random error personal error option b

The ratio of average absolute error to mean reading is called as

92 ____________ percentage error average error absolute error relative error option d

The length of table is measured by two students are 90.5 cm and

93 90.4 cm respectively, the error involved in measurement is random error personal error instrumental error average error option b
called ___________________
The length of compass box measured by five students are 20.5
94 cm, 20.6 cm, 20.6 cm, 20.7 cm, 20.5 cm respectively, then the 20.57 20.58 20.59 20.6 option b
average reading will be ___________
95 The number of significant figures in 12.600 are ______ 5 3 2 1 option a
The number of significant figures in number 2.3500 are
96 _________ 2 3 4 5 option d

If the mass of object is 25.6 kg ± 0.03 gm , then the percentage

97 error in this measurement is _____________ 0.01% 0.12% 0.21% 1.10% option b Basic Physics (22102)

No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

The inner diameter of an cylinder is measured by vernier caliper

98 is 2.63 cm. If the L.C. of vernier caliper is 0.01 cm, then the 0.08% 0.18% 0.28% 0.38% option d
percentage error in this measurement is __________

The diameter of a sphere is measured by vernier caliper is 3.12

99 cm. If the L.C. of vernier caliper is 0.01 cm, then the percentage 0.19% 0.21% 0.28% 0.32% option d
error in this measurement is __________

The diameter of a ball bearing measured by using micrometer

100 screw is 1.203 cm. if the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.02% 0.04% 0.06% 0.08% option d
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The diameter of a ball bearing measured by using micrometer

101 screw is 0.563 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.19% 0.18% 0.17% 0.20% option b
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The diameter of a ball bearing measured by using micrometer

102 screw is 0.421 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.13% 0.12% 0.23% 0.24% option d
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The diameter of a wire measured by using micrometer screw is

103 0.084 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, then the 1.21% 1.19% 1.17% 1.16% option b
percentage error in this measurement is __________

The diameter of a wire measured by using micrometer screw is

104 0.063 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, then the 1.79% 1.65% 1.59% 1.48% option c
percentage error in this measurement is ______ Basic Physics (22102)

The thickness of cardboard measured by using micrometer screw
105 is 0.028 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, then 2.57% 3.57% 4.57% 5.57% option b
the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The diameter of a ball bearing measured by using micrometer

106 screw is 0.435 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.21% 0.23% 0.24% 0.22% option b
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

The diameter of a ball bearing measured by using micrometer

107 screw is 0.364 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.42% 0.36% 0.31% 0.27% option d
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The thickness of glass plate measured by using micrometer

108 screw is 0.254 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.39% 0.37% 0.35% 0.33% option a
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The thickness of glass plate measured by using micrometer

109 screw is 0.422 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.21% 0.24% 0.25% 0.27% option b
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The thickness of glass plate measured by using micrometer

110 screw is 0.326 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.60% 0.51% 0.40% 0.31% option d
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The thickness of glass plate measured by using micrometer

111 screw is 0.625 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.13% 0.14% 0.15% 0.16% option d
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________ Basic Physics (22102)

The thickness of glass plate measured by using micrometer
112 screw is 0.154 cm. If the L.C. of micrometer screw is 0.001 cm, 0.61% 0.63% 0.65% 0.68% option c
then the percentage error in this measurement is __________

The mass of the object is 20.0 ± 0.01 gm. Percentage error in

113 this measurement is ---- 0.01% 0.06% 0.05% 5.54% option c

114 L is dimensional formula for ---- mass time area length option d
115 M is dimensional formula for ---- length mass time volume option b
116 T is dimensional formula for ---- time temperature length mass option a
117 L2M0T0 are the dimensions of ---- volume speed area density option c
118 L3M0T0 are the dimensions of ---- volume density area force option a
119 L1M0T-1 are the dimensions of ---- volume acceleration speed density option c
120 L1M0T-2 are the dimensions of ---- acceleration speed force density option a
121 L1M1T-2 are the dimensions of ---- pressure acceleration speed force option d

No. Question Option A Option-B Option-C Option-D Correct Answer

122 The Dimensional formula for volume of cylinder is________ L3M0T1 L3M1T2 L3M0T0 L3M1T0 option c
123 The Dimensional formula of velocity is________ L3M0T1 L3M1T2 L1M0T-2 L3M1T0 option c
124 The Dimensional formula of Frequency is________ L0M0T-1 L3M1T2 L1M0T-2 L3M1T0 option a
125 The Dimension of Surface Tension is________ L0M0T-1 L3M1T2 L1M0T-2 L0M1T-2 option d
126 The Dimension of angle is________ L M T Dimensionless option d
127 The Dimensional formula of Torque is________ L0M0T-1 L3M1T2 L1M0T-2 L2M1T-2 option d
128 The dimension of momentum is________ L0M0T-1 L3M1T2 L1M1T-1 L2M1T-2 option c
129 The Dimensional formula for mass of solid cylinder is________ L0M1T0 L3M1T2 L1M1T-1 L2M1T-2 option a
130 The Dimensions of couple is________ L0M0T-1 L3M1T2 L1M0T-2 L2M1T-2 option d
131 The dimensional formula of pressure or stress is ________ L-1M1T-2 L3M1T2 L1M0T-2 L-2M1T-2 option a
132 Dimension of power is ________ L-1M1T-2 L3M1T2 L2M1T-3 L-2M1T-2 option c Basic Physics (22102)

133 Dimension of energy is ________ L-1M1T-2 L2M1T-2 L2M1T-3 L-2M1T-2 option b
134 Dimensional formula for kinetic energy is ________ L2M1T-3 L-2M1T-2 L-1M1T-2 L2M1T-2 option d
135 Dimension of potential energy is ________ L-1M1T-2 L2M1T-2 L2M1T-3 L-2M1T-2 option b
136 The dimensional formula of area is ________ L0M0T-1 L2M0T0 L1M0T-2 L2M1T-2 option b
137 The dimensional formula for volume is ________ L3M0T0 L2M0T0 L1M0T-2 L2M1T-2 option a
138 The dimensional formula of force is ________ L0M0T-2 L1M1T-2 L1M0T-2 L1M0T-2 option b
139 The dimensional formula for acceleration is ________ L1M1T-2 L1M1T-2 L1M0T-2 L1M0T-2 option c
140 The dimension formula for work is ________ L1M1T-2 L2M1T-2 L1M0T-2 L1M0T-2 option b
141 The number of significant figures in0.600 are ______ 5 3 2 4 option b
Thickness of a hair measured by micrometer is 0.045 cm. If
142 L.C. is 0.001 cm, then % error is ________ 0.22% 2.02% 2.22% 0.02% option c

The length of an object is 12.4 ± 0.01 cm. Then % error in this

143 measurement is __________ 0.80% 8.00% 0.88% 0.08% option d

144 The dimension of Impulse is___________ L1M0T-2 L1M1T-1 L0M1T-1 L1M0T-1 option b
145 The dimension formula for wavelength is __________ L1M0T-2 L1M1T-1 L1M0T0 L1M0T-1 option c
146 The dimension of refractive index is _________ L1M0T-2 L1M1T-1 L1M0T0 L0M0T0 option d Basic Physics (22102)

Imp MCQ diploma Notes
Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
When two charges of 20C and 40C are kept in a medium of
dielectric constant 2 is separated by 1.5m apart then according
1 to Coulomb's law the force between the two charges will be....... 1.6 x 10-12 N 1.6 x 109 N 1.6 x 10-9 N 1.6 x 1012 N option d

2 Electric intensity is a ........ quantity scalar vector supplementary fundamental option b

3 The SI unit of charge is .............. newton watt coulomb faraday option c
The force acting on unit positive charge in an electric field is Electric Flux
4 called as ................ Electric Potential Electric Intensity Electric Flux Density option b
5 The dielectric constant (k) of air and vacuum is ..... 0 0.5 1 2.5 option c
When glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth then according to protons transfer protons transfer electrons transfer electrons transfer
6 frictional electricity ............. from glass to silk from silk to glass from glass to silk from silk to glass option c
According to Coulomb's law, the force between two charges
7 separated by a distance is .............. option d

8 1 Volt = ....... / ...... 1 joule / 1 coulomb 1 coulomb / 1 farad 1 coulomb / 1 joule 1 volt / 1 ampere option a

9 Electric Flux density is equal to ........... option c

The electric intensity at a point 50 cm from a charge of 3.2

10 micro coulomb in a medium of dielectric constant 2 is equal to 5.76 x 10-4 N/C 5.76 x 106 N/C 5.76 x 104 N/C 5.76 x 105 N/C option c
If 'd' represents the distance, then the relation between electric
11 intensity and potential difference is given by........ option a
Electric lines of force are always .......... to the surface of a
12 charged body. parallel normal bisector median option b
Heat produced by current in wire during 't' time is determined by
13 ____________ H = IRt option b Basic Physics (22102)

The electric lines of force are travels in straight line and parallel non - uniform non - uniform uniform electric varying magnetic
14 to each other in _____________________. electric field magnetic field field field option c

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
The concept of Electric field was introduced by the
15 Scientist............ Joule Newton Faraday Weber option c
Two charges of 10C and 80C are separated by a distance of 100
16 cm in air. The force between them is............... 7.2 x 10-12 N 7.2 x 10-9 N 7.2 x 1012 N 7.2 x 109 N option c
Heating effect of Magnetic effect of Chemical effect of
17 An electric fused is based on - electric current electric current electric current none of the above option a
The relation between electric intensity (E) and electric flux
18 density (D) is ........ option c
When two equal and like charges of 1 coulomb each is
19 separated by 1 m distance, placed in air, then the force between 9 x 10-12 N 9 x 10-9 N 9 x 1012 N 9 x 109 N option d
them is __________
20 1 eV = ...... J 1.6 x 10-9 J 1.6 x 10-19 J 1.6 x 10-10 J 1.6 x 10-20 J option b
Which of the following is a true statement about the electric
field between the two plates?

21 Electric lines of force Electric lines of force Electric lines of force Electric lines of force option a
in uniform electric in non - in uniform magnetic in non -
field uniform electric field field uniform magnetic

22 Heating effect of electric current is used in _____________ electric kettle fan freezer TV option a Basic Physics (22102)

The electricity developed on a body, when it is rubbed with
23 another body is called as......... current electricity frictional electricity thermoelectricity electromotive force option b
Current-voltage graph of ohmic devices is a ___________
24 graph. linear non-linear curve parabolic option a
Ohm's law is valid only when the temperature of conductor
25 remains ______ incresing decreasing constant zero option c

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

26 The flow of electric charge per unit time is called Voltage Resistance Speciefic resistance Current option d

When current is passed through a coil, it gets heated up. This is collision of proton
27 due to ________ collision of proton collision of electron collision of neutron and neutron option b

If we increase the speed of fan using regulator, then the

28 resistance of the regulator _______ Decreases increases constant zero option b

Resistance of a conducting wire is inversely proportional to Square of radius of

29 ___________ Length Resistance the wire Area and Length option c

When number of resistances are connected in series, then the

30 effective resistance of its combination __________ decreases increases remains same is zero option b

When number of resistances are connected in parallel, then the

31 is zero Decreases increases remains same option b
effective resistance of its combination ________

32 The SI Unit of specific resistance is _________ ohm-meter ohm/meter ohm/centimeter ohm-cenimeter option a
According to Ohm's law, the current flowing through the
33 conductor increases with increase in _________ resistance voltage temprature Speciefic resistance option b

34 siemen per metre is the unit of _________ conductance resistance resistivity conductivity option d
35 The equation of Ohm's law is _____ I= RV I = R/V R=VI V=IR option d
36 The SI unit of electric current is _________ ohm ampere volt mho option b
A current of 0.3 A flows through a resistance of 50 Ω, then
37 voltage across it….. 17 V 1.7 V 1.5 V 15 V option d

To obtain maximum resistance, the given resistors should be combination of

38 connected in ________ series and parallel parallel to each other series to each other None of the above option c Basic Physics (22102)

A current of 2 A flows through a resistance. If battery of emf 4
39 V is connected across it, then the resistance is…. 18 ohm 2 ohm 0.5 ohm 3 ohm option b

If length and cross-sectional area of a conducting wire is

40 doubled, its resistance will be Double half four times unchanged option d

41 One ampere Current is given by ____ 1A =1C/1ohm 1A =1C/1s 1A = 1s * 1C 1A =1s/1C option b

42 Resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to the _____ Length of conductor Area of conductor Current Potential Difference option b

In joule's law of heating effect, the amount of heat energy

43 generated is directly proportional to R V G option a

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
According to Joule\'s law, the electrical energy is converted
44 into ____ chemical energy sound energy light energy Heat energy option d
According to Joule\'s law, heat generated in the conductor is Electric Field
45 not directly proportional to ..... Current Resistance Potential Difference Intensity option d

46 Which of the following is example of an insulator _________ Mica Copper Silver Gold option a

A current of 0.8 ampere flows through a resistance. If a

47 battery of EMF 12 Volt is connected across it , the resistance 9.6 ohm 96 ohm 1.5 ohm 15 ohm option d
is _____

If three resistances R1, R2 and R3 are connected in series to Rs= (R1+R2+R3)/(R1R2-

48 Rs= R1+R2+R3 Rs= R1-R2-R3 Rs= 1/(R1+R2+R3) option a
each other then its equivalent resistance is given by _______ R3)

If three resistances R1, R2 and R3 are connected in parallel to Rp= (R1+R2+R3)/(R1R2- 1/Rp=
49 Rp= R1+R2+R3 Rp= R1-R2-R3 option c
each other then its equivalent resistance is given by _______ R3) 1/R1+1/R2+1/R3

50 High voltage electric bulbs will have _____ resistance low high zero low but not zero option b
51 An ideal voltmeter has _________ resistance high low zero very high option c
52 An ideal ammeter has ___________ resistance high low infinity zero option c
The force between two long parallel conductors is inversely current in one conductor product of current in distance between the
53 proportional to - radius of conductors two conductors conductors option d Basic Physics (22102)

According to Joule\'s law, ______________ energy is
54 converted into _________ energy. heat, electrical light, electrical electrical, light electrical, heat option d
From following figure, The P.D between point A and B is given

55 10 V 5V 0V 15 V option a

The charge +Q is kept in a medium of dielectric constant K.

56 The potential of point A situated at a distance x from charge option b
+Q is given by

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
The effective resistance in the following diagram is

57 4 ohm 2 ohm 1 ohm 3 ohm option b

The effective resistance between points A and B is

58 4 ohm 2 ohm 6 ohm 5 ohm option c

In the circuit diagram shown, the current flowing through the

59 resistor is_________ 50 mA 70 mA 43 mA 35 ma option c

In The graph shown below, the reciprocal of the slope

60 represents ________ 1/R I R V option c

When resistances are connected in __________ combination, both series and

61 its equivalent resistance decreases. parallel parallel series none of the above option b Basic Physics (22102)

When resistances are connected in __________ combination, both series and
62 its equivalent resistance increases. parallel parallel series all of the above option c

The force of attraction between two charges of 30 μC and

63 50 μC are separated by 1 m distance is 13.5 N. Then the 1 1.5 1.75 2.25 option a
dielectric constant of the medium is ________

When two resistances of 100 ohm and 200 ohm are connected
in series and then their combination is connected in parallel
64 50 100 150 200 option c
with 300 ohm resistance. Then the equivalent resistance of the
combination will be ______ ohm.

65 If the radius of a wire is doubled then its resistance is _______ R/2 R/4 2R 4R option b

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
According to Ohm\'s law, when the physical conditions of a
66 conductor remains constant, the electric current is directly resistance power energy potential difference option d
proportional to _________________

When two resistances are connected in series, their equivalent

67 resistance is 100 ohm and when connected in parallel to each 20, 80 30, 70 40, 60 50, 50 option c
other its value is 24 ohm. Therefore the two resistances are:

Calculate the amount of heat generated in a conductor carrying,

68 when a current of 2 A flows for 1 minute through a resistance of 5.71 kcal 6.08 kcal 7.52 kcal 8.33 kcal option a
100 ohm. (Given J=4200 joule/kcal)

69 The Joule /second is also known as........... watt Columb Newton Pascal option a
70 weber (Wb) is the SI unit of Electric Flux Magnetic flux Electric Intensity Magnetic Intensity option b

71 Magnetic lines of forces are not affected by................material electric conductor magnetic non - magnetic metal option c Basic Physics (22102)

The relation between magnetic field intensity (H) and magnetic
72 flux density (B) is ____________ option c

73 The SI unit of Magnetic flux is _____ watt joule weber newton option c
The tangent drawn to the curve part of magnetic lines of forces
74 gives the direction of......... at that point Magnetic field Electric Field Gravitational Field None of the above option a

75 The SI unit of Magnetic Intensity (H) is .......... newton / coulomb newton / weber faraday / weber coulomb / weber option b
When a bar magnet is suspended freely in air it always points
76 towards .......... direction North - West North - South South - East South - West option b

Magnets attract
Like poles repel each Unlike poles attract Magnets attract Iron
77 Which of the following statement is not true for a magnet: nonconducting option d
other each other filings
materials like rubber

The path along which the unit _____ pole will move in
78 magnetic field is called magnetic lines of forces. east west north south option c

The magnetic lines of forces moves from _________ pole to

79 _________ pole outside the magnet. East, West North, South West, East South, North option b

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
In uniform magnetic
They are affected by field, they are
Which of the following is not the property of magnetic lines of They form a closed They never intersect
80 non-magnetic parallel to each option a
force - loop. with each other.
materials. other.
For diamond the forbidden energy gap is approximately equal to
81 6 eV. Then diamond is ___. a conductor an insulator a semiconductor a superconductor option b

82 ___ is a type of semiconductor material. aluminium brass gallium lead option d

A semiconductor has __________ temperature coefficient of
83 resistance. negative positive zero infinity option a

84 A semiconductor is formed by ___________ bonds. covalent electrovalent co-ordinate none of the above option a
The range of energies possessed by ___ is known as valance
85 band. conduction electrons atoms Value valence electrons. option d Basic Physics (22102)

Impurities like Arsenic, Antimony, Phosphorus which produces
86 extrinsic semiconductors are known as ____ Acceptor impurities trivalent impurity donor impurities tetravalent impurity option c

In n-type semiconductors, electrons are __ carrier and holes are

87 ___ carriers. minority, majority majority, minority majority, majority minority, minority option b

88 The conductivity of Silicon at zero degree Kelvin is ___. infinite zero large small option b

89 The conductivity of Germanium at zero degree Kelvin is ___. infinite zero large small option b

By adding ___ type of impurity, the semiconductor material

90 becomes n-type. trivalent tetravalent pentavalent hexavalent option c

By adding ___ type of impurity, the semiconductor material

91 becomes p-type. trivalent tetravalent pentavalent hexavalent option a

92 Intrisic semiconductors belongs to _ group of periodic table first second third fourth option d

The energy gap of a semiconductor is 0.7 eV. If the energy

93 received is 0.6 eV, how many conducting electrons will be 10 5 infinity zero option d
very small energy very large energy
94 According to Energy Band theory, in a conductor, there is ___. gap. gap sufficient energy gap no energy gap. option d

For a given material , forbidden energy gap is very large,

95 material is said to be ___ conductor semiconductor insulator superconductor option c

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

For a given material , energy gap between valence band and

96 conductor semiconductor insulator superconductor option b
conduction band is about 1 eV , material is said to be ___.

According to Energy Band theory, the materials in which the

97 valence band and the conduction band overlaps are called as ---- superconductor semiconductor insulator conductor option d
- Basic Physics (22102)

energy gap between energy gap between energy gap between
valence band and
valence band and valence band and valence band and
98 According to Energy Band theory, for an insulator the ___. conduction band are option b
overlapping conduction band is conduction band is conduction band is
very large about 1 eV. about 0.5 eV.

The strength of a semiconductor crystal comes from Forces between Forces between
99 _____________ nuclei protons Electron-pair bonds none of the above option c

energy gap between energy gap between energy gap between

valence band and
valence band and valence band and valence band and
100 According to Energy Band theory, for a conductor the ___. conduction band are option a
overlapping conduction band is conduction band is conduction band is
very large about 1 eV. about 0.7 eV.

101 __ is an example of insulator. gold glass silicon copper option b

102 Which of the following is a semiconductor: ____ gold glass silicon copper option c
103 __ is an example of conductor. gold glass silicon germinium option a
When an impurity is added to a pure semiconductor material, it
104 forms _ types of semiconductors. two three four five option a

In p-type semiconductors, electrons are __ carrier and holes are

105 ___ carriers. majority, majority majority, minority minority, majority minority, minority option c

106 Energy gap for geminium is ___. 0.7 eV 0.72 eV 0.75 eV 0.82 eV. option b
107 The forbidden energy gap for silicon is __. 0.72 eV 0.82 eV 0.92 eV 1.12 eV option d

The amount of energy required to break the covalent bond for

108 2.4 and 1.7 1.12 and 0.72 0.72 and 1.12 1.7 and 2.4 option c
Germanium and Silicon respectively is _________ eV

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

C.B. is partially C.B. is completely C.B. is empty and C.B. is filled with
In insulators if C.B. is conduction band and V.B. is valance
109 fiilled with electrons filled with electrons V.B. is partially electron and V.B is option c
band, then _______
and V.B. is empty and V.B. is empty filled with electrons empty Basic Physics (22102)

Addition of pentavalent impurity to a semiconductor creates
110 many _______________ Free electrons Holes Valence electrons Bound electrons option a

The number of electrons in the valence shell of an intrinsic

111 semiconductor will be ___ less than 4 more than 4 equal to 4 zero option c

When the temperature of a semiconductor is increased, the either increase or

112 decrease remain same increase option c
number of free electrons in the conduction band will ___. decrease

In conduction and valence bands, there are equal number of

113 electrons and holes respectively. The solid is ___ an insulator a conductor a semiconductor a superconductor option c

In a semiconductor, the approximate value of the forbidden

114 energy gap is _________ 1MeV 5eV 1keV 1eV option d

may increase or
115 Due to doping, resistivity of a semiconductor ___ increases decreases does not alter decrease depending option b
upon dopant

116 The voltage at which the diode breaks down is called------- forward voltage breakdown voltage barrier voltage knee voltage option b

The potential difference across the depletion region is called

117 ............ breakdown voltage forward voltage barrier potential reverse voltage option c

The value of forward voltage above which forward current

118 increases rapidly is called------ applied voltage knee voltage barrier potential reverse voltage option b

In forward biased p-n junction diode, as the applied voltage initially decreases
119 increases decreases remains same option b
increases, the width of depletion layer.............. and finally increases

In reverse biased p-n junction diode as the applied voltage initially increases
120 increases decreases remains same option a
increases, the width of depletion layer ............. and then decreases

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
move towards the move away from the move in any random
121 In reverse biased p-n junction diode, electrons and holes--------- junction junction direction remain stationary option b Basic Physics (22102)

In forward biased p-n junction diode, electrons and holes move away from the move towards the move in any random
122 ............... junction junction direction remain stationary option b

In unbiased p-n junction diode, once the depletion layer is move towards the move away from the move in any random
123 formed, the electrons and holes ---------- junction junction direction remain stationary option d

124 The p-n junction diode is not used for ------- Rectification communication purpose generation of sound option d

If the positive and negative terminals of the battery are

125 connected to P-type and N-type semiconductor respectively, the Reverse biased forward biased unbiased double biased option b
diode is said to be........
both open and closed
126 The forward biased p-n junction diode acts as............ open switch closed switch switch insulator option b

both open and close

127 The reverse biased p-n junction diode acts as........... open switch closed switch switch insulator option a

type of number of immobile

concentration of temperature of the
128 The barrier potential of p-n junction diode depends upon........... semiconductor ions in the depletion option b
dopant diode
material region

n-type p-type intrinsic

129 Photo-diode is an application of _________ semiconductor semiconductor semiconductor p-n junction diode option d

The reverse breakdown voltage for a p-n junction diode is closed switch but both open as well as closed switch and
130 open switch option d
50V.If it is operated at 100V, it will act as ..... will not get damaged closed switch will get damaged

If the voltage of 0.4V is applied across Ge diode, it will act as both open as well as
131 ........... open switch closed switch closed switch insulator option b

If the voltage of 0.4V is applied across Si diode, it will act as both open as well as
132 ........ open switch closed switch closed switch conductor option a

The p-n junction diode conducts current in ------

133 direction/directions one two either one or two more than two option a

In P-type semiconductor, ..............are the majority carriers and

134 .................. are the minority carriers. electrons, holes holes, electrons holes, holes electrons, electrons option b Basic Physics (22102)

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
In N-type semiconductor, ............are the majority carriers and
135 .............. are the minority carriers. holes,electrons electrons,holes electrons,electrons holes,holes option b

If the positive and negative terminals of the battery are

136 connected to N-type and P-type semiconductor respectively, the Reverse biased forward biased unbiased double biased option a
diode is said to be.......

The reverse breakdown voltage for a p-n junction diode is 40 V. closed switch but both open as well as closed switch and
137 open switch option a
If it is operated at 20 V, it will act as ........ will not get damaged closed switch will get damaged

If the diode is operated at a voltage greater than its knee voltage initially increasing initially decreasing
138 decreasing increasing option a
, the resistance of the diode will go on........ and then decreasing and then increasing

If the diode is operated at a voltage less than its cut-in voltage,

139 the diode will act as/in ..... open switch closed switch breakdown mode saturation mode option a

In case of forward biased p-n junction diode,the resistance is very low but not
140 ............ Infinity zero equal to zero high option c

In case of reverse biased p-n junction diode, the resistance is very low but not
141 ............... Low zero equal to zero very high option d

A forward biased p-n junction diode just starts to conduct if equal to or greater
142 applied voltage is ...... the barrier potential. greater than equal to less than than option b

In case of forward biased p-n junction diode, the current

initially decreases
143 flowing through the diode.......... if the applied voltage is beyond increases decreases remains same option a
the knee voltage of the diode. and finally increases

In case of reverse biased p-n junction diode,when the applied

Initially decreases initially increases
144 voltage becomes equal to the breakdown voltage the current decreases increases option b
and then increases and then decreases
145 The Ge diode starts to conduct at ......V 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 option a
146 The Si diode starts to conduct at ............V 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 option c
147 _________ type of impurity is called as donor impurity. Trivalent Tetravalent Pentavalent Hexavalent option c Basic Physics (22102)

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

Which of the following figure represents the energy band

148 option b
diagram for semiconductors?

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

Which of the following figure represents the energy band

149 option a
diagram for a conductor?

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d) Basic Physics (22102)

Which of the following figure represnts the energy band
150 option b
diagram for Insulator?

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

Which is the following represents the forward characteristics of

151 option c
P-N junction diode?

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d) Basic Physics (22102)

Which of the following is represents the reverse characteristics
152 option c
of P-N junction diode?

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

orbit near the
153 Valence electrons are the electrons which are present in............. outermost orbit inner orbit nucleus any orbit option a

The energy band possessed by free electrons is called as forbidden energy

154 _______________ valence band band conduction band covalent bond option c

The energy gap between valence band and conduction band is Forbidden energy
155 called as ___________ valence band conduction band covalent bond band option d

156 _________ type of impurity is called as acceptor impurity. Trivalent Tetravalent Pentavalent Hexavalent option a

When _________ is added to an intrinsic semiconductor, it

157 forms n-type semiconductor. Arsenic Indium Aluminium Gallium option a

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
A p-type semiconductor is formed by adding __________ to an
158 intrinsic semiconductor. Phosphorus Arsenic Antimony Gallium option d

As the temperature of a semiconductor increases, its

159 ___________ also increases. resistivity potential difference conductivity none of the above option c

Which of the following is an application of pn junction diode

160 __________ Wheatstone's bridge Potentiometer Digital display Meter bridge option c Basic Physics (22102)

The conductivity of a conductor _________, with increase in previously increases
161 increases decreases remains constant option b
temperature. and then decreases

A pentavalent atom contains ____ number of electrons in its

162 valence shell. 3 4 5 6 option c

When n-type semiconductor is connected to positive terminal

163 and p-type semiconductor is connected to negative terminal of forward biased reverse biased unbiased none of the above option b
the battery, then the diode is said to be _________________

When n-type semiconductor is connected to negative terminal

164 and p-type semiconductor is connected to positive terminal of forward biased reverse biased Unbiased none of the above option a
the battery, then the diode is said to be _______________ Basic Physics (22102)

Imp MCQ diploma Notes
Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
1 SI unit of heat is______ Joule Cal Erg kelvin option a
2 Good absorbers of heat are______ poor emitters good emitters non emitters none of the above option b
At what temperature are numerical values on fahrenheit and
3 celsius scales same? -40 11.428 72 40 option a

4 Convert 363 K into degree celcius. -90 636 90 1.329 option c

78.4 degree 88.4 degree 98.1 degree 98.4 degree
5 The normal temperature of human body in fahrenheit is______ fahrenheit fahrenheit fahrenheit fahrenheit option d

The instrument used for the measurement of temperature is

6 _________ calorimeter thermometer hygrometer barometer option b

The value of absolute zero temperature in degree celcius is

7 equal to..... -273 0 100 degree celcius 273 option a

8 convert 0 Degree (Celsius) in to degree kelvin -273 273 300 0 option b

both conduction and
9 The only way of heat transfer through a solid is________ conduction convection radiation convection option a

A metal rod heated at one end transfers the heat to the other end all of the above
10 by__________. convection conduction radiation processes option b

both conduction and

11 The only way of heat transfer through a liquid is ________. radiation convection convection conduction option c

both conduction as
12 Land and sea breezes are caused by________ convection conduction radiation well as convection option a

when unit
temperature when heat flows when heat flow
when only difference is
The coefficient of thermal conductivity is heat flow per unit through unit across unit area
13 temperature gradient maintained across option d
time thickness of when temperature
is unity two ends of
conductor gradient is unity
conductor Basic Physics (22102)

does not required does not required
14 The transfer of heat by radiation required medium required space space medium option d

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
change in change in distance per unit
15 Temperature gradient in conduction of heat is_______ temperature per unit temperature per unit time per unit change change in option b
time distance in temperature temperature
Normal temperature of human body is 36.88 degree Celsius -98.4degree -34.38 degree 38.26 degree 98.4 degree
16 .find the temperature on fahrenheit scale fahrenheit fahrenheit fahrenheit fahrenheit option d
The transfer of heat when the water is boiling is an example of both conduction and
17 ............ conduction convection radiation convection option b
18 .........of the following is the unit of temperature Joule Cal KCal kelvin option d

19 The instrument used for the determination of heat is .......... calorimeter thermometer hygrometer barometer option a

heat and temperature heat and temperature heat is effect and heat is cause and
20 The correct statement related to heat and temperature is---- option d
both are causes both are effect temperature is cause temperature is effect

21 1 Kcal is equal to________ 41.86Joule 4.186 Joule 0.4186Joule 4186 Joule option d
22 1 Cal is equal to______ 0.4186Joule 4.186Joule 41.86Joule 4186 Joule option b

If the area of a uniform cconducting metal rod is doubled,the

23 get quadrupled get halved remain unchanged get doubled option d
amount of heat conducted through the rod will ............

which is the CGS unit of coefficient of thermal conductivity J/m Degree KCal/m Degree Cal/m Degree Cal/cm Degree
24 is............... (Celsius)sec (Celsius)-sec (Celsius)-sec (Celsius)-sec option d

directly proportional to
Inversely proportional inversely proportional
The amount of heat conducted through a uniform metal rod directly proportional to temperature difference
25 to cross sectional area to time for which heat option d
is_______ of metal rod
thickness of metal rod
is conducted between two ends of
metal rod

26 Example of good conductor of heat is----------- mica ceramic mercury plastic option c
27 Example of bad conductor of heat ---------- mica copper mercury steel option a Basic Physics (22102)

good reflector and bad reflector and good reflector and bad reflector and
White clothes are preferred in summer because they good absorber of poor absorber of heat poor absorber of heat good absorber of
28 option c
are________ heat heat
heat absorbed by
heat absorbed by heat absorbed by material is either less
heat absorbed by
material is equal to material is more than than or greater than
29 In steady state________ heat given out by
material less than heat option a
heat given out by heat given out by
given out by material
material material material

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
30 convert 0 °C in to °F 0 -32 32 40 option c
If Boiling point of water is 100 degree celsius .Calculate it in in
31 fahrenheit. 148 212 -148 87.56 option b

32 The material is used in electronic circuit as heat sink is------ bad conductor good conductor semiconductor insulator option b

33 The medium is not needed for transmission heat in------- conduction convection radiation absorption option c
34 Convert 100 °F into °C 37.77 -37.77 122.4 -122.4 option a
35 Convert 140 °F into °C 60 -60 -37.77 122.4 option a
36 Convert 20 degree celsius into degree kelvin -273 293 -253 253 option b
Cooking utensils are made up of metals because metals are good conductor
37 _________ of heat do not cause shock do not break easily are good insulators option a

thermal radiation thermal radiation thermal radiation

cannot travel through travel along a thermal radiation travel faster than
38 the correct statement related to thermal radiation is----- option b
vacuum straight line affect the medium speed of light.
either longitudinal
electromagnetic wave or stationary
39 In case of radiation ,heat transfer is in the form of______ longitudinal wave stationary wave option c
Out of the following,indicate the material with the highest value
40 of coefficient of thermal conductivity. ceramic mica aluminium plastic option c

Which of the following material with least value of coefficient

41 of thermal conductivity? Copper aluminium silver air option d Basic Physics (22102)

If the thickness of a conducting metal rod is halved, the amount
42 of heat conducted by the rod will become..........times provided four half two six option c
other parameters remaining constant.

A copper sheet of 10mm thickness has temperature difference

2 Degree 200 Degree 2000 Degree 0.0005 Degree
43 between its two ends as 20°C.Calculate the temperature option c
gradient. (Celsius)/m (Celsius)/m (Celsius)/m (Celsius)/m

An aluminium rod of 1 m length has its two ends at 30°C and 0.1 Degree 10 Degree -10 Degree -0.1 Degree
44 option b
40°C respectively.Calculate the temperature gradient. (Celsius)/m (Celsius)/m (Celsius)/m (Celsius)/m

A metal rod of 0.4 m length has temperature gradient is 0.004 Degree

45 0.4 Degree (Celsius) 4 Degree (Celsius) 400 Degree (Celsius) option c
10°C/m.Calculate temperature difference between its two end. (Celsius)

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

46 SI unit of temperature gradient is_______ Degree Celsius /cm Degree Celsius/m m/Degree Celsius cm/Degree Celsius option b

47 Convert 50.25 degree celsius in to degree kelvin 222.75 -323.25 -222.75 323.25 option d
48 Convert 80.5 degree celsius in to degree kelvin -353.25 192.5 353.5 -192.5 option c
49 Convert 210 degree kelvin in to degree celsius -483 -63 483 63 option b
50 convert -273 degree kelvin into degree celsius -273 0 -546 546 option c
51 Convert 395 degree kelvin in to degree celsius 668 122 -668 -122 option b
ventilation in the formation of trade heat transfer from heat transfer through
52 Which of the following is a example of radiation? room wind sun to the earth metal rod option c

ventilation in the formation of trade heat transter from heat transter through
53 which of the following is a example of conduction process. room wind sun to the earth metal rod option d

ventilation in the double walled heat transfer from

54 Which of the following is a example of convection? room thermos flask sun to the earth Davy's safety lamp option a Basic Physics (22102)

Inversely proportional to
directly proportional directly proportional temperature
The amount of heat conducted through a uniform metal rod proportional to cross
55 to thickness of metal to time for which difference between option c
is_______ sectional area of
rod heat flows two ends of metal
metal rod

Inversely inversely inversely

proportional to cross proportional to proportional to time inversely
The amount of heat conducted through a uniform metal rod
56 sectional area of thickness of metal for which heat is proportional to option b
metal rod rod conducted temperature gradient

Heat conduction through a uniform metal rod does not depends cross sectional area
57 room temperature length of rod difference between option b
upon________. of rod
its two ends

If the temperature difference for a metal rod of uniform

58 thickness is doubled ;the temperature gradient will......... get doubled get halved remain same quadrupled option a

The measure of hotness or coldness of a body is known

59 as_________. heat energy temperature chemical energy potential energy option b

In fahrenheit scale the intervals are divided

60 into______divisions. 100 180 60 50 option b

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
both volume and
61 When a solid is heated,which of the following changes? volume pressure temperature pressure option c

both conduction and

62 The formation of tradewind is an example of.......... convection conduction convection radiation option a

At steady state,the amount of heat absorbed by the body is greater than or equal
63 .........the amount of heat radiated by the body. greater than less than to equal to option d Basic Physics (22102)

Thermal Thermal
Thermal conductivity conductivity of bad conductivity of bad
Thermal conductivity
of bad conductor is less conductor is more
64 The correct statement is ------ of good conductor is option c
very low conductor is very than that of Good than that of Good
high conductor conductor .

the molecules have the molecules have the molecules have the molecules
65 At absoute zero temp ; option c
maximum energy minimum energy zero energy becomes stationary

66 Convert 540K into degree farenheit. 512.6 180.33 448.6 130.55 option a
\" Heat radiators in cars are coated with black colour\" ,is an both convection and
67 example of............. conduction radiation convection radiation option b

The temperature gradient for a metal rod of thickness 40cm is

68 3°C/cm.If one of its ends is at 90°C,find the temperature of the +30 Degree (Celsius) -30 Degree (Celsius) 1.5 Degree (Celsius) -1.5 Degree (Celsius) option b
other end.
amount of heat amount of heat average kinetic
69 Increase in temperature of a body is proportional to .......... absorbed evolued density of substance energy option a

The amount of heat conducted by a metal rod ..............with initially increases

70 increases decreases remains constant option a
increasing time. and then decreases

Heat radiated by sun reaches us by the...........

71 process/processes. conduction convection radiation all of the above option c

72 The SI unit of rate of heat transfer is............. Cal/sec erg/sec Joule/second J-sec option c

73 Which is correct equation of law of thermal conductivity option c

Which of the following correctly represents temperature

74 gradient if\'d\' is the thickness and \'t\' is the time and all other option b
symbols have usual meanings?
75 Correct relation between °C scale & °F scale is .......... C=(5/9) (F-32) C=(5/9) (F+32) F=(5/9)(C-32) F=(5/9)(C+32) option a

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer Basic Physics (22102)

The Correct relation between °C scale & °K Temperature
76 is_________ C=K-273 C=K+273 C=K/273 K=C/273 option a

The movement of liquid in the compressor of the refrigerator is both convection and
77 an example of ............ conduction radiation convection radiation option c

According to Boyle's law,provided the temperature of the gas

initially increases
78 remaining constant ;if its pressure increases then decreases increases remains same option a
volume_________ and then decreases

79 The mathematical equation of Charle\'s law is P1V1=P2V2 V1/T1=V2/T2 P1/T1=P2/T2 V1T1=V2T2 option b
Specific heats of a gas at constant volume (CV)and at constant
80 pressure (CP) are related as..... where all symbols have usual option b
less than or equal to
81 The ratio of two specific heats of gas is ........ equal to 1 1 less than one greater than 1 option d

less than or equal to

82 The difference of Specific heats Cp-Cv is .......... equal to 1 1 greater than 1 less than 1 option c

83 The mathematical equation of Boyle\'s law is P1V1=P2V2 V1/T1=V2/T2 P1/T1=P2/T2 V1T1=V2T2 option a
84 The standard values of universal gas constant are.......... 8.134 SI units 8.241 SI units 8.314 SI units 8.414 SI units option a
A gas at 40°C occupies a volume of 80ml.Find the volume
85 occupied by the gas if it is heated to 100 °C by keeping pressure 0.0148ml 95.33ml 0.00068ml 200ml option b
A gas at 50°C is heated at constant pressure till its volume
86 becomes four times.Find its final temperature. 80.75 degree kelvin 200 degree kelvin 0.012 degree kelvin 1292 degree kelvin option d

Boyle's law, Charle's law Gay-Lussac's law are valid for ...........
87 of a gas. fixed volume fixed pressure fixed mass fixed temperature option c

A gas at 30 °C is heated at constant pressure till its volume is

88 doubled.Find the final temperature of the gas. 151.5 degree kelvin 0.0066 degree kelvin 606 degree kelvin 60 degree kelvin option c

Universal gas constant R is same for all the gases because one has same occupies same
89 gram mole of any gas__________ temperature has same pressure volume at N.T.P. has same density option c

both pressure and

90 In Boyle's law ,following parameters remains constant Pressure Temperature Volume volume option b

In Charle's law for given mass of a gas, following parameters

91 remains constant Temperature Volume Pressure Density option c Basic Physics (22102)

In Gay Lussac's law ,for given mass of a gas ;following both volume and
92 parameters remains constant Temperature Volume Pressure temperature option b

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
remain the same
If temperature of gas remains constant ,then the pressure of gas increase with decrease with decrease with with increase in
93 option b
will........... increase in volume Increase in volume decrease in volume volume
Increase with remains constant Increase with decrese with increase
If pressure of gas remains constant ,then the volume of gas increase in with decrease in decrease in in temperature
94 option a
will......... temperatue Temperature temperature
95 The mathematical equation of Gay Lussac\'s law is___ P1V1=P2V2 V1/T1=V2/T2 P1/T1=P2/T2 V1T1=V2T2 option c
96 The equation of perfect gas is........... PV=RT PV=KT PR=VT PT=RV option a
97 The General gas equation is PV=RT PT=RV TV=RP PV=RK option a
98 The ideal gas equation is PT=KV PV=KT TV=KP PV=KR option b
Solids have only one specific heat because...............remains both pressure and all pressure,volume
99 constant only pressure only volume volume and temperature option c

universal gas
100 In the equation PV=KT, K is called constant specific gas constant Ideal gas constant perfect gas constant option b

universal gas
101 In the equation PV=RT,R is called ........ constant specific gas constant ideal gas constant perfect gas constant option a

-273 K and 760cm of 273 K and 76cm of 23.7 K and 0.76cm

102 At NTP; the values of temperature and pressure are............. Hg Hg 0 K and 7.6cm of Hg of Hg option b

At NTP ;the pressure exerted by the atmosphere at sea level 0.76cm of Hg

103 is........ 76 cm of Hg column 760cm of Hg column Column 7.6cmof Hg Column option a

A gas at 20°C occupies a volume of 100ml.Find the volume

104 occupied by the gas if it is heated to 50°C by keeping pressure 0.011ml 0.0091ml 110.24ml 250ml option c
What will be the effect on volume of an enclosed gas, if the
The volume of a gas The volume of a gas The volume of a gas The volume gets
105 pressure of a gas is doubled by keeping the temperature option a
constant. becomes half becomes double remains same quadrupled. Basic Physics (22102)

A Certain mass of a gas occupies 40 cc at 27°C .Fid its volume
106 at 57°C if the pressure is constant. 0.0275cc 84.44cc 44cc 0.0227cc option c

A gas at 76cm of mercury occupies a volume of 50cc at constant

temperature.If the pressure of the gas changes to 80cm of
107 mercury,find the volume occupied by the gas at constant 52.63cc 47.5cc 0.019cc 0.021cc option b

A gas occupies volume of 20cc at 27°C.Find the final volume if

108 it is heated to 67°C at constant pressure 0.0566cc 0.044cc 49.62cc 22.66cc option d

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
The gas at 300K is at pressure of 80cm of mercury.Find the
109 final pressure of the gas if it is heated to 400K at constant 376.29 cm of Hg 0.00066 cm of Hg 106.67 cm of Hg 0.0167 cm of Hg option c
110 By filling air inside the tyre is application of________ Boyle's law Charle's law Guy Lussac's law Joule's Law option a
111 Syrings of all types works on the principle of ........... Boyle's law Charle's law Guy Lussac's law Joule's Law option a
112 Spray paint is example of________ Boyle's law Charle's law Guy Lussac's law Joule's Law option a
113 Hot air balloon works on the principle of ___________ Boyle's law Charle's law Guy Lussac's law Gas equation option b
The Four Stroke Engine of a vehicle works on the principle
114 of_______ Boyle's law Charle's law Guy Lussac's law Gas equation option d

The difference between the two specific heats of a gas is 1600 -320, -1920 units 1920:320units 320:1920units 300:1900 units
115 and their ratio is 6:1 Find Cp and Cv . respectively respectively respectively respectively option b

additional heat is additional heat is additional heat is additional heat is

In case of gases,specific heat at constant pressure is always
116 required to increase required to decrese required to increase required to decrease option a
greater than specific heat at constant volume because
the volume of gas the volume of gas the mass of gas the mass of gas

117 The speed of gas depends on.......... temperature pressure volume mass option a
In case of gases, the specific heat at constant pressure is ......than greater than or equal
118 the specific heat at constant volume. less than greater than less than or equal to to option b

having high specific constant specific heat

119 Material used as insulator are......... heat low specific heat No specific heat option a Basic Physics (22102)

If the temperature gradient for a conducting metal rod initially increases
120 increases decreases remains constant option a
increases,the amount of heat flowing through it.......... and then decreases

tip is low, body is body is high, tip is body and tip both body and tip both are
121 In thermometer the specific heat of ......... high low high low option a

greater than that of less than that of greater than or equal

122 specific heat of steam is water water equal to water to option a

initially a curve and initially straight line

123 Graph of P against 1/V at constant temperature is Curve straight line option b
then a straight line and then curve

The law which correlates pressure,volume and temperature of a

124 fixed mass of gas is Charle's law Gay lussac's law Perfect gas equation Boyle's law option c

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

Temperature of land rises more quickly than that of sea specific heat of soil is specific heat of soil is specific heat of soil is
125 more than that of water less than that of water equal to that of water
soil is a solid option b
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg of specific heat capacity
126 substance by 1 °C is called as________ heat capacity Energy capacity None of the above option c

Degree (Celsius)/Kg- J/kg Degree J-Kg Degree Kg/J- Degree

127 The S I unit of specific heat capacity is J (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) option b

At constant temperature, if pressure of given mass of gas is Straight line not

passing through the Straight line passing
128 inversely proportional to its volume,the nature of graph will Parabola Rectangular hyperbola option c
be________ origin through the origin

For given mass of a gas, at constant pressure, the volume is directly

129 proportional to temperature. The nature of graph will be________ Parabola Rectangular hyperbola Linear Non-linear option c

A gas at 20 °C is heated at constant volume till its pressure is

130 tripled.Find its final temperature. 879 degree kelvin 97.67 degree kelvin 0.010 degree kelvin 60 degree kelvin option a Basic Physics (22102)

Which of the following is the graphical representation of
131 option a
Boyle\'s Law ?

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

Which of the following is the graphical representation of

132 option b
Charles Law ?

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d)

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

Which of the following is the graphical representation of Gay

133 option d
Lussac\'s Law

Fig. (a) Fig. (b) Fig. (c) Fig. (d) Basic Physics (22102)

Given Below is the graphical represntation of

134 Joules Law Charles Law Boyles Law Gay Lussacs Law option c

Given Below is the graphical represntation of

135 Joules Law Charles Law Boyles Law Gay Lussacs Law option b

Given Below is the graphical represntation of

136 Joules Law Boyles Law Charles Law Gay Lussacs Law option d

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer

from denser medium from rarer medium from rarer to rarer from denser to
137 Total Internal reflection can occur when light passes ............ option a
to rarer medium to denser medium medium denser medium

wavelength initially
its wavelength its wavelength wavelength remains increases and then
138 When a ray of light enters a glass slab from air ...................... option a
decreases increases unchanged decreases Basic Physics (22102)

wavelength initially
wavelength wavelength wavelength remains increases and then
139 When the light ray travels from air to glass medium,................ option b
decreases increases constant decreases
The angle between the incident ray and the normal to the angle of minimum
140 surface is known as ........... angle of incidence angle of reflection angle of refraction deviation option a

The angle between the reflected ray and the normal to the angle of minimum
141 surface is known as .......... angle of incidence angle of reflection angle of refraction deviation option b

The law of reflection states that The angle of incidence is

142 always _______ the angle of reflection equal to less than greater than less than or equal to option a

The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of

143 Snells law charles law Guy Lussac's law Boyles law option a
refraction is constant for a given pair of media is known as .....

144 The line perpendicular to the reflective surface is the.......... normal line of reflection line of incidence line of refraction option a

perfectly straight perfectly straight

145 In optical fibre,light normally travels ........... in zigzag manner along curved path path along the fibre path but parallel to option a
axis the fibre axis
146 The speed of light in vacuum is.............. 3 x 109 m/s 3 x 107 m/s 3 x 1010m/s 3 x 108 m/s option d
The outermost protective jacket in the optical fibre is known
147 as............ core cladding sheath core axis option c

totally internally
148 Light in optical fibres is refracted reflected straightened reflected option d

If angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle then the total internal
149 phenomenon of __________ occurs reflection refraction reflection both a and b option c

less than that of greater than that of less than or equal to

150 In optical fibre, refractive index of inner core is equal to cladding cladding cladding that of cladding option c

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
Angle of incidence that causes refracted ray to bend through 90
151 ° is called acute angle obtuse angle critical angle right angle option c Basic Physics (22102)

When the angle of incidence is equal to the critical angle,the
152 angle of refraction r=.......degrees 90 0 45 180 option a

What is the relation between critical angle and refractive index?

153 option b

product of sin i and ratio of sin i to sin r sum of sin i and sin r ratio of sin r to sin i
154 Snell's law states that, for any two media, the sin r is constant is constant is constant is constant option b

When the light travels from air to glass;.....where all symbols i less than or equal to
155 have usual meanings. i<r i>r i=r r option b

The critical angle is defined as the angle of incidence at which less than 45 Degree greater than 90
156 the angle of refraction is 45 Degree (Celsius) 90 Degree (Celsius) (Celsius) Degree (Celsius) option b

Optical fibers carry the data from one end of fiber to other with
157 the help of......... electric current sound light both sound and light option c

total internal totally internally

158 Optical fiber works on the principle of ............. reflection only reflection only refraction refraction option a

Calculate the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence is 30° 1.947 Degree 19.47 Degree 48.59 Degree
159 and the refractive index of glass is 1.5. (Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius) 30 Degree (Celsius) option b

The speed of light in quartz is 1.95 x 108 m/s. Then the

160 refractive index of quartz will be ------ 5.85 0.65 4.95 1.538 option d

The speed of light in water is 2.2 x 108 m/s and in glass is 1.9 x 108
m/s. Then the refractive index of water with respect to glass will be ---
161 0.864 1.157 4.18 4.1 option a
The necessary condition for propagation of light through optical
162 fibre is______ option a

Find angle of incidence, if angle of refraction is 30° for a glass

163 having refractive index 1.5. 48.59 49.89 49.58 48.95 option a

The speed of light in diamond is 1.2 x 108 m/s. Then refractive

164 index of diamond will be ----- 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 option c

When light enters from glass (denser) to air (rarer) medium,

165 then is …..... <1 1 >1 none of these option a Basic Physics (22102)

166 Path of light through an optical fibre is ______ straight curled helical zig-zag option d

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
In the following diagram of optical fibre, label A is

167 core cladding protective jacket core axis option a

In the following diagram of optical fibre, label B is

168 core cladding protective jacket core axis option b

In the following diagram of optical fibre, label C is

169 core cladding protective jacket core axis option c Basic Physics (22102)

In the following diagram of optical fibre, dotted line represents -

170 core cladding protective jacket core axis option d

Q. Correct
No. Question Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D Answer
The figure shows, _________________ type of optical fibre.

single mode step multimode step multimode graded single mode graded
171 option c
index index index index

The figure shows, _________________ type of optical fibre.

single mode step multimode step multimode graded single mode graded
172 option a
index index index index Basic Physics (22102)

The figure shows, _________________ type of optical fibre.

single mode step multimode step multimode graded single mode graded
173 option b
index index index index

The two types of optical fibre, based on mode of propagation step index and single step index and graded index and single mode and
174 are mode graded index multimode multimode option d

The two types of optical fibre, based on refractive index step index and single step index and graded index and single mode and
175 variations are mode graded index multimode multimode option b Basic Physics (22102)

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