Flow :
Streamline flow of a liquid is that flow in which every particle of the liquid follows
exactly the path of its preceeding particle and has the same velocity in magnitude and
direction as that of its preceding particle while
crossing through that point.
ACharacteristics of Streamline flow :
()In a streamline flow every particle of liquid
follows the path of its preceeding particle
and velocity of all the particles crossing a particular point is
(ii) In a streamline flow, no two the same.
streamlines intersect each other.
OTurbulent flow:
When a liquid moves with a velocity greater than its
particles of liquid becomes disorderly or irregular. Suchcritical velocity, the motion of the
a flow is called turbulent flows.
In turbulent flow velocity of the particle varies with time.
Critical velocity:
Critical velocity is that velocity of liquid flow, upto which its
above which its flow become turbulent. flow is streamlined and
If the value of Reynold number (N,) lies
between 0 to
line. For values of N,R above 3000, the flow of liquid is2000, the flows of liquid is stream
between 2000 to 3000, the flow of liquid is unstable turbulent. For values of N, is in
changing from steamline to turbulent.
Reynold Number :
Reynold number is a pure number which determines the nature of
flow of liquid i.e.,
Streamline or turbulent flow. The mathematical expression of
follows : Reynold number is given as
» R(Streamline flow) :
realme Shot by U p u s
realme 85G 2023 11 20 00:26
From the
[ density of water= 1gm/c.c.]
condition of
floatation, weight of the body = velght of the displaced water
Let, x part of the body will be out of the
. volume of the
displaced liquid
= v (1 - x) c.c.
: sp. gravity of the
liquid is 1.38.
. density of the liquid is
. weight of the 1.38 gm/c.c.
From the conditiondisplaced liquid = v (1- x) x1.38 gm.wt.
of floatation,
v(1-x) x 1.38 =
or, 1-x =:
6x1.38 (: v0] 0r, x=1-5
6x 1.38 .". X=.
.:. volume of gold = 17-3x 10
volume of silver = 9-8
of alloy
.:. volume of (gold + silver) = volume
realme Shot by Upu
realme 8 5G 2023 11 20 00:26
Properties of Matter 2s5)
- M
M 9.8 20 x 103
of, 17-3x 103 10-5x 103 9.8
. -M
M 98 20
17-3 10-5 9-8
1 280 20
10-5 9.8x10.5 9.8
1 T280
Or,10-5 17.3) 9.8L10.5 - 2 0 f 0 - k e o e s t b n e k
or, M= 18.165 kg.
Problem-5. A bottle with stopper is completely filled with water. The height of the bottle is
50 cm and area of its base is 30 sq. cm. If a force of 490 N is
the total thrust on the base of the bottle? The area of
applied on the stopper, what will be
cross-section of the stopper is 1 sq. cm.
Soln. : From multiplication of force of Pascal, we know, W=F.P.
where, W ’ upward thrust on the piston of
or, W=490 %
0N .wide cylinder.
= 1:47 x 10 N F’ applied force in narrow
As the bottle is completely filled with cylinder =490 N
water, therefore, for water thrust on the C, B’area of cross-section ß > . B =30
base of the bottle Sq. cm.
= hpg x area = lsq. cm.
= 0-5 x 10 x 9-8 x 30 x 104 [where h=50cm=0.5 m, p= 103 kg/m=
= 14-7 N. density of water]
area = 30 sq. cm =30 x 10 sq. m.
2T cos0
.. 2r = d=
4T cos
4x7-5x10 cos 0° = 4x 10m = 0.4 mm.
7-5x102 x10° x10
Problem-7. Atube of 1 mm bore is dipped into a vessel containing a liquid of
= 800 kgm-³ and of surface tension 49 x 10- N/m and angle of contact, = 0°.
The density
held inclined to the vertical at an angle of 60°, find the height to which the liquid can
and the length which the liquid occupy in the tube.
[lmm Rrg qt tof G tANI AO 60° 0\, 800 kgm gfa3 gt 49 1
Solution : Hence, r=mm =0-5x10m
p= 800 kgm-3
T= 49 x 10-3 Nm-!;0 = 0°, h =?
Angle of the tube with vertical (a) = 60°
2T cos 0 2x49x10 cos 0°
Since, h= =0.025m =2.5cm.
rpg 0-5x10×800x 9-8
Let Ibe the length occupied by the liquid in the tube, then cos a
h 2.5-=5 cm
.:. l=
COS a COs 60°
Solution: Volume
=20L/min= 20x1000
of water flowing per second
Let v, be the velocity of water at d, = 4cm.
area of cross section a, = nd 3-14x4 -=12-56 cm²
If v, be the velocity of water at d, =
2 cm
4 4
-=3-14 Cm
From equation of continuity
V=a,v, =av,
1000 1000
a 3x12-56 37-68 -=26-53 cm/s
V 1000 1000
and V, = =106-16 cms-!
a, 3x314 9-42
Problem-12. A garden hosepipe having internal diameter of 2 cm is connected to alava
sprinkler which contains 24 holes, each of 0.1 cm in diameter. If the
a speed of.1 ms, at what speed does it water in the hose s
leave the sprinkler holes?
Problem-15. A plane is in level flight at constant speed and each of its wings has an arsa
of 25m², If the speed of the air is 180 km/hr over the lower wing and 234 km/hr over the
upper wing surface, determine the plane's mass. Take air density = 1 kgm and g-98 ms
[Ans. 4.4 x 10° kg
Solution : Hints : Similar to example 4, find upthrust
As the plane is in level flight, so weight of the plane = upthrust.
i.e., mg = (P, - P)A
.. m= (P,-P)A-=4.4x10 kg
Problemn-16. In Millikan's oil drop experiment, what is the terminal speed of a drop
radius 2-0 x10-5 and density 12 x 10³ kgm? Take the co-efficient of viscosity of airbe l
x 105 Nsm², How much is the viscous force on the drop at that speed? Neglect buoy any
of the drop due to air.
Solution : Here, r= 2-0 x 10-m; p= 12 x 10 kgm.
n = 1:8 x 105 Nsm² ; o = 0, D = ?F=?
i. F=68x10)-(2:0x1o")*(s-8x10*)
= 3-93 x 10-1°N