fluid dynamics
fluid dynamics
fluid dynamics
The study of fluids in motion is called Fluid dynamics. When a fluid is in motion, for example when water
is flowing from a tap, the motion of each drop of water is governed by Newton’s laws of motion. But the
equations of motion are complex when the flow of the entire liquid is considered. In order to simplify the
study of motion of fluids we make the following assumptions.
(i) When the fluid is in motion, there are no internal forces of friction between the adjacent layers of the
(ii) The fluid is incompressible i.e., the density of the fluid is constant
We will now confine our discussion to the flow of liquids in general and water in particular.
b V3
V1 V2
For example consider a liquid flowing through a pipe as shown in the figure. The flowing liquid will have
a certain velocity v1 at the point a, v2 at the point b and v3 at the point c . If after some time the velocity
of some other particle of the liquid at a is still v1, the velocity of some other particle at b is still v2 and the
velocity of some other particle at c is still v3 , then the flow is said to be stream line flow. Every particle
starting at a will follow the path abc. The line abc is called stream line. At each point, the direction of
velocity is tangent to the stream line.
Stream Line
A stream line is a curve whose tangent at any point is along the direction of the velocity of the liquid
particle at that point. A bundle of stream lines is called a tube of flow
Properties of Stream Lines
Stream lines do not cross each other. If they were to do so, the point of intersection would have two
directions. Since stream lines represent paths of particle, a liquid can flow into or flow out of a tube of flow.
In a steady flow, the velocity, density and pressure at each point in the liquid do not change with time,
Critical speed of a liquid is that speed of liquid upto which the flow is stream line.
Turbulent flow
If the velocity of the liquid is greater than the critical velocity, the flow becomes turbulent.
Ex: whirlpool, eddies.. etc. When a jet of air strikes a flat plate placed perpendicular to it a turbulent flow is
Equation of Continuity
Consider a tube AB of varying cross-section. Let a1 and a2 be the cross-sectional areas of the pipe at A
and B respectively. Let the liquid enter the end A normally with velocity V1 and leave the end B normally
with velocity V2 let be the density of the liquid which is assumed to be constant throughout.
In 1 second the liquid travels a distance v1 when it enters at A . Volume of the liquid entering per second
at A B
a1v1 A
a1 v1
a1 v1 a2 v2 or av constant
This equation is called the equation of continuity which is valid for stream line flow of an incompressible
(1) At points where the area is more velocity will be less and vice versa.
(2) In the case of a pipe, cross-sectional area is proportional to R 2 where R is the radius of the pipe
1 1
v , but a R 2 v
a R2
(3) The cross sectional area of a river decreases as it approaches narrow gorge. When the area decreases, velocity
Potential Energy
Consider a certain mass m of the liquid at a certain height ' h ' above the surface of the earth. Let V be the
volume of the liquid. Let be the density of the liquid.
P.E of the liquid mgh
P.E per unit mass of the liquid gh
mgh m
P.E per unit volume of the liquid gh gh
1. Kinetic energy
It is the energy possessed by a liquid by virtue of its motion
1 2
K .E of the liquid mv
1 2
K .E per unit mass of the liquid 2 v2
m 2
1 2
1m 1
K .E per unit volume of the liquid 2 v2 v2
V 2V 2
2. Pressure Energy
Consider a liquid of density contained in a tank T having a side tube near the bottom of the tank as
shown in the figure. A frictionless piston of cross-section area ' a ' is fitted in the side tube. Pressure
exerted by the liquid on the piston P gh where ' h ' is the height of free surface of the liquid above
the axis of the side tube. Let the piston be moved through a distance x.
h T
P ax PV
This work done is stored in the form of potential energy. It is called pressure energy.
Pressure energy per unit volume P
Bernoulli’s Theorem
“For an ideal non-compressible and non-viscous liquid in stream line motion the total energy per unit mass
is always constant.”
We know that a liquid in motion has three different forms of energy
1. Potential energy mgh
1 2
2. Kinetic energy mv
3. Pressure energy PV
4. Total energy P.E K .E pressure energy
E mgh mv 2 PV
Divide throughout by m
E 1 2 PV
gh v
m 2 m
1 P
gh v 2
E 1 P m
gh v 2 (where density of the liquid)
m 2 V
According to Bernoulli’s theorem,
1 P
gh v 2 Constant
1 2 P
If h is kept constant, v Constant
If v increases, P decreases. If v decreases, P increases. Hence at points where the pressure is high in a
liquid flow v becomes less At points where the pressure is low. v will be more.
Bernoulli’s theorem is based on the law of conservation of energy.
with which the liquid enters the pipe normally at A . Let V2 be the velocity with which the liquid leaves
the pipe normally at the end B . According to the equation of continuity a1v1 a2 v2 1
a2 a1 , v2 v1
So the liquid has to pushed from A to B .It accelerates against gravity. In otherwords the liquid has to be
pumped from A to B
Let a very small mass of the liquid ' m ' enter the end A in time t. In this time the liquid has covered a
distance v1t .
Let W be the work done by the pressure forces in driving a mass ' m ' of the liquid.
W W2 W1
This work done on the liquid is used to increase the potential energy and kinetic energy of the liquid.
Increase of potential energy mgh2 mgh1
mg h2 h1
1 2 1 2
Increase of kinetic energy mv2 mv1
2 2
m v22 v12
Total increase of mechanical energy of the liquid E mg h2 h1 m v22 v12
... 2
mass m
But volume
a1v1t a2 v2t
Substituting this in (3)
mg h2 h1 m v22 v12
Divide through by m
g h2 h1
1 2 2
v2 v1
P1 P2 1 1
gh2 gh1 v22 v12
2 2
P1 1 P 1
gh1 v12 2 gh2 v22
2 2
P 1
or gh v 2 constant ... 4
This proves Bernoulli’s theorem. i.e., the total energy per unit mass of an ideal liquid in stream line flow is
always a constant
Bernoulli’s theorem can also be expressed as follows; Multiplying (4) by
P gh v 2 constant ... 5
Dynamic Lift
Dynamic lift is the force that acts on a body, such as airplane wing, a hydrofoil or a spinning ball, by virtue
of its motion through a fluid. In many games such as cricket, tennis, baseball, or golf, we notice that a
spinning ball deviates from its parabolic trajectory as it moves through air. This deviation can be partly
explained on the basis of Bernoulli’s principle.
(i) Ball moving without spin
Figure shows the streamlines around a nonspinning ball moving relative to a
fluid. From the symmetry of streamlines it is clear that the velocity of fluid
(air) above and below the ball at corresponding points is the same resulting in
zero pressure difference. The air therefore, exerts no upward or downward
force on the ball.
(ii) Ball moving with spin
A ball which is spinning drags air along with it. If the surface is rough more
air will be dragged. The figure shows the streamlines of air for a ball which
is moving and spinning at the same time. The ball is moving forward and
relative to it the air is moving backwards. Therefore, the velocity of air
above the ball relative to it is larger and below it is smaller. The stream lines
thus get crowded above and rarified below. This difference in the velocities of air results in the pressure
difference between the lower and upper faces and there is a net upward force on the ball. This dynamic
lift due to spining is called Magnus effect.
It is named after G.R venture, who invented it. It is a device used to measure the speed of flow rate of a
liquid. The working of this device is based on Bernoulli’s theorem.
h P2
v1 v2
1 2
area A1
area A2
A and B are two identical wide tubes connected by a narrow tube C . The small tube C is called
construction or throat. The flowing liquid enters the tube at A , flows through the constriction and flows
out through the tube B . The entire arrangement is horizontal so that the flow of liquid is horizontal. Two
vertical tubes are connected to A and C to measure the pressure of the liquid at A and C respectively.
Working let A1 be the area of the liquid at the wider tube A where its velocity is v1 . When the liquid flows
into the constriction, the area of cross section of the flow reduces to A2 . The velocity of the liquid increases
from v1 to v2
2 2
1 A v 1
P1 P2 . 1 21 v12
2 A2 2
1 2 A12
v1 2 1
2 A2
1 2 A12 A22
gh v1
2 2
v12 A1 A2
2 A22
v12 2 gh
A12 A12
v1 A2
A12 A22
2 gh
A1 A2
A12 A22
1 2 P
v constant
This would mean that at points where the pressure is high, velocity decreases. At points where the
pressure is less velocity increases. We now discuss some practical applications based on this principle.
(i) Perfume sprayer
G a u ss ia n
In a perfume sprayer or a spray gun, when pressure is applied su rfa c e
velocity of air increases and a low pressure region in created at
the nozzle. Pressure of air inside being greater forces the liquid to
come out through the nozzle.
A carburettor also works on the same principle
2 v2
When a liquid in a tube is allowed to fall down from a height, through an orifice at the bottom , the speed
with which it flows out is called the speed of efflux.
Torricelli’s Theorem
The velocity of efflux of a liquid through an orifice is equal to
that which a body would attain in falling from the free surface
of the liquid to the orifice. Consider an ideal liquid of density h O
v 2 2 g H h '
v 2 2 gh
v 2 gh 1
Now, let a body be allowed to fall freely the level of the free surface of the liquid. Let V be the velocity with
which the body falls from a height h .
Now V 2 u 2 2 as
V 2 u 2 2 gh
V 2 2 gh
V 2 gh 2
From (1) and (2) v V
So the velocity of efflux of a liquid is equal to the velocity acquired by the body in falling freely from the
free surface of the liquid to the orifice.
Homework Questions
One mark Questions
1. Define stream line flow
2. Define critical velocity of a liquid
3. Define turbulent flow
4. Give an example for turbulent flow
5. What is a tube of flow?