Carvalho 2021
Carvalho 2021
Carvalho 2021
Received: 28 July 2020 / Accepted: 22 December 2020 / Published online: 18 January 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH, AT part of Springer Nature 2021
The edge computing (EC) paradigm brings computation and storage to the edge of
the network where data is both consumed and produced. This variation is necessary to
cope with the increasing amount of network-connected devices and data transmitted,
that the launch of the new 5G networks will expand. The aim is to avoid the high
latency and traffic bottlenecks associated with the use of Cloud Computing in net-
works where several devices both access and generate high volumes of data. EC also
improves network support for mobility, security, and privacy. This paper provides a
discussion around EC and summarized the definition and fundamental properties of the
EC architectures proposed in the literature (Multi-access Edge Computing, Fog Com-
puting, Cloudlet Computing, and Mobile Cloud Computing). Subsequently, this paper
examines significant use cases for each EC architecture and debates some promising
future research directions.
B Gonçalo Carvalho
Bruno Cabral
Vasco Pereira
Jorge Bernardino
994 G. Carvalho et al.
1 Introduction
– Present a clear and deep analysis on the main features of the EC paradigm;
– Provide the definition and major properties of the essential EC architectures.
– Present relevant use cases for each architecture to display the possibilities of EC;
– Compare different architectures by analysing each in generic Smart City scenarios;
– Discuss existing open issues and future research directions.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a thorough review
of the Edge Computing paradigm. In Sect. 3, the definitions and essential properties of
the main EC architectures proposed in the literature (Multi-access Edge Computing,
Fog Computing, Cloudlet Computing and Mobile Cloud Computing), are discussed.
Section 4 presents use cases for each architecture, also identifying how to deploy these
in Smart Home, Building, and City use cases. Section 5 discusses future research
directions and open issues concerning the paradigm and its architectures. Finally,
Sect. 6 presents the main conclusions and future work.
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 995
Previous to Edge Computing (EC), Cloud Computing (CC) arrived with many new
capabilities, such as on-demand services and applications, scalability, efficient data
storage, and management [51], fault-tolerance, easy management, and stable pric-
ing policies [77]. However, the evolution of technology also led to a fast rise in the
amount of data generated, processed, and stored. The result was that CC solutions
exhibited problems, such as undesirable latency, less mobility support, the inability of
context awareness, data transmission overhead, loss of privacy, and limitations on the
connectivity between Cloud and end devices [69,77].
A new computing paradigm emerged to tackle these challenges, known as Edge
Computing. EC was a term first coined by Akamai in the late 1990s, when he intro-
duced content delivery networks (CDNs) to speed up web performance [69]. Without
trying to replace CC, but acting as its complement,EC solutions support CC archi-
tectures by serving geographical and latency-sensitive applications. CC also supports
EC with extensive storage and computing capacities [82]. EC enables local distributed
data processing by taking advantage of nearby devices, going beyond simple computa-
tion offloading to the Cloud [69]. EC intends to provide a better quality of service and
experience to users by efficiently trimming response time and throughput, enabling
real-time applications and services. EC also aims to afford high scalability, reliability,
and fault-tolerance while increasing privacy and security [40]. Additionally, EC sys-
tems intend to drive computation proficiency to the edge of the network, eliminating
the previous problems of a centralized architecture [34].
According to Khan et al. [65] there are several requirements to enable EC:
– Billing mechanisms which must assess the resource availability, the frequency of
resource usage, and the duration of resource usage;
– Joint business model for management and deployment aiming at high performance,
communal management and deployment, and low cost services;
– Real time application support with reliable edge node selection, dedicated com-
puting resources, and low latency;
– Redundancy and fail-over capabilities regarding high availability of services,
resilience and reliability;
– Resource management analyzing the processing power, network resources, and
power consumption;
– Scalable architecture through resource virtualization, blockchain based trust estab-
lishment, and automated Edge-IoT orchestration;
– Security by authentication processes, confidentiality, and data integrity.
Software solutions for virtualization, such as Virtual Machine (VM), containers, and
their management or migration tools, have been active enablers of EC systems. More
recently, software-managed networks also allow further exploration of the potential
of EC by facilitating technologies, such as Software-Defined Networking (SDN),
Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and Overlay network [54]. SDN detaches
the control plane which establishes where the traffic is sent, from the data plane which
forwards the traffic to the destination determined by the control plane. NFV disjoints
networking functions, such as routing and fire-walling, from the hardware, and allows
996 G. Carvalho et al.
each of the functions to run on a VM. An overlay network is a virtual network within
the physical network providing additional services.
EC works as a distributed computing standard, where collected data is processed
closer to users, thus avoiding uploading a significant amount of data to the cloud center
[111]. Nevertheless, there is no consensus on the limits of each EC architecture pro-
posed in the literature, and many authors use the terms interchangeably. For example,
Varshney and Simmhan [114], consider that Fog Computing and Cloudlet Computing
are synonyms. The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) [86],
named Multi-access Edge Computing as EC’s standard architecture but uses both
terms to address the concept of a Cloud-based Information Technology service envi-
ronment. Moreover, Yi et al. [123], stated that Fog Computing is a combination of
Mobile Cloud Computing and Multi-access Edge Computing, directed to the context
of Internet of Things (IoT). Also, Chiang and Zhang [24] stated that despite fog and
edge are used interchangeably, the term fog is wider than the later. Hu et al. [55] and
Chiang et al. [23], both state that Fog and Edge do not belong under the same umbrella
of EC.
Additionally, the term architecture, used by Chiang and Zhang [24] and Hu et al.
[55], is not used globally by the research community. Wang et al. [115], specified that
Mobile Edge Computing, Fog Computing, and Cloudlet Computing are schemes of
EC. Dinh et al. [30], referred to Mobile Cloud Computing as an infrastructure. Mahmud
et al. [74], Ren et al. [89], and Yousefpour et al.[125], used the term paradigm. Some
authors, such as [46,69], and [34], to name a few, considered EC as a single architecture,
to provide the same global benefits associated with the EC paradigm.
Notwithstanding all different points of view, EC is referred as all computing solu-
tions, architectures, schemes, and so on, that are not within the core of the network.
Thus, even with the different opinions around the limits and layers of Edge or Fog
Computing, in this paper, it is addressed as EC systems. Figure 1 portrays the Edge-to-
Cloud continuum and deployment scenarios for each architecture (Multi-access Edge
Computing, Fog Computing, Cloudlet Computing, and Mobile Cloud Computing).
From the top, centralized Cloud services compose the core of the network, providing
storage and, sometimes, computation to the end users through a Wide Area Network
(WAN) connection. Away from the core of the network, in an area close to the final
user or application, is the domain of what is called the Edge of the network.EC is the
global paradigm that encompasses all architectures within edge scope, and it registers
distributed computation, storage, and networking outside of the centralized Cloud
At the edge level, the four fundamental architectures described in the literature
are Multi-access Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Cloudlet Computing, and Mobile
Cloud Computing. While their boundaries are not strict and overlapping concepts
exist, there are enough characteristics, which are addressed next, to enable an ade-
quate differentiation between them. Nevertheless, other architectures were found in
the literature, such as Mobile Grid Computing [49], Edge-Centric Computing [42],
Dew Computing [118], Mobile Crowd Computing [38], Mist Computing [124], and
Transparent Computing [130]. However, we perceive them as extensions or derivations
to the previously mentioned architectures.
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 997
Between end users, or devices, and the Cloud, the EC paradigm does not intend to
replace Cloud services, but to extend them, providing powerful computing resources
near the end users, with lower network traffic and lower latency, while providing a
better user experience. Nevertheless, there is always the possibility of an edge node to
access the network core if needed. Hence, the arrows to the fog nodes and the cloudlet
depicted in Fig. 1 may return directly to edge devices or continue and connect to the
core of the network. The dashed arrows in grey, between the fog node and the cloudlet,
and between the mobile edge devices and the cloudlet, are not mandatory to the
architectures, i.e. each architecture may exist independently. However, the connection
between different edge architectures is possible and can contribute to enhancing the
system. As an example, fog nodes may connect to cloudlets to improve the computing
and storage resources, without the need to connect to the more distant Cloud resources.
End users or devices complete the architectures and are placed at the lower level of
the network, further from the core. Some devices that belong to this layer are smart-
phones, cameras, intelligent vehicles, smart wearables, IoT sensors, and actuators.
These devices access/produce data and may also communicate among them using
short-range communications.
When compared to CC, EC presents many distinct characteristics. EC applications
are normally user-driven and use distributed architectures, in contrast with the data-
driven applications and centralized architectures of CC. Benefiting from its location
closer to the edge of the network where data is produced and consumed, EC has
reduced bandwidth consumption and latency, which also promotes energy savings
and both quality of service and experience improvements. In EC, the resources are
few, widespread, and with high heterogeneity, contrasting with the many resources
provided by CC, which are locally clustered and similar. Regarding scalability, EC
architectures are very scalable in the number of devices that are supported, meaning
998 G. Carvalho et al.
Table 1 Computing characteristics comparison between cloud computing (Cloud) and edge computing
(Edge) paradigms
that the architecture must always be prepared to register an increase in the number of
connected devices, however, adding complexity to the devices’ management process.
Another limitation of these edge architectures is the storage capacity, and that is why
CC continues essentially for long-term data storage. Since CC is based on centralized
data centers, these have high availability and abundant computing resources. Avail-
ability in Edge solutions range from high, in Multi-access Edge Computing, to average
in the remaining architectures, and is moderate concerning the computing resources.
Regarding the service access, in CC it is made through the core of the network, while
EC may hold different possibilities, such as through the edge of the Internet in Multi-
access Edge Computing, by connected devices at the edge in Fog Computing, through
the core in Mobile Cloud Computing, and by resource-rich computers at the edge of
the network in Cloudlet Computing. Finally, CC allows heavyweight virtualization,
while EC virtualization has some restrictions because of lower processing capabilities.
Table 1 summarizes the comparison between CC and EC, regarding their most relevant
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 999
This section provides an overall analysis of each Edge Computing (EC) architecture
shown in Fig. 1, through their definitions and particular properties. Along the path
between data sources and cloud data centers, EC devices are considered as any com-
puting and network resource [96]. Each architecture may behave autonomously or with
a Cloud structure. In the first case, data is processed locally at the edge of the network,
only accessing the Cloud when strictly necessary, minimizing network overhead, and
improving security and privacy [34].
Fog Computing: Vaquero and Merino [113], defined Fog Computing as a ”scenario
where a huge number of heterogeneous (wireless and sometimes autonomous) ubiq-
uitous and decentralized devices communicate and potentially cooperate among them
and with the network to perform storage and processing tasks without the intervention
of third-parties”. Fog Computing arose to cope with the vast amount of Internet of
Things (IoT) devices and big data, as an extension of Cloud Computing (CC) and
designed for real-time low-latency applications. The boundaries of Fog Computing
are hard to establish, and the possibilities of implementation are several, ranging from
IoT to cloud services usage. Also, the Reference Architecture for Fog Computing is
portrayed in [25].
1000 G. Carvalho et al.
bounded by time and place. According to the Mobile Cloud Computing Forum, ref-
erenced by Yi et al. [123],“Mobile Cloud Computing at its simplest, refers to an
infrastructure where both the data storage and data processing happen outside of the
mobile device. Mobile Cloud applications move the computing power and data storage
away from mobile phones and into the Cloud, bringing applications and Mobile Com-
puting to not just smartphone users but a much broader range of mobile subscribers”.
Moreover, Mobile Cloud Computing’s Reference Architecture is illustrated in [30].
To contribute to a better understanding of the different EC architectures, Table 2
summarizes the fundamental properties of each architecture. To clarify, when Mobile
Cloud Computing uses a cloudlet in its architecture, it suits Cloudlet Computing, hence
the properties are the same as the ones presented in the respective column.
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1001
Table 2 continued
In this section are provided some use cases found in the literature for each Edge
Computing (EC). architecture introduced in previous sections. To provide an easy
comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the different architectures, each will
apply to a Smart City scenario (including sub-scenarios such as Smart Home or Smart
Building) because this scenario has many possibilities for EC architectures. Each
architecture provides different implementations under this use case. Table 3 displays
relevant use cases for each EC architecture.
Table 3 Edge computing use cases for multi-access edge computing (MEC), fog computing (Fog), Cloudlet, and mobile cloud computing (MCC)
Augmented reality [10,77,95,119,125] [19,123] [36,55] [36] [31,117]
Client-controlled Cloud storage/services [24] [117]
Computation offloading [28,72,90,91, [71] [62,107,108, [9,29,41,48,
96,108,110] 131] 52,76,77]
Content aggregation/delivery [10,28,58,108] [123] [100]
Crowd sensing/sourcing [116] [24] [98,121] [117,120,125]
Healthcare [1,58,80,84] [33,51,55,59, [20,78,109] [87,117,125]
125] [30,75,109]
Mobile big data analytics [1,10,65,108] [65,123] [65]
Mobile gaming [50,55] [30,117]
Mobile learning/commerce [30,87]
Quality of service and [72,103] [5] [21] [120]
quality of experience
Real-time analytics [65,72] [55,65,125] [65] [48]
Smart city [96,108] [25,55,59,61,125] [26,44,99,109] [18,102]
Smart grid [1,58] [19,105,125] [55] [92]
G. Carvalho et al.
Table 3 continued
1004 G. Carvalho et al.
it enables real-time responses to local events and aids the overall management of a
system, which translates into a better overall user experience. These conditions are
especially compelling to telecommunication operators that, by using this architecture
(mostly with cellular networks), can provide better services to its users at a controlled
Typical scenarios found in the literature that benefit from the use of Multi-access
Edge Computing are Smart traffic light system/connected vehicles [11]. Content deliv-
ery and caching, video analytics, mobile big data analytics, smart grid [1]. Computation
offloading, data preprocessing, context-aware services [110]. Face/speech recognition
or image/video editing, real-time information [72]. Intelligent transportation systems
[11], and augmented reality [119], but only in situations where the number of foresee-
able users is limited not to overload the server.
Because of its characteristics, Multi-access Edge Computing can facilitate sev-
eral Smart City services, especially those that require low processing and immediate
access to local information. The authors in [1] discuss Smart Building Control where
sensors scattered in the building monitor and control its environment, regarding tem-
perature, gas level, or humidity, which allows reacting quickly to any anomaly. Another
Smart City use case is to perform video analytics in case of a missing person, crim-
inal monitoring, or hazard situation, which would prevent the network’s overload
with data backhaul by processing data locally, thus guaranteeing low latency [108].
Still, within in the Smart City environment, the authors of [95,129,132], addressed
connected vehicles (Fig. 2) which use images or video analysis to transfer or receive
information to other vehicles about traffic congestion or road conditions to achieve
route prediction and collision warning applications. These have the aid of Roadside
Units (RUs) to push Vehicles to Everything (V2X) applications, data, and services
from the central Cloud to the edge of the network, thus increasing efficiency [132].
Multi-access Edge Computing servers could be deployed in RUs, in base stations, or
could integrate efforts with the RUs, bringing data and analytics applications closer
to the vehicles, enabling applications acceleration over the vehicles [129]. The near
real-time communication improves road safety through diminishing driver’ reaction
time, hence avoiding accidents [95]. The emerging self-driving and autonomous cars
will benefit from Multi-access Edge Computing by the provided assisting information
Fog Computing Fog Computing has less resourceful devices than the previous
architecture. However, the inter-connectivity and collaboration of these devices allow
running powerful applications through a more compelling collection of resources. Fog
Computing also benefits from the nodes’ distribution across the environment, each pro-
viding local information and distributed computational and storage resources. Being
an affordable architecture, much more than Multi-access Edge Computing servers or
cloudlets, for everyone to deploy, it has almost limitless applications.
The following are some more significant use cases in Fog Computing found in
literature: healthcare services [51], wireless sensors, and actuators networks [105]
and surveillance [22]. The following authors [45,79,122] claim that edge devices
resources cannot deal with the amount of produced data, computation, and storage
needs for Smart Home, Building, City use cases. Thus, present Fog Computing as
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1005
Fig. 2 Connected vehicles for a smart traffic system using multi-access edge computing
the solution for the mentioned limitations, providing a home security application, as an
example, where the devices would work as clients, and the servers would be deployed
in Virtual Machine (VM) at fog nodes, allowing real-time analytics.
In the wider scope of a Smart City, the authors in [45] discuss noise pollution
mapping for better city planning and diminish health problems connected to this
pollution, monitoring urban drainage networks to prevent urban floods in extreme
weather occurrences, and smart streets where the fog devices would provide real-time
street status monitoring and also services to the citizens. Yu et al. [126], developed
an energy prediction and management system in smart homes and buildings. Jia et al.
[61], optimized street lighting through a fog-based smart street lamp, which imple-
ments dynamic brightness adaptation, autonomous management, and self-governing
alarm on irregular states. Javadzadeh and Rahmani [59] survey Fog Computing appli-
cations in Smart Cities, categorizing their analysis in municipal services, such as waste
and water management, parking and transportation, and lighting; smart citizen; smart
education; smart healthcare; smart building; smart energy; and smart governance.
Using Fog Computing for Smart Cities, Fig. 3a displays a method applicable in a
surveillance scenario [22]. In this example, the authors used a three-layer surveillance
architecture. Collecting data through smart devices and sending it to the end users in
the user or surveillance application layer. Then the Fog Computing layer processes
and the video and does the real-time data processing and storage, enabled by devices
such as tablets, smartphones, laptops in a police car, or onboard computing devices on
a drone. The system preprocesses videos to remove irrelevant data, increase privacy,
and also to diminish latency and data traffic in a future upload to the Cloud. It may
require the Cloud Computing layer for complex tasks such as data analytics.
Cloudlet Computing The use cases that need higher computation performance
than the provided by fog nodes but also need lower latency than Multi-access Edge
1006 G. Carvalho et al.
Fig. 3 a A smart surveillance architecture using fog computing; b a crowd-sourcing infrastructure using
cloudlet computing; c Augmented reality application using mobile cloud computing
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1007
GigaSight proposes the effortless upload of video from end users, thus enabling
efficient and quick search and processing of similar videos, since users uploaded these
from nearby locations, and it does all the processing locally. The user can query
GigaSight using a SQL type instruction, being able to find thieves, missing children,
or pets, for example.
Mobile Cloud Computing Mobile Cloud Computing applies for cases where sev-
eral users with different geographic locations need to have the same information.
Cloud data centers are the best solution because these efficiently host many clients at
the same time. In mobile gaming, for example, it connects many users within the same
game and from any place. Thus Cloud resources and solutions are necessary to share
all information and the game engine simultaneously by everyone while also allowing
players to offload the game processing.
Some use cases of Mobile Cloud Computing found in the literature are mobile gam-
ing, mobile commerce, mobile learning [30], mobile social media [87], multimedia
sharing, and location-based services [117]. Mobility, disaster recovery, waste manage-
ment, tourism, and healthcare by combining the user physical activity with medical
archives would enable smart and connected medical devices to present information
for medical diagnosis [75].
As for the use case of Smart Home, Building, City using crowdsensing as social
media sharing, providing data for analysis to assess a crucial point in the occurrence of
a disaster [117]. Also, traffic data sensing providing important information for trans-
portation managers by text mining social media posts. Also, using the end users’ smart
devices location services and providing feedback on waiting times, or information to
the transport companies to spread more vehicles or redirect others to the more crowded
locations [18]. Moreover, crowdsensing social media networks would enable not only
monitoring but also manage accident situations. Dolezal et al. [31], used an Aug-
mented Reality application (Percipio, Fig. 3c) in Prague, Czech Republic, to assess
the benefits of offloading computation. The information displayed helps tourists to
know what they are looking at and to discover other attractions to see next. Even if
the use of a cloudlet would decrease latency, Cloud data centers are more prepared to
cope with many users connecting to the same application, thus being an overall better
Table 4 presents the primary strengths and weaknesses of the different architectures
for the Smart Home, Building, City use case. Comparing the architectures, the cost
of deployment is higher in Multi-access Edge Computing because of the necessity of
dedicated edge servers at base stations. Solutions using cloudlets are also expensive
since these imply resource-rich edge nodes built to serve a few geographically close
clients [115].
Regarding raw processing capabilities, the most powerful are the cloudlets and, on a
lower scale, Multi-access Edge Computing, as the number of servers is more restricted.
In Fog Computing, the processing power of the network depends on the number and
individual capacities of the devices at a specific time and area. Finally, Mobile Cloud
Computing is as powerful as the Cloud it connects to, but its performance heavily
depends on the network conditions to access it.
1008 G. Carvalho et al.
Table 4 Strengths and weaknesses of the different architectures for the smart home, building, city use case
Strengths Weaknesses
Despite the several and distinguished possibilities of the provided use cases, each
deploys its independent resources. If possible, the use of the unique resources made
available by each architecture in a complementary way would be more efficient. In
a smart home environment, the resources of a fog node would provide real-time fea-
tures to the system but could connect to Cloud services for long-term data storage.
Using cloudlets in a neighborhood environment would allow for edge servers at base
stations (Multi-access Edge Computing) to perform powerful computations and real-
time responses to the every-day scenario situations, such as traffic management. Cloud
resources would allow performing data analytics, running machine learning algo-
rithms, and storing data. Mobile Cloud Computing would benefit from crowdsensing
data made available from mobile devices.
Despite the continued research and improvement, in both academic and industrial
systems, Edge Computing (EC) still faces crucial challenges. In this section, we explore
some gaps in the current state-of-the-art and provide critical research directions for
future work on edge technologies.
Table 5 displays a chronologic overview of the EC research topics, derived from
the literature review, which allows us to understand the evolution through time of
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1009
the distinct fields addressed by the research community. As some issues are recurrent
over the years, it was only considered each topic once in the year the original authors
denoted it. Each research topic includes a reference.
Naturally, some mentioned issues have already been tackled but many continue to
be open for future research, such as scalability, mobility, security and privacy, device
heterogeneity, computation offloading, reliability, resource management, context-
awareness, and caching. The ever-evolving computer associated technologies and its
fast development culminate in keeping some of them open as new challenges arise or
they require better solutions. It is especially true when considering the advancements
in network speed and the devices’ resources, i.e. processing and storage. The launch
of 5G networks with faster and concurrent connections, the improvement of network
devices that enable more complex in-network computation and storage will allow
us to process complicated algorithms with better performance and higher complex-
ity. 5G networks will be the building block for EC systems, particularly in real-time
environments that require on-time decisions, notwithstanding that it will forge new
challenges to edge environments. In the next sub-sections, are elected open issues that
may provide excellent opportunities for future research by the scientific community.
1010 G. Carvalho et al.
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1011
Table 5 continued
Naming [97]
Context-aware resource service provisioning [74]
Sustainable and reliable fog computing
Inter-operable architecture of fog nodes
Distributed application deployment
Multi-tenancy support
Tools for fog simulation
Programming languages
2017 Data abstraction [96]
Service management
Optimization metrics
Interface (confidentiality,integrity, availability) [1]
Energy management [55]
Efficient deployment [95]
User mobility and transparency
Fog-cloud inter-working
Protocols and standardization [8]
Enabling real-time analytics [115]
Distribution and management of multi-access edge computing resources [72]
Traffic paradigm imposed by coexistence of offloaded data and conventional data
Concept validation
Caching [47]
Deployment strategies and orchestration
Data dissemination
Service enhancements: quality of experience [108]
Fairness [110]
2018 Data integrity [127]
Failure management [79]
Application service management and application modeling
Virtualization of fog devices [81]
1012 G. Carvalho et al.
Table 5 continued
tlenecks, assuring better reaction times, providing higher adaptability and portability,
thus reducing costs and error probability, are some among others. Despite the increas-
ing number of papers regarding this subject, there are still research opportunities in
computation offloading decision optimization.
The impact of 5G networks in EC is still an open issue. Although ultra-low latency and
higher bandwidth will help to enhance edge solutions, the full repercussion is not yet
clear. 5G networks will potentiate an explosion of the number of IoT devices, increas-
ing their heterogeneity and security issues while demanding more data processing
from the network and increased device cooperation. Also, credentials management in
IoT environments is imperative, considering the extensive amount of data. Moreover,
ubiquitous computing is provided by the collaboration of several and different enti-
ties, creating new mobility solutions for communicating devices, which may become
targets to attackers. Together with Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network
Function Virtualization (NFV),EC has been deemed as a key enabling technology
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1013
toward the 5G era [89]. Besides, the integration between EC and 5G will grant better
computation and near real-time response, disregarding the physical location and the
Internet of Thing device resources. The vast amount of applications, especially the
location-based with high accuracy demand, increase the complexity of the deploy-
ment [32]. The mentioned 5G properties and features represent new implementation
challenges [66].
According to Hassan et al. [53], EC will have six important roles in 5G networks.
Local storage, computation, data analysis, decision-making, operation, and security
enhancement. Meaning that many features associated with Cloud services will be
provided by nearby edge nodes.
With 5G networks, data acquisition strategies, data storage methods, remote data
management, and decision-making will need to be severely faster, thus data pre-
processing will have to be upgraded. The development of Machine-to-Machine and
Machine-to-Infrastructure communication that 5G networks will enhance also pro-
vides new research opportunities in areas such as autonomous vehicles, drones, and
5.3 Mobility
The number of mobile devices connected to the network edge is growing at a fast
pace. While mobility adds flexibility to users and applications, it also brings critical
challenges. Mobility is responsible for many of the disconnections between edge
devices and the edge network, thus lowering the global quality of the service with a
high impact on parameters such as loss, delay, and bandwidth [2].
However, a global management architecture to enable the seamless handover of
devices and services, implementing fault-tolerance systems to reduce the impact of
failures, is yet to be presented. As different network access technologies and admin-
istrative domains may be available to the mobile device, both horizontal and vertical
handovers must be considered and optimized. This optimization must consider not
only the quality of the signal received but also other parameters, such as the direction
of the movement, the cost-benefit between different networks, or the quality of the
service available.
Moreover, it is important to consider the mobility of the edge nodes as it increases the
requirements of resource availability, resource discovery, task offloading, and resource
provisioning [125]. User mobility may also have a high impact on the number of
hops between a user and its services, mainly if this transition happens at the network
boundaries. Thus, such network changes compel quick and dynamic migration or
replication of edge services [43].
1014 G. Carvalho et al.
5.5 Heterogeneity
The rising number and diversity of connected devices, with different hardware con-
straints, some mobile, together with a growing number of network access technologies
such as 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and the new 5G, which envisions the integration
of current devices with the IoT, contributes to a highly heterogeneous environment
in today’s edge systems. This heterogeneity not only implies an additional effort to
enable seamless handover between different network technologies but also to manage
several requirements from devices that demand unique resources from the network,
such as computing and storage, to overcome their constraints. A network and device
management that respects the timings required by the new applications optimizes the
communications and provides efficient use of devices and available edge resources is
a requisite to the success of the EC paradigm.
5.6 Reliability
EC may take advantage of the Cloud to increase reliability. By storing data or execute
applications in the Cloud servers, it diminishes the possibility of data and application
loss on mobile devices [30]. It is essential to deploy reliable edge systems without
the support of Cloud servers. Also, tackle some issues, such as failure of individ-
ual devices, network coverage, network failure, platform failure, and user interface
failure [81], a system that provides a reliable and fault-tolerant edge environment
is yet to be developed. Battery constraints, connection fluctuations, device availabil-
ity, and mobility problems also contribute to the difficulty of achieving such a system.
Also, checkpointing and rescheduling techniques used in centralized systems still lack
implementation in EC because of the mobility, heterogeneity, dynamic, and latency
requirements of these environments.
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1015
Managing storage features in all the edge devices, which are heterogeneous amongst
them, is a demanding task in edge-Cloud environments, considering the possibilities
of data ownership, data format, Application Programming Interfaces provided by data
owners, and computation platforms. A solution to this challenge would be the creation
of a unique data model for all layers of the system, fitting the before mentioned archi-
tectures. Naturally, its implementation is hard, and it must address several features,
such as device discovery, data exchange policies between nodes from different layers,
communication, and network protocols, automating data consistency, and summariza-
tion processes. This transversal data model would necessarily need to be automatic,
transparent to the user, enabling its availability to every level, regardless of the data,
its location, and its load. Also, to support this data model, a new framework, devel-
oped under a Platform as a Service (PaaS), would facilitate the development of edge
applications through a user-friendly solution.
1016 G. Carvalho et al.
5.9 Billing
Cloud solutions are already well implemented and studied, thus enabling Cloud ser-
vices providers to define clear pricing policies. Pricing EC is far more complex. The
requirements for charging each customer depend on network usage information, which
telecommunication operators control, on data produced, processed, and stored that
involves other entities, and that differs with the system requirements, resulting in
non-standardized pricing for the services [7]. Tariff planning depends on the demand,
which means dynamic pricing models are essential. One solution may include eco-
nomic incentives for providing EC devices to other users, however, this business model
is still nonexistent [108].
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) integrates IoT, industrial internet, smart manufacturing [112], cloud
computing, intelligent robotics, and wireless sensor networks to implement cyber-
physical industrial systems [17]. EC is the next step in Industry 4.0 (I4.0) since it will
promote the flexibility, adaptation, and level of control that EC systems require for
fast-changing environments. Security and privacy concerns are also relevant topics in
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) since the Internet is the most commonly used means for transferring
data between different locations [13].
Edge networks also face many other challenges in these industrial environments. For
instance, it is imperative to address robustness and reliability issues in these extreme
and complex environments. High temperatures, dust, humidity, and electromagnetic
interference, among other problems, represent real challenges for the reliability of
I4.0 and EC architectures in particular. Also, equipment compatibility problems will
most probably impose more complex solutions that would be desirable to handle edge
nodes’ diversity. Many pieces of equipment will be analogic, others digital, others
mechanical, and require different monitoring, sensing, actuation, and communication
technologies. It is imperative to standardize the different data formats. Furthermore,
the advancements needed for EC in I4.0 cannot impair the more basic industries. Other
open issues are: improving computation offloading algorithms [17], developing new
architectures based on their needs [101], managing the volume and heterogeneity of
data produced, or performing real-time data analytics while maintaining data integrity
and redundancy [13].
The list of research opportunities in this section is not, by any means, a full list of
everything this area needs to achieve. From the current literature review standpoint,
we consider that it contains some of the most relevant problems to tackle in the future.
One of the key ideas to keep is that having a user-friendly and easy development of
applications is mandatory for the prosperity of the EC paradigm, so it is fundamental
to address these challenges in a transparent and holistic approach.
Edge computing: current trends, research challenges and... 1017
6 Conclusions
Edge Computing (EC) systems are still recent, and their development will result in de
facto computing architectures for everyday reality. With the existence of 5G, central-
ized methodologies will become obsolete when dealing with the amount of produced
and consumed data by the edge devices and end users. During the last decade, there
has been an increasing amount of research effort in this field to take advantage of
the potentials of these new architectures, replacing or complementing existing Cloud
This paper scrutinized the EC paradigm and its architectures, such as Multi-access
Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Cloudlet Computing, and Mobile Cloud Comput-
ing. This work attempted to give the reader useful insights about their definition and
essential properties, despite the difficulties to define boundaries between the mentioned
architectures. Also identified the most common use cases in EC and provided a pro-
found analysis of existing Smart Home/Building/City scenarios where several authors
deployed EC systems. This paper displayed research directions chronologically and
detailed some promising open challenges for future research: computation offload-
ing, 5G and EC, mobility, security and privacy, heterogeneity, reliability, storage data
models, simulation environments, billing, and Industry 4.0.
In conclusion, this work helps to clarify the scope of EC, while also provid-
ing state-of-the-art and relevant knowledge for EC researchers, industry developers,
entrepreneurs, and technology providers. As future work, we intend to work on some
proposed research challenges, namely Storage Data Models, expanding the existing
data models to the current needs of distributed systems.
Acknowledgements This work is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER),
through the Regional Operational Programme of Lisbon (POR LISBOA 2020) and the Competitiveness and
Internationalization Operational Programme (COMPETE 2020) of the Portugal 2020 framework [Project
5G with Nr. 024539 (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-024539)]. We also acknowledge the support from the Mobi-
Wise project: from mobile sensing to mobility advising (P2020 SAICTPAC/0011/2015), co-financed by
COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020-POCI, European Regional Development Fund of European Union, and
the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology.
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