Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
revolving transformation, a space vector can be delineated in Utilizing an ISC, it can clearly be depicted that the WT is
any of these frames [7]. dynamically stable at any particular instant point of the
maximal power curve of Zone 2. This expresses that for any
rotational speed fluctuations at a particular instant of point
in the maximal power curve, the VSWT usually goes back to
its operating point. An ISC is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 2. Various allusion frames to delineate space vectors of This section describes the control of the DFIM. It is
DFIM. necessary to distinguish two different scenarios: the grid
connection operation and the stand-alone operation. Both
III. MPPT configurations have some significant control differences that
will be described. Among the different alternative control
The wind turbine control approach often used is depicted
methods that have been developed for the DFIM, only the
in Fig. 3. and incorporates four working modes:
vector control technique is studied. The control must be
1. Restrict the minimal speed of functioning.
performed in dq coordinates, but then the rotor voltage and
2. Accompany the curve of maximal power uprooting
currents must be transformed into DQ coordinates.
from fluctuating speed functioning with the biased
First, it is possible to obtain the angle of the stator voltage
space vector, then subtract 90 ∘ from this estimated angle,
3. Restrict the maximal speed at biased load operation.
and thus, obtain 𝜃s. A simple phase-locked loop (PLL) can
4. Restrict the maximal operating speed at the estimated
be used to perform the stator voltage grid synchronization,
power output.
providing robustness to the estimation and a rejection of
small disturbances or harmonics. The complete vector
control of the Rotor-Side Converter (RSC) is shown in Fig.
5 [6]
Control is a necessary part of the grid-side system.
Without having control of some of the magnitudes of the
grid side part, it is not possible to make it work properly.
This control technique is widely extended among the control
strategies for grid-connected converters. It provides good
performance characteristics with reasonably simple
implementation requirements.
The vector control technique follows the philosophy of
representing the system that is going to be controlled—in
our case the grid side system—in a space vector form. The
grid-side converter is in charge of controlling part of the
Fig. 3. Wind turbine control strategy grounded on 4-speed
power flow of the DFIM. The power generated by the wind
turbine is partially delivered through the rotor of the DFIM.
Region 2 needs maximum power point tracking to convert
This power flow that goes through the rotor flows also
wind to electrical energy efficiently. n this working region,
through the DC link and finally is transmitted by the grid
the speed control aims to track the path of maximal power
side converter to the grid. The complete grid-side control of
the Grid-side Converter (GSC) is shown in Fig. 6.
2 various sorts of controllers have been taken into
consideration; firstly, it consists of extracting the
electromagnetic torque and referencing the electromagnetic
torque related to the maximal power curve for a particular
turbine revolving speed readings and utilizing the
dynamically steady-state characteristics of the VSWT across
this curve. This controller is known as the indirect speed
controller (ISC). Another controller gives rise to the optimal
turbine revolving speed for a particular wind speed rating
and considers this as the turbine revolving speed reference.
Then, it controls the turbine’s revolving speed with a
controller(regulator). It is known as the direct speed
controller (DSC).
Fig. 6. Vector control of GSC of DFIM.
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